View Full Version : A Proper Post-Orgasm Torture Handjob--Instructions

01-21-2024, 03:18 PM
Stuff you will need:
A way to tie him up (straps, rope, bondage board, bondage table, etc.)
Ball gag (optional)
Hands, mouth, vagina, etc.
penis ring (optional)
wet wipes
bucket (optional)
mat to catch semen (optional)

Any position for pleasuring him will do. Typically, a man may be tied up on his back with his legs open for good access to the genitals. If you have a massage table with a genital hole in the middle and straps for his thighs, wrist, and back, that may be best. Two fold-up tables with some padding on them may work if you could figure out how to tie him down. These options allow for the penis to be down, promoting blood staying in the penis and also letting the ejaculate squirt down inste On his back, you could leave a little wiggle room for his hips if you like to see him wiggle to avoid you, but not be able to do much. But try to tie him down well so he won't accidentally kick you or block your hands.

First, use your hands (can add or substitute mouth, vagina, etc) to edge him. Bring him close to an orgasm. If he's not skilled at it, have him tell you when you are five strokes away, and give him a stroke or two. Keep him going for five edges, then start gently carressing his testicles all over, then firm stroking on the taint with one hand up over the balls while the other hand works his penis. If you aren't working those parts, use a hand or ring made from thumb and forefinger to put pressure on the base of is penis. Work him up to lots of edges. It's good if he is already trained through Kegel exercises to 'push' when he gets close to the edge. This gets him more and more aroused.

The Torture
If he is good at holding off or you are skilled at keeping him from ejaculating, then you may be able to choose the time to let him ejaculate and torture him. If he doesn't have good control, it may just happen and he may explode. Either way be prepared.

Ball gag
If he has good control, you can gag him after you start and before you plan to give him release, or you can gag him for the whole time. Ethical post-orgasm torture is when a wife does it to her husband, not someone else's because he requested it or let her talk him into it. But what if he withdraws consent. He says, "No matter what, don't stop until I ejaculate again or I'm soft. Just keep on going, no matter if I beg." But then he begs you to stop and you are giving him nonconsensual torture, to your own husband. The solution? The ball gag. But this is optional. And some men might avoid asking it to stop afraid of ruining the next occasion or post-orgasm torture. You might like to hear the sounds he makes. Or the ball gag can help if he is too loud.

Penis Ring
Penis rings are optional. After he has ejaculated, he may be the type who normally keeps an erection if you keep up stimulation, or 90 something percent of it. But that might not work and you can make a ring and forefinger to hold the blood in the penis. The use of a penis ring may reduce the need for this.

Use of a penis ring can make the torture sensations right on the head feel even worse. If he 'flexes' his penis to get maximum blood flow into the penis before applying the penis ring, it may feel more sexy to him. If not, there may more of a skin torture feel post orgasm.

Dealing with Ejaculate
Ejaculate has a kind of gritty texture on a microscopic level. Do not use it as lube. If you give him a good post-orgasm work over, ejaculate will probably leave him with a rash. These leaves his genitals too sensitive for use the next day, so try to keep the skin on his penis healthy.

If he is on a massage table with penis pointing down, you could catch the ejaculate on a mat or in a bucket or tissue or let it fall on the floor. Have a wet wipe to catch the last of it to keep it from mixing with the lube.

Or you could put a rubber mat on his belly, and assuming his penis is sufficiently flexible, point it toward his face, with the mat folded over between the penis and the fact so when he ejaculates, it doesn't get all over his penis. Some tissue on the mat can catch the fluid. You can use a wet wipe to keep that little bit of residual ejaculate that stays on him from mixing with your lube, and to wipe your hand if it gets on you. But use the other, well-lubed hand to keep up stimulation so you don't miss a beat. You want to wipe that hand in less than a second, stroke, wipe again, stroke, if you have to.

How to Torture
After ejaculation, a man's penis head may become very sensitive. It may tickle or almost hurt. Post-orgasm torture, or this type, involves stroking his penis head, probably anything above the frenulum and that whole ring around the penis, after ejaculation. Do use lube. A squirt bottle with water-based lube is one approach. Methods include stroking the penis up and down, a fairly normal stroke, stroking the penis with a stronger tighter lubed grip on the head, rubbing the flat of the palm on the penis head, and other penis stimulation techniques that focus on the 'neck' and head area.The trick is to exploit his post-orgasm sensitivity. If you let up on stimulation, he could lose his erection. If you keep it up, you may find he keeps over 95% of the erection, making post orgasm torture easier to perform.

A man may get sensitive before the last few pumps of ejaculation. If you want to be kind, you can stimulate him gently through this. You may find that stroking between the head and frenelum, with a ring of thumb and forefinger, in time with the pumps of his ejaculation, makes it keep on pumping. You could also stimulate his penis head hard with a lubed hand during his ejaculation, which can feel a bit hypersensitive even while he is having an orgasm. This is a little bit of a 'cruel' feeling move, though it can also feel really good for you to do that.

Now, there are variations on how cruel you can make it feel, and things you can do that can make it feel more sexual, and therefore more enjoyable. How you mix it up is up to you. In this vulnerable state, I personally have preferred the more sexy less cruel versions. If you want to get another ejaculation out of him, then you'll want a sexier, rather than too cruel approach.

Cruel approaches-- just head torture, head torture without touching the 'neck' especially the frenulum area, rubbing only the top side of the head, not putting any pressure on the base of the penis, taints, or the whole buried penis structure deep inside the body makes it harder to endure.

Sexier approaches-- stroking up and down and making him yelp when you stroke the head of his penis. Put pressure on the base of the penis. Hold his balls in your hand pressuring on his body with ring and forefinger.

You could just play with your husband's shaft after ejaculation. That might be slightly uncomfortable, but probably not post orgasm torture. For torture, you need to put some 'cruel' in. So I think full strokes on a well-anchored (with the other hand) penis, with part of the stroke hitting that sensitive head, with occasionally having several seconds of the hand just giving it to the head, but only once in a while is a good mix. For example, you could give five to seven strokes ending with a nice playful squeeze on the head as he yelps, and ever five to seven strokes, give him a two or three second burst of head-only overstimulation. Just playing with the head can be fun for you, if you like that, but it may be too overwhelming for a sensitive guy, and it might make it hard for him to ejaculate again.

Right after ejaculating, torturing him with your vagina is also extremely erotic. Consider a position where there is a lot of skin contact, rubbing yourself all over him, kissing that spot on his neck or ear or face he finds sexy. If you are tight and get do a stroke that rubs his penis against some spot deep in your vagine and girate, that can be a good torture. Generally, I think a tight vagina with a girl doing her best Kegels with her legs crossed to add tightness if necessary, doing a really full stroke where she goes so far up that all that is left in her is his frenulum to the head, then coming down, doing it really fast makes for a good post-orgasm torture. Those looong strokes are really overstimulatng. Do him hard and vigorously like you are a psycopathic ******. Make sure not to lose your concentration and start grinding or something that isn't going to keep him in the ejaculatory post-sensitivity mode.

When to End
You can try to bring your man to a second ejaculation. Some men will just ejaculate again during intense post orgasm torture within 30 seconds or so, on some occasions, depending on how it is feeling. Or you may be able to get him to a second ejaculation by stroking just up to the base of the 'neck' of the penis, hitting the frenulum area. It is possible a man may settle into what feels like an erect refractory period, where your strokes don't feel good or bad, but he stays erect. If he does and he's hard, this might be a good time for some vigorous intercourse if this has gotten you worked up. You can do him hard without his having to hold off or struggle. You could also give him a hand job through this refractory-like period until he starts to feel aroused and ejaculates again.

If you do that, definitely post-orgasm torture him again.

A man might not be able to ejaculate after post-orgasm torture. It depends on how his body is reacting that day, how long since he last had sex, his age, what his body is like, etc. So when do you stop? If he's yelping or squirming, and not cramping or having an heart attack, keep it up. He may lie still after a while. This could mean he's still sensitive, but not enough to squirm, and he thinks by lying still you will get bored and quit. When this happens, focus on the head and see if you can get a reaction out of him. There may be some hypersensitivity left in that head. Exploit it all. Even if he loses his erection, keep playing with the penis head for a minute or two, since he could be playing like he isn't sensitive.

Verbal Play and Being Sexy
Your man might like lingerie, or he may prefer nudity. If you have a sexy body, giving him a hand job in the nude is probably best for a wife to do for her husband, including post orgasm play. The extra sexiness may help him get a second ejaculation. Rubbing your body (breast, crotch, etc.) against his may help.

You can enhance his experience by talking to him, but not too much. Don't ask him complicated questions. They distract and he can't think well while being post-orgasm tortured. Don't ask him if you can buy a Gucci purse right now or talk about your problems with his mom. But occasional sexy comments might enhance the experience.

He's yelping as you stroke him. On the gentler strokes, you can ask him in a sweet compassionate voice, "Oh baby, are you sensitive. Is this too much for you." If he nods you can say, "Good, it's supposed to be. That's why we tied you. But you needs this. This is for your own good. You need to experience this." That's probably too wordy. Stretch out this explanation with long pauses. The feigned or legitimate compassion while you torture him can be sexy and fun.

Telling him how sexy it is to see him strain like that can also be sexy.

You can also pretend like you think he is really enjoying this.

You could pretend to torture him and say, "Where is the location of the secret base?" in a Russian accent. But don't talk too much. Let him focus on the sensations, not the conversation. Talk needs to make the situation more sexy for him.

Laughter can also be sexy. If you giggle, enjoying doing this to him, this can make for some sexy fantasies later. But laughing like an insane maniac, or making gurgly snorting sounds while you laugh might not be that sexy.

Ruined Orgasms
You can ruin his orgasm by stopping stimulation right before or right as he starts to ejaculate. This is 'cruel' in that it deprives him of orgasmic feelings, leaving him unfulfilled. But he also might be horny, and the post-ejaculatory stimulation feels better. The head is really sensitive, but if there is horniness behind it, it feels good, too. It's a different kind of sex from either regular sex or post orgasm torture sex as far as how it feels to the man. It is worth him experiencing it, IMO, at least once. This left me wanting that next ejaculation.

A probably medically unhealthy way to ruin an orgasm is to stop up the urethra at the base with a thumb. This might cause some damage. Semen may end up in the bladder, but the second ejaculation may have a lot of fluid. You may want to edge him for a looong time before the second ejaculation if you do this.

Ball Busting
I would advice only spanking or squeezing his testicles if he is used to that when he isn't tied up. If he's used to ballbusting post orgasm, you can incorporate that into the experience. Balls can get a lot more sensitive after ejaculation, so if you are squeezing them during ejaculation you can lighten up to get the same effect right after ejaculation if you want to incorporate that into the experience.

You could also play a game 'head or balls' where you torture his head till he says 'balls' then you squeeze his balls until he says 'head' and keep going that way. Unless he has a heart attack, cramps, or there is a lack of lube, chances are post-orgasm-head torture isn't going to damage him physically. Ballbusting can of course.

Afterwards, he may need some hugs, kissing massaging, etc. to recover. He may also go to sleep. You can wetwipe his genitals so he doesn't have to get up, go wash your hands, then come hug and comfort him.

Other thoughts
A man may be most sensitive to post-orgasm penis torture when he is young and when he hasn't experienced it yet. It is possible to get used to it. I think the brain reinterprets the stimulation as less painful or hyperstimulating. If the overstimulation is a little less, a man might request it more because he can enjoy it more. Also, hypersensitivity can just go away as a man ages. So do this stuff to your husband, if he wants it, while he is young while he can still experience it.

01-21-2024, 06:23 PM
Some more thoughts,

Post-orgasm torturing with the vagina works well if the vagina is nice and tight. A youthful or at least well-exercised tight vagina can do a good job of this, especially if he is sensitive. But it might not be as good at being 'cruel' as the fist. The vagina method feels sexier. It hits the whole penis, not just the hypersensitive parts. If he's hard and that erection has restablized, riding him might be good for extracting a second ejaculation for him. It's probably best if you use a penis ring if you are going to ride him. My wife is petite enough, and I like her to lay her whole bodyweight on me so I can really feel her skin, and that ads to the erotic feel of this. There are probably pheromones and oxytocin there adding to how bonding this experience is. But it isn't the best, probably, for torturing the head in a 'cruel' way.

There is something intimate and special about a woman post-orgasm torturing your penis while she's loving you with her vagina, and she's hurting you the right way. :)

Using a Stroker
If you have a penis stroking device, like a fake vagina in a plastic cylinder, you can use it to reduce fatigue for a long session, stimulating him. It might also catch the semen pretty well. But for the post orgasm torture, quickly remove the penis from the stroker, and give it to him with your fist. It probably isn't going to torture him as well as a hand will.

Sometimes the stroker, since it stimulates parts of the penis at the same time, is good for getting that second ejaculation out of him. But again, after that second ejaculation, you are going to need to use a well lubed hand on that penis head to really post-orgasm torture him properly. You can keep at it until he is soft and then for a minute or two after to make sure you've used up all the hypersensitivity.

Yelping and Writhing
If he is sensitive and you do it right, there should probably be some yelping and writing. You could give him a post-orgasm handjob where it's just a little too much and he can't decide whether he wants it to stop, or part of him does. You could torture the sensitive bits and make him wish it was over. IMO, where you want to have him is in that undecided stage for a second or two, then that 'want to stop' stage for a second, then back down to undecided. He may get out of that, slowly move toward orgasm, then you repeat the process. You can go for a third orgasm if he's up for it, then stroke some after that to let him experience the torture. When he recovers, get feedback about which was more intense, after orgasm 1, 2 or 3.

Part of the experience is making him experience something he regrets in the moment. That's okay. It's kind of the point. But you are giving him a really sexy memory for later. And part of him may crave what you are doing while part of him says it is just way too much. He's tied up so you are making the decision for him to keep going. If you ask him if he wants to stop, he probably will, so the onus is on you to make it happen so he can experience his fantasy.

Cramps and Heart Attacks

If he is young with no heart problems, this may not be an issue. For a long session, keeping him hydrated may help. Gatoraide, poweraid, maybe even coconut water (the potassium part but not sodium) might help reduce the chance of cramps. If he's gagged, you might not be able to tell cramps from writhing. Massage him first if he has sore muscles. An electric back massager is good on backs, calves. Make sure he is strapped down in a comfortable position.

Choice of Rope
You can look up how to bind a man. Something that we played with a little was I taped both sides of some velcro straps to each other with a key ring in the middle, tied rope to it, and made under-the-bed restraints. I had similar straps for my wrist, which I strapped to the outside of my thigh. Post orgasm torture was just a little too much for me when I did this, and I could take it enough to not knock her off the bed. I just needed help keeping my hands off my crotch and keeping my thighs open. So how you tie him up depends on how sensitive he is. The really sensitive young men may need to be tied down more securely. Muscular athletes may need to be strapped down even more securely.

Testicles Spanking and Second Orgasm
When I have gotten stuck in an erect refractory period where the feelings weren't climbing, some light ball spanking accompanied by the hand job might be able to get me out of that and on track to a second ejaculation.

Lost Erection
If he loses an erection, you might be able to get one out of him with a penis pump, or with a skilled mouth. But he might not be able to keep a full erection during his refractory period or ejaculate soon after. This can be fun with a penis ring if you want to ride him for your own pleasure and you can get him hard. He's tied up, and if he's agreed to the experience, you don't have to worry about his ejaculating too soon, or if he does, just enjoy his reaction as you keep on going.

Every Experience Different
You can do pretty much the same thing and you might get a different reaction. He might not be as sensitive as the last time. He might ejaculate soon after you start post-orgasm torture, or he may lose an erection. He could get into a hard refractory period, or not.

Viagra Penis
Viagra can make a post-orgasm penis be hard and be less likely to feel any sensation. Usually, men on viagra are older, too, and may not be as sensitive post orgasm as they were when they were younger. A really sensitive man on viagra might be sensitive still, post orgasm. It depends on his reaction to the medication on this particular occasion.