View Full Version : Ballbusting "School" - Is The Student Ready?
01-07-2003, 06:34 PM
Another one of my many fantasies, (I do seem to have quite a bit of them, you know), is teaching a young girl self-defense. Of course, this includes "ballbusting".
I take her into a bedroom, and instruct her to take off ALL of her clothes. She objects, but I tell her that I'm the teacher, and that if she trusts me, she'll do EVERYTHING I instruct her to. She then takes off all of her clothes, and I take off all of mine. The lesson then begins.
I tell her to come up to hug me, then lift her knee into my balls. She does this SLOWLY, because if she did this fast I would be on the ground in a lot of pain! I teach her to ruthless, as her attacker most likely will be. I teach her kicking techniques, punching techniques, chopping, humiliation techniques like face slapping and what to say verbally to her attacker - positive re-enforcement to boost her confidence and lower that of her attacker.
Then I teach her techniques for when her attacker is on the ground; what she can do next. This is usually going for the "knockout", either by blows to the face/head or, more likely, spreading the legs of her attacker and stomping him until he passes out unconsious.
The final part of the lesson involves taking a "souvenir" from your attacker; usually ********** of the attacker, OR something more legal - probably identification taken from your attacker; drivers license or blood sample or something like that. I tell her that if the cops find her with the balls of her attacker - oops! get a good lawyer, cuz this one's going to court! :rolleyes:
After the lesson, I ask her to pay her "tuition". The tuition is MY PLEASURE - which I'm sure you can figure out by now. After that, I ask if she would like to practice what I've just taught her. She says she does. And that's good, because after all - practice makes perfect. :D
01-10-2003, 03:44 AM
Good one, Gripcrush!
I was about to ask you if I could be your student. But I'd probably hurt you. By "accident", of course.
If I was being attacked for real, I'd forget the face-slapping. It usually only riles up the attacker.
If he was trying to **** me, I'd probably be able to take care of him. Especially after a few "lessons" from you!
I'd take a couple of trophies. Sure.
Especially if there were no witnesses around.
If he was trying to **** me, there probably wouldn't be people nearby anyway.
The first thing he'd do would probably be to go to a hospital. He probably wouldn't blurt out to a cop that found him that I'd ********* him. The doctor or paramedic would find out, but by then I'd be long gone.
If he was ***********, I'd have time to stitch him up so well that he could delay any medical visit. He could just go home and sulk. He wouldn't even want to report it. If he was smart, he'd take antibiotics, not report it, and just feel sorry for himself.
The trophies make cool earrings, pendants and broaches, by the way!
WELL?? How do you think I got my nickname?!?
01-12-2003, 07:30 PM
If you were my student, my ballbusting school fantasy would probably last just ONE lesson! :p
But if you're willing to be my student... I'll be your teacher! Class is in session.... OUCH!! :eek: :eek:
01-13-2003, 03:18 AM
Sorry for being so eager to jump to the "final part" of the lesson!
I'd better try to tone down my eagerness for those testicle earrings.
Anyway, you guys know that I'm just joking, right?
Hey, trust me!
When I've got a guy by the balls, I just like to make him believe that I'm going to crush, twist, pull off, bite off, kick off, stomp, flatten, rupture, mutilate, cut off, smash, pop, squish, pierce with my fingernails, or destroy his testicles in some way that he maybe can't even imagine.
Just a fantasy. OK? I wouldn't really do any permanent damage at all.
You know me better than that, right?
I might make an exception if a guy was ****** me though.
Or maybe if he... ummm... I mean... well... nevermind!
Just trust me!
You say that your private class is for "a young girl". I'm 24.
Do I qualify?
What other qualifications does your "student" have to meet?
Anybody else out there who would like to give "lessons" to a girl or two?
01-23-2003, 02:55 PM
you would definitly qualify to be my student. you could even bring a couple of friends if you liked. i would happily donate my balls to you and your friends for yall's kicking, stomping, squeezing, slapping, ect. pleasure.
01-25-2003, 10:08 PM
Well, bigtito is ready and so am I.
As Regis Philbin would say, "Is THAT your final answer?".
BTW, 24 is a perfect age. C'mon Sara, what do you say?!?
02-03-2003, 10:37 PM
bigtito, Gripcrush and "others":
You wouldn't try to get out of it at the last minute?
You wouldn't be too bossy and tell me what to do, how to do it and what not to do and on and on?
There's gotta be a catch, right?
02-05-2003, 12:13 PM
There's no catch as long as you didn't kill me. I wouldn't boss you around. You could tie me up and gag me if you liked. I guess it'd be more like me being your student.
02-05-2003, 08:27 PM
The only catch is that you and I have fun WHATEVER we decide what to do! Like I've said before, it's all up to you. I AM READY.
05-19-2003, 10:12 AM
I would love a sadistic, like Sarah work my balls over in the most painful m anner while I was bound and unable to escape her painful kicks
05-20-2003, 09:38 PM
Hi Sara, are you serious? If so when and where? love ya!
05-27-2004, 10:29 PM
Sorry for disappearing like that, guys.
I was in Mexico (where I was born) for a while.
Anyway, I'm back now.
Does anyone care?
Hello? Anybody here?
Hope some of you are still around and still have the "balls" to play around with me.
I mean... to let me play around with your balls.
I think that YOU would have to be the "student" though !
I'm a bit more experienced now, so I might have "a couple of things" to teach you about.
Hope the lessons wouldn't be too unbearably painful for you.
- Sara.
06-08-2004, 05:52 PM
I'm so glad you have returned. This forum was nothing without you here and to finally discover that you're back - well, it makes me happy.
Are you back to stay or just pop in from time to time?
06-09-2004, 05:15 AM
Hi Gripcrush :)
Thanks for the compliments!
I thought the Forum would just continue fine without me, and that I would hardly be missed.
But it does seem that it was less active while I was away. Like, almost dead!
As Moderator, I really didn't expect to be running the whole show, but I guess me being here does help keep things alive. :)
I plan to be here regularly. Not every day, but every few days at least.
One thing that I find a bit frustrating is seeing how many times a thread is viewed, compared with how many actually post something.
Here's a gentle reminder to the many members who haven't posted anything yet:
In the Forums Rules it clearly says:
"If you choose to register, then POST a message on our forum. DON'T register to only see attachments as we will delete registrations which are not active at all."
Anyway, the more you guys post, the more I'll be here. Deal? :)
Thanks for posting! :)
Guitar Man
07-01-2004, 11:16 PM
*sticks up hand*
"i wouldn't mind volunteering for this class"
if i can't join in can i at least oversee the proceedings for verification purposes?
Anyway, the more you guys post, the more I'll be here. Deal? :)
Thanks for posting! :)OK. I'll try to post more.
I wish others would too.
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