View Full Version : Sensitivity Cream?

08-14-2017, 11:25 PM
Long story short I "came out" to my girlfriend recently and now our sex life is awesome. Three years relationship and this is the best it's ever been.

A big part of my fetish is the whole writhing on the ground, helpless, below a giggling girl thing. My balls seem to be a good bit tougher pain wise than in my fantasies, she doesn't want to really hit them any harder, and I don't want to risk any damage at all either. This has so far been remedied with mild acting/exaggerating.

I know what people will say about testicles being resilient and all that, and I've had this fetish from around the days of Scrambled Eggs and read their faq way back saying basically the same thing.

My question is: Is there a way to make the testicles more sensitive to pain? I know there are creams and stuff to make them burn, but I'm more interested in making the actual nociceptors hyper responsive to stimuli, not to just fire for no visibly apparent reason.

If nothing exists, would there be demand for such a thing? Something like this would potentially make many kinks more safe and enjoyable as well as having various other non-kink related uses.

08-15-2017, 01:24 AM
This post may provide you an answer:

08-19-2017, 11:37 PM
This post may provide you an answer:

Hm, not really what I was looking for.

I realized though, that blue balls are ridiculously sensitive. Not sure if that makes them more susceptible to damage though... If there was a way to induce blue balls quickly with some kind of drug, this would do the trick.