View Full Version : The Girls Next Door

08-29-2016, 02:00 PM
Bob had his mind on something else, or he would have beenmore careful. Really! He's not that kind of a guy.
He just didn't notice Deanna using her new make-up case,Deanna's birthday present. He accidentally bumped into her and she dropped thecase on the playground asphalt, breaking her new mirror - 7 years bad luck,(for Bob).
He didn't even stop or turn around to see her crying, Bobjust mumbled 'cuse me and headed into the apartment building, like every otherday after school.
Deanna's older sister Laura came over to comfort her andsaid, "We'll make him pay for that." Their friends gathered aroundmore than willing to help.
Bob had just finished watching some cartoons and was tryingto decide which Playstation game to play when Mom called for him to take downthe trash. Two bags of trash, one for each hand down and out to the dumpsters.
As he left his apartment, heading for the elevator, Lauraemerged from the apartment next-door heading for the elevators in front of Bob.She was two years older than Bob and Deanna and since she went to High school,Bob didn't get to see her on the bus every day like he had for years.
He wanted to see more of her, much more. She now had C cuptitties and being a warm day was wearing a sleeveless cotton top, which exposedmost of her beautiful chest. He was lost in a search for a panty line, when theelevator doors opened and he followed Laura into the car. She pushed a button,the elevator began its decent and he noticed she wasn't wearing a bra! Laura'snipples were rock hard and he could see their perfect outline...
"Do you like what you see?" Laura asked (way tooseductively to be serious). She had obviously noticed Bob staring for some timenow.
"I...uh...sor...sorry," was all Bob could manageand he wondered if she noticed his raging hard-on pushing through his shorts.
At just about that time, the elevator doors began to openand Bob saw this as a perfect escape from an embarrassing situation. He hurriedthrough the doors, only to stop short. This was the basement; he needed to beon the first floor to get out back to the dumpsters.
With one bag of trash in each hand, he pivoted aroundtowards the elevator and was surprised to see Laura blocking the way with astrange smirk on her face. She took a half of a step forward with her shapelyleft leg then her right leg became a blur as it rocketed into his exposedgroin, lifting him onto his tip-toes and slightly off the concrete floor.
Laura knew she had connected with both of Bob's testicleseven before she felt them squish on the top of her sandaled foot. She felt soproud as he curled into a fetal ball at her feet, desperately clutching hisswelling manhood and trying to inhale. This was better than she had planned.
Bob was in shock. Confused and in pain, only two soundsregistered; the sound of the elevator doors closing in front of him; and thesound of girls giggling behind him.
Deanna and three of her friends emerged from the oldhousekeeper’s office across from the elevators. They used it as a playroomafter school; as it had a sofa, desk, a couple of overstuffed chairs and acarpet.
Laura grabbed Bob under his arms and the other girls helpedto lift and drag him into the playroom. Laura positioned herself behind Bob'shead. She sat on the carpet in front of the sofa and pulled Bob towards her.
With his head on Laura's abdomen, Bob's neck was in hercrotch and he could feel Laura's pussy was dripping wet. Despite his pain, hewas getting hard again. Laura locked her legs over Bob's arms immobilizing hisupper body, while the other girls quickly stripped him from the waist down. Hiscock was pointing at the ceiling, as the girls grabbed his legs pulling themapart and positioning themselves for the best view possible. Deanna knelt downbetween his legs and looked first at Bob and then at Laura for encouragement.
"Just like I told you,” said Laura, in a slowauthoritative voice, like an instructor at school. “Kathy, you get hisunderwear and get ready.”
Deanna made eye contact with Bob then dropped her gaze tohis groin. With one small hand she grabbed his scrotum, encircling it with herfingers. She pulled his balls to the bottom of the bag, using enough pressurethat both testicles were clearly visible through the stretched skin. Bob hadnever been touched by a girl before. He inhaled involuntarily and was lost inthe moment. He almost orgasmed.
Deanna then curled her thin fingers around the trappednutmeat and used her free hand to cover the bottom part of Bob's balls. Withoutlooking up she squeezed both hands at once very hard. His balls squished outbetween her fingers like small bits of a water balloon. The contrast betweenher whitening fingers and his darkening red nuts was remarkable.
Bob exhaled all of the air he had sucked in. He made nosound, but had his mouth and eyes wide open.
Laura looked at Kathy and commanded her to act. "Now,stuff in his underwear. Now." Kathy was ready, she had rolled his briefsinto a cylinder and now ****** them into his mouth deep enough to make Bob gag.
Deanna rolled her hands left and right to see the trappednuts from different angles, still squeezing. Bob, now tried to scream, but onlymuffled cries came out as he was ****** to inhale much needed oxygen throughhis nose. Deanna squeezed until her hands got sore, then she eased her grip.
Laura instructed her little sister to hold his balls in thepalm of one hand, and punch them with her fist. "Smack, Smack,Splat...that's what you get, Smack, Splat... for breaking my mirror, Smack,Smack, Splat...it was my new birthday present, Smack, Smack."
Bob had given up on trying to scream, he was sobbing like ababy as Deanna let go and stood up. She kicked his balls squarely; sending themup onto his stomach and watching them slide back down between his legs for thenext kick.
"There, that ought to be enough. Let him go,"Laura announced to the girls holding his legs.
"But I want a turn," cried Kathy.
"Me, too," chimed the other girls, almost inunison.
"I know, I know. Now get off," Laura said, againusing the slow instructor’s tone she used earlier. As the girls reluctantly gotup Laura was able to move Bob's head and move her shapely butt up onto thesofa. She continued, "Something else you'll learn about boys and theirballs, when you get into High School, is that they loose all of their strengthif you hurt them bad enough. You'll all get a turn."
Bob had resumed his fetal curl, trying to hide his batteredballs in the center of the carpet. When Kathy rolled him onto his back andeasily ****** her hands under Bob's, grabbing both his cock in one hand and hisballs in her other hand. Kathy then stood up, lifting Bob's ass off the groundto the height of her knees, before releasing him to thud on the floor.
Bob began to curl back into a ball, when another girlgrabbed both of his ankles. She stood up, lifting his legs, as he rolled flaton his face. She saw his balls dangling unprotected down towards the carpet,steadied herself and began to kick him repeatedly. The top of her foot curledneatly along the round part of his lower abdomen. Each rhythmic kick sent afleshy 'Splat' sounding off of the bare walls, until her arms got tired and shedropped his legs unceremoniously.
He was unable or unwilling to move. His legs spread enoughfor his balls to be seen protruding out from under his ass. Another girl walkedup between his legs slipped off her sandal and stepped firmly on his nuts. Shegiggled as his balls squeezed between her little toes.
As Deanna made eye contact with her sister Laura said,"Come on, or we'll be late for supper."
Deanna, hesitated, but knew Laura was right as always.
As they stood in the elevator Deanna could see her threefriends in the playroom with a softly moaning Bob. Taking turns lifting him offof the basement floor by just his balls, trying to see who could lift him thehighest and laughing loudly.
She turned to her big sister and thanked her for her firstlesson in punishing boys by their balls; but somehow Deanna knew that thiswould not be…
…The End