View Full Version : CBT Research, Training & Entertainment Center pt 1

02-08-2017, 05:12 AM
English is not my first language, so please excuse any grammar errors.

The following is written purely as fantasy. Some scientific liberties are taken, making physiological impossible activities a central part of the ladies journey. Please don't be distracted by these irregularities, but enjoy the journey thru the fantasy land. Our three main characters are Michelle, Patty and Debbie. Michelle has visited the Center before; Patty is a first time visitor. They are shown around by facility Administrator Debbie, an adventurous lady that enjoys the many different things that can be done with a set of cock and balls (with both pleasant and rather unpleasant experiences for their owner).

In the not too distant future, there has been a major overhaul of the US correctional system. Rather than locking convicts up in what is most likely a training program that they consider a rite of passage, we make prison something with a real deterrent. They spend most of their incarnation working in agriculture, factories, or attendants in a luxury spa. Occasionally they are the star attraction at one of the events at the CBT Research, Training and Entertainment Center. Their precious jewels are destroyed by one of several entertaining techniques in front of a group of wildly cheering ladies.

Possibly the most cruel aspect of their incarnation is that after they are left dick-less and ball less, they enter a special wing of the facility where their cock and balls are regenerated. When their packages are returned to functioning status, they are put back in rotation for the devastating entertainments. When their sentence is completed, they are returned to society, but with a modification made to the final round of the regeneration process – their equipment is in working order, but is of a size about 25% of their per-incarnation state. Thus they return from prison with tales of constant labor – sorta like the jobs most people have – inter spaced with dozens of events where their jewels are destroyed in the most painful ways possible. Worse of all, they are returned to society with a tiny set of equipment.

However, before their discharge, their mind is wiped clean of any enjoyable memories they have of their stay – specifically, satisfying the carnal lusts of the ladies.

Hypnosis is used extensively: simple voice commands from the ladies are obeyed immediately by the convicts, who are referred to as “volunteers”. Rather than cluttering the story with repeated spoken commands, it is assumed the ladies have issued their instructions. The following are examples of simple commands:

Quite – the male stops all verbal output, regardless of how much pain he is in

Settle – the male stops all movement; rather than hopping around holding his injured equipment, he stands at attention

React – the formerly quiet and stationary male is free to react to whatever has been done to him

Stay – the male remains in the position designated by the ladies, regardless of how venerable it makes him

Hard – the male is to achieve and maintain a firm erection whenever there is a lady in the room


Michelle and Patty approached the entrance of the resort-like complex. A small sign on the check-in counter reads:


A string was anchored to the desk, and was connected to something up near the ceiling. Patty was perplexed by the sign; usually you rang a bell for service, the desk attendant heard the ding, and came to the front desk to assist you. How could anyone hear you cut a string?

Smiling foxily, Michelle suggested Patty look to the right of the check-in counter. There they saw a man secured to a post, his oversize testicles lying on a flat iron plate. He didn't say anything, but seemed to be pleading with the ladies to turn around and leave quickly. Michelle thought he looked like he was about to begin crying. At each corner of the plate a guide rose into the ceiling, similar to the guides aligning the stack of weights on an exercise machine. Looking up, Patty noticed a large iron weight suspended forty feet above, and it was held in place by a single thin string.

It instantly dawned on Patty what would happen if she cut the string: The huge weight would be released, drop forty feet onto the lower iron plate, and squish anything that happened to be on the base plate - namely, an overripe set of testicles. It would be very messy.

With girlish exuberance, Patty picked up the scissors on the desktop, and looking the restrained man in the eyes with a smile, cut the string. The heavy weight fell from its perch near the ceiling and landed on the metal plate in front to the restrained man. There was a loud splat, and the restrained man let out a scream that would wake the dead, which summoned the attendant from the back room to the front desk. The man whimpered as the attendant checked them in.

“We were advised to ask for Debbie when we checked in. Is she available?” asked Michelle.

Responded the attendant “Debbie..Debbie..a rather common name. Could you describe her?”

“Blond..big tits..a smile always on her face”

“No...I'm going to need a little more than that...lot of ladies around this place match that description”

Just then a gorgeous blond, with a warm welcoming smile, wearing a set of light yellow hospital scrubs that only partially concealed her significant curves, strolls into the reception area. Looking at the whimpering man with the smashed testicles, Debbie commanded “quiet” - the man immediately stopped moaning, but his face was still contorted in an anguished agony.

“I happened to be nearby, heard the doorbell, and thought it may be you two. I'll give you a tour and help you get settled in for your visit.” Noticing Patty still had her eyes locked on the suffering man, Debbie continued “We call them ball less wonders - as opposed to disk less wonders. We still have many uses for the dick only: Celebrations, golf tees, starter pistols, pet piranha feeders, lawnmower races….

Trying to visualize each activity as it was recited, Patty interrupted the guide’s rendition, asking “what the heck is a lawn mower race” ?

Having been to the resort before, Michelle commented that she found them very entertaining, and was looking forward to watching another competition. Debbie, with a somewhat disdainful look, said “We have advanced far beyond those early lawnmower races. Compared to what we have now, those early races were simply barbaric destruction. Because you are checking in so late, we can head over to tonight’s after-dinner entertainment, which is the giant solemn lawnmower race.”

Not wanting to sound like too much of a noobe, Patty kept quiet, but smiled to herself, thinking it was going to be fun learning about all these strange entertainments, the names of which don’t really tell you much.

Debbie began her narration: “As this is the beginning of your journey at our little play land, there are a few rules you need to know. First of all, this is the only place in our entire complex where there shields to protect you from the splatter, and there are two reasons for that. First, we are very earth-friendly here, and want to reduce the use of the harmful chemicals needed for dry cleaning. Therefore you will be leaving your cloths in our locker area. All ladies wear hospital scrubs while here. They are very comfortable, and clean easily in the regular wash. We have a wide selection for you to choose from, but most ladies choose pure white or a very light pastel shade. No one has chosen the deep red scrubs, or ones with an intricate pattern - too difficult to appreciate a stain. Next, we take safety very seriously here. All ladies must wear these acrylic protective glasses while visiting the public areas. As you travel around the complex, there is no telling when there will be some blood, chucks of dick flesh or ball residue, or even that white stuff flying thru the air. We don't want any ladies to suffer an eye injury while enjoying the spectacles. "I've gotten some cum in the eyes during a rumbustious encounter, and that stung like hell. I hate to think what a chunk of freshly fragmented testicle would feel like" commented Patty.

Debbie continued “This is the only place where the volunteers are restrained. He could be waiting for an arriving guest for two minutes or ten hours, and we wouldn't want him to lean forward and get his big head hit by the falling block. “Do you have many arriving guests" "We do have some very busy arrival times, but during the slack periods there always seems to be some silly girl that drops her towel in the pool which is directly out the door to the left. They then come to the front desk for a new towel, and summon the front desk attendant to request a new towel. They could have one of the male servers in the pool area fetch a fresh dry towel for them, but they claim there weren't any attendants around.”

“As a result of our extensive research and testing, we have implemented several measures to enhance the experience for us ladies. For example, with this device here, we could smash his balls between two regular metal blocks, but most of the splatter would be contained in the space between the blocks, and not make much of a visual presentation. You will notice that these two blocks have the upper and lower edges shaped. There is a gradual small increasing gap between the two surfaces – the two blocks meet on the side closest to the volunteer. The gap increases, such that there side closest to us has a wider opening. This allows the formerly functioning but now pulverized gonads to be propelled toward us.”

“Now, let's watch as the service bell is reloaded.” The dude with the recently departed balls stepped away from the device, and hobbled off to the aid station. The next volunteer in line began to crank the wheel that raised the metal weight back to its previous height of forty feet, and secured it in place with a new string. He then cleaned the splatter of the freshly destroyed testicles from the inside of the splash guard. He produced a stiff bristled brush, and scrubbed the embedded ball sack from the lower plate. When everything was spotless, he edged himself up to the plate. Grabbing his ball sack, he stretched them out as far as he could over the lower plate. Debbie reached under the counter, and produced a squeeze bottle of liquid adhesive. Looking the new cock & ball transportation unit in the eyes, with a mischievous smile, she coaxed him to stretch the balls out a little further. When she was satisfied with their placement, she put a few drops of adhesive under the ball sack, and pressed them firmly down onto the lower plate. The adhesive was quick acting, and the ball sack remained firmly in place.

The volunteer handed Debbie a small plastic box that contained a large hypodermic needle. With a big smile, she said to the dude "Time to top you off" stuck the needle in his ball sack, depressed the plunger, and began to transfer the contents of the syringe to the doomed ball sack. Michelle picked up the narration:"most CBT play lands inject saline to inflate the scrotal area, and proceed with rather light torture, at least by our standards. The scrotal sac is abused, but never damaged beyond repair. That's not the case here: the scrotal sacs may remain fairly intact for some of the abuse, but eventually that will be flying thru the air by one means or another. Therefore here they prefer to use blood rather than saline. When the testicle walls finally suffer a catastrophic failure, the resulting mess is much more colorful. One of the research goals here is to increase what is referred to as the splatter factor. We are health conscious, and therefore have the volunteers donate a pint of blood upon arrival. We store his donation until his balls are being prepared to be blasted apart by one of several methods".