View Full Version : Squeezers - Gentle/Hard
11-14-2003, 12:07 AM
Hi all
I知 a new member and an enthusiast of squeezing, are there any other members who enjoy squeezing or the gut wrenching feeling of a beautiful hand ushering you into the dark sweet realm of sleep with an ever increasing pressure on your most intimate and sensitive organs? I知 most interested in starting a dialogue with any member of the fairer sex who enjoys the feeling of power they can exert over there male counter parts, parts ;)
11-16-2003, 05:55 AM
hi, i'll also take the opportunity to introduce myself on this forum. I'm 20/m/Perth and lately i've been enjoying getting palmed: its quite underrated. The best is when they pull your balls right up and then have them trapped between each palm and continually increase the pressure untill you REALLY start pleading with her not to destroy your sex organs.
11-23-2003, 09:17 PM
I really enjoy squeezing, but I enjoy gentle squeezing. I want to pain and the sexual turn on, but I don稚 want o be put to sleep, to wake up and might not be able to ever father a kid. There Is something about a naked beautiful girl sitting in front of you gently squeezing your genitals, just enough to feel the pain and pleaser from it.
11-24-2003, 06:20 AM
Yeh, I'm not hardcore either. I just wanted my first post to be interesting
05-21-2004, 09:46 AM
Oh, yes!
Squeezing is one of my favorite techniques!
12-17-2004, 08:35 AM
i like gentle squeezing
12-17-2004, 03:06 PM
I'll second, third, and fourth that. Being held in the palm of her hand, with the threat of a hard squeeze any time she deems it needed, is my absolute favorite place to be. The only form of ballbusting we enjoy, in fact. But oh, do we enjoy.
12-18-2004, 10:53 AM
A too! I'm NOT into hitting or kicking but have been abusing and squeezing my testicles (and occasionally having them squeezed) for many years...and I guess you could say that now, I am hardcore. Although I like (need) to start on them gently, I always go harder and harder...always trying to exceed my previous limits...seeking an always-higher endocrine rush from the testicular pain that I generate.
As far back as I can remember, I've enjoyed stressing my balls and since I was first married, I've always liked my balls gently played with and stretched and it seems that the older I've gotten, the more pressure I can take when they get squeezed. Chances are that it's part of that "old hat - vanilla" process of "been there, done that enough times" and now let's get a little more kinky and try something new. It seems to me that the hard squeezing-to-produce-pain wasn't in my repertoir until plain old intercourse got to be plain-old and I wanted something else...and that something else started with my wife playing more roughly and actually squeezing my balls. (She enjoyed watching me jerk off and when she'd ask me to do myself while she watched, I'd ask her to "do" my balls while she watched. My orgasms, when she'd apply the hardest pressure just as I'd cum, were truly out of this world.)
Until several years ago, I could only take continuous hard pressure on one of my balls (the right one) but recently, if I start and progress slowly, I can put some pretty extreme pressure on both. Although the left one is still a little more tender, the right one has really gotten to be "crushable."
Because I'm into hard squeezing (and because I am necessarily limited to self abuse now [the old lady croaked a few years ago]) I've experimented with using constricting and squeezing devises that I've mentioned in several of my previous posts (and posted a few pics too)...and I just love the extreme ball-squeezing that I now practice...and it's not only the pain/pleasure, it's also the erotic/forbidden fantacies that come with that kind of weird play.
I'd sure like to see this discussion thread progress and have us "squeezers" be able to expand on what we do and how we do it. I've learned to do some pretty wierd things to my old testicles but I'm also sure that others have done (and do) things to theirs that I haven't imagined and that I'd like to try on mine...just to keep them active and let them know I still care. :lol:
Geezer (the squeezer)
(Perhaps Sara will change the title of this thread to something more descriptive so others who are "squeezers" will take notice and join in.)
12-19-2004, 06:11 PM
definitely squeezing, lots of teasing and maybe mild pain for the guy do it for me, it depends on what he can take (or what he says he can!). I like to take my time too and its got to be erotic for us both.
12-19-2004, 09:04 PM
Hi all
I知 a new member and an enthusiast of squeezing, are there any other members who enjoy squeezing or the gut wrenching feeling of a beautiful hand ushering you into the dark sweet realm of sleep with an ever increasing pressure on your most intimate and sensitive organs? I知 most interested in starting a dialogue with any member of the fairer sex who enjoys the feeling of power they can exert over there male counter parts, parts ;)
I had a girlfriend once about ten years ago. She had never done any bb before, but I guess she figured out rather quickly that she loved it. She used to squeeze my balls and torture me for what seemed to be hours. It was fantastic!
12-20-2004, 10:35 PM
Squeezing is definately lot's of fun.
12-23-2004, 04:47 PM
squeezing is awesome
i used to have my gf try it on me all the time
if done right, i think squeezing is probably the most painful method of ballbusting.
however, other methods such as punching and smashing nuts with objects may be more painful?
what do you guys think??? - whats the most painful method?
12-24-2004, 01:16 AM
what do you guys think??? - whats the most painful method?
Comparably, I think the advantage of squeezing is the control a woman has -- she wants to cause you pain, not injury (at least, one hopes so...). Whacking them with a hard object is certainly the most painful method, but also a dangerous one. Don't want to blow a gasket while whacking the guy.
12-24-2004, 06:47 PM
I agree that squeezing is an awesome method of ballbusting. My former girlfriend, a very attractive and elegant red head, who had a lovely sadistic streak, would handcuff me and then squeeze my balls. As I winched and groaned, she would mock me by asking what was wrong and then say in a soft, taunting voice, "oh, do your balls hurt?" She would love to make me beg, cry and just plain humiliate me. Man, talk about a turn-on! I should look her up again.
12-26-2004, 02:11 AM
I love having my balls squuezed as well as kneeding them between her fingers.
01-19-2005, 03:15 AM
I'd preffered to be squeezed, that slow nautious pain increasing.
01-19-2005, 06:08 AM
Last weekend the wife and I got about an hour together. when the bedroom door closed I heard a wooosh and then slam. She kicked me right in the balls. When I went down and hit the bed she took my pants down and grabbed a ball in each hand and began squeezing. After busting me for a while she started to Jack me off and then said you take over so I did. She then took my right ball in both hands and when I climaxed she squeezed extremely hard. I was still sore two days later. I would have been more detailed but I don't have enough time at the moment but I still wantd to share.
01-19-2005, 07:47 AM
I enjoy the feel of weights hanging from my nuts the best. Last weekend my wife decided she wanted to do something different to me. I have always told her if she ties me up she can do what she wants. Well that is just what she did. First tied my nuts up and then me to the bed. From that came out a rubber glove and I had my first postate rub down. All the time she was doing that she was sucking on my balls and nibbleing on them. I was going crazy begging her to stop biting my nuts and he finaly did. She likes sucking on my nuts the best. Then she decided to put the ball streacher on me and have me stand up. We have a selection of lead weights and of different sizes. This was the first time she ever put them all on at one time. I could not stand the pain that shoot up in me like two burning wires. She started to suck my cock but would not take off the weight. In fact she started to swing the weights to make me cry out even more. Finaly she was tired of playing with me and told me to jack off on her tits but I would have to clean her up with my mouth after words and I did. Was very hot and my nuts were sore for two days after words.
02-23-2005, 07:53 PM
It's been more than a month since anyone has posted in this "squeezing" thread. Doesn't anybody like their nuts squeezed rather than be hit? I don't do hitting but really like squeezing my nuts and clamping them with mechanical devises like dowel humblers and crushing plates (I use clear lexan plates so I can see the condition of my balls when they are being squeezed).
During my last severe squeezing session, I put rubber bands on each of my nuts and ultimately brought myself to orgasm merely by manipulating my balls. I believe that my squeezings are severe and would like to hear from others who use severe methods to apply pressure to their nuts, especially if they get off just from squeezing (or at least mostly from squeezing).
Several others have reported that they like having their nuts squeezed, but they don't follow up their original posts with their methods and details. I've posted a bunch of my distorted nut pics on other threads...check my other posts.
Come on guys (and ladies) let's enliven and resurrect this squeezing thread. Tell us HOW you squeeze your nuts (or get them squeezed). How long can you take strong pressure? How much pressure can you take? If you squeeze your own, what methods other than using your hands do you use? Post some pics if you have them.
i to just love having my nuts squeased slaped
02-24-2005, 12:18 PM
I love it when my wife gives my balls a good squeezing, but I don稚 seem to be able to take it any where near hard enough to pass out. Wish just once she壇 let me have it good!
03-01-2005, 04:37 PM
I love it when my wife gives my balls a good squeezing...Wish just once she壇 let me have it good!
I've learned to squeeze my balls pretty hard and I haven't come near to passing out either. I think that passing out from having your tenders squeezed is probably a little psychosomatic and maybe with a little fear mixed in. This forum is one of the few places that talks about a man passing out from having his nuts crushed by a woman...I guess that it could happen but as I say, I think the guy's got to be thinking about it...maybe sorta like allowing ones self to be hypnotized. They say that if you don't want to be hypnotized you can't be...maybe if you don't want to pass out, you won't.
Regarding your second thought...having your wife squeeze you as hard as you want her to, I believe that you have to teach someone who cares for you just how hard you want the pressure. When my wife started to squeeze me as we screwed, she never gave me as much as I wanted. (Bless you, Sara, for knowing how great it is to get a little more squeeze than you really want.)
I think I might have discussed this in another thread but I gave my wife a challenge and set it up this way. I knew that she was afraid (at first) to squeeze my balls hard because she had heard that men's balls were so tender and hurt so much even if lightly brushed or bumped. She just couldn't bring herself to really squeeze me, no matter how much I asked her to apply the pressure.
I had her sit on a footstool at the corner of our bed (no footboard) and I sat with one leg on each side of the corner and slid my ass toward the corner so my balls hung over the corner of the bed. She was at the height so that I could easily fondle her tits and she could fondle my balls. The challenge was for her to judge how much to squeeze my balls by how much I pinched her nipples. She took a nut in each hand and I took each of her nipples between my thumb and crooked forefinger and we started, gently at first and as I squeezed harder, so did she, first on one side and then the other. She followed my lead perfectly. As we proceeded, I'd squeeze ever harder and she'd follow. When she reached my limit, I'd let off and she would too. I'd enhance what I was doing manually by instructing her and telling her how much I liked it. I don't think I squeezed her nipples as hard as she squeezed my nuts but she sure got the picture and I never had any trouble getting her to squeeze me as hard as I wanted. I'm just sorry now that she never got Sara's idea of occasionally giving me just that little bit more than I really wanted. It got that she could read my body language pretty well and would always let off when she reached that threshhold that I couldn't pass without some reaction...she never had the idea to take control and show me that she was in control.
Good luck getting your wife to test your limits.
The Geezer
03-06-2005, 02:23 PM
My name is Kurt and I'm a new member to all of this. I was introduced to squeezing while fingering my girl friend at the time. She was really getting into it and was just about to cum when she took my balls and held on for dear life. I know she didn't realize what she was doing but at the same time didn't want to interrupt and ruin the moment for her either so I just drove on. Make a long story short, I accomplished my mission and finished the job and in return I got back my balls. It was a even trade. We talked and laughed about it afterwards and I guess that's where I took an interest in the squeezing technique. It was a huge shocker though when you're not expecting that kind of thing to happen.
03-08-2005, 01:11 PM
I thinks squeezing is great as well. That way my wife can take me right to my limits. One good technique I like to use is to have her squeeze my balls while I finger her to orgasm. She really squeezes a lot harder than she thinks while she comes. That leaves things clear for normal sex and I don't believe there is a feeling in the world like having sex while your balls are still hurting from their punishment!
03-08-2005, 08:49 PM
I pretty much like it all. It kind of depends on my mood though as to the kicks. Its much harsher and less controlled but when I'm in the mood my wife can really kick. She (my wife) is exceptionally strong. Once during a physical she had to do strength tests (she is a cop) and one of the tests was with a gauge that measures your grip strength. She had such a hard grip the needle on the meter went farther than many guys. The Doctor left the room and stopped to talk to another Doctor, showed him the gauge and remarked "scary isn't it" referring to the strength of her hands. I have been with many gals that didn't have enough power to really squeeze hard enough to really hurt but my wife can have me begging her to stop very quickly. We both do quite a bit of weight training so that helps.
03-08-2005, 09:05 PM
She (my wife) is exceptionally strong... (she is a cop) ...
So hypothetically speaking, let's say I'm driving through Sacto and get pulled over by a lady cop, what are the right words to say to sample some of that power?
Actually I used to date a lady cop, and it didn't take much to prompt her to go for the balls!
03-10-2005, 01:08 AM
The other night I had a squeezing experience. My girl felt I needed some "correction" for some things I had said, so she bent me over on the bed for a paddling with the hairbrush. Then she pulled my balls behind me and squeezed until I thought they were going to pop! She kept them that way the whole time (about 10 hits) keeping my ass nice and high in the air. Man they hurt like hell when I finally came, and were sore for days.
03-10-2005, 08:05 AM
So hypothetically speaking, let's say I'm driving through Sacto and get pulled over by a lady cop, what are the right words to say to sample some of that power?
Actually I used to date a lady cop, and it didn't take much to prompt her to go for the balls!
Well, she has busted a couple of guys off duty, but never on. I met one of the guys she kicked when she was in high school. He made a smart ass comment about girls not being as good as guys (something like that), and she kicked him square in the balls. She said he dropped like a rock. I love the female cops, she has some very hot coworkers.
I love to look at the face of a woman while she is holding onto my nuts and squeezing them. You can she how much she enjoys the power and look of pain/fear in my own face. It's best if she has a smile or a smirk. Wow!
03-10-2005, 10:00 AM
I'm sure you all have done this but when it comes to squeezing I like it when she sits on my chest or face and tortures them by squeezing and pounding on them. It makes it so much better when there is a feeling of helplessness when she is holding you down and torturing them. Now, if she will just bring one of her friends by to help hold me down. :D
03-11-2005, 04:34 AM
i would love my balls to be squeezed but as i am a foot lover i would prefr to have them squeezed under a woman's feet on the ground so that i can enjoy the feeling and the sight of her feet or toes giving me such a pain
03-11-2005, 11:34 AM
Thats one of my wifes favorites is standing on my balls with her bare feet. I have a board that my balls are trapped in so she stands on me and my balls which are trapped under the arch of her foot. Sometimes she uses her other foot to lightly stomp on the portion of my balls that aren't covered by her other foot (I think I may have already mentioned this). :bananajum
03-12-2005, 09:34 AM
Ball sqeezing is my absolute favourite type of bust. It should be gentle, but hard enough to cause some pain and pleasure
03-12-2005, 12:29 PM
definitely squeezing, lots of teasing and maybe mild pain for the guy do it for me, it depends on what he can take (or what he says he can!). I like to take my time too and its got to be erotic for us both.
I agree, I think that squeezing is definitely the most erotic form of ballbusting, because it's got so many subtle levels if the girl knows what she's doing. Sadly my ex-wife never got into squeezing me (though was pretty much every other form of ball torment). Ah, there's nothing like a redhead bustin' your balls.
03-12-2005, 12:33 PM
Squeezing is definately lot's of fun.
Hey Evil, is the best part watching the guy's face expressions (as he reaches undiscovered levels of agony)? I've heard that from a few girls.
03-12-2005, 12:42 PM
Last weekend the wife and I got about an hour together. when the bedroom door closed I heard a wooosh and then slam. She kicked me right in the balls. When I went down and hit the bed she took my pants down and grabbed a ball in each hand and began squeezing. After busting me for a while she started to Jack me off and then said you take over so I did. She then took my right ball in both hands and when I climaxed she squeezed extremely hard. I was still sore two days later. I would have been more detailed but I don't have enough time at the moment but I still wantd to share.
Man, that sounds awesome. My ex never got QUITE that sadistic -- at least not in the ways I wanted -- but almost. Her favorite of all time was finger-flicking them. She made sure to get the sides, where it hurts the most, and she'd often laugh when she did it and I spasmed reflexively. I once read a BB story (yeah, probably fake) about a guy's girlfriend getting a "very evil thought" while jacking him off, then when he came she slammed her fist into his balls as hard as she could. Then she sat back in satisfaction, and said to her girlfriend who was right there, "Now THAT's a semen sample!" Doesn't sound very neurologically safe somehow. Does anyone know anything about this technique?
03-12-2005, 01:39 PM
First to "Bustme2hard", my wife punches me in the balls very hard with her fist. Like I said before, lucky for me no damage cause I sure love it. Anyway check out this if you haven't before. I would copy it but I'm to computer stupid. Just click on the-PREVIEW 2
03-13-2005, 12:47 PM
My preference isn't full-force punching/squeezing, as I've found it's too debilitating. I prefer when she sustains a hard squeeze for a long time, where there is a lot of pain, but i can take it for longer. Same with punching - I'd rather get 30 strong punches in a row than one super-hard one - I love the ache that builds in my gut.
05-14-2006, 02:25 PM
For those of us who like our eggs squeezed rather than hit, this thread was super. Perhaps some of the new posters may also be squeezers and have missed this languishing thread. Balls can be busted slowly as well as fast and as some of the posters here feel, with much more control.
I like mine isolated into their own loose pouch and then to have the pressure applied, slowly at first but always increasing in intensity. A rest period of a few minutes seems to recondition them and allows even more pressure to be applied after the rest. The former moderator had a wonderful concept, that being to always exceed her bustee's limit during a squeezing session.
My will power is weaker than my desires so although I use my hands, I have also come to use several kinds of constricting devises that never get tired. It's easier to will my hands NOT to remove the devises than it is to will them to stop squeezing my nuts when the pain approaches my current limit.
I've been squeezing my nuts long enough so that I can truely distort the shape of my nuts rather than just put some pressure on them.
Let's hear from you squeezees and squeezers. Let's resurrect this wonderful thread.
The Geezer
05-15-2006, 07:51 PM
[FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Lime"][B]:) I have to agree with Geezer. I like things to start out gental and then get harder and harder. My lady is excellent at judging just how much I can take at any given time and applying the right amount of pressure. In long sessions it doesnt take long before I am wanting more and more pressure and she teases me by not giving it me until I am longing for it. Usually I'm all for her punching my nuts or sometimes she likes to make my cock stand up and whip it and my balls as well. Occassionally she worries that she might do real damage but she hasnt so far. I love having to watch her hands at work and her squeezing, slapping, whiping, punching my balls untill they have turned dark blue and have a real deep ache on. :thumbup
05-26-2006, 11:22 AM
I'm so into ball squeezing too...I wonder how long did it take to make that mushy nut?
05-26-2006, 04:25 PM
I am a big lover of being squeesed by a lady with her hands.
She seated with me facing her, legs either side of her thighs and me sat upon her thighs.
We can kiss and converse face to face and she can stop my thighs from closing in attempts to cease her actions by just keeping her legs apart. My hand and arms are easily controlled by just increasing the pressure on my balls and warning me to keep them away and not trying to interefere with her potent touch
Pure BLISSSSS ;) :D :thumbup
05-26-2006, 06:42 PM
There is nothing more stimulating than having your testicle squeeezed in the process of intercourse. The firmer the squeeze the more aroused one becomes. At the time of ejaculation an extremely hard squeeze results in the best orgasm possible. If you could only make it last longer!!
05-30-2006, 08:50 PM
I'm so into ball squeezing too...I wonder how long did it take to make that mushy nut?
Being an old geezer, I don't "do" myself as often as I used to so when I set myself up for a squeezing session, I usually plan to work on my pain berries for an hour or so. Sometimes it goes a little longer but by the time I've progressed to some severe pressure it's somewhere between 45 minutes and an hour and fifteen.
My less sensitive right ball gets mushy much quicker than does my sensitive ball, perhaps because I CAN squeeze it harder, anyway, to answer your question I can notice a mushyness after about fifteen minutes of pretty hard pressure and once I get to that point it seems that I want to put more and more pressure on it.
For a while now, I've been using a Vise Grip locking clamp on my right nut, first locking it on to my nut after I've isolated it in a pouch of scrotum with a solid ring or with a couple wraps of nylon cord so it doesn't slip out of the jaws of the Vise Grip. After locking it on without the jaws being too tight, I slowly increase the tightness by turning the adjusting screw in the handle of the Vise Grip. Once the pressure is on and the friction on the screw gets tight, I have to gently release the lock, tighten the screw and re-lock the clamp and wait for the pain to subside. It's amazing at how tightly I can make the jaws grip my "pain berry." After I've gotten the adjustment as tight as I can, then the nut is really mushy and I can use both thumbs and forefingers to sort of squish the flesh of my nut back and forth between my hands.
I've been working on my left nut harder and harder each session but it doesn't get as mushy as my right one.
The Geezer
06-17-2006, 10:44 AM
Having a few days of manipulation, my right nut gets soften a lot and the mushy feeling is just great
06-17-2006, 11:06 PM
i like a good hard long squeeze
06-19-2006, 04:46 PM
I like to do a combination of both.
I find that even those that have said they dont like hard squeezes have, after a while have enjoyed the sensation of a harder squeeze.
For me I like to slowly increase the pressure.
A sudden hard squeeze will hurt more than a gentle increase from a soft squeeze to a more tighter hold.
Moving the balls around to almost gets good reactions.
A slow squeezing combined with a grinding of the balls against one another also makes for good moans and groans.
Personally I like to find the balance of pleasure/pain.
I dont want to make it totally pleasuralbe, but at the same time I dont want to totally crush a guys balls.
I just like the experiment of finding that balance....and maybe pushing it slightly now and again.*weg*
Later all!
*kisses and kicks*
06-19-2006, 10:26 PM
yes that works good
07-01-2006, 03:00 AM
You have a good method. My wife usually starts with a gentle squeeze and slowly her grip tightens as we are standing and hugging each other (I'm naked so she can get a good grip:D). The smile on her face gets bigger as the minutes go by. She likes to squeeze my balls for about five minutes or more-it depends on her mood!
09-29-2006, 03:10 PM
Me and my girl use squeezing as a big part of our foreplay. She lays back on the bed and I kneel beside her. She takes my balls in one hand and a vibrator in her other hand, we tie my balls so they cant escape her clutches. Using both hands she works her pussy into a lather with the vibrater and squeezes/massages my balls at the same time. Whats really cool about this is as she orgasm's I experience each one with her because she really lays into my nuts with each orgasm. This leaves her pussy ready for a hard fucking and gives me a raging hard on from the ballbusting. Squeezing is definately the best !!:)
09-30-2006, 06:13 PM
Squeezing under a nice woman's feet is great.
10-01-2006, 02:33 AM
A slow squeezing combined with a grinding of the balls against one another also makes for good moans and groans.
I (respectfully) agree with BallbustingPrincess, ginding one ball against the other can be highly painful. This can be achieved either by pressing both balls in one hand and keeping them moving against one another, or by holding each ball with three fingers of one hand, and moving slowly one against the other: a "gentle" pressure is enough to induce noticeable pain...
10-02-2006, 12:23 PM
I have noticed that when I squeeze both balls in one mass, I can always apply more pressure than I can to my more sensitive ball separately. (My less sensitive ball can take about as much pressure as I choose to give it especially after I warm it up with some progressive squeezes.) If I was to squeeze my sensitive ball directly, I couldn't put nearly the pressure on it as I can when I've got both together and I press them against one another.
I like to move them around and "grind" them together but individually squeezing them is normally what I wind up doing as I pleasure myself.
I also find that as I apply pressure directly on my sensitive ball, if I stretch it away from my body, I can apply more pressure than when I don't stretch it, i.e., I can achieve a higher threshhold of pain...I can squeeze harder before I have to stop.
The Geezer
10-05-2006, 06:03 AM
My wife can't squeeze that hard as she has trouble with her wrists. What she usually does to get round the problem is to hit my balls first, then squeeze them, repeating the procedure a few times. My balls then are tender and far more sensitive and she doesn't have to squeeze so hard to produce that awful aching pain in my gut. She does roll them between her little fingers, which is also quite painful. She feels around each ball and tries to squeeze or pinch them at the back, which hurts more. I wonder if that's the epididymis? It certainly hurts more than when she pushes her fingers into the balls themselves.
I love the feeling that she's totally in control of me when she has a testicle in each hand, with her fingers squeezing the little pain factories!
10-05-2006, 08:05 AM
I think a long steady squeeze is the best. I like it best when my wife slowly squeezes and increases the pressure on both testicles as she gets more excited.
10-09-2006, 07:00 AM
Have any Ladies in this forum comments about the sensation they feel when under heavy pressure from their fingers the ball finally cracks? By "crack" I mean actually rupture.
10-09-2006, 07:19 AM
I have noticed that when I squeeze both balls in one mass, I can always apply more pressure than I can to my more sensitive ball separately. (My less sensitive ball can take about as much pressure as I choose to give it especially after I warm it up with some progressive squeezes.) If I was to squeeze my sensitive ball directly, I couldn't put nearly the pressure on it as I can when I've got both together and I press them against one another.
I like to move them around and "grind" them together but individually squeezing them is normally what I wind up doing as I pleasure myself.
I also find that as I apply pressure directly on my sensitive ball, if I stretch it away from my body, I can apply more pressure than when I don't stretch it, i.e., I can achieve a higher threshhold of pain...I can squeeze harder before I have to stop.
The Geezer
Has everybody a more sensitive testicle? Or is that different by each person? Or did you have a "minor accident"?
10-09-2006, 11:18 AM
Has everybody a more sensitive testicle? Or is that different by each person? Or did you have a "minor accident"?
I don't know much about other men's balls but mine sure are different. As far back as I can remember playing with my genitals (probably 5-6th grade) I've always liked manipulating my balls and I know that in high school, I started devising methods of torturing my dick (a little) and especially my balls and my right ball could always take more "action" than my left one.
Now that my old dick doesn't work like it used to, I concentrate my manipulations on my balls and enjoy the fact that the sensitivity in each is different. When I really get into a session of severe ball stimulation, my less sensitive right ball "deflates" and stops producing that wonderful gut-wrenching pain after just a short time of really hard squeezing.
On the other hand, my left nut retains its hardness and sensitivity so that I can always get it to keep my endorphines does lose some of it's hardness after a while of squeezing but I have never been able to make it become as insensitive to a really hard clamping as I can easily get my right ball to do.
To my recollection, I've never had one severe hit or squeeze on my right nut so as to make it more "squeezable" and less sensitive. Ever since I have willfully tried to make my nuts hurt, my left nut has always been more sensitive and the severity of the pain made me stop "doing" it.
Finally, having squeezed both of my nuts as hard, with as many different tools and to the degree that I have achieved as I have, and baring sudden hits or crushes, I don't think that a man's nuts are breakable merely as a result of manually squeezing a nut. Oh, maybe if the man was totally bound and gagged and the squeezer was really trying to damage his nuts it could be done but if the man is free to resist, I don't think that a manually applied squeeze or even a mechanical squeeze applied slowly would "pop" a nut. In all the internet surfing I have done over the last 15 years, I've never heard a believable story of one person rupturing his own or another man's testicle while "torturing" it/him...I have heard of testicles being ruptured in violent accidents but never in a sexual pleasure/pain situation.
The Geezer
10-10-2006, 07:02 AM
I don't know much about other men's balls but mine sure are different. As far back as I can remember playing with my genitals (probably 5-6th grade) I've always liked manipulating my balls and I know that in high school, I started devising methods of torturing my dick (a little) and especially my balls and my right ball could always take more "action" than my left one.
Now that my old dick doesn't work like it used to, I concentrate my manipulations on my balls and enjoy the fact that the sensitivity in each is different. When I really get into a session of severe ball stimulation, my less sensitive right ball "deflates" and stops producing that wonderful gut-wrenching pain after just a short time of really hard squeezing.
On the other hand, my left nut retains its hardness and sensitivity so that I can always get it to keep my endorphines does lose some of it's hardness after a while of squeezing but I have never been able to make it become as insensitive to a really hard clamping as I can easily get my right ball to do.
To my recollection, I've never had one severe hit or squeeze on my right nut so as to make it more "squeezable" and less sensitive. Ever since I have willfully tried to make my nuts hurt, my left nut has always been more sensitive and the severity of the pain made me stop "doing" it.
Finally, having squeezed both of my nuts as hard, with as many different tools and to the degree that I have achieved as I have, and baring sudden hits or crushes, I don't think that a man's nuts are breakable merely as a result of manually squeezing a nut. Oh, maybe if the man was totally bound and gagged and the squeezer was really trying to damage his nuts it could be done but if the man is free to resist, I don't think that a manually applied squeeze or even a mechanical squeeze applied slowly would "pop" a nut. In all the internet surfing I have done over the last 15 years, I've never heard a believable story of one person rupturing his own or another man's testicle while "torturing" it/him...I have heard of testicles being ruptured in violent accidents but never in a sexual pleasure/pain situation.
The Geezer
Thank you for your answer. My left one is also the most sensitive one. It intrigues me, if it is the same by every male person.
10-10-2006, 02:01 PM
Mine are equally sensetive. its no diferense between the left and the right one..
why do you gir love to sqeez so much?
01-29-2010, 12:35 AM
The "testicle grab" was by far my favorite ball-play technique that my girlfriend used. I was amazed at my intense feelings of complete and utter vulnerability and powerlessness whenever she held my balls tightly in her hand. The irony of the situation was incredible. My girlfriend was a petite and beautiful Asian woman - only about 5 feet tall and 90 pounds - while I am six-and-a-half feet tall and 190 pounds. Despite my huge size advantage, with my large skeletal frame and strong muscles, I felt as if I could hardly breath and that all my strength was leaving me when she simply squeezed my delicate balls in her little hand. When she held me tightly, a sharp pain moved up each side of my abdomen from my scrotum until my entire lower body was tensed in pain, and my mind was completely clouded by the apprehention that she might squeeze just a little too hard and really hurt me. My natural instinct was always to grab her wrist in desperation, but whenever I did so she would simply tighten her grip on my scrotum to make me let go of her arm. This was extremely effective. If I attempted to escape in any way, she just squeezed my fragile sex glands until I yeilded to her (which only took seconds). I was defenseless, and both of us knew it. She "had me by the balls," and I was totally at her mercy.
While this delightfully cute woman (a full foot shorter than me and half my weight) held me powerless in her feminine grip, she would sometimes tease me by grinning up at me and wispering, "you cannot escape" or "I've captured your balls" or "if I want to, I can... sque-e-e-eze... your testicles... and there's nothing you can do." These types of girlish taunts - which also targetted my masculinity indirectly - only made me feel more vulnerable to this beautiful, elegant woman. In a strange way, I admired that she could so easily overwhelm me despite my MUCH greater size and strength. The fact that I was a foot taller than her actually made my testicles, in her words, more "convenient" for her to get to. As a very tall man, my balls were even more accessible to her than if I were short. She thought that it was amusing that whenever I stood naked she could simply reach almost straight out and take a hold of my testicles whenever she wanted to since they were right in front of her. I was embarassed that both of the things that I used to be so confident in - my masculinity and height - were so easily exploited and even considered weaknesses by this cunning woman.
My penis and testicles are not particularly large, but they are certainly bigger than average. Also, my scrotum is quite loose so my balls tend to hang down between my legs. I found it ironic that, despite my testicles' seemingly large size, they fit so perfectly in my girlfriend's little, feminine hand. Her favorite way to catch and hold my genitals - you might call it the "pistol grip" - was especially deadly. The woman squeezed her thumb and index finger around the top of my scrotum, trapping my hapless balls down below in the palm of her hand where they could be pressed by her other fingers with as much pressure as she liked. Using this extremely secure grip, my beautiful, petite, innocent-looking girlfriend could easily control my entire masculine body with just one tiny hand!!! It was almost as if her hand had been specifically designed for that purpose (or my testicles were designed for her hand?)
She knew that it aroused me when she grabbed my balls (and I know that she enjoyed the unique power she had over me while holding me that way) so my girlfriend often gave them attention. In the shower, during sex, or in bed at night; she'd often catch them in her hand to gently play with. After a while, she became very familiar with handling my testicles and could snatch them in her hand from a variety of positions with surprising quickness and efficiency. Oftentimes, I didn't even see it coming. I soon realised that because of playing these little games with me, she had totally mastered the infamous "seize and squeeze" technique. As a male, I know that this would be extremely difficult to defend against in many situations when employed by a woman like my girlfriend who understands the male genitals so well. I greatly pity any man who is caught on the receiving end of this well-known, yet utterly devastating self defense technique. The amount of excruciating pain and traumatic injury a woman can so easily cause an unfortunate man whose testicles are trapped in her grip is terrifying from a male perspective, and there is simply no escape from her once she successfully applies it. Thus, my experiences with my girlfriend showed me that a woman's hand can be the "perfect weapon" against a naked man.
01-30-2010, 07:37 AM
Being kicked by a woman wearing high-heeled pumps is my favorite, but how about this?
You are sitting on the floor with your legs spread. Your balls are supported on a book, up off the floor. The lady, wearing expensive stiletto-heeled pumps, gently places the sole of her shoe on top of your balls and rolls them around a bit. Then she S-L-O-W-L-Y begins to apply real pressure, squeezing so delightfully until your balls are flat, your gut aches unbearably and you are begging her to stop. Of course, she just laughs and continues to apply the pressure.
02-02-2010, 01:08 AM
The "testicle grab" was by far my favorite ball-play technique that my girlfriend used.
Gages, that is one incredible story. That is *exactly* my fetish, down to the "pistol grip," verbal taunts, relative sizes, and "can't get away" feeling. Thank you for it.
02-08-2010, 01:26 PM
Nice account, Gages!
It's the opposite situation with me and my Mistress. I'm 5'8" and 147 lbs. She's 230 lbs, 6'2" barefoot but usually wears at least 4" heels. And much stronger than me. When I'm in her dungeon I know that there really is no escape, even if I wanted to try to overpower her. I love it when she's bound me immobile and totally vulnerable, brought me to the verge of orgasm time and again until I'm quaking, and then her strong hands begin to close around my balls as she gazes into my eyes, totally attentive to my increasing pain. She won't let me have a safeword, and really pushes my limits. I'm getting used to enjoying just going with the flow, and not having to hold back on my gasps and groans like I've had to with gfs in the past.
So I guess for me on the gentle/hard question, it's Hard. And I'm aware of the double entendre!
02-09-2010, 04:05 PM
I too love some hard squeezes. My wife is a damn good kicker, but sometimes her knees are sore (surgery a few years ago), so she has to do "other things" on occasion. My favorite squeeze is when she is riding on top (reverse cowboy). Her feet are right by my head, so I get a great visual (as well as her awesome ass) and then she will grab 'em and squeeze like there is no tomorrow. It seems like the harder she squeezes, the harder I get, the more she gets into it, and the harder she squeezes. It's an awesome but painful experience. Another squeeze that ROCKS is when we lay next to each other and she puts the bottom of her foot on my cock and balls. (Heel on my cock) and the rest up on my balls. She will "step" and "grind" on my C&B's and fucking rocks!!! Man...I wish she was home right now...I need to feel some good pain!
Squeezing's neat and it makes me cum a bit quicker, which is great because that's what the lady's want when they're with me, so....
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