View Full Version : BallBusting Methods
12-29-2002, 01:19 AM
OK. Let's see. I started with "ballbusting" when I was 17. I grew up in Mexico, and gals mature early there. Some of my friends got married when they were 14. If a gal is old enough to have babies, she's old enough to get married. And have sex, of course!
My dad is Canadian and my mom was Mexican, so I speak both languages equally well. And a few others, but not really fluently.
Anyway, when I was 17, my boyfriend introduced me to ballbusting. I don't like the word "ballbusting" because it makes it sound like some permanent damage is done. That would ruin all the fun of ever doing it again.
That boyfriend liked me to tie him up naked on the bed and handle his genitals rather roughly. He had to show me how to do it. I thought it was kind of crazy, but I humored him. Giving him a slow hand job at the same time really turned him on. I still can't figure out why a lot of guys like to have their testicles hurt, but they do -- and it gives them a great hard-on! The first guy who showed me that stuff liked me to slap and punch his tender testicles after tying them up. It was kind of fun for me, because I was used to having selfish guys take advantage of me. I liked to be in control of the situation.
As he was about to ejaculate, I hit his balls harder. I'll write more details in my next message here, OK?
In this Topic, I'll mention my favorite BallBusting methods and you can talk about yours. My methods are many and varied, and I'll be writing about them one by one.
Since some (most?) of you have more imagination or experience about ballbusting methods, please tell me all about them.
I'm interested, and it turns me on! --
01-02-2003, 12:02 PM
Greetings.... :p
You sound too good to be true....
MWM here in WI, 52 and having enjoyed and enjoying bb fun for years.
Darn thing is that my wife does not enjoy it. However she does not hinder my enjoyement as long as I share in a safe, sane, cairng, disreeet and sharing manner.
Trouble is that as most males... it's difficult ot find woman who truly enjoys bb fun and sharing her fun.
Myself... I have countless means of sharing bb fun. Weights are fun as is the use of the womans fist starting softly at first and then buidling up. The knees, squeezing and the list goes on.
Foremost is the mind sharing experience... the largest sext organ of all.
Thanks for sharing and tell more!
01-03-2003, 07:30 AM
You say I sound too good to be true?
Well, there's a catch.
I'm not a "professional". I never do it for money (so far). I only do it with boyfriends or guys that I'm really friendly with, and know pretty well.
I don't get dressed up in typical leather or latex suits. I usually prefer topless, but with the guy tied up or restrained in some way.
You mention using fists. If I tie the guy's balls and stretch them a bit, I use my left hand to cradle them underneath. Then I use my right knuckles to rap them sharply. I can tell by his reaction when it's hard enough -- then I do it harder to show him who's really in control of the situation.
I almost always mix pain with pleasure. With either my left hand or my mouth I tease his dick. I like to keep it 'up' for quite a while before I let him shoot his load. I control when he cums.
A cool trick is to give him some double-hard whacks just as he starts to cum.
If the guy is past the point of "no return", he'll continue to ejaculate even if he's only semi-conscious (or ***********!).
A few guys that I've known say that having an orgasm as they're about to pass out feels super-fantastic.
Any comments? Anybody??
01-03-2003, 08:10 AM
Pic below:
Good grip!
Grab. Squeeze. Twist. Pull. Squeeze harder...
(No, that's not my hand. Mine's smaller.)
NOTE: The pic referred to doesn't appear because all attached pics on the Forum were lost during the September 2004 Forum upgrade.
- Sara :)
01-10-2003, 08:56 AM
I cannot tell you how your messsgaes are tunring me on. I am a virgin at this but found some sites that have developed an interest. I would love to be one of your subjects and offer my balls to you.
The thought of having you press on them even after passing out is so bearable and sexy.
01-10-2003, 04:30 PM
Sadistic Sarah
I found this forum this morning and cannot stop looking at photos of you and your tightly held balls. I say "your balls" because of the smile that you have on your beautiful face and the tight skin. You are definitely in control.
My girlfriend is coming over this evening and I am going to suggest that she grab my balls like you ahve your friends.....and then I will tell her to increase pressure until I see a gleam in her eye.
We are new lovers and I am new at this ball busting but have a tremendous erection and desire to learn. Any of your tutoring will be much appreciated.
Tell me if there is anything I can do for you.
02-04-2003, 08:48 AM
The best way for me is to be kicked doggy style with panthy
02-06-2003, 11:48 AM
I guess the word ballbusting can refer to a lot
of different ways to pop a guy so to speak. Not just
physically but also emotionally, zapping there big
phony ego. I am refering to men who like to hurt
women because they think that a woman is to weak
to fight back. I like it when I hear of one of these
guys getting the surprise of their lives when a woman
gets them by the balls. There are many methods and
different stories, like the young woman who caught a
man trying to **** her in her own apartment, turned
the tables by gripping his balls and hanging on to them
while she called the police and still had him in control
that way when the police arrived.
02-07-2003, 10:54 PM
You said that you like the guy to be tied up or restrained in some way; please elabroate on that.
I'd like to wrestle her and have her tie me up or restrain me as we are wrestling. But then again, you've seen me talk about that in one of my fantasies.
02-14-2003, 08:35 AM
have you ever kicked a guy as hard as you can before and how hard would you say you kick?
03-01-2003, 06:25 AM
I have been asked to ballbust before, and I see some of the methods you use in your pictures are not very good ones. I have a few ideas you can play around with.
okay. There are a few basic rules.
Use your hands more than your feet.
If you dont want him naked, Make him wear tight jeans! (hurts the most that way)
Okay. Heres what you do.
First, once you have started, Give him a few hard knees and kicks from behind to test his reaction to pain. No Matter what it is, dont stop. Once u have him in a little pain from kicking, Then the hard part comes. First, Put him down on the ground, and have the weakest woman there Face sit him, or use their legs to lock him down on the ground. Then, strip him completely naked. Start out w/ a few fists to his balls, but then Start using your hands to see what you can come up with. Stretch them apart. Pull them down. Pull them up. Do not cause too much pain while doing this though. Then, in rapid movements, pull them Straight into the air as HARD as you can and then eaze up, and do it again, once every second or two. Then once this is over, have a girl sit on his belly. You stand between his legs, Grab his balls, and give them a twist. Twist them to the LEFT as far as they will go, and then Pull up toward the cieling, using your legs. This will cause a tremendous amount of pain. For most men, this shuts them down. After that, Get 2 shoe-laces, or strings. tie one end into a loop, and leave the other end alone. Put the free end through the loop, and use it to Capture 1 ball in it. Do the same over, so u have both balls on strings. Then, be creative, and start pullin as hard as you can, in all different directions.Then after thats over, Corner him into the wall (naked). Do something sexy (maby take your shirt off), or Rub your waste against his naked waste, or lick his package,orsomething to kind of get him to startto be stimulated. then right after you do that, Line him up, and Kick himfrom behind 2 times,then Knee him 3 times, then Grab and Squeeze for your life for 10 seconds. Then after this, it is up to you to use your own methods, but my part I Guarentee will make him WHelp for breath.
Anyone who uses my methods, Please be kind enough to photograph them, and/or email me at with the details.
05-28-2004, 12:35 AM
Originally posted by Strongballs
have you ever kicked a guy as hard as you can before and how hard would you say you kick?
"As hard as I can"? No !
Not unless I was being attacked, of course.
Even if you call yourself "Strongballs" I can assure you that you couldn't take a properly-placed full-force kick.
You'd end up in the hospital.
And you wouldn't ever be "up" to a repeat performance!
How hard do I kick a voluntary partner? Not hard enough to make you pass out, but hard enough to make you wish you had.
Actually, I prefer giving a guy's bare balls a good workover with my hands rather than with my feet. More control.
- Sara.
06-10-2004, 09:04 PM
I don't know as I'd recommend this, but just since it could be considered a method that no one else has as yet posted. A couple days before I was to be married I was fooling around with my fiancee. Well I was laying on the floor(clothed) and she was standing over me. She had one of those 20 ounce soda bottles in her hand and much to my surprise she end up dropping/tossing it on my groin...and I didn't think it would hurt but it did a little bit! Fast forward to a few months later as things are now in the process of her being my ex-wife. I was over at the house she was staying at with some friends and we were playign a board game. Once again the soda thing...only this time when she had I asked for it to be handed it to her I tossed it to her and hit her in the chest by accident. I let it go and i thought she had let it go as well until she ended up throwing it at me again...only harder this time and hurt for about a half hour after. Well thats just another way its possible if your absolutely looking for any way to do it or have done to you.
I agrre that with hand you have more control, but i tried once to place my balls between the sole of the shoes and the feet of a beatiful Amsetrdam girl, and she pumped, gently using her weight until i really "explode", it was wondeful ...
if i could find an italian girl who like this ...
06-19-2004, 10:26 PM
I was fortunate enough to receive a blowjob from a very good friend of mine. Afterwards, she said I was "very trusting" -- and I really wondered what she meant by that (yes, I'm trusting and none too bright - er, like most guys, I guess).
I did not try this with her (wish I had), but tried with another woman who was very happy to do it: place your testicles not in your lover's hands, but in her mouth (if she asks you to cut your hair first, what are you gonnah do, disobey? My point exactly.) -- give her the option of doing what she likes to them.
If busting has been part of your fun, she will know you are trusting her completely and will enjoy the power she has over you. (If the average man gets his testicles into the average woman's mouth, he cannot get them out again without her cooperation.)
I have done this once. My partner chose to ignore the safe word when I used it and kept biting. I'd do it again, but... with somebody else...
Guitar Man
07-02-2004, 01:23 AM
my favourite method would be to have a girl kick me first, then take a step forward, and before i could move my hands to hold them, place her hands on my shoulders and slam her knee into my balls as hard as she could.
i never get bb, so it will probably never happen. oh well.
07-03-2004, 12:02 AM
i never get bb, so it will probably never happen. oh well.
Crazy women. The secret is to develop a passion for dating women who are absolutely crazy. Not only are they generally at ease with busting any guys' nuts, they make truly interesting people by being so unpredictable.
Intoxicated women will often exhibit all of the same traits, with the additional advantage that they will wake up the next day and save you some long-term embarrassment by not remembering a damn thing and/or being really, really genuinely sorry.
"Dude... Did I kick you in the balls at that party? I'm sorry; shit, man, I was knocking back so many of those... uh, whatever it was they put in the punch bowl... Anyway, no hard feelings?"
LOL fine then i'l check the local madhouse if there are any vixens :D
08-03-2004, 01:31 PM
Every women I have ever been with has agreed to kicking me in the balls with the exception of two. I have found that when tried most women really enjoy busting a guys balls. It gives them such a sense of control. Maybe its because I have always been so big (weight lifting) and they don't feel as if it would hurt me as much. Girls used to like punching me also and sometimes very hard. They (women) don't realize how much power they have. One gal I new used to kick me pretty hard and I had to be careful when I would let her step on my balls because she could have easily crushed them so I always kept my fingers under her foot too, just in case. I find that as I get older (40) that I'm not as embarrased as much or affraid to ask a gal (if its OK with the wife) to kick me as I used to be.
08-06-2004, 05:10 PM
...some of them are just a bit shy about it.
Magnum writes:
Every women I have ever been with has agreed to kicking me in the balls with the exception of two.
And I have NEVER had a woman turn me down. A few of them looked at me as if I were some kind of pervert (okay, okay, guilty as charged), but each and every one took a shot at it.
You know, some women really SUCK at ballbusting. This one drunk chick was amazed that I asked her; but she kicked me. I glared at her and said, "That was my perrennium; the balls are over here." (point) She kicked me again and I glared at her and said, "That was my thigh." She kicked me again and I said, "Let's try something a little less complicated..." :rolleyes:
Women! I thought they were born knowing how to kick balls. Especially the drunk ones!
08-08-2004, 10:26 PM
Well, it took some time, but I have finally convinced my GF that I really do enjoy bb. She is more in the mode of sadistic sara in that she likes to mix the pain and pleasure and nothing that would cause permenant damage.
There are a few things she does that cause intense mental as well as physical pain and I dread and luve them. First let me tell you that a bb session is often started with a lot of teasing and announcement that later she is going to hurt my nuts. She'll tell me this when we are at the store or visiting her parents, whisper it in my ear when other can't hear. Whe we get home I'm goiing to beat your balls till you can't stand up. Or she'll rub me lightly on the outside of my pants and say ...I wouldn't want to be your nuts later tonight. Telling me that in such a sweet feminine voice just sends me.
Two things we do that is probably boring to more experienced folks, but it get me is..she'll use those sticks drummers use to clamp off my balls, twisting rubber bands around the ends and then while I am sitting on the sofa with my legs spread wide, alternate between kissing my balls and tapping on them with a small wooden spoon.
Another one is to have me flat on my back with my arms and legs tied wide apart and set a small plastic bowl up side down under my balls, I have rather large balls and she'll use her hand to press and rub and roll my balls across the top of the bowl. If you haven't tried this, don't think it is gentle, she can add as much pressure or weight as she wants. Once she put a small wire brush on top of the bowl and my nuts on top of that and rolled them across the wire bristles.
Anyway, a couple of things we do.
Her toy
08-09-2004, 02:23 PM
First let me tell you that a bb session is often started with a lot of teasing and announcement that later she is going to hurt my nuts. She'll tell me this when we are at the store or visiting her parents, whisper it in my ear when other can't hear. Whe we get home I'm goiing to beat your balls till you can't stand up. Or she'll rub me lightly on the outside of my pants and say ...I wouldn't want to be your nuts later tonight.
Truly, the height of ballbusting is the sweet and innocent threat from the girlfriend who really likes to bust and is absolutely serious that she is going to hurt you later on... especially when it is vague about when/where she is going to do it, so that you get to be uncomfortable and worried for hours before she, ah, "relieves" you.
My bb partner (who just 'retired'! Argh!!!) would threaten me, but she was very vague about when, and as likely to do it in public as to wait until we got back to her apartment. Mmmmmm, random violence. Sexy.
08-13-2004, 07:34 AM
I love it when my wife steps on them. Usually I lay them on a hard surface (coffee table, counter etc.) and she stands above and steps down on them trapping them in the arch on her foot. Then she threatens to stomp on them and crush them, slowly adding weight until my balls feel like they will burst. Her favorite is kicking my balls. She has kicked a few guys in her day, they unlike me didn't ask her to.
08-13-2004, 07:37 AM
Have any of you guys besides me ever want to be the practice dummy at a womens self defense class. I think I would "accidentally" leave my cup at home. Some of those women really get into it.
09-03-2004, 09:39 PM
Have any of you guys besides me ever want to be the practice dummy at a womens self defense class. I think I would "accidentally" leave my cup at home. Some of those women really get into it.
Yah, I've fantasized about this, but leaving the cup at home has got to remain fantasy material, ya know?
If I REALLY want to get by balls broken, I know a feminist chick who graduated from a self-defense class and is very eager to kick as many nuts as possible. She's not into it for fun, 'though; putting my balls at her mercy would be, ahem, "trouble". [gulp]
If i decided I wanted her to bust me, I'd pick an argument with her bout feminism and, at some inapprpriate moment, shout, "All women are prostitutes!"
Feminists: a potentially rich vein to tap for nut-kicking experiences. (And not good for anything else.)
11-10-2004, 06:49 PM
i have had that same fantasy as well(self-defense class dummy)i have fun with a couple of young ladys every wednesday night,they come over and i am wearing only a skimpy thong and my leather cock and ball harness stretcher/seperator when i answer the door,they both giggle as they come in ,then they sit down in chairs that are side by side.they are bisexual and dress like goth girls both are dd cup and show alot of cleavage usually. one girl does all the ballbusting while the other watches making comments,and laughing alot,when they saw how erect i got they laughed more so they also tell thier girlfriends about wednesday nights ballbusting more girls want to come to see me get kneed,kicked,slapped,squeezed,etc. they really like to stand on my ballz the best,another favorite is i am standing legs spread she is behind me she reaches through my legs grabs my ballz and pulls them back and up ,my ballz are pulled up hard my face is now almost on the floor,i cant do anything but take it with it ranging from hearty squeezing ,to slapping,and punching my ballz, as im trying to breath in but cant its so humiliating, my ballz are the highest part of my body and they like to keep me like that laughing hysterically,calling me dumbballz or stupidballz the whole time,actually thats now my name they use,they called a friend a real man hating lesbian,and asked if she wanted to hear me get kneed -well i knew it was going to be a hard one and it was as i bellowed out and dropped to the ground semi conscious i hear the girl on the phone saying "YEA she floored him!hes not getting up"
11-13-2004, 02:39 PM
After reading some of the posts, I think i play very soft games :o
Here is one of the games I play with my girlfriend :with one or two stockings, she ties my balls up and down in the same time (she uses her two hands...). Then, when my balls are really "separated" from my body; she attaches one stocking round my neck or to the head of the bed (to keep balls strongly tied up) and she keeps pulling down with the other stocking in one hand. With her free hand and with her mouth, she alternates sweet caresses, lickings and true kicks or bites.
I've never been able to resist to this "treatment" more than an hour... It is so gooooooooooooooooooooood !!!
I hope my english is good enough to make you understand the way I "practise" :D
11-19-2004, 07:39 PM
What is your very favorite method?
In this Topic, I'll mention my favorite BallBusting methods and you can talk about yours. My methods are many and varied, and I'll be writing about them one by one.
Since some (most?) of you have more imagination or experience about ballbusting methods, please tell me all about them.
I'm interested, and it turns me on!
12-04-2004, 12:48 PM
I was fortunate enough to receive a blowjob from a very good friend of mine. Afterwards, she said I was "very trusting" -- and I really wondered what she meant by that (yes, I'm trusting and none too bright - er, like most guys, I guess).
I did not try this with her (wish I had), but tried with another woman who was very happy to do it: place your testicles not in your lover's hands, but in her mouth (if she asks you to cut your hair first, what are you gonnah do, disobey? My point exactly.) -- give her the option of doing what she likes to them.
If busting has been part of your fun, she will know you are trusting her completely and will enjoy the power she has over you. (If the average man gets his testicles into the average woman's mouth, he cannot get them out again without her cooperation.)
I have done this once. My partner chose to ignore the safe word when I used it and kept biting. I'd do it again, but... with somebody else...
You are right about nothing being better than having your balls in someones mouth whom you do trust. One thing id like to mention is accurate communication between you and your partner. I once was in this situation and wanted her to "chew my balls hard", instead of saying just that, I said "bite them hard", she did with tremendous force, I was out of commision and sore for weeks. Taught me a lesson about accurate communication.
12-04-2004, 09:48 PM
You are right about nothing being better than having your balls in someones mouth whom you do trust. One thing id like to mention is accurate communication between you and your partner. I once was in this situation and wanted her to "chew my balls hard", instead of saying just that, I said "bite them hard", she did with tremendous force, I was out of commision and sore for weeks. Taught me a lesson about accurate communication.
Dang! Women are mean (no, I ain't complaining). I got off pretty light, compared to you.
12-05-2004, 01:36 PM
One of the most intense ways to get busted is for a girl to circle your balls with a strap so they can't escape then have her sit on your thighs looking into you eyes and "clap" on the balls.
Something about your balls being trapped and having an impact from both sides at the same time makes the pain very intense.
I think I like it the best becuase she can control it. Light claps hurt and rapid claps or hard claps can make you see stars!
12-05-2004, 08:11 PM
The method of ball torture that I enjoy most is to first isolate my balls from my body at the base of the scrotum then separate them, each into its own pouch...any constrictive devise will do, e.g., light cord or rubber "O" rings...what I like best are brass or SS rings, two each of three different sizes, each set barely big enough to press my balls through. First I ease both my balls through two large rings that remain at the base of my scrot, then I force my more sensitive left ball through two larger ones and finally two really small ones go on my "numb" nut. It's not really numb but it's a lot less pressure-sensitive than my left one is. When I get all six rings on, I start by squeezing both balls together, manually, very gently at first but increasing the pressure and length of the squeeze until I can't stand it any longer, then a short rest and then I start on them again until I can put a LOT of pressure on them squeezing them together.
After about an hour of this, my nuts become quite soft and my numb nut produces much less pain when I squeeze it, even when I use both hands and squish it back and forth between my hands. My sensitive nut is always very hard when I start and I can't put much pressure on it for quite a while (but it amazes me that I can squeeze both a lot harder than either individually). Even then, I can only apply relatively hard pressure on my sensitive ball for 15-20 seconds before I have to let off...but WOW, what a feeling as the pain builds and moves up my side the longer and longer I try to overpower the pain threshhold.
After I've worked both my nuts together, I start to squeeze them individually between my thumb and two fingertips, first my right ball then my left. I try to match the pressure on both balls, but my left ball takes a lot longer to soften until I can put enough pressure on it to start to distort it's shape. The endorphine rush as I exert more and more pressure is wonderful as I sit back and close my eyes...enjoying.
When my wife was alive, I used to get her to do me occasionally, but since she croaked, I've learned how to more slowly apply more and more pressure until I can get myself pretty high on the pain. I don't do hitting or kicking but an hour or more of concentrated slow squeezing, working up from light pressure to about as hard as I can using only my hand produces amazingly wonderful feelings.
As you can see from the pics below (and others in the "ball hardness", "self busting" and "pics" threads) I do put enough pressure on my old eggs to really flatten and distort them. (Is anyone else out there able to apply this much pressure on their hanger-downers? I'd like to see pics if you do. Does it take a long period of "foreplay" or can anyone squish them hard at the beginning of a busting session?)
The Geezer
I've never had anyone step on my balls, but after I soften them up during a long session, I think I probably could take at least a shoe-less foot...maybe even one foot on each of my nuts. A great erotic fantasy as I apply my hardest squeezes (but manual squeezing seems a lot more controlable and therefore a lot safer)...maybe I'll take a chance when I get really old and feeble and can't do myself any more :Baahaha:
12-18-2004, 04:32 PM
You mention using fists. If I tie the guy's balls and stretch them a bit, I use my left hand to cradle them underneath. Then I use my right knuckles to rap them sharply. I can tell by his reaction when it's hard enough -- then I do it harder to show him who's really in control of the situation.
I almost always mix pain with pleasure. With either my left hand or my mouth I tease his dick. I like to keep it 'up' for quite a while before I let him shoot his load. I control when he cums.
A cool trick is to give him some double-hard whacks just as he starts to cum.
If the guy is past the point of "no return", he'll continue to ejaculate even if he's only semi-conscious (or ***********!).
A few guys that I've known say that having an orgasm as they're about to pass out feels super-fantastic.
Any comments? Anybody??[/B]
Very, very sexy, Sara. It must be an incredible experience for those guys whom you wield that kind of erotic power over. Mmmm. :ibow4u:
01-07-2005, 12:07 AM
Sara, This line "...then I do it harder to show him who's really in control of the situation." is the reason that I joined the site. Wish there were more women like you out there.
01-28-2005, 01:46 PM
"Not hard enough to make you pass out, but hard enough to make you wish you had."
Great, Sara! You are wonderful
iron horse
05-14-2005, 01:54 AM
The variation of how a woman decides to bust a man in his balls has, for me, different erotic flavors. One thing I particularly find erotic is when he is standing in front of her, his legs are spread, and she is on her knee facing him. She then delivers an uppercut punch directly into his balls. I'm attaching photos of some examples of this. When the punch comes from directly underneath straight upward into his balls, I would imagine it would take him down immediately. The video I've seen on femaledom shows that most of the times it happens, the guy falls to the floor holding his balls and moaning.
Guys, have any of you ever experienced this? Ladies...Sara, have you ever done this, and do you enjoy it as much as the girls on femdom seem to?
05-14-2005, 04:13 AM
Well done Mr. Iron Horse :thumbup Its clear that you must have quite a collection of BB pictures :) so I’d like to encourage you to keep posting ‘em. :jumpsmile :jumpsmile
Thanks on behalf of all,
There is a great clip on the web of a babe which gives an uppercut. It was on aussies but i can't find it anymore but I'll look for the filenmane
My afvorite is to stand naked with my hands on my knees and legs wide apart. My gf crouches behind me and slaps her hand up into my balls. It isnt the near-death feeling of a boot, but it stings like crazy and makes me dance around like a puppet on strings. Best thing is we can do it over and over, and Im up for it.
07-10-2005, 04:24 AM
Unlike most of you I have never been hit or kicked really hard in the balls so can only talk about my more limited experiences. A previous girlfriend used to enjoy spanking my balls with either her hand the back of a hairbrush, either in bursts of fairly light but rapid slaps or harder and more spaced out ones (usually alternating between the 2 in a way that was hard to predict), sometimes squeezing them with her hand as well.
One thing that I do think was important was that no time was it ever simply a re-run of the last time. Also, she was in control and simply did whatever she wanted to do at that time which made it impossible to predict what she was actually going to do.
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