View Full Version : Did any of the male members ever get kicked by their sisters?
09-06-2003, 08:37 AM
Did any of the the male members ever get kicked in the balls by their own sister? If so..... please give us all some of the details. Sincerely, WITCHKILLER
10-13-2003, 07:30 PM
My sister has on more than one occation. I remember one time one of her friends dared my sister and she walked up without me knowing why at the time and kicked my balls up in my throat. I fell right on my face. My sister got scared but her friend laughed nonstop. My mom was furious with my sister when she found out.
Did any of the male members ever get kicked by their sisters?
Not me.
Others have written about that in another thread though.
04-20-2005, 05:10 AM
I prefer my sister busting me over anyone else. It makes me the hardest. Anyone else here feel the same? If so, do you have a story about it?
04-20-2005, 03:12 PM
I understand your feelings, i like it too when your sister kicks me.
04-22-2005, 02:41 PM
I can understand it too. I do not condone ****** or even an actual sister buting her brother in a non sexual way (i am against nut kicking outside the fetish for the most part). However part of the fetish for me is that it is wrong, in the sense it is humiliating, degrading, unjust and wrong for a woman to injures a mans genitals and cause such a personal pain. And the idea of sister (by the way I dont have one and might feel different if i did) busteing her brother, when he cant run from it b/c they live in the same house, and that she truly has no regard for his organs sexually, ans is supposed to be family who cares all adds up to making that much more wrong and that much more exciting. Also, true or not, I read on particularly hot story on ballbusting memoirs where a fella posted and said his older and younger sister would gang up on him and the older would hold his arms while the younger repeatedly kicked his balls until he cried, then the older would knee him a few times for good measure. He claimed once they had a friend hold him and each kept kicking him with steel toed boots, he cried from the first kick but they still kicked him like 20 times total. Hot (sorry im a sicko).
04-24-2005, 11:29 PM
Yeah, me neither...that definitely would have been a turn-off...
04-24-2005, 11:51 PM
Got kneed by my sister once. Might have happened other times when we were much younger. She really didn't like me. Ow.
05-26-2005, 07:27 PM
My sister used to call my little sac - my pain button. :)
05-27-2005, 09:41 AM
I had a step sister who kicked me in the balls. She liked to wait until I was totally oblivious to it and slam her foot into my balls or grab and squeeze etc. My step mother was also a ballbuster but I was so embarrased about it I would never have allowed it to happen or admitted to liking it. She only busted my Dad, unfortunately, I didn't get along with her very well at the time so the thought didn't ever turn me on. They are no longer in the family though. I'll never forget though, I had a nieghbor girl who was gorgeous that kicked me in the balls twice really hard with her bare foot. Amazingly enough I was still standing (although very much hunched over) and she replied, "just wait until next time, I going to have my shoes on and then it will really hurt".
05-27-2005, 11:44 AM
i don't have a sister but i have been kicked/kneed in the balls by my cousin, she takes kung fu lessons and it's a great way to get on the topic ... she gets very excited when i ask her to show me some new moves that she has learned, when she's showing me the moves ... on me ... and if there's a shot to the groin (most of the times it will be a knee to the balls) i will tell her something like .. that would never work in real life and then she'll do it for real ... i love it every time she does it.
05-28-2005, 10:23 AM
I dont have a sister but throughout highschool I had a buddy who I hung out with nearly everyday, almost like a brother. He had a sister, whom I would wrestle around with and get myself wide open so she can give me a good hit to the nuts.
05-28-2005, 12:30 PM
Never by my sisters, but I had a cousin who always threatened me with knees and playful kicks. I wasn't into it back then, it's a shame, I could have taken advantage of that like a madman!
To be honest, my sisters kicking me is a huge turn off. Too close to home.
05-28-2005, 11:07 PM
my older sister used to hit my balls a lot. she's 2 years older than me. one of the best/worst times was when i was changing so i was naked when she and her friend came up behind me and one of them kicked me. i fell and so my sisters friend held my arms while my sister grabbed my balls tight. she squeezed and twisted for a long time while both of them laughed. i was crying and right before she let go, my sister yanked down on my balls hard. they stepped over me and left. i was on the ground for a long time.
05-29-2005, 01:59 AM
Yeesh! Okay, I guess some folks are more, uh... Wellllll, I mean grabbing a naked pair of testicles that belong to a family member and, you know, that takes one sick woman.
Can I have her phone number?
And maybe this question should be in the start of another thread, but this is what I REALLY wannah know:
Did anybody here ever kick their sister in the balls?
05-29-2005, 04:33 PM
my older sister used to hit my balls a lot. she's 2 years older than me. one of the best/worst times was when i was changing so i was naked when she and her friend came up behind me and one of them kicked me..............Don't you think we deserve the DETAILED story? :)
my sister is 3 years younger then me,and when i was 16 she found out about me "weak" place first she kick me in the ball and afther a cople weeks she found out that it was bether to squeeze i have never feel so much pain before,then she told a other girl about it and they start to use my ball like a play ground....i kind of like it so it was ok :) but the worse thing was when i was sleeping she did aim good and throw a orange,it hit me in balls...i was feeling pain like 1 hour.... i still thinking about if i can make kids.mabey my ball is not "working" more....any one know who much they can take before they stop "working"?
I heven't been beaten by my sister by ocasionaly I like when she sit at hy face and Imake her good.
06-09-2005, 03:01 AM
my sister is 3 years younger then me,and when i was 16 she found out about me "weak" place first she kick me in the ball and afther a cople weeks she found out that it was bether to squeeze i have never feel so much pain before,then she told a other girl about it and they start to use my ball like a play ground....i kind of like it so it was ok :) but the worse thing was when i was sleeping she did aim good and throw a orange,it hit me in balls...i was feeling pain like 1 hour.... i still thinking about if i can make kids.mabey my ball is not "working" more....any one know who much they can take before they stop "working"?
There is no strict measurement of how much force it will take to damage a testicle, just as there is no precise numeric data available on how much force it takes to break a wrist. People vary tremendously and there are all kinds of factors, such as whether you were standing up straight or had your spine twisted as you were looking to someone on your left, just as the car/bicycle/thrown watermelon hit you in the back. Generalizations are plenty, however:
If it only hurt for one hour, that is a pretty hard hit (more extreme than I or most of us prefer), but it is not likely that permanent damage occurred.
If your sister (or, if you are lucky, your girlfriend) continues to squeeze your balls, you'll probably be fine. It is a good idea to keep twisting of the balls to a minimum when squeezing; twisting them can wrap the cords and tubes that connect everything up to get tangled and, when tangled, they seem to more susceptible to damage.
If someone kicks you in the nuts and you find blood in your urine, that is not, necessarily indicative of permanent damage if it clears up in a day or so. If pain or urine in the blood continue for more than a day, or if you are concerned, see a physician -- they have universal health care in your country, right? Use it if you think that doing so would be advisable. Yes, you will be embarrassed, but you may as well get over that now.
Despite their sensitivity to pain, balls are fairly resilient -- but not invulnerable. Have fun experimenting with the other Swedes.
06-09-2005, 04:56 AM
sister or no sister a female pretty and small foot kicking in your balls , it's beautiful to see , killing to feel and so exciting to live this experience.specially if this lady keeps kicking
thx i think my balls are ok,and my sister have not kick/queeze like in 2 years due that my mum find out that she kick me in the balls....and no more busting :( my mum freak out when she find out that my sister kick me in the balls...told here that she mabey have "broken" my balls.... but my X girld friend also like to kick in the balls so not a big problem ;)
Guitar Man
06-15-2005, 12:30 PM
i'm finding it quite off-putting that some people here get sexually excited by memories of their sisters! that's disgusting!
thankfully, my sister is far too nice to do anything like that!
like someone else said, far too close to home.
06-15-2005, 04:30 PM
i'm finding it quite off-putting that some people here get sexually excited by memories of their sisters! that's disgusting!
thankfully, my sister is far too nice to do anything like that!
like someone else said, far too close to home.
Yes, it is a little disgusting for me too. I guess to each his own. I am glad it was my step sister who kicked me and not my sister. The guys who talk about being busted by their mothers though, thats the ones who may need to talk to a shrink. It's just a little to weird.
06-15-2005, 04:59 PM
Yes, it is a little disgusting for me too. I guess to each his own. I am glad it was my step sister who kicked me and not my sister. The guys who talk about being busted by their mothers though, thats the ones who may need to talk to a shrink. It's just a little to weird.
Der kind sirs:
No, it's their sisters/mothers who need to see a shrink. And mothers, especially. If a woman kicks her son in the nuts, that's seriously sick. If said son grows up and thinks, "Hunh... getting kicked in the balls by Mom sure was a memorable experience in a very freaky and weird way....", that's the result of having had a sick parent.
Don't blame de victim, mah homies.
06-17-2005, 09:35 AM
Der kind sirs:
If a woman kicks her son in the nuts, that's seriously sick. If said son grows up and thinks, "Hunh... getting kicked in the balls by Mom sure was a memorable experience in a very freaky and weird way....", that's the result of having had a sick parent.
Don't blame de victim, mah homies.
I agree, but it makes me wonder why people enjoy it because not all were abused by their parents or sisters. :confused:
06-17-2005, 09:42 AM
my sister is far too nice to do anything like that! You don't know her like I do ;)
Guitar Man
06-17-2005, 10:15 AM
You don't know her like I do ;)
she's only 10. what are you saying?
06-17-2005, 10:38 AM
Woooaah! Errmm, I was talking about the older sister. No wonder you think its sick if yer sisters only ten.
Guitar Man
06-17-2005, 12:28 PM
Woooaah! Errmm, I was talking about the older sister. No wonder you think its sick if yer sisters only ten.
there is no other sister! :machine:
to be honest, i don't think it would make a difference how old she is.
06-17-2005, 01:00 PM
to be honest, i don't think it would make a difference how old she is.I'm with you there! It'd be sick to fool around with yer own sister in any context but I fool around with other people's sisters & daughters all the time coz I likes wimmin ;)
03-19-2010, 03:01 PM
My sister caught me peeking at her through the door and ran up to me while I was masterbating as I watched her.
She grabbed my balls and yanked then ******* me to the floor. She literally dragged me to her room and grabbed one of her very thin rope belts and looped it around my balls.
She shoved me to the floor on my back and then lifted me slightly off of th efloor by my balls to where I could not move. She had an excercise loop on th eceiling where she tied the rope to it and left me there hanging by my balls. A few minutes later my balls were turning blue and she came and punched my nuts with her fist. That is for peeping at me.
She then got her cell phone and took several pictures of me hog tied like that. I own those little nuts now and if you dont do exactly what I saw, I will send these pics to everyone at school.
She has since made me clean her once after peeing and once she made me clean her until she came.
Each time, she takes more pictures of me doing it. Now it seems like I am her personal pex slave. Eww, I really don't like her but she kindof has me by the balls until she gives up.
My stepsister kicked me in the nuts once when we were 15. We were arguing and punching each other in the arms but I hit harder because I was stronger. I barely saw it coming and she connected with a perfect kick between my legs. It took a few minutes for the real pain to set in. I ran to my room and laid on my bed, held my balls and groaned for some time. I think it was that kick that gave me the fetish, though I can't be sure.
03-28-2010, 08:04 PM
I understand your feelings, i like it too when your sister kicks me.
His sister is quite the girl ;)
I've never been sacked by anyone who wasn't a domme. I'm a pretty nice guy (unfortunately).
03-28-2010, 09:23 PM
My younger sister was the apple of my mother's eye.
In other words, spoiled absolutely rotten for just being born the "right" gender. Sis could never do anything wrong (whereas I could never do anything right:soomad ).
One night, we were playing inside my room, and we got to tickling each other on my bed. She brought her leg up and took a shot at me, but I was able to stop her.
I got serious with her and told her that she was never to kick me there, or I would tell her to leave.
So she solemnly promised that she wouldn't...and I believed her.
We got back to tickling each other. That's when she took another shot...and connected.
The pain was terrible enough, but it was coupled with betrayal and the instant fear that I may have just been seriously injured. All I could do was just yell for her to get out.
Instead of an apology, all she said was, "I thought you would never ask," as she left.
I think my sister was probably dying to see what sort of effect kicking a guy in the nuts would have, but she was too much of a coward to try it with a stranger. With our blatantly favoritist mother, she knew she could get away with it, trying it out on me. And she did.:cussing:
I was afraid to touch the injured testical for months, afraid of finding out the worst.
But I'll tell you one thing. The day that she was wide open, I gave her a kick in the cunt that she most likely still remembers to this day!:Baahaha:
04-26-2010, 01:24 PM
My stepsister kicked me in the nuts once when we were 15. We were arguing and punching each other in the arms but I hit harder because I was stronger. I barely saw it coming and she connected with a perfect kick between my legs. It took a few minutes for the real pain to set in. I ran to my room and laid on my bed, held my balls and groaned for some time. I think it was that kick that gave me the fetish, though I can't be sure.
Woww!! Great story.....I wish I had a stepsister like U
thanx 4 sharing16292
04-26-2010, 01:47 PM
I had a step sister who kicked me in the balls. She liked to wait until I was totally oblivious to it and slam her foot into my balls or grab and squeeze etc. My step mother was also a ballbuster but I was so embarrased about it I would never have allowed it to happen or admitted to liking it. She only busted my Dad, unfortunately, I didn't get along with her very well at the time so the thought didn't ever turn me on. They are no longer in the family though. I'll never forget though, I had a nieghbor girl who was gorgeous that kicked me in the balls twice really hard with her bare foot. Amazingly enough I was still standing (although very much hunched over) and she replied, "just wait until next time, I going to have my shoes on and then it will really hurt".
Wowww...great stories I wish I was U. kicked in the balls with her bare foot.
04-26-2010, 02:03 PM
i don't have a sister but i have been kicked/kneed in the balls by my cousin, she takes kung fu lessons and it's a great way to get on the topic ... she gets very excited when i ask her to show me some new moves that she has learned, when she's showing me the moves ... on me ... and if there's a shot to the groin (most of the times it will be a knee to the balls) i will tell her something like .. that would never work in real life and then she'll do it for real ... i love it every time she does it.
Wowww... I like your story very much... especially when your cousin knees U in the balls ....sweet ....thanx 4 sharing16297
04-26-2010, 02:15 PM
my older sister used to hit my balls a lot. she's 2 years older than me. one of the best/worst times was when i was changing so i was naked when she and her friend came up behind me and one of them kicked me. i fell and so my sisters friend held my arms while my sister grabbed my balls tight. she squeezed and twisted for a long time while both of them laughed. i was crying and right before she let go, my sister yanked down on my balls hard. they stepped over me and left. i was on the ground for a long time.
YEAH... Great story get kicked by her from behind.
thanx 4 sharing
04-27-2010, 05:11 AM
When I was 8 I was playing tennis with my brother and the ball hit him in the groin.
I don't know if it counts that I busted him (I mean, you have to be really stupid and slow to get it hit you… and in a place you're supposed to have good instincts to defend), but if it does than it's my first bust ever.
04-27-2010, 12:46 PM
It depends a lot on your reaction to hitting him there. I am going to assume that you got over it seeing as how you have made it to this site.
04-27-2010, 04:28 PM
I don't have a sister, but is that kind of behaviour normal ?
04-27-2010, 09:03 PM
I don't have a sister, but is that kind of behaviour normal ?
Yes, very.
04-28-2010, 03:50 PM
oh i wish i had a sister that would bust me
unfortunately i dont have a sister at all :(
but i find those sister busting stories really hot
04-30-2010, 07:31 AM
I really wouldn't like it if a family member would bust me... it just seems so wrong:confused:
05-01-2010, 06:31 AM
Imagine those that had 3-5 sisters :wooow
05-02-2010, 03:04 PM
My sister kicked me once by mistake and it hurt pretty bad but she never would do it purposefully. I've been interested in why I'm into ball busting for as long as I can remember. I think it's just something about a woman taking control that really turns me on even when it means a lot of pain... i dunno it's tough to understand.
05-03-2010, 08:06 PM
You guys are all sick! That's why I had to read every single post in this thread like five times, alone in my room, just to ascertain exactly how sick you all are!!!
05-23-2010, 10:27 AM
When I was playing basketball with her and her friend, it was one on two. In order to get by she grabbed my balls. I loved that even though she didn't know it.
06-03-2010, 07:10 PM
I learned to defend myself by practicing on my brother. The first time I kicked his balls he was in totally shock that I would do something like that. I found out he read my diary so he deserved it. It was a perfect kick. I distracted him by pointing to something then WHAM! He stayed down for twenty minutes
06-05-2010, 06:21 AM
Mmmmmm... lucky fellow.
06-08-2010, 04:09 AM
sorry tried to erase this post
Mythical Pain
06-15-2010, 05:00 PM
Don't have a sister myself or anything.
But when I was young, one of my best friends was always getting kicked by his older sister. I think we were in third grade and she was fifth, and many times at recess she'd come find him in the playground, and nail him in the balls. Usually for the amusement of herself and her friends.
I remember being scared of her cause I didn't wanna get kicked too! She never did get me though.
But I remember seeing her kick her brother quite a few times. The worst I remember him getting, he'd said something to piss her off, and first she kicked him, and dropped him like a rock. Then when he was rolling around with the typical "Ooh my nuts my nuts" she stepped on his balls, too. Ouch.
She got him quite a few times, but I never saw her get anyone else. I figure she did it at school at recess cause she never got caught, and she'd probably get in trouble at home lol.
Mythical Pain
07-19-2010, 02:29 AM
I learned to defend myself by practicing on my brother. The first time I kicked his balls he was in totally shock that I would do something like that. I found out he read my diary so he deserved it. It was a perfect kick. I distracted him by pointing to something then WHAM! He stayed down for twenty minutes
LOL! Nice shot! I wonder if he ever bothered to read your diary again? At least he deserved it and it wasn't just for fun like my buddies sister used to do it to him for lol.
eric B
07-20-2010, 05:40 PM
I'm actually happy to say that I've never been busted by any family member and don't fantasise about it either (it actually turns me off ). That doesn't mean I don't fantasise about being busted by a sister or a mother, I just don't fantasise about being busted by *my* *real* mother or sister...(it's a kind of "just don't go there" scenario).
07-23-2010, 03:50 PM
Never got kicked by a sister, as they weren't around much, and I don't want to get into what my mother and grandmother did, but there was also a lot of peripheral bb that went on in my childhood. Here's one example, my neighbor had a sister who was a cute, blond, tomboy farm girl, and she liked to tap us in the nuts now and then. She didn't do it very often, but she reminded both of us about it as a sort of threat almost daily. I still remember her evil smile. She was really a devious person who got me in trouble a lot.
One time she did something and my parents found it, thought it was my doing, and I got in serious trouble. She just smiled and told me that I couldn't tell otherwise she'd tell everyone that she's been hitting me in the balls, and that everyone would laugh at me for getting hit in the balls by a girl. So I took the blame and kept my mouth shut.
She was a horrible person. A ballbuster in every sense of the word. She had me by the balls metaphorically, and sometimes literally. Not fun at the time, but now it's a great story.
07-23-2010, 06:10 PM
I have a lot of real life bb stories I'd like to tell, I thought there was a thread where I could post stuff like that but I can't find it. Any ideas anybody?
One from the Vaults
07-23-2010, 07:06 PM
I have a lot of real life bb stories I'd like to tell, I thought there was a thread where I could post stuff like that but I can't find it. Any ideas anybody?Honestly, anywhere. Make a new thread, or post in an extant thread. As long as the content is approximately relevant, nobody's going to care.
12-06-2013, 06:17 AM
This is my fantasy
I fantasize about it a lot (sister, mother)
Thanks for sharing your great stories
01-06-2014, 02:55 PM
This is not a story about a sister, but about a mother. I thought it fits here. It seems to be real.
Look for a long post by Trauma4ever in the middle of the page.
01-08-2014, 07:14 AM
well nothing against ballbusting... but to fantasize about being kicked by his mother or sister... thats strange
01-13-2014, 09:42 PM
I had a step sister who kicked me in the balls. She liked to wait until I was totally oblivious to it and slam her foot into my balls or grab and squeeze etc. My step mother was also a ballbuster but I was so embarrased about it I would never have allowed it to happen or admitted to liking it. She only busted my Dad, unfortunately, I didn't get along with her very well at the time so the thought didn't ever turn me on. They are no longer in the family though. I'll never forget though, I had a nieghbor girl who was gorgeous that kicked me in the balls twice really hard with her bare foot. Amazingly enough I was still standing (although very much hunched over) and she replied, "just wait until next time, I going to have my shoes on and then it will really hurt".
My sisters are much too young for me to even think about it, if they were close to my age I couldn't say for sure, and I don't judge other people for what they fantasize about, we all have weird fetishes. But I have often had the fantasy you got to live out. Having a step sister/s who were busters, no escape from them, have to see them every day and be at their mercy.
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