View Full Version : Real life extreme ballbusting

08-30-2019, 05:49 PM
She laughed and trod on my balls again, putting more of her full weight this time and I screamed and writhed but she carried on, riding the thrashing trampling board and my balls and my screaming agony.

She’d dressed specifically for this session. I hadn’t asked, but she just knew.

Sometimes she’s worn thigh high boots. Sometimes a PVC costume. Today she was wearing a sexy basque, stockings and stiletto shoes showing off her long strong legs

I was naked on the floor of her dungeon, hands fastened to the collar round my neck, unable to protect myself. Shaking. Nervous. Legs stretched with a spreader bar. She towered over me and she was crushing my balls under her sexy but substantial high-heeled shoes and her sexy but substantial size

I’d asked her a while ago if she could tread on my balls.

It had always been a masochistic fantasy - a big girl treading on my balls, enjoying my pain. But never imagined balls being trodden on by 16 stone sadist with such sexy muscular legs. She’s told me she’s going to make me cry and that there’s nothing I can do about it

In practice, it’s a balance between enduring unrelenting and enthusiastic pain and passing out. She’s hurt me so hard in the past I’ve very nearly passed out a few times but she’s just held back to let me recover a little. Then again. And again. She enjoys hurting me and ******* me beyond what I can masochistically take.

But to the beginning...

She makes me undress so I’m standing naked before her. She really towers over me. I’m 5’8” barefoot. She’s 6’2” before she puts her heels on. And she has heels on.

And she’s not 6’2” of skinny tall, she’s 6’2” of big and strong. And 6’11” in her platform shoes. Totally strong and overpowering.

She puts ankle and wrist cuffs on me and a neck collar. The collar is scary and uncomfortable. It means for a while we aren’t going to be friends but Mistress and subject.

She makes me climb onto her St Andrews Cross and fixes my legs and arms apart. She doesn’t stretch my arms above my head this time but attaches them to chains at the side so I’m not too stressed by my position. She’s learned these things. How to torture. Doesn’t want me to faint just yet.

She pulls the thick leather strap around my stomach, fastening me firmly immobilised, no wiggle room and definitely no escape.

She ties a cord round my balls and my growing cock, tight and so vulnerable. Tighter and tighter round my balls. Fastens the cord hard. My balls are already hurting.

Then she starts squeezing my balls and leaning back pulling them. She’s so strong and heavy and cruel I scream. She grins and carries on as I break down and beg.

Exactly what she wants

Eventually she stops. Steps away. I try to catch my breath. It’s a blur. A relief.

Then she starts kicking my balls. Not full-force thankfully, but too hard to take. She kicks me hard enough to be unbearable and I’m screaming and begging. Sharp hard kicks.

She eventually stops and I’m in a terrible state, trying to catch my breath, wracked. I’d really forgotten what it’s actually like to be tortured by her. She likes being cruel.

She steps over to the wall and selects a whip. I watch in fascination and trepidation as her strong legs flex, sauntering back to me.

She looks down into my eyes with a cruel smile and raises her whip. I can’t really believe she’s going to do this. Surely it’s just a bluff, a tease to frighten me? But she does.

My balls explode in pain. She carries on whipping them.

I can’t bear it. I beg and beg her to stop. She doesn’t. Not until she can see I’m starting to faint. Then she relents. We’ve been here before but she always pushes me further.

I can hardly take in what’s happening, the pain and panic being just too much.

The thing is I don’t want to disappoint her, but she takes it to where it’s scary and likes to play there and I do try to go along, wanting to please her but in fact my agony pleases her.

But she’s relented. I’m ready for her to stop. That was hard and I can see my balls are bruised. Like I said, it’s all a painful blur but I thought she’d stopped but she’s only paused.

She goes back to the wall where she keeps her whips and selects a heavier one, testing its weight. She slaps it into her hand, then winces. That hurt! We both laugh. Then I’m not laughing

She whips my balls harder.

I really can’t take. But I have to. The unrelenting pain overwhelms me and I’m screaming and sobbing for mercy but she carries on regardless until I start to fade out and sag in my bonds.

The next bit is a blur but she lets me down from the cross and helps me to get comfortable and recover, covers me with a blanket and cuddles me until my shivers subside. She fetches me a glass of water. I’m so grateful for her care after her cruelty. She gives me time.

She waits until I recover a little, then despite my weak protestations she lays me down on the floor and clips my wrist restraints to my neck-collar, and my ankle restraints to a wide spreader-bar.

“I’ve only just started!” she grins.

Then brings over her new trampling-board as promised for this session. It really hurts when she ****** my tied and bruised and bleeding balls through the central hole, it’s a tight fit.

She stands up, the muscles in her strong legs taut and flexing.

And then she takes hold of the jangling chains hanging from the ceiling to steady herself and places her heavy high-heeled sadistic shoe on my tenderised balls.

She presses down.

The pain is unbearable. I double up in agony. She repeatedly tells me to put my legs down and I try but I can’t she’s hurting me too much

I know I’d asked for this, had always been a fantasy getting my balls trodden on by a sexy cruel girl. Obviously I knew it would hurt but no amount of imagination prepared me for the real thing.

But my inability to keep from doubling up annoys her. So she stops and fixes a chain onto the spreader bar and stretches the bar to the legs of her torture table so I can’t bring them up in involuntary but useless defence.

I’m now more stretched out and even more vulnerable and then she really tramples my balls – both together at first, then picking on one at a time with her heel. It’s indescribably painful and I can’t even remember or describe what it actually felt like but by then I was well into depths of subspace and erotic pain.

And this was only part two of her plan for the session. First on the cross and the whipping. Then on the floor and the trampling.

She let me recover but made it clear she hadn’t finished.

Part 3 was me strapped on her torture bench. Mixed feelings – I’d had enough by then, was looking forward to her finishing. But I knew worse was to come. I begged her to stop.

But she fastened me down with the leather straps and fixed the strong spring clamps to my already tenderized balls. I almost fainted. Then she attached the clamps to the winch and cranked it up, stretching my balls and pulling them hard until she was satisfied.

Then she used her vicious vibrator on my cock, and was surprised I came without being hard. I was desperate for her to stop, I was in agony she was really enjoying hurting me.

She milked my orgasm made sure I enjoyed it. She decided against a “ruined orgasm”, took pity on me. A reward for my agony? She enjoyed making me cum after enjoying hurting me so much.

And that’s the thing, she actually enjoys hurting me and makes creative plans for torturing me. She knows I like it. She likes to push me hard, makes me beg and beg and take more than I ever fantasised about. A cruel female friend, bigger and stronger than me. Who enjoys torturing me. Seriously torturing me.

Because she knows at the end of the day I’ll love to look back on this, even if at the time it’s incredibly painful and frightening. She wants to give me unforgettable memories, doesn’t want me to go away wishing she’d gone a bit further. So she enjoys pushing me well past my limits and enjoys making me really suffer, ignoring my desperate and genuine pleas for mercy at the time.

Afterwards, we’re friends again. Strange friends. Special friends. We’ve shared something awesome. She makes sure I’m OK, takes her time. Debriefs me. Feeds me and looks after me before she drives me back to the train station. We’ve had an amazing time!

And my balls are bleeding and bruised and seriously hurting for a while after. A memorable session as always!

09-01-2019, 03:21 PM
22378 My Mistress's legs2237922380

09-02-2019, 04:43 PM
Yes! you are writing fabolous stories again! I like so much your stories with the dices :)

09-08-2019, 03:11 PM
Yes! you are writing fabolous stories again! I like so much your stories with the dices :)

Thanks Perri! This trampling one isn't an imagined story and my Mistress liked me to take photos for her website and said I could post them