View Full Version : Head or Balls? Game

10-15-2020, 11:34 AM
You could call this 'Heads or Tails?" Also. In fact, I'll use that.

Philosophy of Sex Torture
Before going into the game, I'm just suggesting this for married couples, not something to do with someone else's spouse, etc.

Also, I recommend sex games like this for those who enjoy them. Even if a woman 'tortures' her man, it's for pleasure. Even if he wouldn't choose for it to continue at the moment, the overall experience should be erotic and something he should crave later.

How to Play Heads or Tails
She gets him worked up, preferrable with some extended edging and some ball busting-- squeezing, slapping, etc. This is not the game to play on someone who has tried neither ball busting or post orgasm torture. Introduce whichever activity first to test his limits before combining them.

She gives him a nice edging hand/and or blow job, squeezing his balls. Ball play is good for edging in that it keeps up the sensation with a lower chance of ending up in an unwanted ejaculation. Ball play when he is on edge can still make him go over, so be careful. You can also do that thing where you tell him he has ten seconds to ejaculate (if he's tied) and stop stimulation on the count of two or three.

Especially at the end of the session, the male needs to be tied up securely so that he can't block his wife's hands, buck in such a way that he avoid stimulation, or flip over and push his genitals against the bed. You can tie him up with ropes or a bondage board. Velcro strips with key rings, key ring clips, carabeners, etc can work, too, as under-the-bed restraints,. This game is for men who experience post ejaculatory penis head sensitivity. It looses it's luster otherwise.

This game will involve playing with his balls with one hand along with post orgasm penis-head torture. Some men can keep nearly all or most of an erection after ejaculation if stimulation continues. If the man in question looses his erection after post-orgasm torture or if it weakens, you can apply a cock ring before he ejaculates. Just one at the base of the penis should suffice. Cock rings, in my experience, can make penis head torture unpleasant in an unsexy way. It can feel like a bone is about to bust inside and give strange feelings to the cock head. I have found that tensing up the muscles right before and while the cock ring is applies really helps minimize these problems, and also maximizes the erection.

After a lot of stimulation, finally let him orgasm. While this is happening, you have a choice, let this be the most pleasurable orgasm or half ruin it by overstimulating his penis head during the ejaculation. Some men prefer very light stimulation during the actual orgasm. It's up to you how to play this.

After the ejaculation, keep stimulating him. He might feel the overwhelming, ticklish, almost painful sensation of overstimulation. Don't stop the stimulation for too long or it might go away or diminish greatly in some men. How you play this game will depend on how likely he is to loose this sensation because you want to drag it out.

You should explain the rules to this before he ejaculates, while he is tied up, but here is how you play. While torturing his penis with continued stimulation, give him a choice 'Head or tails?' If he chooses 'tails', you squeeze his balls hard and just hold his penis in your hand. Grind his nuts together hard or squeeze them just like you would to take him to his limit you give him during normal ball busting play. He can get you to let up if he says 'heads'. Then you really let his penis head have it, squeezing it. You could let go of the nuts and palm during this time, but it's probably better to keep a grip on the nuts. When he can't take the head torture, he can say, 'tails' for you to go back to his nuts.

Now, if the guy says 'tails' too much and keeps you there. Break it up by saying, "Lady's choice now" and go for a while torturing his penis head combined with his balls, or just his penis head. This is to keep that torture sensitivity feeling going. Alternatively, when he chooses 'tails' you still keep up the stimulation, just lighter. One way to do this would be to stroke the frenulum and not the head, which may not be unpleasant post ejaculation.

Keep the game up until he isn't sensitive anymore. A man in this situation may trick you by laying still and acting disinterested while there is a bit of residue of overstimulation feeling that you can exploit. Don't quit until it is all gone. If you don't use a cockring, or even if you do, don't let a loss of erection fool you into thinking the overstimulation feeling is gone. Follow that thing down and keep stroking even after it is no longer erect.

Also, he might get excited again, get past the refractory period, and you might be able to work him up to another orgasm. If you do, exploit that sensitivity after he orgasms again. You can play 'heads or tails' again or just rub that penis while he squirms again, following the procedure above of going until all the overstimulation sensitivity is gone.

Lube and Semen
When a woman plays with a man like this, she should use lube. K-Y or off brand lube and a little squirt bottle filled with water should usually suffice. Coconut oil is another alternative.

Semen is recommended for a lub on some post-orgasm torture pages, but it is a terrible lube. Some of these sites will tell of how the man's penis skin gets red and sore after this-- no wonder if they are using semen. It can have a kind of trying almost gritty texture to it on sensitive penis head skin. When he ejaculates, it is helpful to have some wet wipes-- flushable tissue preferrably, at hand to catch the semen and quickly wipe it from his penis head. You can also point his penis toward his face. My wife and I use a flexible plastic mat and a towel to catch her female ejaculate. We use that mat on my belly with some tissue on it to catch semen. Most of the semen goes on the mat. A quick wipe with a wet wipe can get the rest. It's hard to do that and keep up with penis head torture, but you can try to incoporate the wipe into some strokes, using the hand that is not on his penis head, and then use that hand to crush his balls well for the 'heads or tails' game.

A man's balls might feel a lot more sensitive after ejaculation. It might depend on the man and the way the orgasm went. So you might want to squeeze his balls at 70 or 80% strength of what you do pre-orgasm. You can also get the same reaction with less effort and less chance of damage.

Btw, squeeze a man's balls at your own risk. There could be some risks involved. Don't squeeze too hard. Usually a man may really feel it before there is some serious damage-- but what do I know... I'm not an MD. Be on the look out for signs of extreme trauma. Don't squeeze ruptured balls. Don't rupture the testicles. Be on the lookout for leg, etc. cramps during post orgasm torture and stop if that occurs. If a session goes on for a long time, give the guy something to drink-a thirst quencher if he's sweating a lot. Keep it safe and sane.

This game works as described for men who liked to have their balls squeezed who also like to be post-orgasm tortured until the sensitivity is gone. Try each activity separately, getting feedback from him, before combining him. Feedback for post orgasm torture works best after the experience is all over. It's one of those activities a sensitive guy isn't going to like or be able to comment on while it is occurring, but you can communicate with a man getting his testicles squeezed.

You can play less intense versions of the game where the stroking and/or squeezing stops after thirty seconds, a minute, five minutes, etc. A wife can climb on top of her husband and have a go at woman on top for a while after this, too, to mix it up. The lovin' can feel good even if he's spent as far as sex drive goes, and she can get some release if all his gasping, screaming and flailing about excites her.