View Full Version : Suggestions for Femaledom Videos.
ekim mi ih
06-26-2003, 02:41 PM
Hi Sharon. I love your Femaledom video clips and the pics are fantastic. The girls look great both when teamed together or just one on one. How about some videos with one girl ballbusting two or more guys? June in a video with three guys who have their hands cuffed behind their backs sounds interesting.
07-01-2003, 05:39 PM
Dear Mike,
Thank you for your suggestion...i promise if we can get 2 guys in the studio at the same time we will make such a video...however it seems harder to find guys willing to go on the net and get ther balls kicked then it is to find girls that want to kick them:D
07-02-2003, 09:54 AM
Dear Sharon,
Is it really that hard to find willing guys? I would love to be one of the guys. So how do I apply for the job?
07-20-2004, 08:58 AM
Ten girls trampling one guy ... that would be fantastic!
07-20-2004, 09:35 AM
As I wrote in another tread, there's just one little bad thing among all the femaledom shots: always the same guys :D
07-20-2004, 08:46 PM
Trouble, a certified amateur with a degree in laymanship (that is, I don't know anything), dares to tackle the topic of what the experts should be putting into their videos:
PLOT! Doesn't have to be a good one; doesn't have to be 100% coherent. (Hollywood has proven that people are just fine with movies that really suck, just as long as there is some semblance of a storyline and some killer babes.)
Watching servile men being dominated is not so much a fantasy of men (it IS good to watch, just that there's something better). Random violence done to testicles is far and away more exciting. Short skits, possibly ones that could be strung together to make a crummy movie at some point (which will be quite feasible if you find yourselves using the same men and women a lot), featuring one or more of the attrative women and one or more guys, where the kick is sudden, painful, and all that, would work well.
From looking at Hollywood movies (which are wonderful examples of dreck; the only thing those idiots in California have mastered is figuring out what titillates people just enough to keep them coming back to watch more dreck -- i.e., they understand some psychology and they are determined to exploit what little knowledge they have), the best scenarios seem to revolve around having someone who is, ordinarily, in a position of power being taken down by a female with a groin shot. Policemen are often the recipients; they're perfect. Cops are a) authority figures, so they have POWER (ooh!), b) jerks who deserve a kick in the nuts, and c) just as vulnerable as any other guy when it comes to their nutsack. Seeing a copper taken down by a woman is always cool; and cops usually go out of their way to justify getting brutalized. At least, the ones around where I live do. (Unfortunately, they are real cops with real guns, not actor cops, so the women around here do not kick their nuts, which is a damn shame, but I digress...)
A short plot justifying kicking a cop or some other authority figure should be simplicity, itself. If you really can't think of one, talk to a real cop until he makes you want to bust his balls, then quickly leave and write down what the jerk said (you might be able to re-write it later so that the actor cop you use sounds like a bigger jerk, but I actually kind of doubt that even the most skilled script writer can beat what those guys actually say). Other authority figures to take out could be bosses, college instructors or teachers of some other kind, politicians (who doesn't want to smack a high heel into Newt Gingrich?), etc.
And the real reason why I harp on el policia in particular: women seem to have a weird attraction to the uniformed thugs. Male strippers often dress up in police-style uniforms, for example. So what you would be creating would be appealling to male bb enthusiasts, female ones ("Cool! We NEVER get to kick cops, just boyfriends and jerks at the bar!"), and it would be an inspiration to anarchists everywhere.
If I'm way off the mark, feel free to ignore me. :)
08-08-2004, 11:14 AM
1. Yes, new guys would be great.
2. A black girl would be super.
3. More sexual busting. Some erections and cumming (I know this is not "femaledom concept") But it would be nice.
4. More real life busting, like a guy atempt to **** girl or so. I hate the guy just standing around waiting for more, except from in point nr 3: sexualbusting.
I really loved the femaledom vids when i first descovered them but they have become a little boring.
Have to agrea with stevo's points:
1. Yes, new guys would be great.
2. A black girl would be super.
3. More sexual busting. Some erections and cumming (I know this is not "femaledom concept") But it would be nice.
4. More real life busting, like a guy atempt to **** girl or so. I hate the guy just standing around waiting for more, except from in point nr 3: sexualbusting.
Also how about some guys that have never been busted (or not much anyway)
also some wrestling with testical attacks allowed would be good.
08-18-2004, 11:42 AM
hey sharon, i just want to say that you done a nice work with this site and everything. i am curious about becoming a victum for the models on femaledom. i am willing to have my balls kicked on the net. let me know what do i have to do? thanks looking forward to hearing from you.
08-20-2004, 11:31 AM
but you guys know that its not gonna happen, it would be to good to be true. i would love to work on this site but it wont happen.
thats probly why shes not answering you.
09-11-2004, 08:54 PM
Hi all,
Thanks for visiting the forums.
Unfortunalty im not as much around as i would like because of work with the sites.
I do browse the forums regulary so just write as i will read it.
As to comming and shoot in Hungary then we are currently thinking about a relocation of our studio and we dont know yet when we will be shooting full time again however we have thousands of pictures and hundreds of videos with many many new girls waiting to come up on the site so you wont be missing anything while we are not shooting.
I will announce when we will need some "fresh meat" :) for our videos again
when the time come dont worry :D
I will be around a bit more then normal the next week or more as im currently home visiting Denmark and have some time i normally dont have.
Btw do you like your new forum and options?
09-13-2004, 12:34 AM
New forum is better in many ways. The text is easier to read, so wegot what we need to roll...
The logon error I mentioned in private mail continues; femaledom accepts me logging in, then says I'm not logged in if I try to post. Sometimes. Then has me login again, which works after the second time. Sometimes.
If it's not just me, I think I sense a glitch which will probably only get worse over time... :(
09-13-2004, 05:09 PM
Dear Trouble,
Please try and clear your cookies releated to the forum and next time tick the box that says remember me and that should solve the problem as far as i have been told.
Let me know if that helped?
09-13-2004, 08:28 PM
The greatest fantasy is having a lovely athletic woman wrestle a man to the ground, scissor his face and body and ballbust him into submission after submission. Next she positions her sweet tush onto his struggling face and grinds and grinds her cotton panties taking his every breath. She slides down to his manhood where she tugs and pulls at will as he screams in anguish. Finally to show her surpreme control and his low status in her site, she ****** her smelly, sweaty socked feet over his face and ****** him to smell her power as she yanks on his cock.....until she finishes him off. God how I miss my -ex wife....Any replacements out there for her :iluvu: Seriously!
09-15-2004, 06:59 AM
Hi all,
As to comming and shoot in Hungary then we are currently thinking about a relocation of our studio and we dont know yet when we will be shooting full time again however we have thousands of pictures and hundreds of videos with many many new girls waiting to come up on the site so you wont be missing anything while we are not shooting.
I will announce when we will need some "fresh meat" :) for our videos again
when the time come dont worry :D
:bananajum well, remember me when it will happen! :D
Btw do you like your new forum and options?
It's better than the previous one, the staff made a great job.
09-15-2004, 03:22 PM
Btw do you like your new forum and options?
The new version of the Forum looks and functions much better than the previous version!
I like the font.
The new font & background color combination is more legible.
I like the pleasant colors.
I like the artistic layout.
I like the improved ease of navigation. Like the 2 rows of new menu items along the top of the pages (the "Quick Links" drop-down menu for example).
I like the clean, open, uncluttered appearance.
I like everything about the new Forums design so far.
It's set up very professionally with an artistically pleasant look.
Congratulations! The setup and appearance are really nice!
I think that the Forum upgrade was worth it.
- Sara :)
09-18-2004, 03:59 PM
Thank you for your comments.
Its so nice to hear that you all like it.
09-19-2004, 07:02 PM
Hello Sharon,
I have bought several of Your videos in the past and they are all GREAT!!!!!!!!!
Some ideas I would LOVE for You to try and include in some of Your videos would be to have a Mistress shove her stocking and bare toes directly right up her slaves nose, I also Love when a Mistress shoves her silky/satin gloved fingers up her slaves nose and uses them to violate her slaves mouth by putting her gloved fingers in his mouth against his cheeks and pulling them apart streching his mouth out and ******* her fingers deeeeep in his mouth. I also Love to see a Mistress force her stocking feet deeeeeeeeeep into her slaves mouth and torturing his face using her stocking feet by rubbing/sliding/grinding her stocking feet Really hard all over his face causing a rug burn effect and slapping his face with her feet :)
Sharon, I would also LOVE to see You in action again in some future full length videos, I would definitely buy those, I think You are Beautiful and Great, Pleasssssssssse Pleassssssssssssse say that You will make Your appearance again in future videos!
Sharon, Please let me know what You think of my above ideas/requests especially having the Mistress's shove their stocking/ bare toes and gloved fingers directly right up into her slaves nose in some future videos?
Thank You Very Much,
09-20-2004, 04:22 PM
Dear Footstool,
I have noted your wishes but i do think that we have alot of foot in the mouth comming to the site do ;)
As for me then there is a possibility that i will be in a video at some later point.As for now im more busy writing to you :D but also shoot more content so our members can get some more diffrent girls to see for the site not to mention all the updating that we are doing :)
09-20-2004, 10:13 PM
Hi Sharon,
Sharon, Thank You for Your response and I think it would be Really Really GREAT if You could include the nose play in some future videos :)
10-05-2004, 05:09 PM
I think this torture is perfect for a "Spanish Inquisition" theme or an "Interrogation". Both of these are where the power is misused. The victim has no choice but suffer under all of this and the women are not bound by any rules. I would like to write the script and maybe even direct it!!! But beware: I will not write/direct the standard sexfilm garbage. But try to genuine write a story in which this torture would be "explicitised" in. Maybe I could write this with the help of a few members (victims) and one or few females (interrogators) under my direction?
What do you all think about this idea?
10-07-2004, 01:29 AM
I think this torture is perfect for a "Spanish Inquisition" theme or an "Interrogation". Both of these are where the power is misused. The victim has no choice but suffer under all of this and the women are not bound by any rules. I would like to write the script and maybe even direct it!!! But beware: I will not write/direct the standard sexfilm garbage. But try to genuine write a story in which this torture would be "explicitised" in. Maybe I could write this with the help of a few members (victims) and one or few females (interrogators) under my direction?
What do you all think about this idea?
I've been thinking somewhat the same; the problems should be somewhat obvious: acting is actually pretty tough to do well. Of course, bad acting never stopped anyone from making films, anyway. Also, choreograohy becomes more of a problem. The reason why the standard sex film is so... so... (think, brain, think, brain, think!) so monotonous in their similarity is that the format does not require any particular skill in acting, writing, directing, choreographing, stuntwork, or, well, much of anything -- which is not to say that the people in them are made up of individuals who lack talent, just that filming can be done most cheaply and quickly when there is no real plot to get in the way of the story, no movements that really call for one or more stuntmen, etc.
SO ===> it's potentially a big move if femaledom tries to shift to a different model for their flicks. Plus, their target market would shift, which would be risking financial ruin (but have the potential to open up new markets...).
Golly whiz, I bet I could go on for pages and pages with these ruminations. Think I'll go try something more interesting, like slamming my nuts in a door...
10-11-2004, 03:18 AM
i'd like to see a guy tied up completely immobile spread out on the floor, gagged and get trampled, kicked and smothered by 2 or 3 girls with no mercy.
10-17-2004, 07:51 AM
I would really like to see a secretary type girl in classic black high heel pumps kicking a guy straight in the balls. At some point it would be cool to have him on his knees right in front of her and she slams her instep up between his legs. Another sexy secretary to help her hold him would be good too. Keep the guys clothes on for a while though, helps add realism to it. I would love that scenario! Whether she has stockings on or not doesn't really matter to me, just as long as she has shapely legs and gets him in the nuts over and over! lol
10-19-2004, 10:33 PM
this picture is on the front page of i was wondering since im a member now, are there any more pics of this series (the one with the leopard dress and the ponytails busting the guy in red)? or any videos? if so where?
10-22-2004, 08:37 PM
Hi Sharon,
What about a video called the Femaledom Apprentice? The candidates would have to impress their tough demanding CEO. They could be judged based on their performance in several categories and doing several tasks. The CEO wouldn't be shy about offering her opinions and showing the girls how it's done. I know it's not very original, but it could be fun.
10-23-2004, 09:21 PM
Dear Crazykidzzz,
That particular serie is not up yet i think but you must do a search
in the models page for galleries with Nicole and see if you can find it.
If you cant it will appear in the future.
Cant remember if we made videos too with that serie but you will see ;)
10-23-2004, 09:24 PM
Just wanted to let you all know i have been reading all your comments and suggestions.
And also i would like to add that its really nice to look in here and get some ideas for upcomming videos.
And to you who would like to see a new guy then there will be comming
several new guys to the site together with ALOT of girls so there is plenty to look forward to ;)
11-01-2004, 06:11 AM
yep, secretary look with stockings or tights is one of the sexiest on the go.. Would be nice to see some strappy highheels worn in vids also.
11-20-2004, 05:31 PM
i have to say im am impressed with this site and i know i am going to enjoy it very much. sharon you are simply stunning i would love to have your grip on my balls. you should have a video where the guy is kept aroused maybe even ****** to cum while being smothered to the point of passing out. :machine:
12-21-2004, 07:21 PM
I Just saw one of the preview pictures - and was mortified to see a girl abusing another girl! Haha while some may be into it, I always thought that went against everything here at femaledom- you all seemed to strongly believed in the superiority of women, so it was disheartening to see a woman (and a beautiful one at that) at the feet of angel. Despite how gorgeous Angel is, I think there should be a man at her feet at all times. Anyway, thats just my opinion. =) I wouldn't mind if it was a once in awhile thing but I was hoping the entire site didn't take a turn in the direction of female slaves as well. Thanks for reading!
12-24-2004, 05:11 AM
Dear Snoopy,
I undestand how you feel about this :)
However we have NO plans of making this into regulary updates but as we have been updating with 3 to 5 updates per week the last few months we have plenty of room to add these special updates ;)
01-03-2005, 01:47 AM
My ideal videos would contain shoe-action. (Shoe the general term for any kind of footwear, whether shoes, boots, sneakers etc).
Shoe action is both trampling and busting (can be kicking other areas as well as balls).
We should get a clear view of the shoes and who is wearing them (these should be available in previews too).
- but please, she should keep them on. Do not have the model remove them and finish the job with stockings/barefeet. For those who like stockings and barefeet they can have their own videos.
Video length of 5-10 minutes is fine
02-12-2005, 12:06 PM
Hi all you gorgeous girls at
I have followed this site on a distance, since the beginning some years ago, and must say that it is Great :letsplay
Just wondering where you are shooting the videos, and if it is possible to join as a model for trampling (many girls please, and facestanding) and facesitting ect?? - and do you shoot a video at the first meeting or do you make trialsessions to sort out the models first??
Hope for a reply :)
02-15-2005, 07:10 PM
Dear Fritfaldssex,
For information about comming to shoot with us please use our members board.
05-03-2005, 10:09 PM
hey sharon, i was wondering if you could maybe make the models wear gloves while ballbusting. i think its really attractive when the models wear gloves and grabs the males balls. also i was noticing most of the grabs, they grab the balls but not the dick. maybe you could ask the models to grab the dick because i would love to see it. looking forward to see more of the updates and keep up the good work.
05-06-2005, 11:56 AM
Sharon could it be possible to see more pic of ballbusting, trampling, facestiing , and foot fetish with girls wearing sandals (Im talking about the sandal that Angel wore on her last movie with Bea.
05-13-2005, 06:15 AM
I would love to see many more pictures of boot trampling/busting/worshipping
especially with Angel
there just doesn't seem to be that many on the site.
05-16-2005, 04:11 AM
Hallo There, here is Frank from Germany
My Question is, can you make a long Video, where a few Mitress ride on different Slaves like a Horse?
On his Shoulders, or on his Back, like Angel do it in her first Video from
Or are youre Slaves not strong enought for this, to do it a hole Video.
I hope for a Answer.
Thank you
06-13-2005, 09:14 AM
It like I have always said, the vast majority of people like to see other men being ballbusted, but would run a mile if the opportunity arose for the chance to be taken to task with style but an experienced ballbustress. The sighting of regular faces of certain men is testament to the above.
06-15-2005, 07:24 PM
I'd just actually really love to see a good smother video with 3 - 4 girls where the guy would pass out (for real) about 4 - 6 times... I'm a simple lad :-p
07-01-2005, 07:17 AM
How about June, Sandra and Angel kicking my balls? Sounds good to me
Licking Spikes
08-12-2005, 09:52 AM
Hi Sharon, Question - are there ever any video shoots in the London area?
i'd love to offer my services and appear in one if that's at all possible! :ibow4u:
09-08-2005, 07:58 PM
Hi Sharon,
Thanks for host such a fantastic site.
What I would enjoy seein more of is some good severe cock and ball trampling where the Dome uses real force to trample a naked and helpless cock and balls. Seeing a mans balls crushed beneath a shapely foot in sexy high heels will make me hard every time. There used to be some really good high heel penis and testicle crushing vids on line but I can't seem to find any good ones these days.
Another thing I would love to see is some good cigarette torture of cock and balls. This is a real fetish of mine and something I used to be able to find occasionally. I know some of you Dominant women still smoke so why not use you subbies cock and balls as you ashtray. I would love to see more of that kind of action.
Best Regards,
09-13-2005, 01:33 PM
What about a video that focused on a ballbusting competition between all the models. There could be judges and different categories to rate the abilities of all the ballbusters and types of hits (punch, grab, knee, kick etc...). That would be awsome!!!
09-14-2005, 04:32 PM
Has there been any thought of putting together a "behind the scene" video which shows the making of a ballbusting movie? Something like a mini docu-drama describing the planning of the shoot, the preparation by both guys and brief interviews during the shoot. I'm curious to get an insight into what goes on in the guys heads as they face the prospect of having their balls smashed to oblivion by the sexiest of girls... Some of us will never have the priviledge.
Bust'em nude!
09-16-2005, 11:35 PM
How about some busting videos with the ladies in skirts, hose and stilettos? And after a while, they can remove the shoes and kick them in hose. Make it a backstory of the guy being a ballbusting toy for the evil rich boss staring Kim. :)
09-17-2005, 12:18 AM
Has there been any thought of putting together a "behind the scene" video which shows the making of a ballbusting movie? Something like a mini docu-drama describing the planning of the shoot, the preparation by both guys and brief interviews during the shoot. I'm curious to get an insight into what goes on in the guys heads as they face the prospect of having their balls smashed to oblivion by the sexiest of girls... Some of us will never have the priviledge.
Dear bbheath,
That is a good idea however as we just relocated from our studio in Hungary that will not be possible ...sorry :(
We will hovever when we shoot again use some of the ideas and suggestions made here and on te members postingboard but that will be in the future im afraid meaning whenever we make that material it will be a long time before it comes up on the site considering we have 70.000 pictures more we are going to add to the site and a few hundred hours of videos :bananad: :bananawin
09-17-2005, 12:25 AM
Dear all new and old members,
Just a small note to let you all know i try to stop by and read regulary.
Even do I dont have time to sit and write here everyday i am still reading what you write here and are noting your suggestions and ideas for possible making in future shoots. So its not that I am not around but as you know we are updating the site every second day 14 to 16 times a month and it takes alot of my time to keep up so sorry to all of you but i hope you will bear with me...if not you deserve a kick in your balls :D :bananawin
Castratrix's pet
09-29-2005, 08:19 AM
This thread talks about videos and shoots for videos. How do I access the videos on this site?
My big fantasy is femdom surgical **********. I know it would be more difficult because of some of the props needed and such, but I would love to see some videos or photo sets of a mock femdom surgical ********** made to look real.
The male slave is wearing a long sleeve shirt with his sleeves down and his arms covered to his hands in long sleeves, but he is naked from his waist down. Three beautiful dominant women have tied him to a bed or have tied or strapped him to a table. The castratrix is also wearing a long sleeve shirt.
She takes her place at the bed or operating table ready to perform the **********. She rolls up her sleeves rolling them up above her elbows and she performs the ********** surgery on the slave assisted by the other two women. The slave lays there helpless as the castratrix performs the ********** surgery on him and his manhood is destroyed at her hands.
Like I said, I know it would be more difficult and involve some more props and such, but I've been looking for some videos and photo sets like this for a long time.
06-11-2010, 01:03 PM
Sharon,It seems the basic idea of BB is the reversal of power.First you have the male,traditonally the dominant sex vs the humble female.Having the male attempting to use this power but being reversed by the female is very sexy.I really admire your use of the innocent Girl Next Door theme you use.Could you not combine both ideas where you have the over confident male trying to exert his power in an assault ie.grabbing the ladies breast or ass(something all males fantasize about) or unwanted embrace ,only to be shocked by a hard knee to the balls by little miss innocent,of course followed by further punishment then finishing with a smirking victory pose over the helpless male.I find this reversal of power alot sexier than the typical Domme just beating up the helpless bound male.Anyways,just one mans idea,Keep Up the Good Work.
07-09-2010, 04:44 PM
A game show film about unknowing men losing on some game show and getting their pills smacked down as punishment. The winner gets his nuts crushed too!
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