View Full Version : risks and safety
06-06-2004, 01:50 PM
hi !
i would like to open a discussion on risks of ballbusting and cbt... i really love this kind of fetish but am also aware of it... i wanna have kids once :-) .. does anyone know about any study about safety in ballbusting, about the risks (on the internet would be best) and how to avoid permanent or temporary damages? thanks, michael, prague
06-06-2004, 04:00 PM
Good topic!
Lesson: Rule number one says that ballbusting should never be so severe as to cause any permanent damage!
How to avoid damage? Hey, it's common sense (at least to me). But you're right -- it's better to think about it beforehand rather than cry about it after it's too late!
I hope more knowledgeable and experienced users will give us some pointers, guidelines or advice here. I'm not really an "expert" on that -- just a semi-experienced practitioner. :)
I'm not aware of any online studies on it. Maybe somebody reading this does?
Actually, if testicles are physically damaged by accidents, BALLBUSTING, torture, etc., they do become less sensitive.
If the damage is severe enough, or even caused by repetitive "overly-enthusiastic" ballbusting, they become damaged.
They also diminish in size if that happens.
If yours (the male readers of this) are starting to get noticably smaller, you've been overdoing it and should lay off getting them busted for a few months to let them recover.
Otherwise, they won't recover and may get damaged further.
That would result not only in having smaller testicles, but also in a diminished libido (lower sex drive) due to lower levels of testosterone being produced.
If THAT happens, you should see a medical doctor to have your testosterone level tested.
If necessary, you would then be prescribed supplemental testosterone indefinitely. That would normalize your sex drive, but your testicles would remain small.
NOTE: Even testosterone injections will NOT get your testicles to produce spermatazoa if they have been damaged excessively. That means sterility. No having kids, ever.
So use a bit of sense, OK guys?
I'm NOT a medical doctor but I've studied medicine and was a licenced veterinary assistant in Mexico (where I was born).
- As a side note, just in case you're interested, I'm experienced in administering testosterone injections to "tired" studs and also well experienced in several techniques of ********** (of livestock, in Mexico).
Hope to hear from others about this important topic. :)
- Sara.
06-10-2004, 09:07 PM knives or any sharp objects that can cut be involved. That would just suck.
Just know your limits.
07-23-2004, 08:44 PM
Sara,do you know how long it is safe to leave one of those thick rubber bands around the testicles?About 10 years ago in my late teens,I used to sometimes wrap one around the base of my scrotum 2 or 3 times.It hurt a lot the first 15 minutes or so,like being hit real hard in the balls,but it didn't hurt much after 30 minutes or so.I always took it off within an hour because I was afraid of doing permanent damage and I would start to break out in to a cold sweat.I know you have some medical training with elastrators.Do you think I did any permanent damage by doing this?I did it quite often for about 2 years.What do you think?
07-26-2004, 05:01 PM
I just remembered one, which I think I have heard Sadistic Sara mention before; it bears repeating.
If your bb partner grabs your testicles and then squeezes or strikes them, fine, have fun. Do not allow your friend to twist them excessively. The scrotum contains a tangled mess of tubes and cords; twisting the nutsack is for self defense, not for fun. In particular, a severe twist followed by a heavy blow to the twisted pair can risk injuring the tubes and cords; if I could remember the names of all that stuff that could go wrong, I would relate some, but the possibility of breaking the vas deferens comes to mind. It is much easier to damage the connective tubes and stuff than to damage the testicles, themselves; to remain a safe and healthy ballbusting sicko, keep the twisting minimal.
Some twisting, of course, will not permanently damage the testicles, just like any other rough handling that is done in moderation.
Have fun.
07-29-2004, 06:28 PM
Originally posted by Lew27
Sara,do you know how long it is safe to leave one of those thick rubber bands around the testicles?About 10 years ago in my late teens,I used to sometimes wrap one around the base of my scrotum 2 or 3 times.It hurt a lot the first 15 minutes or so,like being hit real hard in the balls,but it didn't hurt much after 30 minutes or so.I always took it off within an hour because I was afraid of doing permanent damage and I would start to break out in to a cold sweat.I know you have some medical training with elastrators.Do you think I did any permanent damage by doing this?I did it quite often for about 2 years.What do you think?
NO! No! No !!! (*screaming*)
That's VERY bad! Dangerous!
If you do that to your finger, it feels numb and changes color before causing permanent damage.
But your scrotum has no bone in there, and those tubes and cords inside that 'Trouble' mentioned are VERY delicate.
You MIGHT have caused some permanent damage.
If you can still get an erection, any possible damage wasn't 'extremely extreme'.
But that doesn't mean that there was no damage done.
You might have a lower testosterone level, or lower sperm count.
Only your doctor can tell you that.
It's a routine test that any doctor can have done. ("free testosterone level")
If you're worried, have your doctor order a blood test for you.
Honesty with your doctor is best.
But if you just CAN'T tell your doctor about the rubber bands, you could say that you'd been beaten and kicked in the balls severely a few years ago, and that you're now concerned about any damage that might have been done.
At least such a test would put an end to your doubts and worries.
- Sara :)
PS. How long is "too long"? If your balls change color and go completely numb, take off the rubber bands!
After the blood circulates for a while, it's up to you if you want to try it for another few minutes.
I really don't recommend rubber bands.
If you accidentally fall asleep before removing the elastic, you would regret it for the rest of your life.
Think of "gangrene" followed by "double amputation"!
07-30-2004, 04:48 AM
I always removed them before my testicles turned purple or black and the circulation returned immediately and there was no pain or soreness at all.I didn't know that permanent damage could be done if it didn't hurt that much? I can get an erection just fine if I'm really turned on,but I don't get nocturnal erections at all any more and I have trouble building much muscle,so I was wondering if low testosterone could be a problem caused by the rubber bands or by my high estrogen levels due to being over weight.
07-30-2004, 06:24 PM
Also,I had one of those saliva hormone tests done in 1999.I mailed it to the lab and they sent me back a paper that said my testosterone was in the "mid-average" range for my age group.Mine was 86 pg/ml and the range for males from 20-29 years old was 42-145 pg/ml.Do you know anything about testosterone level measurements,Sara?
07-30-2004, 07:04 PM
Yes, permanent damage CAN be done even if it doesn't hurt that much.
With livestock, they just jump at first from the rubber ring being snapped in place around their ball sack (when an elastrator is used).
After that, their testicles soon go numb. No pain.
The animals continue eating, walking around, and acting normally. But the cells of the testicles "die" because of lack of blood supply. The longer it's on, the more cells that die. It's not sudden, like surgical removal of the testicles. There are different degrees of damage.
Ditto for humans.
Weight gain is also one of the symptoms of testicular damage. But weight gain can also be caused by many other things.
Another symptom is your balls being smaller than they used to be. But that can have other causes too.
I can't diagnose you online or give you medical advice, other than to repeat my recommendation that you see a real doctor.
It wouldn't cost much and there's no reason you should avoid seeing a doctor.
Doesn't have to be a specialist. A General Practitioner can order the simple blood test.
I can't (and shouldn't) try to guess about whether any permanent damage was done or not. Seeing a doctor about it would at least stop you from worrying about it, no matter what degree of damage (if any) has been done.
Read the previous posts again. Then make an appointment to see your doctor.
PS. I think that a blood test done by a medical lab at your doctor's request would be more reliable and accurate than a saliva test done by mail. But I'm not a doctor and I'm not qualified to give you any medical advice.
That link you posted to that saliva-testing company also talks about "anti-aging medicine". Ummm... I don't think I'll even get into my opinion about that!
Please see a doctor.
07-30-2004, 09:14 PM
Thanks for your advice.I was very young at the time and didn't know it was dangerous or I would never have done that.Now I am very scared that it might have affected my ability to have kids...I want to have lots of them in the future when I am ready.
08-12-2004, 04:05 PM
Sara,I was wondering if I have experienced any atrophy of my testicles from the rubber bands.How big are human testicles supposed to be?That guy's balls that you are holding in the photo look huge! What is the normal size?My testicles are about 2 inches long and 1.25 inches thick.
08-14-2004, 10:08 PM
Ha, haa! :)
If my nose were that close to the lens of the camera, it would look huge too.
Don't worry about size. The dimensions you mention are "normal".
- Sara :)
Oh, now there onto "normal testicle size"! :Baahaha:
03-31-2005, 11:02 PM
Oh, now there onto "normal testicle size"! :Baahaha:
Mr ____________
Let me give you a little piece of unsolicitited advice. You can take it for what it's worth or take it to heart- I don't much care anymore. You have been on this forum for -Oh about 2 days now and have posted 57 some odd times primarily (so far) responding to 3 year old posts and making inane comments like the one above that don't add anything to the thread. I am flat out tired of opening topic after topic after topic because it has a new response, only to see some nonsense from you. While I have no reason to think that this is all we could ever hope for from you, I for one have had "all I can stands... I can't stands no more..." and so I am adding you to my ignore list. Unfortunately I will never see your witty retort to my post, which is bound to be far better that any of the posts you have made previously. I doubt seriously that I am the first to do this. I suggest that you stop posting useless comments to every damn thread no matter how old or how minor, or I suspect soon you will be talking only to those few who haven't found the ignore button yet.
Somebody's got to keep those older threads active.
Glad to be of help.
What this forum needs are more members posting. That's been mentioned in several threads.
I like your posts, by the way.
04-01-2005, 01:45 AM
I've actually gotten nervous enough about potential risks due to kneeing/kicking where the balls get accidentally ruptured against the pelvic bone that I've found myself totally unaroused by those activities. I prefer having my balls cradled in one hand while the other punches away, or having them punched while I stand and they hang freely - I like to think of this as a punching bag. :)
04-02-2005, 01:18 AM
I am one of those who have not found the 'ignore" button -- care to hook a brother up?
04-02-2005, 08:35 AM
I am one of those who have not found the 'ignore" button -- care to hook a brother up?
Click on the soon-to-be-forgotten individual's name in any index or post and select "View Public Profile" when/if you get a menu (Clicking in an index takes you to their profile immediately. Clicking in the author area of an individual post gets you the menu.) Within the profile, look on the right side just above "Contact Info" and you will see "Add what-ziz-name to Your Ignore List" Clicking that set of words does the deed after a confirmation screen.
04-02-2005, 09:50 PM
Click on the soon-to-be-forgotten individual's name in any index or post and select "View Public Profile" when/if you get a menu (Clicking in an index takes you to their profile immediately. Clicking in the author area of an individual post gets you the menu.) Within the profile, look on the right side just above "Contact Info" and you will see "Add what-ziz-name to Your Ignore List" Clicking that set of words does the deed after a confirmation screen.
It occurred to me that the guy with the underline for a name might be doing what he is doing because he is very nervous and excited to find out about bb and other bb'ers. It would explain why he bothered to read so many threads (and his replies seem to indicate that he is actually reading the thread before replying). More pertinently, people put up with me (nobody knows why), so I should make the ffort to hear other people out. THEN I'll hit the iggy switch.
04-02-2005, 10:36 PM
I agree with Trouble. :)
Especially after reading ____'s apology, explanation, and so on in the thread located at: (
- Sara :)
04-03-2005, 08:43 AM
Hey I don’t go online very often maybe 1s a week if I’m bothered coz I don’t often hav enough time but anyway hear is my question
I would really like to know how much pressure should someone squeeze a persons actual balls
04-03-2005, 09:37 PM
I would really like to know how much pressure should someone squeeze a persons actual balls
You mean, what limit to pressure? I don't think the fine folks in the Medical Establishment have ever released a real definitive guide on that, and even if they did, both pain and injury levels seem to vary tremendously from person to person. Or even from ball to ball (when I get kicked in the nuts, it is typical for my left nut to be in a lot of pain and for my right nut to be wanting more...).
Probably the best way to go about things (until science comes up with a ballometer [I'll bet two quid that Sara will invent one as part of her next dissertation]) is to establish a Safeword or two, and then let the female partner go with the amount of pressure she thi8nks is appropriate unless and until the male partner uses that Safeword because he thinks the amount of pressure has become inappropriate.
Have fun testing things out!!
09-18-2006, 11:08 PM
Has anyone noticed any differences in their erections since they been into ball busting?
or have trouble getting erect??
09-23-2006, 12:25 PM
I would really like to know how much pressure should someone squeeze a persons actual balls
If you're trying to give pleasure, squeeze lightly at first then harder and harder until the squeezee tells you to stop, they release, wait a short while and start to apply the pressure again, seeing if you can squeeze up to the amount at which he stopped you. If he likes it, repeat as often as you can/want to but on the final squeeze, be sure to squeeze just a little harder than he wants you to.
You might even tell him that that's what you're gonna do before you give him that little bit extra. My guess is that he'll accept your terms...he did want something unnatural done to him in the first place didn't he.
If he had asked you for a bowl of ice cream, I'm sure that he wouldn't mind one more scoop than what he thought he'd get when he asked. :wooow
The Geezer
PS: Some of us would like more than most women are able to dish out :-)
10-16-2006, 09:10 AM
Yes, permanent damage CAN be done even if it doesn't hurt that much.
I would realy like to know or oppinion:
Does pumping the balls do any permanent damage? The balls are filled with the plasma for a day or two. I plan to do this every other day to enlarge my balls permenetly.
10-17-2006, 06:35 AM
It takes a very acurate and very powerful blow to get the balls ruptured by the pelvic bone. It shouldn't be ventured upon as the pelvic bone will not be giving in the slightest. Such a blow would more than likely damage more than just the balls. Build up the intensity and don't make the lust of the moment dominate both yourself and ballbusting partner(s). As you have stated, the pendulum scenario is one of greater safety as the balls have room to move upon impact.
I've actually gotten nervous enough about potential risks due to kneeing/kicking where the balls get accidentally ruptured against the pelvic bone that I've found myself totally unaroused by those activities. I prefer having my balls cradled in one hand while the other punches away, or having them punched while I stand and they hang freely - I like to think of this as a punching bag. :)
10-17-2006, 06:39 AM
How long is a length of string?
Limits are never constant in myself.
I think it wise to take each session as it develops
rather than to always assume that X amount of pounds or kilos per square inch or centimetres is the benchmark.
Hey I don’t go online very often maybe 1s a week if I’m bothered coz I don’t often hav enough time but anyway hear is my question
I would really like to know how much pressure should someone squeeze a persons actual balls
10-17-2006, 07:02 AM
Your penis is in the potential pathway for impact during sessions.
Step away from Bb for a moment and contemplate your hand always being in cold water and suddenly being confronted with hot water. The diference in sensory range will be obvious. The hot water will feel quite extreme for you in comparison to someone whose hands are familiar with hot water on a regualr basis.
The penis is perhaps more readily prone to injury, particularly if erect by kicks, more so the perenium, the base of the penis rearwards from the pelvis to the rectum, that extra bit of penis that the balls and scrotum partially obscures.
Erection troubles due to Ballbusting could be due to the physical activity or could be sensory of the moment, not via damage but via the diferences between Ballbusting and other sexual activity. It also could be down to the state of one mind.
Just play safe and don't get crazy. Ballbusting with someone whom works to your desires and agenda. Though the penis is close and can be part of the whole experience in a Ballbusting session, get the Ballbustress to concetate on the balls. Or as one lovely lady said to me during session, 'It's all about hiting the balls'. She remains near the top of the list of all the Ballbustresses I have been honoured to exprience with. Even with fast and forceful kicks, she would hit the targets.
Has anyone noticed any differences in their erections since they been into ball busting?
or have trouble getting erect??
10-17-2006, 10:16 AM
Never observed erection difficulties related with ball busting. The excitement seems so high it overcomes potential weaknesses.
I have now been into passive ball busting for more than thirty years and my hard-on(s) are always fully hard for a long long time. I must add my partner always stopped working with my balls when I was passing out: She said She wanted me to feel each of Her actions. The other effect of such a rule was introducing a kind of safety limit. Sometimes, when I was out but still fully hard, She happened to mount me and get Herself off over me ***********.
On the other hand (if I may say so!), I have (once) been severely cock busted (trode on by a heavy Lady when fully hard) and experienced that time a total impotence for several days!
Hope to have added something to the debate!
10-18-2006, 01:27 AM
The safety limit (safe word) is very important.
The Ballbustress needs to be observant of her actions and halt based upon her judgement, even if there is no safety word called out by the ballbustee. Heavy balls action can at times divert your abbility to do much else.
As for the heavy erect cock crush and the subsequent impotence for several days, that was due to a temporary overexpansion of the carverns within the penis that hold the blood that enters them and thus provides the erection. There may well have been a degree of backward surge as this delightful lady applied her wonderfull mass.
Keep on doing and keep on enjoying, but never forget safety.
Never observed erection difficulties related with ball busting. The excitement seems so high it overcomes potential weaknesses.
I have now been into passive ball busting for more than thirty years and my hard-on(s) are always fully hard for a long long time. I must add my partner always stopped working with my balls when I was passing out: She said She wanted me to feel each of Her actions. The other effect of such a rule was introducing a kind of safety limit. Sometimes, when I was out but still fully hard, She happened to mount me and get Herself off over me ***********.
On the other hand (if I may say so!), I have (once) been severely cock busted (trode on by a heavy Lady when fully hard) and experienced that time a total impotence for several days!
Hope to have added something to the debate!
01-02-2016, 04:24 AM
Bump. I think people should see this.
04-24-2020, 12:43 AM
We all love ballbusting, but what about the recovery?
A little background to my methods. My most recent self-session lasted 34 minutes (16 minutes and 18 minutes with a 5 minute break inbetween). It was mainly impacts such as hits with a bat and punches, which included restricted punches (where I'd hold my balls in place so they can't escape) and punches with lacrosse balls in hand. I also did some occasional crushing/squeezing with my hands and bat. I finished the session by sitting on my balls.
Physiological responses. About halfway through the second round I started to sweat more, have a higher heart rate, and my legs became weak. I reached my limit near the end of my session when my balls got rock hard, which is different from the standard swelling where the testis could still be depressed to some degree. In this case, my balls didn't yield at all. In a non-swollen state I think my testicles are similar in shape, but I notice that my left tends to swell in a rounder shape while my right swells more proportionally to a testis' typical oval shape. In terms of size, my testicles got respectively bigger due to the swelling, but they didn't balloon up to the size of watermelons. Though my scrotum was a bit swollen, there was no visible bruising.
Immediately after this session I relaxed with 30 minutes of ice to my crotch. I moved the ice around, so it can treat all aspects of my testicles instead of letting it rest, say for example, only on the anterior. I took a nap and I performed a follow up about 4 hours after the first treatment. The swelling went down, but there was some tenderness, so I applied another round of ice for 20 minutes. My balls were smaller and softer/mushier than my normal, pre-session levels. Late next day, I felt no more tenderness. Then when I woke up the following day, I was back to normal.
TL;DR: Ice twice, fully recovered on the second rest day.
I haven't tested my sperm count or testosterone levels, nor have I gotten any scans performed such as ultrasounds to say whether or not these methods are sound, but my body isn't causing any alarm. I am health conscious, so I have some questions: What are your limits? How do you like to recover and when do you know you're good to go? How much ballbusting would one really have to endure to become sterile?
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