View Full Version : New Story: A Test of Strength Between Siblings

02-11-2021, 01:06 PM
"There's just no way girls are as strong as boys."
Travis scoffed and turned off the television. Normally, Megan would just roll her eyes at her older brother's chauvinistic comments, but today she found herself with no more patience for his machismo attitude. She had been watching a movie with her brother, who was visiting from his out-of-state college, when a scene came on featuring a man and woman squaring off in a boxing ring. The woman had made quick work of her male opponent, knocking him *********** in the first round and stunning the mostly male audience. The scene had rubbed Travis the wrong way.
"What a stupid movie, if that were real life she would have been begging for mercy in less than a minute," he boasted.
"Bullshit," shot Megan. "There's no reason a woman couldn't beat a man in a fight."
Travis laughed boisterously. "What are you, insane?" he asked, wiping away a tear from his eye. "Women are weaker than men. That's a fact. Deal with it, little girl."
Now Megan was fuming. She had just begun her freshman year at college and taken to the school's gym frequently. Her work had quickly begun to show as she sported an athletic frame, strong muscular legs and a tight stomach. Her brother, she knew, also had a penchant for exercise, having been the captain of their high school's wrestling team and even making the collegiate team's squad. He was imposing, with broad shoulders and a good head taller than her, but, even still, she thought she could take him and was sick of listening to his caveman boasting.
"Let's put it to the test, then," she challenged him. "We'll go toe-to-toe and see who's the stronger sex."
This brought about another round of obnoxious laughter from Travis. "I'm not going to waste my time kicking a girl's ass," he said, dismissing her outright.
"Well, let's make it interesting then," said Megan. She pushed herself from off the couch and turned to stand before him. Her midriff was bare between her tight spandex shorts and cropped lycra top so Travis was now eyeing her toned stomach. "If you win, I'll wait on you hand and foot over the entire break," she said, and, noting her brother's eyes lingering a tad too long on her tight shorts, added cheekily, "I'll even let you pick out my outfit.
"But if I win, you have to wait on me...," she smiled devilishly, "and I get to pick out your outfit."
She could see the wheels turning in Travis' head and, before long, he had come to the conclusion she hoped for. "Okay, fine, whatever," he said, standing himself. He towered over her. "But I'm not going to beat you up and catch hell from Mom. How about a test of strength to show you just how easily I can dominate you?"
Megan brought her fists to her hips and met his eye. "What did you have in mind?"
Her brother raised his own hands and spread his fingers. "Easy. We lock hands and whoever makes the other submit first, wins. It won't take me long," he said, chuckling down at his insolent little sister.
"So," Megan began, twisting her foot daintily on her ankle in a mock sense of ignorance, "we just squeeze each other's hands until one of us gives up?"
"Until you give up," Travis chided.
"And this will prove who the stronger sex is?"
"Yes," said Travis. He was getting visibly annoyed now.
"And the contest doesn't end until we both let go?"
"Yes, damn it!"
"Seriously? That's the only way to win?"
"Yes, we go until we both let go. Good lord!"
"And there are no other rules at all?"
"Yes, that's it! What are you stupid?"
Megan smiled from ear to ear. "Okay, buck-o, you're on!"
With that she laced her fingers into her brother's. "Do we ring a bell or something?" she asked.
"Sure, whatever," her brother replied, ready for this to be over quickly and for his sister's servitude to begin. "Ding. Ding."
He clamped down on her hands, hard. Megan, however, was prepared and bit her lip, bracing herself on her strong legs as her much larger brother bore down on her with his significant strength. She managed to apply enough pressure back against him to keep him from ending the match immediately, much to Travis' surprise.
Confusion washed over his face. Megan smiled. "Not as easy as you thought, huh?" she chirped.
He grunted in frustration and then hollered, "Time for you to find out who the stronger sex is!" He reapplied the pressure.
Megan, anticipating this, rocked back on her heels, stepped one foot back and then shot her knee forward with all her might, propelling it forward at lightning speed to bury itself deep between her brother's legs.
Megan's hard, pointed kneecap pistoned into her brother's balls, pinning them against his unyielding pelvis. The boy's grip turned to water as he curled around her knee, whimpering as his eyes began to water.
"I guess we both found out, eh Trav?" Megan mocked.
"My balls!" Travis squeaked as his eyes bulged. His sister was smiling confidently before him, still holding his hands as his knees knocked together, his body doing its best to fold around the source of torment in his groin.
"Do you give?" Megan asked. Travis only made a sharp squeaking noise in response. "Ha, oops, let's try that again," said Megan as she withdrew her knee from his battered nuts. "Do you give up?"
Travis' knees came together sharply as he sunk halfway to the floor. "I — I think I heard them," his eyes rolled slightly back in his head as the pain washed over him. "I think I heard a crunch," he finished, almost having to swallow his lunch as the word bubbled out of his mouth.
"Oh, I definitely heard a crunch," giggled Megan. "Sounded very painful. Good thing you're the stronger sex, though, right?"
Travis began to whimper and tried to pull his hands out of his little sister's grasp. "That's not fair," he pouted. "You can't do that."
"You said there were no rules, remember?"
He groaned and looked up at her with pleading eyes.
"So, you give up?" she asked again, tweaking his fingers in her hold. He squawked as she did so. "That didn't sound like a 'yes' to me," said Megan, pouting her bottom lip sexily. "Oh, well, maybe this will do it."
"No, wait —" squeaked Travis as his sister brought her leg back once more and yanked upwards on his arms. He was too late, however, as Megan lifted him from his half knelt position and swiftly brought her sneaker-clad foot racing, once more, between his legs.
The toe of her shoe struck him dead-center, flush on both testicles, squashing them hard against his groin and lifting him off his own toes.
He went up on her foot, choking on his own words as her sneaker obliterated his balls, and then crashed back down to earth, emitting a whistling squeal. Still, Megan held his hands firmly above his head as he cradled his body around his splintered nuts.
"Holy shit!" Megan effused. "I actually lifted you off the ground!"
"Oh GOD!" Travis moaned shrilly. "My balls. You cracked my balls!"
Megan gave her brother's knuckles a crack, eliciting another squawk from the downed boy. "I think I may be winning," she gloated, spreading Travis' arms out as she looked down at her opponent. Her brother was slumped forward, his face inches off the carpet and his knees clamped solidly together. His grip had completely gone and only Megan's hold on his hands kept his arms aloft.
"What's going on up there?!" Megan heard her mother call out from downstairs. She must have heard Travis' body thumping to the carpet after her last kick to his tender area. Either that or she heard him squealing, Megan thought with a smile. And, as if her mother had her thoughts, she called out from downstairs, "I heard screaming. You better not be hurting your sister up there, Travis!"
"Oh, that is just classic!" Megan giggled. She spread her brother's arms out as wide as she could and leaned over him, stressing his arms and shoulders. "Don't hurt me too bad, big brother," she cooed in a mocking singsong voice.
"I give! I give!" Travis shrieked. His voice was still strained and shrill, nowhere near his usual register.
"I said leave your sister alone!" Their mother hollered as she made her way up the stairs hurriedly. A moment later she rounded the corner, fully ready to give an earful to her firstborn, only to be stricken frozen at the sight of her daughter leaning dominantly over her brother. "Oh...my," she said, taken aback. "Wh-What's going on up here?"
"Please," Travis squealed, lifting his head to turn towards the salvation he thought his mother offered. "Make her stop! I give up! I give up, Megan! You win!"
Despite herself, their mother couldn't help but let out a little giggle at the high register of her son's voice and the humiliating position he found himself in. She covered her mouth, embarrassed. "Oh, Travis," she said, still giggling, "I thought you were your sister. What happened to your voice?"
"I knocked it up a few octaves," Megan stated proudly.
"Well, how did you...," her mother began and then trailed off as she noticed her son's position on the floor, the deeply pained look plastered on his face and how his knees were bent inward. "Oh," she said and now her giggles gave way to a full-throated laugh. "I didn't know you could actually do that!"
"I don't think Travis did either," said Megan. "He was very confident a few minutes ago that men were stronger than women."
"Well," said her mother, "I certainly think he's rethinking that now."
"Please," Travis begged, appealing to this mother with wide tearful eyes as his sister continued to apply pressure on his fingers. "Make her stop. I gave up! Those were the rules, Megan. I give up! I'm begging for mercy!"
"Tsk tsk," chided Megan. "Who's the stupid one now? You agreed that the contest doesn't end until we both let go. Well?" she asked, doubling down her grip on his limp hands. Travis yelped. "I haven't let go yet."
"Mom, please!" Travis screeched. "Make her stop. I'm begging. She's stronger! She wins! I'm sorry. Oh God, please, my balls!!"
Their mother couldn't help but giggle again. She was nearly ashamed at how much she was enjoying watching her daughter so easily and completely dominate her older brother. "I'm sorry, Travis, but if those were the rules you agreed to, those are the rules. You're a big, strong man, I'm sure you can take a bit of roughhousing from your baby sister."
Travis' jaw dropped open and he began to whimper. Megan, meanwhile, was on cloud nine.
"Yay, more fun!" she exclaimed. With a gleeful grunt she then yanked upwards on her brother's arms, causing him to emit yet another hilarious squawk as his fingers were wrenched back and he was dragged off his knees to dangle from his little sister's grasp. "Aw, don't worry, big brother," she purred. "I'll let go soon." His face twisted pitifully upward, begging her to let him fall to the carpet and hug his battered testicles.
Megan dragged her mewling brother across the room roughly by his hands and positioned him before an arm of the couch. She then backed him up so he was nearly straddling the hard wooden beam. Their mother, all atwitter to see the conclusion of the match-up, circled around for a better view.
"That'll do," Megan said, satisfied with her positioning of her opponent. "Oops, one more thing," she added and then slammed her knee into her brother's inner thigh with a teeth-chattering SMACK, sending his leg flying outward. Travis yelped again, only to be cut off as Megan repeated the process on his other leg, SMACK, effectively splaying her brother's lower limbs out as wide as they would go, bringing she and the much taller boy to eye level.
Travis' busted nuts, swollen from his sister's efficient attacks, were outlined prominently in his tight biking shorts. They now hovered about a foot above the couch's unforgiving arm.
"Please, Megan," Travis pleaded. "I'm begging you. I give up."
"I know you do, big brother," she answered, staring deep into his pained eyes. "You've said that already."
"A lot," their mother chimed in, unable to help herself.
"I just have one question for you and then I'll let you lose," Megan continued. A sparkle flashed in her eyes as she leaned in close to her brother's pleading face. "Who's stronger: Boys or girls?"
Travis was now openly sobbing. "Girls," he managed to work out. "Oh, God, please Megan, you win already! Girls are stronger."
Megan smiled brightly. "I agree," she said and then let her brother's fingers slip from her grasp. She had a brief moment of catching the pure terror in his wide eyes before he descended, his weakened legs, splayed as they were, unable to support his newly-regained full weight. He dropped like a sack of bricks, but the fall was brief...
His swollen mound met the unyielding oak of the couch arm with tremendous force, eliciting a thunderous splintering sound that Megan and her mother were unsure came from the couch itself or Travis' unfortunately sensitive boy bits.
For a solid 20 seconds he sang out an impossibly high soprano note, emanating all the way up from his compressed groin, a literal song of defeat at the hands of his younger sister. When his vocal chords finally gave in, Megan watched as her older, bigger brother's eyes rolled backwards in his head as he fell into blissful unconsciousness then spilled sideways onto the carpet where he lay facedown in a defeated heap.
"Wow!" Megan's mother erupted, breathless, flushed and unable to keep herself from applauding. "That was something, Meg!"
"You don't think big bro will be arguing over who the stronger sex is anymore, do you?" Megan asked her mother coyly.
"Megan, honey" she told her daughter, gripping her shoulder proudly, "I don't think there's any worry about that."
"Oh, it gets even better," Megan began to tell her mother as the two women headed back downstairs to enjoy a nice afternoon tea, "We made a bet. Travis has to do whatever I say for the rest of the break and wear whatever I choose. I figured he might enjoy one of my tightest one-piece suits and we can start him off by helping me with my wrestling moves..."
"Now that sounds just delightful," her mother said, laughing as they descended the stairs.

Alec Anaconda, A1
02-14-2021, 09:41 AM
I enjoyed this entertaining narrative; thanks for sharing.

Perhaps a continuation?

02-14-2021, 10:33 AM
Truly excellent story! Love it that she's going to make him help her with her wrestling moves - plenty of submission holds coming up I hope! :ibow4u: