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06-13-2004, 03:22 PM
What are your favorite scenes in the movies when they do a ballbusting scene? Most of the time it's done in a comedy movie like it's supposed to be funny. I want to find the serious ballbusting scenes.

Also, is anyone interested in male .vs female fights in the movies? I just got done watching the Jennifer Lopez movie, "Enough". I don't want to give it away, but there's a great fight sequence at the end of the movie that you don't want to miss! Has anyone seen the movie, "Serving Sara" with Elizabeth Hurley and Matthew Perry? I understand that there is a fight scene between Matthew and this female bodybuilder where they fight and she beats the crap out of him. Is it a funny part? (I'm thinking it is since it's a comedy movie). :D

06-15-2004, 05:50 PM
Hi Sara

You say squeezing is your favourite method. Are there any movie scenes of this that stick out in your mind.

07-11-2004, 07:59 PM
Hi Sara

You say squeezing is your favourite method. Are there any movie scenes of this that stick out in your mind.
No, I don't recall any movies like that.

My taste in movies is atypical.

- Sara :)

07-11-2004, 10:55 PM
Originally posted by buldgingballs
Hi Sara

You say squeezing is your favourite method. Are there any movie scenes of this that stick out in your mind.

No, I don't recall any movies like that.

How about that Dirty Harry movie where that chick goes back and hunts down a pack of guys (and a woman or two) who raped her, then shoots them in the balls one by one? The woman who was involved in the ****** of the other woman (she just watched and laughed, I think) goes to warn one of the guys that the victim has already blown a few nuts off.

He doesn't seem to take her very seriously and she grabs his testicles and, judging by his reaction, gets his attention. Now, they SHOULD have made the movie 100% better by showing a close-up of her grip on him, but I think they were trying to keep the thing as tame as possible so as to avoid getting something worse than an R rating.

I think her line, to the guy whose attention she has grabbed, is, "Watch 'em, Frank. Watch 'em real close."

07-15-2004, 09:42 PM
The name of the movie I was trying to describe is "Sudden Impact".

Found this description for a movie which I have not yet seen...

Ten Things I Hate About You
Julia Stiles is a high school student and the female school counselor is trying to convince her that her attitude needs work. As an example, she mentions a boy who had a testicle retrieval operation after an incident with her, and she replies 'I still maintain that he kicked himself in the balls.' Later, her boyfriend asks her about the incident, and she explains that he tried to grope at her in the lunchline. Later in the movie, there's a knee by a different girl.
One great thing (?) about Hollywood is that they use things like a kick in the nuts in place of a plotline. I mean, heck, EVERYBODY loves to see a kick in a guy's nuts, right? But a plotline? Feh, we can live without.

Another one that looks good, if only for the historical significance: [

Strange Cargo (1940?)
Possibly the first ballbust in motion picture. Clark Gable wrestles with Joan Crawford, but Joan knees him in the groin sending him collapsed to the floor. Camera angles and lighting are quite dubious. Joan's expression at the end of the scene is classic. Judge for yourself by viewing the Mpeg at http://www.groinkick.com/~busted/bb/mov/Strange_Cargo.mpg
I haven't tried the link yet...

07-17-2004, 10:37 PM
SO! I've been busy (causing trouble and the like, of course...).

I just have to ask: is Cynthia Rothrock REALLY a martial artist actress who is in movies which seem to exist primarily for the purpose of demonstrating her versality in racking male reproductive organs? (Well, and female ones, too, it seems...)

This is a typical plot line summary I just read, for one of her films:

Outside the Law: 2 kicks, 1 knee, 1 headbutt, 9 grabs

Has anyone here seen a film with Cynthia Rothrock in it? Should I bring an apple in a sock and, um, a couple of paper towels, or is the description I read hyperbole?

And, more importantly -- anyopne know if she's single?!?

07-23-2004, 09:41 AM
I remember an old police film where two gangsters (male alas!) find that a guy sitting at a bar and listening to their talks is a cop. One of them holds the shoulders of the cop, the other seizes his crotch and crushes: the film just show the forearm muscles bulging as he squeezes.

The policeman looses consciousness; it is said later thet he had one testicle ruptured.

Can't remember the title of the movie. Shall post it when I recall.

07-25-2004, 04:25 PM
there's a coen brothers film called blood simple where a woman kicks this bloke very hard.it was quite a while ago when i saw it and i remember holding my groin .that scene looked very painfull .
i think my fetish started from there.
has anyone else seen it

12-19-2004, 03:21 PM
i have 3 favourite busts in the movies. the best is sharon stone in total recall. she busts arnold swarchen....u know i cnt spell his name about 10times with punches knees kicks and stamps. worth losing sperm to! the other is the tuxedo where jeniffer love hewitt knees a guy. there is also a close up of her boobs which is amazing :). the last is lethal weapon i think its the 1st one. rene russo spins and kicks a guy very hard. shes so hot.

12-19-2004, 04:19 PM
To me, the best mainstream film bust of all time is still from Jame Bond's "The Man with the Golden Gun" where the two Japanese girls in school girl skirts take on all the guys from the dojo. The last guy gets kicked in the chest and one of the girls uses an arm bar to make him bend over while the other kicks him from behind in the balls.

12-19-2004, 08:10 PM
the last is lethal weapon i think its the 1st one. rene russo spins and kicks a guy very hard. shes so hot.
Lethal Weapon 3 is the one with Russo's bust. I mean, with her kicking a guy in the nuts; her other bust (her chest) is always there. :)

Jennifer tv
01-04-2005, 11:29 PM
Did anyone see I Spy with Owen Wilson and Eddie Murphy?
Owen has a busting fetish and this hot chick(forget her name) does it a few times. It is even used as foreplay at one point.
I luved that movie!!! lol
Only time I have seen Hollywood do it so blatantly....


01-05-2005, 02:06 AM
Did anyone see I Spy with Owen Wilson and Eddie Murphy?
Owen has a busting fetish and this hot chick(forget her name) does it a few times. It is even used as foreplay at one point.
I Spy (2002): Famke Janssen is the hot babe who gets no less than FIVE BUSTS in on Wilson.

Try 'They Call Me Macho Woman' (1989).

01-05-2005, 09:33 AM
Unfortunately I had brain fade and missed the end of the auction on E-bay. A seller has a copy of "GiGi busts his balls" for $15.00 plus shipping. Normally it about $60.00. Its a Queen of Hearts/ Star Deck Nine type of video with nothing but ballbusting. Some are very hard core and expsensive. I have purchased two ballkicking dvd's off of e-bay real cheap so you may look from time to time.

01-05-2005, 10:29 AM
yeah tht was amazing! tht woman is really hot. she cud bust my balls anyday

01-05-2005, 01:45 PM
i've gotten a few off of ebay for cheap (vhs) from velvet kick and dominant dolls. They have quite a few vids out there. These guys take it pretty hard from these gals, wonder how they have anything left down there. I posted a clip from the dominant dolls vid on alt.binaries.erotica.femdom usenet group if any of you are useneters. Tony.

01-07-2005, 03:23 AM
I'm in love with ballbusting in mainstream movies. I used to visit an online database that listed every movie with a ballbust known to exist, but ever since it changed its URL (http://bbdatabase.buildingbenches.org) my browser has been unable to access it. If anyone has any helpfull information about this I'd be eternally greatfull. Anyhoo
here are my top ten movie ballbusts that I've seen so far:
1.Total Recall
2.The Man with the Golden Gun
3.The Beverly Hillbillies
4.Black Cat Run
5.Angels (with Yukari Oshima)
6.Feds (for the dialogue)
8.Tiger Heart
9.Leathal Weapon 3
10.Back to the future part 2

01-07-2005, 03:23 AM

I remember in Dr No (?) (early James Bond film with Sean Connery anyway) that he goes into a nice sunny apartment and there are two very athletic girls in bikinis. He does the suave charm thing and moves in on one girl for the Bond kiss, doubtless anticipating a twosome. She steps in close and knees him very sharply in the balls and he crumples. Its very out of character and a real surprise. The girls proceed to use their gym skills to beat seven bells out of Mr B from all angles until he dunks them in a pool.


01-07-2005, 03:35 AM
I'm pretty sure the one you're thinking of is Diamonds are Forever, although I could be wrong.

01-07-2005, 03:37 AM
If your browser allows you to access http://bbdatabase.buildingbenches.org you could probably find out.

01-07-2005, 11:02 AM
Eric- I think this is what you are looking for-


That was bambi and Thumper in "Diamons are Forever", they said to james "we're going to have a ball".



01-07-2005, 11:41 PM
I agree, it's Diamonds Are Forever (1971). Trina Parls plays Thumper.

Would have been great to have some BB in Dr. No, as well -- that would have made the movie perfect!!! :D

Another one, if you can find it, enjoy THIS ===> The Underachievers (1987).

01-08-2005, 12:40 AM
I'm in love with ballbusting in mainstream movies. I used to visit an online database that listed every movie with a ballbust known to exist, but ever since it changed its URL (http://bbdatabase.buildingbenches.org) my browser has been unable to access it. If anyone has any helpfull information about this I'd be eternally greatfull.
Almost forgot to reply to this.

I think you are referring to the database started by Jason 'Needaup' Try this:

Go to Google
Click on Advanced Search.
Type "Needacup" in the "All of these words" box
Type "movie database" in the "Specific phrase" box
Put in something like "balls nuts kick knee" in the "One or more of these" box

I think the database is held by more than one host. They seem to be connected (so if you update one of them, all of them share that update). There are editors, but nobody seems to have authority to delete entries.

01-08-2005, 02:59 AM

Diamonds are Forever with Thumper and Bambi it is !


01-08-2005, 08:53 PM
I've just found out a URL where you can access about 170 different ballbust mpgs from movies and tv. The URL is http://web.archive.org/web/*sr_3331nr_30/http:/raq1.tlcnet.com/*

They're free.

If anyone knows of any other sites where I should post this URL let me know.

01-08-2005, 09:06 PM
Thanks to Kida for that one.

01-09-2005, 02:46 AM
If you haven't seen Anchorman with Will Ferrell, there's one in that done by Christina Applegate.

08-10-2005, 07:17 AM
there are a lot of movies with good ballbusting in them i like the billy blanks movie tc 2001 where the girl stands in fromnt of bily and just destroys his nuts with a very hard kick, lucy liu in payback is also very good, and total recall

08-12-2005, 11:04 AM
attachment: DB with 1608 movies

EDIT: sorry only pics allowed
anyway I got that 1608 DB on my HD right here

08-12-2005, 11:11 AM
Fist of Justice (Cory Everson seduces huim, knees his groin, beats him up) is great

Kingpin rules too

there is a clip called tremors (movie capture) which is great too, full force self defense kick by a hot latina babe.

08-15-2005, 02:08 PM

I did a post for this one a while back - in the wrong place it seems as its gone.

There was a 70's film (Paul Newman is all I know now) where he gets a kick in the balls from an older woman. Towards the end of the film he has the chance to kick her between the legs, and after a moment, does so. I quite like this idea in a film, but in reality I don't think many men would.


08-15-2005, 09:10 PM
There was a 70's film (Paul Newman is all I know now) where he gets a kick in the balls from an older woman. Towards the end of the film he has the chance to kick her between the legs, and after a moment, does so. I quite like this idea in a film, but in reality I don't think many men would.
You DON'T? Hell, I would NEVER pass up a chance to kick Paul Newman in the balls.

09-05-2005, 07:19 PM
There's a really hot ballbusting scene in Taken, the sci fi series. A chick squeezes the balls of a soldier. It's really good!

09-08-2005, 11:08 AM

I remember in Dr No (?) (early James Bond film with Sean Connery anyway) that he goes into a nice sunny apartment and there are two very athletic girls in bikinis. He does the suave charm thing and moves in on one girl for the Bond kiss, doubtless anticipating a twosome. She steps in close and knees him very sharply in the balls and he crumples. Its very out of character and a real surprise. The girls proceed to use their gym skills to beat seven bells out of Mr B from all angles until he dunks them in a pool.

If I'm not mistaken, those two girls were trim , atheletic African-American chicks who had earlier gotten into it with some horny dude, and after kicking his butt all over the place where he winds up on the ground, they reach down, each grabbing a nut, and relieving him of them.
For anyone turned-on by ********** fantasies, you'd like that one.

09-08-2005, 02:07 PM
Um... actually the movie you're thinking of is Ilsa Harem Keeper of the Oil Shiek... That scene is etched in my memory bank.

BTW I'm new... Hi.

09-09-2005, 12:03 AM
Um... actually the movie you're thinking of is Ilsa Harem Keeper of the Oil Shiek... That scene is etched in my memory bank.

BTW I'm new... Hi.
Hi! Yes, Ilsa (1976) is probably the ONLY "big production" number where that was used.

And for the Jolie fans (and by that, I mean Magnum, of course):

Foxfire: (1996) Angelina Jolie. There's a kick and a grab by two different teens when they're beating up their teacher.

Hell's Kitchen: (1997): Angelina Jolie punches a guy in the balls and asks him afterwards if it hurt. Also, two grabs with squeezes.

Playing by Heart: (1998) An offscreen knee by Angelina Jolie in a bar. Ok dialogue and reaction.

Quick, Magnum! Check to see if they have these at Amazon.com (or a local place, whatever) and then buy a femaledom.com video. You'll be sooooo happy.

09-10-2005, 03:01 AM

I watched an Australian movie called Priscilla Queen of the Desert a few evenings ago. Its about three drag queen singers that travel across the country in a bus (Priscilla).
Its fairly lighthearted and fun to watch but there's a few dark moments when the drag queens go for a night out in an outback town dressed to the nines.

One of them taunts the local sheep shearer and friends. After a chase he is caught and has his legs held apart ready to be kicked and you can very clearly see his balls standing proud. It looks very bad for our queen and you can almost taste the hatred.
His friends arrive in the nick of time and one of the other queens brings the scene to a close by kneeing the sheep shearer twice. Its such a contrast to the film in general that it makes the viewer watch closely.

Aggie x

PS, it is an excellent film but you've got to like Abba to watch this one !

10-19-2005, 05:16 PM
In the Joss Whedon movie Serenity, Adam Baldwin's Jayne character tries to subdue Summer Glau's River Tam after she pretty much kicks the crap out of practically everybody in the room. She escapes from Jayne's clutches by apparently squeezing his balls. Later he appears applying an ice pack to his groin. The rest of the movie was pretty spectacular, too. :)

11-28-2005, 01:19 AM
Going back a few years there wa a film, unfortunately I cant remember the name of the it but it starred Anthony Quinn, there was a bust scene in it it where the woman knees him while lying on the the bed, he then cluthes himself, she then asks "Does it Hurt". Also another James Bond film "Never Say Never Again" features a scene where a domineering woman threatens to shoot Bond in the balls.

11-28-2005, 02:19 AM
Going back a few years there wa a film, unfortunately I cant remember the name of the it but it starred Anthony Quinn, there was a bust scene in it it where the woman knees him while lying on the the bed, he then cluthes himself, she then asks "Does it Hurt". Also another James Bond film "Never Say Never Again" features a scene where a domineering woman threatens to shoot Bond in the balls.
Couldn't find the first film you mention, but found some similar...

Films with the "Did I hurt you?" question:

Cooley High: (1975) A hot young African-American girl accidentally slams both her knees into her bf's nuts while they're making out! He grabs his balls. She laughs at him. She says 'Aw, do you hurt?' and then laughs some more. Really sexy, sweet scene.

Cut: (2000) In the beginning of the movie, Molly Ringwald says to a guy 'If you touch my tits again I'll kick your balls in!' Shortly after, she makes good on her promise and gives a very hard knee to the killer. Later in the movie, someone sneaks up on her and says 'did I scare you?' She turns right around, knees his nuts, and says 'did I hurt you?'

Hell's Kitchen: (1997): Angelina Jolie punches a guy in the balls and asks him afterwards if it hurt. Also, two grabs with squeezes.

Lady in Red: (1970s) Cute Pamela Sue Martin, the woman in red who ends up betraying John Dillinger in that Chicago theater, is stopped on the street by some young punk demanding money from her "for protection." Without further ado, she knees him in the nuts and he collapses to the sidewalk, holding his crotch. "Did I hurt you?" she asks. "Of course I did."

Love at Stake: (1988) Set in Puritan Massachusetts. Kelly Preston at her prettiest stands, sweetly kissing her beau in bright sunshine. When he coos, 'Sara, will you have my baby?' she suddenly grabs his shoulders and delivers a painful knee (off camera but we see his head jerk up)., He falls back, holding his throbbing crotch. 'You know I don't like it when you talk like that.' she says. Then he adds, 'I meant after we were married.' This indirect proposal so excites Kelly that she runs for him and dives right into him, thumping a knee right into his crotch. Now he is really in agony. 'Oh Miles, did I hurt you?' she asks. Holding his aching nuts, for all he's worth, he gasps, 'I don't know how good a husband I'll make after today, but I'll try.'

Une Femme Tres Curieuse: A 70's French film. The beautiful Bernadette Lafont, the small town's prostitute, is approached by a guy inside her house eager for a freebie. Outraged, she knees him to the ground, and then proceeds to literally kick him out of her house with the sharp points of her shoes. She must deliver 20 kicks before he's rolling down her front steps. A neighbor finds him on a bench doubled up, holding his nuts. "Did she hurt you?" he asks. The director is a woman, Nelly Kaplan.

11-28-2005, 09:49 AM
I liked the bust in 'PK and the Kid'. The woman set him up, made a great comment, and made good contact. In fact, the whole fight scene turned her on.

11-29-2005, 01:55 AM
I liked the bust in 'PK and the Kid'. The woman set him up, made a great comment, and made good contact. In fact, the whole fight scene turned her on.
PK and the Kid: (1987) A pretty sexy (but wearing too much makeup) woman watches as two guys in a bar start to pick a fight. She sees one guy hand another two steel ball bearings to harden his punches. She stands up and says 'You've got too many balls,' and kicks a green pump into his sack. She's wearing a short green dress and is pretty hot.

Yes, "You've got too many balls" is one of the best lines in movie history. On the other hand, my favorite movie is Tron, which has no bb in it at all, so my opinions are, admittedly, suspect.

11-29-2005, 02:58 AM
There is a film starring Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder where there is two men fighting in restuarant. One of the them picks up a pair of nut crackers and proceeds to crack the other man's nuts. Could be "Stir Crazy" but not to sure.

12-05-2005, 01:23 AM
There is a film starring Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder where there is two men fighting in restuarant. One of the them picks up a pair of nut crackers and proceeds to crack the other man's nuts. Could be "Stir Crazy" but not to sure.

Yes, that's "Stir Crazy".

If you dig hearing girls talking about/threatening ballbusting "Stir Crazy" also has a great scene where a girl being annoyed by Gene Wilder says something like "If you don't leave me alone, I'm going to kick you in the nuts".

01-18-2006, 09:59 AM

01-18-2006, 01:04 PM
attachment: DB with 1608 movies

EDIT: sorry only pics allowed
anyway I got that 1608 DB on my HD right here


01-18-2006, 04:07 PM
I remember seeing a movie in the 90s on HBO that had a woman move into a small town and she turned out to be a vampire of sorts. She'd seduce men on her couch, unzip their pants, and then devour their genitals. There was some sort of scene later in a shower where the guy was discovered missing his parts. It was pretty racy for HBO. Wish I could remember more about it or knew the name.

I remember at the time watching it with my next door neighbor and asking if he wanted to act out the part. We got as far as the unzipping phase before he chickened out and went home. Too bad, too, it would have been exciting to see how far we'd have gotten :-P

01-22-2006, 08:23 PM
I have always been a big fan of Kathy Ireland in Necc. Roughness. It is a little cheesy but come on, when she says "welcome to foot, ball!!!" before kicking the football player-awesome

01-29-2006, 04:03 PM
Does anyone remember movie "21" with Patsy Kensith? There's a scene where one guy is trying to get her to bed, talkin about how big is universe, all those stars, infiniti, and how we're just a small dot, so saome sex with her would not mean anything.
She's comming up to him, like she's going to kiss him, but instead she knees his balls.
Guy falls down on the bed, holding his groin, and she speeks to him with the most sexy voice "Just think about all that space, infinity, stars, - you wann't mind some pain in the balls..."
After that scene, I just had to unzip and jerk off.

04-05-2006, 11:57 PM
This movie is very bad.

However (prepare thou to be shocked), there are about 46 busts in it, including about 10-12 rapid-fire punches by the title character to a thug -- who is already ***********. Because the action sequences are poorly choreographed, it is hard to count the busts -- and I'm only counting the f/m busts, there are m/m ones, also.

Other than the rapid-fire punches to the *********** guy, the other really memorable one was the chick who sorta jumps up and kicks two guys in the nuts at once.

Outside of the BB, the movie is crap. My copy cost $4.98, so I paid a little more than 10 cents per bust. ZAM! Why can't they make more movies like this?

04-06-2006, 11:46 AM
Hi! Thank you for yours experience about ballbusting in movies. I love to see movie with a ballbust. I have a lot of movie and clip of those you said snd other, if you want I can post someone.
I would like to describe Showgirls with Elisabeth Berkley: in the disco she kneed a man while dancing, than she met him again and a friend of her asked :<what have you done to him?>> <<I kicked him in the balls>> and she replies << did he liked?>> and Elisabeth << it seem so!>> and both of them laughed. Very very cool scene. Unfortunatly I don't have this one in my hard disc, if anyone have it, please post it on rapidshare thank you!!!

Ace Hardlight
04-06-2006, 01:24 PM
...my favorite movie is Tron...

To think that someone who has such a naughty fetish has Tron as his favorite movie.

04-06-2006, 02:13 PM
My all time favourite movie ball kick has to be "Blazing Saddles" from 1974. In this film, Madeline Kahn, a bar room singer dressed in black stockings and a corset, teases and invites a cowboy up onto the stage as she is performing. As he climbs up on the stage and reaches for her, she lifts her knee, and watches him go crashing down. This particularly clip, one of the sexiest ball kicks I have ever seen, was a massive inspiration to me and a huge influence on the videos I shoot for my own site now.

David B.

Christian Bismarck
04-06-2006, 02:36 PM
Hello, has someone from you tie-clips of the footsteps of Farrah Fawcett from the film Extremities? There is here in Deutschlan only a censored version of the film, in which Orginalfallsung steps her to that types in the fire-place fully barefoot into the eggs to he ohnmaechtig becomes. Does someone have of it tie-clips? Mfg Chris

The Text is Translate by google i hope you undestand me;)

Mr S
04-06-2006, 03:34 PM
Hi! Thank you for yours experience about ballbusting in movies. I love to see movie with a ballbust. I have a lot of movie and clip of those you said snd other, if you want I can post someone.
I would like to describe Showgirls with Elisabeth Berkley: in the disco she kneed a man while dancing, than she met him again and a friend of her asked :<what have you done to him?>> <<I kicked him in the balls>> and she replies << did he liked?>> and Elisabeth << it seem so!>> and both of them laughed. Very very cool scene. Unfortunatly I don't have this one in my hard disc, if anyone have it, please post it on rapidshare thank you!!!

I think I have this film somewhere.

04-06-2006, 10:39 PM
To think that someone who has such a naughty fetish has Tron as his favorite movie.
See? Now you are just the kinda guy to whom I would say, "Uhhh... My favourite movie is The Order to Stop Construction". :D

Ace Hardlight
04-07-2006, 02:14 PM
See? Now you are just the kinda guy to whom I would say, "Uhhh... My favourite movie is The Order to Stop Construction". :D

I don't know what that means. All I was trying to point out is that people with a bb fetish act in a normal manner in the normal world. I know because I do myself. Which proves that just about anyone could be on these forums without you knowing [I'm not going to give examples].

Not that I have anything against Tron. I actually like it [MCP was pretty gay though].

04-07-2006, 11:59 PM
I don't know what that means. All I was trying to point out is that people with a bb fetish act in a normal manner in the normal world. I know because I do myself. Which proves that just about anyone could be on these forums without you knowing .

Not that I have anything against Tron. I actually like it [MCP was pretty gay though].
MCP, Sark, and the Evil CEO were all played by the same guy. THAT'S cool enough in itself!

Some of my movie buff friends rag on me for liking Tron, but their point of view is very different from mine. I loved Tron when it came out because it embodied many things like this:

1) It was about someone trying to rise above, trying to BE something greater and DO something greater. (The appeal of this is lost on my punkass friends; I spend hours and hours volunteering at stuff like recycling centers, but that's hardly aspiring to be something greater on the same scale.)

2) It was about making a kick-ass CGI movie with the CGI. I mean, yes, there was CGI in it, but most of the effects are paint on celluloid, because, at the time, not even the Super Foonly F1 could combine film and CGI on one screen.

3) Cindy Morgan was hot. Get the Tron Special Edition DVD thing if you want to see some of the footage deleted for the sake of the kiddies. Booyah.

4. David Warren was hot, too; and he played the evil CEO, and also got up in that weirdo outfit so he could play Sark, AND he did the voice of the MCP. What a turbo stud.

...aaaaand all the little things that were in the book but not in the movie. I got the book after the movie, but I could see things just below the surface, things that I read...

But, I know, Tron is just so... [I]wholesome... ICK! It makes my SM self want to puke!

So I tell people my favourite movie is The Order to Stop Construction, which has the benefit that nobody has heard of it. (You seem to be into anime, so you probably have -- you might know by the name Construction Cancellation Order).

Now, if Cindy Morgan (Yori) has busted some balls in that movie, THEN I wouldn't feel so defensive about it. ;)

04-08-2006, 06:20 AM
Hi! now I have Sudden Impact, I've taken it to see the ballbusting scene you said. I saw it rapidly but I can't find the scene with kicks in the balls.Can you please say me when it is? Thanks Martin

04-08-2006, 09:49 AM
Martin, if I remember correctly, the kick is towards the end. They are at a carnival or something. It's been a while since I saw that movie.

So I tell people my favourite movie is The Order to Stop Construction, which has the benefit that nobody has heard of it. (You seem to be into anime, so you probably have -- you might know by the name Construction Cancellation Order).
I like anime but thats too old school even for me...

Back to the movies...

The one movie that I always remember from when I was little is Murphy's Law, it stars Charles Bronsen (sp?). Don't worry he's not doing the ballbusting. Anyway, there's this cute redheaded tomboy chick that bust balls any chance she gets. There's a great scene in a hotel room between her and a security guard that thinks he's about to get lucky... It might be my all-time favorite movie bust...:iluvu:

04-08-2006, 01:32 PM
Hey thanks for sharing. Anyone have clips from this movie?

04-08-2006, 07:03 PM
My all time favourite movie ball kick has to be "Blazing Saddles" from 1974. In this film, Madeline Kahn, a bar room singer dressed in black stockings and a corset, teases and invites a cowboy up onto the stage as she is performing. As he climbs up on the stage and reaches for her, she lifts her knee, and watches him go crashing down. This particularly clip, one of the sexiest ball kicks I have ever seen, was a massive inspiration to me and a huge influence on the videos I shoot for my own site now.

David B.

Madeline Kahns kneeing a guy is a good one! What about Catherine Zeta Jones knee in "The Phantom"? I'd sell my soul to have been on the recieving end of a knee from her !
But one of my real favourites is from a seventies movie called "Enter the Seven Virgins" in which a realy well built beauty in an a bikini, I think the actress was called Sonja Jeanine, stops a guy from attacking her by pushing her tits up with her hands to distract him then knees him good and proper!
Another great bust was in the tv show The Bill, when the character played by Beth Cordingley kneed a guy who tried to get fresh with her. It looked realistic, with an appropiate smack as her knee hit his crotch. But what really did it for me was that as he was bent over holding his bruised balls she, saying nothing, gave him a look of cold contempt before walking away. Maybe the stunt organiser was a BB fan!
And just to mention it is frustrating when films/tv show a physical confrontation between men and women without the lady attacking her opponents crotch. Women do know that a blow there realy hurts and intimidates us! And even if they just feel angry with a guy thats the natural thing for them to do. I was once kneed hard by a girl when we were playfully wrestling. Oh she apologised, but she couldn't stop laughing!

04-08-2006, 07:26 PM
My all time favourite movie ball kick has to be "Blazing Saddles" from 1974.

See David? I knew there was something else I liked about you!

I could not agree more. If I beat off to that scene once, I've done it... well, not a million, but a LOT! :Baahaha:

Ace Hardlight
04-08-2006, 10:54 PM
MCP, Sark, and the Evil CEO were all played by the same guy. THAT'S cool enough in itself!

Some of my movie buff friends rag on me for liking Tron, but their point of view is very different from mine. I loved Tron when it came out because it embodied many things like this:

1) It was about someone trying to rise above, trying to BE something greater and DO something greater. (The appeal of this is lost on my punkass friends; I spend hours and hours volunteering at stuff like recycling centers, but that's hardly aspiring to be something greater on the same scale.)

2) It was about making a kick-ass CGI movie with the CGI. I mean, yes, there was CGI in it, but most of the effects are paint on celluloid, because, at the time, not even the Super Foonly F1 could combine film and CGI on one screen.

3) Cindy Morgan was hot. Get the Tron Special Edition DVD thing if you want to see some of the footage deleted for the sake of the kiddies. Booyah.

4. David Warren was hot, too; and he played the evil CEO, and also got up in that weirdo outfit so he could play Sark, AND he did the voice of the MCP. What a turbo stud.

...aaaaand all the little things that were in the book but not in the movie. I got the book after the movie, but I could see things just below the surface, things that I read...

But, I know, Tron is just so... wholesome... ICK! It makes my SM self want to puke!

So I tell people my favourite movie is The Order to Stop Construction, which has the benefit that nobody has heard of it. (You seem to be into anime, so you probably have -- you might know by the name Construction Cancellation Order).

Now, if Cindy Morgan (Yori) has busted some balls in that movie, THEN I wouldn't feel so defensive about it. ;)

How the fuck did you guess?

No, seriously, how did you? That is amazing!

Anyway, Other poeple in Japan, like me, like Tron and Anime. That is why Tron was good enough to be thrown into Kingdom Hearts II [even though I may be a little old to be playing it, I just love that game]. I have to see the movie Tron.

What is this movie about construction you are talking about?

Ace Hardlight
04-08-2006, 10:59 PM
See David? I knew there was something else I liked about you!

I could not agree more. If I beat off to that scene once, I've done it... well, not a million, but a LOT! :Baahaha:

Not to get off topic, but, women call it beating off too? I didn't know that. For some strange reason, I find that arousing.

04-09-2006, 12:49 AM
How the fuck did you guess?

No, seriously, how did you? That is amazing!
Your Avatar was the only clue.

Anyway, Other poeple in Japan, like me, like Tron and Anime. That is why Tron was good enough to be thrown into Kingdom Hearts II [even though I may be a little old to be playing it, I just love that game]. I have to see the movie Tron.

What is this movie about construction you are talking about?
The Order to Stop Construction: Katsuhiro Otomo (yeah, HIM again). I have never seen the movie; I OWN a copy of it on DVD but have never watched it. I saw about five minutes of it at a theater; it was incredibly eery. Remember old school stuff like Iczer-One? That had an eery element because of the combination of the sounds and the images, but it also looked comical and cartoony. The Order to Stop Construction is eery and twisted and nothing really wrong is happening, sort of; it's just got this ominous sense of doom in it...

No busts, 'though. Have to pop in a Cream Lemon video for THEM. :D

Ace Hardlight
04-09-2006, 08:06 AM
Your Avatar was the only clue.
Yeah, about that...

Ace Hardlight isn't an anime character. But lets not get into that.

The Order to Stop Construction: Katsuhiro Otomo (yeah, HIM again). I have never seen the movie; I OWN a copy of it on DVD but have never watched it. I saw about five minutes of it at a theater; it was incredibly eery. Remember old school stuff like Iczer-One? That had an eery element because of the combination of the sounds and the images, but it also looked comical and cartoony. The Order to Stop Construction is eery and twisted and nothing really wrong is happening, sort of; it's just got this ominous sense of doom in it...

No busts, 'though. Have to pop in a Cream Lemon video for THEM. :D

Probably something along the lines of The Animatrix or Ghost In The Shell: Innocence.

That happens to me all the time. I own many movies and have never watched them. Probably because I am always on here now. But I am going to have to get on that soon I guess. Have to get Tron, The Order To Stop Construction, and a good movie with a good bust.

Any other movies with busts in them [I have seldom seen this in movies, I don't know why and I want to know what I am missing]?

04-09-2006, 11:41 AM
Any other movies with busts in them [I have seldom seen this in movies, I don't know why and I want to know what I am missing]?
Black Scorpion (1995 -- I don't know about the 1957 or 2003 films [2003 is a compilation]); Black Scorpion TV series on DVD (2003); Velvet Smooth (1974); New Fist of Fury (1976); almost anything with Cynthia Rothrock in it (1985-present); Legend of Billie Jean (1985); almost everything with Shannon Tweed in it; Wild Criminal (1999); Model by Day (1994); Passport to Murder (1993); Blood Games (1990); Blood Simple (1984); My 5 Wives (2000); They Call Me Macho Woman (1989); or you could try:

bbdatabase (http://www.bbdatabase.com)

Sooner or later, you'll find one. :)

Ace Hardlight
04-09-2006, 04:48 PM
Black Scorpion (1995 -- I don't know about the 1957 or 2003 films [2003 is a compilation]); Black Scorpion TV series on DVD (2003); Velvet Smooth (1974); New Fist of Fury (1976); almost anything with Cynthia Rothrock in it (1985-present); Legend of Billie Jean (1985); almost everything with Shannon Tweed in it; Wild Criminal (1999); Model by Day (1994); Passport to Murder (1993); Blood Games (1990); Blood Simple (1984); My 5 Wives (2000); They Call Me Macho Woman (1989); or you could try:

bbdatabase (http://www.bbdatabase.com)

Sooner or later, you'll find one. :)

Thanks Trouble!

04-09-2006, 05:24 PM
But one of my real favourites is from a seventies movie called "Enter the Seven Virgins" in which a realy well built beauty in an a bikini, I think the actress was called Sonja Jeanine, stops a guy from attacking her by pushing her tits up with her hands to distract him then knees him good and proper!
Ah, the "bikini defence", a seldom taught, but nonetheless highly effective fighting technique. I love scenes like that, where the woman uses the guy's own desires against him, making him his own worst enemy.

I've just remembered there is also a very good series of knees in the film "Honest" by director David A. Stewart (the male half of the Eurythmics pop group). In this scene, which is like an film reel straight from my dreams, the three girls from the singing group All Saints (minus Shaznay Lewis, who is not in the film) fight with a guy, eventually pushing him over the bonnet of a car with his front side up. While two of the girls hold him down over the bonnet, the third knees him again and again. I seem to remember one of the All Saints also bites him, but sadly this was only on the hand...

David B.

04-09-2006, 05:30 PM
See David? I knew there was something else I liked about you!

I could not agree more. If I beat off to that scene once, I've done it... well, not a million, but a LOT! :Baahaha:
Hi Ilny2000,

I used to have a video tape recording of Blazing Saddles, and I remember the portion of tape which contained the knee had noticeably deteriorated compared with the rest of the film, due to being played and freeze-framed so much. Thankfully these days with DVDs you can pause and rewind as much as you like!

I'd quite like to see the whole film again, as I remember it was a good send up of the then-popular western genre. This and "Young Frankenstein" were my favourite Mel Brooks films. The icing on the cake though is beautiful Madeline Kahn and her skyward bound knee.

David B.

04-10-2006, 06:09 PM
Hi again David,

Just read your post 70. LOVED the phrase "bikini defence". This should be the name of a martial art for women only in which they learn to overpower us men by flaunting themselves at us so we are overcome with lust and then they knee/punch/kick our semen swollen testicles. I once had a session with a pro ballbuster who looked right into my face, pulled my head towards her and gave me a hard kiss immediately followed by a good punch in the nuts. Now that is an experience you don't forget!

04-10-2006, 07:53 PM
Dave, Try,

Have you guys ever seen an old movie from the 1960's call, "In Like Flint?"

There's an awesome scene where this group of young, bikini wearing women are trying to get into some type of protected military-type installation.

One of the women offers up her bikini top, which they tie to a pole and wave from some bushes, almost like a white, "surender" flag. The woman all come out of the shrubs and walk up to the group of armed men guarding the place.

You can see where this is going... the men drop all their defenses at the site of the pretty women walking slowly up to them. Once the women reach the guards, they pause for just a second to smile before they start fighting. I honestly don't remember any ballbusts, after all, this was 1967 or so. But the fight is hot and of course the girls win easily.

Of course, if try or I were rewriting that fight today... if there were ten men in that scene in the beginning, there would be about... oh... 20 busted balls at the end. :Baahaha:

04-11-2006, 12:26 AM
In Like Flint (1967): One of the chicks grabs a guy's rifle and racks him with it. (I have a sudden urge to g to a gun show and get me an SKS... or anything else that looks like a gun...)

04-12-2006, 02:55 PM
Dave, Try,

Have you guys ever seen an old movie from the 1960's call, "In Like Flint?"

There's an awesome scene where this group of young, bikini wearing women are trying to get into some type of protected military-type installation.

One of the women offers up her bikini top, which they tie to a pole and wave from some bushes, almost like a white, "surender" flag. The woman all come out of the shrubs and walk up to the group of armed men guarding the place.

You can see where this is going... the men drop all their defenses at the site of the pretty women walking slowly up to them. Once the women reach the guards, they pause for just a second to smile before they start fighting. I honestly don't remember any ballbusts, after all, this was 1967 or so. But the fight is hot and of course the girls win easily.

Of course, if try or I were rewriting that fight today... if there were ten men in that scene in the beginning, there would be about... oh... 20 busted balls at the end. :)
I used to love the Flint films, kind of a US James Bond. Check out the pic below, I definitely agree about the bb potential of the rewritten scene you describe!

http://img309.imageshack.us/img309/6531/180900158vu.th.jpg (http://img309.imageshack.us/my.php?image=180900158vu.jpg)

David B.

04-12-2006, 03:15 PM
I once had a session with a pro ballbuster who looked right into my face, pulled my head towards her and gave me a hard kiss immediately followed by a good punch in the nuts. Now that is an experience you don't forget!
There's a film called A Kiss Before Dying, but your kiss before BB sounds even better! About the age of 13, I used to have a recurring fantasy about being locked in a kiss with a girl, who uses the moment to suddenly lift her knee. I love the idea of a woman tantalising me with a hint of something I want so badly, only to abruptly turn it around to her own ends. That to me is the essence of excitement.

David B.

04-12-2006, 05:32 PM
In Like Flint (1967): One of the chicks grabs a guy's rifle and racks him with it. (I have a sudden urge to g to a gun show and get me an SKS... or anything else that looks like a gun...)

I've just realised, NRA must stand for National Racking Association.

04-12-2006, 05:52 PM
Hi again David,

Yes a bust by a girl after shes got you worked up by flaunting her charms at you is the best of all busts. But what about after? If a girl has diasabled a guy by smashing his nuts then for her to tease him further by displaying her sexuality in front of him while hes unable to do anything sexual because of the pain in his nuts is her ultimate triumph, I think. Think of the excellent avatar illny did for you then imagine Mariah, after kicking your balls, pulls your face into her tits, strokes your hair and whispers soothing words into your ear. Then helps you to your feet, leads you towards a bed so you can rest and nurse your aching crotch, and then without warning slams one of her lovely knees into your balls. And then she is almost bent over laughing, saying "Got 'em again!"
I've had pro dommes carry out this fantasy for me, and its wonderful!

04-12-2006, 07:53 PM
[B] Check out the pic below...

Whoa... I want to go up against the brunette in front on the right!

You know what I really like about that picture? No tattoos, no belly piercings, no fake boobs... nice wholesome American girls :-) You don't see many young girls like THAT any more!

By the way, you BOTH have awesome avatars, if I say so myself. I only wish mine were half as good!

10-22-2007, 11:07 AM
Hi again David,

Yes a bust by a girl after shes got you worked up by flaunting her charms at you is the best of all busts. But what about after? If a girl has diasabled a guy by smashing his nuts then for her to tease him further by displaying her sexuality in front of him while hes unable to do anything sexual because of the pain in his nuts is her ultimate triumph, I think. Think of the excellent avatar illny did for you then imagine Mariah, after kicking your balls, pulls your face into her tits, strokes your hair and whispers soothing words into your ear. Then helps you to your feet, leads you towards a bed so you can rest and nurse your aching crotch, and then without warning slams one of her lovely knees into your balls. And then she is almost bent over laughing, saying "Got 'em again!"
I've had pro dommes carry out this fantasy for me, and its wonderful!

I couldnt agree more (except for carrying it out with dommes, for me its only a fantasy)

the essential part of ballbusting is, in my book, NOT that a girl uses the "week spot" of the man (girls have such spots too !) but that she uses his own sexual power against him by distracting him !

a fight with a guy who really has "big balls" (and everything that comes with an increased testosterone level, e.g. muscles and agressivity) is the nightmare for every MALE opponent. but for a WOMAN who is wicked enough to "fight unfair" its just a piece of cake - the more sexual drive he has, the easier it is for her to sexually distract him and to finish him off with a well placed kick !

10-24-2007, 11:00 AM
nice job, man, keep on workin

10-24-2007, 02:51 PM
yea have you noticed that now almost every movie thats supposed to be funny has a ballbusting scene in the previews?

i think i like it :)

06-14-2009, 01:39 PM
Does anyone who which movie this clip is from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHJd0Tx4aVw

06-15-2009, 05:18 AM
Does anyone who which movie this clip is from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHJd0Tx4aVw

Prison Planet

06-15-2009, 06:26 AM
Prison Planet

thanks for that. Can you tell me if Prison Planet is a movie or tv show as i'm searchin for it on Amazon, but can't seem to find it?

06-15-2009, 04:28 PM
Hi there,

Today, I would like to share with you another three ballbusting clips:

Download Clip 3 (http://saveqube.com/getfile/02d3848ff4053b1ffac2fb9b894bec17570f3c988b6cf3cd4d/Clip_3.avi.html)
Kick. The man wass trying to get hold of her when she gave a good kick. Excellent reaction! The guy cried like a baby.

Download Clip 5 (http://saveqube.com/getfile/0238b6439491272f3e5dab9939e71da8b30f3c988b6cf3cd4d/Clip_5.avi.html)
Knee. The man was about to **** her when she raised her knee! The man dropped on the ground and tried to shoot her with his gun.

Download Clip 6 (http://saveqube.com/getfile/02468dcefb46cb71b6585a8b98fc4976790f3c988b6cf3cd4d/Clip_6.avi.html)
Knee. She kneed him during an argument. Excellent reaction from the man!

Stune for more clips! Visit my blog for more clips BB Movie Blog (http://bbustmovie.blogspot.com/)

Enjoy! And see you tomorrow http://mail.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/tsmileys2/04.gif

08-02-2009, 10:06 PM
I remember seeing a movie in the 90s on HBO that had a woman move into a small town and she turned out to be a vampire of sorts. She'd seduce men on her couch, unzip their pants, and then devour their genitals. There was some sort of scene later in a shower where the guy was discovered missing his parts. It was pretty racy for HBO. Wish I could remember more about it or knew the name.

I remember at the time watching it with my next door neighbor and asking if he wanted to act out the part. We got as far as the unzipping phase before he chickened out and went home. Too bad, too, it would have been exciting to see how far we'd have gotten :-P

dam would love to know what the title to this is

08-03-2009, 12:01 AM
I've always had fond memories for the bust in Scrooged. Carol Kane just seems to enjoy herself so much. The attitude as well as the close-up shot made that scene.

08-03-2009, 03:00 AM
In Like Flint (1967): One of the chicks grabs a guy's rifle and racks him with it. (I have a sudden urge to g to a gun show and get me an SKS... or anything else that looks like a gun...)

personally, if i was going to involve a gun in a sexual situation id want a cooler gun than a sks.

08-05-2009, 02:39 AM
What Happens In Vegas,(2008) (cameron diaz)

8th minute: verbal

28th minute: a nice grab

93th minute (1:33:00) : a punch; the realization of the verbal on 8th min.

and the movie is a nice comedy by the way :)

08-06-2009, 04:14 PM
I like the one with Monica Bellucci in Shoot em Up.... if anyone can post that video, I will be glad!!!:jumpsmile

08-07-2009, 04:08 AM
Madeline Kahn in sexy black stockings from Blazing Saddles is my all time favorite movie bust. I could watch that knee all day!

08-14-2009, 05:53 PM
I agree, she was hot in that movie. Here's the link to that scene @ 5:52


Guess she "put it there" alright!

08-31-2009, 01:24 PM
Dave, Try,

Have you guys ever seen an old movie from the 1960's call, "In Like Flint?"

There's an awesome scene where this group of young, bikini wearing women are trying to get into some type of protected military-type installation.

One of the women offers up her bikini top, which they tie to a pole and wave from some bushes, almost like a white, "surender" flag. The woman all come out of the shrubs and walk up to the group of armed men guarding the place.

You can see where this is going... the men drop all their defenses at the site of the pretty women walking slowly up to them. Once the women reach the guards, they pause for just a second to smile before they start fighting. I honestly don't remember any ballbusts, after all, this was 1967 or so. But the fight is hot and of course the girls win easily.

Of course, if try or I were rewriting that fight today... if there were ten men in that scene in the beginning, there would be about... oh... 20 busted balls at the end. :Baahaha:

That does seems vaguely familar to me, although I must have seen it when I was a kid. Speaking of a similar scene does anyone remember the end of the Bond movie 'Octopussy'? I must have been about 13 when I saw that for the first time on the TV and it was a experience I have never forgotten! Just to recap what happens the main female character Octopussy is betrayed by the villain and she plans an attack on his heavily guarded Indian palace with her army of gorgeous girls trained in acrobatics and martial arts, some of the girls dress in the sexy dancing outfits and distract the sentries at the gates whilst the rest sneakily enter the palace and take out the other sentries. When they are in they signal the dancing girls and they then take out the sentries they been teasing which results in one bust when one of the girls swings a tambourine into his balls!
After this the alarm is sounded and a battle takes place with the girls easily beating the guys in some memorable ways; one of them flips of a trapeze and lands on a guard wrapping her legs around his neck and in the other favourite scene the character called Madga played by the gorgeous Kristina Wayborn beats the crap out of an armed quard using only her legs!
If the action was'n t the only exciting thing, there was the girls costumes too; the dancing girls outfits were pretty revealing, the red skin tight outfits left little to the imagination but the black bikini like outfits with boots were proberly my favourites.
Watching this as a 13 year old male was exciting and embarrassing at the same time considering that I was watching it with the rest of the family at the time, and especially as I was having to hide my quite visable erection in my pants under a cushion! Happy teenage memories indeed! Octopussy and her girls needed their own spin off movie I think, with a lot more ballbusts in it too!
I will certainly have to check out that Flint movie though......

09-02-2009, 11:34 AM
I managed to find 'In Like Flint' scene on Youtube, the sequence starts about 6.46 on the video but it's still pretty sexy stuff in 60's kind of way, just a shame the bust with the rifle butt is offscreen though....anyhow any interested can find it here;


And if anyones interested in the 'Octopussy' sequence you can find it here;



09-17-2009, 12:32 PM
I agree, she was hot in that movie. Here's the link to that scene @ 5:52


Guess she "put it there" alright!
Thanks for posting the Madeline Kahn link, Silverballs. I missed it the first time I looked at this thread.

I once taped the movie on a VHS recorder, and managed to wear out the portion of tape that had the knee from pausing and rewinding over and over. So glad to have a computer file now that I can watch again and again without turning the picture to snow! Thanks.

09-24-2009, 04:35 AM
In "The Lost Empire" an evil gorilla receives a kick in the nuts