View Full Version : Making a video, story

09-13-2019, 04:57 PM
The rain pelted down on me as I stood on the doorstep. I took one more glance around. No one seemed to notice I was there. The few people in sight were huddled against the wet, passing by without looking.

To say I was nervous about what I was about to do would be a serious understatement. But I’d been wrestling with this for weeks. And now here I was.

Once more I let myself consider that I didn’t have to do this. I didn’t have to press the doorbell. It was my choice.

I’d seen the advert on a ballbusting forum for a video shoot. They needed to be able to leave some marks, bruised balls etc.

It was time.

I pressed the doorbell.

I heard footsteps. Heels on a hard floor. The door opened with a rattle of locks.



“It’s really good to see you! I’m Kath””

She stepped back and held the door open for me, smiling, beckoning me in. She was taller than me as I knew she would be. She looked great in her online photos. But in the flesh was a different thing. She was wearing stockings and suspenders and a short dress. Her legs were amazing

I entered, tongue-tied.

This wasn’t quite what I’d expected, what I’d steeled myself for. Not exactly Doom For Whoever Enters Here. Maybe this would be easier than I’d thought. I felt some sense of relief. This was going to be OK.

She closed the front door and set the locks. As she reached for the top one I noticed her short skirt hitched up, showing off her gorgeous shapely and strong-looking legs. I felt my hard-on grow.

“Just go through there”

Kath indicated a room off the hallway as she turned back round. I tore my gaze away from her legs and entered.

It was a big room. It was set up as a dungeon. On one side was a St.Andrews Cross. Ready for the victim to be strapped onto. That’d be me. On the other side of the room a tripod was set up with a camera on top.

“You like it Steve?”

Kath was standing beside me, I could smell her gorgeous perfume.

“I…yeah! Looks…cool!”

But I was thinking about the promise of bruised balls

“Looks cool, eh? That’s good. Come over here,,,”

I followed her to a corner I hadn’t noticed. A couple of chairs and a small desk. She gestured for me to sit down. I did. She sat at the desk and picked up a couple of documents.

“I just need you to sign these, Steve. Just a formal waiver saying you’re ok about doing this, that there might be some bruising and stuff and you’re ok about it, like we discussed on the emails. Just a formality. Sorry! I don’t want to get into any trouble or anything!””

She gave me a big smile and passed me the papers and a pen.

“That’s OK!”

I read it through. It was what we’d agreed. She seemed amused.

“It just needs your signature…just there!” She pointed at the space.

I signed.

“That’s great! Thanks!” She took the paper and pen and put them in a drawer in the desk.

She stood up.

“OK, get your kit off and we can get started!”


I took my clothes off under her watchful gaze. Placed them carefully on one of the chairs. I was self-conscious of my erection but it didn’t seem to bother her. Just a passing glance and a little smile.

“Come over here!” she indicated to the Cross.

I gulped. I was beginning to be scared. I’d never done this before. I’d seen videos on her website where she really laid into the cock and balls of her victim. I’d had sessions with other Dommes before, but marking had been a hard limit. My circumstances had changed and it’d taken a lot of thought before I’d contacted her.

“Come on! Looks like you’re ready for it” she smiled. She was gorgeous. I couldn’t believe she was going to really hurt me. Yes I could. I knew what some women were like.

I smiled back, nervously. But I obediently walked over to the Cross. I felt self-conscious with the air on my naked body.

She fastened me to the padded wooden Cross. The leather straps were tight. She made sure I couldn’t move at all

“There! That’s great! Susan should be here in a minute and we can get started!”

The doorbell rang.

“That’ll be her! We’re looking forward to having some fun with you, you’ll enjoy it for sure!”

She ran her fingertips along my hard-on. It bobbed and strained under her caress.

She sauntered over to the door and opened it. She turned round to look at me over her shoulder, smiling.

“Don’t go anywhere! I’ll be back!” She blew me a kiss and left the room, closing the door firmly behind her.

Phew! I took a deep breath. This wasn’t what I’d expected. She was so…nice!

But I remembered my favourite videos of Mistress Kath and Mistress Suzan. They were more hardcore than I’d played before. Quite brutal and sadistic.

I heard the front door opening, some greetings, the door closing. Talking and footsteps away from this room. Then the sound of another door. It went quiet.

I thought about those videos again. They seemed to push the boundaries of being consensual. There was obvious marking and bruising which the Mistresses seemed to relish. And the guys went along with it even though it was clearly difficult and painful, but sometimes to a point where they seemed to be genuinely begging the Mistresses to stop. Really didn’t seem to be faking. And sometimes the Mistresses didn’t stop, but carried on enjoying inflicting pain and obvious damage on their poor victim.

I just couldn’t imagine this friendly girl Kath being so hardcore. But here I was, strapped to the Cross in the room I’d seen in the videos. I tested the bonds. No, I wasn’t going anywhere even if I wanted to. This was really going to happen. And I’d just have to endure it.

I suddenly felt apprehensive again. I knew I wanted this, but I was still frightened. I could always call it off, we hadn’t actually started yet.

I heard a door opening somewhere, then their voices and clattering footsteps coming towards this room. There was a pause. I held my breath. My cock was till hard.

The door opened.

They came in, closing the door behind them.

It was Mistress Kath and Mistress Suzan, just as they’d been in the videos, in their serious dominatrix gear. Both were holding whips. I recognized them from the videos. I’d seen what they could do.

I’d seen the blood.

“I…err… what would you say if…if I said I was chickening out, thanks, sorry… Mistress?...erm… Mistresses?”

I didn’t see the kick coming, but it got me hard in the balls between my spread legs. The second one was so much worse.

They burst out laughing.

“We’d say tough shit, mate!” said Mistress Suzan, slamming another kick into my delicate balls. I gagged.

“…I…I…oh, oh…please?”

“Are we getting this on video?”

“Oh yeah! I had it set up before I brought him in here…can I just…?”

“Be my guest!”

Mistress Suzan stepped to one side. Mistress Kath stood in front of me.

If I hadn’t been fastened to the Cross I’d have been doubled up on the floor in agony. As it was, I had nowhere to go. I was gasping, trying to cope with the pain, but my legs were still tied apart and were beginning to tremble.

She lined up her kick, stepping back, muscles flexing as she moved. Smiled at me.

“Please! Oh don’t…I…please...?”





I was still writhing when Mistress Kath grabbed my brutalized balls and pulled them towards her for inspection.

“Hmmm! They’re looking nice and red now aren’t they?”

I cried out in sickening pain as she tightened her grip, then started yanking them around.

I begged her to stop. But she didn’t.

Not until she was ready and my balls were aching and I was retching, feeling sick with the pain. Any doubts I’d had about her ability to be cruel were wrong.

She gave me one last vicious tug that made me scream, then let go.

“Don’t you dare be sick! We won’t stop!”

Then Mistress Suzan came over with a length of thin cord in one hand. With her other she massaged my cock back to firmness.

“That’s better! You feeling better now, hmmm?”

“Oh…oh…yes…yes thank you Mistress! But..”

“No Buts! Good! We need you nice and hard!”

I gulped.

She released my bobbing and dribbling cock and made a slip-knot with the cord. She fastened it round my aching genitals and then began wrapping them with the cord. I writhed and moaned and pleaded as she separated my balls with wrap after wrap, then several tight turns around my whole package. She tied the cord and stepped back.

“Oooh! That looks good! Can we have a close-up?”


Mistress Kath had come over with the video camera. “His balls look a bit red, but no bruising yet!”

“Not yet, no!”

They both laughed.

Mistress Suzan walked over to the wall and selected a whip.

“This should do the job!”

Mistress Kath turned the camera round to her friend, who began testing the whip, practicing her delivery. Despite the predicament I was in, I became even more aroused at the sight of Mistress Suzan’s arm-muscles flexing as she wielded the whip, her breasts bouncing deliciously.

She moved over to me and stood to one side. The camera lingered on her for a while as she posed. Then it pointed back to my engorged and bound genitals. The veins on my cock were really standing out under the pressure of the binding.

“Are you ready, slave?”

“Oh, no! Please…”

“Yes I’m ready” said Mistress Kath, ignoring me.


“Oh yes!”


I screamed as she lashed my cock.

“Yes! Nice one! Do it again!”

Mistress Suzan raised her whip again. Slashed it down hard on my cock.

“Fantastic! Look at those marks!”

I could barely hear what they were saying. I was in agony.


“Now go for his balls…”


The pain exploded in my testicles. I screamed. This was too much, worse than I’d imagined. I begged for mercy.

They laughed.

Mistress Suzan aimed her whip again, then unleashed another blow to my bound balls. And again. And another.

Then she went back to whipping my cock.

I really couldn’t describe the pain. And the fear of the damage she was doing. My cock was raw and bright red but turning dark with the bruising. My balls were agonized, throbbing painfully.

This was what I’d so wanted, but I couldn’t take it.

“Please!” I begged

Mistress Suzan lashed me again and again. Cock, then balls. Then cock. Then balls again.

I begged and pleaded when I could get my breath. But she carried on, deliberately and mercilessly, as Mistress Kath caught it all on video.

“Oh nice!” she purred. “Look at those bruises! Looks really sore now. Look at his balls!”

Mistress Suzan paused. Inspected the damage. Prodded with her whip. I groaned.

“Do you want a go?”

“Oh yeah! Keep hold of this and keep filming”

Now Mistress Suzan had the camera and Mistress Kath tested the whip.

“Quite heavy, isn’t it?” she swished it through the air.

“Yeah! It’s the one I bought a couple of weeks ago. You haven’t used it yet?”

“No, but I will now!”


Straight to my balls. I screamed and thrashed in my bonds, sobbing in agony.

“Hang on! I didn’t catch that! Do it again!”

“Get his balls again? OK! You ready?”

“I’m ready”

“Don’t think he is, though! Never mind…”


Her whip bit into my balls again. I screamed.

She had no mercy.

Again and again.

THWAK! THWAK!...THWAK! The last was the hardest. My tied balls were badly bruised and swollen and agonized and marked.

Then she returned to my sore cock.


The pain was searing, overwhelming.

I was sobbing for mercy, shaking uncontrollably.

“Aaargh! Please, Mistress…” I pleaded

“What? Please you want some more?” she smiled.

“Oh no! I…” trying to twist away from her but not getting anywhere.


“Have you had enough now?” she paused. “Hmmm?”

“I…oh..oh…yes Mistress! Please! Please, no more!”

“OK, lets take a break…

“Thank you Mistress!”

“…while we get the medical kit ready. For the injuries you’re going to get” she grinned.

“No! Please Mistress! Really…I’ve…I’ve really had enough” I sobbed.

“Tough!” She drew her leg back.


My tenderized balls exploded in pain. First the fierce impact and then the welling of the ball-pain, the growing and sickening agony. Her legs were so strong.

They laughed.

“You cruel bitch, Kath!”

“I know! Just can’t help myself sometimes!”

They laughed again, enjoying themselves. I could barely focus on what was happening.

I’d had a few sessions with another Dominatrix but she hadn’t been as cruel as these two. But this was what I’d thought I wanted

“Do you want to film for a bit while I…do some…damage?” Mistress Suzan passed the camcorder over and took the heavy whip. She looked down at my cock and balls.

I could see some welts and some bruising. Something in me really wanted this.

But it was incredibly painful and I was frightened about what they were doing to me. I didn’t think I could take it. This was a mistake.

“Please, Mistress…”

“Please what? Are we hurting you? Poor thing!” she purred.

She moved her hand towards me and I flinched as she touched me, running fingertips along my swollen shaft until I was panting and hard for her.

She wrapped her hot hand around me and began gently but firmly pumping until I was starting to feel the waves of orgasm building. She took her hand away.

I was bobbing in the cold air, dribbling pre-cum.

She raised the whip.

“Are you ready?”

“Oh…no! I…please…!”

“Yes!” said Mistress Kath, adjusting the camera. “I’m ready! Carry on!”

The whip hissed and slapped down viciously onto my erection. I screamed.

Mistress Suzan smiled. I could hardly see through my tears.

“Oh yes!”

She launched another stinging deliberate attack on my erect penis. And another. Then she started whipping my balls.

“Go on! Harder! That’s is great!” Mistress Kath moved back a bit, not wanting to get in the way of the vicious whip.

“Are you…” Thwack! “…getting…” Crack! “…this?”

“Oh yes!” Mistress Kath whispered, excited, focusing her camera on my balls which were starting to bleed “Harder!”

Mistress Suzan was grinning, really enjoying hurting me.


She drew her arm way back and unleashed a fearsome blow to my balls.

“Yeah! That’s great! You sadistic bitch!”

“Yeah! I know!” she laughed, carrying on with the hard whipping as Kath filmed my every attempt to twist away but I was bound too firmly.

I begged and pleaded whenever I could get a breath but she was relentless, determined to hurt me

Eventually she stopped.

“There! Nice and bloody…and so bruised!” Mistress Suzan pressed the whip to her pussy in front of me.

I was in excruciating pain. I’d so wanted this, but it was so hard. I was in agony and could barely focus.

“My turn now!” said Mistress Kath, handing the camera over and taking the whip.

“Oh God! No! Please?” I managed.

They laughed.

Mistress Kath came up to me, crouched down and inspected the damage, glancing up at her friend who was leaning down to look.

“Hmmm! You made some nice marks there! They’ll look great in about an hour”
She ran a finger along the bruises and broken welts. “But maybe we could get a bit more…blood…just to finish?”

“Oh I think so!” laughed Mistress Suzan, adjusting the camera and pointing it at my battered groin. The binding was keeping my cock hard and my balls were bursting.

Mistress Kath looked up at me.

“What do you think, Steve? Hmmm?”

She wrapped her hand round my sore cock and gently made it harder.

“I…oh…oh Mistress…please…”

I’d so wanted this. Now I was getting it.

I couldn’t help noticing how her leg muscles flexed as she rose. Her kicks were the hardest to take. And now I noticed the muscles in her arms as she made the whip whistle through the air a few times.

“Come on now Steve! You’re doing so well, isn’t he?”

“Oh yes!” the camera following her as she strutted before me, high heels clumping on the floor boards as she fondled her whip.

“But you’re going to have to take a bit more!” she grinned, drew her arm back and smashed her whip into my balls again.

I screamed as she hit me harder and harder. They were both laughing now.

“Oh! That looks good! Look! Look how he’s bleeding!”

“Yeah! I know! Just watch…”

Her whip carried on relentlessly, splattering blood across my thighs.

I passed out with the unremitting pain. The world faded away. It was only the pain. Again and again. They were still laughing.

They were undoing my bonds and gently lowering me to the floor. I collapsed, curled up in agony. The cool floorboards were a welcome relief.

“There! That wasn’t so bad, was it? Well done!”

Despite my agony, I registered Mistress Suzan going over and switching the camera off.

Phew! It was finished! Such a relief.

“Thank you!” I gasped

They helped me up. I rose on unsteady legs.


The exploding pain from her knee dropped me.

“Sorry! Just couldn’t help myself!” Mistress Kath apologized, grinning. They both laughed.

“What a mess! Come over here. We’ll clean you up. Well done! You’ve been very brave. That’ll be a great video, don’t you think Suze? Thank you!”

I tried to smile, but it came out as a grimace of agony.

“Maybe we’ll go easier on you next time, eh?” her hand went to my cock and it responded.

“Oh…oh…please Mistress…!”

“Or not? If there’s a next time?”

Her knee crashed into my bruised and bleeding balls again


The rain pelted down on me as I stood on the doorstep. I took one more glance around. No one seemed to notice I was there. The few people in sight were huddled against the wet, passing by without looking.

To say I was nervous about what I was about to do would be a serious understatement. But I’d been wrestling with this for weeks. And now here I was.

Once more I let myself consider that I didn’t have to do this. I didn’t have to press the doorbell. It was my choice.

I’d seen the advert on a ballbusting forum for a video shoot. They needed to be able to leave some marks, bruised balls etc.

It was time.

I pressed the doorbell.

I heard footsteps. Heels on a hard floor. The door opened with a rattle of locks.



“It’s really good to see you! I’m Kath””

She stepped back and held the door open for me, smiling, beckoning me in. She was taller than me as I knew she would be. She looked great in her online photos. But in the flesh was a different thing. She was wearing stockings and suspenders and a short dress. Her legs were amazing

I entered, tongue-tied.

This wasn’t quite what I’d expected, what I’d steeled myself for. Not exactly Doom For Whoever Enters Here. Maybe this would be easier than I’d thought. I felt some sense of relief. This was going to be OK.

She closed the front door and set the locks. As she reached for the top one I noticed her short skirt hitched up, showing off her gorgeous shapely and strong-looking legs. I felt my hard-on grow.

“Just go through there”

Kath indicated a room off the hallway as she turned back round. I tore my gaze away from her legs and entered.

It was a big room. It was set up as a dungeon. On one side was a St.Andrews Cross. Ready for the victim to be strapped onto. That’d be me. On the other side of the room a tripod was set up with a camera on top.

“You like it Steve?”

Kath was standing beside me, I could smell her gorgeous perfume.

“I…yeah! Looks…cool!”

But I was thinking about the promise of bruised balls

“Looks cool, eh? That’s good. Come over here,,,”

I followed her to a corner I hadn’t noticed. A couple of chairs and a small desk. She gestured for me to sit down. I did. She sat at the desk and picked up a couple of documents.

“I just need you to sign these, Steve. Just a formal waiver saying you’re ok about doing this, that there might be some bruising and stuff and you’re ok about it, like we discussed on the emails. Just a formality. Sorry! I don’t want to get into any trouble or anything!””

She gave me a big smile and passed me the papers and a pen.

“That’s OK!”

I read it through. It was what we’d agreed. She seemed amused.

“It just needs your signature…just there!” She pointed at the space.

I signed.

“That’s great! Thanks!” She took the paper and pen and put them in a drawer in the desk.

She stood up.

“OK, get your kit off and we can get started!”


I took my clothes off under her watchful gaze. Placed them carefully on one of the chairs. I was self-conscious of my erection but it didn’t seem to bother her. Just a passing glance and a little smile.

“Come over here!” she indicated to the Cross.

I gulped. I was beginning to be scared. I’d never done this before. I’d seen videos on her website where she really laid into the cock and balls of her victim. I’d had sessions with other Dommes before, but marking had been a hard limit. My circumstances had changed and it’d taken a lot of thought before I’d contacted her.

“Come on! Looks like you’re ready for it” she smiled. She was gorgeous. I couldn’t believe she was going to really hurt me. Yes I could. I knew what some women were like.

I smiled back, nervously. But I obediently walked over to the Cross. I felt self-conscious with the air on my naked body.

She fastened me to the padded wooden Cross. The leather straps were tight. She made sure I couldn’t move at all

“There! That’s great! Susan should be here in a minute and we can get started!”

The doorbell rang.

“That’ll be her! We’re looking forward to having some fun with you, you’ll enjoy it for sure!”

She ran her fingertips along my hard-on. It bobbed and strained under her caress.

She sauntered over to the door and opened it. She turned round to look at me over her shoulder, smiling.

“Don’t go anywhere! I’ll be back!” She blew me a kiss and left the room, closing the door firmly behind her.

Phew! I took a deep breath. This wasn’t what I’d expected. She was so…nice!

But I remembered my favourite videos of Mistress Kath and Mistress Suzan. They were more hardcore than I’d played before. Quite brutal and sadistic.

I heard the front door opening, some greetings, the door closing. Talking and footsteps away from this room. Then the sound of another door. It went quiet.

I thought about those videos again. They seemed to push the boundaries of being consensual. There was obvious marking and bruising which the Mistresses seemed to relish. And the guys went along with it even though it was clearly difficult and painful, but sometimes to a point where they seemed to be genuinely begging the Mistresses to stop. Really didn’t seem to be faking. And sometimes the Mistresses didn’t stop, but carried on enjoying inflicting pain and obvious damage on their poor victim.

I just couldn’t imagine this friendly girl Kath being so hardcore. But here I was, strapped to the Cross in the room I’d seen in the videos. I tested the bonds. No, I wasn’t going anywhere even if I wanted to. This was really going to happen. And I’d just have to endure it.

I suddenly felt apprehensive again. I knew I wanted this, but I was still frightened. I could always call it off, we hadn’t actually started yet.

I heard a door opening somewhere, then their voices and clattering footsteps coming towards this room. There was a pause. I held my breath. My cock was till hard.

The door opened.

They came in, closing the door behind them.

It was Mistress Kath and Mistress Suzan, just as they’d been in the videos, in their serious dominatrix gear. Both were holding whips. I recognized them from the videos. I’d seen what they could do.

I’d seen the blood.

“I…err… what would you say if…if I said I was chickening out, thanks, sorry… Mistress?...erm… Mistresses?”

I didn’t see the kick coming, but it got me hard in the balls between my spread legs. The second one was so much worse.

They burst out laughing.

“We’d say tough shit, mate!” said Mistress Suzan, slamming another kick into my delicate balls. I gagged.

“…I…I…oh, oh…please?”

“Are we getting this on video?”

“Oh yeah! I had it set up before I brought him in here…can I just…?”

“Be my guest!”

Mistress Suzan stepped to one side. Mistress Kath stood in front of me.

If I hadn’t been fastened to the Cross I’d have been doubled up on the floor in agony. As it was, I had nowhere to go. I was gasping, trying to cope with the pain, but my legs were still tied apart and were beginning to tremble.

She lined up her kick, stepping back, muscles flexing as she moved. Smiled at me.

“Please! Oh don’t…I…please...?”





I was still writhing when Mistress Kath grabbed my brutalized balls and pulled them towards her for inspection.

“Hmmm! They’re looking nice and red now aren’t they?”

I cried out in sickening pain as she tightened her grip, then started yanking them around.

I begged her to stop. But she didn’t.

Not until she was ready and my balls were aching and I was retching, feeling sick with the pain. Any doubts I’d had about her ability to be cruel were wrong.

She gave me one last vicious tug that made me scream, then let go.

“Don’t you dare be sick! We won’t stop!”

Then Mistress Suzan came over with a length of thin cord in one hand. With her other she massaged my cock back to firmness.

“That’s better! You feeling better now, hmmm?”

“Oh…oh…yes…yes thank you Mistress! But..”

“No Buts! Good! We need you nice and hard!”

I gulped.

She released my bobbing and dribbling cock and made a slip-knot with the cord. She fastened it round my aching genitals and then began wrapping them with the cord. I writhed and moaned and pleaded as she separated my balls with wrap after wrap, then several tight turns around my whole package. She tied the cord and stepped back.

“Oooh! That looks good! Can we have a close-up?”


Mistress Kath had come over with the video camera. “His balls look a bit red, but no bruising yet!”

“Not yet, no!”

They both laughed.

Mistress Suzan walked over to the wall and selected a whip.

“This should do the job!”

Mistress Kath turned the camera round to her friend, who began testing the whip, practicing her delivery. Despite the predicament I was in, I became even more aroused at the sight of Mistress Suzan’s arm-muscles flexing as she wielded the whip, her breasts bouncing deliciously.

She moved over to me and stood to one side. The camera lingered on her for a while as she posed. Then it pointed back to my engorged and bound genitals. The veins on my cock were really standing out under the pressure of the binding.

“Are you ready, slave?”

“Oh, no! Please…”

“Yes I’m ready” said Mistress Kath, ignoring me.


“Oh yes!”


I screamed as she lashed my cock.

“Yes! Nice one! Do it again!”

Mistress Suzan raised her whip again. Slashed it down hard on my cock.

“Fantastic! Look at those marks!”

I could barely hear what they were saying. I was in agony.


“Now go for his balls…”


The pain exploded in my testicles. I screamed. This was too much, worse than I’d imagined. I begged for mercy.

They laughed.

Mistress Suzan aimed her whip again, then unleashed another blow to my bound balls. And again. And another.

Then she went back to whipping my cock.

I really couldn’t describe the pain. And the fear of the damage she was doing. My cock was raw and bright red but turning dark with the bruising. My balls were agonized, throbbing painfully.

This was what I’d so wanted, but I couldn’t take it.

“Please!” I begged

Mistress Suzan lashed me again and again. Cock, then balls. Then cock. Then balls again.

I begged and pleaded when I could get my breath. But she carried on, deliberately and mercilessly, as Mistress Kath caught it all on video.

“Oh nice!” she purred. “Look at those bruises! Looks really sore now. Look at his balls!”

Mistress Suzan paused. Inspected the damage. Prodded with her whip. I groaned.

“Do you want a go?”

“Oh yeah! Keep hold of this and keep filming”

Now Mistress Suzan had the camera and Mistress Kath tested the whip.

“Quite heavy, isn’t it?” she swished it through the air.

“Yeah! It’s the one I bought a couple of weeks ago. You haven’t used it yet?”

“No, but I will now!”


Straight to my balls. I screamed and thrashed in my bonds, sobbing in agony.

“Hang on! I didn’t catch that! Do it again!”

“Get his balls again? OK! You ready?”

“I’m ready”

“Don’t think he is, though! Never mind…”


Her whip bit into my balls again. I screamed.

She had no mercy.

Again and again.

THWAK! THWAK!...THWAK! The last was the hardest. My tied balls were badly bruised and swollen and agonized and marked.

Then she returned to my sore cock.


The pain was searing, overwhelming.

I was sobbing for mercy, shaking uncontrollably.

“Aaargh! Please, Mistress…” I pleaded

“What? Please you want some more?” she smiled.

“Oh no! I…” trying to twist away from her but not getting anywhere.


“Have you had enough now?” she paused. “Hmmm?”

“I…oh..oh…yes Mistress! Please! Please, no more!”

“OK, lets take a break…

“Thank you Mistress!”

“…while we get the medical kit ready. For the injuries you’re going to get” she grinned.

“No! Please Mistress! Really…I’ve…I’ve really had enough” I sobbed.

“Tough!” She drew her leg back.


My tenderized balls exploded in pain. First the fierce impact and then the welling of the ball-pain, the growing and sickening agony. Her legs were so strong.

They laughed.

“You cruel bitch, Kath!”

“I know! Just can’t help myself sometimes!”

They laughed again, enjoying themselves. I could barely focus on what was happening.

I’d had a few sessions with another Dominatrix but she hadn’t been as cruel as these two. But this was what I’d thought I wanted

“Do you want to film for a bit while I…do some…damage?” Mistress Suzan passed the camcorder over and took the heavy whip. She looked down at my cock and balls.

I could see some welts and some bruising. Something in me really wanted this.

But it was incredibly painful and I was frightened about what they were doing to me. I didn’t think I could take it. This was a mistake.

“Please, Mistress…”

“Please what? Are we hurting you? Poor thing!” she purred.

She moved her hand towards me and I flinched as she touched me, running fingertips along my swollen shaft until I was panting and hard for her.

She wrapped her hot hand around me and began gently but firmly pumping until I was starting to feel the waves of orgasm building. She took her hand away.

I was bobbing in the cold air, dribbling pre-cum.

She raised the whip.

“Are you ready?”

“Oh…no! I…please…!”

“Yes!” said Mistress Kath, adjusting the camera. “I’m ready! Carry on!”

The whip hissed and slapped down viciously onto my erection. I screamed.

Mistress Suzan smiled. I could hardly see through my tears.

“Oh yes!”

She launched another stinging deliberate attack on my erect penis. And another. Then she started whipping my balls.

“Go on! Harder! That’s is great!” Mistress Kath moved back a bit, not wanting to get in the way of the vicious whip.

“Are you…” Thwack! “…getting…” Crack! “…this?”

“Oh yes!” Mistress Kath whispered, excited, focusing her camera on my balls which were starting to bleed “Harder!”

Mistress Suzan was grinning, really enjoying hurting me.


She drew her arm way back and unleashed a fearsome blow to my balls.

“Yeah! That’s great! You sadistic bitch!”

“Yeah! I know!” she laughed, carrying on with the hard whipping as Kath filmed my every attempt to twist away but I was bound too firmly.

I begged and pleaded whenever I could get a breath but she was relentless, determined to hurt me

Eventually she stopped.

“There! Nice and bloody…and so bruised!” Mistress Suzan pressed the whip to her pussy in front of me.

I was in excruciating pain. I’d so wanted this, but it was so hard. I was in agony and could barely focus.

“My turn now!” said Mistress Kath, handing the camera over and taking the whip.

“Oh God! No! Please?” I managed.

They laughed.

Mistress Kath came up to me, crouched down and inspected the damage, glancing up at her friend who was leaning down to look.

“Hmmm! You made some nice marks there! They’ll look great in about an hour”
She ran a finger along the bruises and broken welts. “But maybe we could get a bit more…blood…just to finish?”

“Oh I think so!” laughed Mistress Suzan, adjusting the camera and pointing it at my battered groin. The binding was keeping my cock hard and my balls were bursting.

Mistress Kath looked up at me.

“What do you think, Steve? Hmmm?”

She wrapped her hand round my sore cock and gently made it harder.

“I…oh…oh Mistress…please…”

I’d so wanted this. Now I was getting it.

I couldn’t help noticing how her leg muscles flexed as she rose. Her kicks were the hardest to take. And now I noticed the muscles in her arms as she made the whip whistle through the air a few times.

“Come on now Steve! You’re doing so well, isn’t he?”

“Oh yes!” the camera following her as she strutted before me, high heels clumping on the floor boards as she fondled her whip.

“But you’re going to have to take a bit more!” she grinned, drew her arm back and smashed her whip into my balls again.

I screamed as she hit me harder and harder. They were both laughing now.

“Oh! That looks good! Look! Look how he’s bleeding!”

“Yeah! I know! Just watch…”

Her whip carried on relentlessly, splattering blood across my thighs.

I passed out with the unremitting pain. The world faded away. It was only the pain. Again and again. They were still laughing.

They were undoing my bonds and gently lowering me to the floor. I collapsed, curled up in agony. The cool floorboards were a welcome relief.

“There! That wasn’t so bad, was it? Well done!”

Despite my agony, I registered Mistress Suzan going over and switching the camera off.

Phew! It was finished! Such a relief.

“Thank you!” I gasped

They helped me up. I rose on unsteady legs.


The exploding pain from her knee dropped me.

“Sorry! Just couldn’t help myself!” Mistress Kath apologized, grinning. They both laughed.

“What a mess! Come over here. We’ll clean you up. Well done! You’ve been very brave. That’ll be a great video, don’t you think Suze? Thank you!”

I tried to smile, but it came out as a grimace of agony.

“Maybe we’ll go easier on you next time, eh?” her hand went to my cock and it responded.

“Oh…oh…please Mistress…!”

“Or not? If there’s a next time?”

Her knee crashed into my bruised and bleeding balls again


The rain pelted down on me as I stood on the doorstep. I took one more glance around. No one seemed to notice I was there. The few people in sight were huddled against the wet, passing by without looking.

To say I was nervous about what I was about to do would be a serious understatement. But I’d been wrestling with this for weeks. And now here I was.

Once more I let myself consider that I didn’t have to do this. I didn’t have to press the doorbell. It was my choice.

I’d seen the advert on a ballbusting forum for a video shoot. They needed to be able to leave some marks, bruised balls etc.

It was time.

I pressed the doorbell.

I heard footsteps. Heels on a hard floor. The door opened with a rattle of locks.



“It’s really good to see you! I’m Kath””

She stepped back and held the door open for me, smiling, beckoning me in. She was taller than me as I knew she would be. She looked great in her online photos. But in the flesh was a different thing. She was wearing stockings and suspenders and a short dress. Her legs were amazing

I entered, tongue-tied.

This wasn’t quite what I’d expected, what I’d steeled myself for. Not exactly Doom For Whoever Enters Here. Maybe this would be easier than I’d thought. I felt some sense of relief. This was going to be OK.

She closed the front door and set the locks. As she reached for the top one I noticed her short skirt hitched up, showing off her gorgeous shapely and strong-looking legs. I felt my hard-on grow.

“Just go through there”

Kath indicated a room off the hallway as she turned back round. I tore my gaze away from her legs and entered.

It was a big room. It was set up as a dungeon. On one side was a St.Andrews Cross. Ready for the victim to be strapped onto. That’d be me. On the other side of the room a tripod was set up with a camera on top.

“You like it Steve?”

Kath was standing beside me, I could smell her gorgeous perfume.

“I…yeah! Looks…cool!”

But I was thinking about the promise of bruised balls

“Looks cool, eh? That’s good. Come over here,,,”

I followed her to a corner I hadn’t noticed. A couple of chairs and a small desk. She gestured for me to sit down. I did. She sat at the desk and picked up a couple of documents.

“I just need you to sign these, Steve. Just a formal waiver saying you’re ok about doing this, that there might be some bruising and stuff and you’re ok about it, like we discussed on the emails. Just a formality. Sorry! I don’t want to get into any trouble or anything!””

She gave me a big smile and passed me the papers and a pen.

“That’s OK!”

I read it through. It was what we’d agreed. She seemed amused.

“It just needs your signature…just there!” She pointed at the space.

I signed.

“That’s great! Thanks!” She took the paper and pen and put them in a drawer in the desk.

She stood up.

“OK, get your kit off and we can get started!”


I took my clothes off under her watchful gaze. Placed them carefully on one of the chairs. I was self-conscious of my erection but it didn’t seem to bother her. Just a passing glance and a little smile.

“Come over here!” she indicated to the Cross.

I gulped. I was beginning to be scared. I’d never done this before. I’d seen videos on her website where she really laid into the cock and balls of her victim. I’d had sessions with other Dommes before, but marking had been a hard limit. My circumstances had changed and it’d taken a lot of thought before I’d contacted her.

“Come on! Looks like you’re ready for it” she smiled. She was gorgeous. I couldn’t believe she was going to really hurt me. Yes I could. I knew what some women were like.

I smiled back, nervously. But I obediently walked over to the Cross. I felt self-conscious with the air on my naked body.

She fastened me to the padded wooden Cross. The leather straps were tight. She made sure I couldn’t move at all

“There! That’s great! Susan should be here in a minute and we can get started!”

The doorbell rang.

“That’ll be her! We’re looking forward to having some fun with you, you’ll enjoy it for sure!”

She ran her fingertips along my hard-on. It bobbed and strained under her caress.

She sauntered over to the door and opened it. She turned round to look at me over her shoulder, smiling.

“Don’t go anywhere! I’ll be back!” She blew me a kiss and left the room, closing the door firmly behind her.

Phew! I took a deep breath. This wasn’t what I’d expected. She was so…nice!

But I remembered my favourite videos of Mistress Kath and Mistress Suzan. They were more hardcore than I’d played before. Quite brutal and sadistic.

I heard the front door opening, some greetings, the door closing. Talking and footsteps away from this room. Then the sound of another door. It went quiet.

I thought about those videos again. They seemed to push the boundaries of being consensual. There was obvious marking and bruising which the Mistresses seemed to relish. And the guys went along with it even though it was clearly difficult and painful, but sometimes to a point where they seemed to be genuinely begging the Mistresses to stop. Really didn’t seem to be faking. And sometimes the Mistresses didn’t stop, but carried on enjoying inflicting pain and obvious damage on their poor victim.

I just couldn’t imagine this friendly girl Kath being so hardcore. But here I was, strapped to the Cross in the room I’d seen in the videos. I tested the bonds. No, I wasn’t going anywhere even if I wanted to. This was really going to happen. And I’d just have to endure it.

I suddenly felt apprehensive again. I knew I wanted this, but I was still frightened. I could always call it off, we hadn’t actually started yet.

I heard a door opening somewhere, then their voices and clattering footsteps coming towards this room. There was a pause. I held my breath. My cock was till hard.

The door opened.

09-14-2019, 03:04 PM
Don't know what happened here, and why the repeats. Apologies