View Full Version : Jackpot!!!

09-10-2019, 12:24 PM
Last night I was looking at escorts and messaged a few. I texted them "Hello, I have a ballbusting fetish. Ever put a guy down with one kick in the balls?" It's fun to anticipate their various responses, most ignore me cause they probably aren't interested in my fetish. Well one messaged me back "of course :)". I searched her phone number to find which one she was and she was easily the hottest one! Anyways, not a big deal but thought you guys might enjoy it. Normally I'd never post a picture of a woman on here for privacy reasons but since she's an escort who posts pictures of herself on the internet for a living, I figured it's acceptable. Let me know what you think of her but I think she's pretty much a 10. High end escort, $700/hr! Hearing those words "of course" with a smiley emoji out of a chick who looks like that, man... So vague, wish I knew more but sometimes the mystery is better for fantasy reasons.


09-11-2019, 11:41 AM
good luck to you!