View Full Version : Stuff to Tell the Wife BEFORE Post Orgasm Torture and Ball Busting

03-09-2022, 05:34 PM
Before an orgasm, I'd tell my wife not to let up if I asked her to. Keep going. If I ask you to stop, play harder with the head. No mercy.

After orgasm, I'm wanting her to stop. It's like maybe horny me is wrong and this post-orgasm stimulation stuff is awful and I should not have her do it, and horny me is playing this awful joke on spent me.

When I'm horny I've confessed to her the secrets of things I'll do to make her stop, so she'll be wise to it and let me have it more. I will tell her stuff like "When your stroking my penis, I'll pretend like I don't feel anything so you'll think I'm board and you'll stop." I've told her, "It can still be sensitive even when it goes soft." Then spent me is at risk.

One time, after I told her the no mercy thing about the penis head, and to keep on going if I squirmed, I don't know if she got confused or creative, but instead of showing no mercy on a lubed penis head, she started spanking my balls with solid smacks after orgasm. It probably didn't last long. It kind of hurt, kind of felt good, was confusing. But for some reason, I did not want to object to it, even though this wasn't what I'd asked for.

Another idea to tell her is to play 'head or balls' after orgasm. She gets you to flex the penis to maximum size and puts a penis ring on right before orgasm. The ring helps keeps the penis stiff. Then, after ejaculation, she says, "Head or balls." If he says nothing, then she strokes that head hard while squeezing the balls just as hard as before ejaculation. If says 'head' she plays hard with the head. If he says 'balls', she squeezes the balls.