View Full Version : Another Story - Afghan Women

11-28-2016, 08:01 AM
:First Draft:

When you’re wounded and left on Afghanistan’s plains
And the women come out to cut up your remains
Just roll on your rifle and blow out your brains
And go to your Gawd like a soldier.
-Rudyard Kipling.

It was 1880 and Second lieutenant James Fleetwood had only recently received his commission from the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst. The merest boy of a soldier, he was only 18 and felt rather proud to be wearing his scarlet uniform. James had been given the appointment of a messenger on the staff of Brigadier-General George Burrows and had been sent to the northwest frontier of India to win his spurs, this part of the empire bordered with the lawless tribes of Afghanistan.
James was short and slim for his age, with mousey brown hair and fine features, his high cheek bones complemented his good looks and his dark brown eyes left many a young lady in London swooning with delight. James didn't have much experience with girls though, he was on the path of glory and all that could wait. One day he would get married and there would be plenty of time to learn about the mysteries of the fairer sex. Sometimes during the hot nights of the Indian summer he would find himself getting quite frustrated though, he had heard about some of the things young men did to relieve themselves but James was a gentleman and that sort of thing would never do. As time went on the Indian servant girls appeared ever more becoming but James had to remind himself that he was saving the right moment for a lady of noble birth and manners. One such girl did exist in his acquaintance, sweet Georgina, he had met the slender beauty at a dinner party in Surrey. Once James had proven himself a valiant warrior he would return to her and marry her and then he could find happiness in the carnal pleasures of her flesh. James reminisced fondly, she was almost a goddess in her elegant dresses and refined character; surely such a being would not be subject to the regular necessities of nature? James could not imagine her naked, but longed for the day to explore her every crevice.

Such thoughts were distracting on a day like this, James had been working his horse hard in order to deliver important dispatches to Brigadier-General Burrows; apparently a large Ghazi force was making its way towards Maiwand. James's horse had just crossed the top of a hill near the battlefield when he caught sight of the British Army. The guns of the artillery were already in action but then suddenly stopped firing, James reached into his saddle pack to grab his telescope and get a better view of the action. The horse artillery were withdrawing to get more ammunition, but as they withdrew James saw the Afghans make their attack. A giant wave of tribesmen fell upon the left flank of the army, pushing the Indian sepoys back onto the regular British troops. Panic ensued. James felt the icy hand of fear grip his heart as the army faltered and started to fall back in disarray. The whole British line was swept away by a mass of Afghan tribesmen, the only fugitives to escape were those on horseback who rode for the high ground. Many men died fighting and were cut down where they stood, it all happened so quickly that James did not have enough time to consider whether his own situation was any safer and he didn’t notice the group of Pashtun tribesmen approaching behind him who had been sent forward to cut off the fleeing troops.
A sun cracked hand made a grab for his horse reigns and some strong arms dragged him to the ground, the last thing James saw before he was hit over the head and lost consciousness was the wild, sneering face of a tribesman.

When James regained consciousness he was lying on the ground with his hands tied behind his back and staring at the ceiling of a large canvas tent. As he glanced around the memories came reeling back, he had been taken prisoner by the Afghans, but this tent seemed quite luxurious for tribal savages. A movement to his left attracted James’s attention to a large, dark figure clad in dusty robes and a turban.

“The prisoner has awoken your majesty.” Said the tribesman. It was a Pathan tongue, James had studied the language at Sandhurst and had a fairly good understanding of what was being said.

“Bring him over to me Ahman and then leave us.” Said another voice, it was quite husky and had a feminine ring to it.

James felt himself being dragged cross the floor toward a large curtain which was draped across the center of the tent. He caught another look at his captor and recognized the scarred face and large beard of the fellow who he had last seen before losing consciousness.

The large tribesman pushed James forward so he fell in a heap at the curtain, then the tribesman gave him a swift kick, spat at him and mumbled something in Pathan before leaving.

There were a few moments of silence before the curtain opened, on the other side a beautiful girl was sprawled across some large pillows, she appeared to be in her early twenties. Slim but not skinny, her toned muscles rippled beneath her olive skin like a large cat, indicating a powerful constitution. Her thick brown hair was tied back in a long ponytail, but the most remarkable thing about her was her eyes. James had never seen green eyes with such intensity before, rumour had it that some of the tribes could date their ancestry back to when Alexander the Great first explored these regions. At a place where the clash of empires from East and West met there was bound to be some unusual genetics. The girl looked over to him with her bright green eyes, she was lying on her stomach covered in rich robes, her bare legs waved nonchalantly in the air behind her in a seductive pose.

“My name is Kavita, queen of the Sepáh, who are you?”

Kavita’s soft voice floated over the tent towards James, he hesitated a moment, slightly unsure of himself, and then decided that the boldest measure was probably the safest.

“My name is James Fleetwood, I am an officer in the army of Her Britannic Majesty and I demand that you release me!”

Kavita rolled over onto her back, allowing James a glimpse down the top of her rich silk robe and chuckled, then she rolled over again onto her stomach and glared at him, her demeanour becoming more menacing.

“Silly boy, you are my prisoner and I shall do with you as I please! You Britishers think that your empire will last forever, you may read Greek and Latin but you do not know history – do you not know that this land has seen more wars than any other? My mother often told me about the first time the redcoats marched into our lands, 15,000 came in but only one went out. My mother had a lot of fun with your boys, she had so much fun she even made a belt.”

Kavita indicated at a long, dark leather strap hanging on the tent pole behind her, James couldn’t quite make it out but it appeared to be made of skin.One day your glories will be dust and sand, others will come after you, but their fate will be just the same.”

A silent moment passed between the prisoner and Queen, then the awkward atmosphere was broken as Kavita smiled, James couldn’t make out whether the smile was hiding something more sinister, it was certainly alluring. Then she rang a little bell at the side of her cushion bed and the tent flap opened.

Another girl walked in dressed in dark robes, she was more slim and delicate than Kavita with pale skin, raven hair tied back and very dark eyes. She appeared to be of Indian heritage but her pale skin would suggest her origins lay further north than the subcontinent.

“This is Rasha my handmaiden.” Purred Kavita.

“Rasha this is my new prisoner, James, isn’t he handsome? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a boy so pretty.”

Kavita leaned forward to ruffle James’s hair playfully as Rasha stole a glance, from the corner of her eye she weighed up the prisoner. He was indeed very handsome, he had a small frame but those dark brown eyes glistened with an air of stubborn pride which made them appear irresistible. Suddenly she caught James’s eye and realised she was staring at him, she quickly diverted her gaze to the ground.

Kavita took note of her servant’s nervous disposition, clearly she fancied the young man too. The realisation sparked a jealous rage within her which she quickly subdued. Growing up as a princess within a brutal tribal culture had taught her every trick of manipulation. She adopted a poker-face smile and drummed her razor sharp fingernails on the cushion as her devious mind considered the possibilities.

James was completely out of his depth and had no idea about the dangers of his situation, he was upset that his attempt at authority had been so easily rebuffed by these natives - and what’s worse they were just girls! Albeit very pretty and becoming. His emotions got the better of him and he sat sulkily staring at the ground.

Kavita slid off her large cushions like a hungry lioness and sat opposite him, her green eyes shining. She reached forward with her hand and gently touched the gold buttons on James’s scarlet tunic.

“You are very pretty for a boy.” She said. “Do you have a girl where you are from?”

James blushed at the bluntness of her questioning.

“No, there is one I suppose, but she is not mine yet.”

“You do not like boys then? Ahmed likes boys, he’s my guard who took you prisoner. I’m sure he would like to spend some time with you.”

Kavita grinned, but this time James could definitely see something more sinister in her smile.

“Don’t worry Britisher,” she said. “I’m just playing with you. I also like men but they spend a lot of time away fighting and women are forbidden to mate unless we go to a city like Kabul. The mountains and plains are no place for a pregnant woman.”

“That can’t be much fun for you.” Said James.
Kavita turned her head and smiled shyly, he had fallen for the trap.

“Oh we can still have fun Britisher, I am satisfied quite often.”

“But you cannot mate until you go to Kabul?”

“Ah yes, we cannot mate, but we can still have fun.”

Kavita rolled over onto her side with her back facing James, she looked over her shoulder toward him with a cheeky grin and hitched down her robes to reveal her tight, round bottom.

“You see Britisher” she cooed. “There is more than one way to have fun.”

As if to emphasize her point she spread her pert cheeks slightly apart to show him her little dark hole and then winked it at him.

Kavita felt a rush of excitement at the thrill of exposing herself so explicitly to the young man, letting him peer directly at her anus had aroused her and she felt a small damp patch begin to form between her legs.

James was left completely shocked by Kavita’s behaviour, growing up in polite English society he had never even kissed a girl, let alone stared into her most private regions. The experience had left him breathless and his hosts couldn’t help but observe the small bulge rising in the front of his pants.

Kavita rolled upright and sat crossed legged next to him, smiling sweetly she let her hand stray towards James’s leg and ran her claw-like fingernail along the inside of his thigh, stopping just before the prominent point between his legs.

“Rasha, bring me my trumpet.” She commanded, the silent handmaiden leapt to Kavita’s command and came back holding the battered brass instrument.

“My father got this many years ago from a trading caravan, we get many things there, the olive oil from Greece is especially useful as you can imagine.”

“What use would you need for a battered old instrument?” Enquired James.

“Ah Britisher sahib, it is not the instrument but the manner in which you play. You use the bugle, do you not? For rousing the troops?”

“Yes we do.”

“Indeed, but observe the trumpet. It has these buttons on the side which change the tune, therefore making it a better instrument.”

“To what purpose do these questions pend?”

Kavita stole a cheeky smile at Rasha. “My father always said that a girl must play a good tune to keep her man entertained, a bugle is not as versatile as a trumpet. We have an ancient text called the Kama Anale which every girl in the tribe must learn by heart and practice every day.”

At this point Kavita let her green eyes meet James as she smiled shyly.

“So you see James, when a girl goes to sit on a man she must play the right notes with her bottom to keep him happy. The best can make a man explode without even moving. A girl must push, pull and squeeze in the right order, it is a fine art. We have polished wooden plugs to practice on until a girl is ready to prove herself.”

Kavita moved her queenly gaze over to Rasha, she was sat on the side of the cushioned bed with her eyes averted as was her usual form, she was such a shy girl. Kavita had not forgotten Rasha’s interest in James and took the opportunity to make an example.

“Little Rasha over there is the most talented of all, sometimes when I am bored I make her play this trumpet without using her mouth.”

Rasha suddenly looked up, anxious of what her Queen was going to say.

“Please my Queen I beg…”

“But how can you play without…?” Queried James, a confused look on his face.

Kavita tittered gleefully and rolled onto her knees, bending forward she pushed her bottom out and taking the trumpet she put the mouthpiece against her posterior.

“So you see,” she cooed. “There is more than one way to play a trumpet.”

James glanced over at Rasha, trying to imagine such an act from such a petite beauty. She had turned a bright crimson color as her cheeks blushed fiercely.

“Perhaps little Rasha will show you sometime? Ay Rasha?” Kavita laughed merrily as she relished in her servant’s humiliation.

Rasha kept her eyes focused on the ground and wished that the ground would swallow her up, she was utterly ashamed, what would James think of her now?

Kavita returned her focus to James and played her sharp fingernails across his inner thigh again.

“I bet you would like to see that, wouldn’t you sahib?”

James’s penis begin to stiffen even more at the rude thoughts and he felt a sudden panic - what if he couldn’t control it? What if the girls saw his erection?

Kavita looked down at the small tent in the front of James’s pants.

“What is this I see?” Kavita slowly dragged her fingernail towards James’s groin and moved it slowly up and down the protruding lump.

“Are you erect?” She enquired, as she gave the top a playful flick.

James winced in pain as his member bobbed up and down in his pants, he couldn’t help becoming hard at Kavita’s wandering fingers. He felt the sharp tip of her fingernail circling around the fabric covering the tip of his erection, poor James felt ready to explode.

Kavita relished teasing her prisoner, the absolute power she held over him made her hot and flustered. She could do anything. As her mind pondered over the many choices she felt a familiar heat between her legs, her nipples became hard and a hot flush covered her chest. She gazed down at the throbbing bump between James’s legs and smiled evilly.

As she rose she cruelly gave James a swift kick in the groin and he double over in pain. Kavita felt her foot make contact with the engorged head of James’s penis.

“Is that really any way to behave in front of a Queen?” She scolded. “Come here Rasha, I think he’s hurt.”

Rasha sat down by her Queen’s side, she had seen the sneaky kick and knew that Kavita enjoyed causing pain to her prisoners, especially the men. She was clearly aroused and that made her even more dangerous.

“Help me to move him to one of the cushions, perhaps we may take a moment to inspect him?”

Both girls bundled James over to the cushioned bed and pushed him so that he was laying with his chest across one of the pillows.

“Lift up your bottom James,” said Kavita. “We need to make sure you are not hurt. Rasha I think you should pull down his pants so we can get a better look.”

James couldn’t believe his ears, he felt he was being violated and tried to struggle. Kavita reached between his legs and held his testes with the tips of her sharpened fingernails.

“Steady sahib, we wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself any more.”

Rasha felt a rush of excitement as she placed her hands on the waist of James’s trousers. She pulled them down in one swift movement, exposing his bare buttocks for all to see. Then she gently placed her hands on each cheek and spread them wide apart so that they could see his anus more clearly. Both girls sat transfixed for a moment, gazing at the wonderful sight.

James’s face had turned a beetroot red, never before had he been so humiliated. The gentle touch of the girl’s hands spreading his cheeks began to have an effect.

Kavita passed a small bottle of olive oil to Rasha. “Put your finger in Rasha,” she said. “Let’s see if our prisoner can play the trumpet too.”

Rasha felt herself becoming wet as she molested James, she pressed her finger against the tight opening and then pushed it in rudely. At the same time Kavita reached between James’s legs and grabbed hold of his hard shaft, she pulled the foreskin back as far as she could, exposing the glands to the air.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah” whined James as he felt the finger delve deeper inside. Kavita cupped his testes with her other hand, they had become tight against his groin with the heightened arousal, she pulled them down gently whilst expertly manipulating his shaft.

“What a poor boy” she cooed as she squeezed his penis. “Did someone kick your erection?”

James’s breathing came in struggled pants and gasps as he came closer to the edge, Rasha felt his bottom contracting uncontrollably as she wriggled her finger around inside him.

“He plays the trumpet very well my Queen, I think he is a natural.”

“We best stop tormenting him a moment before it’s too late,” said Kavita. She pinched down hard with her fingers on the tip of James’s penis, feeling it throbbing between her fingertips. Rasha slowly pulled her finger out of his bottom, she had enjoyed her part immensely and a small, damp patch had appeared on the thin material of her undergarments.

“I think that you should show James how talented you are Rasha,” said Kavita. “I’m sure you would relish the opportunity to show off all of your jewels, let’s move him onto his back.”

Both girls pulled James off of the pillows so that he was lying on his back, hands tied behind him and legs splayed apart. Rasha sat down on his chest with her feet over his shoulders to ensure that he couldn’t move, she had deliberately chosen this position so that James could get a good look at her bottom.

“That’s it Rasha, he can get a full view from there.” Said Kavita.

Rasha lifted up her robe to reveal the pale skin of her bottom, she pulled her tight little cheeks apart to show her pink anus and then sat down on James’s face. All inhibitions lost, James stuck his tongue out and started sucking and licking her puckered little hole.

Whilst James moaned incoherently Kavita sat herself between his legs. She couldn’t help but notice his penis stiffening even more, if that were at all possible, as her friend wriggled her bottom on his face. She took a small bottle of olive oil from a wooden chest and poured some of it onto the stiff shaft.

James felt the sharp fingernails of Kavita’s hand run up and down his engorged member as her other hand squeezed his balls. Then she yanked his foreskin back sharply, exposing the sensitive glands, as she pulled the skin back further James’s urethra opened a little.

Kavita giggled, enjoying the torment of what was coming next. She suddenly plunged the sharp fingernail of her index finger into James’s urethra and gave his testicles an extra hard squeeze.

James’s legs bounced up and down and he tried to yell out in pain, but his screams were stifled as Rasha pushed her bottom down harder into his face.

Both girls were enjoying themselves immensely. “This is what happens to our British prisoners sahib,” said Kavita. “Remember the belt my mother made? It was created using the most rare and precious parts she could find.”

She pulled her fingernail out and gave James’s penis a rough slap, it bobbed back and forth at the impact.

Rasha had become so sexually aroused that her eyes took on an unnatural light at the cruelty, her former shyness gone, her thoughts turned to further obscenities. “Do you think we should give him some encouragement my Queen? Maybe you could help him with the silver stick? When you do so I shall do my best to make some music.”

Kavita was surprised at her handmaiden’s sudden callousness, clearly the stimulation of her posterior had left her wanting something more. She took the small silver tube from the wooden chest and weighed it in her hand.

“Rasha I’m surprised at you.” She chided. “I always thought you were so shy, now you seem even crueller than me.”

Rasha blushed at the realization of her deviancy, but she was too far gone to care. Kavita gently covered the silver tube in olive oil and began stroking James’s penis again. James was still teetering on the edge of delirium and barely aware of what was happening as he felt his tender areas being stroked and squeezed again.

Rasha parted her cheeks and gently pushed, letting out a small waft of air into James’s face. It was so dirty she couldn’t believe she was doing it, but the act of complete domination and James’s tongue swirling around her clit left her burning for more.

Rasha strained a little harder, “Wait I can do more…”

Her words were lost on her Queen as Kavita pushed the silver tube gently into James’s penis, giving his balls a hard squeeze she put her lips around the end of the tube and started sucking.

It was at this moment that the silent observer peeped around the side of the tent flap, a shepherd girl had been attracted to the sounds of commotion going on inside the tent. A curious sight met her eyes which she couldn’t explain, being rather naive with perverse sexual antics she was only familiar with the Kama Anale, but this was something quite different. The handmaiden Rasha had a strained look on her face, she had her robes hitched up and her bare bottom was smothering the face of a young man. Meanwhile the Queen was busy sucking on a silver straw which was jammed in the man’s penis. What was going on? Maybe it was a snakebite, yes that must have been it. A viper must have bitten the young man’s penis and now her courageous Queen was trying to suck the poison out whilst brave Rasha held him down, no doubt it must be very painful. She could see the young man was struggling and thrashing about on the floor as the Queen tried to save him. What a poor fellow, imagine being bitten on the penis by a snake? The thought seemed rather comical but also strangely arousing to the girl, she slipped her hand under her gown and felt a fire between her legs, then she sat down to watch.


11-29-2016, 02:15 PM
Great story dingo6, but it seems unfinished. Do they make something more nasty to his balls?