View Full Version : ballbusting emojis and smilies

08-27-2021, 02:12 AM
When I was younger I used a program called MSN to message girls. It was great because it would automatically download new smilies and emojis that people used. I used to send a range of CBT, ballbusting and c astration stuff during flirty chats to girls I knew and would love it if the girl responded with a laughing smile. One time a girl emailed me out of the blue with a whole set of CBT gif cartoons.

Nowadays, I don't think mobile phones allow such a wide range of emojis and you have to download it yourself manually and the other person can't see it unless they download it too. The closest people get is the knife followed by the eggplant that girls sometimes use on Twitter.

Even on our own forum the smiles don't have a kicked in the dick option. :(

Did anyone else use emojis/smilies when chatting to girls? What ones did you use? It was a wonderful time because a picture says a thousand words and a smilie was a far more subtle way to introduce the topic than using modern BB art.

08-27-2021, 08:43 AM
msn chat was the golden age of cbt and ballbusting chat!! lol simpler times when chatrooms were 95% real people not 95% bots and fake profiles :D

used to have some good animated emojis but the one that got the most results was a stick man doing the helicopter...soooo many times i got dared to do the same thing after using it :D