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View Full Version : A story: Busted by a Stranger

07-14-2020, 12:14 AM
You get into the motel lobby. You've been chatting with this girl you have met only online, Monica for months. She looks like the typical beautiful blond, except a bit thinner and just a little better endowed...unless she has Catfished you. You eagerly await what she looks like.

You are pleasantly surprised to see her greet you, the exact women in the picture, except maybe a little prettier. She said, "I've booked the room and have it set up." You walk down the walkway and look in the room. She has these straps connected to the bed. She wants to tie you up. You are a little nervous about having your balls busted by a stranger while tied up.. but she isn't stranger. You've been chatting through an online chatbox for moths. If you don't let this pretty 30-year-old bust your balls while you are tied up, will you ever have another chance.

She helps you out of your clothes and into the straps. She secures you down tight so you can't really even wiggle. You are naked except for your black socks. She puts a ballgag in your mouth. Then she says, "I'm sorry mister, but that lady over there gave me $100 to lead you here and tie you up. Have fun you two."

You look over, and out of the bathroom comes a woman who looks a lot like a heavier Kathy Bateman, only less feminine and much less attractive. Besides her size, the first thing you notice is the mole on her nose, right on the tip except a bit off center. And she's got two hairs growing out of it, not normal straight hair, but rather curly public-hair looking hairs. You also see that she is wearing a dominatrix getup. You didn't know they made them that big. Her buttocks, hips, and even all the way down her thighs, are covered by cellulite.

She says, "I had to give you a fake picture to get you to come. You said you wanted to feel my put. Here, have a hand full."

She puts a handfull of her butt into your restrained hands. You try not to wretch as she does so. You struggle, grunting to object to such torture, pulling your completely tightened restraints, but to no avail. It feels like flesh except bumpier. She said, "I felt it necessary to deceive you. If I sent you my picture, you never would have come."

"When I was a teenager, no boys would ever date me. Then, late in my teens, a man raped me. I have decided to get revenge on all men for this. You have volunteered to be tortured and you laid down and let us ball gag you. I'll take out my frustrations on your body."

"Let me tell you some good news and some bad news. The good news is that some of the fantasies you told me about-- getting your balls busted, being 'ruined', and having your balls made worthless is about to be fulfilled tonight. The bad news is, I can absolutely guarantee you that you are going to regret your decision to come here tonight."

"By the way, thank you for paying for this room. But you should ahve to pay for it. It's your operation."

She then says, "I will pierce, squeeze, and mash up your balls tonight. I will try to do this with the maximum pain possible. Instead of busting your balls nice and slow where you might enjoy it, I'll do this fast." Immediately, she has pulled a hat pin out of somewere. This lady is crazy. You pull with all your might to free yourself, but it is too late.

"Let's start with this hat pin." In a second, she has it poking your scrotum. You try to object, but you are gagged. you cannot beleive the pain as she has already subjected your balls to. She then gets out a hammer. You feel the first blow as she hits your pierced testicle, but then you pass out.

You awaken to an awful smell, a burning in your nose.. She tells you, "The men I do this to usually pass out while having their balls ruined. She taps your ball again with a hammer. The pain is excruciating. She pulls over a full length mirror she had in the room and shows you the growing pile of mush where your ball had been. Then she says, watch this. You grunt as she wiggles the hat pin to make the whole larger. Then, like popping a giant zit, you see in the reflection as she squirts mushy red testicle out of the hole made by the hat pin. She repeats the process on ball two. you pass out three times on that one. Then, she produces a hot iron and says, "This is to keep you from bleeding to death. You feel terrible pain as she cuts your scrotum off, then even more pain as she cauterizes the wound.

And the moral of the story is to be careful with who you meet on the Internet and not to let a stranger tie you up.

07-14-2020, 04:33 AM
Yowch--sounds like a deleted scene from Misery they pulled to avoid an X rating, ha. Usually best to hold off on inescapable restraints until the second date :p

07-14-2020, 05:08 PM
Yowch--sounds like a deleted scene from Misery they pulled to avoid an X rating, ha. Usually best to hold off on inescapable restraints until the second date :p

I didn't even think of the movie Misery, but of course Kathy Bateman would bring up those memories. I was just thinking of seeing her in a movie looking really butch and extremely unappealing. She was about the most unappealing female actress many people would know that I could think of off the top of my head.

07-14-2020, 05:09 PM
Should be 'you wanted to feel my butt.' I lost the post. The previous version said cellulite on top of cellulite.