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View Full Version : Be Careful!

03-11-2003, 10:13 PM
Dear All Girls Considering Ballbusting,

Unless in a self defense, make sure you have the consent of a man before you break his beads!

A girl I used to work with did me a favor. She is a cute blonde chick and I asked her to Seduce my ex boyfriend, and chain him to the bed, and torchure him. This worked great. I was there waiting, and I Smuthered his balls so bad, he was crying for mercy. 6 months later, he had a eurethral stricture, And sued my friend for 11,000 dollars, for the operation. he could not urinate at all. All girls beware. Be VERY cautious to the eurethra, and all other arteries in the penis, because they are easily mangled, and they are expensive to repair. Now, When guys ask me to crack their nuts for them, I have a full legal consent form written out by my lawyer. Maybe you all should consider this!

Please reply

07-31-2003, 02:39 AM
I disagree. If a guy gives a girl consent to kick him in the balls, and be chained up defenseless, he should be prepared to suffer the consequences. When you have sex, you don't have to sign a consent form, or when you kiss somebody---you could spread a disease but you don't have them sign a consent form. If a guy gets injured, he shouldn't have let himself get tied up.

03-31-2005, 12:59 PM
If it's not on paper it's your word against theirs.
That's how lawyers get rich while you mortgage your house and sell your car.
Just my opinion of course.