View Full Version : ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)
12-28-2005, 02:40 AM
I tried both links, which give u the same site, but all I got was a semi blank home page with links that didnt work
Hi Julie you must have flash player to view the pictures you can download it from but you can see the pictures directly from this address I wish you good luck
12-30-2005, 05:14 PM
Is anyone a member of Men In Pain? Do they ever do ********** pics (not just ones where it looks like circulation to the balls is cut off, but actual knife play)?
know this ?
01-15-2006, 11:47 PM
Just thought I'd mention a scene in the film Running Man where a bloke gets done in with a chainsaw, certainly brings tears to the eyes.
Tom B
01-16-2006, 12:04 AM
Sin collects another pair for her collection
01-16-2006, 02:40 AM
Too match nice pics
Tom B
01-16-2006, 04:08 AM
More harvesting
01-17-2006, 10:45 AM
This is just a reply to the first page really since so many people had made their comments. The best time alone is when reading a story abuot a woman destroing a man's sex life. Feet, knees, hands, teeth... its all good. Though i'm not a fan of siccsors/buzziardio stories mostly.
01-19-2006, 12:13 AM
More harvesting
Nice, where did you find those?
01-23-2006, 02:04 PM
You can find them in yahoo groups
01-23-2006, 02:26 PM
damn those are some big boobies lol
01-23-2006, 09:54 PM
You can find them in yahoo groups Too bad a lot of yahoo groups about bb have been deleted; at least many of the groups I was peviously a member of are no longer available.
01-24-2006, 02:41 AM
you can find them ( these pics ) in
01-24-2006, 03:27 AM
Yes, I ********* my five lovers at will.
I, love games of ********** and all my lovers, I ********. I finish lovers up to the conset to be ********* and lick my cunt when I want!
Oh, only 5 ********* lovers . It is too little for your ages. Are there too litle lovers or too little castrations? LOL.
Have you any new victories- achievments in ********** sphere in this 2006 year? Please , tell us.
crush me
01-26-2006, 09:15 AM
I'm not sure why the subject excites me, but it certainly does. I agree with Sadistic Sara about trusting your Mistress not to go all the way. I once heard on the radio that there is a secret club of dominant women in Bangkok who launch several helium balloons at a predetermined time and place. The interesting part of the story is that men's genetials are attached to the end of the strings. Can you imagine? Having your manhood sent free to float through the air only to land in some unknown place? To be ********* simply for the amusement of these ladies? :o
01-27-2006, 09:33 AM
pic are incredible :)
01-28-2006, 03:41 AM
Are those pics funny?
01-28-2006, 03:46 AM
Castratrix study how to use burdizzo.
01-30-2006, 07:32 AM
Black castratrix soccer...
This is my work....I like to manipulate some picture. What do you think about...?
01-30-2006, 07:37 AM
Welcome to japan (
an other one...
02-01-2006, 10:57 AM
look at these : real men ********** pics ...
:ibow4u: he did it !
02-02-2006, 04:28 AM
look at these : real men ********** pics ...
:ibow4u: he did it !
Too bad it's a male surgeon. I'd love to see a woman do this... that sounds so sick, hehe. :)
02-02-2006, 05:29 PM
Hi everyone!!! I am back with some more posts. I also have a link to post for your "enjoyment"?
02-02-2006, 06:59 PM
I promised this in a previous message. It is for those who have this kind of fantasy or other interests. I found it on another board. the link is:
Hope this is the right place for it.
Bok the Gargoyle
02-02-2006, 09:16 PM
I promised this in a previous message. It is for those who have this kind of fantasy or other interests. I found it on another board. the link is:
Hope this is the right place for it. Oh yeah this is the right place for it :D
I luv it!!!
02-02-2006, 09:30 PM
Hi everyone!!! I am back with some more posts. I also have a link to post for your "enjoyment"?
That last drawing is mine... have more if anyone's interested
02-07-2006, 03:59 PM
The last one is yours ? Of cause I'm interestet in more ;)
02-12-2006, 08:39 PM
Definately, please post more, perhaps even make a site like eventually.
02-13-2006, 11:51 AM
Nice post luvit, yeah i really got to find time to look for the good stuff like you posted. and Vulkrpse if you created more drawings like that, please for the love of this community share with us!
02-13-2006, 07:43 PM
********** play with a playful girl would be fun, if she's adventurous she'll put some pressure against that knife and make you squirm:bananajum Then some day she might make Mr. Banana go away:bananawin
Anyone ever do any ********** play?
02-13-2006, 08:05 PM
********** play with a playful girl would be fun, if she's adventurous she'll put some pressure against that knife and make you squirm:bananajum Then some day she might make Mr. Banana go away:bananawin
Anyone ever do any ********** play?
Yes I did, with this lady:
On halloween, i requested a special ********** fanatasy. She tied me spread eagle, used rope to separate the balls, put on a blindfold, got a bunch of knives out, and then I could feel the blade cutting through the base of my cock and when I saw a bloody knife, I kinda flipped out (she had been sitting on my face)... I looked down and saw my cock all bloody, and screamed! Turns out she'd made fake blood from jell-o, and used ice to make it feel like cutting... very fun! I took some pictures, but later deleted them. She still has copies! She'll do ANYTHING
02-13-2006, 08:09 PM
The last one is yours ? Of cause I'm interestet in more ;)
Ok these are mine:
I donated those (and more) to femcan as hellbastard, to get a trial membership. there were 2 more, but I deleted them from my system when I reformatted. and the originals... well, I have phases where I'll freak out over my whacked out nature and rip up my drawings... though I'm sure I have more somewhwere... I'll find a scanner soon
02-13-2006, 08:13 PM
********** play with a playful girl would be fun, if she's adventurous she'll put some pressure against that knife and make you squirm:bananajum Then some day she might make Mr. Banana go away:bananawin
Anyone ever do any ********** play?
BTW, just found a great phonesex service, with a very cool chic who will do brutal **********, mutilation, toilet, etc. and she has a really young cute southern voice.
(949) 722-2222 is the number, she's #304 (diamond)
it's like $17 for 15 minutes, pretty good
their website is and her (fake) pix are under costa mesa.
Tell her vulkrypse sent ya, she'll feed your cock to the meat grinder and tear your balls apart.
02-13-2006, 08:51 PM
no diamond on the site. Maybe they canned her. I used to call phone sex lines and encountered quite a few women who told me they are not allowed to discuss anything that causes actual damage, like popping balls and such. Shame.
02-14-2006, 12:53 AM
Diamonds comes on later at night. here's her direct link, \
to her fake pics. but she's way cool. we talked about all kinds of scenes, the meat grinder, women's toilet, smothering to suffocation, bloody assrape, and she can play the victim too, which is great. just keep it cool, as I'm sure all pervs here will =)
02-14-2006, 04:34 AM
Ok these are mine:
I donated those (and more) to femcan as hellbastard, to get a trial membership. there were 2 more, but I deleted them from my system when I reformatted. and the originals... well, I have phases where I'll freak out over my whacked out nature and rip up my drawings... though I'm sure I have more somewhwere... I'll find a scanner soon
Those are nice.
02-16-2006, 08:19 PM
I've attached 2 pictures, the first is a picture I believe is from Cruella. The second is a blow-up of his crotch. Now look at his cock in the blow-up. It almost looks like it's been cut off with a rod sticking out of the pee hole. I wonder if they actually used those snips on him:Baahaha:
02-19-2006, 08:07 PM
awsume photos Lucky fellows about to get them lopped off.Cool
02-22-2006, 05:52 PM
This picture I got off another group. The original was color shifted and was hard to make out detail. I turned it black and white and played with gama and contrast. This almost looks real, if she was slicing fast the blood would spray in that direction. Her head is turned as if to avoid getting sprayed in the face. And if she's slicing fast he would not react until it was sliced off. Just a thought.
02-22-2006, 05:55 PM
Now here's a special girl friend
02-22-2006, 05:59 PM
Here's a different way of doing it (pretty sure it's fake);)
02-26-2006, 07:42 PM
Once again thanks for the great pic It might be fake but it sure makes you wonder.
03-01-2006, 04:05 AM
Now here's a special girl friend
top photo.
Where did you get this from?
03-01-2006, 07:31 PM
The girl using the burdizzo picture came from a Yahoo group awhile back. The black and white picture I don't remember, some group awhile back.
Peter D
03-03-2006, 08:22 PM
You do the crime - you pay the price!
Castratrix's pet
03-06-2006, 04:46 PM
We have heard almost exclusively from men on the subject of ********** and ********** fantasies.
I would like to hear from girls and women on this subject.
I would really like for girls and women to share their views, feelings, fantasies, stories, real life experiences, pics, thoughts, etc on ********** and ********** fantasies.
03-07-2006, 05:39 AM
You do the crime - you pay the price!
Would be great to see more stuff like this.
There's just something about how a woman threatens the balls.
Number 3
03-09-2006, 05:34 AM
A nut roast :D
She seems to enjoy cooking :)
03-11-2006, 02:35 AM
This is the first real group that I have found that discusses this particular fantasy. I must say I am he fantasy side of the topic - its the the threat of the act rather than the act itself. The main focus here seems to be the balls but I must admit my fanatasies revolve around the balls and the penis.
I have been luck enough to have two previous partners whos fanatsies crossed over with mine. If anybodies interested I'm happy to share the experiences
03-11-2006, 04:16 PM
What about this one?
Castratrix's pet
03-12-2006, 12:35 PM
Almost all the femdom ********** fantasies and stuff we hear about are from submissive men. Submissive men's femdom ********** fantasies, views, experiences, etc. That seems to be very unbalanced and one sided.
I'm sure there are women who have femdom ********** fantasies where she castrates a man, and women who have engaged in mock ********** play. I'm sure there are women who have had experiences with **********. I would like to hear from women about their femdom ********** fantasies, thoughts, feelings, views, and ********** experiences the same way we hear from men about theirs.
Could some of the women here share that with us?
03-17-2006, 11:31 AM
well it is my first post in this forum, so hello to everyone here :)
I have ********** fantasies too and don`t know why I have them. But it is a long wish of me, to get castratet by a girl. All the pics and post in this forum really turns me on and let my wish become bigger, but I haven`t found a girl which would try to make my wish come true yet. Well but I`m really happy that I have found this forum. There are not many forums like that, where you can talk about ********** fantasies.
Castratrix's pet
03-17-2006, 12:02 PM
well it is my first post in this forum, so hello to everyone here :)
I have ********** fantasies too and don`t know why I have them. But it is a long wish of me, to get castratet by a girl. All the pics and post in this forum really turns me on and let my wish become bigger, but I haven`t found a girl which would try to make my wish come true yet. Well but I`m really happy that I have found this forum. There are not many forums like that, where you can talk about ********** fantasies.
If you like this thread ********_me, you might also like to visit
it is also called Eunuch Archive. They have a message board, also stories and in many of the stories it is women doing the **********. Some of the stories are also written in German. I think you might like and eunuch archive.
03-18-2006, 03:01 AM
Just wondered who guys fanatsised most about doing the act - me without a doubt my ex mother in law. She used to have propensity to his type of activity as well, no there's aphot shoot I'd love do to!!
03-19-2006, 05:11 AM
If you like this thread ********_me, you might also like to visit
it is also called Eunuch Archive. They have a message board, also stories and in many of the stories it is women doing the **********. Some of the stories are also written in German. I think you might like and eunuch archive
Thanx Castratrix`s Pet but I already know this page and like it very much. There are some nice stories and good fantasies about **********. It´s a fantastic page for ********** fantasies.
03-28-2006, 01:59 PM
What a nice idea to think of a hungry lady...:D
Castratrix's pet
03-28-2006, 04:35 PM
Almost all the femdom ********** fantasies and stuff we hear about are from submissive men. Submissive men's femdom ********** fantasies, views, experiences, etc. That seems to be very unbalanced and one sided.
I'm sure there are women who have femdom ********** fantasies where she castrates a man, and women who have engaged in mock ********** play. I'm sure there are women who have had experiences with **********. I would like to hear from women about their femdom ********** fantasies, thoughts, feelings, views, and ********** experiences the same way we hear from men about theirs.
Could some of the women here share that with us?
Would love to hear from some women about this.
03-29-2006, 12:12 PM
Would love to hear from some women about this.
I suppose I'm probably a rare case, but...
I have this fantasy where I have a penis, get busted for a while, and then snipped.
03-30-2006, 02:26 PM
Oh, then you understand our fantasies very well ;)
03-30-2006, 06:51 PM
Oh, then you understand our fantasies very well ;)
Yeah, but, like I said, I'm probably a rare case. (Nutcase, most likely.):bananajum
03-31-2006, 06:54 AM
Yeah, but, like I said, I'm probably a rare case. (Nutcase, most likely.):bananajum
Your fantasy in no weirder than us guy who fantasize about the same thing. The idea of switching gender roles is fun for most of us. Your fantasy is just a little harder to simulate. Maybe you should find a partner who will let you play with a strapon and "emasculate" you by taking it away at the end.
Kira Zulu
03-31-2006, 07:59 AM
Hi everyone!
I search so many other page before found this forum.
And this is grandiose.
03-31-2006, 01:25 PM
Hi.. I am a medical student.And i advice you to permit blood circulation into your balls at least once an hour. if you dont do that, your balls could be damaged because of the lack of oxygen.
03-31-2006, 01:28 PM
Does anyone know how long you can band your balls before you cause any permanent damage.
Hi.. I am a medical student.And i advice you to permit blood circulation into your balls at least once an hour. if you dont do that, your balls could be damaged because of the lack of oxygen.
03-31-2006, 01:39 PM
One of my favorite "games" is to make a guy believe that I'm really going to cut his nuts off. Or squish them, pull them off, bite them off, or whatever! It's all 'pretend', of course! He knows that I won't really do it (?), but if I wanted to, he couldn't do anything to stop me. I like the feeling of control and power that it gives me -- having a guy by the balls. Preferably tied up!
I really can't figure out why a guy would like to be in such a vulnerable, helpless situation, but it seems to really excite some guys.
Maybe some of you could tell me why you like this?
I find this make-believe game to be exciting. A real turn-on!
By the way, in Mexico I worked as veterinary assistant, and have ********* farm animals of all sizes. I'm familiar with the different ways to do it.
I wouldn't really ******** a guy, though. Well, not unless he was ****** me or something, and there was nothing else I could do to stop him.
This is a "don't try this at home" topic.
Guys: Don't play around at this with a gal that you don't know and trust. The results would be very permanent, and would really put an end to your fun and games! --
- - - Sara
Hi.. I'm new to this forum and i really like here! I am a medical student. i like ballbusting and i have lots of fantasies about ********** too. I asked myself why i like this idea,and i found something.. In the place where i grew up, some of muslim people cuts animals in some kind of their festival. (i'm serious) anyway, i saw lots of animal in agony in the hands of those people. Some of those people were women.But all of the animals were male! You can see the balls of the animals when he is in agony in the hands of those women!
When a person is between 2 and 7 years old,he or she can use everything s/he see,hear,think etc.. as a compound of his/her sexual fantasy world. (As you know sexual fantasy world begins to develop when we are just little babies!) Anyway,if you look at the pics of pics, you can see the men is in a shape of an animal,and women are ********** him! I think the owners of that site are attracted something like mine when they were between 2-7 years old.
Oh, i also saw a muslim boy when he was being circumcised by a women doctor,and lots of men and women were there,watching him. May be i thought he was a victim of those really nice looking girls huh? :) kisses.. I really like this forum..
03-31-2006, 05:04 PM
Your fantasy in no weirder than us guy who fantasize about the same thing. The idea of switching gender roles is fun for most of us. Your fantasy is just a little harder to simulate. Maybe you should find a partner who will let you play with a strapon and "emasculate" you by taking it away at the end.
Well, I could get one of those realistic looking strap ons and actually get it cut off. That would be a step up. :D
Castratrix's pet
03-31-2006, 05:23 PM
sorry, something went wrong got a double post. Sorry about that.
Castratrix's pet
03-31-2006, 05:25 PM
Actually Snoodle, what I was looking for here are women who have fantasies in which she herself castrates a man, maybe then ******* him to serve her and worship her.
I was looking for insights and fantasies and thoughts and feelings from women who have fantasies where she rolls up her sleeves and she herself performs the **********.
03-31-2006, 05:28 PM
Snoodle, you fantazise about a girl doing that to you or a boy ?
It sounds interessting that a girl has such fantasies hehe
aybe you would be a good storiewriter ;)
03-31-2006, 05:43 PM
Actually Snoodle, what I was looking for here are women who have fantasies in which she herself castrates a man, maybe then ******* him to serve her and worship her.
I was looking for insights and fantasies and thoughts and feelings from women who have fantasies where she rolls up her sleeves and she herself performs the **********.
I'm too sub to do it myself...but, to answer Dereknor's question, I imagine another girl doing it to me. Maybe I will try my hand at storywriting one of thse days. :D
03-31-2006, 07:36 PM
Would be really interesting. I love stories and Fantasies hehe
03-31-2006, 08:38 PM
Hi Snoodle,
Welcome aboard – you belong here! A woman that wishes she had a dick so that another woman could cut it off. I like it and reckon it makes you an even sicker puppy than sick puppy Julie!
Are you like Julie in preferring a female dom? Or would you be OK with being dominated by a man?
What’s your view on Julie’s fave – the cuntbust?
Do you ever fantasize about having the genitalia you currently have mutilated?
I guess that’s enough questions for one day.
Looking 4ward to your answers,
03-31-2006, 08:46 PM
Hi Snoodle,
Welcome aboard – you belong here! A woman that wishes she had a dick so that another woman could cut it off. I like it and reckon it makes you an even sicker puppy than sick puppy Julie!
Are you like Julie in preferring a female dom? Or would you be OK with being dominated by a man?
What’s your view on Julie’s fave – the cuntbust?
Do you ever fantasize about having the genitalia you currently have mutilated?
I guess that’s enough questions for one day.
Looking 4ward to your answers,
I'd prefer a female dom, I think. Girls can just be so cruel. :Baahaha:
I wouldn't mind being dominated by a man, though.
I don't realy fantasize about having anything done to me as I am...I dunno. there's just something about that balls that I like...or don't like, depending on what angle you take. :D Something about having a big pair between my legs is a turn on.
God, I sound like a freak. :bananad:
03-31-2006, 09:05 PM
I'd prefer a female dom, I think. Girls can just be so cruel. :Baahaha:
I wouldn't mind being dominated by a man, though.
I don't realy fantasize about having anything done to me as I am...I dunno. there's just something about that balls that I like...or don't like, depending on what angle you take. :D Something about having a big pair between my legs is a turn on.
God, I sound like a freak. :bananad:You can feel at home here Snoodle - this place is full of freaks! (just look at me!) :weryfun Would you consider a tit for tat with a man (where he’s v cruel to you and then you get to take it out on his balls?). I love to play that one out with my gf.
Have you ever been truly dominated by a man? (or woman for that matter?). Please do tell. :iluvu:
When you say “Something about having a big pair between [your] legs is a turn on” am I right in thinking that you’d like to have a pair of balls?
At what age did your fascination begin? Do you have any idea of what might’ve triggered it? :confused:
03-31-2006, 11:09 PM
You can feel at home here Snoodle - this place is full of freaks! (just look at me!) :weryfun Would you consider a tit for tat with a man (where he’s v cruel to you and then you get to take it out on his balls?). I love to play that one out with my gf.
Have you ever been truly dominated by a man? (or woman for that matter?). Please do tell. :iluvu:
When you say “Something about having a big pair between [your] legs is a turn on” am I right in thinking that you’d like to have a pair of balls?
At what age did your fascination begin? Do you have any idea of what might’ve triggered it? :confused:
I've never been dominated. I don't trust anyone enough. :Baahaha:
You'd be right to think that I want a pair of my own. :p My interest got started sometime early in highschool, and just kinda grew, I guess. I honestly don't know what triggered it.
04-01-2006, 01:20 AM
Really freaky Snoodle :bananad: hehe
Whats about pictures and stories ? Do you have some with males getting busted ? Or do you have mangas or hentai with dickgirls ? ;)
04-01-2006, 02:56 AM
Really freaky Snoodle :bananad: hehe
Whats about pictures and stories ? Do you have some with males getting busted ? Or do you have mangas or hentai with dickgirls ? ;)
I have my fair share of both. :D
...and what's so freaky about it? :p
04-01-2006, 03:13 AM
You'd be right to think that I want a pair of my own. :p My interest got started sometime early in highschool, and just kinda grew, I guess. I honestly don't know what triggered it.This is so Fantastically Freaky that I feel compelled to start a Snoodle thread in order that we can explore it properly without gumming up this bollock-lopping thread.
04-01-2006, 04:17 AM
Are those pics funny? funny?? i think these are really good ones..
04-07-2006, 03:12 PM
One of the best ********** fantasies I ever read was in a Nancy Friday book of mens fantasies. It concerned a man whose wife had a lover and between them the wife and lover had decided to ******** the cuckolded husband and keep him as a slave. The lover was a medic and was using a scalpel and forceps to remove the testicles; meanwhile the wife was holding the husband down and watching the operation with detached interest. The most powerful moment in the fantasy was when the lover asked the wife to hold the victim's cock out of the way so that he could see what he was doing. At the end of the story, the victim lies in agony, watching his hugely endowed rival making love to his wife, and getting an erection. The wife notices, and points it out to her lover, who says "yes, but it's his last one !"
04-12-2006, 01:21 PM
I joined this site yesterday and find it fascinating so far. Both the women and men have interesting things to say. I like the lil pix though when I click on them it says I don't have permission to do so? I think I'm old enough to see them at age 59. For those into **********, come visit the Eunuch Archive chatroom at IRC chat. I'm one of the site op's there :)
04-12-2006, 03:41 PM
I joined this site yesterday and find it fascinating so far. Both the women and men have interesting things to say. I like the lil pix though when I click on them it says I don't have permission to do so? I think I'm old enough to see them at age 59. For those into **********, come visit the Eunuch Archive chatroom at IRC chat. I'm one of the site op's there :)
If u read the sticky at the top of the page instread of dashing off trying to get all the pics, u would have found out that u HAVE to post b4 getting the pics. Try now, u will be able to get them :)
04-12-2006, 05:02 PM
You were right. No problems now. Thank you.
04-13-2006, 11:11 PM
For those into **********, come visit the Eunuch Archive chatroom at IRC chat. I'm one of the site op's there :)So what's happening to the archive at the moment? I've not been able to access it for as week. When's it coming back?
Ace Hardlight
04-14-2006, 11:37 AM
Hi.. I'm new to this forum and i really like here! I am a medical student. i like ballbusting and i have lots of fantasies about ********** too. I asked myself why i like this idea,and i found something.. In the place where i grew up, some of muslim people cuts animals in some kind of their festival. (i'm serious) anyway, i saw lots of animal in agony in the hands of those people. Some of those people were women.But all of the animals were male! You can see the balls of the animals when he is in agony in the hands of those women!
When a person is between 2 and 7 years old,he or she can use everything s/he see,hear,think etc.. as a compound of his/her sexual fantasy world. (As you know sexual fantasy world begins to develop when we are just little babies!) Anyway,if you look at the pics of pics, you can see the men is in a shape of an animal,and women are ********** him! I think the owners of that site are attracted something like mine when they were between 2-7 years old.
Oh, i also saw a muslim boy when he was being circumcised by a women doctor,and lots of men and women were there,watching him. May be i thought he was a victim of those really nice looking girls huh? :) kisses.. I really like this forum..
Well, it seems like no one replied, so I guess I will:
There are two things that drive me to the point of insanity in this world: animal abuse and child abuse . If I grew up next to a group of sadistic perverts and child abusers, I would have had to just accept massacare charges.
By the way, I am not, in any way, saying that you support these actions.
Dom/Sub play between adults is fine to me. I have no problem with it. But when you decide to ******** a poor and defenceless living being [with no anistesia, just to watch it writhe] for sado-religious purposes, then those participating and supporting these unhumane rituals have lost the right to live.
Back on track:
One of my latest and favorite ********** fantasies would have to be a group of women rupturing both of my balls through repeated, full-force kicks. And then, one of the women injects a neddle into my sac while I have passed out that will completely fix and heal my broken balls so that when I wake up, they will be able to ******** me all over again [I know it could never happen, but I guess that is why they call it a [I]fantasy].
P.S. I know I spelled anistesia wrong, but please don't bust my balls over it [excuse the pun].
P.S.S. Stop the animal and child abuse!
P.S.S.S. On that note, save the whales!
04-14-2006, 12:25 PM
Well, that's the good thing about fantasy, really. You can do whatever the hell you want in your head or on paper...the problem is when it crosses over into reality. Some would argue that moral and ehtical guidelines can be crossed in thought, and more easily in art, but, as far as I'm concerned, thought is freespace, and art's open to most anything.
I'll be more than ready to admit I've had, and still have some wierd fantasies in my life. A majority of them I'd never even consider thinking about possibly maybe wanting to really try...and I'd wager most people have a handful of ideas floating around their noggins that they probably know are downright wrong, but entertain from time to time.
04-14-2006, 03:12 PM
Well, that's the good thing about fantasy, really. You can do whatever the hell you want in your head or on paper...the problem is when it crosses over into reality. Some would argue that moral and ehtical guidelines can be crossed in thought, and more easily in art, but, as far as I'm concerned, thought is freespace, and art's open to most anything.
I'll be more than ready to admit I've had, and still have some wierd fantasies in my life. A majority of them I'd never even consider thinking about possibly maybe wanting to really try...and I'd wager most people have a handful of ideas floating around their noggins that they probably know are downright wrong, but entertain from time to time.
Okay so this is one of my early posts (been reading up and stuff), but I'll jump right in and second Snoodle here. I have done ********** fantasy play a number of times and found them most enjoyable. The real thing is out of the question though. I like getting busted too much.
Ace Hardlight
04-14-2006, 10:12 PM
Well, that's the good thing about fantasy, really. You can do whatever the hell you want in your head or on paper...the problem is when it crosses over into reality. Some would argue that moral and ehtical guidelines can be crossed in thought, and more easily in art, but, as far as I'm concerned, thought is freespace, and art's open to most anything.
I'll be more than ready to admit I've had, and still have some wierd fantasies in my life. A majority of them I'd never even consider thinking about possibly maybe wanting to really try...and I'd wager most people have a handful of ideas floating around their noggins that they probably know are downright wrong, but entertain from time to time.
I know what you are saying. Gives new meaning to the term don't even think about it.
And you are right. While thinking about my fantasy gets me off many times, going through with it and actually acting it out in reality would probably kill me [I don't think a human being could take so much pain in a lifetime].
P.S. Could you share some of your ********** fantasies with us Snoodle?
04-15-2006, 12:48 AM
I know what you are saying. Gives new meaning to the term don't even think about it.
And you are right. While thinking about my fantasy gets me off many times, going through with it and actually acting it out in reality would probably kill me [I don't think a human being could take so much pain in a lifetime].
P.S. Could you share some of your ********** fantasies with us Snoodle?
Yeah, agreed. Most of my wierd ones cross moral bounds, not safety ones. XD
My biggest one is in the thread named after me. Figure I might as well use that space, since it's got my name on it.
Ace Hardlight
04-15-2006, 11:59 AM
Yeah, agreed. Most of my wierd ones cross moral bounds, not safety ones. XD
My biggest one is in the thread named after me. Figure I might as well use that space, since it's got my name on it.
I think I have read it before. Unless you posted a new one, which I will check out later.
By the way, do you like my fantasy Snoodle [actually, anyone's positive opinion would be appreciated]?
05-03-2006, 06:55 AM
hi this is my first post in this site so i have no idea what will happen when i hit to enter button
05-03-2006, 02:17 PM
hi this is my first post in this site so i have no idea what will happen when i hit to enter button
Well, as you can probably tell, it was the same thing that happens on other forums when you hit the enter button. :Baahaha: Welcome aboard.
05-03-2006, 07:47 PM
Hard to tell what's really under that shoe, not much left to identify ;)
05-05-2006, 04:54 PM
Hard to tell what's really under that shoe, not much left to identify ;)
I'd wager it some kind of tropic fruit. :bananad:
05-06-2006, 02:09 PM
I'd wager it some kind of tropic fruit. :bananad:
No, it's a testicle. I am sure of it (at least that's what I am going to fantasize about).:D
05-06-2006, 09:12 PM
I thought a testicle was a kind of tropical fruit. Are you folks telling me I need to go take some remedial edjumication classes?
05-07-2006, 12:54 PM
Please click one of the Quick Reply icons in the posts above to activate Quick Reply.
05-07-2006, 12:58 PM
c'è qualcuno che parla italiano che possa raccontarmi le sue fantasie sulle donne castratrici???? anch'io sono eccitato dal fatto di essere castrato da una donna, magari con tanti calci di punta con stivali di pelle nera!!!!
05-07-2006, 08:58 PM
I thought a testicle was a kind of tropical fruit. Are you folks telling me I need to go take some remedial edjumication classes?
I'm going to go bring in the testicle harvest. :jumpsmile
05-08-2006, 03:42 AM
I'm going to go bring in the testicle harvest. :jumpsmile
My testicles feel rather plump; does that mean they are ready for harvesting?
05-08-2006, 10:22 AM
My testicles feel rather plump; does that mean they are ready for harvesting?
I'll have to 'tap' them a few times to be sure. :D
05-08-2006, 01:22 PM
I'll have to 'tap' them a few times to be sure. :D
eerrr..excuse me... is this the 'taping' line?
... I heard harvesting season is on!!! :bananajum
05-08-2006, 02:16 PM
It looks cool as an avatar too!!
YUMMY... (ouch!!):thumbup
05-09-2006, 10:34 AM
I'll have to 'tap' them a few times to be sure. :D
Please make sure you tap mine, hard. Make sure they are ripe! As one poster once put it, "stomp my grapes and make me whine".:cryingblu
05-10-2006, 04:19 PM
Please make sure you tap mine, hard. Make sure they are ripe! As one poster once put it, "stomp my grapes and make me whine".:cryingblu
I always liked a good stomping. :Baahaha:
05-14-2006, 08:02 PM
Can we get a little petition going to encourage Vulkrypse, Kennady and others to do some more ********** artwork. I've been checking out gurochan, but things have pretty much died down there. It would be great to see some new stuff from you guys.
05-16-2006, 02:28 AM
what would you like to see? gimme an idea. might even do photo retouches, if you have a suitable photo & post it here.
05-16-2006, 10:52 PM
Great gift for that special girl:loveeyes
Castratrix's pet
05-17-2006, 02:08 PM
what would you like to see? gimme an idea. might even do photo retouches, if you have a suitable photo & post it here.
I would love to see some femdom ********** pictures or a series of them where the man being ********* is wearing a long sleeve shirt with his sleeves down and his arms covered completely to his hands in long sleeves, and the women especially the woman who is performing the ********** on him is wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows.
05-17-2006, 03:37 PM
I would love to see some femdom ********** pictures or a series of them where the man being ********* is wearing a long sleeve shirt with his sleeves down and his arms covered completely to his hands in long sleeves, and the women especially the woman who is performing the ********** on him is wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows.
I almost have this mantra memorized, I've heard it so many times...please, do the pic for him! :Baahaha:
05-18-2006, 02:08 AM
I was hoping to get ********* BY my pet. My pet is a hamster. A female hamster, one who looks at me with that certain glint in her eye and I am sure that her deepest wish, aside from "more running on that stupid wheel in my cage", is to casrate me.
I knit a hamster-sized shirt for her... with... long sleeves. [BLUSH] And she wears it. I remember when she first put it on... She looked beautiful, and then she ran around on that stupid wheel, and then she rolled... [SWALLOW] ...she rolled a sleeve up... Oh, my goodness... She rolled it just a little bit... and my heart was pounding.
One problem is that her arms are so small that I can't quite tell where her elbows are. But, other than that, my desire to be ********* by my pet is just soooooo close to happening. If only I could get some better eyeglasses and figure out where her elbows are... dammit...
05-18-2006, 11:03 AM
I would love to see some femdom ********** pictures or a series of them where the man being ********* is wearing a long sleeve shirt with his sleeves down and his arms covered completely to his hands in long sleeves, and the women especially the woman who is performing the ********** on him is wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows.
It's weird enough that we like to be kicked in the balls but then you have to mention the long sleave shirt thing. The guys in the white shirts (long sleave) are coming to take you away!:D
05-18-2006, 03:44 PM
It's weird enough that we like to be kicked in the balls but then you have to mention the long sleave shirt thing. The guys in the white shirts (long sleave) are coming to take you away!:D
Well, in all fairness, I'm probably higher on their 'to do' list.
They're coming to take me away, ha-ha, they're coming to take me a-way..."
05-21-2006, 07:19 AM
I would love to see some femdom ********** pictures or a series of them where the man being ********* is wearing a long sleeve shirt with his sleeves down and his arms covered completely to his hands in long sleeves, and the women especially the woman who is performing the ********** on him is wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows.
Here's my attempt, given the available material... I did look all over for a better match to your sleeves request, but didn't find ANY pix of a guy w/sleeves over his hands. ah well. enjoy
ps. more pix of the sweetie here:
Castratrix's pet
05-24-2006, 10:27 AM
castratrix And Goddess
Castratrix's pet
05-24-2006, 11:09 AM
GODDESS AND CASTRATRIX Another image of the sort of woman who to me is The Castratrix who is GODDESS!
Any woman who has performed a ********** of any kind is GODDESS to me.
I have thought what would be perfect for me is to be married to a beautiful woman surgeon or woman veterinarian, one who when she wears a long sleeve shirt prefers wearing it with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows, one who has ********** fantasies of her own, perhaps would like to ******** a man and keep him forever as her personal eunuch slave/pet ********* at her hands.
Castratrix's pet
05-24-2006, 11:15 AM
I would love to know who the women in the above photos are. These women are my image of The Castratrix who is GODDESS! I especially like the way the woman in the first photo has her sleeves rolled up. This is my image of The Castratrix in my femdom ********** fantasies.
05-24-2006, 02:37 PM
I would love to know who the women in the above photos are. These women are my image of The Castratrix who is GODDESS! I especially like the way the woman in the first photo has her sleeves rolled up. This is my image of The Castratrix in my femdom ********** fantasies.She does sod all 4 me mate. What the hell has that photo got to do with ballbusting? This is a forum about testicles in pain. There are limits mate and you’ve crossed them! Rolled up sleeves is just …….. well……… really sick!
05-24-2006, 02:39 PM
Here is a site with a variety of pics and stories more ********** than BB but some good stuff. Some is replicated on the EA but these have illustrations. Also check out the guest galleries.
05-24-2006, 06:20 PM
:letsplay So much for fantasy pix
##########Note from Admin#########
Pictures removed.
05-24-2006, 07:09 PM
This ain't the same game, sport or even ballpark or arena.
This is a Ballbusting forum.:confused:
:letsplay So much for fantasy pix
05-24-2006, 08:34 PM
This ain't the same game, sport or even ballpark or arena.
This is a Ballbusting forum.:confused:
more specifically, a ********** thread WITHIN a ballbusting forum, with the subject of testicle removal or destruction, depicted in various art forms and stories. I say let the individual member viewers judge the pictures' relevance to the thread's topic, rather than removing what material may be unsuitable to your own tastes. After all, this entire thread is off ballbusting topic.:letsplay
05-24-2006, 10:13 PM
more specifically, a ********** thread WITHIN a ballbusting forum, with the subject of testicle removal or destruction, depicted in various art forms and stories. I say let the individual member viewers judge the pictures' relevance to the thread's topic, rather than removing what material may be unsuitable to your own tastes. After all, this entire thread is off ballbusting topic.:letsplay
I agree with ur thread in forum arguement. My own thread is totally off topic too :) but memebers can not remove other members pics. Only Sharon can do that, so its her that found them offensive :)
05-25-2006, 12:33 AM
I agree with ur thread in forum arguement. My own thread is totally off topic too :) but memebers can not remove other members pics. Only Sharon can do that, so its her that found them offensive :)
ah... thanks Julie for clarification. I do like your thread very much, btw. I suppose I could link to the pictures' source and let those unafraid to view them offsite pursue it if they wish...
05-25-2006, 12:51 AM
She does sod all 4 me mate. What the hell has that photo got to do with ballbusting? This is a forum about testicles in pain. There are limits mate and you’ve crossed them! Rolled up sleeves is just …….. well……… really sick!
And ILLEGAL outside of certain puny island nations!!!
The only thing worse is.. [gulp] ...yes. Pictures of... children with rolled up sleeves.
Not that *I* have ever looked at one of thoese freak websites featuring children who have rolled their sleeves up -- that is - just -- just -- Good God, how can people sleep knowing that there are children out there who have rolled their sleeves up halfway?!?
I feel cheap and sickened. I'm going to go burn my bra.
05-25-2006, 04:45 AM
And ILLEGAL outside of certain puny island nations!!!
The only thing worse is.. [gulp] ...yes. Pictures of... children with rolled up sleeves.
Not that *I* have ever looked at one of thoese freak websites featuring children who have rolled their sleeves up -- that is - just -- just -- Good God, how can people sleep knowing that there are children out there who have rolled their sleeves up halfway?!?
I feel cheap and sickened. I'm going to go burn my bra.
Trouble, Sweetie, just remember to take the bra off BEFORE you burn it :)
05-25-2006, 10:15 AM
more specifically, a ********** thread WITHIN a ballbusting forum, with the subject of testicle removal or destruction, depicted in various art forms and stories. I say let the individual member viewers judge the pictures' relevance to the thread's topic, rather than removing what material may be unsuitable to your own tastes. After all, this entire thread is off ballbusting topic.:letsplay
Hi Vulkrypse,
As Julie pointed out (what I wrote and edited in your post) I was the one who deleted your pictures.
I dident see the post at first but got a complaint with a link to the thread. After I clicked the link i saw bloody pictures of a guy performing a ********** on himself so i removed them as it was a bit too much for me.
I think all members should be entitled to have their own niche of anything ballbusting related however these pictures was just a bit more then I could stand watching the insides of that guy being displayed all covered in blood.
05-25-2006, 11:10 AM
What Sharon has said and done is very much the end of this issue.
Forums are not that hard to set up yourself. Good Day.
more specifically, a ********** thread WITHIN a ballbusting forum, with the subject of testicle removal or destruction, depicted in various art forms and stories. I say let the individual member viewers judge the pictures' relevance to the thread's topic, rather than removing what material may be unsuitable to your own tastes. After all, this entire thread is off ballbusting topic.:letsplay
Castratrix's pet
05-25-2006, 03:46 PM
I don't know enough about computers and stuff to do this, but it would be nice if someone could do a photo manip showing this girl as a castratrix ********** a man.6c01
05-25-2006, 04:07 PM
Hi Vulkrypse,
As Julie pointed out (what I wrote and edited in your post) I was the one who deleted your pictures.
I dident see the post at first but got a complaint with a link to the thread. After I clicked the link i saw bloody pictures of a guy performing a ********** on himself so i removed them as it was a bit too much for me.
I think all members should be entitled to have their own niche of anything ballbusting related however these pictures was just a bit more then I could stand watching the insides of that guy being displayed all covered in blood.
Hello Sharon,
********** can be a bloody event, just like any other surgery or mutilation.
As the subject of this thread, it interests those who've pushed it into 26 pages of discussion, as well as mentions in and creations of other threads.
I am doing my part to participate, by my drawings, photo manips and actual photos. It's quite obvious who complained at this point, and who doesn't belong in this thead, since he didn't have the balls to initiate a conversation with me directly before running to the op and complaining about seeing some blood. Only those with balls can have them removed.
Sharon, you are fully within your pervue to edit the forums. If the surgical nature of the photos disturbs you, then by all means, follow your ethics. As you can see, I've never complained about the removal of the pictures, only discussed it. Actually, it's fun to even be debating people about such topics.
V :letsplay
05-25-2006, 04:42 PM
Dear Vulkrypse,
You are into what you are into, maximum respects due. In light of the mass of interest generated as you have stated, why not start a forum to cater for the mass of interest.
Debating over the issue when it is of scant appeal is not where the issue is at.
The image was not fitting with the forum. More I'm sure will be eventually removed, whether they are ********** related or not.
The forum is one about ballbusting. The forum's operators have been more than flexible with regards alternative viewpoints and subject variations.
I couldn't care less what you feel towards whom didn't belong in the thread or who highlighed the issue to Sharon.
It has fuck all to do with debating with yourself beforehand. Your more than welcomed to debate with me at anytime on anything. I'm very much about bandwidth.
Start a forum that is dedicated to this subject and I'm sure it will be a big success. More so, you have a successful template to follow and a significant number of persons whom are clearly interested in the forum. I'll gladly exchange links with it, as it will be a well justified chanel for persons whom are interested in **********.
I'm only to aware as to the nature of viewpoints of some forum members towards one. Frankly, I don't give a damn.
By the way, my balls are reserved for being busted by a Ballbustress.
Get your forum up and running. My offer stands. I'll even provide some interesting facts and debate on ********** and the Church.
Rise to the opportunity. You have much work ahead of you. Advice on internet, feel free to ask.
Hello Sharon,
********** can be a bloody event, just like any other surgery or mutilation.
As the subject of this thread, it interests those who've pushed it into 26 pages of discussion, as well as mentions in and creations of other threads.
I am doing my part to participate, by my drawings, photo manips and actual photos. It's quite obvious who complained at this point, and who doesn't belong in this thead, since he didn't have the balls to initiate a conversation with me directly before running to the op and complaining about seeing some blood. Only those with balls can have them removed.
Sharon, you are fully within your pervue to edit the forums. If the surgical nature of the photos disturbs you, then by all means, follow your ethics. As you can see, I've never complained about the removal of the pictures, only discussed it. Actually, it's fun to even be debating people about such topics.
V :letsplay
05-25-2006, 04:59 PM
Hi Vulkrypse,
You dident complain about the removal or anything so its not about that...I just wanted to explain why they where deleted:)
It could be a long story why this thread is here but the short one is that when the thread was created I was not here regulary and another moderator thought that the ********** topic was in the spirit of ballbusting
(this explains the 26 pages you are reffering to).
It has now been here for years and I dont intend to close it or anything. Just please be easy with the bloody pictures stomach hurts when seeing all that blood;)
05-25-2006, 05:37 PM
Hi Vulkrypse,
You dident complain about the removal or anything so its not about that...I just wanted to explain why they where deleted:)
It could be a long story why this thread is here but the short one is that when the thread was created I was not here regulary and another moderator thought that the ********** topic was in the spirit of ballbusting
(this explains the 26 pages you are reffering to).
It has now been here for years and I dont intend to close it or anything. Just please be easy with the bloody pictures stomach hurts when seeing all that blood;)
Sharon, I'm all good. It's nice to see that you took the time to explain, though there's no need.
Tony, I require neither your advice nor opinions on any subject. You're welcome to ramble as you wish. I am curious, however... why do you use bold lettering in your posts? Writing in this manner denotes "shouting," as most internet-savvy folks know. Do you feel your posts are neglected, and therefore need to "shout" to be acknowledged? Or do you think everyone here wears glasses?
Peter D
05-25-2006, 10:06 PM
. I am curious, however... why do you use bold lettering in your posts? Writing in this manner denotes "shouting," as most internet-savvy folks know. Do you feel your posts are neglected, and therefore need to "shout" to be acknowledged? Or do you think everyone here wears glasses?Tony’s writings signify that he has lots of problems. It’s been very interesting to watch them develop. He actually has his own site and could set up a ‘rival’ forum rather easily. However, I doubt many of us would visit it.
One of the beauties of this forum is its use of threads. If you’re not into ********** than you can opt not open the ********** thread. There are plenty of severed testicles in this thread already, some posted by the moderator ( Please don’t click that link if you do not wish to see them.
Keep up the good work Vulkrypse :thumbup
05-25-2006, 10:29 PM
why do you use bold lettering in your posts? Writing in this manner denotes "shouting," as most internet-savvy folks know. Do you feel your posts are neglected, and therefore need to "shout" to be acknowledged? Or do you think everyone here wears glasses?
I find the typeface here is too thin for me to read easily, so I use boldface type. Up until two minutes ago, it was TYPING IN ALL CAPS that signified "shouting". Bold print just means I am emphasizing every syllable. :)
05-25-2006, 11:42 PM
I reckon it's a good idea to just post a text link with a brief description, or just something like 'this is bloody'. I don't like the bloody stuff, but the world clearly doesn't revolve around me so I skip what I don't like and focus on what I do. It is a real pity that in a dedicated thread a moderator would see fit to override the wishes of the participants according to her own preferences. It's much the same as Colin's comment about the rolled up sleeves being 'sick' when that particular detail is the most bland and inoffensive thing in the entire thread (though I understand that you might just be referring to his fixation, not simply the fine detail of his fetish). Gurochan might be sick, but rolled up sleeves, it's really a stretch to get uppity about that. Incidentally if sleeve-boy wants proper help the Australian government has put psychology on the medicare list, so you can get real help for next to nothing; failing that just go to a community centre like I do where psychologists volunteer once a week and you pay like $25 a session. But if rolled up sleeves and their owners aren't ruining your life, then maybe you don't need help. I just know that my nutcase head has been ruining mine, and this ballbusting thing is merely a small part of that - perhaps a focal point for my anxiety, it's the one small indulgence I allow myself, though I do think it's insane and I think I'll lose interest eventually.
Just my merest of cents.
05-26-2006, 10:58 AM
:Baahaha: :Baahaha: :Baahaha: :Baahaha: :bananawin
Originally Posted by Trouble
I find the typeface here is too thin for me to read easily, so I use boldface type. Up until two minutes ago, it was TYPING IN ALL CAPS that signified "shouting". Bold print just means I am emphasizing every syllable.
Nice try vulki.
But let's cut to the chase Sigmund Fraud. You're not obligated to read them. I don't speak for anyone else but me, so I very much laugh at you in your sterile attitude, speaking of everyone, glasses, etc..
It's very much like I said, you've got a great market segment waiting for your creation.
You really do have much work ahead of you.
Keep Coming.
That's before the ole snip snip, snip.
:D ;) :thumbup
Tony, I require neither your advice nor opinions on any subject. You're welcome to ramble as you wish. I am curious, however... why do you use bold lettering in your posts? Writing in this manner denotes "shouting," as most internet-savvy folks know. Do you feel your posts are neglected, and therefore need to "shout" to be acknowledged? Or do you think everyone here wears glasses?
05-26-2006, 12:04 PM
Here we have PeteyDee:o :bananawin
My Problems???? :confused: :confused: :confused: :D
1. Rival Forum, why bother, Sharon's efforts are perfect for oneself. The forum is the best and I am glad to help, and contribute. Why not add to rather than the crap you're trying so unsuccessfully to dump on me. It ain't you're smelling, it's yourself.
2. If you never visit my site or rival non-existent forum, I can live with that. You now speaking on the behalf of others, not visiting my site or rival non- existent forum, Keep Coming.
3. Not enough time to be busted 24, 7, 52 a year.
The amount of Females that are so cool with Ballbusting is beyond the comprehension of many of the males, whom see ballbusting as a problem. I don't see it or experience it as a problem, Petey. That's why I am so honest, upfront and for real and can express myself so freely in the best forum around with regards to ballbusting and subject matter beyond. You ain't got's to read it.
You see Petey, you really hates me because I am just being myself and thus you thoght you were onto a safe attack because you think everyone is with you in your contempt. Humans are fast waking up to the scams on Earth. You're vilification has been seen through for what it really is. The truth and the truthful are always under attack from the pre-conditioned, the self imprsioned and the brainwashed.. If you denote from my writing that I have lots of problems, then you are so wrong. The reality of it is that you are with the problem of interacting with one whom is so free of mind. You've watched my problems develop and find it interesting. That is very much a revelation of your jailer mentality, Petey Dee 'The Guantanamo Kid', fails again. What is really beefing you is that what you are expressing of me is very much the image of yourself. You're the kind of guy that hates the one that is confident, at ease with oneself and is about spreading POSITIVITY rather than your master's negativity, that produces war and suffering and makes a ton of money out of it. I'm very much of the infinity camp rather than the prison camp. I maintain a open mind and can but only pity you and hope that you will see what you are falling into without resistence.
I am ruffling feathers with a few truths hence:
'Start your own site, produce you're own material and post it up rather that rip of others.'
It ain't hard, after all, that 'Rambler' TonyR did it .
This brings forth 'the negativities', who come looking to attack and vilify.
Why do you use such type?
I don't like your site?
Why do you 'ramble'?
What it realy is, is that I am me. I am very much about expressing issues in full. I feel sorry for those whom have allowed themselves to be restrained by the templates that have so many unable to read much beyond the daily tripe of tabloid celebrity crap. I feel sorry for those whom can't get there head around some of the lies and misconceptions that have lead too many humans down the wasted pathway of negativity and envy and evil. More so, I feel sorry for anyone whom goes around in life, attacking those whom present alternatives, that in time, will be proven to be so right, without the momentary thought to digest, understand and explore futher before jumping on a bandwagon that is going nowhere. You're KNACKERED, but I will always have time for you.:)
Now go straighten up and fly right. :thumbup
Tony’s writings signify that he has lots of problems. It’s been very interesting to watch them develop. He actually has his own site and could set up a ‘rival’ forum rather easily. However, I doubt many of us would visit it.
One of the beauties of this forum is its use of threads. If you’re not into ********** than you can opt not open the ********** thread. There are plenty of severed testicles in this thread already, some posted by the moderator ( Please don’t click that link if you do not wish to see them.
Keep up the good work Vulkrypse :thumbup
05-26-2006, 12:23 PM
It's true that all-caps denotes shouting. However, as one scrolls down the forum, tony's posts blare out due to bold type, overly large font, and bright color. Far be it from me to complain or to impose constraints on how people express themselves, but such comport clearly describes one's character. It would be easy for anyone to use such text, but you'll notice it's rarely done. And the times it is, well, you get the picture.
Tony, why does anyone feel a need to emphasize every syllable? In a conversation, that would be shouting indeed. I like to make points, rather than overwhelm people with delivery.
I also found it interesting that, at the beginning of this conversation, tony never conversed directly with me. He waited until Sharon posted, and then affirmed her postings as if she needed support. Sharon HAS my respect.
And think a moment tony, why would I create a new forum? This thread is here, the subject is **********, the pictures and stories and fantasies are all about ********** (to be very clear: removal of male testicles). My pictures were about **********. I find it interesting that, in such a liberal forum (female domination), in an intense subject (ball busting), in the most extreme thread (**********), someone would complain about pictures which expressly describe the subject of **********. It's being ultra-conservative in a ultra-liberal field. Why be here in this thread tony, if such things disturb you?
Peter D
05-26-2006, 01:02 PM
You’re a very interesting case study Tony.
Hey Tony,
Stay cool. Don’t take the bait! They only stick it on the hook to see how you behave. Ignoring it will work better than rising to it.
That's why I am so honest, upfront and for real and can express myself so freely in the best forum around with regards to ballbusting and subject matter beyond. You ain't got's to read it.
Now that’s an interesting argument. Its true that we ain’t got’s to read it. Its also true that you…. clears throat and takes deep breath…….
I feel much better now. Thank you :)
05-26-2006, 01:16 PM
This is a very tollerant Ballbusting Forum.
All you have done is to come up against the limit.
It is not my forum.
If I come up against a limit. I can either accept it or I can go elsewhere.
You are about stiring shit. In this case, it is very much your own shit you are stiring and thus smelling and trying to agitate all against me.
You're thing is not Ballbusting.
This forum is one very tollerant forum.
I am not criticizing you're thing.
There are clear offers and opportunities to take your thing and make it flourish, if that is the extent to which you wish to present it.
But you're all about imposing. And that is very much where you will mess up yourself.
You're now just attacking myself and more importantly, this forum, because you tried, just like Sollozzo, in The Godfather, to push, impose your stuff on this forum which, depite the wide differences and opinions, is very much a family. Now you are going to war. The reason is that you feel that the thread should be not for those whom are not into it.
Your thing is your thing. I have no objections to it. More so if your thing remains within reason. You've pushed the mark and come up against a wall. Now your intent is to take me out.
Dude, you've lost.
I get enquires for content relating to it via my site. I make it know to the enquirers that it is not our thing and wish them all the best in finding the apropriate thing, elsewhere.
Get a site/forum going and I gladly direct potential traffic towards it.
This forum is a Ballbusting forum.
The typography argument is a waste of time.
It's my choice.
Complain to the moderator, what she decides, will be final and absolute. The moderators's decision on the image is final.
It was out of place.
Create a place for you're thing and it will prosper.
Are you up to the challenges?
We should meet and then you can really assess my character.
Conversing with you at that point was not important, the proven out of place image, was the issue.
Why not express and post what you are about in an appropriate forum dedicated to your subject.
Are you up to the challenges of setting up a site/forum with regards to your subject?
Female Domination is a genre full of sub-genres.
Not all aspects are featured or appropriate. You just crossed that line and you're eager to get back at someone.
An Agent Provocateur has a chance to create a site/forum and draw an interested audience towards it. Instead you think that I am enguaging in a play of words.
I ain't.
This is a Ballbusting Forum.
It's true that all-caps denotes shouting. However, as one scrolls down the forum, tony's posts blare out due to bold type, overly large font, and bright color. Far be it from me to complain or to impose constraints on how people express themselves, but such comport clearly describes one's character. It would be easy for anyone to use such text, but you'll notice it's rarely done. And the times it is, well, you get the picture.
Tony, why does anyone feel a need to emphasize every syllable? In a conversation, that would be shouting indeed. I like to make points, rather than overwhelm people with delivery.
I also found it interesting that, at the beginning of this conversation, tony never conversed directly with me. He waited until Sharon posted, and then affirmed her postings as if she needed support. Sharon HAS my respect.
And think a moment tony, why would I create a new forum? This thread is here, the subject is **********, the pictures and stories and fantasies are all about ********** (to be very clear: removal of male testicles). My pictures were about **********. I find it interesting that, in such a liberal forum (female domination), in an intense subject (ball busting), in the most extreme thread (**********), someone would complain about pictures which expressly describe the subject of **********. It's being ultra-conservative in a ultra-liberal field. Why be here in this thread tony, if such things disturb you?
05-26-2006, 01:20 PM
Bro Bill,
Thanks for the words.:thumbup :ibow4u:
They've been lurking and just hate being outed.
[QUOTE=Bill]Hey Tony,
Stay cool. Don’t take the bait! They only stick it on the hook to see how you behave. Ignoring it will work better than rising to it.
05-26-2006, 01:25 PM
Now, now gentlemen; our Tony may be a little off his rocker but he is making a contribution and it is harmless. He’s got as much right to be here as the rest of us perverts and he’s right - you don’t have to read his ramblings. Lets look at it this way: Its very easy to spot his posts so its very easy not to read them.
Can we get back to the testicular destruction now please? :)
05-26-2006, 01:33 PM
It's much the same as Colin's comment about the rolled up sleeves being 'sick' when that particular detail is the most bland and inoffensive thing in the entire threadI guess I’d better come clean and admit that I was extracting the urine.:weryfun
How did he miss that? :confused:
And I'm with Sylvey: Let the bollock-lopping begin again in earnest :bananad:
05-26-2006, 01:37 PM
Look in the mirror.:)
You’re a very interesting case study Tony.
05-26-2006, 01:44 PM
I'm going to hit them harder and harder until you beg me to remove them :D
05-26-2006, 04:15 PM
Jokes aside. I am far from off my rocker.
Now enjoys your snips.:D :thumbup
Now, now gentlemen; our Tony may be a little off his rocker but he is making a contribution and it is harmless. He’s got as much right to be here as the rest of us perverts and he’s right - you don’t have to read his ramblings. Lets look at it this way: Its very easy to spot his posts so its very easy not to read them.
Can we get back to the testicular destruction now please? :)
05-26-2006, 05:13 PM
You haven't gotten the point, tony. Your "line" is completely subjective to you. I might find others' threads, posts or pictures offensive, but would never complain to an op about them. Why? Because even though what they like isn't what I like and I may find it offensive, I totally respect their right to post here. This is where people like us find commraderie and can share our interests. I am not policing anyone.
Somehow you have again missed a basic fact... you're posting in a ********** thread. Whether that's in a ballbusting forum (a very appropriate place) or in a site covering BMW aftermarket parts, it IS the place for ********** related pictures, drawings, and discussion. And since you find it so difficult to grasp the connection between my posts and their relevance to this thread, perhaps you can find another thread that has a less controversial or extreme subject. That way, you can look at less severe pictures. Until you grow some balls, stay at the kiddie table.
05-26-2006, 09:13 PM
Surely it's better to just let Tony be Tony and deal with the real issue which is Sharon removing pictures that offended HER? I'll admit, I didn't read all the back and forth for the last day because it's mostly nonsense, but wasn't that what actually happened? She said the pic was too bloody so she removed it, who cares what other users think, it's the moderators that have veto and aren't afraid to use it.
05-26-2006, 10:58 PM
I was wondering if there is anyone here that can actually PROVE it was Tony that complained??? YES, he had the next post after the post that had teh pics removed from it, but where is the proof that it was HIM that complained to Sharon ??? It could have been any one of the people on this forum
05-26-2006, 11:03 PM
Tony, why does anyone feel a need to emphasize every syllable? In a conversation, that would be shouting indeed. I like to make points, rather than overwhelm people with delivery.
He was quoting me, mate. I sez, I does, that boldprint just means that I am emphasizing every syllable, but, y'see, that its more joke than sine qua non: bold print is typically used to indicate emphasis; italics are also used like that. So is underlining. Here in this Brave Newton World of Electronic Labyrinths, it is not common for people to maintain that italics, boldface type, or underlining constitute shouting. ALL CAPS IS OFTEN CHARACTERIZED THAT WAY, EH?
I. Em. Pha. Size. Each. Syl. La. Bull. when explaining things for the 48th time, so there's an instance in which I speak with the equivalent of solid boldface; but I use it here because I think the default type is too skinny.
Anyway, people express themselves in different ways, and that's not a bad thing.
Number 3
05-27-2006, 12:33 AM
Can somebody post a link to the ********** thread on that BMW aftermarket parts site?
PS. Don’t worry Tony, most people here are of their rocker so you fit in just fine :)
05-27-2006, 01:18 AM
Surely it's better to just let Tony be Tony and deal with the real issue which is Sharon removing pictures that offended HER? I'll admit, I didn't read all the back and forth for the last day because it's mostly nonsense, but wasn't that what actually happened? She said the pic was too bloody so she removed it, who cares what other users think, it's the moderators that have veto and aren't afraid to use it.
Actually, Sharon is beyond reproach. She is the op and can do as she want with her forum. My point was that tony is policing the posts, complaining about pictures of ********** in a ********** thread. Very odd, and then to hide behind Sharon's authority, piping up after she makes a comment. Very uncool.
I'm all good. I think anyone who wants to has already seen the pix, and I'm through trying to teach the horse to drink. Shall we get back to the thread's business? I hope others were also entertained by all this :)
05-27-2006, 02:04 AM
:Baahaha: :Baahaha: :Baahaha: :Baahaha: :Baahaha: :Baahaha: :Baahaha:
You haven't gotten the point, tony. Your "line" is completely subjective to you. I might find others' threads, posts or pictures offensive, but would never complain to an op about them. Why? Because even though what they like isn't what I like and I may find it offensive, I totally respect their right to post here. This is where people like us find commraderie and can share our interests. I am not policing anyone.
Somehow you have again missed a basic fact... you're posting in a ********** thread. Whether that's in a ballbusting forum (a very appropriate place) or in a site covering BMW aftermarket parts, it IS the place for ********** related pictures, drawings, and discussion. And since you find it so difficult to grasp the connection between my posts and their relevance to this thread, perhaps you can find another thread that has a less controversial or extreme subject. That way, you can look at less severe pictures. Until you grow some balls, stay at the kiddie table.
05-28-2006, 11:12 PM
Actually, Sharon is beyond reproach. She is the op and can do as she want with her forum. My point was that tony is policing the posts, complaining about pictures of ********** in a ********** thread. Very odd, and then to hide behind Sharon's authority, piping up after she makes a comment. Very uncool.
I'm all good. I think anyone who wants to has already seen the pix, and I'm through trying to teach the horse to drink. Shall we get back to the thread's business? I hope others were also entertained by all this :)
vulkrypse, I think you are above all this, but if you want to fight with Tony then it's your prerogative. However, people 'like' Tony will probably always complain and usually get their way, but only if the powers that be agree with them. I hate to be a patronising bastard, but if you want to deify the moderator and thereby dodge the issue of who exactly is responsible for removing what, you are probably going to find yourself in this position again and again. Here's a thought, tell Sharon you're not happy, tell her why and bypass myself and the other plebs (inc. Tony) and actually get something done about your complaint. Cos me. personally, I dislike bloody gore and shit, but I fucking hate smilies and fluorescent text on a 2 tone red background. That's what really offends me. And while we give him attention he'll just keep acting up, until he gets banned for pissing everyone off.
05-29-2006, 01:25 AM
FF, you're absolultely correct. Topic's played out, I'm over it. Back to bizness!
Watching "Pepper Dennis" the other night on WB, saw Rebecca Romjin looking super sexy in a nice leather skirt. She actually uttered "crushing his gonads" and later slammed her knee into a co-worker's balls, on tv. I was impressed. She looked gorgeous delivering pain to his testicles.
05-29-2006, 03:25 AM
I fucking hate smilies and fluorescent text on a 2 tone red background. That's what really offends me. And while we give him attention he'll just keep acting up, until he gets banned for pissing everyone off.Oh Yeah! Alternatively, you can just add Tony to yer 'ignore list' like I do then you don't have to see it. :bananad:
05-29-2006, 09:12 AM
And while we give him attention he'll just keep acting upI agree, best just ignore him and stop fighting.
05-29-2006, 11:19 PM
I agree, best just ignore him and stop fighting.
Yeah, play nice...unless you're playing with balls. :Baahaha:
05-30-2006, 10:40 AM
Hey, I have an idea. Why doesn't sharon just lock this thread? Better yet, why not start a new thread entitled "trivial shit to argue about"? This way I and the others who really don't give a shit about who, what or why can continue to enjoy this forum. Besides that, if you want to see the bloody stuff then go the (I think thats the site) or another ********** site. The bottom line is Sharon is the Queen and what she says goes. I doubt any of you really want to spend your time arguing about this anyway. One other thing, I say that all of the ones doing the mud slinging stand naked in front of sharon and the rest of her gals on this site (Snoodle, Julie, and Evil all included) and be kicked in the nuts until you drop to see who has the toughed testes. Last man standing wins.:bananajum
05-30-2006, 02:56 PM
Hey, I have an idea. Why doesn't sharon just lock this thread? Better yet, why not start a new thread entitled "trivial shit to argue about"? This way I and the others who really don't give a shit about who, what or why can continue to enjoy this forum. Besides that, if you want to see the bloody stuff then go the (I think thats the site) or another ********** site. The bottom line is Sharon is the Queen and what she says goes. I doubt any of you really want to spend your time arguing about this anyway. One other thing, I say that all of the ones doing the mud slinging stand naked in front of sharon and the rest of her gals on this site (Snoodle, Julie, and Evil all included) and be kicked in the nuts until you drop to see who has the toughed testes. Last man standing wins.:bananajum
...and, just as the conversation steers way from the arguement...
"Every time I think I'm out, they pull me back in!":autogun
05-31-2006, 10:38 AM
Sorry snoodle!
05-31-2006, 02:24 PM
i have done cartoons and paintings of various castrations i'll post as soon as i get them scanned.
05-31-2006, 05:00 PM
"Every time I think I'm out, they pull me back in!":autogun
lol :Baahaha:
05-31-2006, 09:04 PM
i have done cartoons and paintings of various castrations i'll post as soon as i get them scanned.
I'd love to see em!
06-01-2006, 12:24 AM
I'd love to see em!
Me too!
...and Magnum...All is forgiven...for an unspecified price to be paid in full later. ;)
06-01-2006, 12:58 AM
I'd love to see em!
i posted some of my older bb toons to the cartoon thread, found here,
06-01-2006, 12:50 PM
Me too!
...and Magnum...All is forgiven...for an unspecified price to be paid in full later. ;)
Of course, my balls are yours to do as you please!:iluvu:
06-02-2006, 01:31 PM
What would women do with your balls once you have been *********?
Hang them on the rear view mirror of their car?
06-03-2006, 08:14 PM
She's going for the whole thing in one shot.
06-03-2006, 11:27 PM
She's going for the whole thing in one shot.
Cool shot.
Here's my contribution.
06-05-2006, 09:35 PM
"I mean she just grabbed me all down there and yanking and yanking and tearing me up with those fingernails."
06-05-2006, 10:35 PM
What would women do with your balls once you have been *********?
Hang them on the rear view mirror of their car?
you never know...she could need a coin purse.
06-06-2006, 09:26 AM
Wow! Having your nuts torn off would be a horrifying experience. :cryingblu
06-06-2006, 09:44 AM
Wow! Having your nuts torn off would be a horrifying experience. :cryingblu
only if done right.
06-06-2006, 02:18 PM
only if done right.
There's a wrong way to do it? I figure it would be the tearer's prerogative. :Baahaha:
06-06-2006, 02:34 PM
There's a wrong way to do it? I figure it would be the tearer's prerogative. :Baahaha:
well if the tearer knock's the tearee out first...horror can't be enjoyed by either party.
06-07-2006, 01:17 AM
well if the tearer knock's the tearee out first...horror can't be enjoyed by either party.
Although, the look on his face when he wakes up might just be worth it. :Baahaha:
06-07-2006, 12:52 PM
My balls banded, this allways gets me off. I would let the right woman cut them off.
06-07-2006, 01:18 PM
I have and it does not hurt at all, I have left the bands on for 30-45 min. so far. My cock always gets rock hard once I band my balls, if you do it your balls will turn dark and get numb, it gives me the best orgasms. Now just so you know when the band is cut free it does sting a little but I think it is worth it, if you got a girl tell her to band your balls before sex, she'll love doing it to you.
06-07-2006, 01:36 PM
love the pic, do you have more?
06-07-2006, 01:44 PM
thanks I love Gif pics that work
06-07-2006, 02:04 PM
I don't know why you would think ********** a man would be any more dangerous then doing a dog or horse, balls are balls. know you do have a point on the psychological part of your post, for some men losing their nuts would be hard to deal with.
06-07-2006, 02:19 PM
I don't know why you would think ********** a man would be any more dangerous then doing a dog or horse, balls are balls. know you do have a point on the psychological part of your post, for some men losing their nuts would be hard to deal with.
well its not just danger of the operation isn't illegal to ******** a can be to ******** a man. i still don't think that would stop some of us.
I would let the right woman cut them off.Go on Snoods sort him out ;) I know ya don't like blood but my guess is that there wouldn't be any if you used two bands and cut between them.
06-07-2006, 05:54 PM
Go on Snoods sort him out ;) I know ya don't like blood but my guess is that there wouldn't be any if you used two bands and cut between them.
here's a medical interjection for practicing "safe" **********...if you cut between the two bands there will still be blood...just not alot and it won't spurt out it will kinda ooze. now if you were to cut it with a knife that were hot enough to seal the wound as you cut...then there would be no blood. and also no need for bands. :D like a hot knife through butter...just don't try and spread it on a bagel that would be gross and wrong.
06-08-2006, 03:49 AM
here's a medical interjection for practicing "safe" **********...if you cut between the two bands there will still be blood...just not alot and it won't spurt out it will kinda ooze. now if you were to cut it with a knife that were hot enough to seal the wound as you cut...then there would be no blood. and also no need for bands. :D like a hot knife through butter...just don't try and spread it on a bagel that would be gross and wrong.
Never do that! if you use a hot knife through butter, you can die be cause of sepsis. you can use a burdizzo to be *********. but you can't do that yourself because of the can't give yourself that much pain. nobody can.
But,why to be ********* now?why not to play with our balls for more? many females could kick and do anything they want to our balls. when we get bored,or we want to try the final game, we can get *********.. if you want an incisional cut on your scrotum,you can do that also. but i advice dont have your balls cut off. you will need them to serve women. :)
and when you decide to be *********,i think you should firstly have one of your balls cut off. then in an other game, you would cut the can play this game just for twice in your life! :)
06-08-2006, 07:31 AM
I don't know if God is Female but "she / he" sure made it easy for a males balls to be removed. If you ever hear woman talking when they think a man is not around, they talk about ********** men alot, any time a man has done something wrong its "we should ******** him". I don't think I have ever heard men talking about cutting off a womans tits or clit just because she cheated on him. I think women really like the idea, and more are willing to do it then we men think. that is if they could change the laws to make it OK to do.
06-08-2006, 08:16 AM
but there is no anti ********** law...if you want to be ********* and can have a doctor do it...then its a legal procedure that falls somewhere in the realm of cosmetic surgery. hell you could probably even have a vet do it.
06-08-2006, 11:22 AM
great pics thanks for posting link
06-08-2006, 11:35 AM
Probably could not get it done in a US hospital. Maybe in an office. The ethics folks would stop the office. Will have to do considerable shopping. Maybe in the third world.
Surgically is it quite simple, takes about 45 minutes max. Is done legitimately for certain cancers.
06-08-2006, 12:28 PM
I don't see why the ethics folks would have a problem with it...its just another form of body piercings, or tattoos.
06-08-2006, 12:46 PM
I wish I were a Vampire, so I could remove cock, balls, limbs, whatever, and they'd just regenerate overnight. One of my fave movie scenes is in the vampire club in Blade2, where a vampire girl's back is peeled open and her spine exposed, and a vampire "surgeon" is fiddling around inside her with metal tools, and she smiles up at Blade as he walks by with a sexy look of suppressed pain...
06-08-2006, 12:50 PM
I wish I were a Vampire, so I could remove cock, balls, limbs, whatever, and they'd just regenerate overnight. One of my fave movie scenes is in the vampire club in Blade2, where a vampire girl's back is peeled open and her spine exposed, and a vampire "surgeon" is fiddling around inside her with metal tools, and she smiles up at Blade as he walks by with a sexy look of suppressed pain...
yeah that would be awesome...being able to absolutely destroy my bits and have them working again the next day ready to be abused again. Would be a dream come true.
06-09-2006, 10:23 AM
not sure if this really applies to this forum, but an interesting article for the aftermath of **********:,1,3843974.story
06-12-2006, 01:26 PM
you never know...she could need a coin purse
You know there are people who actually make purses of scrotums
from all kinds of animals, like kangaroos, bulls etc.
It is even possible to buy such "prescious" items via the internet.
Personally I am not interested in such things b/c it gives me an
unpleasant feeling :cryingblu
Just follow this link:
Maybe a little bizarre but maybe the ladies fancy a new purse?
06-12-2006, 02:54 PM
those poor kangaroos...would be interesting if someone made my nuts into a purse though...kinda freaky too.
06-13-2006, 05:55 AM
an ex-girlfriend once gave me one of those kangaroo scrotums...the label on the package was "I'm Roo-n'd" and had a picture of a kangaroo with a nice big "X" bandage across his crotch. We'd never done any BB, but I think she kinda knew somehow ;)
06-13-2006, 07:49 AM
I'm roo-n'd? thats great. lol i'm so easily amused.
06-13-2006, 12:10 PM
i have always wondered are their any real ********** clips i never really saw one before but then again what guy is actually that dumb to get his nuts really cut off?
i have always wondered are their any real ********** clips i never really saw one before but then again what guy is actually that dumb to get his nuts really cut off?BME has a few real castrations:
06-13-2006, 08:10 PM
BME has a few real castrations: has a few real torture ones from different countries
06-13-2006, 08:43 PM
i just seen some ********** pics from the sites thanks by the way i think its a huge turn off to see blood all over it and i dont know how any man would like that to be done to himself
06-13-2006, 09:02 PM
deep seeded psychological issues...
06-14-2006, 09:03 AM
i know tell me about it...
06-14-2006, 04:13 PM
That's a nice gift you got. I couldn't tell how I would react to such present.
Was that before or after you split up? Do you still have any contact with her?
this is the most good pic i ever see you have any cartoons too
06-17-2006, 02:04 PM
sadistic sara what happened you used to be a bigger part of this site what happened and maybe you would like to see me bust mysely for you on cam sometime let me know
06-17-2006, 02:05 PM
a question for the ladies would you really ******** a guy if he asked you to do it and if you did would you laugh while you cut them of when you were done or maybe both
06-17-2006, 03:15 PM
a question for the ladies would you really ******** a guy if he asked you to do it and if you did would you laugh while you cut them of when you were done or maybe both
Well, if he REALLY wanted it done...yeah...'course I don't have the medical training to promise safety on his part. :Baahaha:
I'd probably laugh. :jumpsmile Not sure when, though.
06-17-2006, 07:48 PM
snoodle would you keep the balls for a trophey
06-18-2006, 02:41 AM
snoodle would you keep the balls for a trophey
...that's a good question. Maybe...I's one of those extreme circumstance kind of things, where you don't know how you'll really react until you're in that position, y'know?
06-18-2006, 03:45 AM
yes i see snoodle
06-19-2006, 10:33 PM
snoodle after you ********* the guy would you dangle his balls in his face to mock him
06-20-2006, 02:12 PM
snoodle after you ********* the guy would you dangle his balls in his face to mock him
Um...probably not. Although, I suppose there are extenuating circumstances.
06-20-2006, 05:40 PM
Snoodle you look beautiful. If you do not mind me saying. I would like to be *********, and while I hear of women who say they do castrations, finding one is proving really hard.
I guess for must people it is just a fantasy, but I am looking forward to the day I meet a wicked woman to deal out my justice.
06-20-2006, 07:44 PM
Nice little bedtime story at the link below.
06-20-2006, 11:04 PM
it might make it more fun if you did snoodle
06-21-2006, 01:09 PM
it might make it more fun if you did snoodle
Are you fishing for things to jerk off to or something?
06-21-2006, 08:51 PM
Are you fishing for things to jerk off to or something?
Yeah, that dude does it pretty much constantly.
06-21-2006, 10:58 PM
no bremuse i only asy so i knoe the answer thats what this is for right
06-22-2006, 12:51 PM
hi all, i'm silvia, and i have a dream to ******** my husband
06-22-2006, 01:17 PM
hi all, i'm silvia, and i have a dream to ******** my husbandPlease do tell us why Silvia?
06-22-2006, 05:01 PM
Please do tell us why Silvia?
because i want he becomes like a dolly for me... infact yet now he never can touch me...
06-22-2006, 08:34 PM
hi silvia please tell us how you want to ******** your husband and if youe ever sais anything to him about it if so what did he say and what did you say back to him
06-26-2006, 01:40 AM
A little cock pain.....
06-26-2006, 11:33 AM
:d Self Explanatory
06-26-2006, 11:51 AM
it might make it more fun if you did snoodle
A couple of you guys rag on Tim but looking back at some of your old posts would give someone the same idea. I don't know Tim and maybe he is here to get off but what other reason is there? Don't tell me it's to make new friends or meet interesting people. I know what you are trying to say but after giving it some thought I think most people probably would think of us as freaks if they really knew we all frequent this forum. Like I said in another post, Snoodle is very popular (for good reason) and it's my hope that she stays because she likes it here and is a genuine ballbuster. If the guys here don't get a little (or a lot) hot reading Snoodle's posts then maybe you are at the wrong forum. BTW Snoodle, Ive got a whole list of things I'd like to hear you say (or in this case write for me to read).:iluvu:
06-26-2006, 12:51 PM
hi silvia please tell us how you want to ******** your husband and if youe ever sais anything to him about it if so what did he say and what did you say back to him
i can do all i want, i have total power on his body because i'm yhe owner of it!
06-26-2006, 01:19 PM
ok siliva how do you want to ******** him and did u ever say anything to him about it
06-26-2006, 04:33 PM
ok siliva how do you want to ******** him and did u ever say anything to him about it
how??? i want squeeze his balls untile that i crush then
06-26-2006, 07:14 PM
how??? i want squeeze his balls untile that i crush then
You'd need hands of steel and have to squeeze awfully hard to do any damage. You could stretch his balls with a block of wood under them and use a hammer to crush the cords. Reminds me of an old song...If I had a hammer, I'd hammer in the morning, afternoon and night time too......:rolleyes:
06-27-2006, 05:43 AM
Reminds me of an old song...If I had a hammer, I'd hammer in the morning, afternoon and night time too......:rolleyes:
nice idea...:thumbup
06-28-2006, 11:10 PM
maybe you can put his balls on a brick and then use another brick to smash his balls this should do the trick for you are you really gonna ******** him
06-30-2006, 08:16 AM
The method you describe using two bricks is extremely dangerous: BE CAREFUL NOT TO HAVE YOUR FINGERS TRAPPED BETWEEN THE BRICKS !!
07-01-2006, 03:13 PM
Both these links are to very squickening videos. You have been warned.
07-02-2006, 08:59 AM
Both these links are to very squickening videos. You have been warned.
the animal ones really have to stop
07-02-2006, 07:21 PM
Those with animals are really sadistic...
Better men.
Ok, it's not a fiction story anymore. I found it on a different forum:
The lady in Alaska that cut off her boyfriends penis is Vietnamese.
She is 35 years old. Her name is Kim Tran. I did a google search on her name and found two other incidents where women with the same name sliced off their lovers penis and or balls. If you are dating a Vietnamese lady, and piss her off, sleep on your belly !!!
Here is a part of her testimony:
"...I was so upset and confused. I haven’t slept for so long and haven’t eaten well. There was no other way. I had only this way left. It’s because I love him so much. Even if he wants to come home, I will have him. I took the knife from the kitchen. I knelt over him and cried. I took his pants off and I cut him. I cut his penis off and flushed it into the toilet. My husband got up right away and yelled, where did I put it? I told him I flushed it down the toilet. I then told my daughter to phone 911."
07-05-2006, 11:53 AM
youtube has deleted the video for tos violation, but a copy can be found here (
07-05-2006, 02:13 PM
youtube has deleted the video for tos violation, but a copy can be found here (
i rank you one notch below a child molestor.
07-05-2006, 03:17 PM
Kate Beckinsale (of Underworld and Click) was on Jay Leno's tonight show this week, where she talked about her cat's neutering. She said he purred while we "removed his testicles." Then they joked about it a bit, and she said something about removing her husband's testicles also. I about nutted my pants.:letsplay
07-05-2006, 10:26 PM
i rank you one notch below a child molestor.
:soomad oh really? and what basis do you think you have for that? _i_ did not make these clips. they are graphic examples of just how horrible ********** is. the ex-youtube clip proves how warped the minds of those who perform it on unwilling subjects are. unhappy that children are sadistically ********** an animal? so am i. but don't blame _me_. i didn't take the videos. i posted them because they are horrible. my post is on topic to this thread. children cannot access the content here. so you have no right to compare me to a child molester. i warned you the videos were extreme. next time pay attention, and keep your libel to yourself.
07-05-2006, 11:57 PM
i rank you one notch below a child molestor.
::shrug:: I fail to see how posting a video of a ********** in a ********** thread is reprehensible behavior. Would it be more appropriate to instead focus on crazy vietnamese woman who cuts off her boyfriends' penises without their knowledge?
It's always funny to see how many more animal rights activists there are than human ones. Millions of domesticated animals are snipped every, what, week? Why is posting a video of it sick and disgusting?
You're in a thread about **********. Animal castrations take place all the time, and are often videotaped. It only makes sense that one or two would be posted; Human ********** videos are more often than not illegal, not to mention MUCH harder to come by.
As a side note, the ********** videos featured anesthetized animals being routinely gelded. What's inhumane?
Conclusion: There are a number of unsanitary places I could tell you to stick your rightious indignation. :bananajum
07-06-2006, 01:37 AM
I'm With Snoodle.
By the way Snoodle, haven't seen you in ball-busting cartoons lately. Have you thought about my proposal to photo-manipulate you?
07-06-2006, 02:28 AM
Millions of domesticated animals are snipped every, what, week? Why is posting a video of it sick and disgusting?
thatguy was blaming the messenger. Obviously I should have put the warning in bold. :-| It is the content of the videos that is sick and disgusting. Depriving an animal of their sexuality for the convenience of others is sick and disgusting. Finding it, to quote the woman on youtube who posted the second clip, "friggin' hilarious" and keeping the aftermath in a jar much more sick and disgusting. I don't blame him for being upset. But I'm only the messenger.
Human ********** videos are more often than not illegal, not to mention MUCH harder to come by.
If you are willing to pay, I have read repeatedly that BME ( has legal human ********** videos.
As a side note, the ********** videos featured anesthetized animals being routinely gelded. What's inhumane?
Neither of the videos show the horse being anesthetized. In the second there are obvious pain reactions to the removal of the remaining testicle, so it must have worn off. Inhumane ( can be defined as "[l]acking pity or compassion". Pity ( can be defined as "[s]ympathy and sorrow aroused by the misfortune or suffering of another". The women watching the second horse demonstrated a complete lack of pity. Compassion ( can be defined as "[d]eep awareness of the suffering of another coupled with the wish to relieve it". Their jokes and banter reflect deep awareness of the suffering the horse is and will suffer, but also mocking indifference to it.
07-06-2006, 05:40 AM
::shrug:: I fail to see how posting a video of a ********** in a ********** thread is reprehensible behavior. Would it be more appropriate to instead focus on crazy vietnamese woman who cuts off her boyfriends' penises without their knowledge?
It's always funny to see how many more animal rights activists there are than human ones. Millions of domesticated animals are snipped every, what, week? Why is posting a video of it sick and disgusting?
You're in a thread about **********. Animal castrations take place all the time, and are often videotaped. It only makes sense that one or two would be posted; Human ********** videos are more often than not illegal, not to mention MUCH harder to come by.
As a side note, the ********** videos featured anesthetized animals being routinely gelded. What's inhumane?
Conclusion: There are a number of unsanitary places I could tell you to stick your rightious indignation. :bananajum
please do not make my respect for you plummet any further. there is a HUGE difference between a sicko having his own privates mangled becaue he gets off on it and having some defenseless animal with his head hanging to the floor in obvious pain because of some kids. Obviously you missed the youtube versions of the video. Then after another member here, as well as myself, contest to it HE REPOSTS IT! Yeah you're right, I'm in a ********** thread so i guess it's only normal to see animals, right? I mean after all, there are tons of pics in the grabbing and squeezing section of unwilling animals getting their balls squeezed, as well as pictures of cattle getting their nuts bit in the "biting" thread. Get real.
07-07-2006, 02:46 AM
please do not make my respect for you plummet any further. there is a HUGE difference between a sicko having his own privates mangled becaue he gets off on it and having some defenseless animal with his head hanging to the floor in obvious pain because of some kids. Obviously you missed the youtube versions of the video. Then after another member here, as well as myself, contest to it HE REPOSTS IT! Yeah you're right, I'm in a ********** thread so i guess it's only normal to see animals, right? I mean after all, there are tons of pics in the grabbing and squeezing section of unwilling animals getting their balls squeezed, as well as pictures of cattle getting their nuts bit in the "biting" thread. Get real.
Yeah, it was done for the amusement of the people watching. Not like it was obviously a demonstration or anything. After all, people who geld farm animals must be born with that knowledge.
Oh, you don't respect me? Boo-fucking-hoo. As if some internet lame ass was really that important to me. You are, in fact, as your name suggwest 'That guy.' A fucking nobody. Don't respect me? no skin off my back. You can go on not respecting me until hell freezes over.
There was a just a post describing an unwilling man having hios penis cut off. Oh, it wasn't a picture, so who cares. Man, go fuck yourself.
No horse that gets gelded wants to, but y'know what? It fucking happens. Know why? Because ranchers fucking say so.
Get real, huh? Stop being a little peta bitch and accept the fact that it fucking happens, and it's not inhumane just because you don't like it. Gasp! A video was posted online! Honoes! That must mean it was only done for amusement. Real world for the win.
07-07-2006, 02:47 AM
thatguy was blaming the messenger. Obviously I should have put the warning in bold. :-| It is the content of the videos that is sick and disgusting. Depriving an animal of their sexuality for the convenience of others is sick and disgusting. Finding it, to quote the woman on youtube who posted the second clip, "friggin' hilarious" and keeping the aftermath in a jar much more sick and disgusting. I don't blame him for being upset. But I'm only the messenger.
If you are willing to pay, I have read repeatedly that BME ( has legal human ********** videos.
Neither of the videos show the horse being anesthetized. In the second there are obvious pain reactions to the removal of the remaining testicle, so it must have worn off. Inhumane ( can be defined as "[l]acking pity or compassion". Pity ( can be defined as "[s]ympathy and sorrow aroused by the misfortune or suffering of another". The women watching the second horse demonstrated a complete lack of pity. Compassion ( can be defined as "[d]eep awareness of the suffering of another coupled with the wish to relieve it". Their jokes and banter reflect deep awareness of the suffering the horse is and will suffer, but also mocking indifference to it.
You're right. They should have cried into their cheerios for months about the routine gelding performed on that day.
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