View Full Version : Another Story
04-01-2003, 04:33 PM
Recently, I was in a parking garage, and A girl bumped into my car, shattering it's left head-light. the accident was purely her fault. I got out of my car PEACEFULLY, and said "ma'm, I understand that that was an accident, and I want to do everything that I can to make sure this insurance transaction is the least of a hastle to both of us." And she came over to me, Took off her shirt, tackled me on the ground, Took off my pants, Kneed me in the balls once, got up and looked at me, not able to breathe, or think... wheezing. She then Got down on her knees, gave me the best blow job of my life, and helped me up. Then I asked her "What the hell was that for?" And she immediately gave me a fist *with rings RIGHT to the groind, most perfect nut shot i have ever taken, and i fell town again. She then mounted herself on me as if we were fucking, and kneed me repeatedly until my balls hurt so bad I couldn't even feel then. Then She brought me up onto my car, and Smashed my balls between the car and her knee. Then gave me about 15 more HARD kicks to the groind. Then after that, she put her hands down my pants, and Squeezed my nuts as HARD as she could. Then, She Got behind me and Used her High heels to kick me from behind, And Then Got in front of me and threw me onto the ground. Then, she put me into a position where my balls were on the ground, and then she put her shoe near the ground and SMashed them With ALOt of force several times. At this point, I was practically in tears. I had no idea why she was doing ANY of this. Then, She got up, And 2 other women got out of her car. They put me into their car together, And mounted themselves to continue this torture during the trip. if I spoke, I got Kneed. If I coughed, I got kneed. if I did just about anything, I got a Hard knee RIGHT into my groind (and she couldnt miss, because it was a cold day and my sctorum was pretty shrunken from a lack of heat) and then as they got me to the apartment, they brought me upstairs. As soon as she locked her door, She was at it again. Smacking my manhood as hard as she could, with either fist. Then, they put me on a bed and started STANDING with all their weight on my nuts, 1 girl for each nut. MAN did that hurt. Then, They Each lined up, gave me 50 HARD hits (far enough away so that the Shoe smacked) and went at it. Each kick made me MOAN with pain, while the other 2 women detained me. After 150 kicks were through, they brought out a 2 by 4 out of the closet, and Stripped me naked. They tied me to a bed (legs and arms spread) and Smacked my balls with atleast 20 pounds of force, several times. At this point, my bals were black and blue and each blow hurt more. Then, The girls put me in hand cuffs, and leg cuffs, and put me down on the ground and left me for about 2 minutes. when they came back, they were totally naked, and they sucked my dick for about 45 minutes! This made me feel Alot better. Then once the sucking was over, They brought me back to the car, and drove to my car. They helped me to the hood of my car, and each said "We are sorry for the inconvenience." and then Drove away. 15 seconds later, they came back and each got out. They all 3 came over, gave me 3 HARD hits (as hard as they could) to the nuts each, then 1 put on 6 inch high heels, and Smacked each nut with a 10 foot running head start. Then They took off their shoes, and Stood on my balls, with almost all of their weight, until I cried each time. Then, they helped me up AGAIN and 1 KNEED ME So hard, with the Bone in her knee, that I thought I was dead. Then, She kneed me abou 10 more times, just that way. Then after all of this, they stood me up, put the high heels on, spread my legs, and Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom 5 STraight kicks to the groind Full impact 100% pain and after the last one, the largest girl came up to me, put both hands in my pants, gripped each ball with 1 hand, put her legs on my thighs, and Pulled for her life. They were stretched so hard I thought they had detatched. Then she stretched in about 10 other different ways. Then after this, The 1 with the heels came over, gave me 10 more HARD smacks to the groind. Then they all 3 got in their car, and drove away. I have not seen them to this day, and I am yet to figure out Why any of this happened in the first place. 2 weeks later, I got a tape in the mail, and it had all of the footage of me getting my nuts smashed. on the top, it was labeled: SOUVENIRE
If you enjoyed my story, please reply. I would be glad to answer any questions you all may have.
Please reply
04-01-2003, 04:58 PM
I was friends with a girl named Brianna for about 3 months, and I liked her, so I decided to make my move. I asked her out on a date. She said she would love to have me over to her apartment for dinner. So, I went over, dressed up and freshly clean. I knocked on the door, and she was wearing a beautiful dress. She smiled as i came in. Then, we sat down, and I gave her a set of diamond earrings that I had been saving for her. She Smiled and laughed, and we have a Wonderful evening. Then, as it came time for me to go, I asked if I could stay the night. She said it would not be a good idea, but I argued (STUPID ME). She said " Alright, come in, take your clothes off, and hand-cuff yourself to my bed. With some wild sex insight in my mind, I did so. She then came in, wearing longeray (or however you spell it) and she Jumped onto my erect penis. She started having violent sex with me, until I cummed. Then, she got a duster out of the closet, and started tickling my privates. Then, she came back out with a yellow wiffle ball bat (light but heavy enough to do alot of damage), and Smiled. when I asked what it was for, She Smacked me in the nuts with it, just to show me what she had planned. As i struggled out of the hand-cuffs, she said "Eat" and took off all of her clothes, and put her pussy on my face (I could breathe, but it was in a comfortable female pleasure position). I said Okay, and started Eating her out. She then Smacked my balls with TREMENDOUS force. I screamed and moaned, and She hit them again. More screaming. More moaning. Again and again she did this, until I stopped moaning. Once I stopped, she did too. She said "Eat better!" and so I did my best, until about 3 minutes into it, my tongue got tired. She Smashed my nuts again and Again, each time getting more into the fact that it is Wrong for a man to think that just because he bought a woman diamond earrings, that he should get to fuck her. She got more and more into it, until finally she called her girlfriends. in about 10 minutes, 5 girls showed up at the door. As they walked in, they each picked up the bat, Lined up the shot, swung, and BAM smacked my sack, hitting atleast 1 ball with enough force to make you cry. As they each came, hit me, and passed, they sat down next to me, and on me, and watched tv for about 15 minutes. Then they got up, turned the TV off, and started pointing and laughing at my frugal manhood, which was in their posession at the moment. They each them got up, and did a 3 hour torture session, which included: Standing on my nuts, putting my nuts under the toilet seat, closing the toiled seat, and sitting on it (2 girls at a time), kicking, standing, Smacking, hitting with a baseball bat. They then put my clothes on, and helped me to the door. I limped, because even 2 hours after the last kick, my balls still hurt BAD. I limped out to the door, where one of the girls smiled, grabbed my hair, and pulled me in the room. They got an idea. Oh no! They stripped me naked again, and decided to put my balls in the door (the side with hinges) and Smash them as the door closed! This hurts more than anyone may think, because it is just a big lever, and 1 pound of force means about 25 on my nuts. After this, I was crying on my knees. They held me there, and kicked my nuts, until all 5 of them had tired legs. Then, they waited about 25 minutes. They helped me into the hallway , and said "Next time you go to a woman's house for dinner, think twice about trying to get into her pants. And I certainly will! She then brought me down to the lobby, (Tons of people) and tripped me. She put me on my back, and NAILED me Right in the nuts, screaming (THIS WILL TEACH YOU TO CHEAT ON ME!! WHAT ABOUT THE KIDS? HUH?) and they she kicked me about 10 times. The women in that lobby were Literally lining up to kick me in the nuts as HARD AS THEY COULD, with a large variation of shoes, that hurt So bad, it was unbelieveable. They all thought I was an adulterer, and had a motive. They stood around laughing, as they didn't stop kicking me. when i tried to get up, They kicked me in the chest, and Stepped on my balls. If i said something mean, they held me up on my feet, and Smashed my nuts with theyr knees. Then, after all of this, the police showed up. They detained all of my attackers, and s african american women (in VERY good shape) came over, and Kicked the POLICE OFFICERS in the nuts! They explained to them the cituation, While repeatdly crushing their stones, and then threw them out of the door. Then, the black women came back, to Standing on my nuts, kicking them, Slapping them, and even 1 woman put her face to my groind and Bit my left nut. Finally, they all ran out, to dodge the incoming backup police officers. I was on the floor, and 1 of the african american women was still Smashing my nuts with her high heeled shoes when they came in. They tried to catch her, but she Nailed 3 of them RIGHT in the crotch, and ran off, finally being tackled by 3 men, she was cought and put in jail for 2 months, for assault. at this time, my balls had been through more than they had bargained for. I limped my way to my car, and slowly drove home. For the next 3 weeks or so, my Semen had Blood in it. 3 weeks after, I had a doctor's exam. They said that my balls looked fine. This meant, that I had Balls of Steel! but they still hurt like hell when they have a 200 pound woman standing on them!
if you liked my story, please reply to me. I would be glad to answer any questions you may have.
04-03-2003, 05:40 PM
By this time, I bet you are thinking "how many times has this dude found himself in an unfortunate cituation enough to get his nuts smashed by angry women? well, the answer (so far) is 3. This, is the story of the third time.
So, I was in my apartment, making dinner when all of the sudden, I get a knock on the door. I open it, and there is a Beautiful blonde extremely tan, Skinny, but in good shape (most sexy woman I have ever seen) and I look at her and just go into a daze cause she was that hot... and She says "Hello? and I said "Yes, How can i help you?" and she said "300 dollars a night, anything you want for as long as you want for 1 night only special deal" and I said "sure, come on in. She said she wanted her money up front, so I gave her the 300 dollars, but before the sex, I wanted to have dinner with her. We talked for about 20 minutes (i think she was really opening up to me, because she hated her job) and then right when she said "let's go do the dirty thing in the bedroom", I said "good idea" and that was it. She came right up to me, and started kissing me. She kneed me in the nuts once, and I fell to the ground, holding them. She Kicked them about 5 more times with high heels (through my hands) and I was pretty much out of it for about 5 minutes. Next time I opened my eyes enough to concentrate, there was about 25 different hookers in my room, with boots and high heels - the works. as soon as I said "what the fuck is going on" one of them said "relax... we're here to have some fun" and she Kicked me square in the nutsack, and I moaned. Then, they all got naked (don't ask me why) and Started lying around on my floor, talking about all kinds of their experiences as hookers, and every time they noticed I was conscious, They gave me another hard blow to the nuts with a foot, or a knee, so i learned not to open my eyes, or stop moaning on the ground. Finally, i noticed that they were talking about me. They were contemplating what to do, to make sure that I would never tell the police (or anyone) about them taking controll of my home for 2 days. So, They tied my hands to the top 2 posts of my bed, and my feet to the bottom two posts of my bed. They left my clothes on, but one woman came in and changed my pants, into some much more uncomfortable jeans, that were about 3 sizes too small for me. Then, in the middle of the night, when I was asleep, I was awakened by 1 (sexy) naked woman who was putting a ball gag in my mouth. I was thinking about what was going on. I was in my bedroom, and all of the other women were sleeping out in my living room. I looked up as this Beautiful Perfect woman closed my door, and I was alarmed when she ran up, and Jumped onto me in a sexual position, as if we were going to have sex. She then, turned the light on, and put her breasts in my face, and was smiling and giggling during the whole time. I thought that we were really connecting, until she lied on me (she was about my height) and I thought she had passed out, but in about 2 minutes, I felt her hand going down my pants. She touched and massauged my privates for about 20 minutes, until she got some energy and got up, She Kneed me right in the groind, with alot of force, seeing as the way they had me positioned, My waist was on the side of the mattress, so my genitals were practically hanging over. She kneed me, and started giggling quietly. She then Kneed me again about 5 more times, and then kept giggling. She did all sorts of things. She smashed my crotch against the bed post quite hard, for about 20 seconds at a time. She tried running across my bedroom (its about 15 feet long) and Diving onto my body with her knee out with all muscles tightened, so that I got about 150 pounds of force in 1 knee to the nuts... And after about 2 hours of her Beating up my package as much as she could, she got me naked, and put my scrotum firmly in her cold hands. She held it firmly *but not tightly for about 15 minutes, until her hands started to warm up, and then she started blowing cold air onto it, to make it shrink it quite small. She then, stood back about 4 feet away (the approximate length of her leg) and arched her toes backward so that when she kicked, my bare nuts took full force of the hard flat part of the bottom of her foot (not the heel). This hurts alot more than anyone might have suspected, because a kick that makes your balls bounce hurts quite a bit more, cause it hurts more of the actual ball itself. (take this coming from a man) that I was in tears after about 15 of these. She was still giggling, until she stopped and made a straight face. She had an idea. She put strings around each one of my nuts *Tightly but not painfully, and wrapped the strings around the bed post, and tied each one of them to the door handle as she left(which opened outward from the room) and she left and went to sleep. I knew what was going to happen, but I tried not to think about it. I was awakened by my nuts being pulled with about 10 pounds of force, as 1 of the girls was trying to get in. She thought i had gotten free and braced the door somehow. She Pulled and pulled until she decided that she would get the other girls. 3 other girls pulled as hard as they could *with their legs, and I was crying streams. This hurts Tremendously. Finally, they pulled the door open, and ****** my balls (about 1 1/2 inches in diameter) through a 1/2 inch loop of string. once they figured out what had happened, they were yelling at eachother, because they just wanted my home for a few days-had no intentions of torturing me. Then, they all left, and my gag was removed, and they gave me lots of sexual pleasure to make up for the mix-up. then, as i leaned my head up to see that they were all gone - but 1. The one that tied the string. She locked the door behind the last girl leaving, and she walked in. I was already crying, for I knew what she was going to do. She walked in, and said "hello. I am Jessica. about when did we arrive in your house?" and I said "yesterday" and she kneed me in the nuts with about a 10 foot headstart. She then mounted herself on me so that it would be Easy for her to nail me in the nuts quite hard. She then said "when did we arrive in your apartment" and I said "today?" and I got 2 knees. She said "each time you get it wrong, I will give you twice the amount of knees as last time. Now, when did we arrive" and i said "You never arrived, I have never seen you in my life" and she smiled and said "that is correct", and kissed me on the mouth for about 1 minute. she said then "now, who are you going to tell about us coming to your apartment?" and I said "noone" and she took my pants off and gave me a 2 minute blow job." she said "your pleasure increases with each correct answer as well." She then said " now, if you tell anyone ever about what has happened in your house in the last two days, we will torture you and your balls until you wish you were dead, then we will Break your balls, so that you will never have kids, and we will use high heels on concrete. do you understand?" and I said "okay, listen. Why are you here in the first place?" and I got 8 hard kicks Right in the nuts. when I cought my breath, she said "we are whores for money. that is all. Whenever we get a guy that is willing to pay us, we wait until we are paid, then we crush his nuts and live in his place." and I said "okay. Well, goodbye" and she said "so long, and walked to the door, licked her lips, came back, and for some reason unknown, she kneed me in the nuts about 100 times ATLEAST. I screamed at the top of my lungs with every hit, and she seemed to like it. when I stopped (thinking that she would stop) she used her foot to Smash my nuts, because she wanted to get me to scream. After about 20 minutes of 1 kick every 45 seconds, (as i started to catch my breath) she got up, smiled, gave me one last kick with her boot (the most painful) and she was gone. She came back about 15 minutes later, and ate a sandwhich in my room as we watched tv. I didnt dare say anything, because 16 kicks were coming up with the wrong answer. She kneed me in the nuts harder than any that had come before (i lost my breath) and she uncuffed my left hand. She Kneed me again just as hard, and un-cuffed my right hand. She then kneed me twice per foot, and she brought me to the door, Kicked me in the nuts So hard that I fell down, and she was gone. that was the last i saw of her. as i came to, about 45 minutes later (still in constant pain) I noticed a gigantic mess that swarmed through my home like a virus. food, and drinks everywhere. all my furniture was ruined. I spent the next 3 days cleaning up, until I got a knock at the door. I opened it *with the lock and it was the same blonde woman. She stuck her hand through my door rapidly, and latched onto my crotch. she smiled, and Squeezed my nuts with about 15 pounds of force (i coudl tell she worked out) and I was like "ah ah ah who who Ah" until finally i managed to pull myself out of her grasp "which was the most painful part" and I slammed the door. I heard a loud laugh, then a yelling voice say "Thanks for the place. And thanks for the 300 dollars!"and she was gone. That was the last I ever saw of her or any other of the women that invaded my house, or smashed my balls those 2 nights.
If you enjoyed my (True) story, please reply to me with any questions you might have.
Please reply
By this time, I bet you are thinking "how many times has this dude found himself in an unfortunate cituation enough to get his nuts smashed by angry women? well, the answer (so far) is 3. This, is the story of the third time.
If you enjoyed my (True) story, please reply to me with any questions you might have.
Please reply
OK, I'm replying.
Question: Are those 3 stories in chronological order?
I'm asking because story #1 says "Recently..." and story #3 says it's "the third time".
That leads to a second question...
Question 2: During what length of time did all 3 ("True") stories occur?
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