View Full Version : Testicle Jewelry
09-03-2001, 12:24 PM
Hi sara,
Why not a pair of rubber testicles that looks like the real ones?...the only sane legal way of getting a pair, I could think of ,.. is a after death organ donation...I don't think medicine need them and a man could donate his(after death) to you.
That would definitely be a turn on to me if I'm out with a girl that wears them,...kind of intimidating too
Squeeze me
12-12-2002, 09:30 PM
I've seen those testicle earrings and other real testicle ornaments in magazines from Brasil and Germany.
It seems that the Brasilian and Mexican street gangs found out that ********** you pays. The finished ornaments appear in a kind of black market. The earrings cost about $1,000 a pair.
The local police have trouble catching the street-wise kids (guys and gals) and the victims usually have problems identifying them.
I'd like a pair. --
12-11-2004, 02:40 AM
By the way, I saw the stories reported in magazines.
The magazines weren't advertising them for sale! ;)
They'd be tricky to get legally, of course. But where there's a will, there's (usually) a way.
Besides, most people wouldn't be able to distinguish real ones from animal testicles of the same size.
Maybe a visit to the abattoir, butcher, or even road-kill. Then to a taxidermist...
I wonder if any other guys would feel turned-on or intimidated if they thought they were human.
Imagine... You're out someplace dancing with me and they catch your attention. You comment that you've never seen such unusual earrings as the ones I'm wearing. And I tell you casually that they're my ex-boyfriend's balls...
"My place or yours, buddy?"
Yeah. I know. I'm a sicko. :D
- Sara :Baahaha: :Baahaha:
12-11-2004, 03:15 AM
Imagine... You're out someplace dancing with me and they catch your attention. You comment that you've never seen such unusual earrings as the ones I'm wearing. And I tell you casually that they're my ex-boyfriend's balls...
"My place or yours, buddy?"
Yeah. I know. I'm a sicko. :D
Sicko Sadistic Sara. That's why we love you.
Seriously, after thinking about it, I'd LIKE to think I'd say, "Anyplace so long as you are there with your boyfriend's nuts!" -- but I think I know myself too well.
I think that you would get to be one of the few women who gets to see Trouble cover up his nads with his hands and slowly walk away with little tiny steps, head hung low.
If I were in top form and not caught off-guard, I would squint at you, then say, "Sorry, Manuel Alphonse Rodriguez de la Rocha thought you were someone else. HEY! Consuela! Where'd you go?" (And then walk away with manly steps, not little timid ones.)
12-11-2004, 10:27 AM
Imagine... You're out someplace dancing with me and they catch your attention. You comment that you've never seen such unusual earrings as the ones I'm wearing. And I tell you casually that they're my ex-boyfriend's balls...
"My place or yours, buddy?"
Yeah. I know. I'm a sicko. :D
- Sara :Baahaha: :Baahaha:
It would be EXTREMELY difficult to hide my erection if that ever happened. Especially from a girl who looked like Sara!
12-27-2004, 03:37 PM
I wonder if any other guys would feel turned-on or intimidated if they thought they were human.
Imagine... You're out someplace dancing with me and they catch your attention. You comment that you've never seen such unusual earrings as the ones I'm wearing. And I tell you casually that they're my ex-boyfriend's balls...
"My place or yours, buddy?"
Yeah. I know. I'm a sicko. :D
- Sara :Baahaha: :Baahaha:
That's one of the most deeply erotic things I've ever read. How would I react? Probably with a combination of intimidation and major arousal. I might step back briefly, my breathing would probably become shallower, my whole body would start to tingle, and my legs might spread a couple milimeters more towards being open in an *********** display of submission. I'm sure I would feel overwhelmed and tongue-tied by the pure female sexual power implied by your earrings, but I would try to recover enough to buy you a drink.. at which point I'm sure I would be more than willing to go wherever you wanted me to.
I'm reminded of a couple things: one is a story I read about years ago, about a Babylonian queen who supposedly kept a stable of young virgin men for her amusement.. she would have sex with them, and then immediately afterwards she would ******** them, so that they belonged to her and her alone. I have no idea whether this legend is true, however, the power inherent in the domination this woman would have exerted over her male pets is just mind-blowingly immense. They would have belonged to her in the purest sense; she would have total control over their pleasure- she would give it, and also take it away. Imagine the mindfuck these young men would experience; the total sexual submission of knowing that the woman they were submitting to for the one brief, powerfully erotic experience of their lives would soon take away their manhood and their pleasure, permanently and entirely.
I'm also reminded of a true experience I had when I was younger. I'll put it in the following post.
12-27-2004, 03:58 PM
Sara's question about the bar and the testicle jewelry reminded me of a really intense sexual experience I had in my early 20s.
I was living in the city, and I spent a lot of time at this one particular dive bar that was open ridiculously late on the weekends. One night I found myself flirting with a woman about 10-15 years older than me, mid-late 30's. Long black hair, lean, powerful body.. she seemed slightly edgy but I was young and cocky, with a buzz on, so I was in the process of trying to buy her a drink, when the bartender, an Eastern European woman I was friends with, pulled me aside.. "That's J*** Don't mess with her tonight.. she's in a really bad mood. Trust me, you don't want anything to do with her right now"
For some reason, this intrigued me. So I ignored my friend and went ahead and bought J*** a drink. She was very mad about something, a break up or some guy had dumped her or some such thing, but the offshoot was, she had a major league jihad against men going. Well, I'm a friendly, affable guy, and soon I had convinced her that I was not some stupid jarhead or frat boy, and as she continued in her rant about how men suck, she pulled out her keychain and said "let me show you my ball buster".
At this, I almost dropped my beer on the floor. She pulled out a piece of metal, sort of like brass knuckles but with two big points jutting out, the space between them being roughly equivalent to the space between a man's two testicles. "I'm so pissed at men, right now, I just want to break their balls. I want to get a man's balls and break 'em right open, with this thing."
At that point, I bought her another drink.
I was really, profoundly turned on by this woman. At that point in my life I knew enough about myself to know I had a major submissive streak, and I explained this. We ended up going back to her apartment and fooling around. Not much came of it that night (she had, after all, just broken up with someone) but as I left I asked her to show me her "ball buster" again. She took it out and pressed it, hard, up against my crotch. I nearly came in my pants.
I saw her several times after that. It took a little convincing on my part to get her to take out some of her agressions on my balls.. after all, she was mad at men who had been jerks to her, and I was a sweet, pliant, fair-haired young man that she could totally have her way with. However, once she got into it, she really got into it. I vividly remember one time on her couch, her fully dressed with one knee pressed up between my legs, one hand of hers jerking me off and the other clenched full fist around my balls, squeezing and kneading and pressing them up against my pelvic bone until I was sure I would hear a "pop". When she finally allowed me to come, I nearly passed out.
Unfortunately, not long after that I moved away. But even now, many, many years later, I still get hard thinking about J*** and her cruel little metal "ball breaker".
12-27-2004, 10:50 PM
By the way, I saw the stories reported in magazines.
The magazines weren't advertising them for sale! ;)
They'd be tricky to get legally, of course. But where there's a will, there's (usually) a way.
Besides, most people wouldn't be able to distinguish real ones from animal testicles of the same size.
Maybe a visit to the abattoir, butcher, or even road-kill. Then to a taxidermist...
I wonder if any other guys would feel turned-on or intimidated if they thought they were human.
Imagine... You're out someplace dancing with me and they catch your attention. You comment that you've never seen such unusual earrings as the ones I'm wearing. And I tell you casually that they're my ex-boyfriend's balls...
"My place or yours, buddy?"
Yeah. I know. I'm a sicko. :D
- Sara :Baahaha: :Baahaha:
Two of my friends, they are sisters actually, have some testicle jewelry. One has a key chain made out of some small animal scrotum and it even has little balls inside so it looks like a miniture man's sack. Her sister has a change purse made out of a scrotum too. She uses it as a cell phone case. This one would definately pass for an ex-boyfriends testicles. They got it somewhere in arizona. I've been looking for one for my cell phone forever but can seem to find one. I'll have to go to arizona and pick one up I guess.
12-27-2004, 11:33 PM
I'm reminded of a couple things: one is a story I read about years ago, about a Babylonian queen who supposedly kept a stable of young virgin men for her amusement.. she would have sex with them, and then immediately afterwards she would ******** them, so that they belonged to her and her alone. I have no idea whether this legend is true, however, the power inherent in the domination this woman would have exerted over her male pets is just mind-blowingly immense. They would have belonged to her in the purest sense; she would have total control over their pleasure- she would give it, and also take it away. Imagine the mindfuck these young men would experience; the total sexual submission of knowing that the woman they were submitting to for the one brief, powerfully erotic experience of their lives would soon take away their manhood and their pleasure, permanently and entirely.
Have not heard that (which, of course, doesn't mean it ain't true), but I remember that the followers of Ishtar (Babylonian and Egyptian Goddess of Sex) would sometimes ******** themselves as a way of offering the Goddess what she wanted most.
I can hear Ishtar now: "Why the heck are they sending me this stuff? It's not useful if it isn't still attached!!!"
They got it somewhere in arizona. I've been looking for one for my cell phone forever but can seem to find one. I'll have to go to arizona and pick one up I guess.
Gotcher soluton right here. I'll go to Chicago and donate the left one if you can convince Magnum to donate the right one. :Baahaha:
12-28-2004, 05:17 AM
Here's where you can get your scrotum change purse, Evilgirl...
02-07-2012, 10:54 PM
They make bull testicle necklaces
02-09-2012, 01:23 AM
02-09-2012, 03:49 AM
Katrina Halford is hot ! Would not mind doing her !
11-30-2024, 12:42 PM
This is an interesting old topic. Today, there are various testicle-jewelry on the market...
:) nice earrings: (
or other: ry=testicle+náušnice&ref=sr_gallery-1-4&pro=1&content_source=b1ce3766d0d7b43d877b3ca7c19ca4bbf4f 2daa9%253A1605869326&organic_search_click=1 ( 2daa9%253A1605869326&organic_search_click=1) ch_query=semenník+náušnice&ref=sr_gallery-1-9&pro=1&content_source=66d81fb70abbc8b892e3a391fd5619ff962 3bd70%253A1521322667&1organic_search_click= ( 3bd70%253A1521322667&organic_search_click=1)
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