View Full Version : ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)
04-02-2007, 06:32 PM
04-02-2007, 06:59 PM
Sounds like an
urban legend to me.
Nope, from a buddy of mine while he was in the army stationed in California. I went to high school at an inner city Chicago school, some rough girls there too although I don't know how rough. One guy in school was jumped by some other guys, had his legs spread and they started stabbing him in the balls. And, when I was in basic training, I got a vivid description from a New York guy what happen when the gang he belonged to cut the cock off some guy, blood squirted straight up.
04-03-2007, 01:08 AM
Found a few pictures tonight
04-03-2007, 01:14 AM
Found this tonight, decided to post it by itself. I know most of the graphic pictures out there are fake but this looks pretty real. He used the double band system and cut between the bands. I blew up the balls and you can see the band holding the sack shut.
04-03-2007, 05:39 AM
"There are a few..."
There are always rare cases where women ******** or emasculate males, sure.
And it may also be true, that you may be able to get a woman to do it to you but the thing is:
It doesn't turn them on in a similar way that you and me and many men are aroused by it.
Sadly. :)
luca Italia
04-03-2007, 11:25 AM
hello i'm here for happy to girl ballbusting and **********
cyber or fantasy ?
sono qui qualche interessata, fantasia o realtà
04-03-2007, 01:33 PM
Sounds like an
urban legend to me.
Well I don’t know about those California girl gangs but in Saigon, Vietnam during the war female gang members did ******** servicemen. There were many gangs roaming the streets of Saigon. Members were made up of males and females in age between 16 and 25 years old. They mainly wanted to mug and rob their GI victims but castrations were often performed also. The male members nicknamed “cowboys”, by the soldiers in Vietnam at the time, would get an attractive female member to pose as a prostitute and lure some unsuspecting GI down a dark alleyway or behind a building for a blowjob. At a predetermined spot, she would stop, pull down his pants to his ankles and grab his dick. Upon saying a certain phrase such as, “you have big dick GI” or “me suck you long time”, several gang members would come out of hiding. They would beat the GI with sticks, bats, and pipes and knock him down. While the men held him down, the female gang members would go thorugh his pockets and take his money. Also taking his watch and jewelry if he was dumb enough to wear any. Wedding rings were prize objects and they were known to cut off the guy’s fingers to get them. Before leaving, the “prostitute” would go down between his legs as the men still held him, and cut off his cock & balls with a knife or straight razor. Sometimes they would take his “sex package” with them as they ran away laughing and other times they would tie him up and stuff his severed manhood in his mouth. This was not only common knowledge at the time, but a well known weekly magazine named LOOK had a whole article in one of their early 1970s issues (minus the sadistic details) but mentioning the castrations. :D
04-04-2007, 11:32 AM
Nice story. :thumbup
I wonder what such a girl would have done/thought if theire victim got an erection that moment... :D
I often imagine a girl beeing so upset when she (accidently) learns about my fantasy of beeing emasculated that she want to "show me what it's like".
luca Italia
04-06-2007, 09:23 AM
wow nice pis,
there is a www.... for this "cut pics?
04-06-2007, 09:33 AM
wow nice pis,
there is a www.. (http://www..).. for this "cut pics?
???????oh,I Can't see anything!
04-06-2007, 04:03 PM
I found this video among the clips of the girl performing a bull-********** which someone posted in the thread below.
It is a ********** of an animal performed by a guy and a woman and filmed by a girl.
At s25 when the testicle is out of the sac and being pulled away she says that she loves that part when the ball is being torn away, the doctor replying that only a woman would say this and she starts to giggle.
At s1:26 she asks if he feels bad doing this to him and the woman replys immidiatly denying. She says that she asked the guy. He replys that he used to worry a lot about it but not anymore, and the girl giggling again.
Then they make some joke about the female doctor`s boyfriend.
There are 4 more videos of this ********** there, at the end of this one after the testicle is cut off the guy says "bye bing ben" and the girl answers with a sweet sung "congratulations" ....
04-07-2007, 09:16 AM
how can i download these videos????
04-07-2007, 11:56 AM
how can i download these videos????
Download firefox and then download greasemonkey. Afterwards there will be a red band across the top of the screen whenever you are watching youtube videos and if you click on the red band you can download the video.
I have had mixed experiences with greasemonkey. Sometimes the version I downloaded won't work on my firefox even though they are both the newest edition. If that happens just download an older version of greasemonkey.
04-09-2007, 02:42 PM
Another one.
04-09-2007, 09:02 PM
What can I say? When I saw this pic, I thought of this forum.
Newport348;) (
luca Italia
04-11-2007, 10:03 AM
finally where do you look your pic ? the site :-)
04-11-2007, 01:53 PM
Here are some vidcaps from a great ballbust/********** movie. A horney GI in Vietnam picks up a hooker "MistressKat9". After being promised some "rough sex" he is tied up. He then finds out the hooker is a Viet Cong and her sadistic assistant "Mistress Thora Nang" is a female North Vietnam Army Officer. This is a fantastic movie. One of the most popular on the site.
04-11-2007, 11:35 PM
I've been reading these comments and it seems in general that a woman would rather, if she had to ******** a male with big balls rather than one with normal size ones. It seems a paradox being that males with big testicles are far more controllable because of their size and the paradox being for a women is that in her mind possibly she thinks a big balled male is more threatening which is exactly the opposite! I'm relating this from personal experience. I'm one of those big balled males (I'll try posting a picture of me) An older woman with experience knows this! Its more likely a male with big testicles would be ********* by a younger woman or girl if it happened to him! I've had ********** fantasies and it's always a young girl who deballs me! Usually saying. "God their so fucking gross looking! You're going to be thanking me later for cutting them off"! Well as you can see I've still got a pretty decent set of balls hanging off me at least for now!
04-12-2007, 02:50 AM
There are some nice pics on this thread.
04-12-2007, 10:49 AM
If I had to be ********* I'd definitely want one of these women to do it!
04-12-2007, 10:58 AM
sorry didn't hit upload
04-12-2007, 11:11 AM
Some more pics of women I'd love to be ********* by!
04-12-2007, 11:31 AM
sorry but I'm just experimenting here with uploads
04-12-2007, 06:08 PM
Here's a story I posted a couple years back to another site. Deals with ball busting, **********, and other topics discussed on this site. Plus some that ain't.
------------------- CUT -------------------
Helen made me call her “mom”, but she was not my mother. She and her three daughters traveled the US in a big tour bus, performing as the “Dixie Honey Bees”. They sang a mix of folk, country and gospel, mainly at military bases. But they played the occasional fair, rodeo and fraternal lodge. An act featuring four attractive young women went over big at male dominated venues. The only man on stage, way in the back, was my real dad. Dad had worked as the Bee’s accompanist and bus driver, till the law came looking for him one evening. We never saw him again. That was the day before my 12th birthday.
My dad had taught me to play piano. Even at 12 I was pretty good, and the old Fender Rhodes electric piano he left behind had such an easy action that even the undeveloped hands of a 12 year old boy roll out the chords and arpeggios real smooth and easy. Helen preferred having an all girl act. Her youngest daughter, Cathy, was just a couple years older than me. Helen dressed me in one of Cathy’s stage costumes, applied a wig and a little make up, and I looked like one of girls. My stage name was Sally.
I hated dressing up like a girl. Cathy and the other two girls, Alice and Vicky, teased me mercilessly. I tried to put up a struggle when it was time to put on the girlie stage outfit. Whenever I got too unruly, Helen would reach down, grab a handful of my nut sack and give it a hard squeeze. “It’s these that make little boys misbehave,” she would say.
The other girls picked up on this. Whenever I got too rambunctious, or worse got a boner, it was my nuts that got the punishment. The middle daughter, Alice, was the worst. She would kick or swat or squeeze my nuts just for the hell of it. Alice was just plain mean. I could see it in her eyes. When her eyes flashed bright and shiny, I knew she was in a mean streak, and tried to stay away from her.
While I filled my dad’s shoes on stage, albeit in a short skirt and pumps instead of a tux and wing tips, I could not drive the bus. Helen hired some cracker named Zed out of Mobile to drive the bus and lug sound equipment. The four ladies had private cabins in the rear of the bus, but Zed and I shared the fold down sofa bed in what would be the living room area in the forward part of the bus. Zed acted weird towards me from the start. But after he saw me in my stage outfit, he got really weird.
“Mom!” I whispered to Helen in her cabin while we were rolling down the highway one day. “Zed wants to stick his pecker in my butt.”
“So let him.” She answered. “You should be doing more than playing piano to pay your rent around here. What Zed wants from you was part of the deal. That’s why I could hire him so cheap. And still I’m paying you and him both to do the work of one. Until you’re older and stronger and can do the whole job yourself, you’ll have to take on what extra work you can. What Zed wants, plus doing the laundry, is the extra work.”
“But it hurts, bad.” I protested.
“So take it in the mouth,” she said looking up from her magazine.
“NO!” I shouted.
She grabbed my nuts and squeezed so hard I lost my breath.
“We’re going to take care of this right now,” she said, dragging me by my nuts to the front of the bus. “Pull over in the next rest stop, Zed.”
Helen was still squeezing my nuts when Zed parked the bus and landed his fat butt on the sofa. He knew what was up. He opened his fly and his already hard dong flopped out. All three girls had come out to see why we’d stopped. They were standing there in their night gowns watching Helen, Zed and me.
“Oh yeah!” Zed exclaimed, ogling the three nearly naked girls.
Helen finally let go of my nuts. I groaned in relief. She grabbed a fist full of my hair, and sat down next to Zed, ******* me down on my knees between Zed’s legs.
“Give the man what he wants, Sally,” Helen said sarcastically. “And Alice, I want you to stand back there and make sure little Sally behaves.”
“Gladly mother.” Alice replied as she kicked me hard between my legs. Alice didn’t need much encouragement when it came to being mean. It felt like my balls had been pushed up into my belly.
Helen pulled hard on my hair, positioning my mouth over Zed’s dong. When she tried to push my head down, I resisted. Alice laid into me a couple times with her bare foot. I was still trying to catch my breath, and resist Helen, when Cathy and Vicky took their turns. I don’t know how long I could have held up being tag teamed by the “Dixie Honey Bees”, but I gave up after the second round of polished toe nails flashing up between my thighs. I relaxed my neck, and Helen pushed my head down over Zed’s cock, burying it to the bristles. Helen worked my head up and down. At first I gagged at the bottom of each stroke, but I got used to it after a while, and the gagging stopped.
It seemed like Helen was working my head up and down forever. Even though I was no longer putting up any resistance, Alice would kick my nuts hard once in a while, just to let me know she was still there. I knew it was Alice by the electric blue toe nails.
Zed groaned, and something hot exploded in my mouth. I gagged and choked.
“There you go, swallow it all.” Helen said, pushing down hard on my head.
As soon as Helen released me, Alice grabbed hold of my hair and turned my head to look up at her. Her tits looked huge from that angle. Her nipples pressed erect against her thin night gown. I could feel a boner starting in my pants.
“When you’ve wiped that cum off your chin, crawl in to my cabin. I have a chore for you boy.”
I noticed as she walked away that she was wearing no panties. I was definitely getting a boner.
Alice was sitting on the settee in her cabin. She made me kneel at her feet. She pressed my face into her cunt and told me to lick. She had one foot resting ominously on the floor between my thighs.
What I did to Zed was disgusting, but this was nice. The warm scent of her aroused me, and soon I had a thumping boner. Then WHAM! Her foot came up and nailed me right in the nuts. I tried to straighten up, but she pressed my head into her with both hands.
“That’s to make sure you don’t get any ideas about sticking that dick in me when I’m done with you,” she said softly. Then she dug her toe nails into my nut sack. That really hurt.
When she was done with me, she laid me out on the floor of her cabin and stood on my chest in her bare feet. She told me her feet were sore from smacking my balls, and that I had to lick and kiss them. I was doing this when Vicky knocked on the cabin door. It was her turn next. Then Cathy, then Helen.
So it went. My duties were to play the piano dressed as a girl, then serve as sex slave to the “Dixie Honey Bees”, and whoever their bus driver was at the time. The “Zeds” came and went so fast, I lost track. And then there was the laundry. The act was dark Sundays and Mondays. All the stage costumes went to the dry cleaners, but every Sunday afternoon I got left off at the laundromat with sacks of towels, bedding and casual wear to be run through the washer and dryer. The bras and panties I had to wash by hand.
Alice left terrible skid marks in her panties. I think she did it on purpose because she knew it made it hard for me to wash them clean. Always, after I had folded and stowed the clean clothes, Alice would find at least one pair of her panties that she didn’t think were clean enough. She would cram them into my mouth and tell me to chew them clean. Sometimes she didn’t wait for me to wash them. Some nights, as soon as we got back into the bus after performing, she would reach up under her skirt, peel her soiled panties off, and make me chew them clean for her right there. When The Zed saw her peeling off her panties like that, it made him hot. I was in for severe skull fucking every time she did this to me, and she knew it.
Eventually I was old enough to drive the bus, and strong enough to stow the sound equipment in the cargo bays under the bus. So I traded my duties of sucking the cock of Zed of the week for driving the bus and lugging the heavy sound equipment to and from the bus. I still got passed around from cabin to cabin every night, until the women were bored with torturing me. I was constantly being kicked and whipped by the women as they kept my erections under control. But on stage, when the stage lights shown through their thin costumes, and the four of them appeared to be standing in front of me nude, well, I was thankful to have the piano in front of me so the audience couldn’t see the front of my dress lifted like a tent. Another problem was that I was having to shave before every show, and sometimes between sets. I think some in the audiences could tell I wasn’t a girl. Helen said we would fix that.
We stopped for the night in a rest area on I40 near Flagstaff. Helen and the girls were in a really good mood. They had a couple jugs of wine and a bottle of Jack Daniels. I had never had alcohol before, and I was falling down drunk in no time.
“Let’s go have some fun.” Helen whispered in my ear.
“OK.” I said. I tried to get up off the sofa, and fell back down.
The all helped walk be back to Helen’s cabin. Her’s was the largest of the four cabins, but it was pretty tight with all five of us in there.
“Whoa!” I slurred. “All four of you at once?” I was suspicious and scared, but my brain was to whacked to sort through to just what it was I should be scared of.
They laid me out on a small satin covered bench in front of Helen’s dressing table. This really spooked me, and I tried to get to my feet. But I was too drunk to put up much of a coordinated struggle. The four of them had me duct taped to the bench, my ankles fastened to the bench legs, and my pants down before I could muster the energy to move.
Alice said something to her youngest sister, Cathy, about not letting me scream. I started to protest, but Cathy sat on my face.
“If you want to breathe,” Cathy said, placing her woman hole over my mouth and squeezing my nose between her butt cheeks, “you’ll lick me out real good.”
Helen tied a thin wire around the base of my nut sack, and cinched it so tight I thought I’d been cut. This cleared some of the alcohol fog immediately. I became conscious of not having breathed in a while and panicked. Then I remembered what Cathy had said, and started licking her cunt again. She spread her butt cheeks, letting me take a few lungs full of air before clamping down again. As soon as Cathy clamped off my air, Helen hung a heavy weight on the wire. The pain was devastating. It felt like my lungs were being pulled out through my belly.
“We’ll let that stretch a while.” Helen said. “Just like my daddy used to geld his horses that weren’t any good for stud.”
Cathy moaned. My lungs were bursting. I stopped licking, and she remembered to let me breathe.
“Better get your nut pretty quick little girl.” Helen said to Cathy. “There’s three of us waitin’ to ride.”
Cathy finally came, with shudder, a gush of hot juices and a soft low moan.
“I’m going next,” Helen said. “I’ll have work to do while the last of you girls are up there. Vicky, you’re next, and Alice is last. Can you hold your surprise that long honey?”
“Sure can mama.” Alice answered.
Cathy stood. I sucked air like crazy. Helen handed something to Cathy. It looked like one of the 25 pound weights we use to counterbalance the microphone booms on stage. I felt like I was going to throw up.
“Drop this when I say, Cathy.” Helen sat down, squeezing off my air again with her butt cheeks. “Now, Cath. Drop it.”
I thought my nuts, sack and all, had been torn off. I tried to scream, but with Helen sitting there, all I accomplished was to blow some of my precious air into her, making a sound like a loud fart. Helen and the girls all laughed.
“Best settle down and hold on to that air as long as you can,” Helen said. “I can’t let you breathe till I know you’ve settled down and aren’t going to scream. So get to licking your mama like a good boy. It’ll take your mind off the pain.”
I complied. I thought I would pass out before Helen would give me air, but she opened her butt cheeks and let me gulp a few lungs full. By now, I knew my nuts hadn’t been torn off. The pain in my guts was too strong. But it was subsiding, and eventually Helen came with a loud groan.
“You’re up Vicky darlin’.” Helen stood, and I saw her pick up another of the 25 pound weights. “Just let me know when you’re settled in and comfortable.”
Vicky sat down hard. She wiggled around a while getting situated, giving me time to get plenty of air before she dropped her butt cheeks around my nose. My heart stopped as soon as I could tell she was comfortable. Then came the dreaded words, and I knew the next weight was going to tear part of me loose. But it didn’t. It hurt like hell. Not as bad as before. This time I kept my head, and kept right on pleasing Vicky with my tongue. Vicky was a moaner, so sometimes it was hard to tell when she had gotten her cookie. She lifted her legs, resting them on my chest and belly. She was so in to what I was doing with my tongue, she forgot to let me breathe. I was past panic. I was relaxed and ready to black out when, just like that, she stood up.
I barely got a couple gulps of air before Alice sat down.
“Lick!” She said, pounding a fist into my belly. “Drop the last one mama.”
The weight hit bottom. There was a flash of pain that subsided quickly. The pain was no longer localized. It had become a constant throbbing agony in my belly, lower back and thighs. The ordeal had sobered me up. I laid there pleasuring Alice, forgetting that I needed to breathe, and dreading what I knew would follow this last weight.
Alice got her rocks off, not once, but twice, and still she sat there. Helen or one of the girls kept having to remind her to let me breathe. Then she’d open her but cheeks just long enough to let me get a single breath.
“Looks like he’s ready.” Helen announced. “Alice, you douse any screams.”
With this, Alice slid forward a few inches, placing her butt hole right over my mouth.
“Lick.” Alice ordered. Then sat back down with her full weight.
I had been in darkness till now, my eyes and nose covered by girl butt. Now I could see Alice’s bare back, and her long hair splayed out over it. I was enjoying the fact that I was now able to breathe at will, and admiring the beauty of Alice’s skin and hair. Without warning, her butt hole opened and dumped a load in my mouth. I was so shocked that Helen’s blade was half way through the base of my nut sack before I knew it. And Alice’s load just kept coming. I had to swallow to keep from being choked. By the time she was done, Helen had taken my balls. They were gone.
“Lick me clean.” Alice order. She sat on my face, enjoying my tongue caressing her secret place, while holding my balls and scrotum in her cupped hands. “Damned, they’re heavy,” she exclaimed.
“They ought a be,” Vicky giggled. “The poor boy never got his rocks off.”
“He can still get his nut as long as he has that trouser worm.” Helen observed. With that, she pulled up on my cock and took it with one stroke of her knife.
“He sure won’t get his rocks off now.” Cathy chimed in. “Say, next time we’re in Billings, we should have Seth tan that ball sack. It would sure make a nice little coin purse.”
For the next few weeks, the girls let me rest, and didn’t make me lug the equipment. Over time I put on some weight in my thighs. I hardly ever needed to shave. The audience no longer suspected that I might not be a girl. I went on playing the piano, driving the bus, doing the laundry, lugging sound equipment, and pleasuring the “Dixie Honey Bees”. And the girls still brought by the occasional young man for me to service, keeping the new coin purse stuffed with cash.
04-13-2007, 02:08 AM
Heres some more manips.
04-13-2007, 03:43 AM
Love the burdizzo pics! Keep 'em coming!!:thumbup
04-13-2007, 06:05 AM
any viedos????hahah
04-13-2007, 07:45 PM
I finally figured out how to add captions!
04-14-2007, 06:08 AM
Love the burdizzo pics! Keep 'em coming!!:thumbup
Here's a selection of ********** tools from banders to burdizzos.
04-14-2007, 12:24 PM
Did you know, that most of the nerves inside the penis run along the upper side, opposite to the lower, weaker side where the urethra runs?
That fits exactly to my sensation.
I suppose my panic would to be at maximum, if a woman would unhesitantly start cutting into my penis from the lower side and not stop until it comes off.
Any other preferrences anybody? :D
I know, it's an academic question. :wooow
04-14-2007, 07:07 PM
random caption pics
04-15-2007, 12:18 AM
wow those are huge. do you have the original photo?
04-15-2007, 03:49 PM
...and here some more of my favorites
from which site these pics are?
04-16-2007, 01:23 AM
04-17-2007, 02:26 AM
Here is a link to a story that is quite similar to what happened below.
Well I don’t know about those California girl gangs but in Saigon, Vietnam during the war female gang members did ******** servicemen. There were many gangs roaming the streets of Saigon. Members were made up of males and females in age between 16 and 25 years old. They mainly wanted to mug and rob their GI victims but castrations were often performed also. The male members nicknamed “cowboys”, by the soldiers in Vietnam at the time, would get an attractive female member to pose as a prostitute and lure some unsuspecting GI down a dark alleyway or behind a building for a blowjob. At a predetermined spot, she would stop, pull down his pants to his ankles and grab his dick. Upon saying a certain phrase such as, “you have big dick GI” or “me suck you long time”, several gang members would come out of hiding. They would beat the GI with sticks, bats, and pipes and knock him down. While the men held him down, the female gang members would go thorugh his pockets and take his money. Also taking his watch and jewelry if he was dumb enough to wear any. Wedding rings were prize objects and they were known to cut off the guy’s fingers to get them. Before leaving, the “prostitute” would go down between his legs as the men still held him, and cut off his cock & balls with a knife or straight razor. Sometimes they would take his “sex package” with them as they ran away laughing and other times they would tie him up and stuff his severed manhood in his mouth. This was not only common knowledge at the time, but a well known weekly magazine named LOOK had a whole article in one of their early 1970s issues (minus the sadistic details) but mentioning the castrations. :D
04-17-2007, 02:40 PM
Why dont you guys take a shot of DepoProvera to calm down your sickness.
04-17-2007, 05:06 PM
Why dont you guys take a shot of DepoProvera to calm down your sickness.
News flash: You're on a fetish site.
04-17-2007, 07:59 PM
Ouch! I'll never understand trading years of potential fun for a one shot experience like this, but it sure is "interesting"!
A shot of testosterone would still bring arousal and erection, so its not game over.
The people doing it or enjoy watching it belong to a mental institution with high surveillence and security standards.
04-17-2007, 08:12 PM
Kop, the net is still wide open, i bet you have not scratched the surface, i would sugges that you move along!!!! take a tums for your stomac, and get plenty of rest, and most of all, when you want to fuck with some one, go to the cop shop and give them the finger! your pal Sailor!
04-18-2007, 12:24 AM
A shot of testosterone would still bring arousal and erection, so its not game over.
The people doing it or enjoy watching it belong to a mental institution with high surveillence and security standards.
Your on a fetish site Numbnuts, if you can't handle it then go away.:cussing:
04-18-2007, 05:51 AM
Hey finally.. Amazing pix. More!
04-18-2007, 07:50 AM
any one been playing with banding? how long before damage? how painfull was it? can you cut the bands off easy?
04-18-2007, 11:43 AM
Well..., if that is so:
04-18-2007, 11:54 AM
Nice pics. :) And yes, thanks!
... "a guy pissing through his cut off cock, etc." :confused:
I never did a pic of that, that's sick! :D
Must be: It's not my fetish. :bananajum:ibow4u::bananajum
04-18-2007, 03:30 PM
04-19-2007, 05:04 AM
that's a kebab...
04-19-2007, 10:17 AM
Is it a PC game?manga?hentai-movie?
04-19-2007, 07:56 PM
If a picture says a thousand words. Then a picture with words says a million!
04-19-2007, 08:05 PM
more of the same
04-19-2007, 08:14 PM
and more of
04-20-2007, 04:56 AM
more quality manips..
04-20-2007, 06:48 AM
There is just something threatening about these pictures .... ;) g
Castratrix's pet
04-20-2007, 04:01 PM
I have here a whole series of pictures. I hope you enjoy them.
Castratrix's pet
04-20-2007, 04:03 PM
A woman veterinarian preparing to ******** a man.
Castratrix's pet
04-20-2007, 04:04 PM
She is removing his right testicle.
Castratrix's pet
04-20-2007, 04:06 PM
Surgical ********** performed by a woman!
Castratrix's pet
04-20-2007, 04:08 PM
Right ball's gone! Cut out by a woman!
Castratrix's pet
04-20-2007, 04:10 PM
And his left and last ball!
Castratrix's pet
04-20-2007, 04:11 PM
Surgically ********* at the hands of a woman surgeon!
Castratrix's pet
04-20-2007, 04:13 PM
An all woman surgical team preparing to ******** a man.
Castratrix's pet
04-20-2007, 04:15 PM
Surgical ********** at the hands of an all woman surgical team.
Castratrix's pet
04-20-2007, 04:16 PM
The beautiful woman surgeon has just cut out her male victim's right testicle!
Castratrix's pet
04-20-2007, 04:19 PM
She has cut out his left and last testicle, the male victim, now eunuch, has been surgically ********* at the hands of this beautiful woman surgeon!
Castratrix's pet
04-20-2007, 04:21 PM
She holds up his last ball just after she cut it off. I would love to be on theis woman surgeon's operating table and to look up into her eyes as she castrates me!
Castratrix's pet
04-20-2007, 04:23 PM
I would love to be this woman surgeon's personal eunuch slave/pet ********* at her hands!
Castratrix's pet
04-20-2007, 04:37 PM
A woman surgeon with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows performing a ********** and prostate removal surgery.
Castratrix's pet
04-20-2007, 04:41 PM
There is something to me about surgical ********** performed by a beautiful woman wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows! I would love to be the personal eunuch slave/pet of such a woman surgeon. Yes I know the difference between fantasy and reality. This is my fantasy. I know it's not reality, but I can still enjoy the fantasy.
04-20-2007, 05:53 PM
girlfriend loves my look
04-21-2007, 05:08 AM
some girls really seem to be into it ....
04-21-2007, 09:28 PM
nice pictures.
04-22-2007, 10:42 AM
Castratrix's pet
04-22-2007, 11:37 AM
I'm very much a visual and graphics kind of guy. Pics and videos do more for me than written descriptions.
Does anyone else have any pics or any videos of women and girls performing castrations, and could you please post them here?
When I see pics and videos like this I imagine that I am the man or the male that these women and girls are **********. I fantasize that I'm being ********* by her as I look at these pics and videos.
If anyone has any pics or videos they can add here please do so.
04-24-2007, 05:11 PM
I like this one!
I'm very much a visual and graphics kind of guy. Pics and videos do more for me than written descriptions.
Does anyone else have any pics or any videos of women and girls performing castrations, and could you please post them here?
When I see pics and videos like this I imagine that I am the man or the male that these women and girls are **********. I fantasize that I'm being ********* by her as I look at these pics and videos.
If anyone has any pics or videos they can add here please do so.
04-24-2007, 05:43 PM
A woman surgeon with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows performing a ********** and prostate removal surgery.
Hey! congrats dude, you finally found it!!
Was just a matter of time...
04-25-2007, 06:59 AM
are there any clips or pics of womwn crushs balls with her feet???
(not stomping!! crushing!!!)
Castratrix's pet
04-25-2007, 06:29 PM
To the guys who are into fedmom ********** fantasies. Imagine waking up in an operating room strapped down to an operating table. You have a huge erection and you feel someone gently handling your testicles. You look up to see this woman standing over you!
Castratrix's pet
04-25-2007, 06:32 PM
Perhaps as you feel someone gently handling your testicles, you also feel a sharp pain in your balls, and this is what you see when you look up.
Castratrix's pet
04-25-2007, 06:35 PM
Or maybe your balls don't feel quite right, like they're not all there, and suddenl;y you see one of them cut off and in a small dish, and as you feel someone gently handling your remaining ball, and some sharp pain and you look up to see this woman holding your remaining ball in her hands!
Castratrix's pet
04-25-2007, 06:37 PM
Would you like to find yourself on an operating table surrounded by an all woman surgical team? Is this what you want the woman surgeon to be doing to you?
Castratrix's pet
04-25-2007, 06:38 PM
Would you like to wake up on an operating table and find this woman ********** you, your manhood being destroyed at her hands?
Castratrix's pet
04-25-2007, 06:40 PM
What would you think, feel, and do if that really happened for real?
Castratrix's pet
04-25-2007, 06:41 PM
looking deep into her eyes as she performs ********** surgery on you, as she cuts your nuts out, and your manhood is destroyed at her hands!
Castratrix's pet
04-25-2007, 06:43 PM
Or perhaps she wouldn't be wearing a surgical mask. You are being *********, your balls are being cut out and you know it is being done by a woman!
Castratrix's pet
04-25-2007, 06:54 PM
Would you like to find this girl standing over you holding your balls in one hand and a scalpel in her other hand?
Castratrix's pet
04-25-2007, 06:55 PM
Just what is it about surgical ********** performed by a woman?
Castratrix's pet
04-25-2007, 06:57 PM
Do you worship the castratrix? Do you worship women surgeons?
Castratrix's pet
04-25-2007, 06:58 PM
I have tried to figure out just what it is about surgical ********** performed by a woman.
Castratrix's pet
04-25-2007, 06:59 PM
Why the woman surgeon
Castratrix's pet
04-25-2007, 07:00 PM
Why any woman who does or has done a ********** or castrations seems like Goddess to me.
Castratrix's pet
04-25-2007, 07:00 PM
I have no explanation, I just know what I feel.
04-25-2007, 08:46 PM
"I have no explanation, I just know what I feel."
Very well put.
Castratrix's pet
04-26-2007, 03:11 PM
The following pics are my image of the castratrix. A beautiful woman wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows as she castrates me.
Castratrix's pet
04-26-2007, 03:12 PM
Guys imagine this girl slowly, painfully, sadisticly cutting your balls out!
Castratrix's pet
04-26-2007, 03:14 PM
Imagine your agony at her hands as she castrates you and your manhood is destroyed at her hands!
Castratrix's pet
04-26-2007, 03:16 PM
Imagine having your last erection and cuming for the last time ever as this girl slowly painfully sadisticly cuts your nuts out with the dominance and omnipotence of The Goddess!
Castratrix's pet
04-26-2007, 03:18 PM
Imagine laying helpless on an operating table looking up at this beautiful sexy woman as she destroys your manhood, and your balls are gone!
Castratrix's pet
04-26-2007, 03:19 PM
What would surgical ********** at this woman's hands really be like!?
Castratrix's pet
04-26-2007, 03:22 PM
Imagine feeling intense pain and agony at this girl's hands, total helplessness, total hopelessness, intense sexual arousal, total agony and anguish at her hands as she surgically castrates you and your balls are gone your manhood destroyed at her hands! Is she Goddess? Would you be worshipping her as Goddess as she cuts your nuts out!?
Castratrix's pet
04-26-2007, 03:32 PM
Surrounded by an all woman surgical team and an all woman audiance, I would love to find myself dressed in a long sleeve shirt with my arms covered completely to my hands in long sleeves, but naked from my waist down. Strapped down completely helpless to an operating table, my legs spread apart, my genitals exposed, the surgical instruments ready. To lay there helpless looking up at this woman as she rolls up her sleeves and knowing that she is going to ******** me, that she is going to cut my nuts out and my manhood is about to be destroyed at her hands! Then to feel it and to watch her as she very slowly, sadisticly, and omnipotently performs the ********** surgery on me!
Castratrix's pet
04-26-2007, 03:35 PM
Then after what to me seems like eternities of agony and anguish at her hands, for this to be the last thing I see, feel, and experience as a man! Then *********, my nuts cut out, my manhood destroyed at her hands, to spend the rest of eternity personally serving her and worshipping her as Goddess!
Castratrix's pet
04-26-2007, 03:38 PM
I know it is only fantasy, but that is my femdom ********** fantasy. I wonder if there are women who have fantasies about doing that to a man?
04-26-2007, 04:47 PM
in case you havent noticed in the 50000 times youve asked here and on the eunuch archive:No. :cussing: :cussing: :cussing: :cussing: :cussing: :cussing: :cussing: :cussing: :cussing:
04-26-2007, 10:10 PM
in case you havent noticed in the 50000 times youve asked here and on the eunuch archive:No. :cussing: :cussing: :cussing: :cussing: :cussing: :cussing: :cussing: :cussing: :cussing:
:confused: I thought it was 50000 different guys with the same fantasy, hmmmmm:(
04-26-2007, 11:50 PM
A guy wants to add some real fresh meat to their meal !!!,,2064917,00.html
Lee Glendinning
Wednesday April 25, 2007
The Guardian
A man who cut off his penis in front of diners at a pizza restaurant in the Strand, London, has had it reattached in the first operation of its kind in the country. It is too early to tell whether the operation will be a success, however, according to surgeons who carried out the procedure at St Thomas's hospital, south London.
The 35-year-old Polish man had grabbed a knife from the kitchen of the Zizzi's restaurant before climbing on to a table, dropping his pants and cutting off his penis in front of other diners, many of whom had gathered at the restaurant after the London marathon.
When police arrived at 9pm on Sunday evening, they sprayed him with CS gas before recovering his penis from the restaurant floor. The man, who is yet to be identified, will be assessed by psychiatrists and is expected to be detained under the Mental Health Act for his own safety.
A urologist explained that the penis may have to be removed again if the operation fails. Francis Chinegwundoh, consultant urologist at St Bartholomew's Hospital, London, said even if the procedure proved successful, the man would lose sensation in his penis and would not be able to have an erection without the aid of a special pump.
"If it doesn't take, then you would have to reamputate it. Attaching the penis is a very long, complex and painstaking operation," he said.
04-27-2007, 01:08 AM
it's just not the same when her sleeves are pushed up instead of rolled up.
Guys imagine this girl slowly, painfully, sadisticly cutting your balls out!
04-29-2007, 01:59 AM
I know it is only fantasy, but that is my femdom ********** fantasy. I wonder if there are women who have fantasies about doing that to a man?
Let me put it differently: :)
You wish, that there would be women who... and you know there aren't but you wonder why.
Isn't it so? :)
04-30-2007, 09:50 AM
Just to make some of you guys jealous: My wife has been busting my balls almost every Sunday for years now. She has promised me that once we have a kid (assuming i still can lol) she will get much harsher and probably will destroy them both. She's squished them with wrenches, clamps, pliers, etc, has stuck needles in them, and loves to squeeze hard.
So yes they do exist. :iluvu:
04-30-2007, 12:59 PM
i can't see any of the pictures,
i have this message:
asdqqq, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
04-30-2007, 06:34 PM
i can't see any of the pictures,
i have this message:
asdqqq, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
You have to post first. God.
04-30-2007, 11:30 PM
You have to post first. God.
I knew it Snoodle is God!:ibow4u:
05-01-2007, 12:12 PM
So yes they do exist.
Exeptions. :)
And who knows why/how/etc...
05-01-2007, 12:55 PM
Hehe yeah there are always exceptions. Man i'm throbbing in pain right now from the workover she gave me last night. I wish i could share the vid with you guys, but we only have the ability to record it on VHS and I have no way to transfer that to a comp.
Now as to why/how, maybe i should give some tips? like a public service for sub guys wanting their balls busted? Cause she was not like that initially.
1. Be bad in bed. It helps to have a smaller than average penis. Even better, before she sees it, lie about the size so when she does she's very let down. Absolutely don't give her orgasms with your penis. (i never could anywayz lol)
2. Reward her ballbusting. Show her how easy it is to control you that way, that she can get her way by giving you a hard squeeze, etc.
3. This one isnt an idea i like suggesting, but if youre a jerk like i used to be, cheating on your woman may help push her towards some busting. You cant cheat if you dont have balls, or if you're to scared too take the punishment you would receive.
Follow these tips, and maybe just maybe with a bit of luck you'll be achin as much as I am. Good luck guys!:D
05-02-2007, 12:31 PM
Hehe well my wife got mad at me for #3, so i will point out I was kidding. I dont endorse cheating on anyone. To make up for it, heres another #3: Good communication. Be honest and open about your fantasy, and if she truly loves you, she will probably at least be willing to play with you in some way in that regard. Beyond that its just a matter of whether she enjoys it as much as you do.
Good luck!
05-02-2007, 08:01 PM
Exeptions. :)
And who knows why/how/etc...
The first photo you posted, where did you get it, I've been trying to find the person that does those photoes and get more of them.
05-02-2007, 08:31 PM
What is about the first one?
I manipulate all these pictures myself.
So, there is no way to get more of them, but to stay here.:)
05-02-2007, 10:16 PM
05-03-2007, 10:34 AM
I really can't figure out why a guy would like to be in such a vulnerable, helpless situation, but it seems to really excite some guys.
Maybe some of you could tell me why you like this? --
- - - Sara
As far I can immagine, it's a very intense (emotionally) situation. Everithing could happen, everybody can wish or expect a certain fantasy. What is sure is that in such a situation the sex drive is as strong as the adrenaline quantity in the blod. And what is fantastic is that is an emotional surfing on the Fendom wave. I've always dream about this kind of situation. Thanks. :iluvu: :iluvu: :iluvu:
05-04-2007, 04:17 PM
Any more tips on finding that special someone? Maybe a personals website???
05-05-2007, 06:27 AM
Any more tips on finding that special someone?
No way.
Girls are not interested, didn't you notice?
We can make a test, right here:
I have build me a little device once, it's a simple, but effective penis-guillotine. You have to pull a string to let it go off.
And then I have such a webcam that you can pan and rotate from any location on the internet.
Now, if I would fix that string to the webcam accurately enough then it's easily possible for somebody chatting with me to set off that guillotine and watch it happen. Anonymously, quick and simple.
So: Any girls interested?
It's just a matter of hitting a key on your keyboard.
05-06-2007, 04:46 AM
"Girls are...", I know, sentencs shouldn't start like this, but what if it IS so?
Generally speaking I have the strong impression that most girls/women would not have much scruples doing something very harsh to you BUT...
they don't have a reason to do so and they need a reason.
They have no motiv to emasculate you or anybody.
Maybe they "play" for you if they think they owe it in some way.
Or, the simplest way, they do it because you pay for it.
Genrally girls/women don't do what they want to. It's just a different strategy. It's a social strategy, because it has to do with deals and trades. Never reveal what you really want. Get it along the way. Always keep in mind that if you got something that you wanted, then mostly you owe to somebody. But if you did something you didn't want, then somebody owes to you.
What girls/women want is people doing things for them, owing them.
And that covers sex too.
And finally, girls/women very very often are much more earnest then guys.
They think a lot. And the don't have to much interests in games/playing just for the sake of playing.
So, transfer that to your **********-fatasys.
The simple and clear situation. That is something girl/women have no real interest in. The fact that you are passive. And of course, that you don't make them an orgasm if they ******** you...
05-06-2007, 05:30 AM
That's some reasons why an offer like mine above will never get answers, well not serious answers.
You can of course make it work, all you have to do is to offer money for it.:bananajum
I would, but that would spoil the anonymity. ;)
05-07-2007, 04:50 AM
its like this...if you ask a girl to ******** you, the answer is no. unless they think your kidding, which as you talk more, they will realize you arent, and the answer is no. However...if you meet a girl, get to know her, fall in love, and if she loves you back...she will play this game with you because it makes you happy. and for most of us, this is a fantasy. if it wasnt really a fantasy, if we really wanted it done, cmon guys, we would have had it done a very long time ago.
05-07-2007, 11:04 AM
Yes. Of course ist's a fantasy and the fun is playing it.
But who wants to play with somebody who can't really identify with the game?
For me, that spoils the fun. I don't need a girl/woman to DO it. But I need her wanting to. Otherwise i feel like... well, I just don't want to.
05-08-2007, 12:59 PM
in my view that spoils the fun of sex altogether.
Girls just don't have fun playing.
The want orgasms, and that's it. :soomad
05-08-2007, 08:16 PM
ive known several girls that had fun got them hot seeing how hot they could make me. and alot of times id have to make them cum so theyd let me cum. girls like to play just as much as us, you jsut have to find a girl that clicks with you and particpates in your fetishes.
05-08-2007, 11:53 PM
o?is that ture,spridermale?
05-08-2007, 11:59 PM
o?is that ture,spridermale?
05-09-2007, 06:39 AM
Sorry. There are no girls with the fetish of wanting to cut through an erect penis in any variation.
This is a male fantasy.
And girls/women play along as long as there is something in there for them.
This is only a fantasy...:
05-09-2007, 09:16 AM
Finally, what makes ya think you know whats on the minds of all the women on the planet? It may be rare but there ARE women with this fetish, my wife is one of them. But I'll admit the chances of running across one on the internet are probably worse than the lottery.
Heres a clip of my wife and Me: Warning this looks VERY violent, BUT the trick is, not real! Its cherry tomatoes wrapped in a beige cloth, my actual balls are underneath the board. Looks convincing though doesnt it? :D
05-09-2007, 06:21 PM
Finally, what makes ya think you know whats on the minds of all the women on the planet? It may be rare but there ARE women with this fetish, my wife is one of them. But I'll admit the chances of running across one on the internet are probably worse than the lottery.
Heres a clip of my wife and Me: Warning this looks VERY violent, BUT the trick is, not real! Its cherry tomatoes wrapped in a beige cloth, my actual balls are underneath the board. Looks convincing though doesnt it? :D
i want do it really!!!
05-09-2007, 11:00 PM
Any more tips on finding that special someone? Maybe a personals website???
Hi there,i am a new member,know what you mean about finding women to
participate in kinky sex games,its difficult! Personally i have found married
women to be more willing, try to find one without a jealous husband, or else HE might put your balls in a vice! Start with some light B&D games (get her
horny for you when your not together) you need to make a woman horny in
her MIND! As to where to meet, try a swingers club, or try ALT.COM this is a
B&D / S&M meeting site! Dont know about your country, but in mine there are a lot of kinky women on that site! Above all be careful, there are lots of
sadistic women who love to inflict pain on all of the male body, genitals
included! Personally i not into pain, but ********** fantasy games are so much fun! And yes, you will find a few women who have these fantasies, they will tend to be only girl in family with 1 or more older brothers (penis envy Freud would say!) Good luck, stay safe in your search! :thumbup
05-10-2007, 12:02 AM
Hi there,i am a new member,know what you mean about finding women to
participate in kinky sex games,its difficult! Personally i have found married
women to be more willing, try to find one without a jealous husband, or else HE might put your balls in a vice! Start with some light B&D games (get her
horny for you when your not together) you need to make a woman horny in
her MIND! As to where to meet, try a swingers club, or try ALT.COM this is a
B&D / S&M meeting site! Dont know about your country, but in mine there are a lot of kinky women on that site! Above all be careful, there are lots of
sadistic women who love to inflict pain on all of the male body, genitals
included! Personally i not into pain, but ********** fantasy games are so much fun! And yes, you will find a few women who have these fantasies, they will tend to be only girl in family with 1 or more older brothers (penis envy Freud would say!) Good luck, stay safe in your search! :thumbup
hi,i am a new member,how could i permissioned to access this page
Castratrix's pet
05-10-2007, 03:09 PM
Yes there are some girls and women who actually have fantasies in which she herself cuts a man's balls out. There fewer girls and women who have fantasies about ********** a man than there are of men with fantasies of being ********* by a girl or a woman. But there are some girls and women out there who have fantasies where she herself castrates a man.
Yes there are also some women who have fantasies about being served by a eunuch slave that she herself has *********.
And yes, I think there are some women who would actually like to ******** a man and would actually enjoy doing it if she could.
Why don't we hear more about them? I think women are more private about their fantasies and less likely to talk about them or express them than men are, especially in places like public forums or on the internet like this. It's not that tey don't have such fantasies, it's just that women I think are more private about their fantasies and more likely to keep their fantasies to themselves than men are. When they do express their fantasies, I think they are more willing and likely to share them with other women than they are to do so with men.
Also, it is one thing for a man to admit he has fantasies about being ********* by a woman or by women. It is something else for a woman to admit she has fantasies where she herself cuts a man's nuts out and that she would actually like to do it.
I also think there are some women who have and do ******** male livestock animals, for example girls on farms or ranches and perhaps some women veterinarians, who get a certain enjoyment or feeling out of doing it, who have certain feelings and such because she is a girl and she is doing this to males. I think when this is being done some of these women may joke around some about it. The joking they do and their openness about it is probably different when men are around than it is when the ********** is being done entirely by women in an all woman group where girls and women are the only ones there.
So yes, I think there are girls and women out there like this. Not a lot of them, but there are some. And while there's not a lot of them, it would probably surprise you if you knew how many there are. I think the reason we don't hear more from or about them is that I think women are more private and less likely to share or express their fantasies and feelings like this than men are, more likely to keep it to themselves than men are. Also, understandably, most people are reluctant to admit they have fantasies about doing things like cutting a man's nuts out. But I do think there are some girls and women out there like this.
05-11-2007, 05:42 AM
I am new to this forum.
By way of introduction, let me say that I'm a fifty some white submissive male who has had a ********** obsession for most of my life. Though not physically *********, I am psychologically ********* in as many ways as possible.
From outward appearances I seem successful, but we all know better.
05-11-2007, 12:17 PM
Two Bad Nurses
torrent is up on a decent scene, has a scissors part
05-11-2007, 12:54 PM
And yes, you will find a few women who have these fantasies, they will tend to be only girl in family with 1 or more older brothers
Interesting thought. And thanks for your encouragement. ;)
Your probably right with your suggestion: "i have found married
women to be more willing". It's my experience also.
you need to make... try to find... get her horny for you... etc.
So, what stays from what SHE wants if I! have to get her to want it?
I mean, I do we talk about a girl/woman who has a fetish, a fetish like ...captivating a male and emasculating him, maybe while she is feeling the regarding part just then inside her pussy?
You know..., male have strange fantsies too, and so there are always some who act them out.
No woman ever acts out, what we dream of.
Or IF, then it's because of her boyfriend/husband.
Gilrs/women don't HAVE such a fetish.
And that ist very sad.
Castratrix's pet
05-11-2007, 01:15 PM
No woman ever acts out, what we dream of.
Or IF, then it's because of her boyfriend/husband.
Gilrs/women don't HAVE such a fetish.
And that ist very sad.
I think there are some girls and women who do have fantasies and fetishes about ********** a man. But I think women are more private about their fantasies and fetishes, and don't talk about them like men do.
I think there are some girls and women who have femdom ********** fantasies, who have acted them out because she wants to. I think some of these girls and women have made her boyfriend/husband let her act it out on him because she want to. But no man is going to say to someone, "My girlfriend/wife likes to act out that she is ********** me, she wants to do it."
And like I said, I think women are more private and don't talk about their fantasies like men do.
Just as there are men who have fantasies where he is ********* by a woman or by women, I think there are some girls and women who have fantasies where she herself castrates a man, and I think some of these women act out their fantasies with a man not because the man wants it, but because the woman, she wants it.
But like I said, I think women are more private about their feelings, fantasies, and fetishes than men are, and that women are less likely to talk about their fantasies and fetishes than men do.
I also think there are a very few rare cases where a woman has actually ********* a man for real, and she did it because she really wanted to do it. Of course because they don't want to get in trouble with the law, you will never hear about it. But I think there are a very few rare cases where it has happened for real.
05-13-2007, 11:56 AM
I think there are some girls and women who do have [...]
Yes, for sure there are some. Or maybe one... :soomad
I think you know what I mean. You can estimate that many men have active **** fantasies because some stupid really do it and it comes out.
So you can estimate that no woman has active ********** fantasies, because you never hear about some stupid who did it "wrong".
The thing is, that I don't believe. No one of "us" seems to, mostly because we just don't want. We want to believe that women/girls share that fascination.
And, if you mess with girls, on the one hand you will keep that "impression" that they must understand, at least some of them are of the kind, you look in her eyes and you know!
But on the other hand, the mor you mess with them, it becomes more and more sure, that they will never tell, they will never share, they act just as if they didn't have the drive. :(
What drives them are completely different things.
women are more private about their feelings, fantasies, and fetishes than men are is a nice way of putting it. :(
05-14-2007, 10:44 AM
Wow... what a great amount of information :)
I love this thread.. and the forum of course...
Anyway I also have a great ********** fantasy.. it will always stay a fantasy, but it make me go crasy if my wife teases me w/ bound up balls etc.
05-14-2007, 09:43 PM
:bananawin :bananawin (
05-14-2007, 09:50 PM
Great stuff...Thanks everyone!
05-15-2007, 07:50 AM
What did you guys think of this vid we made? Was it somewhat convincing? If you guys liked it we may make some more of fake-ball destroying. Any suggestions for what you would like to see?
05-15-2007, 03:08 PM
What did you guys think of this vid we made? Was it somewhat convincing? If you guys liked it we may make some more of fake-ball destroying. Any suggestions for what you would like to see?
:thumbup :thumbup :thumbup :thumbup :thumbup :thumbup :thumbup :thumbup
Great :) I'd like to hear her talk in the next one maybe saying why she's doing it and what she's going to do :D Perhaps you could have bigger balls next time :jumpsmile :jumpsmile
05-15-2007, 04:54 PM
:thumbup :thumbup :thumbup :thumbup :thumbup :thumbup :thumbup :thumbup
Great :) I'd like to hear her talk in the next one maybe saying why she's doing it and what she's going to do :D Perhaps you could have bigger balls next time :jumpsmile :jumpsmile
Perhaps she could tie you down, fool you and really do it, laughing wildly....:weryfun
05-15-2007, 08:40 PM
[quote=silvia_lati;28486]i want do it really!!![/quo
How about some of this?
05-16-2007, 05:58 AM
[quote=silvia_lati;28486]i want do it really!!![/quo
How about some of this?
Been there, done that. :) this should kill 2 birds with one stone, it has her talking/mocking, and needles. And this one isnt fake. :D
As to fooling me, I wouldnt put it past her, once I've gotten her preggo.
Castratrix's pet
05-16-2007, 08:56 AM
If you guys liked it we may make some more of fake-ball destroying. Any suggestions for what you would like to see?
Great video, especially hearing your wife taunting you as she does it.
You asked for suggestions. How about a fake ********** video?
Instead of you talking or saying anything we just occasionally hear you softly whimper and moan. By the way I would like to see you wearinga longsleeve shirt with your sleeves down and your arms covered in long sleeves.
You wife is also wearing a long sleeve shirt. She rolls up her sleeves rolling them up above her elbows. As she rolls up her sleeves she tells her all woman audiance that she is going to ******** you and she is going to demonstrate how the operation is performed. She does her describing of everything as if her audiance is made up entirely of women who are learning to ********.
If you can do a long enough video for this, as she lays out her instruments and preps you she might describe to her audiance each of the methods of **********, burdizzo, banding, and surgical, the good and bad points of each. Of course her favorite method is surgical.
Using a fake scrotum and fake testicles with fake spermatic cords, she then appears to cut your nuts out describing to her audiance each step in the operation as she performs it, and she holds up your "severed testicles" when she is done. If everyone involved is ok with this, if your wife has any sisters maybe one of her sisters of one of her girlfriends could be assisting her with the surgery.
I've been trying to find a video like this for a long long time.
05-16-2007, 10:12 AM
Hehe i dont think we quite have the budget for that kind of film. i will try to get one where she talks more sometime. I do have some but would have to work out somewhere to store them online, and i dont have much time for it. but we will try to make another one soon.
She would never agree to have her face on film, nor would she involve anyone else though.
PS what is the deal with the sleeves lol doesnt really do anything for me... :jumpsmile
05-16-2007, 01:52 PM
This thing could really sting a guy !!!!!!!!!
05-16-2007, 04:28 PM
i will try to get one where she talks more Can't wait. I like the idea of a woman that *enjoys* ********** guys :)
Castratrix's pet
05-16-2007, 08:29 PM
Hehe i dont think we quite have the budget for that kind of film. i will try to get one where she talks more sometime. I do have some but would have to work out somewhere to store them online, and i dont have much time for it. but we will try to make another one soon.
What I first described was a rather involved video. But a video where while she is doing whatever to your balls, she is threatening to ******** you and is describing how she would ******** you, but she is not talking to you, she is describing it to a group of women who are watching her as she does a ********** demonstration.
A scene I thought would be different. A woman develops a chemical to use as a handjob lube. She uses it to give the man a handjob and it works with a woman's chemistry and a man's chemistry so that when a woman gives him a handjob it painfully turns his balls to a soft gue, and when he cums his balls are expelled with his last cum and she castrates him by ******* him to cum.
Wearing a long sleeve shirt she rolls her sleeves up above her elbows and she says that she is going to ******** him, that she is going to destroy his manhood and turn him into a eunuch. She uses the "chemical" to give him a handjob and she describes what she is doing and how the chemical works, and when he cums she says that it's his last cum and his liquified balls are coming out with it, and then she says that his manhood is destroyed and he's now a eunuch. Again she isn't talking to you, she describes it to a groups of women as she does a ********** demonstration for them.
I don't need to see her face at all. I just want to see enough to know that she is a woman, that she has her long sleeves rolled up above her elbows, and that she's doing bad things to a man's balls and cock. And I would like to hear a woman talking about ********** and about ********** a man.
You asked about the sleeves thing. I've always had this sleeve fetish. I like wearing long sleeve shirts with my arms completely covered in long sleeves. But I love to see a woman wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows. I like to watch a woman rolling her long sleeves up above her elbows, then see her with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows.
Well, you asked for suggestions of what we would like to see, so that's what I've given you.
john b
05-17-2007, 04:57 PM
could somone explain the needles in the balls and penis thing? cant you really damage your gear like that? i see pics all the time.
05-18-2007, 06:14 AM
could somone explain the needles in the balls and penis thing? cant you really damage your gear like that? i see pics all the time.
Well if the needles just go thru the outer skin, its not very dangerous at all as long as they're sterile.
Now putting thru the ball itself, theres certainly a risk involved (one my wife is willing to take hehe), you can reduce the risk by using sterile, non-sewing needles, taking care to avoid any veins, and making sure both the ball and the needle do not move or get wiggled around.
This is NOT an endorsement it certainly is still dangerous. Its a personal choice i've made to accept the danger. If you want more info I'd say look at
05-18-2007, 12:38 PM
They have fun long time with cock!!
05-18-2007, 01:06 PM
booko it's very nice
i sended a p.m you please look at =)
05-19-2007, 05:39 AM
Hello all!
I'm new to the forum and would just like to say how refreshing I find the openness and frankness of the discussion here. I have long harboured fantasies of this sort, and it's great that there is a place where we can chat about these things with like-minded people.
I would like to add that I am not insane or psychologically "damaged". For me it is the threat, the idea of being so totally at a woman's mercy that one has to do anything she says which is the turn-on. I don't really want to lose my cock and/or balls. However, the danger of that, the feel of cold steel stabbing, slicing, jerking you off... the total devotion to the girl who could ask you to do anything at that point knowing full well that you had no choice but to comply; that is a fantasy so hot that it is almost untrue!
It's difficult to say when or why these thoughts began. Nevertheless, when I was very young (about five years old) one of my favourite films was "The Scarlet Buccaneer". There is a wonderful scene in which the leading lady holds a knife to the balls of a major who is being particularly troublesome. "I shall cut them off if you persist", she tells him. I always felt a shiver of pleasure mixed with fear when I saw and heard that. Later, when I was about sixteen, that same feeling hit me when I heard about the "Bobbitt" case. I was shocked and disgusted on the one hand, but hugely aroused on the other. At that time I was in my first serious sexual relationship. I recall that my girlfriend kept a knife-shaped letter-opener on her bedside cabinet. I always wanted to ask her to threaten me with it and force me to do whatever she desired. But I never had the courage to utter that request, just as I never plucked up the strength to beg her to squeeze my balls tightly as we made love... .
To this day, I have only told two female friends of my feelings in this sphere. I have only ever practised light CBT (not even the use of replica blades yet!) with one woman. I would thus be interested not only in discussions, but also in hearing from (sane) females with an interest in this kind of fantasy. What is the attraction for you? If you happen to reside in the UK or Germany, I would value your comments even more!
Thanks for reading, and best wishes.
05-19-2007, 04:58 PM
Been there, done that. :) this should kill 2 birds with one stone, it has her talking/mocking, and needles. And this one isnt fake. :D
As to fooling me, I wouldnt put it past her, once I've gotten her preggo.
Wow linklierok, really awesome. Er, not to be too greedy, but do you have some footage of your wife as she skewers your ball that you would share?
05-20-2007, 07:26 PM
:bananawin :bananawin (
Yes that's a good way to ********. The heat of the knife coterizes the wound in case the inner band slips off, although it shouldn't since it's been super glued. Another variation of this technique, is to use a large very sharp bread knife and heat it until it's red hot. Then sever the sack and hold the red hot blade against the severed scrotum being careful not to melt the band. Just enough pressure to hold the hot blade against the empty sack.:)
05-20-2007, 09:47 PM
i can't see any of the pictures,
i have this message:
asdqqq, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
(newbie mode on)
A poster here said that in order to be able to see pictures I must post something first. So I did. Hopefully it works. The thumbnails are great, would love to see the large version.
(newbie mode off) :)
05-21-2007, 07:47 AM
Wow linklierok, really awesome. Er, not to be too greedy, but do you have some footage of your wife as she skewers your ball that you would share?
Hehe you greedy bastards never happy. :D I have never used rapidshare very much so hope this work. The quality is not very good.
Hope you guys and ladies enjoy.
Castratrix's pet
05-21-2007, 08:21 AM
That's great watching a woman hurting a man's balls like that. Thanks Linklierok.
Since this thread is about ********** I would still love to see something on the ********** theme. Perhaps your wife threatening to ******** you and her talking about ********** as she hurts and abuses your balls, or perhaps your wife performing a mock ********** on you and hearing her talk about ********** and about eunuchs and you as a eunuch while she is doing it.
Would also like to see her wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows when she is doing it to you. Just seeing enough to know that it's a woman doing it and she has her sleeves rolled up above her elbows.
There has just always been something to me about a woman when she is wearing a regular long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows that makes her seem even more powerful, dominant, in charge and in control, omnipotent and Goddess-like, andwhen a woman is wearing a long sleeve shirt and she rolls up her sleeves, the guy pretty much knows she's really going to do him good, he's in for it and she means business.
05-21-2007, 11:00 AM
a funny movie
05-22-2007, 05:47 AM
I imagine the lady suddenly ripped the poor guy's penis away from his body.. that would make a scary, and yet somehow sensational, scene of a movie.. :)
(If the attachment doesn't work please forgive me, newbie here)
05-22-2007, 12:37 PM
a funny movie
whats it about... any BB?
05-22-2007, 03:08 PM
whats it about... any BB?
Guaranteed to be the most controversial film in 2007 is Mitchell Lichtenstein’s TEETH, a coming-of-age horror story that is sure have you talking about it for days. The film, which premiered at this year’s Sundance Film Festival, has one major flaw – it’s a one trick pony. Our lead character, Dawn (Jess Weixler), was born with a mutation – teeth in her vagina.
High school student Dawn works hard at suppressing her budding sexuality by being the local chastity group's most active participant. Her task is made even more difficult by her bad boy stepbrother Brad's increasingly provocative behavior at home. A stranger to her own body, innocent Dawn discovers she has a toothed vagina when she becomes the object of violence. As she struggles to comprehend her anatomical uniqueness, Dawn experiences both the pitfalls and the power of being a living example of the vagina dentata myth.
The story, which was also written by Lichtenstein, could have easily been written in many different ways, he chose to go the “black comedy” route. Written like a fun, cheesy, classic monster movie, TEETH has a very sarcastic and fun tone that keeps the audience extremely comfortable until our one trick pony takes stage. When the “moment” arrives where our little vagina monster defends herself (I guess it’s a chick) the entire audience screams, yells and cheers like there’s no tomorrow. I guess you can compare it to films like BASKET CASE, where the audience sits in suspense until that special moment – the reveal. The thing with TEETH is that there are three of these moments, so you’re not just waiting until the final scene of the movie to get your money’s worth. But the problem lies in the fact that since we get the first “decapitation” pretty early in the film it doesn’t leave much to look forward to. I'm not saying that this makes the film a bad one, I've noticed that the film doesn't have much to stand on.
With the screenplay, Lichtenstein did what anyone in his position would do. He added a heavy dose of phallic symbols and background themes such as, the stories of The Garden of Eden and Medusa. There are heavy references to snakes, forbidden fruit, innocence – and of course the beheading of Medusa. It was nice having a bit of these intertwined, since they added a much-needed layer to a thin plot.
One problem with the screenplay was that certain scenes weren't very clear. Many of the audience members were complaining in the lobby about not understanding the relationship between Dawn and her aggressive, rebellious brother. In addition, the ending was extremely ludicrous and unnecessary, turning our hero into an instant venomous Villain… I guess they were trying to say that she took the forbidden fruit (had sex) and has been led down the path of evil. I get it, but I didn’t like it.
Other positive things, that really enhanced the film's viewing experience were: The characters were well developed, the acting was extremely authentic, the cinematography was beautiful, the editing top notch and the production value was way up there. But what you all came to see was the vagina monster in action – how did it par up?
The vagina dentate scenes escalated with every moment and as the movie progressed the events became worse and worse. Our first victim rapes Dawn and that’s when she realizes something might be wrong. She returns to the scene of the crime, just to make sure it wasn’t a dream only to find bugs chowing down on the male member. In addition, a gynecologist loses a few fingers and someone well deserving loses his penis as well. The level of blood was moderate, which made it more realistic and the way in which some of the scenes were shot were amazing. Especially the moment when Dawn decapitates one of the character's member and stands up, we see the penis fall from under her, onto the ground. It was truly a disturbing moment. It was truly a disturbing moment.
As much as I didn’t love the film, I still think it’s a well-made movie that has potential to stir up some serious controversy. I hope TEETH finds it's way into theaters because it carries a special bite that one should share with a full theater. Whether you’re a male or a female TEETH is guaranteed to make you squirm and scream “OOOOOHHHHHH, NO WAY!” at least once… and sometimes that’s all you need.
By Mr Disgusting
05-23-2007, 06:46 PM
Most excellent vids Linklierok. Out of curiousity, how did your wife learn how to skewer balls and how long does it take you to typically recover? Have you had any serious scares with needle usage?
05-23-2007, 09:48 PM
Good for a chuckle
And then this
If you have not seen this, an interview with a guy that was ********* by mistake during surgery
Kinda funny
05-24-2007, 06:53 AM
Most excellent vids Linklierok. Out of curiousity, how did your wife learn how to skewer balls and how long does it take you to typically recover? Have you had any serious scares with needle usage?
Thank you! Well hehe you could say she "learned" in a day, or you could say it was my birthday a few years ago and I asked her to be harsher than she ever had, so she just decided to try it despite the risks hehe. She looked up info that said make sure the needles were sterile, don't use cheap sewing needles because their metal covering can come off in the tissue, and make sure that the needle does not 'wiggle' around inside.
beyond that it she pretty much just shoved them in. She's done it maybe a dozen times since then, sometimes like 5 needles in but not all the way thru when she does that. She has ALWAYS been careful to not hit any visible veins, i think that helps.
Usually when she does so, especially when its all the way thru longways, i have throbbing pain for a few days or so. beyond that it seems normal.
Again though this is NOT an endorsement of total safety. My wife and I are both aware that she is doing permanent damage over time anyway in lots of other ways too.
As you can see she's not opposed to damage. :D
05-24-2007, 03:28 PM
Many thanks for all the links!!!!!!!!!!!
05-24-2007, 03:30 PM
Hi, I also have ********** fantasies. How I can watch the pics?
05-25-2007, 04:57 AM
Anyone know the source of this CG?
05-25-2007, 05:01 AM
Anyone know the source of this CG?
Anyone know the source of this CG?
05-25-2007, 07:57 AM
Yeah nice :)
05-25-2007, 01:48 PM
Anyone know the source of this CG?
I've been looking for it for ages. :(
05-25-2007, 06:37 PM
I've been looking for it for ages. :(
I'm sure there are plenty of guys here willing to loan you the use of theirs :D
05-26-2007, 01:29 AM
Hmm the style of the pictures I find is quite similar to Bible Black. It is possible that these are shots from the original series that Bible Black is created from. If not, then I would suspect it is probably from the same studio.
05-26-2007, 11:28 AM
What did you guys think of this vid we made? Was it somewhat convincing? If you guys liked it we may make some more of fake-ball destroying. Any suggestions for what you would like to see?
You could always have muffled screaming, like she gagged to so you wouldn't make too much noise. Just a thought.
Busted Balz
05-26-2007, 02:45 PM
Hello all!
I'm new to the forum and would just like to say how refreshing I find the openness and frankness of the discussion here. I have long harboured fantasies of this sort, and it's great that there is a place where we can chat about these things with like-minded people.
I would like to add that I am not insane or psychologically "damaged". For me it is the threat, the idea of being so totally at a woman's mercy that one has to do anything she says which is the turn-on. I don't really want to lose my cock and/or balls. However, the danger of that, the feel of cold steel stabbing, slicing, jerking you off... the total devotion to the girl who could ask you to do anything at that point knowing full well that you had no choice but to comply; that is a fantasy so hot that it is almost untrue!
It's difficult to say when or why these thoughts began. Nevertheless, when I was very young (about five years old) one of my favourite films was "The Scarlet Buccaneer". There is a wonderful scene in which the leading lady holds a knife to the balls of a major who is being particularly troublesome. "I shall cut them off if you persist", she tells him. I always felt a shiver of pleasure mixed with fear when I saw and heard that. Later, when I was about sixteen, that same feeling hit me when I heard about the "Bobbitt" case. I was shocked and disgusted on the one hand, but hugely aroused on the other. At that time I was in my first serious sexual relationship. I recall that my girlfriend kept a knife-shaped letter-opener on her bedside cabinet. I always wanted to ask her to threaten me with it and force me to do whatever she desired. But I never had the courage to utter that request, just as I never plucked up the strength to beg her to squeeze my balls tightly as we made love... .
To this day, I have only told two female friends of my feelings in this sphere. I have only ever practised light CBT (not even the use of replica blades yet!) with one woman. I would thus be interested not only in discussions, but also in hearing from (sane) females with an interest in this kind of fantasy. What is the attraction for you? If you happen to reside in the UK or Germany, I would value your comments even more!
Thanks for reading, and best wishes.
What a great post. I too share your desires to feel cold steel against my nut sack at the hands of a female as she threatens me. I don’t necessarily want her to force me to do anything. I do want her to remind me of my vulnerable state as she holds them to me. I also want to have my balls squeezed and stretched during love making. I also find the thought of her leading me about while grasping my balls very erotic. Another of my favorites is for her to have me lean over with my legs apart while she grasps and pulls my balls from behind. Sadly just like you I have yet to mention this to a sexual partner or even a female friend as far as that goes. Just wanted to let you know you aren’t alone.
05-26-2007, 07:33 PM
She's local to me and as you can see is very beautiful. I called her about a year ago and asked if she'd pierce my nuts. She said she'd only only pierce my scrotum not the testicle itself:(
05-27-2007, 07:22 AM
girl is learning how to ******** bull, she squeeze the testicle to much at
the begining
05-27-2007, 07:48 AM
Busted Balz
05-28-2007, 01:25 PM
girl is learning how to ******** bull, she squeeze the testicle to much at
the begining
Talk about having your balls pulled....
05-30-2007, 12:20 PM
didnt a lady named Mistress cruela ******** a guy
05-31-2007, 02:15 AM
didnt a lady named Mistress cruela ******** a guy?
Of course she didn't. Cruella is a paysite with some fake ********** scenes.
Men with a ********** fetish are a easy to get money from, because woman generally have no real interest in the topic.
06-01-2007, 01:30 AM
06-01-2007, 01:40 AM
Thought I'd let everyone know. There's several scenes in HOSTEL II. In one, a guy is getting nails beaten into him, you can see nails sticking out of his clothed balls and dick. In another, a woman cuts off a man's dick and balls! Eek!
HERE IT IS!!! 10 minutes in! GODDAMN! :cryingblu
06-03-2007, 01:32 AM
Ah, he had it coming.
Thought I'd let everyone know. There's several scenes in HOSTEL II. In one, a guy is getting nails beaten into him, you can see nails sticking out of his clothed balls and dick. In another, a woman cuts off a man's dick and balls! Eek!
Wow, i'm definitly going to see that movie.
Hoping Teeth is coming out soon too.
06-04-2007, 01:30 AM
wow they get removed fast hey ... anyone got em up somewhere elce like rapid share or one of those
06-04-2007, 11:13 AM
Hmmm can any1 post these vids again??? The got removed...
06-08-2007, 06:58 AM
What a great post. I too share your desires to feel cold steel against my nut sack at the hands of a female as she threatens me. I don’t necessarily want her to force me to do anything. I do want her to remind me of my vulnerable state as she holds them to me. I also want to have my balls squeezed and stretched during love making. I also find the thought of her leading me about while grasping my balls very erotic. Another of my favorites is for her to have me lean over with my legs apart while she grasps and pulls my balls from behind. Sadly just like you I have yet to mention this to a sexual partner or even a female friend as far as that goes. Just wanted to let you know you aren’t alone.
Thanks very much indeed for your comments, and please accept my apologies for taking so long to respond to them. It most definitely helps to know that there are people out there in a similar situation, and with almost identical preferences to boot. I too love the idea of being led by the balls - or, even more erotic for me, the cock. Annoyingly enough, I did go out with a girl a couple of years ago who was willing to turn these fantasies into a sort of reality via roleplay. We had introduced cock-slapping, ball-squeezing and some biting into our lovemaking. Sadly, just as we were due to move on to some knifeplay using a replica dagger, the relationship broke up for other reasons. Anyway, much gratitude again for your encouraging words.
On another note, since many seem to enjoy the pictures here, I shall attempt to post some from my own collection in due course. In the meantime, I wondered whether members were acquainted with the following "**********" sites? The first appears to have a vast wealth of **********-related material, and can be found at:
The second is Femdom-World, run by the brilliant Di. She is not only wonderfully friendly (and exceedingly hot!), but she also listens carefully to requests. The films "Milking Revenge", "****** Orgasm Breast Style", and the one of most interest to readers of this message, "****** to Come", were all made at my request. I am sure that enough of you wrote with similar ideas, Di would be more than willing to shoot similar scenes involving knifeplay. Also, perhaps you might try to persuade her to remove her bra more often? To my knowledge, "Breast Style" remains the only scenario in which she bares her terrific tits for the camera. Other than those already mentioned, the site contains many other videos which will surely appeal to those who like ball-busting, cock-biting or slapping, rough handjobs and more. Oh yes, the clip "Terror Orgsam" features one of Di's friend's, Debbie, suggesting an intriguing use for a hacksaw. In "Mean ****** Orgasm" she squeezes impressively, too. Finde the site at: ********************/studio/333
06-08-2007, 06:03 PM
Imagine having your last erection and cuming for the last time ever as this girl slowly painfully sadisticly cuts your nuts out with the dominance and omnipotence of The Goddess!
and this site rocks
Busted Balz
06-08-2007, 08:52 PM
Thanks very much indeed for your comments, and please accept my apologies for taking so long to respond to them. It most definitely helps to know that there are people out there in a similar situation, and with almost identical preferences to boot. I too love the idea of being led by the balls - or, even more erotic for me, the cock. Annoyingly enough, I did go out with a girl a couple of years ago who was willing to turn these fantasies into a sort of reality via roleplay. We had introduced cock-slapping, ball-squeezing and some biting into our lovemaking. Sadly, just as we were due to move on to some knifeplay using a replica dagger, the relationship broke up for other reasons. Anyway, much gratitude again for your encouraging words.
On another note, since many seem to enjoy the pictures here, I shall attempt to post some from my own collection in due course. In the meantime, I wondered whether members were acquainted with the following "**********" sites? The first appears to have a vast wealth of **********-related material, and can be found at:
The second is Femdom-World, run by the brilliant Di. She is not only wonderfully friendly (and exceedingly hot!), but she also listens carefully to requests. The films "Milking Revenge", "****** Orgasm Breast Style", and the one of most interest to readers of this message, "****** to Come", were all made at my request. I am sure that enough of you wrote with similar ideas, Di would be more than willing to shoot similar scenes involving knifeplay. Also, perhaps you might try to persuade her to remove her bra more often? To my knowledge, "Breast Style" remains the only scenario in which she bares her terrific tits for the camera. Other than those already mentioned, the site contains many other videos which will surely appeal to those who like ball-busting, cock-biting or slapping, rough handjobs and more. Oh yes, the clip "Terror Orgsam" features one of Di's friend's, Debbie, suggesting an intriguing use for a hacksaw. In "Mean ****** Orgasm" she squeezes impressively, too. Finde the site at: ********************/studio/333 (http://********************/studio/333)
No apologies needed and thanks for the links. I must say you are lucky to have experienced some of you fantisies.
06-09-2007, 04:17 PM
Some-times Girls Just Want To Have Fun!
06-09-2007, 07:55 PM
06-10-2007, 09:31 AM
I love to be kick/step on my ball and cock and hopping be force to cutt off my ball and cock. ********** is what I like to talk about and hopping to be done one day.
06-10-2007, 10:57 AM
Been there, done that. :) this should kill 2 birds with one stone, it has her talking/mocking, and needles. And this one isnt fake. :D
As to fooling me, I wouldnt put it past her, once I've gotten her preggo.
OMG YOU GUYS GUESS WHAT! we just found out this mornig my wife IS PREGNANT! I will keep you all advised what happens...
06-11-2007, 01:42 AM
Thought I'd let everyone know. There's several scenes in HOSTEL II. In one, a guy is getting nails beaten into him, you can see nails sticking out of his clothed balls and dick. In another, a woman cuts off a man's dick and balls! Eek!
excellent flick, loved the castratix. totally hot babe, chopped it all off. realistic effects. funny too, what she did with it.
Loved Princess Bathory, too.
06-11-2007, 06:31 AM
here is a nice flash movie. It's pretty brutal. I thought the ending was neat.
here is a nice flash movie. It's pretty brutal. I thought the ending was neat.
Wow, looks like the movie Saw, nice ^^
06-11-2007, 11:49 AM
You're telling me. The first time I saw a ********** fantasy picture, I thought I was gonna bust outta my pants! The helplessness/vulnerability is addicting. Not so strangely, cock-********** stuff doesn't get me off at all - it's gotta be by the balls.
Here's some from my collection.. enjoy.
please send me some pictures
06-11-2007, 03:34 PM
here is a nice flash movie. It's pretty brutal. I thought the ending was neat.
There is a lot of flash toons at:
06-12-2007, 11:12 AM
There is a lot of flash toons at:
omg brutal
06-12-2007, 11:13 AM
There is a lot of flash toons at:
like this stuff
06-13-2007, 10:19 PM
06-14-2007, 06:24 AM
Hello group,
What a great thread this is I am new in here but I was previously in several groups interested in the ********** topic.
I have a smalll problem however. Altough I have a registered account, I can only see the thumnails of the pics attached in posts. Instead of the entire image, I get A message saying I dont have enough priviledges to get to the page the link should go.
Is that normal ? What do I have to do to get access to the full size images ?
Thanks for the help.
06-14-2007, 07:56 AM
I'm registered and approved, get same message when clicking on a thumbnail image. Somewhere, I thought I read that one must post a message before this feature works ... did I imagine that, or is it real? seems a bizarre way to run a website. If that's what it takes, here's my post. (Or, does a "reply" like this count??)
Finder aka Cho_Pitoff
06-14-2007, 08:49 AM
Guys, as in any forum on the net, its a good idea to read the stickies at the top of the forum they answer all those questions.
06-14-2007, 11:14 AM
Actually there is a documented case of a woman cutting off at least one erect penis. Here's how to find it: Google on "if any prisoner had an erection" and see what you get.
They lined up male prisoners naked, brought in some young women from outside, who undressed in front of the horny prisoners. Then they watched their cocks closely, following the rising erections. A woman (presumably with a knife, although the tool is not mentioned) went to the man with the biggest hardest erection and cut off his penis. It's not clear from the description how many men she did this way.
We can only speculate on the motives and sexual urges of this woman. Clearly the whole episode was carefully planned, in league with some of the men running the prison - they wanted the prisoners to have erections, and they wanted to cut off erect penises, for entertainment and whatever sexual jollies they get from that. We don't actually know if the woman herself got a sexual charge out of doing it.
Undoubtedly European women from rural regions would not be at all squeamish about cutting and blood. They kill chickens, goats, pigs all the time, it's part of daily life on the farm. Combine that with a patriotic fervor that feels no mercy for despised prisoners of war, and a sexual kink that gets off on the idea of hard cocks being forcibly removed, and you have the woman from Bosnia / Serbia who actually did it.
Her name is known the the Commission investigating war crimes in Bosnia / Serbia. I would give anything to meet her and interview her about the episode and the role she played - what it was really like, to do it, and how she felt about it.
Obviously I have very mixed emotions about this event - it's a horrible act of sexual mutilation, but on the other hand it goes to the core of my deepest darkest sexual fantasy - being highly aroused, fully erect, and a woman with a knife approaches ...
I expanded on this event with the story Bosnian ********** at Eunuch Archives. It hasn't cured my of my fascination with the topic, but I had to write it.
Sorry. There are no girls with the fetish of wanting to cut through an erect penis in any variation.
This is a male fantasy.
And girls/women play along as long as there is something in there for them.
This is only a fantasy...:
06-14-2007, 12:01 PM
please send me some pictures
See ballbusting Cartoons
06-14-2007, 12:14 PM
Yahoo group burdizzo is no more
send a message for the url of the replacement
start rebuilding all over again
06-14-2007, 05:10 PM
test...test...I am just testing the posting function
06-14-2007, 07:58 PM
Reminded me of am old joke I've included here
A little old lady is walking down the street, dragging two plastic garbage bags, one in each hand. There's a hole in one of the bags, and once in a while a $20 bill flies out of it onto the pavement.
Noticing this, a policeman stops her. "Ma'am, there are $20 bills falling out of that bag..."
"Damn!" says the little old lady ... "I'd better go back and see if I can find some of them. Thanks for the warning!"
"Well, now, not so fast," says the cop. "How did you get all that money? Did you steal it?"
"Oh, no", says the little old lady. "You see, my back yard backs up to the parking lot of the football stadium. Each time there's a game, a lot of fans come and pee in the bushes, right into my flower beds!"
So, I go and stand behind the bushes with a big hedge clipper, and each time someone sticks his thingie through the bushes, I yell: '$20 or off it comes!'"
"Hey, not a bad idea!" laughs the cop. "Good luck!" By the way, what's in the other bag?"
"Well", says the little old lady, "Not all of them pay.
06-14-2007, 09:18 PM
Video on bangedup, of yours truly and my wife's loving touch. :D
06-14-2007, 09:59 PM
Video on bangedup, of yours truly and my wife's loving touch. :D
Is there anywhere else you could upload these? For some reason my computer freezes when I try to watch on here. T_T
06-14-2007, 10:38 PM
Yahoo group burdizzo is no more
send a message for the url of the replacement
start rebuilding all over again
There were some good pictures but I was a little disappointed that there was hardly any participation by women, it was almost all men. Unless you are into guys, it's having interaction with women that makes it fun. I once made up an email account with a female name and profile and sneaked into an all woman ********** group, that was fun. Yahoo got that one a long time ago but not before I was able to announced to the group that I had infiltrated them, boy were they pissed :D
06-15-2007, 05:27 AM
Is there anywhere else you could upload these? For some reason my computer freezes when I try to watch on here. T_T
06-15-2007, 06:55 AM
And a news story, ironically from the same site that had my video: :D
Bitch Jailed For Ripping OFF Ex-Boyfriend's Testicle With Bare Hands
News Edition: 06/14/2007 UK-- A woman who ripped off her ex-boyfriend's testicle with her bare hands has been sent to prison. Amanda Monti, 24, flew into a rage when Geoffrey Jones, 37, rejected her advances at the end of a house party, Liverpool Crown Court heard.
She pulled off his left testicle and tried to swallow it, before spitting it out. A friend handed it back to Mr Jones saying: "That's yours."
Monti admitted wounding and was jailed for two-and-a-half years.
'Pulled hard'
Sentencing Monti, Judge Charles James said it was "a very serious injury" and that Monti was not acting in self defence.
The court heard that Mr Jones had ended his long-term but "open relationship" with Monti towards the end of May last year.
The pair remained on good terms and on 30 May she picked him up from a party in Crosby and went back for drinks with friends at Mr Jones's house.
An argument ensued and Mr Jones said there was a struggle between them.
In his statement, Mr Jones said she grabbed his genitals and "pulled hard".
He added: "That caused my underpants to come off and I found I was completely naked and in excruciating pain."
The court heard that a friend saw Monti put Mr Jones's testicle into her mouth and try to swallow it.
She choked and spat it back into her hand before the friend grabbed it and gave it back to Mr Jones. Doctors were unable to re-attach the organ.
In a letter to the court, Monti said she was sorry for what she had done.
She said: "It was never my intention to cause harm to Geoff and the fact that I have caused him injury will live with me forever. I am in no way a violent person."
The letter added: "I have challenged myself to explain what has happened but still I just cannot remember. This has caused much anguish to me and will do for the rest of my life."
06-16-2007, 02:21 PM
Very good looking this picture, and I love to be done the same cut off my ball .
What can I say? When I saw this pic, I thought of this forum.
Newport348;) (
06-17-2007, 03:21 AM
Thanks for the video Linklierok, you're a lucky man!
I really liked the way your wife said "nothing" as she put on the 3rd one!
06-17-2007, 04:38 PM
06-17-2007, 06:11 PM
Busted Balz
06-17-2007, 07:40 PM
Yeah she literally likes to play with her guys balls.
06-17-2007, 09:52 PM
Heheh, awesome!
06-17-2007, 09:57 PM
Heheh, awesome!
06-18-2007, 04:34 AM
Thanks:D :bananad: :bananajum
great stuff il feel fine to see all
06-18-2007, 07:57 AM
Can't stop viewing those exciting pics with my girlfriend. It inspires us (and, of course, especially her) for very nice (and painful) games.
06-18-2007, 10:02 AM
Here as a modest contribution to the group. A few pics about balls torture
Notice the few one that are nailed on a board. Its called a butterfly and may be an interesting preliminary to ********** securing the scrotum just before the removal.
seat4her :D
06-18-2007, 01:34 PM
Thanks for the video Linklierok, you're a lucky man!
I really liked the way your wife said "nothing" as she put on the 3rd one!
Hehe thanks i know! She's so cute when she's being horribly evil with this sweet innocent smile and voice.
Prevously my right ball was her torture toy while she would mostly leave the left alone as a "safety" ball. We decided this a few years back when she wanted to pierce thru the ball with needles, that it would be best for keeping me fertile, But since last week we found out she is quite pregnant, and we only want one kid, she didn't hold back on the left one this weekend, and she pierced the left nut all the way thru. :cryingblu i guess cause it had been safe from abuse before it was more sensitive cause it hurt a LOT more than having 3 needles in my right one hehehe
john b
06-18-2007, 07:51 PM
how are there no blood in the pictures above,
and to the previous poster: do you receive any premanent damage from nut peircing?
06-18-2007, 08:09 PM
How about some videos with ball piercing like this?
Here as a modest contribution to the group. A few pics about balls torture
Notice the few one that are nailed on a board. Its called a butterfly and may be an interesting preliminary to ********** securing the scrotum just before the removal.
seat4her :D
06-18-2007, 09:07 PM
06-19-2007, 09:41 AM
How about some videos with ball piercing like this?
Here's a few in sequence nailed1.rm to nailed7.rm to be viewed in order.
Notice the cruel Mistress nailing her sub's scrotum on the board as he cries in pain she is very attentive and supportive.
hmmmmmmmm sexy
enjoy seat4her
PS: You will need realmedia player to view the files
06-19-2007, 11:09 AM
how are there no blood in the pictures above,
and to the previous poster: do you receive any premanent damage from nut peircing?
Hehe didnt I answer that question within the post? as of last month I got her pregnant, and i certainly can still get erections. But i know very well i'm taking a risk and so does she.
06-19-2007, 03:37 PM
Hehe thanks i know! She's so cute when she's being horribly evil with this sweet innocent smile and voice.
Prevously my right ball was her torture toy while she would mostly leave the left alone as a "safety" ball. We decided this a few years back when she wanted to pierce thru the ball with needles, that it would be best for keeping me fertile, But since last week we found out she is quite pregnant, and we only want one kid, she didn't hold back on the left one this weekend, and she pierced the left nut all the way thru. :cryingblu i guess cause it had been safe from abuse before it was more sensitive cause it hurt a LOT more than having 3 needles in my right one hehehe
Man, it would be so cool if you filmed some of this stuff like the last clip!
It'd be a shame not to document your testicular decline!
06-23-2007, 03:11 AM
06-24-2007, 01:00 AM
06-24-2007, 03:47 PM
there are lot of fine links, photos, videos ... in this Thread. THX a lot to all for sharing!
I especially like this video on youtube:
Unfortunately I don't understand the last sentences.
Please can anyone write them down?
THX in advance :)
06-24-2007, 05:57 PM
Needles through the cock:
Pen ****** down the cock:
06-25-2007, 01:08 AM
there are lot of fine links, photos, videos ... in this Thread. THX a lot to all for sharing!
I especially like this video on youtube:
Unfortunately I don't understand the last sentences.
Please can anyone write them down?
THX in advance :)
first she describes how the ********** is being done.
In the end she sais, "but dont mess with me or i`ll do the same to you"....
06-25-2007, 05:01 AM
The clip you are just about to watch is taken from the film « In the Realm of the Senses”
by the Japaneese film maker Nagisa Oshima. (
If you want to know more about the moovie follow this link (
06-26-2007, 05:44 PM
Hi there seat4her, you are right about "In the realm of the senses", the ********** scene is realistic, my girlfriend loved it!, got her pussy wet for sure! The movie is a cult classic, way ahead of its time (made in 1976 I think) even the ********** is kind of lovingly done, as Sada has already been strangled to death by Kichi while reaching orgasm, she seems to want to take his penis with her when she leaves so as they can remain together!
Interestingly enough, this movie portrays a real life event and people in Japan pre WW2! Has anyone else seen this movie? Well worth the effort!
P.S. The original title is "Ai No Corrida):bananad:
06-26-2007, 06:51 PM
Well, yes. Check out this message board (
06-27-2007, 06:42 AM
Hi there seat4her, you are right about "In the realm of the senses", the ********** scene is realistic, my girlfriend loved it!, got her pussy wet for sure! The movie is a cult classic, way ahead of its time (made in 1976 I think) even the ********** is kind of lovingly done, as Sada has already been strangled to death by Kichi while reaching orgasm, she seems to want to take his penis with her when she leaves so as they can remain together!
Interestingly enough, this movie portrays a real life event and people in Japan pre WW2! Has anyone else seen this movie? Well worth the effort!
P.S. The original title is "Ai No Corrida):bananad:
I have seen the whole moovie not too long after it came out. And even then I foud it very erotic. As for you, you are lucky to have a girlfriend who can apreciate such a moovie to the point to get sexually aroused. You should watch your nutties while you sleep you never know :D Btw you guys must have good cbt sessions here and then :jumpsmile
Thanks for the comment
06-27-2007, 06:47 AM
This one is less explicit but with a bit of imagination you get the picture.
enjoy seat4her
06-27-2007, 09:39 PM
Well, yes. Check out this message board (
Well i guess that settles the question about weather women fantasize about
********** men (assuming all the women on that chatroom are women ) !
A lot of female angst there!
Mind you, i think you would need balls of steel ( excuse the pun ) to be
playing out ********** fantasies with any of those women ! :cryingblu !
06-27-2007, 11:10 PM
I have seen the whole moovie not too long after it came out. And even then I foud it very erotic. As for you, you are lucky to have a girlfriend who can apreciate such a moovie to the point to get sexually aroused. You should watch your nutties while you sleep you never know :D Btw you guys must have good cbt sessions here and then :jumpsmile
Thanks for the comment
Yes you are right seat4her, we are all lucky to have a woman who will play out some fantasy games, but personally i not into pain, so cbt doesnt do it
for me, its the mind play, the tease about ********** that turns her and i on!
My girl spent her adolescent years working in a stable training as a jockey
until she got too tall, she says she watched some of the stallions being ********* and was aroused by it! Maybe that influenced her young mind, as
its easy to see the sexual association of girls & horses! Anyone else have a
girl with similar influences & fantasies?
If you are seeking a kinky woman, one who likes horses is a good place to
start, at least she will have some sexy riding boots and a horse whip ! :D
P.S. As you are a movie fanatic, have you seen a "B" movie from 70/80"s USA
called "Street Trash"? Its got the funniest ********** scene ever filmed! :Baahaha:
Play safe out there people
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