View Full Version : Im asking girls trought internet to ******** me

04-25-2017, 09:23 PM
Hi guys ... im trying to find girl over internet from my country wich would ******** me (for real ) .. sat month ive been written over 200girls/womans (50% of them arevprostitutes (GFE in some state) )
As i already know they exist ! I was writting with one where i was 2 years ago . She was absolutely awesome loking i wrote her . " hi i know what you can do to men . I k now you love to bust his balls or stomp them hard ... as i know this information do you can cut off mans balls ? .... few minutes after she wrote me " why not . How much do you pay ?? ... i was frozen in wondering with open mounth ... then we have talking over one hour about what she is like to do .. i was reading with fully opened mind ... she tells me the price .. (6x normal taxe ) .. than .. its possilble i got here som video of fresh cutted balls in few weeks :-) and after if you want .. i will give you contact on those person ..