View Full Version : ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)
09-25-2008, 09:13 AM
This woman who used to bust me a long time ago and I have had a few sessions and recently she asked for ideas of things to say so I referred her to some bb story sites and some of her texts she has been sending me lately have been very sexy and she said she wants to be the one who ruins my balls. I have been trying to see if she is serious about it because she has been pretty rough before. She said I better now say the wrong thing or I could lose a nut! This is very sexy but she has been saying it a lot so I am wondering if she is serious! Any thoughts?
She sounds awesome!
Castratrix's pet
09-25-2008, 04:29 PM
It would be great to have some POV pics and vids of girls and women performing castrations shown from the POV of the male she is **********. POV vids of girls or women performing castrations shown from the POV of the male she is ********** with audio hearing the girls and women talking about ********** as she performs it.
Alex J.
09-26-2008, 01:06 AM
09-26-2008, 03:37 PM
this board is like the best :ibow4u:
09-26-2008, 03:42 PM
09-26-2008, 03:48 PM
09-27-2008, 06:21 AM
nice pics wolly, thanks. i tried to go to that website printed on the pics but doesnt seem to work for me unfortunately
09-28-2008, 10:28 AM
Wanted to say thanks to all those that post pictures. I have to say that I am one of the lurkers who look but rarely post. I appreciate all of you who do. Lots of good stuff.
09-28-2008, 11:05 PM
Let the "heads" roll!!! :Baahaha:
:) as for the pics above, about first 300 or so listings don't work, from 300s to 999 they all are still good, just you miss out on some of the more enjoyable pics
09-29-2008, 03:40 PM
I am new to this forum and hope to join in with a few discussions. However I would like to start one off by asking. Do certain women get a kick (excuse the pun) out of ********** reluctant males.
09-30-2008, 01:24 PM
thanks a lot!!!:bananawin
09-30-2008, 03:15 PM
Lots of LINKS!!!!!!!!!!!
I know there are many fans of Elastrator ********** here.
So there are a lot of videoclips existing, of girls banding guys with elestrator.
I know that these are all clips to pay for, but everyone is worth its money:
SO lets go:
First one very good and a few ********** clips:
Older store but also good:
Just change the number in the address: and go to studio: 11463; 6948
And the best videos for me so far are from a german paysite:
Go to
There are also a few preview videos. They have the best elestrator videos for me!!
SO have fun!!
09-30-2008, 03:55 PM
Can anybody enlighten me as to the best method of **********.
10-01-2008, 05:32 AM
Can anybody enlighten me as to the best method of **********.
A cat! :)
10-01-2008, 07:04 AM
A cat! :)
I don't agree Rebecca, I still prefere a hammer. But thare is not "the best" for everyone. Each one has his most preferred way. It's a matter of fantasy and which thing goo deeper in our arousal.
MAX Molsen
10-01-2008, 11:09 AM
some ********** manips in femcan style
10-01-2008, 01:03 PM
Can anybody enlighten me as to the best method of **********.
Elastrator is my favorite. :D
10-01-2008, 01:22 PM
hey max
good work, nice job, thx
10-01-2008, 01:32 PM
Schoolgirl pornstar Jessica Valentino castrates a perverted principal with a huge hunting knife!
This 18 year old hottie really knows how to bust balls and perform amazing femdom castrations (**********.jpg
More pics can be seen at my ballbusting blog ( here:
10-01-2008, 05:30 PM
Pleasy ********** scene Defenceless.
10-01-2008, 10:34 PM
~~~ testtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
10-02-2008, 06:45 AM
~~~ testtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
Where on EARTH did you find that?
10-02-2008, 08:02 AM
:confused: Links don't work if you could? posts them again. thanks:soomad
Lots of LINKS!!!!!!!!!!!
I know there are many fans of Elastrator ********** here.
So there are a lot of videoclips existing, of girls banding guys with elestrator.
I know that these are all clips to pay for, but everyone is worth its money:
SO lets go:
First one very good and a few ********** clips:
www.**********/studio/18757 (http://www.**********/studio/18757)
Older store but also good:
www.**********/studio/8409 (http://www.**********/studio/8409)
Just change the number in the address: and go to studio: 11463; 6948
And the best videos for me so far are from a german paysite:
Go to (
There are also a few preview videos. They have the best elestrator videos for me!!
SO have fun!!
10-02-2008, 12:00 PM
Any 1 can please tell me the 2nd right pic (********** on black pants -showing penis) is from which movie???
It is HOT!!
Any 1 know any ********** movie showing man's dick??
i spit on your grave
10-03-2008, 06:19 AM
Lots of LINKS!!!!!!!!!!!
And the best videos for me so far are from a german paysite:
Go to (
There are also a few preview videos. They have the best elestrator videos for me!!
SO have fun!!
Many thanks indeed for the link to ballmoney. It's amazing! All members of this forum should check it out. The video "Rebecca die Kastrierlady" is especially hot. It is listed under the older preview videos as "Rebecca... Kastrationsvideo". Wonderful. These girls will also do a filming session with you for around 200,- EUR within Germany.
10-03-2008, 06:26 AM
Schoolgirl pornstar Jessica Valentino castrates a perverted principal with a huge hunting knife!
Dear Eric,
The site looks good, but is there any chance of getting better endowed male models to play the submissive roles? Like a lot of femdom sites, the men featured seem to have small dicks. Personally, I find it much more erotic when a large cock is threatened with removal (or when a woman does anything else to it for that matter). Larger pricks being used and abused are a more of a turn-on for men and women alike, I think. Some uncut penises would be good, too.
10-03-2008, 08:16 AM
A local radio show did a segment on this. I thought it was pretty funny and worth a look at.
Good source of protein :D
Precis Girl
10-03-2008, 08:34 PM
my bf likes to watch and read about this kind of thing, but I'm not too fond of it! Why would I want my favorite playthings gone??? That's just depressing! I have thought about trying to pop them by squeezing them, but I'm not strong enough and I would feel TERRIBLE if I really did that! :cryingblu
10-04-2008, 03:24 PM
really interesting :)
10-05-2008, 01:19 PM
Many thanks indeed for the link to ballmoney. It's amazing! All members of this forum should check it out. The video "Rebecca die Kastrierlady" is especially hot. It is listed under the older preview videos as "Rebecca... Kastrationsvideo". Wonderful. These girls will also do a filming session with you for around 200,- EUR within Germany.
Wow! The previews are great. HQ CFNM hard ballbusting and **********. Great find, thanks. LOL
10-05-2008, 01:49 PM
Dear Eric,
The site looks good, but is there any chance of getting better endowed male models to play the submissive roles? Like a lot of femdom sites, the men featured seem to have small dicks. Personally, I find it much more erotic when a large cock is threatened with removal (or when a woman does anything else to it for that matter). Larger pricks being used and abused are a more of a turn-on for men and women alike, I think. Some uncut penises would be good, too.
Thank you kindly for the suggestion! I will be hiring some well-hung male models soon as my budget increases. Lately, I have doubled my updating and filming schedule, and I hope to include a wider variety of male models in my shoots very soon.
Warm Regards,
With that being said, here is are some more free screenshots from my ballbusting blog (
10-05-2008, 05:03 PM
Eric / MisterJover,
We all appreciate the work you're doing and hope it's successful from a business standpoint. I second the request for big-dick'd men, it's a turn-on to see a huge member threatened with removal. It should be self-evident (but many videos don't) that he should not only be well-endowed, but at maximum erection while his member goes under the blade. Limp noodles need not apply, just not very interesting.
I suppose some actors might have a problem keeping it hard while a lovely young lady threatens to remove it. But I'm sure they are out there, just like the many folks that frequent these forums. Some guys are really into it - the more she presses that blade down, the harder he gets. Keep us posted on your search.
10-06-2008, 03:16 PM
this is my first pic post, hope you like it. if its off topic or has a copyright ... please remove it. :thumbup
10-06-2008, 07:19 PM
this guy moves around a lot, but here's where you can find him now:
Thanks, it disappeared several times and it is difficult to find his new place each time
10-07-2008, 08:29 PM
Well, if your looking for a good model... I'm 21 I'm 6ft 185lbs. I have a nine inch dick and I workout atleast three times a week. Maybe a good candidate but I'm in maine for now unless you pay well :)
10-10-2008, 07:18 AM
My all time favourite is
2)El Topo
3) Doom Generation
4) The white horse is dead.
Any other great ********** movie out there ???
Any one have bite off dick or balls movie title? Is "The Nun" in this category??
10-11-2008, 05:38 AM
Dear Eric,
It's great to hear that you intend to hire some generously endowed males as soon as funds permit you to do so. I am that this will take the site to an even higher level. I also agree completely with Finder that the eroticism of ********** and, above all, "bobbitt"-style scenes is greatly increased if the man is at full erection.
I'm glad that you enjoyed the Ballmoney videos, Maureen. They are indeed fantastic. Incidentally, I notice that you are based in the UK. It's rare to find women interested in this kind of thing, let alone girls who might live nearby. So if you ever need a male on whom to practice (or if you just want to exchange thoughts on this topic), please feel free to contact me! ;-)
I wish the group a pleasant weekend.
10-13-2008, 12:40 AM
Hello everyone -- this is my first post! This site is awesome!
Poking around, I found a post #1654 by newport348 who was nice enough to post a clip from the movie "Torched". Now, I've seen a quite a few CBT videos. Most are OK, a few are good, and once in a while one just blows you away! I've watched that clip a lot. Stepped frame by frame. I still can't figure out how they did it. In the scenes where she is jabbing the syringe into the cock you get a full, lighted, view of everything. As far as I tell it is a cock. Or the best fake one I've ever seen. I played a little with the color balance on the clip: a little less red and a little more blue. This made all the colors look better but made the cock look even more realistic. As for sticking syringes into a real cock, I know something about it. I've had syringes just about like the ones in the clip stuck into mine! I can tell you from personal experience, that going in you won't see much if any blood, but coming out -- watch out! From my hard cock head, I got a tiny jet of blood that shot abount a foot. While the syringe is in, you also often get a little blood into the syringe. In the clip, we don't see any syringes being pulled out, but I thought I saw a little blood in one of them. But if the cock jabbing doesn't get you the balls burned with the blowtorch will. Ouch! I have only a couple of criticisms: #1 There needed to be more - a lot more - of the cbt stuff. And more guys being torched - however they could work that in. #2: (And this may sound strange for this film) more cock and balls cruelty. I mean, why stop with the syringe? How about a scalpel? And while cooking the balls is great, how about a weenie roast? Well maybe in the next film. In the mean time, I'll be reading this forum, enjoying all your posts, and keeping my eyes open for new stuff. Thanks to all of you for such a great forum.
10-13-2008, 11:20 AM
hey can u send the link to this torched video plz :D
10-14-2008, 09:14 AM
Here it is. Its about 34MB:
This one is the whole film. I haven't checked it out:
Have fun!
10-14-2008, 02:31 PM
i found this on youtube but it was cencered and redirected me to another site where it wasnt cencered its a woman that cuts off a mans balls after she kisses him and holds them in the air laughing (
10-14-2008, 03:04 PM
i found this on youtube but it was cencered and redirected me to another site where it wasnt cencered its a woman that cuts off a mans balls after she kisses him and holds them in the air laughing (
Hahahaha :D
10-15-2008, 03:35 AM
10-15-2008, 07:20 AM
I found this pic, can anyone tell me what is the title of this movie?
Any1 know who is the actor and actress ??
10-15-2008, 01:07 PM
It's the mom of the "Psycho Sisters" with J.J. North. I don't recall her name, but probably it's on IMDB.
10-15-2008, 06:00 PM
i found this on youtube but it was cencered and redirected me to another site where it wasnt cencered its a woman that cuts off a mans balls after she kisses him and holds them in the air laughing (
WOW Absloutely fantastic. :D Then she shoved the gonads in his mouth and tapes his mouth shut. I know the Viet Cong did this to a lot of men unfortunate enough to be captured by them and whenever possible would let a female VC do the honors !!!:machine:
10-16-2008, 09:03 AM
Here's another fun ********** ( photo from !**********.jpg (
Being dominated by Asian girls is an awesome experience... especially when they know how to really threaten and humiliate men!
10-17-2008, 09:42 AM
some ********** manips in femcan style
Excellent manips MAX, got any more?
10-18-2008, 11:00 AM
I've got a load of edited penis guro pics here but how do I share them with you guy's?
10-18-2008, 11:59 AM
I love this site
10-19-2008, 03:00 PM
One of my favorite comics
I always liked this one (see English translation at the bottom):-
10-20-2008, 04:56 AM
this guy moves around a lot, but here's where you can find him now:
He seems to have moved again! Do you have his new site?
10-20-2008, 06:48 AM
He seems to have moved again! Do you have his new site? (
10-20-2008, 07:23 AM
Here's a body mod site some of you may already be aware of but for those who aren't there's some pic's related to this thread amongst the other images there.
10-20-2008, 07:26 AM
in fact most of you should by this time already be aware of the site above but it was just a passing thought seeing how deep into the thread we are now, and of course for all passing browsers out there
10-21-2008, 10:24 PM
More ********** ( pics! ( (
View more free ballbusting photos at my ballbusting blog (
10-22-2008, 12:57 AM
He seems to have moved again! Do you have his new site?
No clue, sorry.
10-22-2008, 11:35 AM
Interesting thread. My boyfriend is a total freak when it comes to letting me dominate him, and yet I must be stupid or something because I just don’t quite ‘get’ the fascination and the intensity I can generate in my guy when I tease him about **********. Honestly, just telling him what I am going to do to him if he ever cheats on me or really pisses me off will get him going. If I kneel between his legs, pull his balls really tight, and then run a fingernail down each ball and tell him I’m cutting, I swear to god he will almost go into orbit. I love the effect and the reaction I can get out of him, but what I don’t get is why this is so ‘hot’ for him. Cripes, I really can’t imagine why a guy would actually want something like that done to him, but I sometimes think my guy would actually let me whack em off. And men say women are fucked up and impossible to understand.
10-22-2008, 03:45 PM
Im not sure if i can shed complete light on your boyfriends excitement but it sounds a lot like mine.
What gets me excited is the Threat the idea that a woman WANTS to do it to me not so much that i want it done. Sex and Desire are crazy and complex.
My fetish come from my first few sexual encounters the girl was really hot and in to some bdsm. she tied me to the bed blindfolded me and started to play with me. she told me how much she really hated that men had cocks and was going to give me a test. if i passed then we could have sex for as long as i wanted. if a failed she was going to bite off my cock.
i figured she was playing and agreed to the game. she started to sly with me more and got out some baby oil. i had never used lube and was really suprised at the difference it made after about 5 mins it was getting a bit hard to resist. then she wrapped both hands around me .... my brain suddenly realized why men in pornos make such dumb faces .. i bet i looked like all of them combined ... needless to say i lost the challange and made a mess. as the after glow set in i heard her say Such a pity i was looking forward to having more fun. then i felt Teeth. she took me in to her mouth and bit down hard. Ohh god the Fear shot through me like a rocket. i could not breath could not make a sound i pulled at the ropes and tried to get free. after what seemed like an hour she released her grip and slowly slid her mouth off me. the feeling of her tounge and mouth on me after the pain felt like static shocks all the way up and i came second time. to this day i have never felt any thing quite like it. but it let a lasting scar.
The idea of having a woman threaten me or challange me with the chance of loss or pain. ( or the damn chasitity device ) will make me mindlessly aroused. i dont particularly like the pain some times it fun and good for enhancing the pleasure but over all just the fact that the woman has made the threat. Thought it up has said it to me is enough to send me wild.
Ask your boyfriend if he knows shen he first discovered he liked this kind of play. ask him what it makes him feel and what part arouses him the most.
10-23-2008, 07:20 AM
Thanks for the insights. I think you are probably spot on when you say a girl WANTING to do that is his turn-on. I’ve always known he likes a girl playing around ‘down there’ and biting his balls really floats his boat too. Some light bondage combined with a threat is absolute dynamite.
The thing is when I ask him about these things I get the standard male pat answer, “I just like it” and that’s about it. He’s not the most expressive guy in the world, and it’s hard to get information out of him. Maybe I just need to take a much firmer grip on the jewels and make him talk huh (laugh) Or else!! (laugh)
Thank you again for your thought on this.
10-23-2008, 08:18 AM
Great site.
10-23-2008, 08:26 AM
Excellent pics. I might have to try my hand at a few.
Dear Altamesa,
I wrote a story on the subject you are talking about. Only this is about penectomy. But it covers the subject. I am planning to write more on the male behavior and mind in the second part. But the exciting part is that the female wants it, or better wants to play like she wants it. I haven't got a clou how such things emerge the first time in a man's or woman's mind. Freud might have had some idea's.
10-23-2008, 11:53 AM
Yeah, where’s Sigmund when you need him.
Thanks for the insight and the link
I found this tonight
Hope you like it
10-23-2008, 02:22 PM
i found a couple pics from some russian site couldnt translate it but hey i found the pics
10-23-2008, 02:22 PM
There is an entire serie about this character "Madame Rebecca Steele" in the ( site....
Regards (
shall I post the after pic?
Castratrix's pet
10-23-2008, 05:38 PM
At Eunuch Archive (Eunuch.Org) in the stories archive read the stories written by Hereunuch. I wrote those stories when I had a membership there under the username Hereunuch. My stories like my femdom ********** fantasies are very in depth and detailed.
In my femdom ********** fantasies I am always dressed in a long sleeve shirt with my sleeves down and my arms covered completely to my hands in long sleeves. The castratrix is also wearing a long sleeve shirt, and she rolls up her sleeves rolling them up above her elbows and she performs the ********** surgery on me with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows. I think the sleeve fetish has to do with symbols of female power and female dominance, and male weakness and male submission to women.
The woman ********** me always performs the ********** surgically the way a surgeon would remove the testicles or the way a veterinarian would surgically neuter a large male dog, but with no anesthesia or at most with only a mild local anesthetic so I am fully awake the whole time she is doing it. She performs the ********** very very slowly, skillfully, and omnipotently. Throughout the operation she describes in detail to the women assisting her and the women watching it each step in the ********** surgery as she performs it, and she and the other women talk among themselves about all kinds of things having to do with **********, what it is, why she is doing it to me, what I will be and what I will be like when she is done and why I will be that way. I have a huge erection and she ****** me to cum once or twice while she is performing the ********** surgery on me, and then one final cum after she has cut them off and my manhood has been destroyed at her hands. You can imagine what all this would be like for a man physically, emotionally, and sexually.
As she performs the ********** surgery on me, the castratrix becomes and is God Herself (as in God is female, God is Goddess) and I worship her totally as she cuts my nuts out, worship of her that will continue forever after the operation. ********* at her hands, I forever worship her and forever belong completely to her. So to me there is a very very strong spiritual aspect to my femdom ********** fantasies.
The idea of this kind of total power, total destruction, total control held and wielded only by women is a very big turnon for me. The fact that it is permanent and forever, and of being completely under the power and at the mercy of a woman in this way is a total turnon for me. It is certainly the ultimate in female power and dominance, and male weakness and submission. The idea of God is female and God is a woman that kind of total female power and dominance over me and of my total male weakness and submission to her. I have never been comfortable at all with images of God as male, I'm only comfortable with images of God as female, and like I said there is something very deeply spiritual about it to me about femdom surgical ********** performed by a woman in terms of a female Goddess spirituality.
I'm not sure if your boyfriend has any of these kinds of feelings about it, but I hope this helps you to better understand femdom ********** fantasies and what's going on in them and why.
I would appreciate hearing your thoughts and feelings about femdom ********** and femdom ********** fantasies from a women's perspective, and from the perspective of a woman who has had experience with a man who has femdom ********** fantasies.
10-24-2008, 10:59 AM
i found a couple pics from some russian site couldnt translate it but hey i found the pics
I like the pic of cut the ball and dick down after cum.
10-24-2008, 04:56 PM
Nice stuff here.
10-25-2008, 07:39 AM
兄弟你休息一会吧,我顶会儿NSK轴承 (进口轴承 (日本NSK轴承 (日本NSK进口轴承 (
Good pictures and links here, but this one i can't open.
10-25-2008, 08:05 AM
Could anyone tell me what is the title of this movie & who is the actor and actress ???
10-25-2008, 08:38 AM
this guy moves around a lot, but here's where you can find him now:
hi d14736251d, i can't see this site anymore... what a shame!
do you know where i can find it now? or, maybe, where i can find the same pictures in an other place?
10-25-2008, 07:18 PM
Dirk, I like the pictures in webtease 2768. Any stories and pictures featuring hot women with big tools for removing cocks and balls is very arousing for me. They could be improved:
1) show detailed images of applying tools to big cocks
2) the men should be fully erect, very aroused with the tool on their cock, or approaching their cock to remove it.
That's my 2 cents!
By the way, I like your story on Eunuch Archives. Keep it going!
I found this tonight
Hope you like it
10-25-2008, 07:26 PM
I have posted 3 episodes of a series Rachel and Jakob on Eunuch Archive stories. You can search for them by title or author ("Finder and Rachel" are the authors). (Rachel is someone I'm corresponding with by email, with similar interests, and she is contributing ideas for the stories).
The stories explore what happens when a well-endowed guy and his girlfriend share similar kinks and curiosity about the male member.
Part of the story is a description of a strange video casette Jakob buys at the local XXX video store. The video contains a collection of episodes graphically showing penis abuse and removal by a variety of methods. If this topic interests you, and you have some favorite fantasies, please let me know, or you may want to write it up yourself, and we will try to incorporate it into the story as one of the video scenarios. Or any feedback on the story and where you'd like to see it go is also welcome.
Email to cho_pitoff (at) yahoo (dot) com.
10-25-2008, 10:44 PM
I found this tonight
Hope you like it
Too sexy! Seeing those big cutters.... wow!
10-27-2008, 01:18 AM
Could anyone tell me what is the title of this movie & who is the actor and actress ???
I know it's distributed by a company called Tempe Video. just IMDB it, I can't remember the name, but its about a serial killer who teaches a girl how to become a serial killer.
Dirk, I like the pictures in webtease 2768. Any stories and pictures featuring hot women with big tools for removing cocks and balls is very arousing for me. They could be improved:
1) show detailed images of applying tools to big cocks
2) the men should be fully erect, very aroused with the tool on their cock, or approaching their cock to remove it.
That's my 2 cents!
By the way, I like your story on Eunuch Archives. Keep it going!
I fully agree with you Finder. I only found these teasers, they are not mine. But I got the idea that some people might like them. I do prefer the fully erect ones LOL.
10-27-2008, 06:27 AM
I was recently sent this short video, in which a man loses his little prick to a woman with a pair of shears. It looks real, and is not for the faint-hearted. It takes the girl three chops to get through the penis, and there is a lot of blood. Here the link:
10-27-2008, 08:23 AM
I was recently sent this short video, in which a man loses his little prick to a woman with a pair of shears. It looks real, and is not for the faint-hearted. It takes the girl three chops to get through the penis, and there is a lot of blood. Here the link:
It's error please post a new one
10-27-2008, 09:49 AM
I fully agree with you Finder. I only found these teasers, they are not mine. But I got the idea that some people might like them. I do prefer the fully erect ones LOL.
I love this kind's pics.
10-27-2008, 11:54 AM
I have an inner and personal spirituality that says "God is Female and The Castratrix is God," and this is part of what guides me in the direction I'm going.
ths is true
10-27-2008, 01:25 PM
I was recently sent this short video, in which a man loses his little prick to a woman with a pair of shears. It looks real, and is not for the faint-hearted. It takes the girl three chops to get through the penis, and there is a lot of blood. Here the link:
Please re-upload.
10-27-2008, 02:36 PM
10-27-2008, 03:35 PM
BALLS :machine::bananawin
10-27-2008, 05:49 PM
hello all... im new but i DO lvoe this thread! i got some drawings to post about Amazons ********** a male after a fight 1v1, full of kicks and bone breakings.
I do love all ancient aMAZONS AND fantasy related material if anyone have more (like the pag. 147 of this thread)
10-27-2008, 08:59 PM
I uploaded a scene from a movie that may be the one referred to...the name of the movie is der todes king and the cutting clip can be downloaded at
10-27-2008, 09:25 PM
It's error please post a new one
anyone know if this video is available elsewhere, because now he is in the ranking of 10 does not allow for free download.
For those of you into the rougher side of BB through to ********** then there’s a gazillion stories on the topic for free at ‘The Eunuch Archive’.
Use this link to get there: and then just search the boxes on the right by alphabetical story title listing or by author.
New stories are added most days and have been for years. Use this link for the newer stuff.
Enjoy :) It’ll take you nearly a year to read it all!
.....good one
10-28-2008, 05:01 AM
Hello all,
My apologies for the error on Rapidshare. I have never used it before, and, coupled with the fact that I do not have a broadband connection, it will prove difficult to re-upload even this small clip.
If someone is prepared to send me a message via the board and disclose their e-mail address to me, I can send it as an attachment which that person can then upload. Maybe I'll even include a couple of other short videos for good measure!
Thanks for listening.
10-28-2008, 08:01 AM
How 'bout s'more?
Those are nice pictures. This is a very interesting thread.
10-28-2008, 08:04 AM
I uploaded a scene from a movie that may be the one referred to...the name of the movie is der todes king and the cutting clip can be downloaded at
what a movie,thanks =)
10-28-2008, 08:01 PM
This is my favorite picture.
10-29-2008, 12:24 AM
Do anyone know how long it needs to kill the balls or your dick by banding it?
10-29-2008, 01:11 AM
I was not aware that so many people had interest in this here until I saw the number of downloads in one day (over 300!!!)
I have uploaded 3 clips from the movie "Teeth"...they are pretty cool, penectomy by vaginal dentata
One from the movie "Arabian Nights" - ********** with a loop of twine
And two from "Holy Mountain"
I have a large collection of related clips.
Some clips require the xvid or divx codec to play.
Imagine instead of ****** **********, the slave due to fear and order of his mistress himself cuts down his nuts and foreskin and place it at his mistress' feet and ready to serve her as a eunuch his remaining life.........
10-30-2008, 06:59 AM
Could someone please post a still from the cutting scene in this film to the forum? Then I can see if it is the same as my clip.
Thanks in advance.
10-30-2008, 07:44 AM
Goddamnit! Great clips! Exspecially the one from "teeth" where the doggie ate the cock :D :D
Please post more from your collection.
10-30-2008, 08:04 AM
Hi everyone. I'm new here. And I love this board. It's nice to have a place to go where others are into the same things I am. By the way I love the pictures.:ibow4u: Haven't seen any of these since Slammar's website.
10-30-2008, 01:51 PM
This really is some amazing stuff.
10-30-2008, 08:57 PM
Great clips of the penectomies !!! Wow. Please post more with the avi file as they are the easiest for most to download.
Thanks !!!!!!!!!
10-31-2008, 12:52 PM
It took me about half year to find an unknown girl or woman to ******** me. She lives in northeast of China and is willing to try it. During normal days she is a SM queen with three years experience and getting tired of such fame games. Then I asked her if she has interest to execute me and promise all in secret, as a reciprocation, I will pay her about two thousand US dollars for cutting my nuts off. The dick will be delayed because of the more risks of blooding and catheterize. She frankly said it can not be considered until my nuts are cut off, if I still insist by then.
Here I have a question, does anyone know such a real ********** performed by a woman you never see before ever happened in your country? I wish I am no alone.
10-31-2008, 01:16 PM
Hello, everyone!
This is my first post. Hmm, will I find my castratrix here?
10-31-2008, 06:46 PM
My GF likes to tie me up and grab my balls by the root and pull up as hard as she can and tell me that she going to rip them off; makes you think….
10-31-2008, 08:04 PM
woaaah great movie! thanks for the post its awesome. and the link on rapidshare is working pretty ok too! :jumpsmile
10-31-2008, 08:54 PM
Please, user named HKG7, yuo posted a cool pic named "Battle gone wrong" on the page 147 of this forum, as im not yet allowed to open miniatures, may you give me a link to this picture? or even better, to a place to see more of this genre "fantasy" that i DO LOVE so muuuuch!!!:bananajum :bananajum :bananajum
thank you in advance!
Real version, huh? :-) It's okay!:D So, you will publish the "real" stuff, and I do the fantasy ones.
Like this. It even has a name: Battle gone wrong. Enjoy! :jumpsmile
11-01-2008, 12:50 PM
like rblada i also wanna see this pic. could you upload it to and give as link?
11-01-2008, 04:11 PM
what a movie,thanks =)
WOW! That was just fantastic! More please. LOL
11-01-2008, 06:05 PM
great one:)
11-02-2008, 05:47 AM
11-02-2008, 05:06 PM
This video is fantastic! Left me very excited
11-02-2008, 05:17 PM
;) Anime ftw! (
11-02-2008, 07:11 PM
Here are 4 more
The 4th man -
Caligula (for any who may not have seen it) -
Carrie 2 - awesome harpoon shot
Hard Gore - kinda rare 70's porn
11-02-2008, 07:30 PM
Here are some clips from various cannibal films.
Cannibal Ferox - has two scenes
Cannibal Holocaust
Eaten Alive
Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals
11-03-2008, 10:38 AM
Love that photo!
One of my favorite fantasies is to have an ultra-elegant lady use my testicles as earrings and my scrotum for a change purse (although I'd rather it were the type with the metal closer (as seen at:
There's a really nice (apparently true) account by cstngfemale of a wife ********** her husband on the Burdizzo ********** Forum titled: "Took hubby to doctor" at:
I really love the level of female interest in, and participation in, this forum. Happy snipping, ladies! :loveeyes
11-03-2008, 02:06 PM
I'm looking for a video I watched a few time ago. It was taken from a film. A woman is threatning to ******** a male in the cell of a jail and at the end the woman decide to cut off the ball+penis while the man is injuring her and then she throw his body parts to a dog. While the door of the cell is being close by a guardian we can see the man is having spasms.
Any body see what it could be?
EDIT : I've just found it...It was taken from Hostel II
11-03-2008, 02:14 PM
Wow, this site is so great! I have always been a little dominant with my partner, but I didn't know that my feeling about wanting to ******** him were OK. This is great!
11-03-2008, 10:26 PM
:letsplay When i was suffing the web site ,i found some ********** pictures
11-03-2008, 11:28 PM
something i just found.
Please, user named HKG7, yuo posted a cool pic named "Battle gone wrong" on the page 147 of this forum, as im not yet allowed to open miniatures, may you give me a link to this picture? or even better, to a place to see more of this genre "fantasy" that i DO LOVE so muuuuch!!!:bananajum :bananajum :bananajum
thank you in advance!
I have uploaded all my work to imagefap.
Be sure to use "simple view" cause some pics may remain hidden otherwise, dunno why. I am so busy, I do not have any time to produce more, but I am still in production, so there might be some more in the near future. Say in late November, probably.
11-04-2008, 08:53 PM
this is really excellent work
11-04-2008, 10:19 PM
Thank you, that is awesome work! I especially liked the last group.
Love that photo!
One of my favorite fantasies is to have an ultra-elegant lady use my testicles as earrings and my scrotum for a change purse (although I'd rather it were the type with the metal closer (as seen at:
This lady has special earrings. ;)
11-05-2008, 04:05 AM
And a very elegant lady she is!
11-05-2008, 05:13 AM
Jimbo007 #2477:
I speak German.
Here's my translation of the online chat:
Song title: Beim ersten Mal tut's immer weh: It always hurts the first time (literally: It's always harmful the first time (I believe this is an intended pun on what a guy might tell a virgin he's trying to seduce)).
(unzensiert = uncensored)
fritzl69: Wie alt bist du denn? = So, how old are you?
rotaepfelchen15 (Little Red Apple 15): 15
fritzl69: Das gefaellt mir Wollen wir uns treffen? = I like that. Do we want to get together?
rotaepfelchen15: Warum nicht? Was wollen wir denn machen? = Why not? What should we do then?
fritzl69: Was schoenes. = Something nice. (Literally: Something beautiful.)
fritzl69: Hast du schon ein feuchtes Hoeschen? = Do you have moist panties yet?
Rotaepfelchen15: Scharf = Sharp
fritzl69: Geil = Great
Rotaepfelchen15: Lutschen = Suck
fritzl69: Ich werds [s/b: werd's] dir richtig besorgen = I'll take proper care of it for you.
Rotaepfelchen15: Oh ja. Ich dir auch... = Oh, yeah. I'll do the same to you
Paedomann (=Paedoman = paedophilic man): wie jung bist du denn? = So, how young are you?
Rotaepfelchen15: 15
Paedomann (=Paedoman = paedophilic man): Geil Wollen wir uns treffen? = Great. Do we want to get together?
rotaepfelchen15: Au, ja. Ich kenne da ein lustiges Spiel... = Oh, yeah. I know a fun game along those lines...
Hope this helps!
11-05-2008, 05:42 AM
I posted my last item before I realized that something about the video referred to may lie outside the cultural understanding of some of the readers from various countries.
The entire premise of the video seems to be based on an American half news half reality television program called "NBC News Dateline", which occasionally runs a sub-series called "To Catch a Predator", in which adults chat online posing as underaged potential sex partners, for the purpose of engaging adults seeking sex with minors in criminally culpable chat. The adult then arrives at a camera-laden house, where the program presenter confronts him. When the culprit leaves the house, the police are waiting outside to arrest him on camera.
This program has been criticized for overdoing it, in that, once the sexual solicitation of a minor via the internet has occurred, the offense has been consummated without more, and the proper procedure would be to give the evidence to the detectives to allow them to procure, and then execute, an arrest warrant for the offender. The involvement of news crews who are not law enforcement officers may endanger the ability of prosecutors to press the cases, and the drawing of weapons in residential neighborhoods by the police when they arrest the offenders on camera endangers neighbors, passers-by, camera crews, the accused (who, under US law, is still innocent as a matter of law at this point in the proceedings), and the police themselves.
Castratrix's pet
11-05-2008, 07:50 AM
I would love to see a series of femdom ********** pictures where the man being ********* is dressed in a long sleeve shirt with his sleeves down and his arms covered completely to his hands in long sleeves. The castratrix is a very beautiful young woman and she is dressed in a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows. She is performing the ********** surgically the way a surgeon would do the **********. Perhaps there are a couple of other women watching her do the ********** or assisting her.
11-05-2008, 09:41 AM
I would love to see a series of femdom ********** pictures where the man being ********* is dressed in a long sleeve shirt with his sleeves down and his arms covered completely to his hands in long sleeves. The castratrix is a very beautiful young woman and she is dressed in a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows. She is performing the ********** surgically the way a surgeon would do the **********. Perhaps there are a couple of other women watching her do the ********** or assisting her.
I have to say, after having seen you repeat this fantasy maybe 30 or 40 times so far, that that is a very specific image, one that I can only imagine is deeply rooted for you. Have you got any idea where this idea came from? Why long sleeve shirts? Are you remembering some TV show, some movie scene, some visit to the farm?
And are there absolutely no other scenarios that pique your interest?
11-05-2008, 05:47 PM
hey bro... yuor simply great.
now i must ask you somehting. Are you going to continue that fantasy serie about that ancient amazon displaed in "battle went wrong" ?
Maby yuo dont notice but, THIS THEME IS DAMZ HOOOOOTTTT :bananajum :bananajum
I cant stand at her enraged face while piercing my balls and cock, she is amazing, i feel to be destined to be cutted to her, i feel my legs tremble in front of her beaty body and angry face and she seems to not care and keep to cut me untill i bleed to dead... and maby she will fill my open mouth by her pee wayching me die like this omfg... i could cum in my pants only thinking at that... did u give yuo some hint? i hope so.... cant wait to see if id inspire you!
be well!
11-05-2008, 10:06 PM
:Baahaha: der togesting <brawo> nazi ********** hehe 4 th man very good
11-06-2008, 01:28 AM
Jimbo007 #2477:
Hope this helps!
thanks for the effort Lilbob greatly appreciated
11-06-2008, 07:16 AM
You are most welcome!
11-06-2008, 02:10 PM
This lady has special earrings. ;)
The pic needs a good caption maybe something like this:
Hi, Baby like my ear rings? They're my last lover's balls. I ALWAYS keep my lover's balls and have a good collection now. Care to be my lover and have yours added to my collection?
slow ********** of ******
11-07-2008, 06:00 PM
Violent Girl
11-07-2008, 09:12 PM
SOME PIC.:Baahaha:
11-08-2008, 01:06 AM
I've been looking at some of the pictures, and DAMN THEY ARE HOTTT! It is exciting and scary at the same time seeing this stuff. I'd like to keep my pair, but I'll be a fool if I say that some of that stuff doesn't turn me ON!
11-08-2008, 01:44 AM
OUCH! this is a VERY painful thread!! I hope it doesn't give women too many ideas watching....OUCH!!!
11-08-2008, 04:09 AM
wow lots of pix here
11-08-2008, 07:34 AM
one of my favoriets ( (
11-08-2008, 07:36 AM
and another one
11-08-2008, 08:03 AM
What if guy were treated like animals? Male animals are ********* so easily and with out any hesitation. Like all guy that go to jail would be ********* and when a woman is done having kids she would just have her husband *********...est
What do you all think?
11-08-2008, 05:36 PM
I'm not sure. Noone should do it, if he doesn't want.
So... it's not a good idea;)
11-09-2008, 05:30 PM ( ( ( ( (
11-09-2008, 05:35 PM ( ( ( ( (
11-09-2008, 05:38 PM ( ( ( ( (
11-09-2008, 09:18 PM
plz post some more pics simaler to dkg-club (
11-09-2008, 11:33 PM
Hey everyone. With regards to the great dkg-club stuff, I'm rubbish at photo manips but I have a few pics that could be done. Anyone want to give these a try? Anything will do or you could try the brief scenario's I've imagined. 1st, 2nd, & 3rd would obviously be a restaurant/diner offering 'special' dishes. Captions would be good for these (hope I'm not asking too much). 4th one could be the end of a tiresome food fight with cock/balls as a re-energising treat. I'll provide captions if anyone who is kind enough to do the manips wants me to
11-09-2008, 11:47 PM
Here's a few more.
1st - a punishment for losing at naked twister
2nd - Tawnee Stone (2nd from left) threating to use the kitchen knife behind her
3rd - a birthday party with 'special' dinner. A knife could be inserted in the left hand of the women on the right
4th - a **********/emasculation party
5th - I think a knife could easily be inserted into her right hand and the beads could become balls. The image itself is from one of the java games posted in this thread
Hope someone is kind enough to do this
11-10-2008, 02:43 AM
Re: #2657
In my earlier post on this thread, #2621, I said that one of my favorite fantasies is to have a very elegant lady wear my testicles as earrings. Well, the lady in the second (seated fourth from left) and third (only female in photo) photos of post #2657 is my dream girl! :ibow4u:
Hot and a half! :thumbup
11-10-2008, 02:59 PM
i like this thread and its authors. you´re doing a great job
11-10-2008, 03:55 PM
Heya just putting this out here but dose anyone have any rapid share Pictures ?
i already have enough video's thanks to everyone else :P (prefer ones were you can see the girl :P )
11-10-2008, 09:02 PM
Re: #2657
In my earlier post on this thread, #2621, I said that one of my favorite fantasies is to have a very elegant lady wear my testicles as earrings. Well, the lady in the second (seated fourth from left) and third (only female in photo) photos of post #2657 is my dream girl! :ibow4u:
Hot and a half! :thumbup
glad you like Lilbob :)
11-10-2008, 10:42 PM
Just a comic
11-11-2008, 12:48 AM
Amber Rayne is one of the greatest ballbusting ( babes in the world, I must admit.
She castrates a kidnapper after biting his cock and balls during this violent femdom scene. (
11-11-2008, 05:02 AM ( ( ( ( (
11-11-2008, 05:06 AM ( ( ( ( (
11-11-2008, 05:13 AM
dkg-club - Russian magazine
since 2001 in web ( ( ( ( (
11-11-2008, 06:26 AM ( ( ( ( (
Castratrix's pet
11-11-2008, 07:25 AM
It's too bad these girls aren't surgeons.
I would love to be married to a very beautiful young woman surgeon who is an extremely dominant female supremist, who gets her real kicks out of her total power over me and from me worshipping her as Goddess, and for her to decide it's time for her to ******** me by surgically removing my testicles and prostate, and for her to keep me awake and conscious while she is operating on me.
Castratrix's pet
11-11-2008, 07:40 AM
I wish one of these girls could be my dominant female supremist wife and surgeon.
I wonder what it would be like strapped down helpless to an operating table with her standing over me, her sleeves rolled up well above her elbows, seeing, feeling, totally experiencing it as she slowly cuts my nuts out, worshipping her as Goddess as my manhood is surgically destroyed at her hands!
11-11-2008, 11:15 AM
I wish one of these girls could be my dominant female supremist wife and surgeon.
I wonder what it would be like strapped down helpless to an operating table with her standing over me, her sleeves rolled up well above her elbows, seeing, feeling, totally experiencing it as she slowly cuts my nuts out, worshipping her as Goddess as my manhood is surgically destroyed at her hands!
I’m thinking that not a lot of dominant girls would be wanting a limp-dicked, incontinent hubby worshipping her. Now a limp-dicked, incontinent slave to cater to her and a well-endowed lover’s every whim and want, and to totally worship the very ground she walks upon, well perhaps that would be different. Hmmm….and to think, all a girl would have to do is fold up her sleeves very carefully, making the folds precisely the width of the cuff, and ending in a final crisp fold well above her elbow. She could then begin stropping the razor to the keen edge that will glide across your scrotum and rid you of those pesky testicles you want so badly to be rid of.
Now that could just possibly happen one day.;)
11-11-2008, 09:55 PM
some pic.:ibow4u:
11-11-2008, 10:08 PM
come on,who can up some for cnb?
11-11-2008, 10:11 PM
good pic for web.:bananajum
11-12-2008, 12:51 PM ( ( ( ( (
dkg...your work is awesome...thanks. :ibow4u:
Here's of my all-time favorite pics...I don't know where I got it and the quality sucks but I love it. I love the chick on the right with the belt of low hangers. Can anyone re-make this? I'm totally into ********* balls still in the cocks...
11-12-2008, 01:49 PM
even though some pics are really cheesey, theyre still really hot!
11-12-2008, 02:51 PM
Hey dzk your web sites not working for me for some reason :(
11-12-2008, 03:34 PM
Thanks for all these pics, they are ... delicious
Castratrix's pet
11-13-2008, 06:19 AM
I’m thinking that not a lot of dominant girls would be wanting a limp-dicked, incontinent hubby worshipping her. Now a limp-dicked, incontinent slave to cater to her and a well-endowed lover’s every whim and want, and to totally worship the very ground she walks upon, well perhaps that would be different. Hmmm….and to think, all a girl would have to do is fold up her sleeves very carefully, making the folds precisely the width of the cuff, and ending in a final crisp fold well above her elbow. She could then begin stropping the razor to the keen edge that will glide across your scrotum and rid you of those pesky testicles you want so badly to be rid of.
Now that could just possibly happen one day.;)
I think what I would need to find is a woman who routinely performs castrations on males. A woman rancher or woman farmer. Best of all would be a woman veterinarian because she routinely performs a number of castrations on males and she does it surgically as a surgical operation. She would also need to be a woman who really enjoys performing ********** surgery. A total female supremist who one of the reasons she became a veterinarian was so she could routinely perform male castrations because that is how she orgasms.
A woman who is so sexually warped up that normal sex and intercourse no longer interest her, a woman so sexually warped up that for her to orgasm she has to have and feel total omnipotent power over a male as if she herself is God. For her the ultimate orgasm would be for her to surgically ******** and emasculate a man against his will, (despite my femdom ********** fantasies I don't really want to be ********* for real), and then for herself to feel that total omnipotence of being God by being worshipped by a sterile impotent eunuch she herself had *********, a eunuch whose manhood she herself had destroyed with her own hands.
Perhaps a woman who prefers wearing long sleeves rolled up well above her elbows because to her it somehow symbolizes her total power and omnipotence.
An extremely dominant woman who somehow as a woman sees herself as God.
There are probably a very very few women out there like that and I know that a woman like that would be very very dangerous especially for a man like myself, but that is probably what I would need to find.
11-13-2008, 08:54 AM
I think what I would need to find is a woman who routinely performs castrations on males. A woman rancher or woman farmer. Best of all would be a woman veterinarian because she routinely performs a number of castrations on males and she does it surgically as a surgical operation. She would also need to be a woman who really enjoys performing ********** surgery. A total female supremist who one of the reasons she became a veterinarian was so she could routinely perform male castrations because that is how she orgasms.
A woman who is so sexually warped up that normal sex and intercourse no longer interest her, a woman so sexually warped up that for her to orgasm she has to have and feel total omnipotent power over a male as if she herself is God. For her the ultimate orgasm would be for her to surgically ******** and emasculate a man against his will, (despite my femdom ********** fantasies I don't really want to be ********* for real), and then for herself to feel that total omnipotence of being God by being worshipped by a sterile impotent eunuch she herself had *********, a eunuch whose manhood she herself had destroyed with her own hands.
Perhaps a woman who prefers wearing long sleeves rolled up well above her elbows because to her it somehow symbolizes her total power and omnipotence.
An extremely dominant woman who somehow as a woman sees herself as God.
There are probably a very very few women out there like that and I know that a woman like that would be very very dangerous especially for a man like myself, but that is probably what I would need to find.
Women already have an omnipotent power over men. It’s just that most times we conceal that fact very cleverly when we exert that dominance. Sometimes we don‘t, and we will deliver a very firm squeeze or an abrupt knee to your balls to remind you of that fact.
You might also want to rethink rounding up some cowgirl that is very likely to hogtie you down, slice off the wrinkled bottom of your scrotum, and pull your jewels off by the roots and toss them into the dusty ground of the corral. Since you say this is just a fantasy for you, there’s a good chance you may just be singing out your regrets in a distinctly soprano voice as the cowgirl of your dreams is shuddering in orgasm at what she has just done to you.;)
11-13-2008, 09:36 AM
good pic for web.:bananajum
What you posting's pics are so real. I love it. Thank you for sharing..!!
Castratrix's pet
11-13-2008, 12:49 PM
Women already have an omnipotent power over men. It’s just that most times we conceal that fact very cleverly when we exert that dominance. Sometimes we don‘t, and we will deliver a very firm squeeze or an abrupt knee to your balls to remind you of that fact.
You might also want to rethink rounding up some cowgirl that is very likely to hogtie you down, slice off the wrinkled bottom of your scrotum, and pull your jewels off by the roots and toss them into the dusty ground of the corral. Since you say this is just a fantasy for you, there’s a good chance you may just be singing out your regrets in a distinctly soprano voice as the cowgirl of your dreams is shuddering in orgasm at what she has just done to you.;)
I was really thinking more of an extreme female supremist femdom woman veterinarian who would rolle up her sleeves and surgically neuter me the same way she neuters a large male dog, only either with no anesthesia or under a local anesthetic that would leave me awake and conscious to watch and experience her slowly and skillfully cutting my nuts out and would leave me awake and conscious to worship her as God while she is ********** me and my manhood is being destroyed at her hands.
A woman who has the surgical skill and experience to perform a surgical ********** and is the kind of woman who would have her most intense orgasm ever while she is doing it to me. The kind of woman who would experience intense orgasm by being worshipped as God by the eunuch She Herself had *********, whose manhood She herself had destroyed with Her own hands.
11-13-2008, 01:25 PM
I found this castratiion pic coming from a fantasy amazon's story made by a cool artist named diegomez.
Does someone have the whole story and can post it here? or at last provide a link whenre to download those sooooooooo COOL pics?
thanks in advance!
Castratrix's pet
11-13-2008, 01:36 PM
Shown here with short sleeves instead of long sleeves rolled up, but you get the idea.
Castratrix's pet
11-13-2008, 01:55 PM
I wish instead of short sleeves she was wearing long sleeves rolled up above her elbows.
Castratrix's pet
11-13-2008, 01:59 PM
The face of God.
11-13-2008, 03:11 PM
Shown here with short sleeves instead of long sleeves rolled up, but you get the idea.
You can find more pic from this artist in a galery of the site but unfortunately not free of charge. I love his fantasy world as much as you do !
11-13-2008, 03:24 PM
lol We need more pics :P who agrees ?
Castratrix's pet
11-13-2008, 11:20 PM
I wonder if there really are any women out there like I have described? Just wondering out of curiosity.
11-14-2008, 03:58 AM
What is about Pictures from ********* shemales?
11-14-2008, 05:27 AM
I agree whole hardheartedly more pictures the better :)
Castratrix's pet
11-14-2008, 05:06 PM
For me, femdom **********, ********** performed by a woman is more than a sexual things. It is a combines both the sexual and the spiritual into one, it is both a deeply sexual and deeply spiritual thing. In my femdom ********** fantasies, as she performs the ********** on me the castratrix herself becomes and is God Herself as in God being female God being Goddess, and Her omnipotence over me is total and I worship her totally as Goddess as she cuts my nuts out and my manhood is destroyed at Her hands. So fo me femdom ********** is as much spiritual as it is sexual.
You can use this picture as a tileset for the game Mahjongg, anyone interested? Send me a private message and I will tell you how.
I changed this picture a little.
11-16-2008, 06:49 AM
heres some more pics i found
11-16-2008, 06:52 AM
idk why but it wouldnt upload some of the pics i tryed so iam trying again
11-16-2008, 06:56 AM
heres some more
11-16-2008, 09:26 AM
heres some more
I like those pics what you're posting. Very attractive..!!
11-16-2008, 10:57 PM
heres a couple youtube videos i found one is a zombie biteing off a penis and balls the other a woman shoots a guy in the dick and balls
11-17-2008, 01:23 PM
LOL woot some one finaly put more pics :)
11-17-2008, 07:35 PM
I found a great site at which has a lot of very hot ********** pictures. Many of them include women clipping the men. You have to sign up for membership, but its free and really quick.
11-18-2008, 03:29 AM
The Gunshot to the balls was a hot one. Just look at the hate in the her eyes, and knowing that he'll never be the same again.
I'd have to say that this is an awesome thread. If you are new to the fetish, as I am, you've stumbled on a goldmine.
I love the vids (particularity the ones posted by 'theduggers'), keep em comming.
11-18-2008, 03:12 PM
I've been interested in this sort of thing for years. I'll work on putting some pics together.
11-20-2008, 12:46 AM
********** fantasy pics:
11-20-2008, 08:16 AM
Any boy in her school who has the balls to question the superiority of the female doesn't keep them for long.
11-20-2008, 11:04 PM
idk why but it wouldnt upload some of the pics i tryed so iam trying again
Those pics were hot! Are the ones with the removed penis real? That is just majorly hott. Holding 'your' own hard penis, but having it be completely useless, because there is no feeling attached, nothing but internal frustration?
And does he still have his balls? His mistress can continue to keep "him" in its place. Wow.
11-21-2008, 02:12 AM
11-21-2008, 09:18 AM
dkg...your work is awesome...thanks. :ibow4u:
Here's of my all-time favorite pics...I don't know where I got it and the quality sucks but I love it. I love the chick on the right with the belt of low hangers. Can anyone re-make this? I'm totally into ********* balls still in the cocks...
Amazon warrior stood triumphant amid a sea of vanquished male challengers, their severed testicles made trophies and hanging forlornly from the leather thong about her thigh proclaiming the superiority of her sex.
So here's my offering on the above.
11-21-2008, 10:03 AM
LOVE IT! :ibow4u:
It's really funny you did that because I loved your drawing right above that one and I was thinking "It would be cool if there was a line of balls hanging from the chalkboard from previous trouble-makers." I didn't want to bug you to ask...then you did that awesome Amazon cartoon. :)
11-21-2008, 01:05 PM
It's scary, how much relevant material accumulated here with the years.
Although I've been interested in pretty well anything having to deal with **********, something prevented me from finding this board. Really nice stuff, mates!
11-21-2008, 07:17 PM
I always love guns and blades in the hands of evil, hot babes.
Here's a gun-point cock-biting ********** ( photo! (
Having your testicles at gun-point is a very humbling experience.
11-22-2008, 10:12 AM
here you can also find stuff, which might be insteresting to you. :)
11-22-2008, 11:45 AM
For those of you into the rougher side of BB through to ********** then there’s a gazillion stories on the topic for free at ‘The Eunuch Archive’.
Use this link to get there: and then just search the boxes on the right by alphabetical story title listing or by author.
New stories are added most days and have been for years. Use this link for the newer stuff.
Enjoy :) It’ll take you nearly a year to read it all!
11-22-2008, 07:27 PM
I believe that it's the wrong angle to hold the gun, as the best effect would be blowing the testicles off the body, instead of letting the bullet go into his pelvic bone. That's threatening! =)
11-23-2008, 11:14 AM
11-25-2008, 11:38 AM
pau242, that is an extraordinary set of photos, thanks very much! Do you know anything about who made them? I love that moment, I think, more than any other, where the blade/blades are about to touch the flesh, such sweet tension. If he was totally erect it would be even better, but I'm not complaining!
- Finder:)
11-26-2008, 07:01 AM
And the rules are GIRLS RULE!
11-26-2008, 11:31 PM
Awesome stuff kneefodder...and a great idea. :D
11-27-2008, 02:19 AM
The liberated womans preferred choice of birth control, cheap, quick and 100% effective.
11-27-2008, 04:27 AM
This is rally great thred...thx
11-27-2008, 08:33 AM
11-27-2008, 05:10 PM
I found a great site at which has a lot of very hot ********** pictures. Many of them include women clipping the men. You have to sign up for membership, but its free and really quick.
How can I see this page?? I registered an acount, and when i'm logged in i see only:
you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
11-27-2008, 05:14 PM
How can I see this page?? I registered an acount, and when i'm logged in i see only:
you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
Same here, and it sounds so good! Ho hum.
11-28-2008, 09:03 AM
Her defeated opponents testicles now a trophy to the superiority of female over male a victorious amazon salutes the arena crowd.
11-28-2008, 10:13 AM
I just want to say I've just joined and this is the best forum I've found so far [after being online and interested in all aspects of CBT since at least 1999] I'll get some photos up once I've finished rebuilding my pc :)
personally I'm with amny posters here in that the idea of **********, the psychological element, is much more arousing than the reality as we can see it through the photos. I'm always amazed at guys who do desire this with all their being and then go through with it. It seems to me a real one-way trip but I've never heard of a man do it and then regret it - or is this just because those ones do not post on the internet?
11-28-2008, 02:34 PM
You've really gotten me into the Amazon women! Great stuff.
You should do one with a group of women standing over a pile of men while holding their new prizes...
Anyway, thanks for your artwork. :)
11-28-2008, 04:01 PM
More please
11-28-2008, 04:55 PM
FemDom Pic
11-29-2008, 12:42 AM
that is great.
Does anyone have anymore?
11-29-2008, 01:55 AM
that is great.
Does anyone have anymore?
Feel absolutely free to contribute.
11-29-2008, 06:08 AM
thank you``111
********** in Africa (**********_in_Africa_u_337361)
That's a great movie!!!
what do you think is this vid real?
11-29-2008, 12:06 PM
what do you think is this vid real?
OMG!!!! There was soooooooo much blood:cryingblu
11-29-2008, 02:39 PM
i cant believe i found this i dont have a video stealer that steals videos and lets u make copys of like youtube type java based video players so hopefully someone else will have one and be able to record this and make a rapidshare file of it before it gets deleted multiple videos regaurding **********
go down till see almost like a youtube type player and click play**********-scenes-from-horror-movies/
11-29-2008, 03:29 PM
i cant believe i found this i dont have a video stealer that steals videos and lets u make copys of like youtube type java based video players so hopefully someone else will have one and be able to record this and make a rapidshare file of it before it gets deleted multiple videos regaurding **********
go down till see almost like a youtube type player and click play**********-scenes-from-horror-movies/
Awesome! I can't tell you how long I've been looking for the names to some of these movies!!
11-29-2008, 03:49 PM
I know what I'm going to be renting at the movie store tonight! I especially love the first one on the site. I love seeing strong, muscular men brought down to steer level by **********. Very Nice!!!
11-29-2008, 10:59 PM
There is a website called RIP Films. On the video page( the second video is titled Banned From YouTube. The video is pretty fake, but the concept is intriguing.
11-30-2008, 11:58 AM
11-30-2008, 12:09 PM
11-30-2008, 07:06 PM
some animation and real
11-30-2008, 09:46 PM
Here's one of my latest castrations!**********.jpg (
Always more new free ballbusting photos ( at my ballbusting blog ( here:
12-01-2008, 12:20 AM
castrations by girls with pigtails are awesome ! ty
12-01-2008, 09:33 AM
how dangerous is elastration
12-02-2008, 10:01 AM
how dangerous is elastration
I believe the real danger is a blood clot forming...which could kill you. I think the odds of that are quite small but it's a risk to be aware of.
I've used elastrator bands 30-40 times over the last 10 years (leaving them on for 15-30 minutes) and I've never had any problems.
12-02-2008, 10:13 AM
what about needles in balls, if they are smaller needles like for injecting shots can they cause any harm?
12-02-2008, 11:38 AM
I believe the real danger is a blood clot forming...which could kill you. I think the odds of that are quite small but it's a risk to be aware of.
I've used elastrator bands 30-40 times over the last 10 years (leaving them on for 15-30 minutes) and I've never had any problems.
Wow...that's harsh... Does everything still work after all that?
12-02-2008, 01:14 PM
Wow...that's harsh... Does everything still work after all that?
Oh hell yeah! :D
I've been into ballbusting and ********** fantasy for 20 years...but the keep in's ********** fantasy! I'd never want to lose the bits so I am very careful.
If you roam the internet enough you'll find there's tons of guys who play with elastrators (and girls who play with their guys) and it's not nearly as scary as the general public assumes.
Having said that I do think there is a need to pint out the rare potential problems that can occur as with any type of play.
Banding is both painful and erotic at the same's fun to do every once in a while. as soon as the band is off there is no pain at all. :)
12-02-2008, 01:25 PM
BTW...a few pics here:
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