View Full Version : AI-written BB stories
01-25-2023, 12:03 PM
Fed a couple of prompts for ballbusting stories into chatGPT and this is what it came up with. Like most gpt outputs, they don't win many style points, but seeing the features and beats of so many bb stories distilled down to a few paragraphs is interesting.
Story 1: Sarah's Secret
Once upon a time, there was a woman named Sarah. She had been in a long-term relationship with her boyfriend, John. One day, while they were playfully wrestling, Sarah accidentally kicked John in the testicles. To her surprise, she found that the act of kicking him there gave her a strange sense of pleasure.
After that incident, Sarah couldn't stop thinking about kicking men in the testicles. She tried to resist the urge, but eventually gave in and started seeking out opportunities to do it. She would purposely walk too close to men on the street, hoping they would brush against her so she could kick them.
Sarah even started going to kickboxing classes, where she would make a point of targeting the groin area of her opponents. Her classmates and instructors found her behavior strange, but didn't say anything.
It wasn't long before Sarah's fetish for testicle kicking got her into trouble. She was arrested for assault after kicking a man in a bar. In court, she explained her strange addiction, but the judge didn't believe her and sentenced her to probation.
Feeling ashamed and alone, Sarah sought help and began therapy to understand her urge to kick testicles. With the help of her therapist, she was able to overcome her addiction and lead a normal life again. She broke up with John and apologized for hurting him and moved on.
But deep down, she knew that part of her would always be curious about the feeling she got from kicking testicles.
Story 2: The Society of Ballstrike
In the society of Ballstrike, women were encouraged to casually strike men in the balls whenever they felt the need to. This practice was seen as a way for women to assert their power and assert their dominance over men. Men, on the other hand, were expected to take the strikes in stride and not make a fuss.
John lived in this society, and like all the other men, he had grown accustomed to the constant strikes. He went about his daily routine, going to work, running errands, and spending time with friends and family. But no matter where he went, he always had to be on guard for a potential strike.
One day, John was on his way to work when a woman passing by casually struck him in the balls. He winced in pain but quickly regained his composure, not wanting to give the woman the satisfaction of seeing him suffer. He continued on his way to work, determined not to let the strike affect his day.
At work, John was constantly on edge, knowing that any one of his female colleagues could strike him at any moment. But he tried to focus on his tasks and not let the threat of a strike distract him.
On his lunch break, John met up with some of his male friends. They all shared stories of their own experiences with ball strikes and commiserated with one another. But even among friends, John felt the pressure to hide his pain and pretend that the strikes didn't bother him.
After work, John went to the gym to blow off some steam. But even there, he had to be careful, as women were known to strike men during their workouts. He finished his workout, but the constant threat of a strike had left him feeling drained and defeated.
01-30-2023, 04:22 PM
Oh, I've already made ChatGPT write so many ballbusting stories. Some of them I've posted at, but I'll post a few others here.
I asked ChatGPT to generate the top five reasons why girls kick guys in the balls. Then I asked to add ballbusting as the sixth reason. And finally asked to add four more reasons. That was the final result:
1. Self-defense: In some cases, girls may kick or hit boys in the testicles as a form of self-defense. If they feel threatened or in danger, they may use whatever means necessary to protect themselves.
2. Revenge: Some girls may kick or hit boys in the testicles as a form of revenge for something the boy has done to them. This could be in response to physical or emotional abuse, or as a way to get back at someone who has hurt them in some way.
3. Misunderstanding: Sometimes, a girl may kick or hit a boy in the testicles without fully understanding the implications of her actions. She may not realize how much pain she is causing or the potential long-term consequences of her actions.
4. Lack of empathy: Some individuals may lack empathy or the ability to understand the feelings and perspective of others. This may lead them to engage in behaviours that can cause harm to others without considering the consequences.
5. It's a joke: In some cases, girls may kick or hit boys in the testicles as a form of joke or prank without considering the pain and harm that it can cause.
6. Ballbusting: Some girls may engage in a form of sadomasochism known as 'ballbusting', which involves intentionally inflicting pain on the testicles.
7. Peer pressure: In some cases, girls may feel pressured by their peers or friends to kick or hit boys in the testicles as a way of showing strength or power.
8. Impulsivity: Some girls may act on impulse and kick or hit boys in the testicles without thinking about the consequences of their actions.
9. Anger or frustration: Girls may kick or hit boys in the testicles as a way to release anger or frustration, especially if they feel like they've been wronged or treated unfairly."
10. Cruelty or evillness: Some girls may kick or hit boys in the testicles out of sheer cruelty or evillness, with a desire to cause pain and suffering for no other reason than to satisfy their own sadistic desires.
Then I asked ChatGPT to generate 5 plot ideas about reasons number 6 or 10:
Plot Idea 1: A teenage girl discovers her strange kink for ballbusting, but must keep it a secret from her family and friends. After she meets a group of misfits who share her interest, she is tempted to experiment and explore her newfound desires - leading to dire consequences.
Plot Idea 2: A group of bullies enjoy torturing boys by kicking and hitting them in the testicles as a form of amusement. Faced with increasing pressure to join in, a teenage girl must make the difficult decision between going along with the cruel behaviour or standing up for what she believes in.
Plot Idea 3: After being wronged by a classmate, a teenage girl exacts revenge by ballbusting him - but soon finds herself addicted to the thrill of inflicting pain on others. In order to save herself from becoming a cruel monster, she must battle her own inner demons before it's too late.
Plot Idea 4: A young girl's life changes forever when she discovers that her mother was once a renowned ballbuster - and that she has inherited not just the skill, but also an insatiable appetite for pain and suffering. With nowhere else to turn, she enlists the help of an unlikely mentor to help her control her urges.
Plot Idea 5: In a world where ballbusting is seen as a sign of strength and power, a young girl must decide between conforming to the cruel and twisted customs of her society, or risk being ostracised and cast out for refusing to take part in this barbaric practice.
This is the first chapter of plot idea 2.
The sun shone brightly on the schoolyard, yet a chill hung in the air. In the corner of the yard, a group of teenage girls huddled together, their chatter drowned out by the sound of laughter from the other students. The girls moved closer together, their eyes scanning the schoolyard for their next target.
One of them pointed to a boy walking alone across the grass and the others nodded in agreement. They began following him slowly and silently, surrounding him like predators stalking their prey. As he stopped at his locker, one of them stepped forward and grabbed hold of his testicles, squeezing tightly until he squirmed in pain. He tried to push her away but she was too strong and before he knew it, two more girls had joined in and were hitting him on his backside and kicking him in the groin.
The boy screamed but no one came to help. The group of girls had been practising this cruel art for months now and they had perfected their technique to inflict maximum pain with little effort. As they walked away laughing and high-fiving each other, the boy lay curled up on the ground with tears streaming down his face.
Little did he know that this would be only the first of many such episodes - for these teenage girls were embarked upon a dangerous path from which there would be no turning back.
This is the first chapter of plot idea 4.
The night air was crisp and cool, the perfect temperature for a late summer evening. I stepped out onto the small balcony of my bedroom, looking up at the stars twinkling in the night sky. Taking a deep breath, I tried to clear my head of all the worries and anxieties that had been plaguing me lately.
But just as I started to relax, I heard a voice from behind me: "You can't run away from this forever."
Startled, I spun around to find my mother standing in the doorway of my bedroom. She had a strange look in her eyes - one that seemed almost sinister.
"What do you mean?" I asked nervously, feeling my heart racing in my chest.
My mother stepped closer to me and said, "I was once known as one of the best ballbusters in town." She paused for a moment, letting her words sink in before continuing. "It's time you learned how to use your skills too."
I stared at her in disbelief. This couldn't be happening - surely she wasn't serious? But there was no mistaking the sincerity on her face. After all these years keeping this dark secret hidden away, she wanted me to embrace it?
Without another word, she took hold of my arm and dragged me away from my room and into the night. Unsure of where we were headed or what lay ahead of us, I suspected that whatever it was would be far more intense than anything I could have imagined.
04-11-2023, 10:05 PM
Tried my luck with AI and with a few tricks the stories can get really nasty ... lol - GRAPHIC CONTENT - Reader discretion advised
Mei was a master of the ancient Four Force technique. She had been trained by her ancestors in the art of using the technique to defend herself against any enemy. Mei was a skilled fighter, and she had been honing her craft for years. She had learned to target her opponents' testicles with the Four Force technique, and she knew that it was a surefire way to take down even the most formidable foe.Mei was in a difficult situation. She had been ambushed by a group of henchmen who were sent to capture her. Mei knew that she had to use the Four Force technique if she wanted to escape. She quickly removed her clothes, knowing that the technique would be obstructed by clothing.The first henchman charged at Mei, but she was ready. She struck him with her Fist Force technique, targeting his testicles. The impact was devastating, and the henchman let out a loud scream as he crumpled to the ground. Mei could see the henchman's testicles had been pulverized, and he lay there, writhing in pain.Mei moved on to the next henchman, who was already sexually aroused at the sight of her naked body. Mei was unfazed by this and focused on the task at hand. She used her Knee Force technique to destroy the henchman's testicles, causing him to ejaculate and collapse to the ground.Mei moved on to the third henchman, who charged at her with a knife. Mei dodged the attack and used her Palm Force technique to crush the henchman's testicles. He let out a guttural scream and fell to the ground, writhing in agony. Mei could see the henchman's testicles had ruptured, and he was bleeding profusely.Mei moved on to the fourth henchman, who was already trembling with fear. Mei used her Foot Force technique to flatten the henchman's testicles, causing him to ejaculate and pass out from the pain. Mei could see that the henchman's testicles had been completely destroyed.Mei moved on to the fifth henchman, who was the most sexually aroused of them all. Mei could see the henchman's erection, but she was not distracted. She used her Fist Force technique again to strike the henchman's testicles, causing him to ejaculate and collapse in agony. Mei could see that the henchman's testicles had been completely pulverized.Finally, Mei moved on to the last henchman, who was the most skilled fighter of them all. Mei knew that she had to be careful. She used her Knee Force technique to strike the henchman's testicles, causing him to ejaculate and crumple to the ground. Mei could see that the henchman's testicles had been completely destroyed.Mei stood there, naked and covered in blood and semen. She had emerged victorious, but she knew that she had taken a toll on her body. Mei was messy and dirty from all the carnage, but she knew that it was a small price to pay for her freedom.
04-30-2023, 09:52 PM
What story AI re you using?
05-01-2023, 09:04 PM
What story AI re you using?
I'm using ChatGPT.
05-03-2023, 11:06 PM
cool thanks man
05-16-2023, 09:24 PM
Nice work coaxing out so many exploded balls from it--it really takes some finesse to get that kind of brutality past its filters. I've got reams of prompts from it at this point, but I thought I'd share a small snippet to give an idea of the breadth of bb and bb-adjacent stuff it will spit out. For instance, you've got your typical self-defence-as-a-pretense for ballbusting:
John had a long day at work and he was looking forward to just sitting on the couch and relaxing. However, when he walked into his apartment, he saw his girlfriend Emma standing in the middle of the living room, wearing her gym clothes and looking at him expectantly.
"Hey, John. Are you ready to practice some self-defense moves?" she asked.
John had completely forgotten about his promise to let Emma practice her self-defense moves on him. "Uh, sure, I guess," he said reluctantly.
Emma smiled and gestured for him to come closer. "Okay, let's start with a basic knee strike to the groin. It's an effective move that can help you fend off an attacker," she said, demonstrating the move.
John winced at the thought of being hit in the balls. "Hold on, let me go put on my cup," he said, heading to his bedroom.
But when he got there, he realized that he had left his cup at the gym. He searched through his drawers, but there was no spare cup to be found.
John sighed and returned to the living room, hoping that Emma wouldn't notice. But as soon as he stepped into the room, Emma's eyes widened. "You're not wearing a cup?" she asked incredulously.
John sheepishly shook his head.
Emma looked thrilled. "This is even better! Now you'll get a real sense of what it's like to be hit in the groin. It'll help you understand why it's such an effective self-defense move," she said, grinning mischievously.
John's stomach dropped as Emma began to demonstrate various kicks and strikes that targeted his groin. Each time she landed a hit, he doubled over in pain, his face contorted in agony.
After what felt like an eternity, Emma finally called it quits. "See, I told you it was effective," she said, giving John a playful pat on the back.
John could barely speak through the pain. "I...I get it now," he managed to choke out.
From that day on, John never forgot to bring his cup home from the gym. But he also had a newfound appreciation for the effectiveness of self-defense moves that targeted the groin.
05-16-2023, 09:26 PM
But you can also have fun with the style, like this Twelfth Night pseudo-Middle English affair about a guy dressing up as a woman to see a girl he likes and she demanding to kick him in the balls to prove his identity:
(Enter Sebastian disguised as "Sabrina," and Olivia)
Fair lady, why dost thou disguise thyself so?
Nay, madam, it is but a ruse to stay close to thee,
For my heart is a captive to thy beauty.
But how shall I know that thou art a man?
For only a man's strength can quell my doubts.
I'll prove my manhood by feats of bravery,
And show thee that I am no false lady.
Nay, such feats of strength may not prove thy claim,
But only a true test of thy manhood.
What then shall I do, fair maid, to prove my worth?
Thou must show me that thou art a man indeed,
By letting me kick thee in thy manly parts.
What? Thou wouldst have me suffer such a blow?
Forsooth, my lady, I do love thee so,
That I would endure such pains to prove my worth.
Then kneel before me, Sabrina, and show thy faith,
For only by thy manhood shall I know thee true.
(Sabrina kneels before Olivia, who delivers a swift kick to Sabrina's groin. Sabrina yelps in pain and falls to the ground, but quickly gets up.)
Aye, my lady, thy doubts are quelled,
For no false lady could bear such pains,
But only a true man with strength to endure.
Then rise, brave knight, and claim thy prize,
For I see now that thou art a man indeed,
And worthy of my love and loyalty.
(Sabrina rises, and they embrace as the curtain falls)
05-16-2023, 09:29 PM
But what's really mind blowing is when it starts making major additions to the prompt on its own, like when it made up a new holiday dedicated to ballbusting:
It was National Ball Kicking Day, and the family was gathered in the living room. The brothers were standing with their legs spread apart, and the sisters were lining up to take their turns kicking them in the nuts. One sister was determined to make this year's kicks better than ever before.
She started off with a few weak kicks, asking her brother to rate the pain on a scale of 1-10. He grunted out a few numbers, but he was clearly not in the mood to talk. She tried a few different angles and techniques, but none of them seemed to be hitting the mark.
The sister was getting frustrated. She wanted to deliver the perfect kick, the one that would make her brother double over in pain and beg for mercy. She asked him to hold still and close his eyes, and then she took a deep breath and delivered a kick that shattered the pain scale.
Her brother's eyes flew open, and he let out a howl of pain. The sister grinned triumphantly, satisfied that she had finally achieved the perfect kick. The rest of the family cheered, and the brothers hobbled away, holding their aching nuts.
As the family sat around discussing the day's events, the sister couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in her accomplishment. She had done it. She had delivered the ultimate kick on National Ball Kicking Day.
05-16-2023, 09:32 PM
Or when you give it some room to surprise you with a twist ending, like a whodunnit that it decided should end with the victim having a 'fetish for being kicked in the balls':
Detective Jane Johnson was summoned to the residence of Professor Achersley early in the morning. Upon arrival, she found the Professor lying on the ground, clutching his crotch, moaning in pain. It was apparent that someone had kicked him in the balls. The Professor was a well-known scholar in the field of ancient history and had recently published a controversial book that had garnered him a lot of criticism.
Detective Johnson began her investigation by questioning the people present in the Professor's home that night. The housekeeper reported that she had heard a scream coming from the Professor's study and had found him lying on the ground when she rushed in with a flashlight. The study was in complete darkness because of a power outage that occurred at that time. The only other people present in the house were the Professor's three female colleagues, each with her own motive for wanting to hurt him.
The first suspect was Professor Achersley's ex-wife, who had a bitter divorce with him a few years ago. She had been furious with him for his portrayal of her in his book, and she had been vocal about her hatred for him.
The second suspect was a female graduate student who had recently accused Professor Achersley of sexual harassment. She had filed a complaint against him, but the investigation had not yet been completed.
The third suspect was a female colleague who had been passed over for a promotion in favor of Professor Achersley. She had been jealous of him and had made no secret of her resentment.
Detective Johnson interviewed each suspect and found that they all had an alibi for the time of the attack. But she noticed that there was a fourth woman present in the house that night, a woman who had not been mentioned by anyone, including the housekeeper.
Upon further investigation, the detective discovered that the fourth woman was a prostitute hired by the Professor himself. He had a secret fetish for being kicked in the balls, and he had hired the prostitute to fulfill his fantasy. But something had gone wrong that night, and the prostitute had taken advantage of the power outage to kick him harder than he had anticipated, causing him excruciating pain.
The Professor was too embarrassed to admit his fetish to the police, so he had concocted the story of being attacked by an unknown assailant. Detective Johnson solved the mystery and presented the evidence to the Professor, who confessed to the truth. The case was closed, but the incident remained a secret between the Professor and the detective.
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