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View Full Version : Erotic Ballbusting

06-18-2017, 03:46 PM
Does anyone recommend any websites where the ballbusting is more toward the erotic/sensual than the painful? I have been looking at BB porn for 20 years now and I tend to prefer BB porn that does not look very painful or where there is also sex involved. For example matrock wrestling I liked quite a bit. Some BB porn looks so agonizing that it turns me off. I like it when both people are nude and when there is sexual activity involved. BB websites tend to come and go.

Have any of you tried ballbusting in real life? I have tried other fetishes that are not potentially dangerous. In general I do not trust people very much and would not trust them to hit me in the testicles. I'm also concerned about general testicular health and if this could be harmed by ballbusting.