View Full Version : ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)
Ordinary Joe
01-16-2009, 07:51 AM
great site
Ordinary Joe
01-16-2009, 07:52 AM
truly great work people
01-16-2009, 01:12 PM
below are some older pics i have dunno if they been posted before
01-16-2009, 01:15 PM
trying to upload this gif file
hopefully this worked
01-16-2009, 04:29 PM
Full movie please or just that part ???? :D
Possessed girl cuts off penis. The present she gives the man's lover is a fantastic twist. Also followed links to notice how much fun the female surgeon is having.
01-17-2009, 11:12 PM
below are some older pics i have dunno if they been posted before
I think there's a reason the second one hasn't been posted yet.
i luv the youtube vid! thx for posting the link!
01-18-2009, 07:57 AM
well iam supprised i found this one but theres no actual cutting envolved just a sexy predicament that couldve happened to the guys in a machine that lops off there manhood
Castratrix's pet
01-18-2009, 08:42 AM
I would love to see some pics or vids of a beautiful sexy young woman posed as a ********** surgeon showing her doing the ********** the way a surgeon or a veterinarian would perform it. I'm much more into surgical ********** where the castratrix performs the ********** the way she would if she was a surgeon or a veterinary surgeon. Would especially like to see some femdom ********** pics or vids that are POV from the male's/eunuch's perspective while the woman is ********** him. You don't find many femdom ********** pics or vids that are POV. It would be nice if someone could make some.
Also with my sleeves fetish I would love to see some pics or vids of a beautiful sexy young woman wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows, especially with her posed as a castratrix performing a **********.
Also what about some vids or audios of women talking about **********? An audio or video of a group of women talking about ********** and about ********** a man from a female supremist or female superiority position. There is something about hearing women's voices talking about ********** and **********, or seeing and hearing a group of dominant women talking about ********** and **********.
Castratrix's pet
01-18-2009, 11:45 AM
I have wondered what would it really be like having my testicles slowly cut out by a beautiful sexy young woman with her performing the ********** the way a surgeon would perform the operation solely in the presence of women?
What would surgical ********** and the destruction of my manhood at the hands of a woman be like?
With my sleeves fetish, what would it be like with my arms covered completely to my hands in long sleeves, strapped down helpless to an operating table looking up at a beautiful sexy young dominant woman standing over me wearing a long sleeve shirt, and watching her rolling up her sleeves knowing she is about to ******** me?
What would the ********** surgery at her hands be like physically, sexually, and emotionally? How long would it take her to perform the surgery on me? Would I feel sexual arousal, would I have an erection, would I cum while she is operating on me, what would any of that be like. Physically, sexually, and emotionally, what would ********** surgery at the hands of a beautiful sexy young very dominant woman be like?
What I be like and what would it be like for me afterward? What would it be like for me afterward personally serving her and worshipping her as her own personal eunuch slave/pet that she herself had *********?
What would any of those things be like for the woman who is performing the ********** surgery on me?
Are there women who really have fantasies of herself actually ********** a man? Then keeping him as her personal eunuch slave/pet? What would a woman like that be like?
I have wondered if anything like this has ever really happened in reality. I have wondered what it would really be like.
01-18-2009, 12:56 PM
Boy would I love to be bound helpless and have that female working on me in that fashion if a nurse she could go all the way
Castratrix's pet
01-18-2009, 02:04 PM
On a Google search, type in dr louise st germain. The first website on the menu that comes up is "video de diffusion." Click on that and it takes you to a series of videos for veterinary students.
Go to "********** canine Dr Louise St Germain"
In the video that comes up a woman narrates in French while a woman veterinarian, Dr Louise St Germain, castrates a large male dog.
I've wondered what Dr Louise St Germain looks like and what it would be like with her performing this ********** on me while I was awake for the surgery.
01-18-2009, 04:02 PM
trying to upload this gif file
hopefully this worked
01-18-2009, 05:26 PM
Check this out, it is just freaky:
A korean woman bit off her husband's penis and testicles during an argument, police said on Wednesday. She was in police custody in Seoul and might be charged with causing grievous bodily harm, said the officer in charge of the station.
The newspaper said she had bitten off Chairman Park's penis and testicles Sunday night after her 65-year-old husband slapped her.
"Because I was so drunk she overpowered me and by the time my son came to my rescue, she had bitten off both my testicles and the penis," Mr. Park told the paper.
jimenizgarcia that is crazy, she bit off both his testicles and his penis? that is extreme. im suprised he didnt die.
A korean woman bit off her husband's penis and testicles during an argument, police said on Wednesday. She was in police custody in Seoul and might be charged with causing grievous bodily harm, said the officer in charge of the station.
The newspaper said she had bitten off Chairman Park's penis and testicles Sunday night after her 65-year-old husband slapped her.
"Because I was so drunk she overpowered me and by the time my son came to my rescue, she had bitten off both my testicles and the penis," Mr. Park told the paper.
jimenizgarcia that is crazy, she bit off both his testicles and his penis? that is extreme. im suprised he didnt die.
Which got me thinking, about what would be worse. Women if you were goin to attack a mans genitals would you bite or cut? teeth, scissors or knife? head of penis? whole penis one testicle or both? How brutal would you be? Would he be awake or drugged?
01-18-2009, 11:48 PM
well iam supprised i found this one but theres no actual cutting envolved just a sexy predicament that couldve happened to the guys in a machine that lops off there manhood
I remember seeing that movie on tv back in the 80's. As a kid, I was like, "OMG"
01-19-2009, 08:02 AM
OK Boys, some more with my usual warning about possible creative edits.
Please enjoy;
Would-be ****** bitten
Johannesburg - A brave woman took a bite out of a would-be ****** where it hurts most - and hospitals have now been warned to be on the look-out for the man.
The 36-year-old woman from Mpumalanga earned cheers from People Opposing Woman Abuse (Powa), but the organisation warned that not everyone would get away with such a dramatic defence.
The Mahushu-Trust village woman told Mpumalanga police she had planned to cut his manhood off with her teeth so he would never try to force his evil ways on anybody ever again.
After she bit him, the man picked up his clothes and ran.
The attack took place last week.
The woman says that when she came out of the toilet, she saw two men standing between her and her house. They knew her husband was not home.
They pounced on her, grabbing her by the neck and one of them instantly tried to force himself on her.
She kept her cool and politely told the two that they need not use force as she was prepared to give them what they wanted.
She led them inside the house where one of the men started kissing her.
She kissed back and led both inside the bedroom. Inside the kissing continued.
The woman took off all her clothes and one man did the same.
She jumped on the bed. The suspect followed her and continued kissing her. The woman then took control and started kissing all over his body while the other guy was waiting for his turn.
"She then sunk her teeth into his penis," police spokesperson Jiyela Lucas Sibiya said.
The man screamed and his companion ran away.
Sibiya said clinics in the area had been warned to notify police of any patient with bitten private parts.
"We don't think this guy will go to traditional healers because the wounds will need to be treated at a clinic.
Powa executive director Delphine Serumaga told Daily Sun the woman's clever tactics should be applauded.
"I am glad that there is one less woman raped, but at the same time I do not want other women assuming that they can get away with what she did."
Hertfordshire police state that this incident happened after she severed her boyfriends penis to the point where it needed major reconstruction surgery....and the cops were contemplating charging her with grevious or actual bodily harm....When asked why she bit his penis off, she claimed that her boyfirend, also a Kenyan, had ****** her to perform oral sex and she wasn't comfortable with it.....Neighbours came to the chaps rescue after unbearable screams were heard from the couples flat...and they called the police.
But the investigating officer sought to understand what could drive such a docile looking girl to unleash all that anger at her boyfirends penis....He suspected that the forceful request for her to perform oral sex wasn't enough to bring out that kind of anger in her,
Do y'all realise how much anger someone has to have to unleash to bite off a penis....
A woman bit her former boyfriend's penis in anger after he told her he did not want to resume their relationship, reports Youth Daily.
On the morning of July 2, Wang Lin and Liu Li (not their real names) arrived at Zhongshan Hospital. Wang told doctors his penis was bleeding, and Liu quickly added that it had been cut by a pair of scissors.
But the examining physicians called police when they realized the marks on Wang's penis had been made by human teeth. Liu confessed to police that she and Wang had once been lovers but had broken up a year earlier.
Liu turned up at Wang's place at midnight on July 1 to tell him that she was still in love with him.
As it was so late, Liu ended up staying the night and the two had sex the next morning.
Afterwards, Liu asked Wang if they could get back together, but when Wang refused, Liu suddenly bit his penis in anger.
A gang ****** was jailed for life on Thursday for ****** a woman who was eight months pregnant.
She had grabbed onto his testicles and wouldn`t let go, however, virtually paralysing him and enabling neighbours to catch him.
Linda Maxwell Mohlokoane (26) of Mpumalanga township in KwaZulu-Natal was sentenced in the Pietermaritzburg High Court.
His three co-accused were never arrested, however.
They had broken into her house at about 11pm on Christmas Eve in 2001. While her husband ran for help, they dragged her outside and raped her in the yard. They also stole some household items. They then dragged the woman to a river and Mohlokoane raped her again. She then pretended she needed the toilet and, when Mohlokoane moved to let her go, she grabbed his testicles and screamed for help.
Residents came to her rescue and found her still clutching Mohlokoane`s testicles.
Taipei - A Taiwan woman, suspecting her husband was having an affair with another woman, cut off his penis on Tuesday and flushed the penis down the toilet.
Her husband, a 51-year-old Filipino-Chinese, was rushed to hospital by his 17-year-old son and is in a stable condition after surgeons stitched up his wound to stop the bleeding.
Police said the man, identified only by his surname Tsai, was sleeping at home in Tienmu, Taipei, when his wife cut off his penis.
She flushed his penis down the toilet and fled. Their daughter, who was sleeping in another room, was awoken by her father's howling.
"I ran into his room and found my daddy rolling in his bed covered with blood. So I called for an ambulance” she told reporters.
Doctors at the Municital Yangming Hospital stitched up Tsai's wound and said he is in stable condition.
The evening of July 21, Robert B. had a little party in his apartment. Two of his live-in lover's friends came to the barbecue. Around 11 p.m., B. decided to call it a night because his three children couldn't sleep. He asked his guests to leave. They were having such a ball, they didn't want to go home. B. again asked them to leave, a bit more forcefully this time, which provoked the guests.
The three women attacked him, threw him on the floor, and pinned him beneath their bodies. The girlfriend ripped off his pants and bit his penis. After a short struggle, Robert B. managed to get the women off him and hide in the bathroom. When the women left the apartment, he called the police.
"Robert B. isn't a Polish Bobbit because his lover only bit into his penis," says Lt. Marek Woźniczka, a member of the team of investigators at the Cracow-Nowa Huta police headquarters. "He was taken to a hospital where doctors dressed his wound and sent him home."
July 13 2007 at 12:32PM
Kupang, Indonesia - A woman in a remote Indonesian island village cut off her boyfriend's penis in an apparent jealous rage, Indonesian police said Friday.
"The incident was based on jealousy because the victim was allegedly cheating," said Commissioner Marthen Radja, regional police spokesperson for Timor island.
The woman, Erlin Mafefa, 22, had been arrested and was being held near the village, he said, adding it was still not clear what she had done with the severed penis.
"What we know of what happened was they were playing around then suddenly the woman got angry and cut the victim's penis off and ran away with it," he said.
When James tried to push Sarah's head towards his penis do you no what she did?
She bit his penis constantly while giving him the blowjob and he bled and had to go to hospital. When the doctor, who was female, asked what happened Sarah said "He tried to push my head down" and then the doctor had a go at James and said he deserve what he got. He couldn't use his penis for sexual activity's for 3 weeks and it hurt when he used the bathroom. But they are still together an he hasn't ****** her in to it since.
The funny thing is she was that sneaky aboutit he never knew she'd hurt him till he came
Woman Bites Her Partner's Penis
A night of lust turned into a night of horror for a young man in the city of Maldonado in Uruguay as the woman he was with violently bit his penis during, what was supposed to be, a night of passion
The woman was a former girlfriend of the man. It has yet to be determined if if she bit his penis as revenge due to differences in their relationship, if it was a matter of excess passion or that she was ****** to do something that she did not want to.
The pair was in a hotel room in Maldonado for the night. It is not known if it was the first time or one of many, when the unexpected suddenly happened. While they were engaged in oral sex, she suddenly bit his penis, apparently with such force, that the man could not contain his pain and let out a loud scream that was heard throughout the premises.
The night of love had come to an abrupt end and the bleeding man was immediately taken to a local hospital where nurses couldn't believe what they were seeing.
The man received seven stitches to the area, and was heavily bandaged. He then narrated the incident to the local police and provided them the issued medical certificate which consisted of details of the injury and treatment he received at the hospital. It has yet to be determined if the incident will be declared a criminal act.
Woman Cuts Off Husband's Penis
A Thai woman cut off her husband's penis after he asked her to make love one more time before he left her for another woman. Saithong Wantha, 53, then asked neighbours to take her husband, 35, to the hospital while she turned herself in to police.
Nieghbours got a hold of the husband's sister but they could not find the severed organ. They had to call Saithong on her mobile phone, upon which she told them she had tossed it behind the fence in the front yard.
Nearly two hours went by before surgeons could operate. Finally, they reattached Udom's penis, but said there was only a 50-50 chance it would function properly.
She told police that she cut off her husband's penis in a fit of rage because he was leaving her. She hoped he would stop philandering and stay with her if he could no longer function sexually.
"I love him and I don't want him to leave", she said
Woman bites husband's penis
March 2006
Babianiha (B/A), Feb 27, GNA - A middle-aged housewife, Abenaa Abi, is assisting family members in investigations into why she almost severed the male organ of her husband, Mr. Kwaku Mensah, with a bite at Babianiha in Jaman South District.
The incident was reported to have happened on the night of February 21 and Mr Mensah is receiving treatment at the hospital. The case has not been reported to the police.
Briefing newsmen on the incident Mr Kwasi Ankamah, an eyewitness and a neighbour of the couple, said they heard continuous shouts for help from the direction of the couple's residence. When he and others got there they saw the couple struggling in the courtyard with the teeth of Abenaa, who was naked, deeply sunk in the husband's male organ.
They intervened and released the organ from the woman's mouth and took him to the clinic.
Mr Mensah told newsmen that the wife had of late taken to drinking so he informed her parents at Senase, near Berekum, to advise to stop. Abenaa's brother came in the evening and advised her against the habit but she did not take kindly to it and attacked the husband in the night.
At a family meeting on the incident the following day Abenaa defended her action, saying it was the husband who first bit her vulva.
Woman bit my penis, says police officer
May 23 2006
AFTER allegedly being punched, kicked, bitten and headbutted repeatedly by a writhing, naked woman he was trying to detain, Constable Anthony Jennings was distracted for just a moment as the door opened on the prison van.
But that was all it took. As the Constable relaxed his grip on his accused attacker, she lunged and allegedly bit him on his penis.
"I felt an excruciating pain on the end of my penis and as I looked down she had her head over the top of my groin and she was biting," Constable Jennings told the Maroochydore District Court on the Sunshine Coast yesterday.
He was giving evidence on the first day of trial proceedings against Maria Klaus, 38, of Maroochydore, who is facing two counts of serious assault of a police officer while he was executing his duties. Ms Klaus has pleaded not guilty to both charges.
The court was told that Constable Jennings and his partner, Senior-Constable Leonie Scott, were invited to enter the Beach Parade unit by a man, Kevin Hughes, believed to be Ms Klaus's partner. There they met a wet, aggressive Ms Klaus – wearing only a towel – as she apparently emerged from the shower
"Klaus started to punch and kick and that sort of stuff and the towel just got dragged off . . . she was wet and she was naked and I couldn't get a grip anywhere," he said.
Const Jennings said the first assault ensued when he placed his hand on Ms Klaus left arm and told her he was detaining her under the Domestic and Family Violence Act.
He said he had trouble gripping Ms Klaus because she was naked and wet and the pair ended up on the ground.
"It was a flurry of head-butts, bites, kneeing me and punching," he said.
"There was ... gnashing of teeth. As her face was coming towards me she was snapping her teeth, chomping.
"I actually felt her nose go into my mouth. When I was on the ground I felt my face, it was covered in saliva and there was blood."
Const Jennings said he had to break his tie to release Ms Klaus' grip, whereupon she kicked him in the chest and shoulder with her feet.
"She was yelling at me that she was going to get my balls," he said.
"Even though she was small ... she was quite muscular and powerful."
Back-up arrived after the pair eventually got handcuffs on Ms Klaus to help escort her downstairs to a van.
Const Jennings said his attention was only diverted for a few seconds when he felt a sudden crushing pain.
"I felt an excruciating pain at the end of my penis ... I looked down and her head was over the top of my groin and she was biting me," he said.
"I was in a lot of pain, shock and I screamed."
Barrister Steve Courtney suggested police were not invited into the unit, Const Jennings did not understand his detaining powers under the domestic violence legislation and Ms Klaus did not bite the policeman's penis.
But Constable Leonie Scott backed up his claims when she took the stand.
01-19-2009, 08:23 AM
Just some info on a topic covered here some weeks ago.
New device gives women teeth where it matters
Jillian Green
June 07 2005
A **** victim once wished for teeth "where it mattered". Now a device has been designed to "bite" a ******'s penis. The patented device looks and is worn like a tampon, but it is hollow and attaches itself with tiny hooks to a man's penis during penetration.
"We have to do something to protect ourselves. While this will not prevent **** it will assist in identifying attackers and securing convictions," claims Sonette Ehlers, inventor of the device.
Ehlers, of Kleinmond, who has worked for the South African Institute for Medical Research, said she had been seeking a way to help women since meeting a **** survivor 20 years ago who commented that she wished she had teeth in her vagina.
"Over the past three years I have been working on this device. It is now completely safe and ready to be manufactured and distributed," she said.
It had been designed with engineers, gynaecologists, psychologists and urologists. It was "hygienic - no human hands will be involved in the manufacture".
In the event of ****, the device folds itself around the ******'s penis, attaching to the skin with microscopic hooks. It is only when the ****** withdraws that he will realise the device is clamped around his penis. As it is impossible to remove the device from a penis without medical help, hospitals and clinics will be able to alert police when assistance is sought.
"This will rule out any possibility of the ******'s escaping arrest and speed up conviction."
If the ****** tries to remove the device, it will only embed itself further.
"He will have to be put under anaesthetic to have it removed. He will not be able to leave it as he will be unable to urinate."
"I would encourage my wife and two daughters to wear this device. It would send a signal to would-be rapists that they won't have it easy."
April 4, 2007 FOLLOW UP: he words of a **** victim - "If only I had teeth down there" - have inspired the design of a new anti-**** device.
Rapex - dubbed the '**** trap' - is a product worn internally by women. The hollow inside is lined with rows of razor-sharp hooks, which are designed to latch on to a ******'s penis during penetration. They can only be removed by a doctor.
The product will be on the shelves of South African chemists and supermarkets later this month. South African mother-of-two Sonette Ehlers developed the original prototype in 2005 but has struggled to get it patented and approved for sale.
Some also fear that the sudden infliction of pain on the ****** could incite him to even greater violence.
Ehlers, however, is adamant that desperate times call for desperate measures. South Africa has the world's highest rate of sexual assault: a staggering 1.7m women are raped each year. She believes the product, priced at one Rand, will be particularly useful for poorer black women who walk long distances to and from work.
With state intervention frustratingly slow, Ehlers argues this ugly version of empowerment is justified. "I don't hate men," she says. "I have not got revenge in mind. All I am doing is giving women their power back."
An older idea:
Penis-Multilating Tampon Puts
Rapists Out Of Business – Forever
SOUTH AFRICA - An anti-**** device which chops off the tip of a ******'s penis has been invented by a retired anaesthetist in the Free State, South Africa.
Jaap Haumann, 72, who now farms near the small town of Clocolan, has designed a "mutilator tampon" designed to lop off the end of a ******'s penis.
Dr Haumann's extraordinary invention was prompted by the fact that **** has become so endemic in South Africa that a **** now is being reported every 26 seconds to police. Dr Haumann said he designed the device after speaking to **** victims -- and said he believed that at least a million South African women would flock to buy it.
"It became clear to me that **** has a devastating impact on the lives of women, physically and especially mentally."
He said in one instance, a **** victim had refused to leave her house, even nine months after she was raped. Her friends did her shopping for her.
"We all know that South Africa has the highest **** statistics in the world. With this device I believe would-be rapists would think twice before attacking any woman in this country."
Dr Haumann said the device is designed to be used in the same way as a tampon. "I designed a hard cylindrical plastic core which contains the spring blade, which slices when pressed against.
"This plastic core is covered by soft material, the same as a real tampon. This is then inserted by the woman. When the ****** attacks the woman and penetration takes place, the point of his penis will touch the section containing the blade and it (the penis), or at least a part of it, is sliced off."
Speaking of the danger of HIV infection from a bleeding ******, Dr Haumann said because **** was a violent crime, the danger of infection from semen was high in any event.
Many South African women already habitually carry antiretroviral medication with them to prevent HIV-transfer in case they got raped.
"But when a woman wears this device she would not resist and would not be damaged internally. So the chances of being infected by the blood from the ****** are, indeed, also less."
Dr Haumann said the deterrent value of the device would be immense.
"And this is really the idea. If this device makes rapists think twice about attacking women, we have already achieved something."
But some women approached for comment, found the idea of carrying such a "tampon timebomb" absurd.
"I would be extremely uncomfortable. Again the onus is put on the woman. Men who **** women should be jailed for life. Men should not ****, end of story," said one.
Dr Haumann said the device was still in the design stage. "It would cost about R10 to manufacture one such device and I estimate at least a million South African women would wear it," he said
Haumann's device was designed to resemble a tampon for ease of insertion, and consisted of a hard cylindrical plastic core containing a tensioned spring blade primed to slice when pressed against by the tip of a penis. Following activation, a portion of the tip of the penis would be removed, in effect performing a minor penectomy (
More on Ms.Elhers device:
01-19-2009, 08:44 AM
wasn't there a picture or two of actual vietnamese woman who would ******** soldiers i was trying to explain it to somebody but they don't believe me if you could link or repost those pics be great thanx
Castratrix's pet
01-19-2009, 11:09 AM
********** Goddesses
Castratrix's pet
01-19-2009, 11:11 AM
I would love to be married to a woman surgeon like her and for her to roll up her sleeves and surgically ******** me then keep me as her personal eunuch slave/pet.
01-19-2009, 02:03 PM
If your gonna tell a woman with "brutal" tendencies that it's all over, why on earth give her the chance to get anywhere near you 'tackle'?
01-19-2009, 09:03 PM
wasn't there a picture or two of actual vietnamese woman who would ******** soldiers i was trying to explain it to somebody but they don't believe me if you could link or repost those pics be great thanx
Yes. She was nicknamed the Apache Woman by GIs for the way she tortured and ********* over a dozen soldiers. There is a biography, MARINE SNIPER by Charles Henderson. It is at Books a Million. There is a whole chapter about her and details of a long drawn out ********** she did to one of her prisoners.
She was described as an attractive Vietnamese woman in her 30s. It alluded to in the book that she got off sexually ********** enemy soldiers. More is mentioned about her in the book ONE SHOT-ONE KILL. I have a tabloid magaziine from June 1968 showing pictures of a Viet Cong woman ********** a man. Not the Apache woman but the photos in the tabloid were inspired by her. I will try to find them.:machine:
01-19-2009, 09:47 PM
wasn't there a picture or two of actual vietnamese woman who would ******** soldiers i was trying to explain it to somebody but they don't believe me if you could link or repost those pics be great thanx
She is one sadistic bitch.
01-20-2009, 07:07 PM
Great off screen **********.
01-21-2009, 08:22 PM
She is one sadistic bitch.
what did the actual article say?
01-22-2009, 05:19 AM
Which got me thinking, about what would be worse. Women if you were goin to attack a mans genitals would you bite or cut? teeth, scissors or knife? head of penis? whole penis one testicle or both? How brutal would you be? Would he be awake or drugged?
Hm...I'd bite! All the way down at the bottom, so I got the whole thing! Chomp! :jumpsmile
Castratrix's pet
01-22-2009, 06:40 AM
Imagine undergoing surgical ********** performed by one of these beautiful dominant women surgeons!
Castratrix's pet
01-22-2009, 06:45 AM
She is about to cut your nuts out!
Castratrix's pet
01-22-2009, 06:47 AM
Imagine her doing it under a local anesthesia so you are awake and can watch and experience her ********** you!
Castratrix's pet
01-22-2009, 06:52 AM
These beautiful dominant ladies are going to ******** you, now!
Castratrix's pet
01-22-2009, 06:56 AM
I would love to be married to a beautiful dominant female supremist woman who is a surgeon and wants a eunuch. I would love for her to roll up her sleeves and ******** me, my manhood destroyed at the hands of my wife who I worship as Goddess!
01-22-2009, 07:06 AM
Hello Miss.... i wish be used, abused, tortured and ******** from you..... may i have a little of your time?... i am offen on line and on my webcam on Yahoo Messenger, and my nick is guy_forgames.
I hope to meet you soon.....
Castratrix's pet
01-22-2009, 07:28 AM
Any woman could just slice or bite the balls or balls and cock off, leave the man to bleed to death.
But for a woman to roll up her sleeves rolling them up above her elbows, and for her to surgically ******** the man removing his testicles the way a surgeon would perform the operation, maybe even bringing him off while she is performing the surgery, done with the man awake and conscious while she is doing it, and have him live and survive and experience life as a eunuch ********* at her hands. That would show her skill, her intelligence, her dominance and her superiority as female as a woman. It would make her seem even more powerful, dominant, and omnipotent.
It's one thing to imagine a woman just in one slice or chomp doing it and they're gone. But imagine laying there helpless for a length of time as she slowly and skillfully performs surgery on your balls removing them slowly destroying your manhood as you watch and experience it! You would begin to worship her, she would become God and you would worship her and fear her even more and that increases the sense of her dominance, omnipotence, and her superiority and supremacy over you.
To me, a beautiful, dominant woman surgeon or veterinarian is the closest there is to The Goddess Herself in physical form as a woman, especially one who would love to or has ********* a man.
At Eunuch Archive ( in the story section read the story "Gelded By The Girls At The Riding Stable" by I Worship Women. Also the story "********* To Entertain The Femdom Club" by Annonymous. These stories and ones written by Hereunuch capture my femdom ********** fantasies. Hope you enjoy them.
Castratrix's pet
01-22-2009, 04:09 PM
She slowly crushes the cords ********** him, his manhood destroyed at her hands!
Castratrix's pet
01-22-2009, 04:14 PM
A woman veterinarian performing a surgical **********. What would it be like while I am being ********* by her and my manhood is being surgically destroyed at her hands?
01-23-2009, 02:40 AM
Great off screen **********.
Funtastic. To download (why the heck has rs changed to a maximum of 10 downloads? Maybe someone might load it up at another site):
01-23-2009, 03:25 AM
The latest ********** ( at Ballbusting Pornstars: (
... Funny side story about this video is that the girl I filmed turned out to be a total psychopath. It was pretty amazing.
I let her stay at my studio, and she got kicked out of it during the first week because the owners found out that she stole a lamp and was doing heavy drugs!
I should've known she was a few sandwiches short of picnic after the second scene I shot with her... She almost put me in the hospital with a samurai sword! Imagine having a naked, totally insane, drug-addicted maniac swinging a sharp blade at your nuts.
Perhaps Danielle has a couple shining qualities, however. She is great at busting balls and being a total bitch, and she also loves small dogs.
-Eric Jover
01-23-2009, 05:46 AM
Funtastic. To download (why the heck has rs changed to a maximum of 10 downloads? Maybe someone might load it up at another site):
:( Limit downloads exceeded (10 times)
01-23-2009, 06:45 AM
This is a movie called bobbit chopped off it has a lil about the trail and some nasty pics of what his penis looks like now and what it looked like when it was cut off i mean lorena knew what she was doing she took it off all the way at the base lol but i guess he still beats his woman and gfs and wifes so he didnt learn his lesson she shouldve destroyed his penis like maybe in a food grinder or something cause i guess he never learned his lesson and still beats women and has made millions off the fame he got from lorena that if i was her id be sueing for some of that money but anyways this is a short movie about what hes been through what it looked like when his penis was cut off and lorena bobbit side of her story talking about how she was driving holding his severed penis in one hand and a knife in her other hand while she was driving lol shes pretty hot it also shows all the supporters she had during her trail this movie is about 350mb total
Castratrix's pet
01-23-2009, 07:01 AM
Any videos or video clips of femdom surgical **********? Something where a girl or a woman rolls up her sleeves and then she performs a ********** surgically the way a surgeon or a veterinarian would perform the surgery? Please.
01-23-2009, 07:30 AM
this is from the 1980s movie demented a woman who isnt mentally stable to begin with is raped several times by some boys in mask so she plans to take care of them in this scene with one of the guys she talks him into takeing off his mask and she sticks some wire down his pants around his manhood and pulls hard not hard enough to make it severed and come off but she then taunts him in her already physcotic way and makes him get on his knees and beg like a dog her exact words and as hes begging she yanks real hard and cuts off his manhood (not actually seen) and then cuts him up with a cleaver
01-23-2009, 07:41 AM
:( Limit downloads exceeded (10 times)
Finally managed somewhere else... there you go!
01-23-2009, 12:40 PM
thank you very much :D
01-23-2009, 03:31 PM
Any videos or video clips of femdom surgical **********? Something where a girl or a woman rolls up her sleeves and then she performs a ********** surgically the way a surgeon or a veterinarian would perform the surgery? Please.
i made this one specifically for u castratrixpet cause ever since ur first post u say the same thing over and over gets old man i hear it too many more times iam just gonna block u
01-23-2009, 05:04 PM
this is from the 1980s movie demented a woman who isnt mentally stable to begin with is raped several times by some boys in mask so she plans to take care of them in this scene with one of the guys she talks him into takeing off his mask and she sticks some wire down his pants around his manhood and pulls hard not hard enough to make it severed and come off but she then taunts him in her already physcotic way and makes him get on his knees and beg like a dog her exact words and as hes begging she yanks real hard and cuts off his manhood (not actually seen) and then cuts him up with a cleaver
Great movies !!! My boner still has not gone down. Please post more sepecially the wmv files.
01-23-2009, 11:29 PM
This is a movie called bobbit chopped off it has a lil about the trail and some nasty pics of what his penis looks like now and what it looked like when it was cut off i mean lorena knew what she was doing she took it off all the way at the base lol but i guess he still beats his woman and gfs and wifes so he didnt learn his lesson she shouldve destroyed his penis like maybe in a food grinder or something cause i guess he never learned his lesson and still beats women and has made millions off the fame he got from lorena that if i was her id be sueing for some of that money but anyways this is a short movie about what hes been through what it looked like when his penis was cut off and lorena bobbit side of her story talking about how she was driving holding his severed penis in one hand and a knife in her other hand while she was driving lol shes pretty hot it also shows all the supporters she had during her trail this movie is about 350mb total
It looks like in the clip he had a penis implant put in for the movie frankenpenis. After the surgery it was very deformed. I know in the movie john wayne bobbit uncut, his penis was tiny. Jasmine Aloha who was in the movie said it took her almost 45 minutes to get him semi hard and his penis was "pathetic" LOL. Jasmine has a body that would give any man a "diamondcutter" erection in a moment. Now with the implant I guess he just squeezes his scrotum a few times and it expands. Poor little John Bobbit. LMAO!!!!!!!!:Baahaha:
01-23-2009, 11:47 PM
It all started on a December night, I was just getting off of work from the beer factory when I decided I was going to out and have a drink, Ironic huh. My name is Shay and im twenty two years old, Id say im a pretty attrative guy, Im slender, around six one in height, brown hair and brown eyes. Im straight, but I havent had a girlfriend in years.
I started walking down the dark street that night to find a sutiable bar to sit in but I was coming up with nothing, either to many people or not enough people. Some of the bars I check had nothing but men in them, seeing as I dont swing that way Id just pass them buy. After about an hour of trying to find a good bar I told myself," Srew it a bars a bar and a drinks a drink". I stopped at the next bar I saw and stepped in," Humm not bad lots of women in here" I thought to myself. I was to exausted to chat with anyone from all the walking so I grabed a bar stoll and sat down.Sitting next to me were to attractive females, one blonde and one brunnete, both had long and and both wore very attractive revealling outfites,"Hey," I said trying to be casuall, but both the women looked over at me then looked away as if unimpressed.
" What a bunch of bitches", I thought to myself.
" Bar tender", I yelled out.
After a couple of minutes a very attractive ladie walked up to me and said " Hum and man... Whata you have?", "Straight Voka", I said. She walked away for a moment, just enough time for me to check out the tight jean shorts she was wearing, They were tight enough to maked out the shape of her ass and her camel toe, moments later She returned with a bottle of Vodka and a shot glasses and put them both down on the table infront of me," Injoy", She said with a smile. The bartender was cute, no she was hott, she must of had atleast Double D breat squeezed In that tiny pink tank top she wore, and those ruby red lips were calling out to me and another part of my anaonomy if you get my drift. I picked up my bottle and filled my shot glass, raising my glass of to the bartender and said,"cheers".
It only took a couple of shot before I new something was wrong with my drink, I could barley move, my arms seemed to be nub. The only thinig I could move and fell easily was my lower half of my body. I looked around in a daze and only then did I notice my sorroundings, All women. There wasn't a man in the bar, In a rush to find a bar I must of stepped into a lesbian bar.
"What y..o..u do to my d..r..i..nk you bitch," I mummble out to the bartender.
“Me I did nothing, It was dumb ass that steped into a bar filled with man hatting women” She replied” Now the fun starts, HAPPY HOUR”. She screamed out the the other ladies in the bar.
All the women in the bar stood up and clapped and started to yell out, One of the ladies in the back of the croud yelled out,” Lets see what the mans got”.
“Yeah,” all the other ladies yelled out.
“Well then I think its time you give the ladies what there want, wouldn’t you say,” The bartender said. She reached down and grabed my croch,” MMM this should be fun,” she said smilling down at me. She started to unbutton my pants, I didn’t now what to due, I could move I was helpless. What to due I thought to myself, I was about to yell when a ladie with dark long hair steped behind me and stuck some kind of ball in my mouth and next thing I new it was straped to my face, That bitch gaged me I thought.
“ Sorry but we can’t have you making any noise while we have fun with you, now can we!!!”. She said.
It was all over the bartender had my pants all ready unzipped and a couple of ladies were allready starting to pull them off,” stand him up,” The bartender said”, To ladies steped up and lefted me up on shoulders, Just hang there the women seemed to go crazy. They finished getting my pants off so now I was just hanging in my boxers. “ On three,” The bartender yelled out. “One…Two…Three” She pulled my boxers down to my nees, The room went silent.
01-24-2009, 07:35 AM
Is it real?
01-24-2009, 08:02 AM
:asleep ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
I m sure these pics were made with photoshop and they are not real
01-24-2009, 08:50 AM
1 Down, 1 to Go
Starring Mika Tan
Mika's slave gets caught hanging out with another mistress, so Mika feels it's time to teach her slave a lesson. After she puts SOUNDS down his urethra, CRUSHES his balls, BITES and CHEWS on his balls, she eventually CASTRATES one of his testicles with a BURDIZZO, but makes sure to leave the other one for future torturing.
01-24-2009, 03:15 PM
This picture touches on many of my favorite themes:
1. The tool pouch – the simple array of tools demonstrates that the procedure is fairly straightforward, on a par with performing a manicure. I also like the fact that it is well worn, indicating much use.
2. Her clothing is casual and comfortable, signifying that what she is doing is neither remarkable nor significant – an everyday occurrence perhaps?
3. Her expression is neither malicious nor blasé, although she does seem to rather enjoy her work, and the confidence she exudes leaves the viewer in no doubt that in about ten minutes those balls will find themselves floating in a jelly jar.
All in all, an excellent piece of art: I only hope the story that it has inspired me to write will live up to it. (
01-24-2009, 04:44 PM
well this is a movie i edited about a woman whos about to marry a guy and he finds a video tape on his porch he watches the video to find that his soon to be wife was a dirty porn star lol anyways he is furious she never told him and he treats her like crap and even rapes her after he tells her to get out of his house and she refuses to leave anyways shes pist now and cuts off his penis and runs off with it and holds it ransom lol this version is my edit of the movie although u might wanna watch the whole thing
01-25-2009, 01:44 AM
The first time I jacked off thinking about ********** was in high school. A conversation I'd overheard gave me fuel for fantasy. Evidently, some of my classmates had lied about their age and got into a "dirty movie". I remember sneaking in to see "the summer of 42" and that was only R then- mild by our standards- it would probably be shown unedited on t.v. today. They said a good looking, muscular guy was standing in front of an old dresser admiring himself in the mirror, flexing and primping. Suddenly, hands appeared with scissors (someone inside the dresser reaching thru drawer? image was unclear then to me as they described it). The guy fell back onto a bed, holding his mutilated crotch, and foamed at the mouth as he died. Anyone have any idea what movie this could have been. Sometime in the early 70's it played at the movies.
Castratrix's pet
01-25-2009, 07:02 AM
This picture touches on many of my favorite themes:
1. The tool pouch – the simple array of tools demonstrates that the procedure is fairly straightforward, on a par with performing a manicure. I also like the fact that it is well worn, indicating much use.
2. Her clothing is casual and comfortable, signifying that what she is doing is neither remarkable nor significant – an everyday occurrence perhaps?
3. Her expression is neither malicious nor blasé, although she does seem to rather enjoy her work, and the confidence she exudes leaves the viewer in no doubt that in about ten minutes those balls will find themselves floating in a jelly jar.
All in all, an excellent piece of art: I only hope the story that it has inspired me to write will live up to it. (
I would love to see someone do a series of pictures like this one only showing the castratrix wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows.
Also a series of pictures like this one of a beautiful young woman performing a surgical ********** where each picture shows a different step in the ********** procedure. One or two or three pics showing the removal of the right ball, then one or two or three pics showing the removal of the left ball. While the left one is being removed the cut off right ball is laying in a dish, then a final picture with both balls in the dish and the castratrix has a satisfied but sadistic grin on her face as she sews up the empty scritum which she has just emptied.
01-25-2009, 10:00 AM
Oddly enough, you damn near guessed the title - The Empty Sack. But don't expect it real soon; I do have a life.
Hm...I'd bite! All the way down at the bottom, so I got the whole thing! Chomp! :jumpsmile
Any other suggestions for their method ladies? bite or cut? end or all?
01-26-2009, 01:44 PM
dont wanna tell to much about this one id rather u watch it and tell me if u like it or not anyways i just edited this one i dont think its out there anywhere else so i used megaupload to upload it cause idk rapidshare to me sucks but ill say this is a penectomy video at 29.4mb big
also in the windows media player format unfortuantley the videospin i been useing to edit these movies codecs are gonna exspire 2morrow so ill have to find the codec pack if i wanna make anymore cause this lets me convert any movie basically plus iam used to the videospin software now so hopefully i find a codec pack for it
Black Sky
01-26-2009, 02:18 PM
Believe it or not, the furry image you posted is something I drew back in 2007. It's actually pretty shoddy work compared to the caliber of work I produce now (though I haven't drawn any penectomy/********** art since then). I was actually writing up a story with this (the penectomy was actually just a small part of the storyline), but I haven't gotten around to writing more on it...
(Sorry about the rather late reply...)
I think it's among the best compositions I've seen in a penectomy picture. I really like the addition of the lady to the right, her pose and her facial expression. The guy getting his penis cut off is not bad either, with his rather relaxed attitude and single tear in his eye.
Black Sky
01-26-2009, 02:29 PM
I hope this will work;
I usually prefer pictures since videos tend to be so very cheesy, but that one was really good.
01-26-2009, 04:00 PM
More Photo's Please :P ??? Their is not enought :(
01-26-2009, 05:53 PM
this one isnt that intresting knife to the crotch
01-27-2009, 09:16 AM
this one isnt that intresting knife to the crotch
Nice one! :)
What is the name of that movie?
01-27-2009, 03:53 PM
Nice one! :)
What is the name of that movie?
Mankillers think its a movie from 1986 i kinda just skipped through it till i found a scene like that but from what i did see it was kinda a crummy movie very bad acting and stuff but that one part seemed good enough to cut out and post here
01-27-2009, 05:09 PM
Hey all!!! Haven't been here in a while except to observe, but have I got news for you. I have some of the old pegapracapar site vids and some others that might interest you. I will try to post some screen captures for you and I have never seen them posted here. The movies are much too cumbersome for me to post because I have dial up-yea I know I'm in the dark ages but that is all I can get in the country. If I knew someone here I would be glad to send the movies another way-possibly by cd or dvd or flash drive, but don't. Sorry folks, there is really some good stuff out there. I'll try to post some of the movie names and a short synopsis of each including some caps for those interested. My only regret is I couldn't get all that was posted.
01-27-2009, 11:19 PM
It is a new figure who contributes for the first time.
Because English is unskilled, it is not settled with poor sentences.
This Forram is wonderful highest.
It agrees with my wish.
My wish is that played with her penis by the woman and *********.
01-29-2009, 05:29 AM
01-29-2009, 05:33 AM
01-29-2009, 07:34 AM
dont wanna tell to much about this one id rather u watch it and tell me if u like it or not anyways i just edited this one i dont think its out there anywhere else so i used megaupload to upload it cause idk rapidshare to me sucks but ill say this is a penectomy video at 29.4mb big
also in the windows media player format unfortuantley the videospin i been useing to edit these movies codecs are gonna exspire 2morrow so ill have to find the codec pack if i wanna make anymore cause this lets me convert any movie basically plus iam used to the videospin software now so hopefully i find a codec pack for it
Oh my Gosh, what a wonderful scene. This es something even I can imagine doing.
01-29-2009, 08:10 AM
This is the first horror movie i ever saw with a penectomy scene in it id have to say this one amazed me back in 1995 when i first saw it but now from the ones i have seen its not soo special i used windows movie maker to make this one since my videospin software exspired so hopefully yall still like it i think the quality is better but it limits where u can cut the scene at so hopefully u guys enjoy
01-29-2009, 08:12 AM
Oh my Gosh, what a wonderful scene. This es something even I can imagine doing.
Iam glad u enjoyed it yeah i thought that video was amazing too. too bad she killed him first though
01-29-2009, 01:42 PM
dont wanna tell to much about this one id rather u watch it and tell me if u like it or not anyways i just edited this one i dont think its out there anywhere else so i used megaupload to upload it cause idk rapidshare to me sucks but ill say this is a penectomy video at 29.4mb big
also in the windows media player format unfortuantley the videospin i been useing to edit these movies codecs are gonna exspire 2morrow so ill have to find the codec pack if i wanna make anymore cause this lets me convert any movie basically plus iam used to the videospin software now so hopefully i find a codec pack for it
Wow, what's this from?
01-29-2009, 04:31 PM
Wow, what's this from?
thats from a older movie from the 70s called Sex Exspress
01-30-2009, 12:18 AM
dont wanna tell to much about this one id rather u watch it and tell me if u like it or not anyways i just edited this one i dont think its out there anywhere else so i used megaupload to upload it cause idk rapidshare to me sucks but ill say this is a penectomy video at 29.4mb big
also in the windows media player format unfortuantley the videospin i been useing to edit these movies codecs are gonna exspire 2morrow so ill have to find the codec pack if i wanna make anymore cause this lets me convert any movie basically plus iam used to the videospin software now so hopefully i find a codec pack for it
Awesome clip.
01-30-2009, 01:25 AM
This is the first horror movie i ever saw with a penectomy scene in it id have to say this one amazed me back in 1995 when i first saw it but now from the ones i have seen its not soo special i used windows movie maker to make this one since my videospin software exspired so hopefully yall still like it i think the quality is better but it limits where u can cut the scene at so hopefully u guys enjoy it just me, or did it get bigger after she cut it off?
01-30-2009, 08:40 AM it just me, or did it get bigger after she cut it off?
you know i never looked at lizzycats profile before but shes a hot female guess snoodles got some competition in here lol
01-30-2009, 08:56 AM
you know i never looked at lizzycats profile before but shes a hot female guess snoodles got some competition in here lol
Thanks... :o
We can all be friends!
01-30-2009, 08:32 PM
Wow, what's this from?
Reedkritt that was great !!!! I loved it. Rubbing his blood on her tits & pussy.
Wow. My boner will not go down. Thanks for sharing.
01-31-2009, 08:02 AM
Who have screenshots from "Sex Express"? Maybe upload at this forum?
01-31-2009, 03:50 PM
01-31-2009, 03:54 PM
01-31-2009, 06:59 PM
Mankillers think its a movie from 1986 i kinda just skipped through it till i found a scene like that but from what i did see it was kinda a crummy movie very bad acting and stuff but that one part seemed good enough to cut out and post here
Ooh, that was nice. Thanks.
01-31-2009, 10:51 PM
who knows which cartoon is this?
I fully agree with you Finder. I only found these teasers, they are not mine. But I got the idea that some people might like them. I do prefer the fully erect ones LOL.
Excellent images of savage **********, and I luv the naked amazon chopping that fine thick erect dick. thnaks for the fantasies
They might be dangerous, imagine....
Luv images of women with knives or anything that will cut off a fine erect cock...
Awesome clip.
That was a great clip. Some of these clips look very real like de tode king, ********** in africa (tribe chasing down man) and the messed up one with the the self cutting posted a few pages a go (looks very amateure filming). Are any of these penis severing clips real? or are are there any real ones? They are pretty disturbing, but it are also fascinating to think how bad that would be to lose your manhood. Anyone know if any are real or have real ones?
02-01-2009, 11:28 PM
Her penis wants to be played with by a lovely school girl, to be cut out, and to be eaten ・・・.
02-02-2009, 11:04 AM
Hi, any one been a slave? or is a slave
02-02-2009, 04:31 PM
this is a extermely gorey movie its by mark savage i warned ya though so download knowing this is a gorey arse movie well the ********** parts i cut out and am putting here but still kinda just fast forwarded through this movie and gotta tell ya as much guts and blood as i saw it was kinda hard to find these particular scenes
02-02-2009, 09:21 PM
this is a extermely gorey movie its by mark savage i warned ya though so download knowing this is a gorey arse movie well the ********** parts i cut out and am putting here but still kinda just fast forwarded through this movie and gotta tell ya as much guts and blood as i saw it was kinda hard to find these particular scenes
You are a god, this is the best!
02-02-2009, 10:46 PM
this is a extermely gorey movie its by mark savage i warned ya though so download knowing this is a gorey arse movie well the ********** parts i cut out and am putting here but still kinda just fast forwarded through this movie and gotta tell ya as much guts and blood as i saw it was kinda hard to find these particular scenes
Wonderful clip, thanks you so much for sharing this thing. A very empowering thing to watch!
02-03-2009, 09:25 AM
who knows which cartoon is this?
that is from a website I know off, im not sure if its cool to post the url tho
pm me ill tell u
02-03-2009, 09:37 AM
a wonderful film Defenceless:bananad::bananad::bananad:
02-03-2009, 12:25 PM
hi reed you are good but still i don't understand a thing. Why do you upload on megaupload? because entering megaupload has been disturbed in a lot of countries. You should use mediafire or rapid =)
02-03-2009, 02:30 PM
There are a couple of pics on here that are quite good:
02-03-2009, 05:00 PM
who knows which cartoon is this?
That comes from , There are a couple gems like this on the site but be warned- most of her stuff is femtorture.
02-05-2009, 02:26 PM
this is a extermely gorey movie its by mark savage i warned ya though so download knowing this is a gorey arse movie well the ********** parts i cut out and am putting here but still kinda just fast forwarded through this movie and gotta tell ya as much guts and blood as i saw it was kinda hard to find these particular scenes
Wow! That was nice. Very, very nice. I'd seen stills but not a clip. That was very good. Thanks. LOL
02-05-2009, 02:30 PM
Wonderful clip, thanks you so much for sharing this thing. A very empowering thing to watch!
Yes it was, wasn't it. Very empowering. Great stuff. Thanks again to the poster. LOL
02-06-2009, 02:12 AM
That comes from , There are a couple gems like this on the site but be warned- most of her stuff is femtorture.
U are great! thank you very much!
02-06-2009, 06:34 AM
I found "Savage Vengeance" or "I Split On Your Grave 2" have great ********** scene by a girl who did it to her ******.
Anyone can share the video clip ??
02-06-2009, 09:36 AM
Apparently there's a remake of I spit on your grave in the works.
Just an FYI.
Apparently they are going to "ratchet it up" to increase the shock value
02-09-2009, 07:20 AM[/quote]
Dear Reedkritt,
Thank you very much for posting this excellent scene, which possibly counts as the best I've seen. The only thing which would have made it better is if the woman finished the guy off which a great handjob. Then, just as he came, she'd lop of his cock with the knife in her other hand.
Has anyone ever filmed a vignette like that, I wonder?
Best wishes,
02-09-2009, 10:05 AM
When the girls at St Hilda's Academy for young ladies spend a day at the local boys school they like to bring back something to remember it by!
02-09-2009, 03:46 PM
this is a extermely gorey movie its by mark savage i warned ya though so download knowing this is a gorey arse movie well the ********** parts i cut out and am putting here but still kinda just fast forwarded through this movie and gotta tell ya as much guts and blood as i saw it was kinda hard to find these particular scenes
Too bad he was already in shock from finger amputation. Should have better appreciated what she was doing to him. Too bad he died before she got to the "main course", or was that "dessert"? Hacking a bit at a time with those small bone cutters was a lot better than a quick severing with a knife might have been.
02-11-2009, 09:48 AM
That was a great clip Reedkritt:bananad:
02-13-2009, 01:31 AM ( ( ( (
02-13-2009, 01:35 AM (
Cauntion: big foto:loveeyes (
02-13-2009, 05:16 AM
********** of the lovely school girl
Castratrix's pet
02-13-2009, 05:59 AM
Would love to see these girls wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows while she is doing the **********.
02-13-2009, 08:02 AM
A wonderful mistress castrates pet boys' penises by playing with.
..girl.. is eaten the cut penis.
02-13-2009, 08:30 AM
school girl is a tease cut it :(
02-13-2009, 08:34 AM
A wonderful mistress castrates pet boys' penises by playing with.
..girl.. is eaten the cut penis.
Wonderful series - Bravo, BRAVO!!!
02-13-2009, 09:24 AM
dgk club is magnificent thank you for posting
02-13-2009, 03:39 PM
A wonderful mistress castrates pet boys' penises by playing with.
..girl.. is eaten the cut penis.
i like these pictures very much
Eric Menrhine
02-14-2009, 07:16 AM
Does anyone know how long you can band your balls before you cause any permanent damage.
You could actually go a few hours like that, however, it would be very painful, and not in the "My wife has the flogger, again" way.
After about six hours the testes would probably be dead, but actually causing dry gangrene, and having them fall off would probably take over a week, at least.
02-14-2009, 12:07 PM
from which site are these pics, they are great thx very much
02-14-2009, 03:49 PM
These movie with great ********** scene, anyone can share the clip?
1) Girls Are For Loving.
2) Savage Vengeance / I Split On Your Grave II.
3) Ruang rak noi nid mahasan.
4) She-Demons of the black sun..
5) From Dusk Till Dawn 3: The Hangman's Daughter.
6) Jessicka Rabid
02-15-2009, 01:16 AM
I love the scene in Spit on Your Grave but I didn't know about Spit on Your Grave II. It is fun to watch women cut off a guy's dick when he least expects it. I get off on what they do with the guys cock after they cut it off, like eat it or play with it for a while.
I also like to see a guy get his penis bitten off by a woman.
02-15-2009, 03:03 AM
some ********** clips
have fun
02-15-2009, 08:34 AM
Her penis is played with by a beautiful housekeeper.
And, the penis is cut out and it is eaten.
The housekeeper is gently with a smile and works.
02-15-2009, 08:50 AM
A beautiful housekeeper loves cherry boy's lovely penis.
She happily cuts out her penis. And, it eats the penis delicious.
02-15-2009, 09:12 AM
Her penis is played with by a beautiful housekeeper.
And, the penis is cut out and it is eaten.
The housekeeper is gently with a smile and works.
Wowww what about link?:ibow4u:
02-15-2009, 10:07 AM
some ********** clips
have fun
Have fun? The first one was ********* by a man. Disgusting. You should inform about it prior to post.
02-15-2009, 10:12 PM
Originally posted by Jiauka
some ********** clips
have fun
That is an interesting clip. She cut off his dick and threw it to the dog to keep the dog from barking. This might start a new trend with girl crime stories like in Hostel II.
Love Betty-
02-15-2009, 11:10 PM
Beautiful, but bloody. This one was just posted today and will probably get this guy shut down from youtube. I hope you enjoy it.
02-15-2009, 11:16 PM
Wow! Did you find those pics somewhere, or did you make them yourself?
02-16-2009, 12:34 AM
I don't know if this counts but Gerard Depardieu in a French or Italian 70s movie called The Last Woman right at the end cuts off his own dick with an electric meat slicer in front of hot young Ornella Muti because of her.
I suppose better if she did it but still -its because of her.....
02-16-2009, 07:09 AM
Yes, an original photograph.
It is other many.
However, because the capacity of the site is a little, everything is not shown.
It is regrettable.
There are a lot of virtual photographs where other existing images were processed, too.
It presents it a little.
02-16-2009, 03:52 PM
no cutting but short clip of her holding severed member
02-17-2009, 12:45 PM
Yes, an original photograph.But did YOU take the photos? And the girls are ...friends?
I made quite a lot virtual pics, well i guess everybody has different taste there...:D
I like it like this...:
02-17-2009, 04:36 PM
I share this before but maybe should be this thread, and this time I used a dictionary.
Even when thinking of punishment for a very bad man, I do not think I would want to cut off the testicles as these would seem very messy with much blood. Even worse to bite the area. Why should I risk getting a disease or cut or infection? Yet, I have a strong desire to simply destroy what is inside than man’s bag (only for some mens!!). There must be an good way to ruin the glands that he holds so dear between his legs I don’t want to squeeze it as that means I would have to touch it and it probably wouldn’t break them anyway. I mean I want real destruction, so that they cracked or whatever. It’s no good just to injure them and then have a bad man recover to hurt more womens. No, the testes must be destroyed completely.
Perhap in the right conditions (rubber gloves, man bound) I could see myself injecting a man right into his testicles. The power of having the syringe and it’s needle is nice and to have his sensitive glands as my target, yes, this is very interesting. I think maybe nitric acid or hydrochloric acid – I looked them up on wikipedia, either ones seems like it would work. This should cause his testicles to be eaten away from the inside out. I guess you could dilute it so you make sure it’s a slow painful devistating journey for him. Of course he must be tied down really good so the needle doesn’t accidently jab the wrong person or area. I guess just sticking the needle into one of his balls would be something exciting to do, to look down at him as it punctures his testicle. Yes and then to let him get his breathe and stabilized, warn him of what you’re gonna do and then add pressure to the plunger and force the caustic liquid into his most private and proud area – yes that would be something stimulating to do. I;m not sure what his reation would be as the acid started to do its work. Probably I wouldn’t inject the other testicle the same day. Let him recover first and then to the other one. Do you think this would be effective?
02-17-2009, 04:46 PM
i know i havent made any new movie clips in a bit but iam stuck useing windows movie maker and it kinda sucks to edit movies in my opion but anyways heres one of the newest ones i made it has a ********** scene in it with a woman enjoying the ********** holding his head down watching him get *********
02-17-2009, 06:10 PM
Beautiful, but bloody. This one was just posted today and will probably get this guy shut down from youtube. I hope you enjoy it.
It was slow loading, but haven't seen the 1980 clip from Demented in years!
02-17-2009, 06:19 PM
i know i havent made any new movie clips in a bit but iam stuck useing windows movie maker and it kinda sucks to edit movies in my opion but anyways heres one of the newest ones i made it has a ********** scene in it with a woman enjoying the ********** holding his head down watching him get *********
Wow! One of the emperor's did have a lover nullified so they could legally marry
02-17-2009, 08:01 PM
02-17-2009, 11:55 PM
Care to tell us what the video is of?? I get the sense that it is a repost.
Please let us know what happens in the scene you have posted.
02-18-2009, 07:36 AM
Care to tell us what the video is of?? I get the sense that it is a repost.
Please let us know what happens in the scene you have posted.
If you look at the file name you would see it is from Ilsa Harem Keeper of the Oil Shieks. The one where two black women rip off a guy's balls with their hands after savagely beating him.
Castratrix's pet
02-18-2009, 01:17 PM
I know I keep asking about this, but somewhere the has to be a picture or pictures or a video clip of a beautiful young woman wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows performing a surgical **********.
02-18-2009, 07:03 PM
If you look at the file name you would see it is from Ilsa Harem Keeper of the Oil Shieks. The one where two black women rip off a guy's balls with their hands after savagely beating him.
Then its a repost. That has been posted here afew months ago.
02-18-2009, 07:49 PM
Yeah, agreed. Most of my wierd ones cross moral bounds, not safety ones. XDMy biggest one is in the thread named after me. Figure I might as well use that space, since it's got my name on it.
02-18-2009, 08:47 PM
I know I keep asking about this, but somewhere the has to be a picture or pictures or a video clip of a beautiful young woman wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows performing a surgical **********.
You never give up do you?
Then its a repost. That has been posted here afew months ago.
Yup. I've seen it posted numerous times. But I'll take reposts I may have missed over nothing.
02-18-2009, 08:56 PM
I always seem to find the best links too late! I'd like to see that vid of the woman ripping off the guys balls. Sexy bitch!
02-18-2009, 09:06 PM
Oh no, it's worked now :thumbup Time to have a look...
02-19-2009, 11:22 AM
School girls' enjoyments
It cuts out and it eats classmate boys' penises.
They like cherry boy's pure penis.
To chasityx
I took the photograph. It uses a model.
02-19-2009, 02:21 PM
oops...wrong quote
02-19-2009, 11:21 PM
This post definitly goes out to all the ladies on this site:
I found these at:
Here are my favourites:
02-20-2009, 12:55 AM
Here are a couple more (I'm finally learning to use attachments):
02-20-2009, 01:08 AM
Here are two from my post #3148:
02-20-2009, 01:18 AM
Three more from #3148:
02-20-2009, 01:22 AM
02-20-2009, 01:24 AM
Five more from #3148:
02-20-2009, 01:28 AM
The last from #3148 (and the dumbest male of them all! (read the caption)):
02-20-2009, 01:41 AM
Five more:
02-20-2009, 04:04 PM
here is another one i made today hopefully u guys/ladies like it
02-20-2009, 08:03 PM
lol, that was laughable and unnecessarily gory.
But quite hot. I especially loved the line, "You dickless looser, look at what you wont ever fuck again."
02-20-2009, 08:40 PM
My girlfriend wants to cut the scrotum, take out the ball and pop it in her teeth :) she also loves sticking a knife in them and threatening to stick it right through ;)
02-20-2009, 08:41 PM
My girlfriend wants to cut the scrotum, take out the ball and pop it in her teeth :) she also loves sticking a knife in them and threatening to stick it right through ;) www. Clips 4 sale .com/22312 would love to hear what you think?
02-21-2009, 12:49 AM
She'll do more than take you down, She take souvaners to!!!
Hope everyone likes.
02-21-2009, 03:39 PM
this is a new one i just edited its kinda like i spit on your grave scene but more graphic its 6.31mb big and this is the first place ive posted it so hope u people enjoy its also a german one (
02-21-2009, 03:59 PM
part 2 to the above this one is more taunting then the other one as of now before someone else downloads this and puts it somewhere this is another first of its kind (
02-21-2009, 06:31 PM
part 2 to the above this one is more taunting then the other one as of now before someone else downloads this and puts it somewhere this is another first of its kind (
My goodness reedkritt two wonderful submissions! thank you so much for your efforts to share items of interest with us all!
ps I enjoy the saw of the bound man the best, so very yummy!
02-21-2009, 06:57 PM
:machine: the ultimate in submission great stuff.
02-21-2009, 08:31 PM
here is another one i made today hopefully u guys/ladies like it
One Of The Best Clips Ever.....
02-22-2009, 05:27 AM
My goodness reedkritt two wonderful submissions! thank you so much for your efforts to share items of interest with us all!
ps I enjoy the saw of the bound man the best, so very yummy!
hi am new here is there any pictures of men getting there penis cut off with a pair of scissors by women
02-22-2009, 07:32 AM
well heres another new one but its not as graphic as the others go but its a new one for the collection this is soilders on captured peoples torture chambers so its got men on men with a woman soilder watching
and ty for all ur support and comments its appreciated its not easy to find these scenes i dont just got em already i gotta find em and download em and i happen to be a member of a private torrent group so if theres any scenes anyone knows of from movies they want posted here thats hasnt been posted already ill see if they have the clip and download it and add it to this forum
02-22-2009, 11:40 AM
part 2 to the above this one is more taunting then the other one as of now before someone else downloads this and puts it somewhere this is another first of its kind (
Wonderful! The hacksaw to the wiener has got to hurt!
I love these videos where the women begin with kissing or other acts of foreplay before taking his boy parts. :)
02-22-2009, 06:43 PM
well heres another new one but its not as graphic as the others go but its a new one for the collection this is soilders on captured peoples torture chambers so its got men on men with a woman soilder watching
and ty for all ur support and comments its appreciated its not easy to find these scenes i dont just got em already i gotta find em and download em and i happen to be a member of a private torrent group so if theres any scenes anyone knows of from movies they want posted here thats hasnt been posted already ill see if they have the clip and download it and add it to this forum
Now that you mention - I never see the best scene of all i think - the first ********** scene form Island Warriors.
Yes the first scene the mans es hold down and the Asian girl rips out the testicle's with hooks and holds them up to see the bleeding things. That would make a nice clip to post if you can find et.
02-22-2009, 10:05 PM
Great flicks. Thanks for posting and if you have more please do post them.:bananad:
02-23-2009, 06:37 AM
Now that you mention - I never see the best scene of all i think - the first ********** scene form Island Warriors.
Yes the first scene the mans es hold down and the Asian girl rips out the testicle's with hooks and holds them up to see the bleeding things. That would make a nice clip to post if you can find et.
yeah that one sounds good unfortunately i wasnt able to find it under any of its known names but i did look for u theres a few other places ill search like emule but yeah for now iam sorry i couldnt get that one for ya
02-23-2009, 06:59 PM
Blitzkrieg2 was just about the most erection-inducing video I've seen in a long time. Thanks for posting that.:thumbup
What really makes it outstanding - besides its unflinching graphic portrayal of what a nice Nazi woman can do with a small hack saw - is the quality of the acting. The woman is convincing in the role - note how she dominates all 3 men, not just the hapless victim of her sawing technique - and she seems utterly comfortable and enjoying it. A great find!
What else is in the full Blitzkrieg film?
02-24-2009, 06:59 AM
yeah i am searching Blitzkrieg film too . Reed can you help us?
02-24-2009, 03:02 PM
yeah i am searching Blitzkrieg film too . Reed can you help us?
i posted the scenes that was in blitzkrieg already so what do u want the whole move? them where the only 2 scenes that envolved ********** and the acting in that movie pretty much sucked although teres been a hell of alot of commericals for a new 2009 version movie called last house on the left and that use to be a oldies one with a dick bite off scene i think and now there comming out with a 2009 version one the old one i think was from the 70s
02-24-2009, 03:05 PM
a few pix i found on a chinese yahoo group
02-24-2009, 11:55 PM
Not exactly ********** but amusing nevertheless.
A porno blooper: a woman unzips a man's pants and accidentally sinches his balls. Its funny, you can hear him whimper.!_My_Cock!.html
02-24-2009, 11:58 PM
A man is attacked by his girlfriends dog.
The dog jumps up and CRUNCH! bites his cock. The man screams and screams.
02-25-2009, 12:28 AM
Similar to the movie "Teeth"
A Japanese couple are having sex..... then her vagina bites his dick off.
02-25-2009, 12:35 AM
It seems like your standard amateur porno... but at the end, (after the moneyshot) for some reason she clamps down and bites off his cock.!.html
02-25-2009, 12:55 AM
And more (say "when")...
the mistress on the 2nd pic in is one of the hottiest girls ever think she could take my balls any day
02-25-2009, 01:03 AM
And more (say "when")...
Have you any idea if cruella are ever gona do a ********** page they d make a package! The magazines are what got though some frustrating times used to have to hide them with military precision LOL . Good pics
02-25-2009, 07:18 AM
[quote=reedkritt;60803]i posted the scenes that was in blitzkrieg already so what do u want the whole move?
Nope, you clearly gave us the good stuff, just wondered if the twisted people who did that movie had any other interesting scenes.
I remember the original "Last House on the Left" (around 1973?) although the girl I was with walked out before it got to the bite-off scene. Of course being a gentleman I accompanied her out, secretly disappointed. It's been posted here or in other forums since then.
If they do a re-make I expect it will be more graphic - there seem to be few taboos anymore in torture-porn, except they almost certainly will do everything to avoid an "X" rating - like showing an erect penis (no matter what's done to it). Too bad. That would make it far more interesting; but on-screen erections seem to be a no-no.
02-25-2009, 07:19 AM
Nice finds Uppishcarrot2nd!
02-25-2009, 07:45 AM
yeah i am searching Blitzkrieg film too . Reed can you help us?
i have already sent you a private message
02-25-2009, 09:15 AM
a few pix i found on a chinese yahoo group
I quite interest the first pic. It do a great food. I love it.
02-26-2009, 06:07 AM
Stress Balls
02-26-2009, 06:57 AM
:thumbup uau
02-26-2009, 08:54 AM
Stress Balls
thanks i sent you a private message have you read ?
02-26-2009, 09:57 AM
Stress Balls
What a cool pics. I love it.
02-27-2009, 12:30 PM
I too, I love it. cool pics.
more pic please, thank you great work.
02-27-2009, 05:38 PM
Maria's Sissy Boy
A princess housewife finds it useful in many ways to have a sissy house boy in her home. But the husband insists on a precautionary measure.
Before Maria came into my life, I was just drifting. I was a West Texas slut boy, whose sole purpose in life was to find the next cock to suck. I'd seen her around the apartment complex, but had no interaction till that night she walked into one of the laundry rooms at the apartments. I was on my knees under a laundry folding counter. Jerry, one of the neighbors, was standing at the counter. I was slurping away at Jerry's impressive cock when Maria walked in carrying a basket of laundry.
?Sorry Missus Martinez.? Jerry said with an embarrassed chuckle. ?We didn't expect anybody in here this late.?
You can't turn your head very well with a cock down your throat. I turned to look as best I could. She had one hand over her mouth. Her black hair hung down almost to her waist. Her dark Latina eyes were looking right at me. And she was as pregnant as a girl can be. Her belly lifting the hem of her short blue cotton shift slightly in the front. When she lowered the hand from her mouth, it revealed a curious and playful Mona Lisa smile.
She walked on, out of my view. I could hear her loading and starting a washer while I finished sucking off Jerry. He pounded me hard. In a hurry now. When Jerry left, there she was, sitting right across the narrow room from me.
?How much do you charge for that sissy boy?? she asked. The derisive term could have been offensive, but her slight Latina accent made it sound more playful than hurtful.
?I don't charge.? I replied. ?I do that because I enjoy doing it. I think of myself as a pleasure boy, not a sissy.?
?Well, pleasure boy, would you service my husband that way? With this,? she placed her open hands on her big belly, ?we can't make love. He wants me to do those things you do, but it disgusts me. I can't do it. If you like, I can talk to him.?
?I never pass up a chance to suck cock.? I answered.
?That's good. I'll talk to him tonight, and let you know. If he likes the idea, we can set up a time.?
I got home from work the next afternoon to find a message from Maria on my machine. She asked me to stop by her apartment around 6:00 that evening. I showered, grabbed a bite, and arrived at Maria's at the appointed hour.
Maria showed me in. From this angle, I could see she had a very respectable set of tits. She was wearing an almost identical shift as the night before, except this one was a light pink color. I imagined that girls in her condition had pretty limited wardrobe options. She escorted me to the living room and offered a seat on the sofa, explaining that her husband, Hector, was not home from work yet. Hector had a fledgling stone masonry and concrete finishing business, and worked long hours.
?So I take it Hector is good with my giving him some relief.? I said.
?Yes.? She replied. ?But I had to promise him you would do the things he asks of me, and that I refuse to do.?
?What sort of things??
?Nothing a pleasure boy wouldn't do.? She answered, with a flash of that Mona Lisa smile. ?I'll talk you through it. I know the things by heart. He never stops asking!?
After a beer and about 30 minutes, Hector arrived.
?Hector Martinez.? he said, offering a hand. ?Everybody calls me Marty.? His forearms looked like two hams, his hands were powerfully muscled, and he had no neck. Solid muscle went from his ear lobes to his outer shoulders. This is one guy I didn't want to piss off.
?Seen you around town,? Marty, nee Hector, said, popping the top on a beer. ?Never took you for a fag. How's that go over with the locals??
?I grew up here.? I answered. ?Folks are more open minded than you might think. They don't much care what anyone does, so long as they're discreet about it. And regardless of what they say in public, most guys will stick their cock in anything warm and wet. Especially after they come home dry from a hot date. I learned that in high school. They say I'm more fun than a stump broke heifer.?
They both laughed. I think we hit it off.
?Shall we go on in back and get started?? Maria offered, taking a sip of her ginger ale.
The bedroom decor was hyper feminine. Marty clearly indulged and pampered his princess wife.
Marty ditched his sweaty work clothes, and donned a silk robe. He stood in the middle of the bedroom floor, legs slightly apart and the front of the bath robe open. His cock was flaccid. Not very long, but thick as my forearm. The balls were large and hairy.
?Kneel in front of him.? Maria directed me. She was sitting at her dressing table, her back to us, watching us through the mirror. While I positioned myself in front of Marty, she started brushing her long black hair. ?Now lick his balls. All over. I'll tell you when to stop.?
I love the scent of sweaty balls. And this guy had the scent that comes only from working hard in the hot sun all day. I was in heaven. I licked the front, the sides, underneath, then went back and did it again. His cock was throbbing now, dripping precum, and much bigger than I first thought.
?How's that feel honey?? Maria asked sweetly. ?The back side need some attention??
?Feels great, babe.? Marty groaned. ?I think the back side would be good.?
?Crawl around behind him, sissy boy.? Maria's sweet tone had vanished. ?Lick the back side of his balls, and get the area between his balls and asshole real good.?
I was under Marty's robe now. My world was filled with the scent of sweaty balls, and the more pungent aroma of sweaty male ass. Had to jam my nose between his muscular ass cheeks to reach the back of his balls with my tongue. I could have suffocated right there and died happy. I lost track of time. I was a licking machine, aware only of the smells and tastes I was enjoying, Marty's groans of pleasure, and the sweet sound of Maria singing softly in time with the strokes of her hair brush.
?I'm ready to dance.? Maria said with a sigh. I heard her set down the hair brush. ?How about you honey??
?I'm ready.? Marty answered.
?OK sissy boy.? Maria turned her attention to me. ?Lay down on your back on the floor.?
I obeyed. Maria tossed a huge fluffy pillow on me, covering my crotch and belly. Marty slipped out of the robe, and lay atop me in the 69 position, his head resting on the pillow. I took his thick throbbing cock into my mouth, and he immediately started sliding it in and out. I gagged the first couple times he drove it into my throat. His cock was really big.
?Not so fast,? Maria said. ?I'm in control here.?
With that, she slipped out of her sandals and stepped onto the small of Marty's back. I could feel their combined weight on top of me. She stepped up onto Marty's rock hard ass, driving his equally hard shaft deep into my throat. His pubes jammed into my chin. His balls rested on my nose. It was hard to breath, but every breath was filled with the scent I loved so much. From between Marty's legs, I was looking up Maria's skirt at her panty clad ass. I liked what I saw. It excited me, and that was the first time I'd ever found anything about any woman sexually exciting.
Maria's ?dancing? consisted of stepping from on top of Marty's ass to the middle of his back, allowing Marty to slide his dick from my throat, only to have the shaft buried in my throat again when she stepped back onto his ass.
?Here it comes babe!? Marty groaned. Breathing heavily.
Maria jumped hard on his ass with both bare feet, burying his cock back into my throat with so much force I thought my jaw would unhinge. I notices how cute and feminine it looked, the way the hem of her skirt bounced when she landed. Then Marty exploded. This guy was carrying a load like a stud horse. He clearly hadn't had any for a while. And I was in heaven. His sweaty balls resting on my nose, suffocating me, while I enjoyed my favorite sensation in the world: hot cum squirting down my throat.
?I'm impressed.? Maria said, smiling down at me, her weight holding her husband's cock deep in my throat. ?I have trouble taking all of that big thing inside of me. I was afraid you wouldn't be able to, but you swallowed it all. That excites me.?
This kept up for months. And as Maria got closer to term, I started picking up household chores for her. I was spending so much time with Maria and Marty that they set up a cot for me in their spare bedroom. I didn't let my apartment go because I figured all this would come to an abrupt end after Maria delivered. But it didn't.
Maria delivered a beautiful baby girl that they named Sarah. While Maria was in hospital, Marty used me ruthlessly. I loved it. After Maria came home, she needed my help all the more, with the baby care chores piled on top the routine house keeping. Maria, ever the princess, became spoiled having her sissy house boy to do her housekeeping, laundry and such for her. I was never asked to leave. While Maria recovered, Marty continued to use me ruthlessly. He did so even after they resumed their regular sex life. Marty wanted sex a lot more often than Maria did. And when they did have sex, Maria asked me to take Marty's wad after she was sated. She didn't want another pregnancy yet. So after she had her orgasm, he'd pull the two thirds of his cock she could take out of her, and then slam it into my mouth all the way to the bristles. And he would cum like a bull.
One afternoon I was in the master bedroom putting away a load of Maria's bras and panties I had just washed. The princess was still in bed, her long hair splayed out on the pillow.
?Hey pleasure boy,? she cooed. ?Have you ever gone down on a girl??
?No,? I said.
?I've never had anyone go down on me before. Marty doesn't go for things like that. I want to see what it's like. Would you pleasure me??
?What the hell.? I answered. ?But you'll have to give me some direction. Never done this before.?
?No problem,? she said sweetly. ?Just lick. When I'm not punching you in the balls, you'll know you're hitting the right spot.
She was ready. She flipped the covers back. Her panties were already off. She rolled on her side facing me, spread her legs and motioned where she wanted my head. I ducked in. My mouth against her pussy, and my nose tucked up her butt. She pulled the covers back over both of us.
At first I panicked down in the darkness. Felt like I was going to suffocate. Setting myself to the task of licking pussy got my mind off the suffocating feeling. I'd never smelled a girl's crotch before. It was pretty bland. Even her ass didn't have much smell. She only had to sock me in the balls once, when I slowed down my licking. So I just kept a steady pace, licking the slit from end to end, then back. I could tell by her reaction when I was hitting the right spot. And the damnedest thing happened. Laying there in the warm darkness, pleasuring a girl, I got an erection. Always had an erection sucking cock. I never expected this with a girl. When she saw my erection, Maria asked me never to mention to Marty that I ?gave her tongue?. She said he would kill me.
So life settled into a routine. I was servicing the ever randy Marty most every night, and every once in a while, I'd go down on Maria and ?give her tongue?.
Over the next couple years, Marty's business really took off. He soon had several crews working for him. He had a custom home built on a 20 acre parcel a few miles out of town. After we moved in, my chores expanded from caring for little Sarah, cleaning, cooking and doing the laundry, to taking care of the outside. That included mending fences, clearing brush and caring for the horses. It was a full time job, and Marty began paying me a generous stipend.
A couple months after we moved from the little apartment to the new house, Maria became pregnant. I remember the night. Marty was ?giving her dick? as Maria called it, and as usual I was laying under them waiting to take Marty's wad after Maria was satisfied. She liked me to tongue her butt hole to help her to an orgasm. This night Maria broke from routine.
?I want a baby. Make me a baby, darling!? Maria whispered, hugging Marty's neck tightly.
Almost instantly, Marty exploded in her with a loud groan. He always held off from ejaculating till she was done, then I took his load. But that was when Maria was unready to become pregnant again. Now all I got was the part of Marty's wad that dripped down the inside of Maria's butt cheeks. I felt a little jealous. I got a little more later when Maria taught me how to eat her cream pie.
?Very light touch with the tongue.? She sighed. ?Oh yes! Very gentle. Ohhhhh!? She got another orgasm. And I got at least some of Marty's load.
I settled into the new routine quickly. It lasted a few months, till Maria started showing signs of being with child, then she didn't want the dick anymore, till after she delivered. This change had the obvious effect that I was taking Marty's cock down the throat almost every night. I liked that! The unexpected effect was that Maria wanted me to give her tongue nearly every afternoon.
One day I was under the covers, pleasuring Maria. And I had the usual but still perplexing erection. Suddenly the bedroom door slammed, a steel hard hand clamped onto my leg, and I was dragged from under the warm covers onto my back on the bedroom floor.
?What are you doing to my wife?? Marty growled. Then he saw my erection, and worse, the wet spot on my jeans.
?You are going to hurt faggot!? Marty kicked me in the balls, twice. Then he picked me up by my arm and started punching me in the stomach, harder than I'd ever been hit.
?Stop! You'll kill him!? Maria screamed.
Marty shoved me down onto the floor. Maria jumped between us.
?No! He never gave me the dick! Only the tongue!? Maria pounded her fists on Marty's chest. ?If he ever tried to give me dick, I'd kill him myself.?
I tried to stand up, but couldn't. Maria and Marty were yelling at each other, but none of it made any sense to me. The last thing I remember before blacking out was how Maria's animated gestures made her long hair slide back and forth across her bare butt cheeks.
I was laying on the bed in my room when I came to. Maria and Marty were sitting next to the bed, watching me. Marty still shook with anger. Maria was holding his hand, stroking his forearm. She had been crying.
?Here's how it is faggot,? Marty said. ?If it was up to me, you'd be dead right now. But you make my wife happy, and I want that. So you have two choices. If you stay here, you must agree to be *********. Otherwise, you must leave, and leave right now.?
?No. I'm not willing to be cut.? I shook my head no for emphasis.
?Then go.? Marty stood and walked out.
?Please.? Maria sobbed into her hands. ?Please do what he asks. For me. For Marty. For Sarah. You are family.?
I checked into a motel in town. The plan was to look for an apartment and another job first thing in the morning. But just then, what I needed was a stiff drink. Several.
Sitting at a bar down the street, sipping a Dewars, and who should walk in? It was Ben, an old pal from high school. We talked a while. He and his wife Sheila had split up three months back. Problem was, her idea of sexual foreplay consisted of three hours of Ben begging her. I really wonder about Ben. He dated Sheila all through high school, and she not once ever put out. And he thought putting a ring on her finger was going to change that?
?So that thing you used to do in school,? Ben started half way through our second round. ?still doing that??
?Only about every day.? I chuckled. Ben was talking about when he'd come home from a date with Sheila, all hot and bothered, and he and I would drive out by the river, and I would ? as they say - ease his mind.
An hour later, we were in the back of Ben's truck, parked at our old haunt by the river. I sucked him off a couple times. First time, he exploded right away. Second time took some coaxing. It was a familiar act I was performing, but it wasn't exciting like it used to be. I was just going through the motions.
Ben dropped me off at the motel around midnight. I didn't sleep worth a damn that night. I saw only emptiness ahead of me.
Next morning I drove out to the house. Maria let me in.
?I'm gone less than 24 hours, and the house is already a dump.? I said.
Maria hugged me and cried. I told her I would submit to Marty's demands.
?Thank you! Thank you!? she whispered, hugging me tight and kissing my cheek. Her tears and makeup smeared my neck and cheek.
That afternoon, Marty apologized for being so rough with me. I told him I understood. That evening, Maria danced much longer than usual, and I savored every second of it.
Later that week, the veterinarian came by to geld one of the bulls, and check on a mare about to foal. She had agreed, for a generous fee, to also geld Maria's sissy house boy.
I met the vet in the tack room next to the barn. She was young, with shoulder length brown hair. The blue work clothes she wore, and the way she rolled up her shirt sleeves, made her look kind of butch. The name patch on her shirt read: ?Anne Capozi, DVM?.
Anne laid me out on a couple bails of hay, with my jeans and boxers down around my boot ankles, and she taped my cock to my belly. She filled a syringe, and shot a couple injections in each of my testicles, then clamped a brass ring around the top of my scrotum. She told me to relax while the anesthetic kicked in. Once she started, she completed her work very quickly. I didn't feel much, except a tugging sensation in my belly. I lifted my head up once to try and see what she was doing, and she politely asked me not to try to help her.
?Take one of these every four hours as needed for pain.? She handed me an envelope full of pills. ?Get as much rest as possible the next couple of days. No lifting for at least two weeks. I'll be back in about a week to check on you, and to remove the stitches. And from here on, you'll need to be more physically active than you may be used to in order to maintain your strength and physique.?
I noticed changes over the ensuing months. Some would call what I experienced eunuch calm. To me, it was simply a debilitating laziness. There were days where, if not for the fact that I had live stock to tend and housekeeping to do, I would have stayed in bed all day. I continued to pleasure Maria and Marty, but the experience was no longer erotic. It was simply a joy to give so much pleasure to two people I cared for deeply. My erections were a thing of the past, which was a comfort to Marty when I went down on his wife.
Maria delivered twins, a boy and a girl. They were christened Mike and Melany. With Sarah still a toddler, and two new babies in the house, I got no rest at all. I didn't much like the children when they were infants and toddlers. They were an annoyance, and a constance source of never ending toils ? changing diapers, wiping up spills. But as they approached young adulthood, and could carry on a conversation, a bond developed. I enjoyed the role of uncle ? part parent figure, part good friend. As most adolescents do, they went through a phase where they thought their parents were the stupidest people on the planet. Their mother or father could give advice or tell them to do something, and the kids reacted as if it were the most preposterous thing they'd ever heard. While the same words from me were regarded as pearls of wisdom.
The kids grew up and left the nest. Maria, Marty and I stayed together. After she went through menopause, Maria no longer cared for the dick. It was a lubrication thing she said. But she still liked the tongue regularly. Marty's libido didn't slow down a bit with age. But it did take more coaxing to get him to squirt.
Sometimes I lay awake in the small hours of the morning, appreciating how good my life has turned out. I think about how things would have been different had Maria not walked into the laundry room that night. Or had she turned and fled in disgust. I am thankful she brought me into her life. She made a gay man fall in love with her, and with her husband. Who could have seen that coming?
02-28-2009, 04:29 PM
How 'bout s'more?
it is nice to see what happens
03-01-2009, 02:25 AM
Tish tosh, my good man! Anything that ne'er-do-well can do, Mister Jiggs can do better!
Hark, and behold the magnificence, the munificence! :)
Mr. J
i love this and i would be glad to see more and read mor
03-01-2009, 10:51 PM
Here's Monica Mayhem performing a ********** ( with a hunting knife.**********.jpg (
Ballbusting Pornstars has new penectomies and castrations ( 2-3 times a week.
-Eric Jover
03-02-2009, 11:02 AM
Anybody here into having their cock cut off?
No, me neither! :eek:
PS. I think its 'faked' ;)
********** seems so final. After losing your nuts you probably wouldn't be interested in sex. But my favorite
fantasy is having some woman talk me into giving her my
cock. I picture her leading me to a quillotine, sticking my cock in it and releasing the blade. I would still be horny as
hell with no way to get off.
03-02-2009, 04:08 PM
Wonderful! The hacksaw to the wiener has got to hurt!
I love these videos where the women begin with kissing or other acts of foreplay before taking his boy parts. :)
Me Too!!! Pleasure earned with pain. Kind of a ying/yang balance there.
03-02-2009, 04:35 PM
03-02-2009, 10:09 PM
I agree. The ultimate humiliation would be for beautiful young lady to lead me by the cock and set me up in a cock guillotine, and after she's had a moment to enjoy my realization of my predicament, pull the rope and let out a giggle to show her amusement.
03-03-2009, 07:32 AM
Just been browsing for inspiration. Some free on their blog.
03-03-2009, 07:50 AM
An Asian woman loves cherry boy's penis.
03-03-2009, 07:55 AM
An Asian woman loves cherry boy's penis.
03-03-2009, 08:17 AM
An Asian woman eats her penis.
They love cherry boy's pure penis.
Castratrix's pet
03-03-2009, 04:02 PM
I love all the photos that have been posted to this thread, but I still wish at least just once I could find a series of pics like I'm looking for.
A very beautiful young woman wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows surgically ********** a man doing it the way a surgeon would perform the operation, and with the man she is ********** being dressed in a long sleeve shirt with his sleeves down and his arms covered to his hands in long sleeves.
I wish just once I could find a really nice series of large pics like that.
03-03-2009, 07:52 PM
The ********** of a beautiful woman doctor.
03-03-2009, 07:58 PM
Boy pet's surgical ********** by the woman doctor.
03-04-2009, 10:35 AM
but all fantasy ? are any real german eunuchs here ? would like to meet some to learn how life can be after loosing balls (or cock).
please msg me.
03-04-2009, 10:48 AM
Stress Balls
the last picture has the man in the photo really had his penis cut off.:bananajum
and in the photo in mamoru sent just above?
03-04-2009, 10:52 AM
i dont think so. most of the stuff is fake. :o
03-04-2009, 04:41 PM
... anyone hasn't seen it yet.
It's a commercial with George Clooney as a party guest and Leonor Varela as a matadora. Be sure what you wish for!
03-05-2009, 11:40 PM
I have 50 pics of **********, but i do not have password for this archive RAR. Help me to find this password.
03-06-2009, 02:41 AM
What language is it in? That would really save some time.:)
03-06-2009, 11:05 AM
I do not know. Can be and Russian symbols: А а Б б В в Г г Д д Е е Ё ё Ж ж З з И и К к Л л М м Н н О о П п Р р С с Т т У у Ф ф Х х Ц ц Ч ч Ш ш Щ щ Ъ ъ Ь ь Ю ю Я я
03-07-2009, 05:22 AM
I do not know. Can be and Russian symbols: А а Б б В в Г г Д д Е е Ё ё Ж ж З з И и К к Л л М м Н н О о П п Р р С с Т т У у Ф ф Х х Ц ц Ч ч Ш ш Щ щ Ъ ъ Ь ь Э э Ю ю Я я
03-07-2009, 09:35 PM
so many ways for a man to be ********* or nullified.
I would personally like to have a purdy woman do it while in 69 call it dinner ;)
just wondering.. who else is waiting for Betty to start posting vids of her play dates?
03-07-2009, 11:17 PM
I do not know. Can be and Russian symbols: А а Б б В в Г г Д д Е е Ё ё Ж ж З з И и К к Л л М м Н н О о П п Р р С с Т т У у Ф ф Х х Ц ц Ч ч Ш ш Щ щ Ъ ъ Ь ь Ю ю Я я
I don't think those are russian, but I may be very wrong and If I am I apologize.
03-08-2009, 03:00 AM
they are Russian. I am Russian so i can say for sure.
03-08-2009, 12:38 PM
Boy pet's surgical ********** by the woman doctor.
I've seen the first picture before (without the editing you did) where she is actually holding a testicle, I think it was on photobucket or something but I can't find it, do you have the unedited pic?
03-08-2009, 03:01 PM
Newman85 I'll try it and I'll say you results.
03-08-2009, 03:59 PM
so many ways for a man to be ********* or nullified.
I would personally like to have a purdy woman do it while in 69 call it dinner ;)
just wondering.. who else is waiting for Betty to start posting vids of her play dates?
You know, there was a lady who drew lots of sketches (presumably of herself) gnawing/cutting them off, trying them on, and chowing down on them.
Her purdiness may be in the eye of the beholder, but I admire her talent and choice of subject. Wish I could do a Google search for some more of her stuff, but I wouldn't even know where to begin.:o
03-08-2009, 08:01 PM
they are Russian. I am Russian so i can say for sure.
Okay then I apologize.
03-09-2009, 02:38 AM
You know, there was a lady who drew lots of sketches (presumably of herself) gnawing/cutting them off, trying them on, and chowing down on them.
Her purdiness may be in the eye of the beholder, but I admire her talent and choice of subject. Wish I could do a Google search for some more of her stuff, but I wouldn't even know where to begin.:o
do you remember what her name was? I could do a search and see if I can find anything hehe
Castratrix's pet
03-09-2009, 04:30 PM
Women veterinary students performing castrations in a feline neuter lab at a vet school.
Castratrix's pet
03-09-2009, 04:32 PM
Imagine these girls doing this to you! Are there any women here who would like to be one of these girls and do this to a man?
Castratrix's pet
03-09-2009, 04:38 PM
It said this girl's name is Brook. I would love for her to do this to me. I would love to be Brook's pet and I wish she would ******** me like this, I would love for my manhood to be destroyed at her hands!
Castratrix's pet
03-09-2009, 04:38 PM
Surgeon Dr. Goddess!
03-10-2009, 11:36 AM
do you remember what her name was? I could do a search and see if I can find anything hehe
No, and that's the number one problem.:(
03-10-2009, 03:42 PM
Scene from an old film. She stabs him, masturbates with the bloody knife, then cuts off his cock and sucks it. The music's hilarious!
03-10-2009, 11:16 PM
that was one great vid vulkrypse. You have more like that hidden on your harddrive?
03-11-2009, 12:29 AM
that was an awesome video - especially at the end. ok, it was clear, they made a cut (I mean the in the movie,not the .... *g*), but well done anyway - and fantasy does the rest :-)
03-11-2009, 09:03 AM
I'm looking for films in spanish about ballbusting, **********, femdom in general. I understand english but It's exciter for me listen it in spanish.
Do you know any web page?
03-11-2009, 09:45 AM
The same as the Sex Exspress i uploaded here but its cool that theres a new place to download this from now
03-11-2009, 02:15 PM
this is a couple videos i found a long long time ago that works with quicktime or u can use kazaa mega codec pack or vcl player but this video is called last pleasure it envolves a woman nurse giveing a guy his last orgasm before a real **********
its 107mb big and i compressed it already with winrar so u will need winrar or a program that uncompresses rar files to unextract it
Heres the winrar link
and heres the video players link
03-11-2009, 04:44 PM********.php
03-11-2009, 07:26 PM
this is a couple videos i found a long long time ago that works with quicktime or u can use kazaa mega codec pack or vcl player but this video is called last pleasure it envolves a woman nurse giveing a guy his last orgasm before a real **********
its 107mb big and i compressed it already with winrar so u will need winrar or a program that uncompresses rar files to unextract it
Heres the winrar link
and heres the video players link
im having trouble playing that vid, i did uncompress it, but it still wont play
03-11-2009, 11:33 PM
im having trouble playing that vid, i did uncompress it, but it still wont play
did you download the player he links you to?
03-12-2009, 01:23 AM
this is a couple videos i found a long long time ago that works with quicktime or u can use kazaa mega codec pack or vcl player but this video is called last pleasure it envolves a woman nurse giveing a guy his last orgasm before a real **********
thanks you, this video is great - nurses with mask, last cum, operation
03-12-2009, 06:30 AM
this is a couple videos i found a long long time ago that works with quicktime or u can use kazaa mega codec pack or vcl player but this video is called last pleasure it envolves a woman nurse giveing a guy his last orgasm before a real **********
its 107mb big and i compressed it already with winrar so u will need winrar or a program that uncompresses rar files to unextract it
Heres the winrar link
and heres the video players link
Hey, its a horny vid!! wonderfull slowly made ********** with each step showen!! i get wet during viiewing and dreaming about that this could be th owen eggs outcutting.....:bananajum
these mistresses must be really angry now... :thumbup ( ( ( ( ( ttp:// ( 1120lo.jpg ( 4fx8s3_123_1120lo.jpg) (
03-12-2009, 01:21 PM
gbah, for some reason the vidoes stopped downloading on me and the computer said they were done, just had to re download the vids
03-12-2009, 04:44 PM
nice video :)
03-13-2009, 12:37 AM
WOW - I just joined and I'm overwhelmed by all that terrific stuff here - thx to all contributors!
03-13-2009, 06:32 AM
The infamous 'Last House on the Left' schlock-horror film has a re-make, much more professional, coming to theaters today.
I do not know if the oral-emasculation scene is still included but I assume it is. The original didn't show anything too graphic but you can assume - after "Hostel 2", "Teeth" and others - they might be more daring than the original.
Maybe someone can report back to this forum after watching the new version. The clip from the original has been available from links on this site, and at other places (Google on "Last house on the left" and "**********" and you will find some great collections, 2 pages in).
03-13-2009, 08:06 AM
Scene from an old film. She stabs him, masturbates with the bloody knife, then cuts off his cock and sucks it. The music's hilarious!
wow, it was so hot.tnx
03-13-2009, 08:36 AM
There is a very hot ********** in The Convent (2000) movie....about nuns, this goth chick gives a hot bj then eats the package.....very hot
03-13-2009, 11:05 AM
1 Down, 1 to Go
Starring Mika Tan
Mika's slave gets caught hanging out with another mistress, so Mika feels it's time to teach her slave a lesson. After she puts SOUNDS down his urethra, CRUSHES his balls, BITES and CHEWS on his balls, she eventually CASTRATES one of his testicles with a BURDIZZO, but makes sure to leave the other one for future torturing.
03-13-2009, 12:31 PM
Scrotum is sliced, testicle is bared, tortured, and re-inserted, then sac is stitched, all in clinical setting
Sadly, it doesn't appear women are involved... interesting nonetheless
03-15-2009, 09:11 AM
is it possible to buy this video on a cd
i missed that video when i was a orr member
i prefer it in quicktime format
this is a couple videos i found a long long time ago that works with quicktime or u can use kazaa mega codec pack or vcl player but this video is called last pleasure it envolves a woman nurse giveing a guy his last orgasm before a real **********
its 107mb big and i compressed it already with winrar so u will need winrar or a program that uncompresses rar files to unextract it
Heres the winrar link
and heres the video players link
03-17-2009, 02:55 AM
thank you all for the post, you all have provided me with hrs of fun. I have not seen this link posted however
03-17-2009, 05:48 AM
all i can say is WOW....
03-17-2009, 09:51 AM
Nice fantasy!
03-17-2009, 05:17 PM
Heres a Crazy one i downloaded and just edited and put together u cant see whos doing the cutting but its from a 1982 movie called
I had to erase and format my puter so i lost all my collection of videos but most of them u guys have all seen anyways so i guess i can always skim through and redownload em but as for now i have nothing new after this one till i make a few more guy in this is getting a penectomy and the youngster cant be older then 27
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