View Full Version : ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)
Follow this link for cartoon-type drawings of mass castrations and emasculations -- many with amazon battle theme.
Great , was looking for those kind of pics , never found a site .
Thank You :thumbup
09-12-2009, 06:37 AM
I have always like to see ********** of handsome guy and see them in pain.
Castratrix's pet
09-12-2009, 07:05 AM
I'm not so much into elastrator or burdizzo **********. What really turns me on is surgical ********** performed by a beautiful woman, a woman who cuts out the testicles the way a surgeon would perform the **********, especially a woman wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows. Would love to see some pics and videos showing or depicting that.
It's hard to believe I'm the only one turned on by this fetish or scenario.
Is there no one else out there who is into femdom surgical **********, where a beautiful woman slowly cuts out the testicles with a scalpel and surgical instruments and she does it the way a surgeon a surgeon would perform the **********? Would love to see some pics and vids of beautiful women doing that to guys.
09-12-2009, 08:16 AM
Great , was looking for those kind of pics , never found a site .
Thank You :thumbup
same here. Thank you!
09-12-2009, 09:52 PM
Great , was looking for those kind of pics , never found a site .
Thank You :thumbup
My only wish is that we could find something with actors or with more realism/accurate artwork. photo manips on this theme, perhaps?
09-12-2009, 10:50 PM
This thread is pretty awesome!
I grew up on a farm and my brother and I teenagers at the time attempted to elastrate a bull however the bull was to big so we called a vet. When the vet came out he brought his teenage daughter with him. As my brother and I held down the bull the vet worked on him and said, Oh boys I forgot to tell you, I have a two for one sale today and after I'm done with this bull one of you can be next. Both of us said at the same time, no thanks and he said why not it will keep you out of trouble. We were both turning red in the face and his daughter started laughing. After we were done and he was getting ready to leave as we were paying him he asked again, "sure you boys don't want to get your fixed before I leave? We both said again at the same time no thanks.
09-13-2009, 10:38 PM
You chaps should have a look at and search for **********. Several galleries crop up.
09-14-2009, 06:50 AM
:bananajumHi all been a fantasy of mine for years and stumbled across this forum by accident. Looking forward to joining in and posting.
09-14-2009, 07:01 AM
Dont know if I cocked up ( if you excuse the pun!) but my post did not appear. Stumbled on this forum by accident, been a fantasy for me for years. Look forward to posting stuff soon.
09-14-2009, 07:52 AM
I grew up on a farm and my brother and I teenagers at the time attempted to elastrate a bull however the bull was to big so we called a vet. When the vet came out he brought his teenage daughter with him. As my brother and I held down the bull the vet worked on him and said, Oh boys I forgot to tell you, I have a two for one sale today and after I'm done with this bull one of you can be next. Both of us said at the same time, no thanks and he said why not it will keep you out of trouble. We were both turning red in the face and his daughter started laughing. After we were done and he was getting ready to leave as we were paying him he asked again, "sure you boys don't want to get your fixed before I leave? We both said again at the same time no thanks.
I like this story. The girl is laughing, maybe she is proud she is not a male. She doesn't have testicles to cut off from her body, this make a girl feel advantage over the male.
I like the humiliation in front of a woman, from injury to testicle.
09-14-2009, 06:38 PM
Found this video on youtube, dont actually get to see any ********** but the threat is definetly there and theres a bunch of hot women watching.
If you can find out what movie this is from I will love you forever. 8)
09-14-2009, 06:56 PM
Aw man this one is just great 8)
09-14-2009, 07:06 PM
Ok this one started off great but the ending is just to funny to even attempt to take seriously in my opinion.
09-15-2009, 12:12 PM
is there a petition to ask ballbusting pornstars to stop turning into just porn and no more "**********" threats domination?
09-16-2009, 04:26 AM
The guy who posted this video has a bunch of others that are pretty unusual for youtube.
Aw man this one is just great 8)
Nice vids man ! I like the second one !
I took those photos and edited it myself:) . What do u think ?
09-16-2009, 07:16 PM
The girl shown in the attachement wrote the following:
Translated from dutch to english:
Typically men. Next week my vet has an appointment for a **********, shall I send him to you ?
Grrrr yes
oeh can I do it?
I have seen it done on a regular basis during my internship at the vet.
if it fails it will not matter on him
So this ( is excited about cutting a guys balls off.
09-18-2009, 09:02 AM
This ( Marci Bowers.
Her job ( cutting off men´s testicles.
She has cut off more than 1000 man testicles so far :D
Meet her staff (
WTF ???
09-18-2009, 10:27 AM
Make Fun Of The Stupid Slave.
Brutal CBT.RAR files, two parts, No password.
There are some pictures for reference.
09-18-2009, 11:02 PM
Make Fun Of The Stupid Slave.
Brutal CBT.RAR files, two parts, No password.
There are some pictures for reference.
That looks painful ! :D
German girls really love to pull the balls.
I see total filesize = 204MB. Rapidshare (Max filesize = 200MB)
So that is why you had to split.
Why do most people only use rapidshare ?
Ok, they are a good file sharing company, but most internet users only have 1 IP-adress and then they have to wait about 10 minutes untill they can download other files. Of course rapidshare annoys people intentionally, because they offer a paid service without this annoyance.
My guess is that you are not a rapidshare stock-holder, so please upload at multiple filesharing websites. This message is written to please the entire filesharing community.
And to give an example of what I meant, here are the same files made available on different filesharing websites:
Megaupload ( (Max 1024MB ( , so no need to split !)
Uploadline ( (You can also share files up to 1024 MB ( = 1GB).
Spread-it. (Max 500 MB (, works a little different, not superb)
FileMonster ( (Max 250 MB ( ) No need to split with 50MB extra.
FastFiles. (Max 100 MB ( Less than 200MB, so not suitable for this particular file, but a good alternative for anything up to 100MB. You can always split, but not this time.
Lets see how long these files will be online, untill they remove it. Because that is also important in comparison with rapidshare.
Of course uploading at all these seperate filesharing websites takes quite an effort. And it is a total waste of time to do on a regular basis. So I am thinking of creating a single portal that will automate this. So you the friendly user that is kind enough to share files will only have to upload once and receive a list of weblinks that you can copy paste into this forum.
Anyone else with computer skillz willing to help me with this ? It is all in benefit of the sharing community !
09-20-2009, 02:46 PM
Here's Amber Rayne, executing one of her prisoners by shooting off his cock and balls ( with a rifle! Check out more femdom police brutality ( at Ballbusting Pornstars. (
Follow me on twitter for more insane ********** and penectomy udpates and free photo galleries!
09-20-2009, 06:23 PM
Here are links some of the ********** videos that i uploaded on youtube.
09-21-2009, 09:50 AM
these are nice. "Nowhere man" and " BJ suprise are especially good.
09-22-2009, 09:43 AM
I LOVE pics of women pointing guns at guys genitals.
Too bad there aren't more movies where women shoot guys in the crotch!
09-24-2009, 02:12 PM
Accused killer Brigitte Harris ( told Queens jurors Monday that she researched Lorena Bobbitt ('s 1993 ********** of her husband before taking revenge on her abusive father.
Harris, 29, took the witness stand in her murder trial yesterday to rebut prosecution claims that she intended to kill her father, Eric Goodridge (, 55, during a July 2007 assault in her Rockaway apartment.
Prosecutors say Harris handcuffed Goodridge to a chair and then surgically removed his penis with a scalpel she bought online. She then turned on the stove to destroy the evidence because she recalled how doctors reattached John Bobbitt ('s severed penis.
Under questioning by defense attorney Arthur Aidala (, Harris said she only meant to dismember her father. "Just know I'm doing this because I know he's not gonna change," Harris said in a videotape recorded days before the attack.
Aidala said Harris acted after finding out that Goodridge intended to take her nieces back to her native Liberia (, where she said she was abused since the age of 3.
I never hear before what happen to that thing when she cut it off - you?
09-25-2009, 01:04 AM
its still cooking in the oven
lol :bananajum
09-25-2009, 02:21 AM
Balls kick and punch, I love this brutal girl.
Castratrix's pet
09-25-2009, 08:44 AM
I know I keep asking this over and over again, but I would love to see some pictures and videos showing or portraying a surgical ********** being performed by a beautiful young woman wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows.
I'm sure if a woman was performing a surgical ********** and she was wearing a long sleeve shirt at the time that she would roll up her sleeves, probably she would roll her sleeves up well above her elbows to perform the **********. Would like to know what any of the women here who are into ********** feel about that one.
Does anyone here have or can anyone here make any pictures or videos showing this and post them here please? Thank you.
09-25-2009, 09:08 AM
I know I keep asking this over and over again, but I would love to see some pictures and videos showing or portraying a surgical ********** being performed by a beautiful young woman wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows.
I'm sure if a woman was performing a surgical ********** and she was wearing a long sleeve shirt at the time that she would roll up her sleeves, probably she would roll her sleeves up well above her elbows to perform the **********. Would like to know what any of the women here who are into ********** feel about that one.
Does anyone here have or can anyone here make any pictures or videos showing this and post them here please? Thank you.
It is your common theme, Castratrix's pet, but keep it in your mind. After you see the fantasy or live it, you will be ruined. That fantasy will lose all power in mind. Then you have to find another fantasy. Getting another good fantasy will be troublesome. lol :cryingblu
09-27-2009, 01:47 PM
I know I keep asking this over and over again, but I would love to see some pictures and videos showing or portraying a surgical ********** being performed by a beautiful young woman wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows.
I'm sure if a woman was performing a surgical ********** and she was wearing a long sleeve shirt at the time that she would roll up her sleeves, probably she would roll her sleeves up well above her elbows to perform the **********. Would like to know what any of the women here who are into ********** feel about that one.
Does anyone here have or can anyone here make any pictures or videos showing this and post them here please? Thank you.
I do castrations in the winter time like that but it's on cattle instead of men. LOL. :( Unlike most people I don't like nice clean methods of **********. I like the nice slow messy type. The slower it is on the victim the funner it is for me. Knives are the way I use to ******** cattle. And they'd be the way I'd use if I ever ********* a man too.;)
09-28-2009, 03:27 AM
Thanks for this femaledom's forum which provides us a platform to communicate, I will try to contribute my power and please share all kinds of your collections, of course, the ********** is prefered in my opinion. :ibow4u:
Castratrix's pet
09-28-2009, 07:04 AM
It is your common theme, Castratrix's pet, but keep it in your mind. After you see the fantasy or live it, you will be ruined. That fantasy will lose all power in mind. Then you have to find another fantasy. Getting another good fantasy will be troublesome. lol :cryingblu
I don't think seeing it will cause the fantasy to be ruined. Does seeing a girl ballbust a guy make you not any longer want to be ballbusted? No.
So why would seeing a ********** done by a girl wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows make me no longer have a fantasy about being ********* by a girl?
Castratrix's pet
09-28-2009, 07:14 AM
I know I keep asking this over and over again, but I would love to see some pictures and videos showing or portraying a surgical ********** being performed by a beautiful young woman wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows.
I'm sure if a woman was performing a surgical ********** and she was wearing a long sleeve shirt at the time that she would roll up her sleeves, probably she would roll her sleeves up well above her elbows to perform the **********. Would like to know what any of the women here who are into ********** feel about that one.
Does anyone here have or can anyone here make any pictures or videos showing this and post them here please? Thank you.
I would still love to see some pictures and videos showing this. I wish someone here would have or would make some pictures or videos showing this and please post them here. I don't have the equipment or ability to make any of them myself so I have to search for and ask for ones that others have.
I would really like to know what others here think about ********** and ********** fantasies in general, and about my sleeve fetish. Would especially like to know what women members here think about all this.
I think my sleeve fetish thing is about symbols of power.
Me wearing a long sleeve shirt with my sleeves down and my arms covered completely to my hands in long sleeves symbolizes weakness, inferiority, and submission.
The castratrix wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows symbolizes power, omnipotence, supremacy, and dominance.
What do others here think? Especially what do women here think? I would really like to know.
09-28-2009, 10:29 AM
Thanks for this femaledom's forum which provides us a platform to communicate, I will try to contribute my power and please share all kinds of your collections, of course, the ********** is prefered in my opinion. :ibow4u:
I just love the pic! where can i get more with her and or movie? ^_^
10-02-2009, 01:01 AM
What a great thread, been trying to catch up but will post soon!
10-02-2009, 01:20 AM
...Unlike most people I don't like nice clean methods of **********. I like the nice slow messy type. The slower it is on the victim the funner it is for me. Knives are the way I use to ******** cattle.
I wouldn't be so sure about that Raina, I would bet that most people here likes much more the.... nice slow messy type :wooow using knives, than the polite, correct, surgical procedure. This is because the emotional value is extremely enhaced in the "rough" type much more that in the other one.
Let's start an opinion poll. My vote to the slow messy type. :bananajum
Castratrix's pet
10-02-2009, 07:34 AM
I guess it's pretty obvious from my other posts that I also prefer the "slow messy type" of **********.
My favorite ********** scenario is where the man being ********* is wearing a long sleeve shirt with his sleeves down and his arms covered completely to his hands in long sleeves. He is the only man there, surrounded by beautiful, sadistic, very dominant women who are female supremists. The castratrix herself is wearing a long sleeve shirt. She rolls up her sleeves rolling them up above her elbows, and she surgically castrates him very very slowly doing it the way a surgeon would perform the **********. There is bleeding, and fluid from his ball sack, and he cums for the last time while she is performing the ********** surgery, in fact she even masturbates him while she is performing the **********. The ********** surgery takes an hour, maybe even longer than an hour for her to perform. An hour or more of intense agony for him as he suffers physically, sexually, and emotionally at her hands as she castrates him. In agony he totally worships her as Goddess as she cuts his nuts out and his manhood is slowly and agonizingly destroyed at her hands, worship of her that will continue forever after the operation.
Yeah, I go with the slow messy type.
To me there is also something very deeply spiritual about femdom **********. To me without question, God is female, God is Goddess. As she castrates me, the castratrix herself becomes and is God Herself.
I would really like to know what others here, especially what any of the women here think of this.
10-02-2009, 12:04 PM
Again I like the thought provoking stuff. Anything ********** is good.
10-02-2009, 11:27 PM
Grest dialouge in this one. You don't actually see the moment, but like so many things, its more about the set-up.**********.html
10-03-2009, 01:40 PM
10-04-2009, 10:39 AM
His ball turn to nothing......
10-04-2009, 03:45 PM
%100 fake. ;)
10-04-2009, 06:17 PM
It is a fake. The guy that made that video explain in another forum (I don't remember forum name, sorry) that he has two small tomato in paper wrap for testicle. His real testicle is under the board.
But... It is still fun to see testicle smashing!
10-05-2009, 03:30 PM
It is a fake. The guy that made that video explain in another forum (I don't remember forum name, sorry) that he has two small tomato in paper wrap for testicle. His real testicle is under the board.
But... It is still fun to see testicle smashing!
yes;) joh-cball the first clip is here :cussing: warning is alls bull shit xxx 1€ but the pictures and clips is not current (link is ok) search just on :BIG Board Post 09/24/2009 and auther archives too. No tuch the banière or xxx is spyware!!!! or virus for my memory lol!!! nobody is perfect(I don't remember where is the 3 clips perhaps 2006/2007/2008 if you not good antivirus get out :machine: the site Bangedup!!!! good surf!
10-05-2009, 05:17 PM
It might be fake, but it's cool as hell.
10-06-2009, 11:14 AM
These should spark your imagination.
10-06-2009, 07:00 PM
Grest dialouge in this one. You don't actually see the moment, but like so many things, its more about the set-up.**********.html
Excellent clip. Love her body.
10-08-2009, 08:39 AM
after sex trophy box
[img=] ([img=] ([img=] ([img=] (
10-08-2009, 10:52 AM
after sex trophy box
[img=] ([img=] (
Guys, I'm really sorry to be such a jerk, but could we please keep penectomy stuff in the penectomy ( thread? I admit penectomy does little for me, and my main reason for posting this is selfish, but still, I'm pretty sure the penectomy enthusiasts would like to see their thread get bumped more often, as well as not being ****** to check other threads instead of the one where pics like these should go.
Again, I really apologize for writing this, and I hope no one gets too upset.
10-08-2009, 09:17 PM
you are correct. penectomy and ********** are two different procedures.
this is long. much cbt and verbal threat. i lasted until about 1 min from end.
would have lost mine to her too.
10-08-2009, 10:12 PM
Has anyone seen the film playroom? This hot chic performs a penectomy on a tied down helpless man who has a sex addiction! this film is extremely bloody. After cutting off his cock, the gal smiling, picks it up holds it out to the boss hoodlum, who licks the bloody head. the ********** gal next shakes the dick in the face of another woman who seems up-set by the proceedings. I found this film on (
10-08-2009, 10:49 PM
you are correct. penectomy and ********** are two different procedures.
this is long. much cbt and verbal threat. i lasted until about 1 min from end.
would have lost mine to her too.
Cool. Another one of my videos. Thanks for posting it and letting me know!
10-08-2009, 11:53 PM
Woow, amazing pictures, thanks by sharing!!
10-09-2009, 01:43 AM
Cool. Another one of my videos. Thanks for posting it and letting me know!
Actually thank you, I had miss that post. Now I can watch it.
10-09-2009, 02:00 AM
10-09-2009, 06:01 AM
Thanks for this amazing "after sex trophy box", is it clip from movie?
Whats the movie name and the actor and actress name???
10-09-2009, 06:03 AM
Guys, I'm really sorry to be such a jerk, but could we please keep penectomy stuff in the penectomy ( thread? I admit penectomy does little for me, and my main reason for posting this is selfish, but still, I'm pretty sure the penectomy enthusiasts would like to see their thread get bumped more often, as well as not being ****** to check other threads instead of the one where pics like these should go.
Again, I really apologize for writing this, and I hope no one gets too upset.
ya know mr only 2 post contribute yourself and stop complaining about others post ive contributed alot too this group and forum its good too see others contribute maybe ur opion would matter to others if u post something good and quit being a leach with only 2 post ur complaint means nothing too us Ty too all who have contributed
10-09-2009, 06:08 AM
after sex trophy box
[img=] ([img=] ([img=] ([img=] (
--------------------------------------------------------------------------joan i loved the pics i too hope its a movie clip somewhere and if you know if its a movie from something i will edit it and add it too this forum if u know the name of the movie
10-09-2009, 08:54 AM
ya know mr only 2 post contribute yourself and stop complaining about others post ive contributed alot too this group and forum its good too see others contribute maybe ur opion would matter to others if u post something good and quit being a leach with only 2 post ur complaint means nothing too us Ty too all who have contributed
He expressed his point in a very polite and respectful way. You're overreacting way more than a teenager having her first periods. Grow up.
10-09-2009, 09:25 AM
ya know mr only 2 post contribute yourself and stop complaining about others post ive contributed alot too this group and forum its good too see others contribute maybe ur opion would matter to others if u post something good and quit being a leach with only 2 post ur complaint means nothing too us Ty too all who have contributed
So those who like penectomy - to the point that they have made their own thread ( on this very board - can just go screw themselves?! You'll post what you want, where you want, huh?
BTW, I have occasionally had a glance or two at the penectomy thread. I haven't seen you contribute there much. Honest question: Why not? When I posted my original post, it was on the first/top page. Nice and easy to find. I know you know of its existence (
Seriously, while I admitted to being selfish with my first post, that was not my whole motivation. If you were to take my suggestion - and it was only a suggestion - there are others out there who should be pleased, as well.
But meanwhile, please carry on with your overreactive flaming. It's not like it hurts or anything.
Regardless, here's a bit of what I hope will be accepted as a peace offering, since you are right in that I haven't been the most contributory member:
penis guro 10 (
penis guro 9 (
penis guro 8 (
penis guro 7 (
penis guro 2 (
a different penis guro 2 (
penis guro ( - 1000 replies!
Note: There are some redundant pics across the various guro threads, as well as the occasional obligatory bickering - this is the internet, after all, but I like to think I picked out the better threads from that board to link here. Finally:
pic post board - Japanese (
With the last link above: Use the little gray button in the lower left at the bottom of the page to go to the next page, and after that, the button in that same area to the right will continue backward, while the left one will bring you back forward.
Now, RK, do me a favor and go check out the penectomy thread. What you will see there will have taken maybe 90 seconds to accomplish...
10-10-2009, 05:26 AM
He expressed his point in a very polite and respectful way. You're overreacting way more than a teenager having her first periods. Grow up.
yes ur a supreme poster but all youve done is comment on stuff people have contributed!!You yourself havent added anything either too the forum except coments or complaints
10-10-2009, 06:34 AM
Now, RK, do me a favor and go check out the penectomy thread. What you will see there will have taken maybe 90 seconds to accomplish...[/QUOTE] download click on mp4 Computer (is fake lol):D
penis guro 10 (
penis guro 9 (
penis guro 8 (
penis guro 7 (
penis guro 2 (
a different penis guro 2 (
penis guro ( - 1000 replies!
pic post board - Japanese (
Very good websites !
10-10-2009, 08:27 AM
very good in fact.
10-11-2009, 02:18 PM
Now, RK, do me a favor and go check out the penectomy thread. What you will see there will have taken maybe 90 seconds to accomplish... download click on mp4 Computer (is fake lol):D[/QUOTE]
look is here:Autumn Squash With Savory Cock she is cooking in the kitchen a cock boy for eating lol is free long clip nobody look why please is a good film no credit cart,just inscription email. :bananajum :bananajum :bananajum :bananawin
a couple ones, maybe already posted here, but I dunno.
10-12-2009, 10:04 AM
The picts. in this thread should be called detachments iso attachments :)
thanks to all the posters.
10-12-2009, 02:22 PM
Here's one I hope you like....It's mine!
10-12-2009, 06:38 PM
Has anyone seen the film playroom? This hot chic performs a penectomy on a tied down helpless man who has a sex addiction! this film is extremely bloody. After cutting off his cock, the gal smiling, picks it up holds it out to the boss hoodlum, who licks the bloody head. the ********** gal next shakes the dick in the face of another woman who seems up-set by the proceedings. I found this film on (
Wow this sounds hot. Do you have the flik? Can you post some of it in a clip?
10-13-2009, 12:12 PM
Too many men in this sequence, speaking for myself of course... :)
The name of the movie is Playroom or Consequences.
10-13-2009, 08:22 PM
Has anyone seen the film playroom? This hot chic performs a penectomy on a tied down helpless man who has a sex addiction! this film is extremely bloody. After cutting off his cock, the gal smiling, picks it up holds it out to the boss hoodlum, who licks the bloody head. the ********** gal next shakes the dick in the face of another woman who seems up-set by the proceedings. I found this film on (
That sounds like fun, naked guy tied down :loveeyes
Castratrix's pet
10-14-2009, 09:01 AM
That sounds like fun, naked guy tied down :loveeyes
Exactly what would you do if you had a guy tied down like that Jenny? Please describe in detail. Also, would you do it alone or would you have some of your girlfriends there to watch or help?
It would be interesting to hear from the girls here as to what she would really do to a guy if she had him tied down totally helpless and she could do anything to him she wanted to do. Wonder if any of them would ******** him and in detail just how she would do it. I'm sure with some of the Goddesses here that ********** could become a slow painful artform at her hands.
10-15-2009, 11:44 AM
Reedkritt, the movie you are referring to is called Blood and sex nightmare. I found this movie at ( Actually, i think the person doing the penectomy was a man, it looked like a guy's hand to me.
10-15-2009, 06:33 PM
Hmmm... I like the idea of squishing balls to a mush, and the idea of chopping a guys wiener off. I like the meat grinder idea :iluvu:
10-15-2009, 09:14 PM
Yes bookoo, i do have the flik. However, i have slow dialup and i'm not sure what all i can do with slow dialup. I have never posted anything in a clip. I am new at this and need more info. Please tell me how i can post in a clip and i will be more than happy to do it.
Castratrix's pet
10-16-2009, 08:46 AM
I'm surprised more girls and women are not into surgical **********, doing it the way a veterinarian would ******** a large male dog or the way a surgeon would perform the operation when it is medically necessary.
While ********** is a relatively simple surgical procedure, it is actual surgery using scalpels, forceps, and ligatures to properly clamp, tie off, and cut the spermatic cords, therefore it does require a fairly high degree of skill for her to perform it properly.
It would take some doing for her to develop and master those skills properly. I would think that a girl or woman who has perfected her surgical skills and technique so that she can easily and properly perform a surgical ********** with real confidence in herself and her surgical skills would rightly be proud of her surgical and ********** skills and ability. It would show her as having intelligence, dexterity, dedication, and confidence which are the marks of supremacy, superiority and dominance.
A girl or woman who can roll up her sleeves and surgically ******** a man slowly, skillfully, successfully, and confidently would show herself as being a very dominant female, a true femdom/dominatrix.
While ********** is not a long drawn out surgery it does take some time to do it and really do it right, so she would have her victim in severe pain, agony, and suffering at her hands for much longer than if she just crushed his balls, or banded him or clamped him with a burdizzo. I think when it takes about 15 to 25 minutes when a veterinarian castrates a large male dog and about 30 to 45 minutes for a surgeon to ******** a man. She could really play with him and play with his mind while she is performing the ********** surgery on him.
Perhaps as she perfects and refines her surgical skills she could also become very skillfull at performing a combined ********** and penectomy, or even combined ********** and prostatectomy.
A girl or woman with such skills would certainly be worshipped by especially certain groups of men, and even idolized by many women. Think of the power you would have ladies.
Because it would show her intelligence, skill, and ability I'm surprised more girls and women are not into surgical ********** done the way a veterinarian or surgeon would do it. And think of all the fun she could have with it as well.
Any girls or women here ready to roll up her sleeves and become Dr. Castratrix?
10-16-2009, 03:17 PM
Hi there!
Thanks for all the many many links that are posted every day!
THis is the best ********** thread ever!!
So i know that here are many banding fans, so i wan't to post this great link to a video clip:
I know its a paysite but, it is worth to have a look at it:
The girls in this clip are really ********** the guy with a tribander!!
So its difficult to post the link as the system will censor the link as it is a paysite:
********************/studio/32249 (original link)
or go to: clips 4 sale store number:32249
The clip is called: "torture comes before **********", or just type ********** into search!
It is really hard to see how the russian girl bands the guy with this device, she explains(in german) what will happen to his balls as they are banded now, you can really see how his balls become very dark after a few minutes!!
have fun with it!
10-16-2009, 07:06 PM
Yes bookoo, i do have the flik. However, i have slow dialup and i'm not sure what all i can do with slow dialup. I have never posted anything in a clip. I am new at this and need more info. Please tell me how i can post in a clip and i will be more than happy to do it.
Great !! I know there is a program where you can cut a piece from a movie and make a short clip. I think Windows has aprogram. Let me check. If anyone here knows of a way please give us your input.
10-16-2009, 09:38 PM
I like the idea of [...] chopping a guys wiener off.
If you feel the need to get serious anytime, just let me know. ;)
10-17-2009, 08:54 AM
Hi there! I'm a new girl here. :)
I've always had fantasies about ********** men. My ultimate ********** fantasy would be to lure muscular, well-hung men home with me by telling them I was going to fuck them, getting them naked and tied up, then when they're helpless showing them my scissors or my razor and telling them all about what I'm going to do. I'd talk to them and tease them and maybe bust their balls a little bit. I wouldn't fuck them or let them cum, but I'd try to get them hard for the actual cut. Then I'd cut their cocks and their balls off. :D After that I'd laugh at them and hold their former cocks up so they could see them. I'd definitely laugh at them. I'd start a collection, of cocks mounted on the wall, just like men mount deer antlers.
Of course, that's not really very moral, so it's just a fantasy.
I'm 24 y/o and I've had boyfriends, but they've never actually known the reason that I was staring so longingly at their junk. :) I've never really even dommed a guy before beyond a little spanking. But I really want to explore my ********** fantasies further.
Castratrix's pet
10-17-2009, 03:41 PM
Seriously, I am kind of surprised that there seems to be no one here turned on by surgical ********** performed very skillfully by a girl who really knows how to do it and is confident in her ********** ability.
10-17-2009, 06:48 PM
Seriously, I am kind of surprised that there seems to be no one here turned on by surgical ********** performed very skillfully by a girl who really knows how to do it and is confident in her ********** ability.
I love that, you could do it the bull etyle and then eat my balls, or the dog style, and I will use my tongue to pleasure you.
10-17-2009, 09:07 PM
testicles exposure:wooow
10-18-2009, 05:18 AM
testicles exposure:wooow
Now that made me feel odd. But not sure if in a good or bad way:) :(
Castratrix's pet
10-18-2009, 08:34 AM
testicles exposure:wooow
I'm not really into some guy doing it to himself. I'm into a girl doing it to a guy. Sorry to complain but this forum is a about femdom, the name of the site is Forums. I just feel a ********** thread on a femdom forum should be about girls and women ********** guys, not about guys ********** themselves. You're free to disagree but that's just my feeling.
Anyone have anything about girls ********** a guy?
10-18-2009, 10:14 PM
Of course, that's not really very moral, so it's just a fantasy.
[...] But I really want to explore my ********** fantasies further.
I'm so glad, there's at least a few girls with those sexy fantasies. :bananawin
10-19-2009, 01:47 AM
Anyone have anything about girls ********** a guy?
Here we go:
10-19-2009, 07:45 AM
Here we go:
Jiauka, what is the name of the movie and what year was it done?
10-19-2009, 09:11 AM
nothing to do with ballbusting..infact thats all about the shaft.. you have that in the wrong spot jiauka
10-19-2009, 10:12 AM
Here we go:
Awsome movie. Thanks for posting it jiauka.
10-19-2009, 02:02 PM
I'm so glad, there's at least a few girls with those sexy fantasies. :bananawin
Thanks! ;)
10-19-2009, 04:51 PM
testicles exposure:wooow
Very odd...I know there's an interest in this, but definitely not for me.
10-19-2009, 05:06 PM
Here we go:
Wow! That AVI was totally hot!!! What's that from???
10-20-2009, 01:35 AM
Jiauka, what is the name of the movie and what year was it done?
Title: Pure
Director: David Aaron Clark (
Format: DVD
Release Date: 2009-09-30
10-20-2009, 07:34 AM
Title: Pure
Director: David Aaron Clark (
Format: DVD
Release Date: 2009-09-30
Thanks Jiauka
10-20-2009, 11:39 AM
After that I'd laugh at them and hold their former cocks up so they could see them.
That's the moment, I fantasize about most. Well..., it begins at that moment! When she looks at me, and (yes, I have porn-fantasies :D) we both know: Right now I'm more aroused, as I have ever been in my life.
And she is holding up my severed cock, lauging at me.
And, well... the rest ist pornographic.
Castratrix's pet
10-20-2009, 02:57 PM
I love seeing pictures and videos of girls and women performing a surgical ********** doing it the way a surgeon or veterinarian would perform the **********. I love imagining that I am the male she is **********. Anyone have any more pics or vids showing this?
10-20-2009, 03:46 PM
:thumbup Crazy lady :thumbup**********.html
10-20-2009, 05:37 PM
Nice one !
10-20-2009, 10:20 PM
Today i was talking bout sex with my other 3 girl friends. We were talking of how our parents thought about it, since we are young. One of my friends said "Oh yeah my mums cool about it but if my dad found out the poor guy would be ********* and to never see me again"
10-21-2009, 11:27 PM
Hi there! I'm a new girl here. :)
I've always had fantasies about ********** men. My ultimate ********** fantasy would be to lure muscular, well-hung men home with me by telling them I was going to fuck them, getting them naked and tied up, then when they're helpless showing them my scissors or my razor and telling them all about what I'm going to do. I'd talk to them and tease them and maybe bust their balls a little bit. I wouldn't fuck them or let them cum, but I'd try to get them hard for the actual cut. Then I'd cut their cocks and their balls off. :D After that I'd laugh at them and hold their former cocks up so they could see them. I'd definitely laugh at them. I'd start a collection, of cocks mounted on the wall, just like men mount deer antlers.
Of course, that's not really very moral, so it's just a fantasy.
I'm 24 y/o and I've had boyfriends, but they've never actually known the reason that I was staring so longingly at their junk. :) I've never really even dommed a guy before beyond a little spanking. But I really want to explore my ********** fantasies further.
I think, that a girl like you should be our queen/ruler.
Just imagine what nice things you could order - like in the antice rome.:wooow
10-23-2009, 01:10 AM
Hi there! I'm a new girl here. :)
I've always had fantasies about ********** men. My ultimate ********** fantasy would be to lure muscular, well-hung men home with me by telling them I was going to fuck them, getting them naked and tied up, then when they're helpless showing them my scissors or my razor and telling them all about what I'm going to do. I'd talk to them and tease them and maybe bust their balls a little bit. I wouldn't fuck them or let them cum, but I'd try to get them hard for the actual cut. Then I'd cut their cocks and their balls off. :D After that I'd laugh at them and hold their former cocks up so they could see them. I'd definitely laugh at them. I'd start a collection, of cocks mounted on the wall, just like men mount deer antlers.
Of course, that's not really very moral, so it's just a fantasy.
I'm 24 y/o and I've had boyfriends, but they've never actually known the reason that I was staring so longingly at their junk. :) I've never really even dommed a guy before beyond a little spanking. But I really want to explore my ********** fantasies further.
i would love a girl to pretend to cut off my penis with a pair of scissors , that would turn me on .and the girl would have fun too pretending.( living out her fantasy).:bananajum
10-23-2009, 03:47 PM
Hi there! I'm a new girl here. :)
I've always had fantasies about ********** men. My ultimate ********** fantasy would be to lure muscular, well-hung men home with me by telling them I was going to fuck them, getting them naked and tied up, then when they're helpless showing them my scissors or my razor and telling them all about what I'm going to do. I'd talk to them and tease them and maybe bust their balls a little bit. I wouldn't fuck them or let them cum, but I'd try to get them hard for the actual cut. Then I'd cut their cocks and their balls off. :D After that I'd laugh at them and hold their former cocks up so they could see them. I'd definitely laugh at them. I'd start a collection, of cocks mounted on the wall, just like men mount deer antlers.
Of course, that's not really very moral, so it's just a fantasy.
I'm 24 y/o and I've had boyfriends, but they've never actually known the reason that I was staring so longingly at their junk. :) I've never really even dommed a guy before beyond a little spanking. But I really want to explore my ********** fantasies further.
I have already posted on the penectomy thread, but the idea of havign my cock removed by a woman and then used as a trophy by her is one of my best desires. Ideally it would be turned into the pendant on a necklace and then worn by the woman while walking down the street, with me following behind to make it clear where her new accesory came from.
:thumbup Crazy lady :thumbup**********.html
Great :thumbup Thank You
10-24-2009, 06:04 AM
Hey, wow clippyjez. It would be great fun seeing you in a ********** flik as a woman interrogator. You could be wearing a hot sexy uniform and standing over your naked tied down subject , say an insurrgent who was captured and turned over to you. The fool , excited by your womanly charms has a huge erection which you are holding a knife too, and applying pressure to the big ding dong! He begs and pleads with you not to penectomize him but at this point, you really don't care if he cooperates or not and you start sawing on the big thang very slowly... taking a full long two minutes to amputate it very close to his bloated balls.
10-24-2009, 07:15 PM
Hey, wow clippyjez. It would be great fun seeing you in a ********** flik as a woman interrogator. You could be wearing a hot sexy uniform and standing over your naked tied down subject , say an insurrgent who was captured and turned over to you. The fool , excited by your womanly charms has a huge erection which you are holding a knife too, and applying pressure to the big ding dong! He begs and pleads with you not to penectomize him but at this point, you really don't care if he cooperates or not and you start sawing on the big thang very slowly... taking a full long two minutes to amputate it very close to his bloated balls.
I am not sure if it is going on in the Middle East, but I do know during the Vietnam War, the Viet Cong and NVA had well over 100,000 women in their ranks. Many took part in the the penectomy and castrations of captured soldiers. Higher ranking officers like pilots, often were kept alive while lower ranking enlisted soldiers served as "entertainment" for their male and female captives as they had their dicks and balls amputated as they were ****** to watch. There are many documented incidents of GIs being sexually nullified by the knives and razors of Vietnamese women both in the jungle and the back alleys of Saigon. Most did not survive their "radical vasectomies". !!!
10-26-2009, 12:50 AM
Here we go:
Ican't download please link upload at Please
10-26-2009, 08:14 AM
maybe i need some army clothes and go to vietnam
10-26-2009, 03:16 PM
Reedkritt, the movie you are referring to is called Blood and sex nightmare. I found this movie at ( Actually, i think the person doing the penectomy was a man, it looked like a guy's hand to me.
I saw just enough of one frame at youtube to let me know I wanted to watch that scene. The TLA description mentions lots of women raped, tortured, murdered with just a mention of severed penis. That's so backwards. I want to see women ********** men, not women hurt. Can someone download the scene of interest?
10-26-2009, 04:26 PM
Great :thumbup Thank You
Yeah, thank you very much! :bananad:
10-28-2009, 07:55 AM
http://%20femdom_cruella_0034970.jpg%20%20%286.9%20KB%29 Is my new avatar lol! :D (the site is pay for look pfffff!!!!)
10-28-2009, 07:23 PM
That's the moment, I fantasize about most. Well..., it begins at that moment! When she looks at me, and (yes, I have porn-fantasies :D) we both know: Right now I'm more aroused, as I have ever been in my life.
And she is holding up my severed cock, lauging at me.
And, well... the rest ist pornographic.
Ya, it kinda ends at that moment, too, dude. ;)
10-28-2009, 07:25 PM
i would love a girl to pretend to cut off my penis with a pair of scissors , that would turn me on .and the girl would have fun too pretending.( living out her fantasy).:bananajum
Ya, um, that really wouldn't be living out my fantasy, that would be pretending.
10-28-2009, 07:28 PM
I have already posted on the penectomy thread, but the idea of havign my cock removed by a woman and then used as a trophy by her is one of my best desires. Ideally it would be turned into the pendant on a necklace and then worn by the woman while walking down the street, with me following behind to make it clear where her new accesory came from.
I've always kinda thought the whole male-genital-jewelry idea was kind of lame. Don't get me wrong, there's exceptions. I saw a pic on another forum that I thought looked really good. And I've always wanted to take a bunch of really small balls and make them into a "string of pearls." :)
Anyway, here's the pic I was talking about. I really just like her sweet smile. :)
10-28-2009, 07:31 PM
Hey, wow clippyjez. It would be great fun seeing you in a ********** flik as a woman interrogator. You could be wearing a hot sexy uniform and standing over your naked tied down subject , say an insurrgent who was captured and turned over to you. The fool , excited by your womanly charms has a huge erection which you are holding a knife too, and applying pressure to the big ding dong! He begs and pleads with you not to penectomize him but at this point, you really don't care if he cooperates or not and you start sawing on the big thang very slowly... taking a full long two minutes to amputate it very close to his bloated balls.
That could be sexy. :) Though I like to picture more cutting up from the base. I think it would be hilarious to cut the scrotum open and have a guy's balls flop out and have him unable to do anything about it. It would be so undignified for him. ;) And painful. :)
10-29-2009, 02:16 AM
Ya, um, that really wouldn't be living out my fantasy, that would be pretending.
hi JEZ if its the real thing you want to do there is a guy on the bodymod org site that wants a girl to cut his penis off for real . his user name is bigdrew
10-29-2009, 02:43 AM
With text-to-speech. :D
Maybe others make it better...
10-29-2009, 04:40 AM
10-29-2009, 03:28 PM
hi the clip exist seach in the forum:machine: :machine: :machine: :machine: escuse but i just one rapidshare/day no50/day yur understand lol look if you post is not in the forum tanks:wooow
10-29-2009, 03:38 PM
Congratulation Serge, You chosed the most intriguing avatar from Cruella. And the model is the cutiest I saw in thier range. :bananajum
10-29-2009, 04:09 PM Lol she is castratrix :In a male: (Atesia Female Dominant, 18, Burlington, Vermont)
I am searching for a man who craves to be used in every aspect. His life shall be enveloped by his superior (myself). He shall exist to serve me in any way possible, without question, without limits. He shall crave my abuse and recognize it as a twisted sort of admiration. His mind, body, possessions and heart shall belong to me, and only me.
He will be kept in chastity, or suffer ********** and/or penectomy. There is no exception. AAAAAAAAAAAAH :bananajum SEARCH ON YOU ARE REGISTRED IS FREE AUTER:seductive mistress looking for obedient, devoted and dedicated slaves..
areas of interest:
strap on
water sport
golden shower
foot worship
ass worship
body worship (methodofchaos Female Dominant, 21, Austin, Texas)
auther: GoddessTrish here. I am a female dominant living in the Philippines. Contact me if you are currently in Manila or have plans to come to Manila and wish to serve and be dominated by a young Asian Mistress. I only do realtime sessions, no online for now. I am a busy Goddess and my time is valuable, so I do require to tribute for sessions. I have experience in this lifestyle, I have references. Interests include CBT, foot and shoe worship, dog training, obedience training, objectification, humiliation, sissification, orgasm denial, and ********** for fulltime slaves. I can dress up in schoolgirl attire for old slaves who love that. Not interested in toilet and no sex. Hit me up if you want to chat with me on ym. Be sure to address me as Goddess. Yes that is really me in the photos, again I have references who will verify that.:D
11-01-2009, 08:25 AM
Yesterday I saw the following film tomboys is a scene of ********** and one in which the burning balls. Very very good film.
For info (
11-01-2009, 08:33 PM
Yesterday I saw the following film tomboys is a scene of ********** and one in which the burning balls. Very very good film.
For info (
I saw the film, the penis chopping scene was not very clear, and the burning was not shown but I enjoyed :thumbup
11-04-2009, 11:02 AM
That is awesome pictures. I like it! I like the way the males have no face/identity. The woman castrates the guys, but first she emasculate them with taking off their face. That is really humiliating before the **********. The woman is very powerful.
What program does make this? I want to try it!
Thats either "Poser" or "Daz3d".The "Daz3d" is free from though the characters and props arnt. (goto to get the models). ;)
11-05-2009, 02:46 AM
Thats either "Poser" or "Daz3d".The "Daz3d" is free from though the characters and props arnt. (goto to get the models). ;)
Thx! Very good tip !
11-05-2009, 06:19 AM
thanks for pics
11-05-2009, 03:35 PM
:bananajum a good day!!!!
11-05-2009, 04:38 PM
:bananajum a good day!!!!
11-06-2009, 06:06 AM
They told me that the film "meat for satan"includes scenes of ********** and cannibalism, have by chance some screenshots?
11-06-2009, 07:13 AM
I have written two posts ,asking for advice how to attach pictures from my documents to constitute a posting .All the info is either out of date or didn't ever exist .Begs me to ask how do i gain privleges if you won't let me in ,is trhis site a closed shop to people who have webmaster skills or above .Well you seem to make me work for everything .A little communication in my mail box would be nice .:cussing::cussing::soomad:soomad
11-07-2009, 11:52 AM
I found a video from youtube.Does anyone know name of this movie?
Yes I know it, it's called As Seis Mulheres de Ad its a brazilian movie, I saw it before, you could look it up on google or here's a site that tells about it, along with many other movies that involve **********/ballbusting.
just type in the name there, it lists hundreds of movies that include that stuff in it
11-07-2009, 12:41 PM
Yes I know it, it's called As Seis Mulheres de Ad its a brazilian movie, I saw it before, you could look it up on google or here's a site that tells about it, along with many other movies that involve **********/ballbusting.
just type in the name there, it lists hundreds of movies that include that stuff in it
Woow Thank you so much man.You are awesome!!:D
11-08-2009, 01:06 AM
I found a video from youtube.Does anyone know name of this movie?
The first comment on the page says that the name of the movie is "As Seis Mulheres de Adão".
11-08-2009, 12:24 PM
I saw the film, the penis chopping scene was not very clear, and the burning was not shown but I enjoyed :thumbup
Hi,perhaps here: (the best link is "Letitbit" no rapidshare)
look full film pfff the film is boring but she cut off the cock at bad man :D .
The end is very stupid :machine:
11-10-2009, 11:02 PM
Here we go:
11-11-2009, 12:48 PM
This (One Process Used in Humans of Being ********* - Edited ( is NOT one of my favorite video's , but I am sure some of you would appreciate it.
The reason why I am posting this, is because I noticed youtube allready removed the original. By the time most of you read this post, the youtube-link will probably be dead, so here is Megaupload (
I wont let the admins at youtube decide what video's can be found online !:D
Youtube is not the internet !
Night Traveller
11-12-2009, 09:45 AM
Here is excellent collection of videos from movies with ********** scenes (page 188, also in reedkritt, vulkrypse, jiauka's posts). I'd like to ask you to pay attention to German re-make of "Hard Candy" - "Beim ersten Mal tut`s immer weh", I guess this film is less known but it contains really great episode when pretty girl cuts guy's testicles and slowly passes them in surgical clamp in front of his face.
You can assess screenshots at its true value!
reedkritt, vulkrypse and anybody who is experienced in this, could you please perform sceene's cutting and post it? Because the fragment in RapidShare contains a lot of uninteresting insertions. html
11-12-2009, 10:38 AM
Wow, great video...
A nice way to loose your balls :)
11-12-2009, 11:44 AM
Looks like access to this page has already expired. Could you reupload the file?
This is the message I get:
"This file is neither allocated to a Premium Account, or a Collector's Account, and can therefore only be downloaded 10 times.
This limit is reached.
To download this file, the uploader either needs to transfer this file into his/her Collector's Account, or upload the file again. The file can later be moved to a Collector's Account. The uploader just needs to click the delete link of the file to get further information."
Here is excellent collection of videos from movies with ********** scenes (page 188, also in reedkritt, vulkrypse, jiauka's posts). I'd like to ask you to pay attention to German re-make of "Hard Candy" - "Beim ersten Mal tut`s immer weh", I guess this film is less known but it contains really great episode when pretty girl cuts guy's testicles and slowly passes them in surgical clamp in front of his face.
You can assess screenshots at its true value!
reedkritt, vulkrypse and anybody who is experienced in this, could you please perform sceene's cutting and post it? Because the fragment in RapidShare contains a lot of uninteresting insertions. html
Night Traveller
11-12-2009, 01:21 PM
Looks like access to this page has already expired. Could you reupload the file? Sure. Here you are. html
11-13-2009, 03:51 PM
this version is censured:( . I look version originale she cut balls off,the link is dead sorry
Night Traveller
11-14-2009, 08:34 AM
this version is censured:( . I look version originale she cut balls off,the link is dead sorrySure, the Musicians only used few frames from the film for their song. Has anybody a complete version of the movie? I my opinion it is worth to be posted here.
:p :letsplay
11-14-2009, 01:11 PM
Really good story, one I think most of you will like, especially Snoodle.
11-16-2009, 07:16 AM
Really good story, one I think most of you will like, especially Snoodle.
Thanks for posting that.
11-18-2009, 12:36 AM
Here is a ********** pic with a link to one of my free online picture galleries! (
Click on the link below to view the ballbusting picture gallery ( with Jessica Valentino:
Enjoy the ********** photo (, and have a nice day.
11-18-2009, 05:04 PM
Thx Night Traveler, that was really interesting vid! :thumbup
11-19-2009, 07:19 PM
ok.. this one might be a little bit brutal...
11-19-2009, 10:50 PM
ok.. this one might be a little bit brutal...
Annnnnnnd.... Snip. Done. Wonderful... :D
One from the Vaults
11-20-2009, 01:51 AM
Just saw the film Holy Mountain. It contains two ********** scenes -- one performed by a man in front of a large group of other men as an initiation ritual into a religious order (the leader thanks the initiate for sacrificing "a piece of himself," and places a jar containing something fleshy and bloody on a wall which he says to now be complete in having "a thousand testicles" (there are many similar jars lining the wall).
The other scene has the ********** performed by a woman, although you don't see her do it, only the man's prolonged reaction.
Great movie in general.
11-20-2009, 12:17 PM
Do you have any idea where i could find the movie Holy mountain?
11-20-2009, 01:05 PM
You guys are such a bad influence, corrupting my innocent little brainmeats! We had kielbasa for lunch today and every time I took a bite I kept imagining it was my ex's penis.
So, here I am, sitting across the table from my mom and sister, squirming every time I take a bite. Good thing nobody noticed. XD
11-20-2009, 04:30 PM
You guys are such a bad influence, corrupting my innocent little brainmeats! We had kielbasa for lunch today and every time I took a bite I kept imagining it was my ex's penis.
So, here I am, sitting across the table from my mom and sister, squirming every time I take a bite. Good thing nobody noticed. XD
I am guessing the meal was satisfying, then?
11-20-2009, 07:05 PM
I am guessing the meal was satisfying, then?
I'm eating the leftovers right now.
11-20-2009, 07:20 PM
You guys are such a bad influence, corrupting my innocent little brainmeats! We had kielbasa for lunch today and every time I took a bite I kept imagining it was my ex's penis.
So, here I am, sitting across the table from my mom and sister, squirming every time I take a bite. Good thing nobody noticed. XD
Wait a minute, Kielbasa? How big WAS he?
11-20-2009, 08:34 PM
Wait a minute, Kielbasa? How big WAS he?
Big. Like, 'too big' big.
One from the Vaults
11-20-2009, 09:41 PM
Do you have any idea where i could find the movie Holy mountain?It's fairly famous... apparently it was John Lennon's favourite movie. But it's really fucked up, and old, so wherever you can find obscure good films in your area.
11-20-2009, 10:56 PM
Big. Like, 'too big' big.
I don't understand.
That's not possible.
11-20-2009, 11:06 PM
Acouple of members on this site(that i have noticed so far) have mentioned an all girl gang in California going after servicemen and cutting off their cocks just for the fun of it. Years ago, i read about a gang of teenage girls in California in the 50's who were responsible for a wave of horrible mutilations (as the magazine put it) and it took the police quite some time to catch them because they never suspected school girls. Also, they used razor blades to cut these men, which they hid in their beehive hairdos. I wonder if this might be the same gang of girls?
Night Traveller
11-21-2009, 04:14 AM
You guys are such a bad influence, corrupting my innocent little brainmeats! We had kielbasa for lunch today and every time I took a bite I kept imagining it was my ex's penis.
So, here I am, sitting across the table from my mom and sister, squirming every time I take a bite. Good thing nobody noticed. XD
I don't understand.
That's not possible.You see, in Russian "kielbasa" means "sausage".:cool:
Lizzycat, did you have in mind this?
11-21-2009, 05:40 AM
I don't understand.
That's not possible.
Well, at least I can fit the keilbasa in my mouth. I couldn't fit him in there. :o
Keilbasa, sausage...either way, I want more. XD
Night Traveller
11-21-2009, 05:45 AM
Acouple of members on this site(that i have noticed so far) have mentioned an all girl gang in California going after servicemen and cutting off their cocks just for the fun of it. Years ago, i read about a gang of teenage girls in California in the 50's who were responsible for a wave of horrible mutilations (as the magazine put it) and it took the police quite some time to catch them because they never suspected school girls. Also, they used razor blades to cut these men, which they hid in their beehive hairdos. I wonder if this might be the same gang of girls?By the way, here is an exellent video about a girl gang, how they ride on scooters with a necklace of severed cocks and balls. While one of them has sex with guys they met on the road, the other girl cuts their dicks off.
11-21-2009, 05:46 AM
You guys are such a bad influence, corrupting my innocent little brainmeats! We had kielbasa for lunch today and every time I took a bite I kept imagining it was my ex's penis.
So, here I am, sitting across the table from my mom and sister, squirming every time I take a bite. Good thing nobody noticed. XD
I wish my penis was on that table to serve your hunger..
11-21-2009, 06:10 AM
Yesterday I saw the following film tomboys is a scene of ********** and one in which the burning balls. Very very good film.
For info (
Here you find the full movie.. free. enjoy. lot of movies you can watch freely on the site...
11-21-2009, 10:28 AM
By the way, here is an exellent video about a girl gang, how they ride on scooters with a necklace of severed cocks and balls. While one of them has sex with guys they met on the road, the other girl cuts their dicks off.
Hilarous :D and the policeman who says "I'm virgin!"
11-21-2009, 10:32 AM
Hi,perhaps here: (the best link is "Letitbit" no rapidshare)
look full film pfff the film is boring but she cut off the cock at bad man :D .
The end is very stupid :machine:
A kind of Hammer-house-of-horror approach. Left a bit to be desired regarding special effects, I thought, but the joy and intent of the Women was empowering.
11-21-2009, 12:04 PM
Well, at least I can fit the keilbasa in my mouth. I couldn't fit him in there. :o
Keilbasa, sausage...either way, I want more. XD
Can I have his number? :Baahaha:
11-21-2009, 01:30 PM
Can I have his number? :Baahaha:
Going to play with it, or "play" with it eh?
11-21-2009, 01:57 PM
Going to play with it, or "play" with it eh?
I'll play it by ear. :)
11-22-2009, 01:08 AM
******** the cheated husband.
11-22-2009, 08:47 AM
Can I have his number? :Baahaha:
Only if you promise to share. :o
11-22-2009, 09:58 AM
Only if you promise to share. :o
...and if we are in sharing mud, may I be count in too :wooow
11-22-2009, 01:13 PM
Here's a DM of a pretty student looking at my cock. Yes, it's in a jar ;P (
11-22-2009, 09:26 PM
Here's a DM of a pretty student looking at my cock. Yes, it's in a jar ;P (
It does look like a piece of art :loveeyes
I had a dream once about all the boys from the high school sports team, in my room walls up high. :iluvu:
11-22-2009, 11:35 PM
...and if we are in sharing mud, may I be count in too :wooow
From what she says, he's big enough to share. :jumpsmile
11-23-2009, 12:47 AM
You guys are such a bad influence, corrupting my innocent little brainmeats!.....:D.....
11-23-2009, 04:17 AM
From what she says, he's big enough to share. :jumpsmile
Maybe enough for the three of us :iluvu:
1 Lucky penis... (if enough)
2 tbls. oil
1/2 chopped onion
1 garlic cloves, peeled and chopped
1 tsp coriander seeds, crushed
1/2 tsp salt
1 freshly ground black pepper
-Scald the penis, then drain and clean.
-Place the penis in a saucepan, cover with cold water, and bring to a boil.
-Remove any scum, then simmer for 10 minutes.
-Drain and slice.
-Heat the oil in a large skillet.
-Add the onion, garlic, and coriander and fry until the onion is golden.
-Add the penis slices and fry on both sides for a few minutes.
-Stir in the remaining ingredients with a good grinding of pepper.
- Add enough water to cover, and bring to a boil.
-Lower the heat, cover, and simmer for about 2 hours, or until tender.
-Add a little water from time to time if necessary to prevent burning.
...and here we go! Penis Stew! :wooow
11-23-2009, 06:40 AM
I found some clips in the net.
I just give you the "********** (games)":**********-play24.wmv**********-play12.wmv**********_Play.mpg
May be "organized" from here!!!!
Have fun tobi
great videos thanks
11-23-2009, 06:50 AM
Maybe enough for the three of us :iluvu:
1 Lucky penis... (if enough)
2 tbls. oil
1/2 chopped onion
1 garlic cloves, peeled and chopped
1 tsp coriander seeds, crushed
1/2 tsp salt
1 freshly ground black pepper
-Scald the penis, then drain and clean.
-Place the penis in a saucepan, cover with cold water, and bring to a boil.
-Remove any scum, then simmer for 10 minutes.
-Drain and slice.
-Heat the oil in a large skillet.
-Add the onion, garlic, and coriander and fry until the onion is golden.
-Add the penis slices and fry on both sides for a few minutes.
-Stir in the remaining ingredients with a good grinding of pepper.
- Add enough water to cover, and bring to a boil.
-Lower the heat, cover, and simmer for about 2 hours, or until tender.
-Add a little water from time to time if necessary to prevent burning.
...and here we go! Penis Stew! :wooow
hımmmmmmm good
11-23-2009, 08:05 AM
Here you have some samples of the Madame Rebecca Steele’s newest comic. These are samples of the second of three chapters that are being published in (
Madame Rebecca Steele, the powerful castratix, has been kidnapped by a serial killer who is obsessed with Rebecca’s exceptional body…
Sadly for him, the evil Rebecca Steele will make him pay for daring to challenge her… (, (, (, (, (, (, (, (, (, (, (
Chacho (
11-23-2009, 10:02 AM
Maybe enough for the three of us :iluvu:
1 Lucky penis... (if enough)
2 tbls. oil
1/2 chopped onion
1 garlic cloves, peeled and chopped
1 tsp coriander seeds, crushed
1/2 tsp salt
1 freshly ground black pepper
-Scald the penis, then drain and clean.
-Place the penis in a saucepan, cover with cold water, and bring to a boil.
-Remove any scum, then simmer for 10 minutes.
-Drain and slice.
-Heat the oil in a large skillet.
-Add the onion, garlic, and coriander and fry until the onion is golden.
-Add the penis slices and fry on both sides for a few minutes.
-Stir in the remaining ingredients with a good grinding of pepper.
- Add enough water to cover, and bring to a boil.
-Lower the heat, cover, and simmer for about 2 hours, or until tender.
-Add a little water from time to time if necessary to prevent burning.
...and here we go! Penis Stew! :wooow
jenny i will provide the penis you can cut it off and cook it girl.
11-23-2009, 12:55 PM
jenny i will provide the penis you can cut it off and cook it girl.
You are a sweetheart Design, one or two more, and there will be enough for Snoodle, and Lizzicat too :thumbup
11-23-2009, 01:23 PM
my cock is available for cooking.
But might be better as sushi, just cut thin strips off and eat one at a time.
a nice wasabi and soy sauce dip would be ideal.
11-23-2009, 08:15 PM
By the way, here is an exellent video about a girl gang, how they ride on scooters with a necklace of severed cocks and balls. While one of them has sex with guys they met on the road, the other girl cuts their dicks off.
Really hot. Corny special effects with very fake looking severed organs, but nice screaming ! Cock and ball necklace, hmm, photo manips time for some resident artist.
11-23-2009, 09:35 PM
my cock is available for cooking.
But might be better as sushi, just cut thin strips off and eat one at a time.
a nice wasabi and soy sauce dip would be ideal.
I would wait for the approval of the great counsel... (Lizzycat, Snoodle, and maybe other girls who have an opinion) either way your cock would be doom if I take you in that word :machine:
11-24-2009, 12:36 AM
I would wait for the approval of the great counsel... (Lizzycat, Snoodle, and maybe other girls who have an opinion) either way your cock would be doom if I take you in that word :machine:
Well, this thoughts are really hot, but to sacrifice the whole penis might be a little bit disadvantageous for us males.:o
Maybe it would be more expediant to offer one of our balls.
I have two nice big balls - so I think one might be enough.
And maybe the remaining ball would become huge - and so it would be really nice.;)
11-24-2009, 02:24 AM
to sacrifice the whole penis might be a little bit disadvantageous for us males.Yes, of course it is. ;)
Don't listen to him, girls... :bananawin
11-24-2009, 06:50 AM
I would wait for the approval of the great counsel... (Lizzycat, Snoodle, and maybe other girls who have an opinion) either way your cock would be doom if I take you in that word :machine:
Just be sure to tenderize it, first. Don't want it to be all tough and chewy.
11-24-2009, 07:12 AM
If you have anymore recipes, could we add it to the thread Food Associated with Biting?
11-24-2009, 12:37 PM
You are a sweetheart Design, one or two more, and there will be enough for Snoodle, and Lizzicat too :thumbup
well Jenny you can have the lot if you want it,balls too. you are so lucky not to have a cock you know. Just think of the fun you would have if you had a cock.:thumbup
Night Traveller
11-24-2009, 02:03 PM
They only wanted to play the game, not really perform his **********, but in the culmination of the action she could not help sneezing!!! So, guys, be carefull. :Baahaha:
I wonder what would be my choice if I ever was in the situation: Being Circumcised or Being *********.
...I'd actually choose **********. Circumcision removes the sensitive bits. **********, I'd think a woman might want to determine if she needs pleasing by a man with the HRT. I give my woman jewelry. :P
11-24-2009, 03:10 PM
Just be sure to tenderize it, first. Don't want it to be all tough and chewy.
Anything you wish, but am sure if you cut finely enough it would be ideal.
but once you start you can take as long as you wish, I will wait for you to finish every last mouthful.
If I start to look a bit faint, just rub some wasabi into the remains I am sure that would bring me back.
11-24-2009, 06:51 PM
Just be sure to tenderize it, first. Don't want it to be all tough and chewy.
Pick up your favorite tenderizing procedure, I like to just deep the balls, sack and all in a manual grinder, and just turn the handles to get the meat in the other side, maybe good for a spreading over the cooked penis as a spicy BBQ sauce.
11-24-2009, 07:53 PM
Here is repost I put in before:
Penis Eating. ( ( ( :// ( p:// ( p:// (
Is there elegant way for the girl to eat penis? Stir fried penis, baked penis, BBQ penis, raw penis...
She enjoy it, penis eating. Tasty. But keep a secret about that!
See here video Man Meat Penis:
I want to do a more powerful video of penis eating by female, but my Lady doesn't want to agree. She say, "Go make it with another female!" But that is warning, really. She will get me punished if I do video with another female, maybe she eat me! :cryingblu
11-25-2009, 01:30 AM
C'est cool mais je ne sais pas perler anglais...
oh those Asians. I can remember when I was dating them, they'd always have some sort of masochistic persona to them when it came to this sort of thing, more so than any others I have dated.
11-25-2009, 07:58 AM
i think that is realy hot
11-25-2009, 08:11 AM
vbmenu_register("postmenu_23913", true);
I love jpeg and anime **********.
Castratrix's pet
11-25-2009, 08:32 AM
This is more what I think of in ********** and ********** fantasies. I would love to be surgically ********* by a beautiful woman veterinarian or surgeon then for her to keep me as her very own personal eunuch slave/pet.
11-25-2009, 01:19 PM
I suppose this newspaper article ( belongs in this thread.
11-25-2009, 02:37 PM
good pictures
11-25-2009, 04:03 PM
Pick up your favorite tenderizing procedure, I like to just deep the balls, sack and all in a manual grinder, and just turn the handles to get the meat in the other side, maybe good for a spreading over the cooked penis as a spicy BBQ sauce.
I like the way you think.
11-25-2009, 05:18 PM
I like the way you think.
I am sure you do ;)
11-25-2009, 06:39 PM
jenny i will provide the penis you can cut it off and cook it girl.
Lol, I don't want to spoil the fun, but you might consider baking it, instead of cooking. When you cook a penis it becomes inedible.
At least that is what Arwin Meiwes (the German cannibal) found out when he and his voluntary victim tried to eat the victim's penis :)
11-25-2009, 07:53 PM
I found this illustration on a dirty joke site. It's from the old gag about the widow who removes her late husband's dick and has it cooked to perfection, because after all those years of "eating it" his way, she finally wants to try it her way.:bananajum
11-25-2009, 10:47 PM
This is more what I think of in ********** and ********** fantasies. I would love to be surgically ********* by a beautiful woman veterinarian or surgeon then for her to keep me as her very own personal eunuch slave/pet.
Castratrix's pet is firm for desire of neutering by the better sex ~ Woman!
But a surgery ********** is turn off to me, like a tooth pulled out. Scared. (I'm pussy guy maybe :Baahaha: ) I think it is more fantasy in mind to be ********* by woman, but a great fantasy to play with your gal.
Actually, I understand that desire of seeing the female as ALL powerfull. That is my realm of Femdom, to see female/feminine as ALL powerfull. That is reason of my fetish in BB and ********** fetish. That desire to be defeated by feminine nature and emasculated...
So, I confess it. :wooow
But... actually... penectomy is not my feature. It is fun to fetish about that, but I wish to keep my private friend (only share it with my Lady).
I like BB more, we do it together my Lady.
Castratrix's pet, you know, my Lady is nurse. Perhaps... I will get her do you fantasy of lab coat ware and sleeve of nurse/surgeon foto.
I try it -- ask her.
11-26-2009, 12:16 AM
[quote=dina_sibell;38309]I lake ********* man. Erika
come to me
11-26-2009, 05:33 AM
there's a cool video of a set of cock & balls being "eaten" with a knife & fork after being tenderised with a potato masher
www (dot) clips 4 sale (dot) com / 22312 - put it all together & revel in the extreme pain! hahahah
It's called "cock & balls for breakfast"
I tried to upload a picture but I can only set a link? I am not technical!
there's a cool video of a set of cock & balls being "eaten" with a knife & fork after being tenderised with a potato masher
www (dot) clips 4 sale (dot) com / 22312 - put it all together & revel in the extreme pain! hahahah
It's called "cock & balls for breakfast"
I tried to upload a picture but I can only set a link? I am not technical!
Plz , I need a free site !
11-26-2009, 04:58 PM
They only wanted to play the game, not really perform his **********, but in the culmination of the action she could not help sneezing!!! So, guys, be carefull. :Baahaha:
these pics look hot
Castratrix's pet
11-27-2009, 08:38 AM
There have been lots of posts here lately about girls biteing off the balls and about girls eating the cock and balls. There is a thread on this forum "Does Anyone Have The Fantasy Of Their Bits Being Eaten." Stuff about girls biteing off and or eating the balls and cock maybe should go there. The thread on eating just seems like more where they belong.
Please leave this thread for posts, pics, and videos of girls and women removing the testicles using knives, scalpels, surgical instruments, burdizzos, etc. Leave this thread for the actual removal of the balls using ********** instruments please.
11-27-2009, 11:49 AM
There have been lots of posts here lately about girls biteing off the balls and about girls eating the cock and balls. There is a thread on this forum "Does Anyone Have The Fantasy Of Their Bits Being Eaten." Stuff about girls biteing off and or eating the balls and cock maybe should go there. The thread on eating just seems like more where they belong.
Please leave this thread for posts, pics, and videos of girls and women removing the testicles using knives, scalpels, surgical instruments, burdizzos, etc. Leave this thread for the actual removal of the balls using ********** instruments please.
You forgot to add "preferably with rolled up sleeves.":Baahaha:
11-27-2009, 01:15 PM
the sleeve doesnt matter...the important thing is the cruelty, the brutality of the girl...:-) the blood, the tears, the sweat...yeah
11-27-2009, 04:59 PM
They only wanted to play the game, not really perform his **********, but in the culmination of the action she could not help sneezing!!! So, guys, be carefull. :Baahaha:
Anychance you have more photo's like these? They are very hot!!
11-28-2009, 01:36 AM
******** the cheated husband.
Another in thailand adult movie "Rak Nong Mia";)
Wife and her sister ******** husband end of movie.... :thumbup
11-28-2009, 01:48 AM
******** the cheated husband.
:soomad I like these pics.
11-28-2009, 03:22 AM
Here is repost I put in before:
Penis Eating. ( ( ( :// ( p:// ( p:// (
Is there elegant way for the girl to eat penis? Stir fried penis, baked penis, BBQ penis, raw penis...
She enjoy it, penis eating. Tasty. But keep a secret about that!
See here video Man Meat Penis:
I want to do a more powerful video of penis eating by female, but my Lady doesn't want to agree. She say, "Go make it with another female!" But that is warning, really. She will get me punished if I do video with another female, maybe she eat me! :cryingblu
Very thanks
11-28-2009, 03:27 AM
******** the cheated husband.
I like the pics very much.:bananad:
11-28-2009, 09:02 AM
Anychance you have more photo's like these? They are very hot!!
scissors are awesome tools, I like this device too, no mess :iluvu:
11-28-2009, 09:44 AM
scissors are awesome tools, I like this device too, no mess :iluvu:
yes they are jenny i let you cut my dick off with a pair of scissors if you want to.please take a photo of you holding a pair of sissors next to your pussy for us to see? thankyou.
11-28-2009, 05:44 PM
Another in thailand adult movie "Rak Nong Mia";)
Wife and her sister ******** husband end of movie.... :thumbup
very cool, thank you :)
if only there is a clip on that ********** scene... that would be awesome
11-29-2009, 12:11 PM
Another in thailand adult movie "Rak Nong Mia";)
Wife and her sister ******** husband end of movie.... :thumbup
Awsome pics. Thanks for posting.
11-29-2009, 08:32 PM
I think its fake story, really. But English is not my native... so... maybe its real story. :Baahaha:!%2Bno!%2Bno!%2Bi%2Bsaid%2Bremove%2 Bhis%2Btesticles%26ndsp%3D21%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1T4 GGLL_enUS329US329%26sa%3DN%26start%3D42%26um%3D1
One from the Vaults
11-29-2009, 08:54 PM
Reads as satire.
11-29-2009, 09:41 PM
GlossyNews is a satire site.
There's a link at the bottom named: "Submit your satire story here"
11-29-2009, 09:42 PM
Sounds fake to me, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was true. Men are famous for their smart choices.
here are some examples:
Religious reason.
to show he is loyal
and more... girlfriend left him, so he cut his own cock. Spouse cheat on him so he sliced his own cock, and the list goes on.
11-29-2009, 10:56 PM
I found this illustration on a dirty joke site. It's from the old gag about the widow who removes her late husband's dick and has it cooked to perfection, because after all those years of "eating it" his way, she finally wants to try it her way.:bananajum
cute cartoon
11-29-2009, 11:59 PM
i love cartoon pics of **********
Does someone have the whole story and can post it here? or at last provide a link whenre to download those sooooooooo COOL pics?
thanks in advance!
12-02-2009, 11:36 PM
super Bilder weiter so
12-03-2009, 04:46 AM
Sounds fake to me, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was true. Men are famous for their smart choices.
here are some examples:
Religious reason.
to show he is loyal
and more... girlfriend left him, so he cut his own cock. Spouse cheat on him so he sliced his own cock, and the list goes on.
I wouldn't want him to cut it off and give it to me. What good is it, then? I can't use it for anything. :(
12-03-2009, 06:06 AM
How 'bout s'more?
great pics
12-03-2009, 06:07 AM
And more (say "when")...
great stuff, please add more pics
12-03-2009, 06:31 AM
Ahh there inq, slow it down mate. You might go blind that way!! :) A "wafty crank" indeed!!!
(Believe me, I used to crank it quite often to these!)
Here's more for your pleasure...
these girls look really innocent - seems like they have a lot of fun
12-03-2009, 07:13 AM
Castratrix's pet is firm for desire of neutering by the better sex ~ Woman!
But a surgery ********** is turn off to me, like a tooth pulled out. Scared. (I'm pussy guy maybe :Baahaha: ) I think it is more fantasy in mind to be ********* by woman, but a great fantasy to play with your gal.
Actually, I understand that desire of seeing the female as ALL powerfull. That is my realm of Femdom, to see female/feminine as ALL powerfull. That is reason of my fetish in BB and ********** fetish. That desire to be defeated by feminine nature and emasculated...
So, I confess it. :wooow
But... actually... penectomy is not my feature. It is fun to fetish about that, but I wish to keep my private friend (only share it with my Lady).
I like BB more, we do it together my Lady.
Castratrix's pet, you know, my Lady is nurse. Perhaps... I will get her do you fantasy of lab coat ware and sleeve of nurse/surgeon foto.
I try it -- ask her.
Same here,surgery is so cold,clinical,passionless.Lol and too real,if its too real it makes my little play friend hide in fear Not Excitement!
Its a total power thing and she has to enjoy it, after all its Her fun doing it!!
Fantastic share, i LOVE the video and only wish i had such a Goddess threatening my little friend...Your so lucky!!! Please share ANY fun you have in the future!!!!! ;)
Lol ps BB is fun too,feel free to share that also! :jumpsmile
12-03-2009, 07:15 AM
Hello everyone, Great site I'm new at this forum thing.
12-03-2009, 09:42 AM
I wouldn't want him to cut it off and give it to me. What good is it, then? I can't use it for anything. :(
Many years back, Spencer's used to sell a book called "Dozens of Uses for a Dead Dick," which was written by a Lorena Bobbit-inspired feminist who felt that when Lorena threw it out of the car, it was "such a waste."
Apparently, it sold well and had sequels, but it is damn difficult to locate a copy online today. Else I would have included a link to it.:(
12-03-2009, 10:44 AM
i love cartoon pics of **********
Does someone have the whole story and can post it here? or at last provide a link whenre to download those sooooooooo COOL pics?
thanks in advance!
If you are referring to the pic in my post above, the url of the site is in the upper right corner. But, as you'll find if you do visit the actual page where that joke is posted, there is not much more text to it than you'll get in my short synopsis of it, so it is not all that erotic. This joke is an old one, meant to capitalize on the suspicion that a lot of men have that certain women would happily do this given the right circumstances. In this case, all he has to do is be dead.
While the text of the joke is only going so far as to explain that the woman is only satisfying a lifelong curiosity, the artist of this cartoon has added something that is not stated in the joke. Her fantasy that he's there to helplessly watch.;)
12-03-2009, 11:55 AM
scissors are awesome tools, I like this device too, no mess :iluvu:
Scissors would be much more entertaining. The burdizzo is a bit too quick.. It happens then its over. If I ever have it done, I want it to be very traumatic, not a few seconds and done but a long drawn out thing.
12-03-2009, 02:09 PM
I stood at the edge of the sea after my early morning swim. A thin dawn mist blended the blue of the sky into the blue of the sea so there was no horizon. The air was still. Tiny waves nibbled across my toes and tall palm trees were motionless, waiting patiently for a breeze to start them swaying. White sandy beach stretched into the distance of both sides. I could already feel the warmth of the sun and appreciated the cooling effect as the sea water dried from my naked body
It was too beautiful to be real, too calm and peaceful to be true.
That kid was the only thing to mar the moment She looked about 7 or so. She had long fair hair and blue eyes. She would have been pretty except for the ugly wound on her forehead and other facial bruising. She’d been following me around for some time now, always wearing that same torn blue dress. She was playing on the sand a few yards away from me. Every now and then she’d look up and give me that reproachful stare of hers. Her name was Francesca. We both knew that there was nothing I could do for her. I tried to ignore her.
I turned to make my way back to the cabin but I saw Jennifer coming down to the beach. She too was naked. I thought that was a nice touch.
Jennifer was the best thing that ever happened to me; a stroke of such incredible good fortune that even now, after three months of marriage, I can scarcely believe it’s for real.
I watched her approach, savouring that beautiful body with the perfect breasts and the oh so lovely curve around the hips. The absence of pubic hair drew attention to the ultimate pleasure centre. Could this divine creature actually be my wife?
She was carrying a basket. Presumably for a picnic on the beach. My swim had given me an appetite and breakfast on the beach seemed a fine idea.
“Look,” she said. “Did you know there was such a thing as a breakfast wine? I found it the wine cellar.”
Raiding the wine cellar was part of the deal with the cabin we’d rented for this short one week tropic island holiday. Jennifer looked so pleased with her find that I loved her even more.
Damn but I still couldn’t believe my luck. I’d been in prison and was coming up for parole when we met. Jennifer was doing prison visiting as part of a community service sentence for some minor offence she’d been found guilty of. According to her, visiting dangerous men behind bars was a lot more exciting than scrubbing lavatories.
I’d done eleven years of a fifteen year sentence and had behaved myself. For some reason she seemed to take a special interest in me during her visiting times. The screws took the view that because she was there as a result of a conviction she was one of their charges and allowed her a near-inmate status during her visits. The other inmates, all violent thugs, yelled and cat-called when they saw her. She handled it with a wave and a smile. They loved her for it.. Our relationship developed over the several months before I was paroled.. I proposed to her and she, to my astonishment, accepted.
We were married at a small private ceremony a week after my release. I’d been on computer courses in prison and I quite easily got work. It didn’t pay well, I knew I was cheap labour but I was developing my skills and gaining experience and it was keeping me out of mischief. I don’t need to do crime any more and I certainly don’t want to go back inside to hell again.
What I do want is to stay married to Jennifer, have two kids and live the normal family life that I’ve never known. I was an orphan and fostered out. A few foster homes do it because they just like kids. Most of ‘em do it for the money. Maybe I was just unlucky.
I dropped out of school and took to crime in my teens. I was street wise and without scruple. I even prided myself on my ruthlessness. My role models in those days were from a book I’d once read: Nazi concentration camp officers who would listen to Wagner while they murdered their charges. That struck me as real class.
Jennifer’s bacon sandwiches weren’t particularly classy but they sure tasted good. I washed them down with her breakfast wine and, feeling drowsy, stretched out on the towel.
I watched Jennifer as she walked to the water’s edge and got her feet wet. “It’s lovely,” she said. “Come in with me.”
I made to follow her but found I was unable to move. I was having trouble breathing and didn’t have enough air in my lungs to call out. A stroke? Heart attack? Dammit what was this?
Jennifer came back and pulled me by my feet into the water. She stopped with the sea at my neck. She must have realised something was wrong
“Stroke,” I uttered.
She ran back to her picnic basket. I thought to get something. I couldn’t turn my head to follow her. She knelt by me, took my prick in her hand and fondled it. It spite of everything it rose to the occasion. Well, at least that part of me was working.
“No darling. It’s not a stroke you’ve been drugged.”
My lack of understanding showed on my face.
“It’s pay back time sweetheart.”
I was still puzzled but not so anxious. A drug would wear off. Presumably Jennifer was playing some kind of game with me. I decided I’d go along with it.
“Twenty years ago you raped my little sister. Then, not content with ruining her life, you decided to end it. You pushed her out in front of a car and killed her.”
I’d never been able to suppress that memory. The anguish would suddenly return and pull me, sweating, out of deep sleep. It had happened back in the days when I wanted to be ruthless. I realised I was just a normal man with humane instincts that I couldn’t override. I so bitterly regretted what I’d done. There were times when I thought of topping myself but I knew that that would be wrong too.
There was a knife in her hand. Jennifer held it so that I would see it. She pulled at my cluster the knife flashed. It must have been razor sharp. My severed prick and balls were in her hand. I was too surprised to be scared. For a second or two there was nothing. Then the blood began to spurt out. The motor nerves were paralysed but the sensory nerves were working fine. The pain started but I was unable to scream.
“That was for the **** you bastard. The next part is for killing her.”
Jennifer pulled me out into deeper water. Then she swam, pushing me out into the off shore current. After a while I realised she had left me to drift and returned to shore. My mind was muzzy from loss of blood . I saw Francesca beside me and knew who she was. “I am so sorry,” I said to her.
She smiled. I was pleased that her wounds and bruises were healed. The sea was warm and calm. The world was peaceful. It was all so perfect. Peace of mind, at last.
12-03-2009, 02:33 PM
Scissors would be much more entertaining. The burdizzo is a bit too quick.. It happens then its over. If I ever have it done, I want it to be very traumatic, not a few seconds and done but a long drawn out thing.
I like scissors, but lately I would love to see a cock disappear in a meat grinder while his owner can only watch, and can not pull away! and I slowly turn the handle:iluvu:
12-03-2009, 03:30 PM
You're telling me. The first time I saw a ********** fantasy picture, I thought I was gonna bust outta my pants! The helplessness/vulnerability is addicting. Not so strangely, cock-********** stuff doesn't get me off at all - it's gotta be by the balls.
Here's some from my collection.. enjoy.
great stuff
12-03-2009, 03:39 PM
I like scissors, but lately I would love to see a cock disappear in a meat grinder while his owner can only watch, and can not pull away! and I slowly turn the handle:iluvu:
That would be pretty hard to accomplish. Maybe after its been taken off watching it get ground would be possible.
Sounds like a fun challenge for a dominant woman.. you would need a man with a very long cock to try it on.
12-03-2009, 07:19 PM
Many years back, Spencer's used to sell a book called "Dozens of Uses for a Dead Dick," which was written by a Lorena Bobbit-inspired feminist who felt that when Lorena threw it out of the car, it was "such a waste."
Apparently, it sold well and had sequels, but it is damn difficult to locate a copy online today. Else I would have included a link to it.:(
Meh, once it stops being all big and hard and gets all shrivelly, it's not as exciting, imo.
12-03-2009, 08:25 PM
well the one where the white chick actually stomps on a black guys balls till she ruptures them and there bleeding she had too have broke them is unreal it hurts even me too watch that video because its a real event not fantasy somebody actually had this happen to them soo if u ever thought balls couldnt be squished before maybe after watching no more kids youll see it can happen and she laughs at him
No More Kids
Mix 3 bme videos
The bme videos i had to compress with winrar to make them 40mb instead of there orginal size soo that i can have all 3 in 1 file and still upload it here sorry for dialup users but its a highspeed world soo if you dont have a utility to open up rar files u can go here
it will automatically download and install winrar soo u can compress multiple files and upload them as 1 or uncompress rar files that are saved in rar format
12-03-2009, 08:36 PM
i read ur line for razor about maybe this being a dieing thread its not thats why i continue to post i stoped for awhile and people posted what they could stuff i could enjoy even lil contrabutions are good specially if there new chances are somebody is gonna like em but agree about the respect issue but usually a majority of us are good with each other just for all of us haveing same intrest
12-03-2009, 11:33 PM
I wonder if I can post this??
12-04-2009, 12:47 AM
The bme videos i had to compress with winrar to make them 40mb instead of there orginal size soo that i can have all 3 in 1 file and still upload it here sorry for dialup users but its a highspeed world soo if you dont have a utility to open up rar files u can go here
it will automatically download and install winrar soo u can compress multiple files and upload them as 1 or uncompress rar files that are saved in rar format
Thank you for the posts. Regarding compression, it is worth trying 7-zip. It's free and it offers better compression ratio than similar software.
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