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09-24-2021, 08:39 PM
This is loosely based on "50 First dates" It takes a little time to introduce the characters and situation. I hope its worth it

50 First kicks

Sam had been a normal 19 year old boy. He was living at home with his parents and his sister Sara, an 18 year old blonde haired blue eyed beauty. Sam had a good relationship with his sister, although he liked to tease and push her buttons sometimes. Not to be a jerk, just because of his secret desire to push her far enough for her to blast her tan, sweaty, gorgeous size 8 foot(frequently with chipped polish) into his sensitive balls as she laughed at his pain. He’d even written a couple stories of a sister kicking her brother in the balls. Although he had never been kicked, it had been his primo #1 fantasy for years.

About a month ago, normal ceased to be a word one could use to describe Sam. His car had slid off the road on a stormy night and crashed into a tree. While most of his injuries were typical of a car crash, cuts and bruises and a broken arm, the abnormal injury was a brain injury that affected his memory.He didn’t have amnesia, and all of his memories were still there of his life prior to the accident.Unfortunately, his short term memory was damaged in a way that made it unable to put new daily memories in the long term memory. Thus every day he woke up thinking it was the day of the accident. The doctors weren’t sure if the condition was permanent or not. So, after a month in the hospital he was sent home with his family.

Sara had hacked Sam’s phone after the accident, as he was ***********, so she could let his friends know about the accident. While looking in his phone, she found the ballbusting stories he had written and saw a little conversation in the comments section between Sam and another guy who got kicked by his sister, and to Sara’s bewilderment, loved it. They both made it clear that although they were turned on by the idea of being kicked in the balls by their sisters, it was not incestuos in nature. It was actually more exciting knowing she smashed their nerve filled testicles with very little effort and then laughed at the pain they were in. Sam made clear in the conversation that he had never actually been kicked.

Sam had been home for a week now, and the family spent almost an hour explaining what had happened on 5 days before just seeing what happened if they didn’t explain. There was no consensus by the family which way was better. Sam seemed confused and sad when he spent the days knowing anything that happened wouldn’t matter after today, and expressed it to Sara.

Their parents had gone away for the day, after Sara convinced them she could keep Sam company. Sara had heard the doctors explain to the family that physically he was fine and the only issue at all had been the inability to remember new experiences. She decided to give Sam a chance to live his dream for the first time, and knowing he wouldn’t remember it if it was a bad experience (how could getting kicked in the balls not be a bad experience?!? She had kicked balls before and it looked very unpleasant).

“Oh, Sammy boy. It’s your beautiful loving sister.” she called in a sing-song voice as she walked in her brothers’ room.

“And, just what does my beautiful loving sister want?” He asked with an accusing tone.

“Just to talk to my big strong brother.”

“Why am I suddenly nervous?” Sam asked.

“Because you don’t know that I have an offer for you?” She teased.

“What offer?”

“Well, bro, since you were *********** after your accident, I hacked your phone to tell your friends about it. I saw something weird in there.” Sam blushed and started to speak, Sara softly put a finger to his lips and shushed him. “You probably know what I saw, but I bet you have no idea what my offer is. You have a little ballbusting fetish. I looked it up, it’s not that uncommon,although I have no idea why a guy would want that, hahaha. Your stories tend to be in the sister subset, which is quite prevalent. I imagine because most guys get their first kick from a sister either intentionally or accidentally. Well, your condition allows us to have a unique experience. If it’s terrible or weird you won’t ever know it happened and won’t be embarrassed . I promise to forget it ever happened too. Would you like me introduce my sweaty little feet to your soon to be sore and swollen balls? I know you want to.”

“This is embarrassing. It was just a story, ugh, ummm, I didn’t really want it.” he stammered.

“Okay, forget I offered, hahaha. I guess you will soon enough. You probably are better off, I’ve kicked boys before and, um it seems unpleasant and painful. But, hell, a lot of fun and pleasure for the girl.” She laughed and winked and started to turn to walk away.

“Wait!!!” Sam screamed. “Do you promise not to tell?”

“Of course, it’s just between you and me. Although, before we do it, if it goes well would you prefer an unexpected kick or stomp or something or do you want to have this conversation again tomorrow?”

“Wow, I don’t know. Just surprise me I guess. Don’t forget to laugh at me though.”

“Are you ready, bro?” Sara asked as she realized this was a bit of a turn-on for her as well.Kicking boys in the balls amused her, and a boy dumb enough to want it was hilarious.

“Yes, Sara. Please kick my balls.” Those words were bliss to brother and sister alike. Sara complied and launched her pretty little foot between her brother’s legs at a pretty hard speed.The siblings both seemed to experience the impact in slow motion, both smiling as the thought of the pain he wanted being willingly inflicted by her soft pretty foot stretched the second out for what seemed to be 10 or more seconds. Only then did Sara see the smile melt away from her brother's face. It was replaced by a look that quickly evolved from confusion to sadness to excruciating pain. Sara felt guilty, but wanted to make a memorable experience (oops, I guess not). So she started to laugh at his anguish as he rolled on the floor.

“Hahaha, Sam you should see your face. How does it feel? Is it everything you hoped for?” She was trying to live up to his fantasy, so she nudged his face with her foot. He rolled on to his back, and as she saw the look on his face, maybe back to a slightly less pained look, something came over her and she stomped on Sam’s already sore and tender balls.

“Arrrgghhh” Sam cried out, as Sara laughed. She lifted her other foot off the floor for just a moment placing about 120 lbs. of sexy sister on his quickly swelling orbs.“Sorry, I couldn’t resist, hahaha. If you could remember this you’d probably jerk off to the thought for the rest of your life. Tomorrow I’ll have to start earlier so maybe before you forget you can enjoy it as much as I will. Bye bro, I’m going to my room, to um, rest. Please don’t disturb me fora little while.”

10-19-2021, 07:48 AM
I love, love, LOVE this premise. You MUST continue. Pretty please?

Alec Anaconda, A1
10-19-2021, 11:57 AM
I love, love, LOVE this premise. You MUST continue. Pretty please?

I agree!

I found this plot to have an original tweak, and the first chapter well written.

Thanks for posting.

10-30-2021, 10:47 AM
I'm a little late, as I'm only seeing this now, but please continue on with this story.

10-30-2021, 04:24 PM
I'm a little late, as I'm only seeing this now, but please continue on with this story.

Thanks for the feedback. I'm glad you are enjoying it. I will be working on the next part. I really liked the idea of every day being a new first time.