View Full Version : Penis Size: Are the averages wrong?
08-19-2004, 02:31 PM
Same girl that busted me said I was smaller than average. She said average was 7 inches or 8". She did say that size doesn't really matter since you're not just a cock, but a whole person which is what the woman gets off on. But she was straight up and adamant that she had seen a lot of cocks, mostly black, and that the averages she had were right.
So are the averages of popular ranges of 5.5 to 6.5 just baloney? Not that it matters.;)
08-20-2004, 07:56 AM
I would say that you are closer to being right because I been told by many women that I am big (not bragging) and I am only about 8" but also very thick. I wouldn't worry about it though, I mean unless you want to be a porn star. Otherwise who cares. Its the balls you want big, easier for gals to bust and kick.
08-20-2004, 11:30 AM
Technically, you're right and she's not.
I would guess that it's just her way of trying to humiliate you, by telling you that you don't 'measure up'. That usually works, since the 'average' guy feels unecessarily sensitive and inferior about the size of his 'manhood', and worries too much about it.
Don't believe her. And don't get obsessed about it. Just have fun!
- Sara :)
08-22-2004, 08:04 PM
What is your take on the average? Please mention the number of guys you have seen erect, and whether you have ever measured one. What do you say the average is, and would you say that race makes a difference?
08-25-2004, 02:01 PM
I would say that the "average range" of 5 1/2 to 6 1/2 inches that you mentioned is probably correct.
But remember that the "average range" is not the same as the "normal range".
In my experience, the "normal range" would be about 4 to 8 inches.
I've never lived in a country that doesn't use the metric system, so I have to translate inches to centimeters.
Less than 4 inches erect, I would consider short. But not "abnormal".
Over 8 inches I consider too big. Next time one of you guys think about bragging about being longer than 8 inches, remember that you are reducing your chances. Personally, if a guy tells me that he's 8 inches (or more), I either think of him as a liar or think he's just too big. When a big one bumps against a girl's cervix, it hurts! No thanks! Actually I'd rather be with a 3 incher than a 9 incher. Bigger is not always better.
A guy with a little 25 caliber handgun who knows how to use it properly is more effective and gets his target more often than a novice does with a 45 magnum.
That's my opinion, even though others may not agree.
The number of guys I've seen erect?
I haven't been counting. If I state any number, I run the risk of being called a slut by some or being called inexperienced by others.
So, I'll just be conservative and say that it's been over 100.
Have I measured any?
Only 3 have asked me to use a measuring tape, and I did it just to humor them.
I sometimes measure in terms of my hands and fingers, but I don't tell them and I don't write it down or even usually remember it. Just playing, you know.
Race makes a bit of a difference. I don't want to make any racist comments, but just think of yellow and black.
Body size also makes a bit of a difference.
But neither race nor body size is any guarantee of anything. So let's not get into any racial debates.
Interestingly, both race and body size make a difference in "average" female breast size as well. Just think about it.
- Sara :)
08-27-2004, 07:42 AM
I'd never call you a slut Sara. As long as you keep busting balls (naked) you are going to see many, doesn't mean you get screwed by all. Hey, weren't we all working on a story somewhere?
12-16-2004, 01:40 PM
Hi Sara,
i send your a private pic of myself ( or better a Part of me ) .
03-17-2005, 07:30 PM
It took me a long to to consider answering the thread at where velvetfrog asked the same question again and I have to ask WHY are men so hung up on the size of their penises??? I have seen quite a few over the years and, deformed porn stars aside, I would have to say that 5.5 - 6.5 would be about the average that I have seen.
I, personally, dont know a single woman that judges here husband or boyfriend solely on the size of his dick, that seems to be an almost totally male thing. I will add, that there are SOME size queens out there, but not nearly as many as men seem to think. My current bf is about 5inches, not that either of us are interested in its length, as we both get a lot of enjoyment out of it.
After reading so many 'size' questions on so many different boards dealling with so many different subjects, I can only assume that men WANT the average to be something like 12 - 15 inches so that then, for some rather weird reason, they CAN feel inadequate, or too many people spend way TOO much time watching WAY too many porno films and have totally lost touch with reality :)
I will now get down off my soapbox and go kick my bf in the balls :D
03-17-2005, 09:23 PM
I, personally, dont know a single woman that judges here husband or boyfriend solely on the size of his dick, that seems to be an almost totally male thing. I will add, that there are SOME size queens out there, but not nearly as many as men seem to think. My current bf is about 5inches, not that either of us are interested in its length, as we both get a lot of enjoyment out of it.
I doubt that many women care a whole lot, but the size of a big penis seems to be attractive to many women; just as the size of a woman's BOOOOOOBS (!!!!!!!!!!) doesn't matter to me, except that I find them attractive. I have been attracted to large-breasted and small-breasted women. I'll admit it's a factor, but it's a factor so unimportant as to be meaningless. Bring on the flat-chested cicks; Manuel Alphonse Rodriguez de la Rocha has the appetite to serve them all. Ariba!
Oh -- for statistical purposes, I have met about, ohhhh, MANY women, and only one thought that penis length was THE most important aspect of a male, unless you count my other friend who thinks that penis length is the ONLY important factor (she has SOME nerve, being a flat-chested chick!).
I will now get down off my soapbox and go kick my bf in the balls :D
And now you know why we love her.
03-17-2005, 10:45 PM
Oh -- for statistical purposes, I have met about, ohhhh, MANY women, and only one thought that penis length was THE most important aspect of a male, unless you count my other friend who thinks that penis length is the ONLY important factor (she has SOME nerve, being a flat-chested chick!).
And now you know why we love her.
Your right, no way is penis length the MOST important aspect. You are also right in that it can be an attractive trait however. But in my experience guys are way more hung up on size than girls.
03-18-2005, 12:06 AM
Your right, no way is penis length the MOST important aspect. You are also right in that it can be an attractive trait however. But in my experience guys are way more hung up on size than girls.
Agreed. Except, of course, for my friend who really DOES think the most important thing about a guy's his penis length. And my other friend who thinks it is the ONLY important thing. (I do not doubt that either of them would deny being "exceptional".)
I have another friend who marvels at my ability to meet women whom she considers weird, disturbed, abnormal, and rather odd. She disaproves of bb and those who participate.
I'd try to convert her, but she's married, and her hubby really seems like a nice guy.
Back to the topic at hand: I find that women are interested in my penis size the first time they see it, and lose interest in looking at it thereafter. For my part, my obsession with BOOOOOOBS (!!!!!) tends to fade if I look at the same pair long enough....
03-18-2005, 12:39 AM
Sara said:
"When a big one bumps against a girl's cervix, it hurts!"
I (respectfully) suppose, Sara, that you use your power on his balls to prevent him from hitting you too hard!
By the way, this proves as you mentionned it, that size is not all, and that the ability to use it properly and efficiently is more important.
03-18-2005, 01:28 AM
Sara said:
"When a big one bumps against a girl's cervix, it hurts!"
I (respectfully) suppose, Sara, that you use your power on his balls to prevent him from hitting you too hard!
Well, I certainly would if I were 'in a position to do so'. ;)
By the way, this proves as you mentionned it, that size is not all, and that the ability to use it properly and efficiently is more important.
And if some guy thinks that he'll improve his chances with me by telling me he has a ten-incher, I just silently think "Poor guy! I guess he knows that means we can't ever be anything besides just 'good friends'!"
Fortunately, most guys have 'average' (good) sized ones. Because if I asked them beforehand, they might exaggerate and there'd be no action. And a girl isn't 'supposed to' ask beforehand anyway.
"Dicks are like snow. You never know how many inches you're going to get, or how long it's going to last." :D
- Sara :)
03-18-2005, 04:37 AM
except that cold temperature is not as good for dick hardness as it is for snow!
03-18-2005, 11:45 AM
And if some guy thinks that he'll improve his chances with me by telling me he has a ten-incher, I just silently think "Poor guy! I guess he knows that means we can't ever be anything besides just 'good friends'!
I'm less than ten inches! No, really, I swear it! Does that mean we can be more than 'good friends'? Oh, EVEN BETTER, I have BALLS!!! I don't mean that in the euphemistic sense, I mean I have nuts, [I]cajones, testicles, knackers, eggs, you know, two very vulnerable Sara-palm-sized organs, roughly oval. Wannah play?
BTW, do you always think silently, or just when you think it might be best to shield others from thoughts that might hurt their feelings?
Personlly, I ALWAYS think out loud. For example, when we met on the airstrip, I'd probably jump out of my plane and think, out loud, "BOOBS!!! Oh, look, there is woman attached. Hmmmm. Interesting."
03-18-2005, 05:32 PM
If you really want to hear a sad but true story here it is. For years I could never figure out why most gals I have ever been with didn't want to give me a BJ. My first wife didn't really like having sex with me because she said it hurt to much and wouldn't give me a BJ either. It was always a hand job. My current wife is fine with sex as long as I am very careful and slow upon insertion because I have ripped her a few times on accident. Back to the BJ's though she just never would give me one and so I asked her if there was something wrong with me. She said that I was to darn big (wide). Anyway, my point is, Sara is absolutely right. Having a big cock (only around 8") is not an advantage. I have met only one gal who said she could take all of me and she was a ho anyway and I never could possibly wear enough protection to have sex with her. But it really is a bummer, I have never had a blow job. :( Anyway, I just wanted to mention that because the only people that seem to be impressed with my size are other guys and I don't swing that way.
03-18-2005, 10:40 PM
I appreciate the discussion in this thread. But the original question was: what is average, really? And I directed it especially at the women, although men are welcome to answer. I didn't ask if it matters either way. We have out minds made up on that. I think women self-censor and are very diplomatic, even when anonymous. I am not asking anyone to be obnoxious or to fib. But I know many women do measure, and the notion that women have a worse sense of measures than men is false. So what is average? In inches, centimetres or compared to everyday objects. What really hit the spot, or if you're a man, caught your attention otherwise? Come on, share your stories.
03-19-2005, 01:36 AM
I appreciate the discussion in this thread. But the original question was: what is average, really? And I directed it especially at the women, although men are welcome to answer. I didn't ask if it matters either way. We have out minds made up on that. I think women self-censor and are very diplomatic, even when anonymous. I am not asking anyone to be obnoxious or to fib. But I know many women do measure, and the notion that women have a worse sense of measures than men is false. So what is average? In inches, centimetres or compared to everyday objects. What really hit the spot, or if you're a man, caught your attention otherwise? Come on, share your stories.
Not really sure what your after here, or are you just going to keep on asking until one women gets on here and says something like "the average is 10inches, then you can say "Yes that woman that busted me was right, I AM small"??? The three women on here that answer more posts than all other combined have all answered this post and one has gone into great detail as to how she came up with the 5.5 -6.5 inches being 'average', one reitareted this and added that it appears that men seem way more interested in penis size than women do, and the last also added that while size can be an attraction factor at first, it is not the sole attraction.
I have spoken to a lot of women over the years and have yet to meet a single one that has measured a guys dick UNLESS the guy has asked her.
Maybe one woman will get on here soon and lie and say that the average is 3 feet, but I am not going to be the one to lie and I will stand my my 5.5 - 6.5 :)
03-19-2005, 07:47 PM
In my career, which has had many upturns and many more downturns, I have had occasion to sleep outside, due to an inability to rent a place. I am currently on one of those upswings, but I have been in homeless shelters before. (Ah may not be the REAL George Bush, but I do work in politics and my reasoning was twofold: 1) homeless shelter = no more concrete pillow; 2) if I go in, I'll be the only person on the floor of the who can speak with personal knowledge about the living conditions there and whether we are treating people subhumanly or as well as we can, etc.)
The sexes are segregated in shelters in most cities, as in mine, and the showers in the men's shelters are open, no enclosures. Have *entirely accidentally* done the occasional bit of research. My research indicates that most guys' dicks are flaccid. [I]OKAY??
I was on a public safety committee a few years back, and the police came to one of our meetings to talk about the homeless population and about the conditions in the shelters. I have been in one and I was able to inform the other people on my committee that the cops were a bunch of rat-faced liars and we should exclude them from the room. (That did not go over well.)
But if you want the official data most recently available, here it is:
Cops: average 5" (female officers average 5.5"!)
Everybody else: average 6"
(Oddly enough, nobody in my political party has ever made it above President of the City Council - try as we might, the position of Mayor is beyond our reach -- possibly because of the police lobby...)
03-19-2005, 10:30 PM
... My research indicates that most guys' dicks are flaccid. ... Cops: average 5" (female officers average 5.5"!)
Everybody else: average 6"
Dayyum. Average 6" flaccid? No wonder I get so much sympathy! I guess I shoulda been a cop.
I'm assuming that's an "unweighted average". Cuz if I hung a bunch of weights on there I could probably get a lot closer than I am!
03-20-2005, 01:41 AM
I have spoken to a lot of women over the years and have yet to meet a single one that has measured a guys dick UNLESS the guy has asked her.
Actually I've measured several guys but I'm far from being Normal. hehe
03-20-2005, 07:38 PM
Actually I've measured several guys but I'm far from being Normal. hehe
Of course you're far from being normal; you're very special. And I ain't just saying that because I like to fantasize that a day might one day come when you knee me in the groin. Oh, wait, mebbe so, but, anyway...
M'goat bit me, so now I prefer sheep and DON'T LEAVE US HANGING! For the love of Velvetfog's sanity, what was the average about?
Another question that has plagued people who try to study this topic is that there is no standard for HOW to measure. As a youth, I used a ruler and I checked the length, from the base of the penis against my stomache to the tip; many years later, a crazy woman (who was very wonderful in many ways, but undeniably crackers) climbs into bed with me, and I'm a-hornier than a rattler that's been penned up without a venomous female for a year and a half, and she measured from the base in front of the penis to the tip. Naturally, because the abdomen curves upward from the interpublic joint, a wang is longer in front than in back.
Anyway, 'fess up: the Standard Weenie Size is...?
03-21-2005, 10:38 AM
I appreciate the discussion in this thread. But the original question was: what is average, really? And I directed it especially at the women, although men are welcome to answer. I didn't ask if it matters either way. We have out minds made up on that. I think women self-censor and are very diplomatic, even when anonymous. I am not asking anyone to be obnoxious or to fib. But I know many women do measure, and the notion that women have a worse sense of measures than men is false. So what is average? In inches, centimetres or compared to everyday objects. What really hit the spot, or if you're a man, caught your attention otherwise? Come on, share your stories.
And here I thought I was helping :( . Maybe we should all try this stuff, especially after reading this-
Did You Know?.....
The average erect penis size is 6.17 inches.
... That's the average size 90% of men possess...But who wants to be "Just Average"?
This was taken from an extremely reliable source- The "extend" web site. Even Ron Jeremy said so, and he ain't no average Joe. Here's the site link for you "average" guys :Baahaha: . Now that we know the average, can we move on? Seriously though, TROUBLE, what political party do you belong to? :confused:
Hey guys and gals, whats the average size of a mans testicles? :Baahaha: Just kidding. :D
03-30-2005, 09:27 AM
Just got back from short trip and needed a cmputer repair after a major crash. Thankfully this site was not lost and when i logged in i found this discussion of size. Forget size in terms of length and thickness ( or cup size in women ) we have been brinwised by all the adds and Dr Ruth size doent mean a thing if its attached to an insensitive lout or a crul uncaring women. Personally I'll take a small brested women who cres ever time.
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