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My first experience of balbusting was at secondary school.... loads of girls had descovered it and were keen to try it out.
I saw lots of boys kicked and on one occasion I was standing in the bike sheds with a mail friend of mine chatting to a girl who had a habbit of grabbing boys balls when ever she could suddenly grabbed his balls and held them in a tight grip. He was bending over saying please, no, you're going to rupture me... she was giggling away... I just kept saying, "thats not hurting him... he's just kidding"...she held him there for some time before eventually letting go.
Any one else out there remember there school days.... especially interested to here from the girls.... hey girls, don't just read.... it's fun to contribute!
Matt 7777
08-19-2004, 06:40 AM
Agree with pecs, by the secondary school girls were that bit more confident and sometimes wouldn't think twice about going for the balls.
I used to walk home with a girl who was in the year below me and we got on really well but sometimes we'd wind each other up. One day I wound her up a bit too much and she told me to stop it or she'd really hurt me. Intrigued, I carried on to the point where she grabbed me by the arms and kneed me square in the balls. She giggled, which was great, but said she felt a bit bad, however once I recovered and told her not to worry (and to wind her up a bit more) that it didn't hurt she threatened to knee me again and did!
After that day if I wound her up to much she would always try and get me in the balls.
08-20-2004, 02:54 PM
I'll never forget a girl I went to school with who was a real ballbuster. One day at recess a guy grabbed her (he was a real dirtbag) and when she whipped around they both fell to the ground. You could hear him across the school grounds screaming "my balls", "my balls". She literally had a death grip on his nuts and was squeezing the life out of them. A teacher finally made her let go but I am sure he would have passed out if it were much longer. He was in the fetal position for quite some time.
Matt 7777
08-26-2004, 07:38 AM
Hey Sara, when did you first find out that you could hurt guys by getting them in the balls and when did you first try it out?
Do you have any stories from school/college days?
08-31-2004, 01:48 PM
My first ballbusting at school?
I don't remember the first time, but there were several incidents in primary school.
Our parents told us that it was the best way to stop guys from molesting us.
They also cautioned us about using it only as a last resort. For self defence only.
There was nothing sexual about it.
It was just just a way to even the odds.
No matter how big and strong a guy was, a good swift kick in the balls would disable him and give us time to get safely away.
So we (the girls at school) would use it when necessary.
I had to kick a few guys at school. Nothing special about those times. I just had to learn that guys seem to instinctively block such kicks, and I had to distract them. Things like poking them in the eye first. :) While their hands are protecting their closed eyes, WHAMMO in the balls.
Some girls would over-do it sometimes when they lost their tempers, by repeatedly kicking a guy after he was on the ground. One girl was especially vicious, and one of the guys she kicked in the nuts repeatedly (after he tried to hit her) didn't show up for classes again for about a week.
We never heard about what damage was done to him, but he never picked on any "defenceless" girls again. We really didn't care if he lost his balls or not, and he certainly wasn't talking about it. We were too young to worry about any permanent damage, and just figured that he deserved whatever happened. After all, he was a bully and it was his own fault.
I didn't get into consentual ballbusting until I was about 16 or 17. That's when my boyfriend at the time (older than I was) asked me to mistreat his testicles by squeezing and hitting. I thought it was a bit strange, but he obviously enjoyed it a lot. It didn't take me long to get used to doing it and I started to enjoy the feeling of power and trust. I mentioned that in a different thread here, so I won't repeat the story.
Over time, I found that a number of my boyfriends enjoyed having their balls mistreated. A balanced mixture of pain and pleasure. For me, it was fun. They liked it too. And I was careful not to over-do it or cause any intentional permanent damage.
There was just one time that it wasn't consentual. A guy tried to **** me. He had a gun. That time I didn't hold back at all. I'll spare you the details, but I figured he needed a really good lesson. One that he'd never forget. I feel very strongly about rapists. I knew that after that, he'd never be able to **** a girl again. It put an end to his perversion. Permanently. And I'm not sorry I did it.
But, other than that time, I never intentionally damaged a guy's genitals.
- Sara :)
09-03-2004, 10:26 PM
...Secondary School is when uys find out that girls are Evil.
Other than a nasty kneeing that I got for snapping a bra (girls can be SO irritable!), the most memorable busts I got when I was 14 were from a friend of my mother; apparantly, it didn't occur to her that hitting boys in the nuts was no longer socially acceptab;e nehaviour now that she was an adult.
It was fine by me; I felt special. She seemed to be doing it to be flirtacious and that was flattering. It's probably why I still want my nuts busted. I don't know for certain that that's what's it, but if so, then she is the guilty party for my being a pervert to this day. :)
My first ballbusting at school?
I don't remember the first time, but there were several incidents in primary school.
Our parents told us that it was the best way to stop guys from molesting us.
They also cautioned us about using it only as a last resort. For self defence only.
There was nothing sexual about it.
It was just just a way to even the odds.
No matter how big and strong a guy was, a good swift kick in the balls would disable him and give us time to get safely away.
So we (the girls at school) would use it when necessary.
I had to kick a few guys at school. Nothing special about those times. I just had to learn that guys seem to instinctively block such kicks, and I had to distract them. Things like poking them in the eye first. :) While their hands are protecting their closed eyes, WHAMMO in the balls.
Some girls would over-do it sometimes when they lost their tempers, by repeatedly kicking a guy after he was on the ground. One girl was especially vicious, and one of the guys she kicked in the nuts repeatedly (after he tried to hit her) didn't show up for classes again for about a week.
We never heard about what damage was done to him, but he never picked on any "defenceless" girls again. We really didn't care if he lost his balls or not, and he certainly wasn't talking about it. We were too young to worry about any permanent damage, and just figured that he deserved whatever happened. After all, he was a bully and it was his own fault.
I didn't get into consentual ballbusting until I was about 16 or 17. That's when my boyfriend at the time (older than I was) asked me to mistreat his testicles by squeezing and hitting. I thought it was a bit strange, but he obviously enjoyed it a lot. It didn't take me long to get used to doing it and I started to enjoy the feeling of power and trust. I mentioned that in a different thread here, so I won't repeat the story.
Over time, I found that a number of my boyfriends enjoyed having their balls mistreated. A balanced mixture of pain and pleasure. For me, it was fun. They liked it too. And I was careful not to over-do it or cause any intentional permanent damage.
There was just one time that it wasn't consentual. A guy tried to **** me. He had a gun. That time I didn't hold back at all. I'll spare you the details, but I figured he needed a really good lesson. One that he'd never forget. I feel very strongly about rapists. I knew that after that, he'd never be able to **** a girl again. It put an end to his perversion. Permanently. And I'm not sorry I did it.
But, other than that time, I never intentionally damaged a guy's genitals.
- Sara :)
Hope you're not completely serious about ALL of that, Sara.
10-14-2006, 03:56 PM
I'll never forget a girl I went to school with who was a real ballbuster. One day at recess a guy grabbed her (he was a real dirtbag) and when she whipped around they both fell to the ground. You could hear him across the school grounds screaming "my balls", "my balls". She literally had a death grip on his nuts and was squeezing the life out of them. A teacher finally made her let go but I am sure he would have passed out if it were much longer. He was in the fetal position for quite some time.
I know this is a really old post, but I would love to hear more. Was the teacher male or female? Did he/she try to help the boy, or just leave him on the ground to recover on his own? Was either the boy or girl punished?
10-14-2006, 08:17 PM
I know this is a really old post, but I would love to hear more. Was the teacher male or female? Did he/she try to help the boy, or just leave him on the ground to recover on his own? Was either the boy or girl punished?
U get a real good story and people ALWAYS ask for MORE, why IS that. People NEVER seem satisfied. What damn diff would it make if the teacher was male or female??? they DIDNT get off on it, and I can be damn certain in any HUMANE country they would have NOT just left that boy where he was :)
10-14-2006, 10:04 PM
U get a real good story and people ALWAYS ask for MORE, why IS that. People NEVER seem satisfied. What damn diff would it make if the teacher was male or female??? they DIDNT get off on it, and I can be damn certain in any HUMANE country they would have NOT just left that boy where he was :)
A lot of us live in the United States and have never visited a humane country. And, yes, indeed, here, the tradition in school is to leave the boy to rot. Can't say as I can figure out WHERE people get these tradition, but there they go, handed down from one generation to the next...
And you really think the teacher wouldn't have got off on it? Magnum and I may be rascals, we may be sickos, but we are, first and foremost, Americans: meaning he went to a school, as I did, where the chick teachers thought that girls busting boys was totally hot.
Is there a word for a chick teacher? Like teacheress? Teaturette? Womoneacher? Hunh. I guess the politically correct term has just got to be "chick teacher". Yeah, that sounds politically correct.
10-15-2006, 10:24 PM
Secondary School? What's that? European for High School? In high school, I managed to get busted quite a bit.
There was this one chick, I'll call her Cayenne (not her real name), hot and funny, but ambitious in a bad way...she continually tried to pit guys against each other and would always date the winner. I was always one of her potential boyfriends, but I wasn't a casual fighter.
But I wasn't a wuss either. Used to playfight with one of the other guys a lot...we threw each other down the stairs and literally through the wall of one of the classrooms (left a human-shaped hole like something from a cartoon). Well, we were a rough group of kids.
Anyway, one day after school, we were all waiting out front (about half the buses came late because they ran an elementary school route first). The twins (another set of hot ballbusting chicks) grabbed my arms and held me while Cayenne came up and kicked me square in the nuts. No reason, just kids playing.
My reaction? It hurt like hell, but I laughed. "Is that the best you can do?" She slammed her foot into me again. "Oof. Harder!" I yelled. A third kick, almost enough to drop me to my knees -- but not quite. "Ooh baby, make it hurt so good!", I shouted.
At that, the twins let go...they were laughing too hard to hold me. Everyone was watching us by now. Cayenne had turned redder than red from embarassment and now she turned and walked away.
Naturally, I followed, but she flat refused to talk to me. Her bus showed up and she left. I walked home that wasn't easy, I walked funny for a few days.
That wasn't the first or the last time that I got busted by her and/or the twins. But it stands out in my memory.
High school was so great. At that age, girls had no inhibitions. Neither did we.
10-15-2006, 11:00 PM
Grades 9-12
One goes into 1 of 3 streams, Technical, Science and Technical, or Arts and Science. Post Secondary for the first two are Community Colleges, which lead to a certificate, for the third is University or a Polytech Institute which leads to a degree. Clear, eh
Cutponies B.Sc, M.Sc.
10-16-2006, 04:20 PM
U get a real good story and people ALWAYS ask for MORE, why IS that. People NEVER seem satisfied. What damn diff would it make if the teacher was male or female??? they DIDNT get off on it, and I can be damn certain in any HUMANE country they would have NOT just left that boy where he was :)
A lot of us live in the United States and have never visited a humane country. And, yes, indeed, here, the tradition in school is to leave the boy to rot. Can't say as I can figure out WHERE people get these tradition, but there they go, handed down from one generation to the next...
And you really think the teacher wouldn't have got off on it? Magnum and I may be rascals, we may be sickos, but we are, first and foremost, Americans: meaning he went to a school, as I did, where the chick teachers thought that girls busting boys was totally hot.
Is there a word for a chick teacher? Like teacheress? Teaturette? Womoneacher? Hunh. I guess the politically correct term has just got to be "chick teacher". Yeah, that sounds politically correct.
Sorry to have irritated you (ouch!), but I can confirm that Trouble's reply was right on the money. Here in the U.S. teachers often DO just leave the boy laying there, and some of the female teachers DO also find the whole thing amusing. A perfect example is this post by penispuppet from the "Oh dear" thread. It was what prompted my inquiry:
When I was 14, I saw a girl kick a boy in the balls during Earth Science class. The victim was in pain for about 15 minutes, and the female teacher (a hottie, in many respects), seemed indifferent to the assault and proceeded with class. At the time, I was resentful that the girl "got away with it", for if the boy had struck the girl, you could bet he would have been suspended. What had me intrigued was the look on the teacher's face - a kind of smirk which indicated a certain level of amusement. I did go home that night and rub one out while thinking about that teacher, but not the busting itself - just her reaction to it.
10-16-2006, 04:37 PM
Just take a look at TV and all the humor associated with guys getting there balls abused. I seen sitcoms where it is great humor for a girl to pour steaming hot coffee on a guy because he made some comment she didn't like, or finds humor when some accident happens that racks a guys nads. Have some one throw streaming hot coffee on a woman's chest as a humous skit in a sitcom and see what outrage that would bring.
I can recall in high school a gym teacher laughing at a guy nailed in the nuts during a game of dodge ball, while he rolled around on the ground in great pain. He was left to rise again on his own.
Sorry to have irritated you (ouch!), but I can confirm that Trouble's reply was right on the money. Here in the U.S. teachers often DO just leave the boy laying there, and some of the female teachers DO also find the whole thing amusing. A perfect example is this post by penispuppet from the "Oh dear" thread. It was what prompted my inquiry:
10-16-2006, 10:31 PM
i got my nuts crushed a many of day in middle and high school. my first experience went a female touching me between the legs was a knee in the balls from my girlfriends best friend. she use to hit me in the nuts at least three times everyday all i had to do was be arouund her a mess with her. i remember on one occassion in gym class we were standing up together on the wall talking and we had been there for a while and out of nowhere she just drove her knee through my balls it hurt like hell and she just walked off i was down for the rest of p.e. class. i got hit in my balls by every girl in my middle school eight sixth seven and eight grade class i was in the gifted class so we stayed together all three years it was only two girl that didnt hit me in my nuts. one girl kept in going in high school blasting me every chance she got and some upper class girls got me to. it was easy to get it in the balls back then. also playing the game mercy was a great way to get kicked i would play mercy with girls and when they said mercy wouldnt let there hands go and wham a knee or a kick would soon follow. i think that is why i have the fetish every day a blow usually (more than one) to the balls for three years straight no lie from one of the girls in my middle school class it was two girls used to double team and beat me in the balls whenever they felt like it.
10-17-2006, 07:24 AM
i got my nuts crushed a many of day in middle and high school. my first experience went a female touching me between the legs was a knee in the balls from my girlfriends best friend. she use to hit me in the nuts at least three times everyday all i had to do was be arouund her a mess with her. i remember on one occassion in gym class we were standing up together on the wall talking and we had been there for a while and out of nowhere she just drove her knee through my balls it hurt like hell and she just walked off i was down for the rest of p.e. class. i got hit in my balls by every girl in my middle school eight sixth seven and eight grade class i was in the gifted class so we stayed together all three years it was only two girl that didnt hit me in my nuts. one girl kept in going in high school blasting me every chance she got and some upper class girls got me to. it was easy to get it in the balls back then. also playing the game mercy was a great way to get kicked i would play mercy with girls and when they said mercy wouldnt let there hands go and wham a knee or a kick would soon follow. i think that is why i have the fetish every day a blow usually (more than one) to the balls for three years straight no lie from one of the girls in my middle school class it was two girls used to double team and beat me in the balls whenever they felt like it.
I think you might have just gone a couple of twiks away from a reliable story....
10-17-2006, 07:46 AM
Just take a look at TV and all the humor associated with guys getting there balls abused. I seen sitcoms where it is great humor for a girl to pour steaming hot coffee on a guy because he made some comment she didn't like, or finds humor when some accident happens that racks a guys nads. Have some one throw streaming hot coffee on a woman's chest as a humous skit in a sitcom and see what outrage that would bring.
I can recall in high school a gym teacher laughing at a guy nailed in the nuts during a game of dodge ball, while he rolled around on the ground in great pain. He was left to rise again on his own.
yeah, you really see this reflecting from american comedies (sacklunch taking cover under the desk..:)). men are supposed to "take it" while any sort of violence toward women is unmentionable and certainly not funny.
this is also easily found in western movies in general. I just finished watching the french "red nose" romantic comedy: a women writer going on a revenge rampage against a literature critic which criticized her work and without him knowing. he ends up battered, falls down the stairs, ball squeezed, and with his career down the drain and at the end they fall in love.... is there ANY movie out there with the roles turned around???
maybe this has something to do with "chivalry" and its' influence on western society?
10-17-2006, 09:43 PM
The first time I'd ever actually felt testicular pain was due to a girl I liked at high school, and it probably had a profound effect on my sexuality. I've looked back on the day many times with a certain...excitement.
I had a huge crush on this particular girl. She wasn't one of the 'popular group' and seemed quite shy. But she was intelligent, extremely pretty, and she seemed to like me. I'd often catch her looking my way, and she always laughed at my lame jokes, which couldn't simply be due to their humour...when I say lame, I mean lame.
Anyway, it was a joke that brought this on. I was sitting next to her in some class. Which, both of us being shy, was a pretty big thing for me. I had butterflys racing in my stomach just placing myself in the seat next to her.
We were assigned to do group work - working on some poster or whatnot. The group ended up being me, her, 2 of my friends and one of hers. It didn't take too long for the conversation to get way off from the school work on hand and one of my friends was giving my crush a hard time, quizzing her quite accusatorily and blunty about how one of her other friends was treating some guy badly (I think it was just not talkinging to him much or something).
The 2 girls were getting riled up and my girl sort of snuggled up to me more while arguing with my friend. I felt rather emboldened by leg over lapping mine and her head nearly resting on my shoulder, so, being the idiot I was, I made a really crass joke about her friend.
Now, as I said, she usually enjoyed my jokes. But after this one, she turned her head up to mine, looked me in the eye and smiled. I was sitting cross legged and was watching her face aswel as her fist came smashing down into my testicles.
She sat there watching me with a small smile on her face as the air whooshed out of my mouth and I made some sort of choking sound, pain radiating up and out of my stomach. Her friend laughed uproarously and brought the attention of a few other people who giggled about my pain.
10-24-2006, 02:21 AM
WOW!!! Dognutz11 and Justanother have some really similar memories compared to mine. I had expirinces just like both of them in high school. I knew one girl who would always hit me in the nuts when ever I got her a little aggravated, and she sometimes just hit me for the fun of it. Another girl I knew who's friend liked me (her friend was not a nice girl, and I mean not nice in the non sexy way) once hit me rather hard, someone made a joke about her friend while a lot of us were playing hacky and all i did was chuckle. She said "oh you think that's funny" She grabbed the hackey out of mid air and threw it as hard as she could into my nuts. Mind you she was standing right next to me so the hacky was really fast and dead on. I dropped to the floor and she said "Now that was funny." Later on she said the usual things girls say about those things "you deserved it", "you made me mad", ect.
07-10-2012, 05:04 PM
Somebody already posted this link in another thread, but I think it belongs here:
It is an article written by a woman about the rampant ballkicking that went on at her elementary school. She must be exaggerating at least somewhat, but OMG how I wish I had gone to that school! The stuff she describes is what I fantasized about when I was that age!
07-10-2012, 08:31 PM
Jesus, how did you even find this 5 year old thread...
07-11-2012, 12:46 AM
Holy crud, this thread started back in 2004 (aka the good ol' days) lol ...i'm getting old :cryingblu
07-11-2012, 11:03 AM
Jesus, how did you even find this 5 year old thread...
I just happened to remember it when reading that story. There are some real good old threads in the archives! :)
08-06-2012, 02:39 PM
Theres an archives?
08-06-2012, 02:47 PM
Theres an archives?
Scroll to the very bottom of this page, and click on the word "archive" (in lower right corner). Or just click here:
You can access a list of all threads, in the order that they were created, going back to Dec. 2000. Some of the early threads are very good, especially the contributions from SadisticSara, the original moderator of this forum. Enjoy....
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