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View Full Version : One final thread...various Sporty girls.

Mr Popodopolous
12-17-2018, 06:13 PM
Anyone been or want to be busted by any of the following? All sound...interesting.

Soccer girls is too obvious, so too maybe track girls- but still worthy. No, I'm looking at those a bit more niche...

Basketball Girl
Hockey Girl
Netball Girl
Softball Girl

Plus kinda related to Soccer girl, but kinda not- Soccer Mom. Ooooh and American Football girl.

Stories would be great.

Anyone got any??

12-18-2018, 07:38 AM
How about a tennis girl?

My worst (and best !) nut shot came when I was helping my friend's mother coach our high school girls tennis team. I was a college player at the time, and she asked me to hit with her best senior girls so they could get used to hitting against someone way more powerful than them. Who was I to say no? Long story short, I was rallying with one of the girls who hits really hard, and I casually approached the net. Something on another court caught my eye (so many tight shorts and little skirts, you know?) and I looked away for an instant and she drove a rocket forehand that hit me square in the balls. Well, I dropped like a rock and was down for a long while. I looked up and about 8 girls were standing over me, giggling and whispering. The coach Lady, whom I knew very well, made some off color comment about me not being able to have kids or something and they all had a big laugh at my expense. I spend the rest of the day, and several practices after that, being the subject of their giggles. Great times....P.S. I ended up dating the girl who hit me for about 6 months after that...but that's for another story.

Mr Popodopolous
12-18-2018, 11:58 AM
That's a good shout that is!

Tennis girl? Completely forgot about- yeah that would be a good one, and sounds a good story.

12-28-2018, 07:00 PM
I remember playing little league baseball when I was about 5-6th grade, girls were allowed on the team too. One time in the dugout a tall blonde girl was going around “cup checking”. She was simply using a bat to check if each boy had a cup on. She was just lightly tapping each of us on the groin area with the end of the bat. I remember I was not wearing a cup that particular game, I was nervous about her “checking my equipment”. She eventually got to me, I expected a good tap to my unprotected nuts to expose me. But to my surprise, she gave me a few light taps that didn’t hurt at all, and said something about I must have a cup on. Lol. It was a close call.

Anyone else have any sports stories involving female ballbusters?