View Full Version : Restoring Sensitivity to Testicles for Pain and Pleasure

01-19-2025, 07:56 PM
My balls are getting old. I've had my wife squeeze and slap them for years. When I first had her do this while giving me a hand job with the other hand, I'd have to grab her wrist after a few slaps and catch my breath.

Every slap reverberated with pain, pain sensations bouncing everywhere. It felt kind of like my funny bone got hit, mixed with some sexual pleasure. Several years back, I was taking her maximum strength squeezes, teaching her ways to hold my testicles to squeeze harder.

How many of you are like me with old desensitized, possibly calloused balls? Do you fondly remember the days when a finger flick might bend you over and a moderate punch might have you on the ground?

I've been reading about the P-shot. this is an injection of platelet-rich plasma (PRP), which is used to promote healing in various body parts. This particular use of the technology is used through an injection in the base of the penis. It is supposed to help with erectile dysfunction and make the penis fuller and heavier, but I read many men find sensitivity has returned to their penises. This is appealing to me, because when I first had my wife doing post-orgasm torture, I figured out a way to get myself tied up because otherwise, i would flip over on the bed, but now I can easily take what my wife dishes out post orgasm because the head of my penis isn't sensitive before or after. She used to overwhelm me pre-orgasm by palming my sensitive head. But that doesn't tickle anymore. So I am interested in the P-shot. I'm hoping to get sensitivity back. Eventually, I'd want to get tied down and for my wife to give me a hand job long past ejaculation. Maybe I should get her to get some shots in the joints of her hands, too. They use this stuff to promote healing. Her getting an 'O-shot' is more likely.

I read some doctors had some success getting more fertility out of men with testicle injections. I would want more testosterone cells, and whatever cells register testicular pain and pleasure. But I would prefer a shot somewhere that takes the blood into the testicle, not a shot in the testicle itself. I don't want some weak point for gunk to leak out of after I think I'm healed up, sensitive, and tell my wife I'm ready for her to squeeze.

If you guys want super sensitive balls, that queasy feeling after taking a knee, overwhelming sensations where a couple of testicle spanks leave you begging for mercy, and a foot to the balls sends you gasping for air on the floor, and the idea of a determined woman getting her hands on your balls to fill you with terror again, where you are just too afraid to suggest ball busting techniques to a woman again, because they might be just too painful, this is a thread for you to share your findings and information about the P-shot, testicular PRP shots, and other relevant information.

Alex J.
01-20-2025, 05:44 AM
pay your attention to gonadotropin.
Use in men. The result is not immediate, but it works. You should consult your doctor.

01-22-2025, 06:31 PM
pay your attention to gonadotropin.
Use in men. The result is not immediate, but it works. You should consult your doctor.

Is that the hormone some doctors use, without FDA approval for it, to mimic Luteinizing hormone to prevent endogenous testosterone from tipping off testicles to make less testosterone, which can lead to atrophe?

Can HCD increase feelings of testicle sensitivity?

Alex J.
01-23-2025, 05:18 AM
Yes. Under its influence, the gonads begin to produce more testosterone. Accordingly, they increase slightly in size and become more sensitive. However, it is worth remembering about the end of the intake and the sharp decrease in hormone levels. As a rule, natural functions are restored after a couple of weeks.

01-23-2025, 02:00 PM
Yes. Under its influence, the gonads begin to produce more testosterone. Accordingly, they increase slightly in size and become more sensitive. However, it is worth remembering about the end of the intake and the sharp decrease in hormone levels. As a rule, natural functions are restored after a couple of weeks.

How much more sensitive are we talking? Does a man who could take full-force kicks before get knocked on the floor by a finger flick after taking it? Does it have to be taken with testosterone? Does testosterone have the same effect?

Alex J.
01-24-2025, 01:51 PM
The sensitivity can be compared to what happens when you don't cum for a long time. The so-called "blue testicles" effect. No, gonadotropin should not be taken with testosterone. Under the influence of gonadotropin, the testicles increase the production of their own testosterone.

01-24-2025, 05:21 PM
The sensitivity can be compared to what happens when you don't cum for a long time. The so-called "blue testicles" effect. No, gonadotropin should not be taken with testosterone. Under the influence of gonadotropin, the testicles increase the production of their own testosterone.

I've felt full and discomfort in a horny kind of way as a young man especially. But I never had blue balls per se that I know of.

Did you lose testicle sensitivity as you aged? Did it return with HCG?

What does a ball bust under the influence of HCG feel like? For that matter, what does a blue balls ball bust feel like?

I used to really like a hand job with ball spanking. When my wife wasn't horny, sometimes she'd serve me that way. At first, ball spanking was so intense, I'd ask for it maybe once a month (hand jobs every other night, sex every other night, and hand jobs on period nights as a newly wed.) As I aged, and my wife got a little less diligent doling out the sexual affection, I'd ask for ball busting almost every time, and she'd start me out with some squeezes or rough handling for foreplay for sex.

I had a ball spanking the other day, and the pain sensitivity is almost gone, but the pleasure aspect of it is also greatly diminished. It still feels good. The most fun, or intense at least, was when it felt good, but the pain part was so intense I could barely take it. I was nervous to ask for more ball spanking. I thought of suggesting squeezes like balls between finger and thumb, but the idea was too terrifying, and I knew I couldn't take it, but I sure did in my late 40's, and I don't know if she can spank my balls hard enough to close my legs. That would be fun...playing a game where she tries to randomly slap me hard enough to make me close my legs again.

Is it anything like that, or is it pure pain and you just want her to barely touch you or none at all?

I read that a side effect of this hormone was enlarged penis and testicles. What a dangerous side effect! I might hurt my wife. Seriously, I am wondering if going deeper with some of her female problems might be an issue, but her arousal from the sight would probably make it worth it, and I would just have to be careful to adjust positions (though the deep ones are satisfying angles.

This is a hormone that shows up in pregnant women in the pregnancy tests. Does it make you feel moody, give you moobs (man boobs) or make your nipples sensitive or anything female like that?

Does the increased testosterone help you lose fat and gain muscle? What about ejaculate? Does more of it come out? Does that intensify pleasure?

01-25-2025, 10:39 PM
There was a study that showed that young men that took Omega 3 every day for 60 days had bigger balls, with Omega 3 supposedly stimulating the release of gonadotropin. Balls can be 10% bigger. I just bought some.