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View Full Version : Ballbusted by my hot black wife

08-08-2004, 12:17 PM
My time to share...

I was busted yesterday by my wife. I liked BB along time and we also done some BB for fun. At first she thought it was stupid. But then she like it more and more and it also got harder and harder. But then I told her that our sex is great and I dont need BB anymore. I can tell she has a hard time stopping and she hits me sometime anyways and she knows I still like it.

Anyway, she was going away for a trip and I asked for a last favour before she go. So she start to blow me in the toilet. She is sitting down on the seat and I stand in front of her.

But somehow I get stressed because I know she is in a hurry and not in a mood. So i say ok you can hit me. So she does. She smacks me with her right open hand right on the nuts really hard. I get shocked because we always played with ballbusting on a more tender level. But I also get very horny. She now starts jerking me instead of blowing and suddenly she hits me again. This one just misses but I can tell it was powerful. Im so aroused i think i will pass out from excitement. My heart is pounding like hell. I tell her something like:

-Wow thats was hard!

But she does not answer me.

My balls (especially my left one) is hurting so I tell her that and ask if she like to hit from the other side with her left hand instead. I look at her face, but there is no reaction and I can tell from the looks on her face she is kinda angry.

Suddenly she does it again harder then ever before, she hits on the very same spot again. The sound and feeling of impact when she hits me is so hot. The fact she doesnt give a shit what I just said to her also turn me on so much.

I know if I tell her to stop she would, because thats what she wants me to, but im so horny I cant. Instead she continues to hit it several times real hard til I cum alot all over the bathroomfloor.

Afterwards I ask her for forgiveness for always thinking with my penis, but she says its ok. She explains thats she really was mad but afterwards she feels good again anyway. Im so lucky! It was so hot and today my balls hurt. How can I stop this wonderful fetish?

08-09-2004, 02:13 PM
Afterwards I ask her for forgiveness for always thinking with my penis, but she says its ok. She explains thats she really was mad but afterwards she feels good again anyway. Im so lucky! It was so hot and today my balls hurt. How can I stop this wonderful fetish?
Stop?!? Thou fool, be thankful for what you've got! ;)

By the tone of your message, I'm pretty sure that you are just kidding. You might want to try branching out into different kinds of play; maybe ask her what scenarios might arouse her while she was busting you. If she always punches/slaps, see about asking her to try kicking, kneeing, elbowing, etc. You know, explore techniques and methods.

Tell her how it makes you feel emotionally. Not just that you get off on it, but that you love to feel vulnerable to her. That's the thing of it, right? You don't want to be busated by just anyone, you want to be busted by HER.

She's the one. Let her know it.

Also: have an occasional discussion about what is safe and what is not. How frequently is safe, etc. You don't want one of those things like varicocele or something and she doesn't want that, either. Maybe.

Have much fun.

08-11-2004, 05:11 PM
You are very right Trouble!

I told her all those things already. What I feel/like about it.

And I asked her how she feels and what she likes about it. She likes it alot now. That of course turns me on even more. It was hard at first when it felt like I ****** her into something.

When we started she used to squeeze my balls. This she still dislikes but slapping them around and seing my reactions to the pain (and pleasure) turns her on. Me feeling vulnerable to her as you say.

You are right also that it is only with her. If I bust myself by mistake or when my little son plays around and bust me by mistake its just pain and I get irritated.

I sometimes have fantasies of being busted by a strange women, maybe in public. But I know if it happened in real life I would problaby just get mad.

Im only afraid about the safety. About permanent damage. Thats the only thing keeping me from it, or trying at least...

What is "varicele" by the way??? I was operated in my groin when I was younger. Think it was called "hernia" Makes me feel extra sensitive about that matter. It was on the same side, my left ball where I feel like it hurts more, like the day after etc.

She busted me alittle yesterday too, like foreplay and it was so great!

09-03-2004, 08:40 PM
Im only afraid about the safety. About permanent damage. Thats the only thing keeping me from it, or trying at least...

What is "varicele" by the way??? I was operated in my groin when I was younger. Think it was called "hernia" Makes me feel extra sensitive about that matter. It was on the same side, my left ball where I feel like it hurts more, like the day after etc.

Hernia is a muscle-related thing which often occurs near the groin area; some muscle slips its gears and pokes through the bag that contains the organs of the abdomen. Not a risk of ballbusting, so far as I know...

Varicocele is a condition which is a relatively small risk of ballbusting. If the balls are severely are repeatedly busted, you can deleop varicose veins. Varicose veins in the testicles usually lead to a varicocele, whcih is this thing where the varicose veins team up and form a pool of blood near the top of the scrotum (yer sack). If the blood pools at the top of the sac, that interferes with blood circulation even worse than varicose veins, themselves, and the testicle affected can have reduced fertility rates, etc.

There's a simlar thing called hydrocele; I don't know as much about hydrocele because I don't have one.

The main thing is one that Sara and I have both mentioned before: avoid getting the guys twisted. Eve if your hot black wife likes twisting your nuts, don't do it. Have also read that blood can sometimes aooear in the urine stream if the balls are being busted too hard; if you see blood in your urine, that's God telling you to ease off and put those testicles to the use that He intended in his infinite wisdom. ;)

03-31-2005, 10:50 PM
Nice to have 2 onsite medics like Trouble and Sara.
Gives one a sense of confidence. :Baahaha: