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View Full Version : Another story - Custer's Last Stand

10-25-2016, 08:35 AM
FYI my other story is posted here: http://femaledom.com/forum/showthread.php?18306-Snipers-story-guess-what-they-aim-for

It was a hot June day in 1876 and General Custer was fighting for his life, his brave men lay dead and dying all around him, how could he have got it so wrong? The plains Indians now had him surrounded and he was the last man standing.

“Throw down your gun pale face!” Shouted one of the braves.

Seeing that he was completely out of ammunition Custer obliged, dropping his six shooter to the ground. Two other braves suddenly sprang up and grabbed him, manhandling him across the broken ground to a burnt out wagon, a victim of the baggage train. The wheels were still intact and the braves lashed his arms and legs to the spokes. Then, just as suddenly as they had appeared, the braves made a mad dash for their horses, sprung up on the horses’ backs and galloped off, a cloud of dust following their tracks. They sure seem in a hurry, pondered Custer. Why should they leave so suddenly?

The sun beat down on Custer as he lay with his arms and legs tied back to the wagon spokes, beads of sweat formed on his brow and dripped onto his shirt as he tried desperately to loosen the ropes, he tried turning his wrists but the braves had done their job well and he couldn’t wriggle free, Custer was well and truly trapped. Once again the questioned formed in his mind, why leave me alone like this? Then he heard a rumble of horse hooves nearby - someone else was coming!
Custer strained his eyes against the sunlight and saw three squaws climb off their horses, they approached him with a confident grace which suggested an animalistic power similar to the movement of big cats, these girls didn’t walk – they stalked! As they grew closer Custer started to make out their forms in his blurred vision. They all wore buckskin sewn close to the skin, it was a practical cut which allowed maximum movement at the expense of formality, and the result was very revealing. Custer screwed up his eyes against the sun’s glare and saw that they had European facial features with the tanned olive skin of the Sioux or Cheyenne, perhaps the result of the mixture of races? The plains Indians weren’t unknown for kidnapping children and marrying them off into native families when they came of age.
The lead girl stepped forward and spoke to Custer.

“We finally have you Golden Hair.” She said.

As her shadow passed over Custer he was able to perceive her well enough to get a proper examination of his captors. They were barely out of their teens and all the girls were petite and slim but not skinny, they had a muscular power which was apparent through the tightness of their garments. Strong ankles led up to pert, rounded thighs, a firm stomach and a chest with ample bosom which was barely held in place by the brown leather. All the girls had large almond eyes and dainty features with their dark hair tied in bunches, they could have stolen the show at any beauty pageant had the situation been radically different.

“Who are you?” Croaked Custer, his mouth felt dry and dusty after all he had been through.

“I am Stallion Taker, this is Tree Grower and Star Speaker.” Said the lead girl, indicating her companions.

“Could I have some water please?” Gasped Custer.

Star Speaker undid the water pouch which was tied to her belt and poured a few drips onto Custer’s face and mouth.

“That’s better, thank you.” Said Custer.

The cool, sweet water quenched Custer’s thirst and his thoughts began to gather, what exactly did his captors intend to do with him? The best course of action was probably to make polite conversation and see if he could garnish some more information.

“What sort of name is Stallion Taker?” He said, “Do you steal horses?”

Stallion Taker and the other girls broke into laugher at his question, it seemed a source of great amusement for them and their sides shook as they stole devious glances at one another.

“Let me explain Golden Hair” she said, smiling sweetly. “In our tribe there are many horses and we perform a ritual to control the numbers, it is a very important job and the men fear us for it. We are, what your people call, ‘priestesses’ I think? When our tribe capture prisoners it is a very special day because they are given to us for the ritual of the horse.

“But why should you be called Stallion Taker if you don’t take any horses?” Asked Custer, confused by the strange explanation. Her dark almond eyes lit up with glee as she grinned at him.

“Ah, Golden Hair… I do not take the horse, but do I take something very special from the horse.” The girls started giggling as the slow realisation dawned on Custer.
Stallion Taker felt herself become excited at the prospect of having ultimate power over such a handsome man, down below her undergarments started to dampen as her mind quickly formed a plan. She took a cloth from her belt and dampened it with the water, she began to dab at Custer’s brow.

“Golden Hair you are dirty and need to be clean.” She cooed softly as she deliberately pushed her breasts up into Custer’s face and strove to get closer. Her dainty hands gently wiped Custer’s face and neck, then she began to undo the buttons on his shirt and dab the cool cloth down his torso. Custer shuddered as she reached his stomach. Then he felt the waist of his trouser buttons coming undone as Stallion Taker pulled them down leaving the General tied up in his underwear. Custer tried to control himself as he felt her hands moving to his ankles and slowly tracing the damp cloth up towards his crotch. He glanced down and saw her pretty eyes gazing back up at him, she knew exactly what she was doing and the effect she was having. Custer felt a blush of embarrassment as his groin began to react to the sensation.

“I wonder if you are as big as a stallion?” She smiled as she looked directly at Custer’s growing bulge and blew some air gently on it, her face only inches from the thin fabric underwear covering what was left of his dignity. Stallion Taker moved her hand up even higher, briefly brushing against Custer’s testicles as she moved her hand to his thigh.

“Tut, Taker you’re so mean!” clucked Tree Grower as she and Star Speaker sat down beside her. “I can’t believe you touched him there!”

“Touched him where?” Asked Stallion Taker, with an air of innocence.

“You touched him here.” Said Tree Grower, and she poked her finger into the General’s bulging underwear.

“No I didn’t!” Retorted Stallion Taker. “I touched him here.” Her hand cupped around Custer’s testicles and gave a gentle squeeze.
Poor Custer thought he was going to explode, he couldn’t control himself any longer. It had been weeks since his wife had shown him any affection and now these three gorgeous girls were molesting him to the point of torture. As the hands continued to poke and probe he felt his shaft become engorged as it stood up to full attention.
All three girls gasped at the prominent point which stretched against the thin fabric.
Star Speaker had been slowly making her way around the back of the wagon wheel until she was sitting behind Custer, her pretty face poking out from between his legs.
She spoke for the first time and laughed at her companions.

“I think if I were going to touch him then I would do so here.” She said.

Custer felt a small finger working its way between the back of his thighs and rudely poking itself into his bottom. He craned his neck over and saw Star Speaker looking up at him with a naughty grin on her face.

“Perhaps you would like to know why I am called Tree Grower?” Custer turned his head back to face the other girl. “I like to make trees grow” said Tree Grower as she started pulling Custer’s underwear down. “Your tree looks very nice.”

Custer’s erect penis bounced up like a spring as his underwear was pulled fully down and the girls all gasped in delight. Tree Grower took out a small, sharp knife and cut Custer’s underwear and trousers away leaving his bare legs and genitals exposed to the air. Then she took a small bottle from a pouch in her belt and poured some oil all along Custer’s hard member, her hands lightly rubbing along the length of the shaft. Tree Grower cupped Custer’s testicles with one hand as she continued to patter her fingertips along his penis, then she began gently pinching the sides of the shaft with her fingertips. Custer’s erection became even more prominent as she gently pinched the tip, Tree Grower felt the head bob up and down as she purred up at Custer.

“Golden hair your tree grows very big!”

Custer felt some dainty hands on his thighs behind him as his bottom cheeks were pulled gently apart.

“And now you will find out why they call me Star Speaker.”

Custer felt a strange sensation as his most private part was exposed and then suddenly an intense rush of excitement as the young girl started licking and sucking him in a way which he had never imagined. He blushed deeply at the indignity as his erection stiffened.

Stallion Taker smirked as she pulled his foreskin back and looked admiringly at the long, stiff shaft. Then she winked at Tree Grower and said.

“Ha, it would be a pity to take such a nice and strong tree, cutting it down would be a waste, maybe we should plant a new one instead?”

“How would we do that?” Said Tree Grower, gently circling her pointed fingernail around the hole of Custer’s urethra. She was excited that her friend had a plan and the sight of the large penis had left some wet patches on her cloth underwear. Stallion was always the worst when it came to tormenting penises, secretly Tree Grower loved it too but she was afraid to admit to her friends that this had become more than a ritual for her. Tree Grower’s mind wandered to her secret fetish, sometimes when she couldn’t sleep at night she would imagine tying up all the young men in her tribe and torturing them one by one. She would make sure they were erect at first, a hard penis is far more sensitive and she knew all the ways to ensure they stayed stiff. She could then experiment at her leisure, she had heard some of the tribes in Florida used insects on the glands, others smothered the penis with honey and let wild animals eat it. Tree Grower became more flustered as as she thought about it, she wanted to look into their eyes when it happened. Then Stallion Taker’s voice snapped her back to reality.

“Remember when we were young? On your 18th birthday you would make the boy’s trees grow on purpose and I would shoot at them with blunt arrows?”

Tree Grower’s eyes lit up with wicked excitement as she thought back to the antics of her youth. “Oh yes, that would be a fun game to play!” She blushed brightly, clearly aroused at the game her friend had in mind. She turned back to look at the stiff penis, what did she mean by ‘planting a new tree’ though?

Stallion Taker crept back a few steps and took a small quiver and bow from her pouch, it was tiny compared to a regular bow, only about 15 inches across and the arrows no thicker than a tooth pick. It was normally used to take down small lizards or birds.
Custer managed to regain enough of his senses from the girl’s perverted fondling to notice Stallion Taker’s strange behaviour.

“What are you doing? Why do you need that?” He said.

“Let me show you Golden hair.” Said Stallion Taker, as she strung an arrow to her bow.

“When we don’t take trees we like to plant new ones, this is a fun game to play I like it very much.”

She grinned as she took careful aim at Custer’s groin.

Tree Grower slipped to the side as Stallion Taker fired. The arrow flew through the air and grazed off the bottom of Custer’s penis, pinning one of his testicles to the wooden frame. Custer shrieked out in horror as his penis bobbed around wildly. All three girls started giggling, clearly enjoying the situation and teasing their prey.

“We must keep him hard.” Said Stallion Taker. “Otherwise it’s no fun to shoot at a small tree.”

“Leave that to me” Said Star Speaker as she pushed her tongue deep into Custer’s bottom.
Custer’s heart beat faster and his bottom twitched uncontrollably as the young girl violated him with renewed vigour, she was so pretty and yet relished performing such a degrading act. She certainly lived up to her unusual name. Tree Grower pinched the tip of Custer’s penis again and ran her fingers along the shaft, heightening his erection and teasing the engorged member. Custer was close to losing control, a few more movements of that hand and he was sure to explode.

“Firing now” Said Stallion Taker as another arrow flew through the air, the other girls ducked as the arrow pinged into the wood a fraction away from Custer’s bright red tip.

“I’ll get him on the next one.” Grinned Stallion Taker as she shuffled forward. “I’m going to aim my arrow right down his pee hole!”

The other girls grinned and chided her friend.

“You’re so cruel Stallion,” Smirked Tree Grower. So that’s what her friend meant by ‘planting a new tree’. The realisation caused Tree Grower to become wet with anticipation, she kneeled beside the wagon wheel and discreetly slipped her hand between her thighs and rubbed herself as she pattered her long fingernails up and down the length of Custer’s erect penis.

“Imagine how much it will hurt our poor Golden Hair when your arrow jams itself down his little hole? Tree Grower suddenly slipped the foreskin back hard exposing the glands and very gently pushed the tip of her index fingernail into the urethra.

“His big tree will be broken and he won’t be able to play with it ever again!”

Tree Grower’s voice faltered slightly as felt herself getting closer to climax. As she continued to probe the tip of Custer’s penis with her fingernail she rubbed herself harder with her other hand.

A voice laughed from behind Custer as Star Speaker chimed in. “Teeheehee, I wonder what his wife will say when she finds him with an arrow stuck in his most sensitive part?”

“She will most probably wish she had been here to have fun too.” Said Stallion Taker as she notched another arrow.

“OK get him nice and hard, this shot will do it. I think it would be fun to shoot it in just when he’s about to spurt, what do you think?”

“Oh yes!” Said Tree Grower. She made a circle with her fingers and moved it up and down the shaft of Custer’s throbbing member, pulling the foreskin back and forth vigorously. “I think he is almost there.” Tree Grower could feel herself nearing an orgasm too.

Custer tried to scream out in protest but he knew it was no use, he tried to fight back against the impending explosion but the girls just wouldn’t stop. The continuous teasing of Tree Grower’s fingers and Star Speaker’s tongue were too much to bear, he grunted as he edged closer. Tree Grower felt Custer’s testicles tighter and penis throb and Star Speaker felt Custer’s bottom contract tightly around her wriggling tongue.

“Now!” Shouted Tree grower, she pulled the foreskin back as hard as she could exposing the sensitive tip and gaping Custer’s urethra. Tree Grower bit down hard on her lip as she felt herself go over the edge.

Custer felt a powerful surge as he began to orgasm.

“Ooooooooooooooooooh!” He cried as his juices rushed along the length of his shaft.
Just at that moment the small arrow impacted directly into Custer’s gaping urethra, jamming itself hard.

Custer screamed out in agony as the girls cheered.

Tree Grower came and came and came. She felt her body convulse violently as the ecstasy enveloped her. Stallion Taker could not help noticing that her friend was shaking and there was fluid running down the inside of her thighs. Tree Grower blushed deeply when she opened her eyes, her secret was finally out.

Custer continued to scream and thrash about wildly, his penis bobbing up and down with the arrow still jammed in the shaft. The girls started laughing hysterically at the peculiar sight.

“Look at his thing now!” Cheered Star Speaker as she peaked from behind the other wagon wheel.

“Doesn’t it look funny flopping about like that? What happened to Tree Grower?

“Tree Grower has a dirty secret.” Replied Stallion Taker. “She was touching herself through the whole thing, isn’t that right Tree Grower?”
Tree Grower looked at the ground ashamedly as her friends giggled at her.

“It’s ok Tree,” smiled Stallion Taker, her dark eyes gleaming in the sunlight. “I have the same interest, how else do you think I come up with these ideas? I like to fantasize about tormenting men’s parts all the time. And I’m sure Star Speaker has an unhealthy interest in anal sex.

Star Speaker blushed deeply. “I have not tried it yet, but it’s true that I can’t stop thinking about it.” She turned around to her friends and lifted up the back of her buckskin skirt, revealing the end of a small wooden plug she had stuffed into her bottom.

“So it seems we are all naughty in this regard.” Said Stallion Taker. “I never knew my friends were as bad as me!”

“What should we do with poor Golden Hair?” Enquired Tree Grower. “He is still screaming in pain.”

“His screams will attract his comrades,” said Stallion Taker. “What better way for them to find him with a shaft up his own shaft?

“Yes we’d better go.” Said Star Speaker, gently climbing onto her pony so as not to disturb her hidden plug. The bouncing of the saddle had brought her to orgasm several times in the past, her bottom was now so sensitive she did not even need to touch her front.

“Do you think his wife will really wish that she had taken part?” Asked Tree Grower.

“Of course,” smiled Stallion Taker, “She is a girl the same as us is she not?”

All three rode into the sunset on their ponies and giggled at the thought, Custer’s screams echoed behind them.


10-26-2016, 05:54 PM
That... was good.

10-27-2016, 07:43 PM
Amazing story!!

10-28-2016, 07:47 AM
another fantastic story from you:iluvu:thank you very much^^