View Full Version : Self Busting
05-27-2004, 12:06 AM
i just wanted to see where everyone is located and who all has some pics. i am in dallas, tx. email me at if you ever want to talk about ballbusting. please email me sadistic sara
05-27-2004, 08:10 PM
Hi kman171 :)
Actually, I'd rather talk about it here at the Forum.
Don't be bashful or shy! That's what this Forum is all about.
Sharing our ideas, experiences and fantasies.
See you around here (I hope) !
- Sara :)
06-01-2004, 12:08 AM
hey sara- do you have any suggestions for self busts and also- how do you smash balls (how do YOU do it and how could i do it)
06-06-2004, 03:09 PM
OK! :)
Self busts?
Sorry, but I have no experience in that! Ha, ha, ha! :)
I'm not "equipped" to experiment in that, so I hope that the guys reading this will talk about that.
That's something that hasn't been mentioned enough on this Forum, but I think it should be.
There must be a lot of times when you guys are alone and do it yourselves. Nothing wrong with that.
I'd be interested in reading what you guys write about it. This would also be a good place to share methods and ideas with others. How you do it, etc.
There must be lots of guys with imaginative ways to 'self bust'.
About how I like doing it to guys: I really hate to have to paste in what I already wrote in a bunch of other threads here, including "Ballbusting Methods" (or "Techniques") or whatever the thread's called.
Please read the other threads first to see what I wrote there, OK?
After that, if you have comments, questions or whatever, please post again.
I'm not trying to avoid the question. It's just that it wouldn't be fair to repost what I've already posted as if it were a new (original) post.
I'm looking forward to reading about how guys 'self bust' as much as you are now!
Hugs and squeezes,
- Sara :)
06-06-2004, 11:57 PM
hey sara- i read the your description and i love it- where are you located? Also, for my self busts- i usually put a thick rubber band around my balls and see how long i can take it. Sometimes- i'll but my computer unit on top for some weight. once in a while- i will hang weights with shoelaces. I usually do about 10 lbs for about 3 min and once i tried 15 lbs and i fell and i cried. also- sometimes i tie them up and then sit on a bathtub so that i am sitting on my balls- i kinda like this. anyways- if you have any more suggestions let me know- and where are you from?
06-09-2004, 04:17 AM
Hi kman171 :)
Thanks for replying with your interesting description!
Where am I located? In Canada, as it says in my profile.
In Ontario, to be more precise.
Where am I from? From Mexico, as it says in my profile.
From Oaxaca, to be more precise.
Clicking on the "profile" button under my posts will take you to my profile, where there's some additional information about me.
As long as you don't let the weights with shoelaces hang there for more than 10 minutes at a time it should be OK. Any longer could eventually damage your balls from lack of blood supply. The same goes for those thick rubber bands.
I guess your methods would hurt enough.
Don't your balls feel kind of numb after that?
How long did it take your balls to stop hurting, especially after that time with the 15 pounds?
Do you jerk off while self busting???
Now that I think about it, I have seen a couple of guys self-busting:
One had something heavy tied to his balls. He was masturbating with his right hand while using something that looked like a short stick in his left hand hitting his balls. I wasn't close enough to see what kind of weight he was using or what kind of stick. He was doing it in his window while I was on the street outside. He was obviously very excited, and was doing it for a few minutes. I guess he ejaculated by watching the way he was moving. Then he ran away from his window. I think he knew I was there, but I'm not sure.
Would any of you guys be into something like that? :)
I mean, to be doing it while I was watching you from nearby? :)
I found it fascinating to watch. :)
But like I said, I don't really know if he knew I was there. He didn't seem to be looking right at me.
Or maybe he was doing it because he knew I was watching??
- Anyway, I'd really like to know if any of you guys would be turned on by me watching you like that. :)
The second guy (an ex-boyfriend) was showing me his "invention" in his bedroom. I was close enough to see everything. He had his balls tied to a hook on the wall with a soft rope. He had removed the cover and blade of a fan and replaced the fan blades with 2 cords. One was a shorter rope with a small weight tied to it. That was the counterweight for the other rope. The longer rope had a rubber ball wrapped in cloth.
He was lying on the bed. The way he had it set up, the padded rubber ball would hit his balls when the fan was turned on. The shorter counterweight wouldn't reach his balls. The fan wasn't very fast. I think the impacts slowed it down.
That guy usually wanted me to handle the ballbusting but that time he wanted me to masturbate him while the ball on the fan rhythmically hit his balls. OK. Sure. No problem.
I was just a bit nervous that his "invention" would hit his balls too hard or hurt him. But he assured me that he had everything worked out and had used it before.
Anyway, he was jumping a bit with the contraption hitting his balls, so I guess it must have hurt just enough. He came in my hand, and seemed quite satisfied.
I hope a few of you will answer my question about me watching you while you do it. :)
And I hope and expect that some of you will tell me exactly how you "self bust".
Maybe it's a simple, easy way, like tying a noose around your balls and hitting them with your hand. I think that would be the easiest way, but I wish you'd tell me. :)
- Sara :)
06-10-2004, 05:10 PM
Hey Sara- I like the fan idea- I wish you could try it on me. I would love to show you my self busts and maybe even have you jerk me off while I do it. Would you like me to send you a picture of me doing it? Do you ever do facesitting? Also, whats the most amount of weight you could put on my balls if you were standing on them barefooted? Let me know about those pictures.
06-20-2004, 04:13 PM
Hello sexy Sara
I am new here and don't know where to start, so i thought here is good enough. I am in my late twenties and have found it sexy for a woman to kick a man in the balls since i was about 7 ( when i saw it on tv) . Since i had a horny mind even before puberty, by the time that came around i was starting to self bb in my early teens. What i liked to do was get one of my sisters high heel shoes, wear a pair of tight briefs so the buldge of my balls was promonant, and hit it with the toe or heel of the shoe, imagining it to be a girl wearing them. When i got hold of a video camera at 18 i remember i filmed myself doing this with a close up view of my groin and the shoe smashing into it. It really turned my on to see my balls from a different angle on the tv getting kicked.
06-21-2004, 11:50 PM
I was reading a book on anatomy; when I came across the section on testicles, being the perve that I am and also being very interested in just what the heck all that stuff inside my scrotum is, I read with much interest and paid careful attention. When I came across the sentence that started, "Any blow to the testicles is usually exremely painful...", I was suddenly in need of a ball-buster and none of the women here happened to be around. :rolleyes:
SO! I found another use for the book: I placed my testicles between the pages, then closed the book. This was not as painful as I had hoped (thick hardbound; still hurt, just not as much as I was looking for), but it was also thoroughly unsatisfying: it seems that, in order for me to enjoy a bust, someone with boobs has to be involved in some way.
So, in answer to our moderator's question: No, Sara, I would not do it again, unless, of course, you wanted to watch. Bring your friends. Heck, bring strangers. SOMEBODY has to entertain the ladies, right? :)
Guitar Man
07-01-2004, 09:00 PM
i usually put an apple into a sock and just swing until it hurts. sometimes i'll eat the apple after if it isn't too bruised. i'm open to any suggestions here aswell, although i don't want to spend a lifetime setting up some nifty device that will also help me self bb. that's way too much effort in my opinion, but each to their own.
the stuff that some ppl come up with........i mean that guy with the fan? jeeeez surely it would be easier to drop a brick while resting them on a table or something? really! the lengths some ppl go to!
Hi Sara;)
Yes it would be great if you where watching,but i couldn't keep myself from asking you to kick me if you where there,and a handjob would be great too:)
Iv done some selfbusting but got bored with it(nothing beats the real thing i guess)...I found a technique online sometime ago swinging a plastic bottle filled with water, tied by ropes on the sealing, i fixed it up with shoelaces fixed around the lighter somewhere.I swung the bottle, awaiting it to return naked with my balls in position:D, but most of the time it missed target or it was to low or too high,(don't try this guys, i hit a muscle right next to my groin and it hurt for some time) then i did the same thing with a small waterbottle in a sportshoe, thats was better but still didn have the effect i wanted, i combined this with masterbation afterwards yes.I love feet.Lately i slap my balls a few times hard with a beachslipper but thats it.
07-07-2004, 02:17 PM
I remember (years ago) hitting my balls with a riding crop held in my left hand, me standing, and directing the crop along my thighs until it hit my balls, simply turning quickly my forearm and wrist.
In front of a mirror, I could see the bulge of my left biceps, contracting with every hit.
strength of the hits could be adjusted to induce the appropriate level of pain. it was better to keep to a (relatively!) low level of strength, and to allow a very high number of hits (often more than several hundred) after such a number of hits, although they have been (rather) soft and have not induced high damage, my balls remained sore for hours...
during this time, I was masturbating with the right hand. Sadistic Sara mentionned a story much similar, but in front of an open window...
09-19-2004, 09:37 PM
I just found this forum and after reading back through the archives, I hope to be active, but I'm not into being kicked or hit in the nuts. Rather, I love having my balls isolated by, say a couple small metal rings or nylon cord wrappings and then having them squeezed rather severely and for long periods. Before my wife died, she was able to apply wonderful squeezings on my eggs but although I love to squeeze them manually I've come to enjoy using mechanical devises on them.
My right nut, though, is extremely sensitive, and I can put only so much pressure on it alone. My right one, however, can really take a lot of pressure, but if I squeeze it too hard at the beginning of one of my sessions, it really hurts...I have to continue to adjust the pressure up on it. As I apply more and more pressure (resting some between adjustments) I can really pour the pressure to it, especially when I use one of my mechanical devises,...and it feels GREAT...the longer I apply pressure, the better I feel...I guess it's a matter of releasing more and more endorphins. I guess that's why I don't like to be kicked or endorphins.
My favorite squeezing devises are three or four (or more) lobster claw rubber bands (the ones they put on lobsters to keep their claws closed in the market). The claw bands are about 1/2 to 3/4 inch in diameter when they are not stretched and about 1/2 inch wide. Some are of thicker (and stronger) rubber than others and when I use three or four on my good right nut the squeeze is...well, exquisite...and as long lasting as I choose. Once I get a ball isolated with several rings or wrappings so the bands don't eject it, and then put three or four bands on it, I usually slump down in my chair and enjoy the pain. After ten or fifteen minutes, my head seems to spin if I relax with my eyes closed, feeling my genitals and gently squeezing my left ball. After a while, I usually start to "abuse" my tender nut with a lobster band or two or I can even put a band over both balls which really stretches the band and really "dogbones" my ball(s). I've noticed that if I squeeze my balls together, my tender nut can take more pressure than if I squeeze it separately.
My other favorite mechanical devise is a large "C" shaped Vise Grip (VG) that locks into a closed position. The opening between the jaws can be adjusted with a screw on one handle (a lever in the second handle unlocks the devise once it's snapped closed). I isolate my right nut as if I'm gonna put the bands on it but then I loosely adjust the VG and squeeze it then finally snap it on. After the initial pain goes down, I can tighten the screw some, waiting for the increased pain to subside between adjustments. When the screw adjustment is too hard to turn, I unlock the VG, tighten the screw some and snap it onto my nut again. As I get it tighter and tighter, even the "click" of it locking is a stimulus.
The longer I use the VG and the more mushy my testicle gets the tighter I can adjust the seems that I squeeze the fluid (blood or maybe sperm) out of the testicle. When I finish, my testicle truly oozes through my fingers as I squeeze/massage it. My left nut never gets soft, perhaps because it's too tender to put that much pressure on. I probably should say, too, that I have modified the jaws of the VG, making them broader and flat with rounded edges where they contact my scrotum. From the factory they are about the size of a large pill but I've built them up to be about the size of a US nickle...about 3/4 inch in diameter with a coating of thin rubber caulking material so the jaw doesn't cut into my skin.
Sometimes when I use the VG, I isolate my testicle with a long 3/4" dowel humbler that I can pull up to rest on the rather high arms of my easy chair giving a real stretch to my trapped ball. I install it usually on only ball, tighten it down and tighten the crusher bar down directly onto one of the dowels, then install the VG on my stretched ball with the crusher bar as a backup, i.e., pinning my trapped ball against the crusher bar. If I can figure out how to, I will attach a couple pictures to this post...if I can't, you'll just have to use your imagination for a while.
Other than these two pressure devises and a pair of lexan crusher plates, I haven't found a really good mechanical devise that I can install and then leave untended on my testicle(s) waiting for the endorphins.
Anybody got another devise that is easily adjustable and that can be installed on one or both testicles and left hands free?
Does anyone else have one sensitive ball and a "numb" one? Is torture to one exquisite and to the other excrutiating?
(By the way, I've been crushing my balls and sticking stuff in my dick for a long while. I'm 61 years old and usually bring myself to orgasm two or three times a week by one method or another, sometimes quickly and sometimes after a long session...and hope to continue for a while yet. The goo isn't as thick, nor as white as it used to be when my wife squeezed me to make it squirt, but it still gushes out when I want to extract some. :D )
The Geezer
09-20-2004, 03:14 PM
You can get all the joy you crave by following these simple steps. You need a kitchen counter, table, coffee table, or other flat surface where you can belly up and lay your equipment. You can stand or be on your knees. You need to stretch your balls out in front of you as far as possible. Use a sock to wrap around your balls to keep them pushed out. It's best when starting to use a folded towel underneath to cushion the blow. Use another towel to lay over the top, especially if you are just beginning.
Now the busting part. Using a packaged 12-pack or case of soft drinks, stand it on one end, then lean it back, letting it rest against your upper belly at a 45 degree angle or so. Lean back and let the drinks slide down to rest on your balls. You can adjust the angle, height, and speed until you know how much pressure you are recieving and where the carton is landing. Adjust the sock and towels to take more or less of the contact. Caution: If you have slick counter the carton might get away from you if you're not careful and give you a surprise bust.
Practice this until you learn the angle you need to just close your eyes, lean back, and let it fall. Guaranteed to take your breathe away and give you that pit of the stomach feeling you are looking for. :eek:
09-21-2004, 06:37 AM
I used to put those "project" clamps (for clamping wood, metal etc.) on my balls, they squeeze harder than most women can. immediatly after ejaculating I had to remove them because they squeezed so hard. I also used to sometimes close them in the car door (making sure it didn't lock) them jacking off, hurt like hell. Various objects in socks etc. also worked well. then of course there was slamming the toilet seat on them. nothing is better than a real woman though.
09-22-2004, 12:14 AM
nothing is better than a real woman though.
That is true in soooooo many ways...
09-22-2004, 02:17 PM
i have a toy i call nut slapper, this is what is made of
the base is a piece of plywood it's about 1 foot wide and about 1.5 -2 feet long, it has a 1x4 attached to it by a hinge, the 1x4 is 3/4 the lenght of the base. there are 4 hooks screwed into it, 2 are on the 1x4 and 2 on the base that's where the rubber bands go and i also have a little locking device made on the base at the opposite side of the hinge to lock my balls in place so i wouldn't pull them out.
so once the rubber bands are on (the more rubber bands the harder the 1x4 is gonna come down, also depends on how far you will pull it back) lock your balls in place pull back the 1x4 so the rubber bands stretch and let it go ... and ouchie ouchie :D
make sure you don't pull it back too far at first, go slow see how much you can take.
I'll try to post a pic of this little toy a little later, have fun all and play nice ;)
09-22-2004, 08:58 PM
I like the posts in this thread.
I like guys who are imaginative and have creative ideas, and actually invent, make, or adapt useful devices to use.
- Sara :)
09-23-2004, 12:57 PM
i didn't answer saras question in my previous post ... yes i would love to have you watch me while i bust my balls, that would be wonderful.
09-23-2004, 07:45 PM
I'm active in several fora and all but a few cbt pictures are pretty vanilla. I'm an old codger who's been roughing up his nuts for many years now and I'd really like to see some severe ball busting pics that will stir my imagination and give me some ideas about different ways I can put some stress on my eggs.
If I can, I'll post some of my self busting pics. I'm new here so cut me some slack if I can't figger it out. I use various sized metal rings, cord, lobster claw rubber bands, a dowel humbler with a crusher bar and a locking "C" shaped Vise Grip...and in a pinch, my thumb. Help an old guy out with some new ideas. I live for an occasional endorphin high. When I stress my eggs, they pour out the endorphines. :bananajum
If you can, I'd like to see some other severe ball busting pics. Show me what you can do to yours (or a friend's).
The Geezer
09-24-2004, 06:43 AM
Wow! you get some serious compression out of those balls. I have a board that I made that traps my balls so my wife can step on them of stomp on them and they can't go anywhere.
09-24-2004, 08:23 AM
Let's see. Let's see. How much weight can she put on them? How long can your nuts stand the squeeze? Any other squeezing methods?
The Geezer
09-25-2004, 07:08 AM
I'm not sure as to how much weight but the closer to ejaculation I get the more I can handle.She (wife) beat the hell out of my balls last night. She stomped on them quite a few times and then moved so she could use her fists to pound them. I was sore for a while.
09-25-2004, 09:02 AM
Magnum (and other readers):
I, too, find that the nearer to climax that I get, the more stress I can put on my nuts...but then too, the longer I stress them as I work up to an orgasm, the more I can heap abuse on them. When I start a session, my nuts are relaxed and somewhat tender but after a few minutes of stretching and then squeezing the better they feel and the more abuse I can dish out. At the end of my longer sessions I'm truly amazed at what I can do to them and the longer I work them, the better the three of us feel...I'm sure that it's a matter of the ball-pain directly causing the release of endorphines. My longer squeezing sessions often last more than an hour before I choose to "make the goo come out."
I've never enjoyed my nuts being hit...hard squeezing with continuing pressure has always been my thing. Even when my wife was alive, it was easier for me to get her to squeeze me than to hit me...she always seemed afraid that she was going to hurt me and always said that when she'd hit my nuts with something, my sudden reactions would scare her. When she'd squeeze me, I could control my reactions better and she would continue to squeeze me harder and harder without becoming hesitant. Now that she's gone, I'm left to my own imagination and have come to enjoy my squeezing tools that I mentioned in a post above. When she'd do me, her thumbs and hand muscles would get tired when we'd have a long ball-busting my mechanical friends never get tired and they never are hesitant to really put the squeeze on :D
I wonder what her reaction would be if she could see me use my tools on my nuts now...if she could see how hard I pressure them now. I'll say this though, I'd much rather have a woman "do" my nuts, especially if she'd give it her ALL, that is, if she really knew how much pleasure I got from continued hard squeezings and if she enjoyed being the source of my pleasure and really threw herself into the task.
The Geezer
PS: How about a response from you women who read you (or would you if you had the opportunity) "enjoy" pleasuring a man by really "abusing" his testicles...either hitting or squeezing them hard? (I don't mean just a quick squeeze now and then, when you want to get his attention or just want to see him jump, I mean really doing a job on them as much as they can take.) Or, do (or would) you enjoy just "hurting" them? Do you receive erotic pleasure :iluvu: from "working" them...or maybe is it (or would it be) just power pleasure :Baahaha: ? Does/would it "turn you on" sexually or do/would you just like the "power" of the situation? Although she came to enjoy "doing" a hard job on my balls after a while (and seeing my pleasure) my wife and I never talked about the sensual vs. power aspects...or rather, she never expressed exactly how she felt about "doing" me hard.
09-26-2004, 12:45 AM
. . . . . . .
PS: How about a response from you women who read you (or would you if you had the opportunity) "enjoy" pleasuring a man by really "abusing" his testicles...either hitting or squeezing them hard? (I don't mean just a quick squeeze now and then, when you want to get his attention or just want to see him jump, I mean really doing a job on them as much as they can take.) Or, do (or would) you enjoy just "hurting" them? Do you receive erotic pleasure from "working" them...or maybe is it (or would it be) just power pleasure ? Does/would it "turn you on" sexually or do/would you just like the "power" of the situation?
. . . . . . .
Yes, I enjoy it. :)
In several ways, depending on the circumstances and the situation.
If I'm abusing the balls of a guy who wronged me in some way or tried to abuse me in a nasty way, I'd enjoy the power of being able to punish him. Harshly. Vengeance. No limits. Could be extreme. Use your imagination.
If it's a very casual relationship, I'd also enjoy the power of abusing his nuts, but without causing any permanent damage. In that case I also sometimes get sexually aroused. That kind of depends on the way he reacts, the interpersonal emotional 'chemistry' of the interaction and other factors that are hard to define or explain.
If the guy is my boyfriend or partner (or something similar), I still enjoy the power aspect but I also usually get sexually excited. That happens when there's a stronger personal bond and mutual trust. I get turned on by seeing how he gets turned on. Yes, I get wet.
And giving his testicles a good working over is a complement of other more conventional sexual contact. Not necessarily during the same session, but we would (hopefully) both want to make love and have sex in ways not related to ballbusting. Abusing his testicles would be just one of the many ways that we would interact sexually. It adds a spicey variation!
Sooo... how I feel and what I feel depends on the guy, the circumstances and the personal interaction.
- Sara :)
09-26-2004, 01:38 AM
Hey Sara- . . . . . . . I would love to show you my self busts and maybe even have you jerk me off while I do it. Would you like me to send you a picture of me doing it?
. . . . . . .
I'd love to watch you. :)
Would it excite you if I were there watching you?
Sure, I'd lend you a hand. With a bit of vaseline. Veeery slooowly.
Please post a pic here.
(For your privacy, just don't include your face in the pic.)
- Sara :)
09-26-2004, 01:41 AM
. . . . . . .
So, in answer to our moderator's question: No, Sara, I would not do it again, unless, of course, you wanted to watch.
. . . . . . .
Yes, I'd like to watch! :)
Would it excite you more if I were there watching you?
(I think it would get me excited!)
- Sara :)
09-26-2004, 01:45 AM
Hi Sara
Yes it would be great if you where watching, but i couldn't keep myself from asking you to kick me if you where there,and a handjob would be great too
. . . . . . .
I'd be thrilled to be able to watch you! :)
Would it excite you more if I were there watching you? Much more?
And I'd be more than willing to give you an occasional whack to your balls.
As for a handjob while you're doing it, I'd do that really sloooowly. To keep you just on the verge of an orgasm, but without letting you ejaculate until half an hour had gone by. Teasingly pleasant. :D
- Sara :)
09-26-2004, 01:49 AM
i didn't answer saras question in my previous post ... yes i would love to have you watch me while i bust my balls, that would be wonderful.
. . . . . . .
I'd really like to watch you. :) That would turn me on. :D
Would me watching you make you feel more turned on?
Would you let me touch you? If so, where and how?
Anyway, I'd also like to watch you as you cum. That's your most personal, vulnerable and private moment, and I'd very much like you to share it with me by letting me watch everything!
- Sara :)
09-26-2004, 02:09 AM
Would it excite you more if I were there watching you?
I think it would excite me if you were there watching whether I was self-busting, cutting up celery for a salad, or just, yanno, standing there wide-eyed. Anyhoo, that's my theory.
09-26-2004, 02:43 AM
I think it would excite me if you were there watching whether I was self-busting, cutting up celery for a salad, or just, yanno, standing there wide-eyed. Anyhoo, that's my theory.
Darn! :(
I was kind of hoping that somebody here would be as turned on by me watching them self-bust (and maybe lending a hand) as I would be turned on by watching them doing it.
For me, the excitement of making a salad just wouldn't get my juices going much. No, I really can't can't make much of a comparison between those situations. The levels of excitement (at least for me) would be quite dramatically different.
Oh well. Maybe I'm just weird. :confused:
- Sara ;)
09-27-2004, 09:19 AM
I'd really like to watch you. :) That would turn me on. :D
Would me watching you make you feel more turned on?
Would you let me touch you? If so, where and how?
Anyway, I'd also like to watch you as you cum. That's your most personal, vulnerable and private moment, and I'd very much like you to share it with me by letting me watch everything!
- Sara :)
Yes .... I think that would be the best ever, I get extremely excited at the thought of you being there, sitting on the couch enjoying the show and joining in teasing my hard cock and squeezing my balls at will.
If you were watching me I would be rock hard, so yes I would me more turned on.
Sara ... you can touch me anywhere and anyway your heart desires ;)
To have you watch me cum would be an experience of it's own ... maybe even have you there helping out, running your finger on my cock head ... i would cum from that alone :bananawin
Sara you are the most amazing girl ever ... EVER.
09-28-2004, 01:35 AM
I was kind of hoping that somebody here would be as turned on by me watching them self-bust (and maybe lending a hand) as I would be turned on by watching them doing it.
For me, the excitement of making a salad just wouldn't get my juices going much. No, I really can't can't make much of a comparison between those situations. The levels of excitement (at least for me) would be quite dramatically different.
Oh well. Maybe I'm just weird. :confused:
Ah. I didn't mention HOW excited I would get; cutting up celery with you nearby, you know what I would be thinking about (hint: not the celery).
Yes, the situations would be totally different and the level of my excitement would be very different. I generally do not self-bust, so I might feel awkward, but I suspect that you could find the words to encourage me. ;)
09-28-2004, 01:37 AM
And, YES, you're weird. Join the club!
10-08-2004, 11:26 PM
i dont know if this sounds lame but a shoe can be used to ballbust. just use the toe of it an have it "kick " u in the balls, just swing it into them. sh*t it hurts if u do it hard enoug.
10-11-2004, 10:39 AM
Sara, I think that you should be there directing and telling me how to bust my balls and then of course you get tired of watching and then you start doing the busting.
hi. does any1 have any tips on selfbusting to make urself cry? i want to but i can never do it bcoz my body just says no. i want something to hit me i am not really into squeezing. at the moment i just use a sock with a ball but it dusnt hurt that much. any ideas?
01-01-2005, 02:26 PM
Busting to make yourself cry? Isn't that like tickling yourself? Like, it doesn't happen?
In my experience, the crying happens when you want the other person to stop but they carry on. Of course, you're grateful for their cruelty afterwards, but don't enjoy it at the time!
01-01-2005, 04:24 PM
hi. does any1 have any tips on selfbusting to make urself cry? i want to but i can never do it bcoz my body just says no. i want something to hit me i am not really into squeezing. at the moment i just use a sock with a ball but it dusnt hurt that much. any ideas?
First, get yourself a "humbler". You can make one yourself if you have a scroll saw and a drill or you can buy them cheap from Stumpy's Woodworking on eBay. Just search eBay for "humbler".
Next, strap it on yourself. It looks cumbersome but you can do it. It might be easiest to put it on in front first, then slide it between your legs through to the back. You should be sitting on the very front edge of a stable wooden chair to put it on.
Last, just raise slightly until your feet are holding your weight, and sit back into the chair all the way.
Tears will come, believe me. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt! You'll never forget it!
01-01-2005, 04:54 PM
:) And then what if your girlfriend sat in your lap?
01-01-2005, 05:39 PM
:) And then what if your girlfriend sat in your lap?
I think that would be the end of my ball-busting days for good! It was bad enough with my 250 lbs squashing them between the wood of the humbler and the wooden chair seat. :( You shoulda seen me scrambling to find my feet and get back up. Another 125 lbs or so of female jumping into my lap at the same time would be unimaginable! :cryingblu
Kick Oscar
01-21-2005, 03:22 PM
My vote goes to a womans shoe. With all the different styles one can get creative. It is nice to read of the many different ways to do it, the humbler is a new one for me.
Jennifer tv
01-23-2005, 06:50 AM
I used a baseball bat years ago. I would put several socks on it, then a boot(of wich I have a , and then drape a skirt over it too ( I have those as well...)
Then I'd stand by a mirror, and u can get your hands out of the frame....and you'd be surprised how hard you can make a long swing!
Think I have a pic somewhere....
01-23-2005, 09:46 AM
What are your stats Jtv, height, weight etc. Do you enjoy busting other guys balls? How passable are you?
Jennifer tv
01-23-2005, 01:01 PM
What are your stats Jtv, height, weight etc. Do you enjoy busting other guys balls? How passable are you?
Im 5'9, 155lbs, use forms in a 38c bra.
I am pretty cute in a skirt, and do go out in public sometimes.
I did once kick a guy in the balls and I know why women like it!!!
It is hard to believe that they are so sensitive......and they are so nice and rubbery too. Fell very erotic on top of a nylon clad foot....
Also, since I have balls too, I really know how to abuse them!!
Most of the pics I posted are of me.
Here are a few more.
03-03-2005, 06:10 PM
sara, i put rubber o-rings around my balls and then hit them with a paddle i made from a long handled brush. it feels very good and aches while i jack off. i also hang weights 10 lbs. at first while i jackoff and near the end add 5 or 10 more lbs. and wait till my balls are really aching then i cum. i love it and do it almost every day. i have some pics if interested.
03-08-2005, 03:38 PM
taz balls
03-21-2005, 05:31 PM
Sadistic Sara
I have self busted my balls a number of times using a variety of things. Shoes as another poster mentioned, hands certainly, rubber bands (you cannot believe how well that works) and numerous other methods. What is most lacking in that scenerio is doing the bust yourself, all alone. Having you watching me, in fact telling me how to bust my balls would be a very fun game to play. You could trade an item of clothing for a particular kind of ball bust. If the bust is to your approval the clothing item would come off. If not, the bust would have to be repeated until it does meet with your approval. The game would go on and on until you were completely undressed. At that time, maybe I could watch you.......
Taz Balls
06-10-2005, 06:45 PM
Well, I personally never liked doing it to myself, but I have been working on a device that "chews" (for both the penis and balls). Basically a motoried verison of a jaw that doesn't shut all the way. The idea of having something that you or you gf/wife/mistress can turn on and play with speeds and watch a show is much more interesting to me.
And Sadistic Sara, I would love to have you watch ;)
10-11-2005, 07:36 PM
Sadistic Sara,
How do you feel about standing and jumping on a man's nude balls and crushing them flat. This would be a good ballbusting don't you think? Can you tell me your honest opinion about what you think of standing on a man's nude balls full weight...smashing them flat? Do you think any women would enjoy doing this to a man. Let me put it this way. Let's say a child molestor or a ****** assaulted a woman's child or the woman. I wonder if the woman,if she had the chance to get revenge,would like to tie this man up strip him nude and stand and jump as hard as she can on his nude balls crushing the shit out of them until they were mush and his blood squirted out of his ball sac everywhere. Is there any women out there that would like to do this if they could not go to jail for it? Sara would you consider doing this if you were attacked by a rapists and wanted revenge?
10-11-2005, 11:13 PM
Sadly Sara, by volume over half the female input here and a true aficionado* of BB, doesn’t frequent these parts anymore (come back Sara :jumpsmile).
To answer on her behalf, I doubt she’d be into crushing a mans balls until they were mush. While Sara was somewhat ‘sadistic’ and liked to cause pain, she did not appear to be into doing anybody permanent damage. I also doubt that she gets a kick from dropping mice in acid or pulling off bird’s wings etc.
*some Spanish derivation for you Sara
10-23-2005, 11:43 AM
I use everything and would like to show pics.
10-23-2005, 12:01 PM
I like clams, strings, weights, pressing, hitting, needles,you name it, I do. The oinly porblems is to get a sharp shot when everything is trembling.
10-29-2005, 07:58 AM
some sueful tools to squeeze
Dualing Banjo
10-29-2005, 08:17 AM
Hi Anton,
Here’s some mpeg movies of self-busting with baseball bats :)
OK! :)
Self busts?
Sorry, but I have no experience in that! Ha, ha, ha! :)
I'm not "equipped" to experiment in that, so I hope that the guys reading this will talk about that.
That's something that hasn't been mentioned enough on this Forum, but I think it should be.
There must be a lot of times when you guys are alone and do it yourselves. Nothing wrong with that.
I'd be interested in reading what you guys write about it. This would also be a good place to share methods and ideas with others. How you do it, etc.
There must be lots of guys with imaginative ways to 'self bust'.
About how I like doing it to guys: I really hate to have to paste in what I already wrote in a bunch of other threads here, including "Ballbusting Methods" (or "Techniques") or whatever the thread's called.
Please read the other threads first to see what I wrote there, OK?
After that, if you have comments, questions or whatever, please post again.
I'm not trying to avoid the question. It's just that it wouldn't be fair to repost what I've already posted as if it were a new (original) post.
I'm looking forward to reading about how guys 'self bust' as much as you are now!
Hugs and squeezes,
- Sara :)
================================================== ========
hi im new to this game and i havnt chosen any sophisticated methods for a number of reasons.
the first reason is that i cant take a lot of sub-dom contraptions seriously.
the implements get in the way. im turned on by the womans cruel intent- not by contraptions.
i dont know if im in a tiny minority but i find scenarios that start with a man already naked a total turn-off.
we all know a video is filmed by someone for a market, and to have the man naked heightens the falseness of the situation: i want to see the man brought low so to speak, so he has to start off with clothes intact.
for me personally i dont ever want to see a naked man in a film.
i havent explored this fetish deep enough to know how widely it varies, and what is common/uncommon.
i would most like to see candid camera genuine unplanned ballbusts, as the womans cruelty/dominance is most genuine then.
i havent even explored yet what counts as a ballbust and what doesnt- i think of a genuine ballbust as a knee to the groin, rather than a kick.
the most satisfying kick visually is if he's kneeling.
trampling does nothing for me - it is a manufactured artificial scenario- where i know the man is implicitly turn on. for me any action for it to be a turn on has to be against his will.
i can/do get turned on by the threat of an action he would be compelled to experience. i usually need to see video clips to get turned on but with a 'cruella' type, i can get turned on just by her posture. ie i find a haughty mocking stance, if the girls looks are gjust right, as good as a videos worth of ordinary porn. i think its because a photo can encapsulate an attitude in such a pure focussed way.
Dualing Banjo
11-07-2005, 02:13 AM
Why don't you ever like to see the man naked?
I find that without this I just assume that he's wearing some sort of protection. I like to see the blows go in :) Its also good to see the man restrained. He nay have consented to some BB with his bondage but its great when he gets more than he'd bargained for :D
11-07-2005, 05:48 PM
Why don't you ever like to see the man naked?
I find that without this I just assume that he's wearing some sort of protection. I like to see the blows go in ...That's a bad assumption DB. There are several reasons why a producer may choose to use clothed or partially clothed male models that can range from the the legalities involved to costs involved to the shooting locations you are constrained to, to the availablility of models willing to work nude or with a nude partner for a reasonable price. On top of that- there are a large percentage of the potential audience who don't want to see male genitalia swinging in the breeze. It ruins it for them.
As a producer, I can guarantee that NONE of our guys at California Mean Girls wear any protection even though they remain clothed. They all enjoy getting their balls busted and protection is the absolute last thing they would want.
As a side note- as a very experienced bustee I can tell you that a typical bust hurts far worse when the balls are "clothed" in a soft but restraining material such as a thinly knit underwear and thin, loose trousers than the same bust naked. The grand design of man makes balls prepared to jump out of the way at the slightest impact. Any time you see a kick that sends balls flying and bouncing, there's no way that kick hurts as much as the same impact when the balls just have to sit there and take it. The thin layers of cloth add no protection whatsoever compared to the increased pain from the balls being restrained and ****** to absorb the entire impact.
11-07-2005, 07:47 PM
I respect everyone else opinion, but... I think self-busting takes all the romance away.
IF there is no sexy shapely or curvy leggy WOMAN, slapping, kicking, squeezing, stomping, standing or handling in whatever way my nuts or somebody else's nuts (like in a image or a video) THEN its really NOT a FETISH for me at all... it ain't tasty at all.
Ofcourse, that is my opinion... and my fetish as well.
OK! :)
Self busts?
Sorry, but I have no experience in that! Ha, ha, ha! :)
I'm not "equipped" to experiment in that, so I hope that the guys reading this will talk about that.
That's something that hasn't been mentioned enough on this Forum, but I think it should be.
There must be a lot of times when you guys are alone and do it yourselves. Nothing wrong with that.
I'd be interested in reading what you guys write about it. This would also be a good place to share methods and ideas with others. How you do it, etc.
There must be lots of guys with imaginative ways to 'self bust'.
About how I like doing it to guys: I really hate to have to paste in what I already wrote in a bunch of other threads here, including "Ballbusting Methods" (or "Techniques") or whatever the thread's called.
Please read the other threads first to see what I wrote there, OK?
After that, if you have comments, questions or whatever, please post again.
I'm not trying to avoid the question. It's just that it wouldn't be fair to repost what I've already posted as if it were a new (original) post.
I'm looking forward to reading about how guys 'self bust' as much as you are now!
Hugs and squeezes,
- Sara :)
================================================== ======
i find the simplest method of self busting is to masturbate with one hand whilst cupping my balls with the other.
i started doing this because i was masturbating to some fem-dom stuff and wanted to feel/identify with the guys pain.
with my balls cupped in one hand, with each downwards stroke, my balls are mashed by my pumping hand.
i can regulate exactly how hard i want the pounding to be.
i would love a girl to do exactly the same for me.
i would find this far more of a turn on than the use of any implements.
i suppose you could call it a ballbusting handjob.
it is a ballbust with guaranteed ejaculation.
i can imagine it being excrutiating joy if she carried on busting even after i had started to cum.
11-07-2005, 10:33 PM
I've had a couple of sessions with doms where they keep punching my balls after I cum, and I've never lasted more than about 10 or so seconds longer... the pain intensifies a LOT!
01-20-2008, 12:05 AM
Hi all,
I am new to the forum and I am always looking for new techniques to bust mt balls. I usually use a shoelace to tie my balls up and smack them with the handle of a screw driver, or a rubber dildo (which works well) while I masturbate. My favorite at this point is a simple squeezing device I made. I just took 2 pieces of wood (about 3" x 6") and drilled 4 holes, 1 in each corner, for 4 bolts and wingnuts. I put my balls inbetween both pieces of wood and tighten the wingnuts to crush my balls. I like to slowly increase the preasure and see how long and how much pain I can handle
01-20-2008, 09:41 AM
I think that ballbusting has got to be done with a woman. That's what it's all about. WOMEN!!! But I've never experienced ballbusting with a woman before, I would love to! I've only ever self-busted.
I made myself a ballcrusher and it's excruciating pain! I find that nowadays I can only cum if I use it to crush my balls. I also like the "apple in sock" method, although I don't use an apple and I don't use a sock. I use a round rubber juggling ball in a stocking and swing it on my balls, thus combining my ballbusting fetish with my other fetish: legs and stockings!!! I do that while my balls are tied up with stockings. Other materials (rubber bands, soft rope) burn the skin after awhile, which I don't enjoy, but the stockings are soft and silky and stretchy, and of course adds to the stockings experience.
I also drop the juggling ball from a height onto my balls. It's quite complicated to explain how to do it, but needless to say, it's extreme pain. The accuracy of hitting the balls isn't guaranteed, so sometimes it misses. The anticipation is all part of the fun!
Kicking ('heeling') my own nuts is another favourite of mine.
Sadistic Sara, I would love it for you to be watching, or for you to be busting my nuts. Give me a blowjob while you're doing it, and suck me dry!!!
02-01-2008, 12:15 AM
I find the best way is an elastic band around my nuts, then slam the toilet seat down on them
02-01-2008, 11:23 PM
seems a little strange
02-02-2008, 07:11 PM
Toilet seat doesn't work for me, because it's really light plastic that doesn't actually fall hard. Even if it did, I don't think I would do it because it does seem a little too wierd.
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