View Full Version : Question: Standing on balls
08-27-2004, 09:23 PM
One of my long time fantasies has been to have a women isolate one of my balls (with string or band) and place it on a flat hard surface, and then slowly place more and more of her weight on the ball. She'll be standing on the nut with her the bare heel of her foot. She'll put weight on it until it is as flat as a pancake. Can this be done safely, and has anyone tried it? It sounds like the pain would be excrutiating, which is the attraction for me.
08-29-2004, 12:40 PM
it would probly rupture you nut.
08-30-2004, 03:31 PM
08-31-2004, 04:18 PM
The 'average' human testicles when between 2 hard surfaces rupture when they reach a constant steady pressure of 60 pounds.
Besides excruciating pain and sometimes unconsciousness, there are no warning signs as you approach your limit. They don't rupture gradually. The weaker of the pair just suddenly goes POP!
If the 2 hard surfaces are flat, the second testicle would then be immediately subjected to increased pressure and could POP within 1 second.
But that's just the 'average'. Meaning that half of the population's balls could take more pressure (and half would rupture with lesser pressure).
I certainly wouldn't want to try to find out where any specific guy's limit is. Could be unpleasant and messy.
I prefer to use a varying lesser pressure (with occasional momentary intense pressure or hits), and find that it's more effective and less dangerous.
- Sara :)
09-01-2004, 10:15 AM
On a related note, what about "pile driving" fists into testicles which are held immobile on a hard flat surface. I have tried this myself, but never had a woman do it with great force.
Should I have her aim to drive her knuckles into the meat?
09-01-2004, 12:05 PM
Fists and knuckles against captive testicles?
Sure! That sounds like fun!
I like doing it that way. :)
Much safer than between 2 hard flat surfaces too, because it's not a constant steady pressure.
I say go for it!
- Sara :)
09-04-2004, 10:00 PM
The nuts in these pictures don't seem to have burst. But they are taking some weight.
09-06-2004, 08:50 PM
Please repost those pics.
The switch-over to this new Forum was done this morning.
All previous attachments (pics) seem to have disappeared.
Other than that, everything else seems to have been saved, fortunately!
I'm attaching a pic with this post to make sure it works OK now.
I like this new Forum much better than the previous version! :)
But you'll have to repost your pics if you want any comments about them.
- Sara :)
09-06-2004, 11:34 PM
I am going to repost the pictures that got deleted. So as I said, these nuts seem to be taking weight and taking it well.
09-07-2004, 12:16 AM
The second pic looks OK because the balls can escape to each side.
The third pic could be OK if the girl doesn't lose her balance.
But the first pic (the one on the left) looks too potentially harmful for my liking.
That's just my opinion though.
- Sara :)
09-08-2004, 10:05 AM
Those pics are from stardeck nine. Check these out-scroll down the page to the videos to look at the pics-
09-08-2004, 11:24 AM
Thanks Magnum. I have to try that! My nuts haven't been punished in too long.
09-15-2004, 08:52 AM
The wife likes to squeeze, pull, stretch, slap, and step on them.
09-17-2004, 04:34 PM
Thornapple, do you have any pics of your lady standing with the heel of her foot on your testicle. If you have tried it, how to immobilize your nut, i.e. prevent it from escaping?
Do you go more for consultative busting, or do you let her take charge and do what she wants - assuming she is sadistic enough?
Great pics, I hope to see more pics of you getting "tortured"!
09-20-2004, 11:25 AM
No, I can't handle that much pressure (or pain). I like to lie on my stomach on the floor or on the bed, and she stands and puts one foot on the bag to hold it out while she works with the other foot. I can't take a lot of pain, but the bar keeps rising.
The wife has only recently got into CBT games and we are still exploring boundaries. I like for her to take control and do whatever she wants; come up with her own ideas. She's really getting into it. Sometimes now I see an evil sneer come over her face that flashes "this is gonna' be a good one" just before she knocks hell out of them. She asked me to make a whip. :thumbup
10-06-2004, 05:34 PM
how should I try to step on my hubbies testicles like in those pics, if i do step like the pics will they burst?
10-06-2004, 06:39 PM
how should I try to step on my hubbies testicles like in those pics, if i do step like the pics will they burst?
I already mentioned in a post above that in my opinion it's too dangerous for me to try.
Yes, they could burst.
Maybe other members can tell you their tips and experiences with this?
- Sara :)
10-07-2004, 05:50 AM
A former G/F used to stand on my balls, without creating permanent damage: She had me on my knees, on the side of a low sitting-room table, my sack resting over the edge of the table.
She then would climb on the table (allowing me to stroke Her thigh and leg muscles as She moved, keeping me extremely hard) She would then face me, and seize my right ball under her left toes, curling them to prevent escape. The same occured to my left ball, under Her right toes.
Then She used to raise gradually Her body, increasing the pressure over my balls.
I have average size balls (although they are actually slightly bigger than the average size Sadistic Sara has described in another thread!) and the space left under Her toes is certainly not sufficient; pain was extreme. However, that space was enough to prevent any permanent injury.
She never wanted to step over my balls on a hard surface with either the ball of Her heel or the sole of a shoe, She kept that for my dick...
No rupture ever happened.
10-07-2004, 07:32 AM
I've had my balls stepped om many times, usually having the female trap them in the arch of her foot. I have actually had a gal (125lbs) stand on my balls briefly when I ejacualted without damage. Other than that specific time I haven't been able to take it but still quite a bit of pressure. It's very erotic for me because I have a foot fetish also so a nice foot crushing my nuts is always a pleasure. Just listen to your partner and I'm sure he will tell you when to stop before they "pop". :D
11-14-2004, 09:45 PM
Sarah, how do you know what the average pressure of a nut can take before it ruptures?
11-15-2004, 12:32 AM
Sarah, how do you know what the average pressure of a nut can take before it ruptures?
Sadistic Sara is our resident ballologist. She is very interested in male gonads, studying something medical in college (maybe a course on how to re-inflate a busted nut?), and used to ******** farm animals. I do not doubt that she knows more about balls than you or I do, which is pretty kinky and just a bit... scary, given her predilictions.
12-04-2004, 02:13 PM
The 'average' human testicles when between 2 hard surfaces rupture when they reach a constant steady pressure of 60 pounds.
Besides excruciating pain and sometimes unconsciousness, there are no warning signs as you approach your limit. They don't rupture gradually. The weaker of the pair just suddenly goes POP!
If the 2 hard surfaces are flat, the second testicle would then be immediately subjected to increased pressure and could POP within 1 second.
But that's just the 'average'. Meaning that half of the population's balls could take more pressure (and half would rupture with lesser pressure).
I certainly wouldn't want to try to find out where any specific guy's limit is. Could be unpleasant and messy.
I prefer to use a varying lesser pressure (with occasional momentary intense pressure or hits), and find that it's more effective and less dangerous.
- Sara :)
Sara, My balls are relatively tough and can stand a good deal of abuse. I have has my balls non-tied laid upon a desk and have had a 120+ lb women stand on them using he naked foot ball (not heel) since i was standing it put my face on her uper thigh that way she had something to balance on. Once on the testicle she then picked up her other foot which now meant i had all her weight on my ball. From what you are saying I guess I am very lucky not to have ruptured. To be honest at the time I never gave that any thought.
12-04-2004, 03:47 PM
Sorry no pie-charts or cute graphics, but here's some medical information that has some numbers:
In this text the author says "The tunica albuginea is the layer that is violated during a testicular rupture. Approximately 50 kg of force are required to rupture the testicle..."
Whether it's 50kg (110 lbs) like this author says or 60 lbs like Sara says, that's still less than most women weigh, so if she stands with her weight completely on your nut on a hard surface, you're either unique or eunuch. (punny -eh?)
12-10-2004, 11:18 AM
In my case, I would like to try this with my girlfriend... but I am afraid to ask here about this. I am not sure how she would get it! any good idea? Actually just resently she told me that she would like to squeeze my balls with her hands...
Something else. do you believe that stretched balls are more attractive for a woman?
12-10-2004, 11:55 AM
My wife just stood on my balls yesterday. I made a wooden board that traps my balls so she stood on my balls with the arch of her right foot and on my leg with the other and then placed her left toes on my balls as to squeeze them more into her arch. She was leaning over on a chair so not all her weight was on them (she's an Amazon). She would bounce up and down as to put more weight on them and constantly tell me how she was going to crush my balls and stomp on them with her heel and kick them as hard as she could. She could easily crush my balls with her weight, she is 5' 8" and 160lbs and very muscular. She has gorgeous size 8-1/2 feet that can ruin a pair of balls with her kicks. She has kicked a few guys in anger in the past and is definitely willing to crush a guys balls if they were deserving (******, child molester etc.). She has a killer grip that can make me cry. Just FYI. Oh and one more item, while I was on the floor getting ready to put the board on I to a look at the TV and WHAM! She gave my balls an unexpected stomp. Needless to say I had to wait a few minutes before I could put my balls in the board.
12-10-2004, 12:38 PM
What a treasure to have a wife that can joyfully participate in your "fun!"
PapaBear :)
12-10-2004, 07:56 PM
In my case, I would like to try this with my girlfriend... but I am afraid to ask here about this. I am not sure how she would get it! any good idea? Actually just resently she told me that she would like to squeeze my balls with her hands...
Something else. do you believe that stretched balls are more attractive for a woman?
Encourage her.
She's already indicated that she'd like to take the 'first step'.
Go for it !
Introduce her to it gradually, 'step by step'.
You might want to read my post in the thread "How To Get Kicked" at:
Yes, I find stretched balls better for ballbusting.
And welcome to the forum! :D
- Sara :)
Jennifer tv
12-11-2004, 06:25 AM
I like kicks from behind, and knees from the front while kissing.
I have had one step on them on carpet, which was ok, but not her whole weight.
06-11-2005, 08:00 PM
The second pic looks OK because the balls can escape to each side.
The third pic could be OK if the girl doesn't lose her balance.
But the first pic (the one on the left) looks too potentially harmful for my liking.
That's just my opinion though.
- Sara :)
The points you have raised with regards to the pictures posted by velvetfog, I agree with fully. The following points are not critisms of youself, SadisticSara. Ballbusting should be with great care and thought with regards to one's actions potentially leading to possible harm. It is too easy to look at imagery be it still or moving and wish for what has one has seen to become a reality. As much as I can look at an image and play with the fantasy in my head, I am only to aware, as a photographer and film maker, that often, what is seen is not necessarily what is actual. The camera may not lie but what is happening beyond the frame can often contain all the secrets that makes something appear within the frame to be genuine. The first picture is a 'say goodbye to one's nuts', as seen within the frame. Ballbusting requires clear feedback between the deliverer(s) and the recipient(s). If this is not there, then it starts becomming even more a risk laden activity. This may appeal to many but your wellbeing is in the hands (or at the feet) someone that you as a reciever is relying on to ensure that you come to no harm. The deliverer(s) need to be very attuned to what is happening to the person they are busting and need to be very much in control of themselves, mentally and physically. Their actions is what makes it memorable for the right or wrong reasons. It is great to look at imagery but look with an open and analytical mind at what you are viewing. The Ballbustress is very much a female with an hightened awareness. She is as much a radar or sensor. She needs to deliver blows that may often need sudden and minute changes close to impact. Great Ballbustresses keep you just on the side of I want more. She has to use aggression vey much soley as a facade. She has to be a a reader of people. Anyone can kick someone in the balls, or to put it more accurately, anyone can kick someone in the crotch. But the woman who can deliver a ballkick and other impacts and manipulations to the testicles with the pleasure principle is truely special.
It is an art.[U]
I know they've been linked to on the forum afore but I don't see these photos posted here. Sorry if they duplicate what's elsewhere (?) but they're damn good. :)
06-12-2005, 11:47 AM
I love these pics Ing. My favorite position, balls under a womans foot.
I love these pics Ing. My favorite position, balls under a womans foot.Glad u appreciated them. :) I’ll be sure to post anymore I come across that are not already on the forum.
John P
06-13-2005, 05:52 AM
I know they've been linked to on the forum afore but I don't see these photos posted here. Sorry if they duplicate what's elsewhere (?) but they're damn good. :) They are awesome!!! You rock dude. I've learnt about the Tardis now too (and why there are so many of you). Sorry 2b so ignorant. Please keep posting :)
06-13-2005, 01:24 PM
i like more this page, and i hope to learn more with you
06-13-2005, 03:02 PM
I think one of the best approaches towards the extreme ball(s) crush-ing, is to warm up rather than go for a extreme pressure crush immediately. The scrotum or balls sack should be loose and hanging as the testicles will have room for movement and this also allows better positional access for the ballbustresses foot or feet. It is no different from warming up for exercise. The warming up proccess should provide plyability and flexiblity for the testicles. I have experienced the full weight of a woman of considerable build but this was done after the best part of an hour and half of ballbusting and ball play. Ultimately, it boils down to interacting with a ballbustress whom is attune, sensitive and caring not to be evil and pop one's testicles. Many of you non-ballbusters gloat on the pain and suffering factor but within the sensation ranges of ballbusting and cbt, there is for the ballbusted rather than the gaseous talker, a pleasure principle too nice for words. This is all the more so when one has found one's ballbustresses.
06-20-2005, 02:21 AM
I am fascinated by the frank and varied opinions on this board and more to the point in this thread. I have many experiences with ball trampling and will post some pics when I am able to.[
balls at the mercy of her stilettos
06-20-2005, 12:12 PM
[QUOTE=goldasimov]I am fascinated by the frank and varied opinions on this board and more to the point in this thread. I have many experiences with ball trampling and will post some pics when I am able to.[
I look forward to seeing the pics. I notice that my balls stretch more when I chave my nutsack. It sounds weird but it sure seems like it.
tonyr, I'm glad to see someone else has had a woman stand on his balls with full weight and suffered no perm. damage. I think it's the ultimate in control when a woman has your balls between her foot and a hard place. :D
06-20-2005, 05:22 PM
[QUOTE=goldasimov]I am fascinated by the frank and varied opinions on this board and more to the point in this thread. I have many experiences with ball trampling and will post some pics when I am able to.[
I look forward to seeing the pics. I notice that my balls stretch more when I chave my nutsack. It sounds weird but it sure seems like it.
tonyr, I'm glad to see someone else has had a woman stand on his balls with full weight and suffered no perm. damage. I think it's the ultimate in control when a woman has your balls between her foot and a hard place. :D
Magnum my dear fellow, it is nice to know that I am not alone in this aspect. Hair on the scrotum clearly creates additional grip for the feet or footwear of the Ballbustress. This pulling of hair is not to my liking as it induces a sharp pins and needles-like sensation to the pubes and scrotum as the hairs are challenged at their respective folicules. Shaved or not, once I enguage in bare busts and ball crushes, I always oil the old parts superior, which I find eliminates skin burns and if not shaved stops the painful tugging of the hairs. I find a light body or baby oil works the best and also seems to assist the process of pliability of the scrotum skin thus one's balls hang far more easily, more so as one's sack draws tight during the cold seasons.
As for damage, I've been either very good in my choice of Ballbustresses with regards to this particular facet of our most nobel art or very lucky not too come across a false Ballbustress with Jeckle and Hyde personalities who would glee evily as she pancaked one's finest pair permenantly. The loose cannons potraying themselves as true Ballbustresses sadly do exist. That is why I am a firm advocate of proceeding with caution as one partakes in busts. A true and caring Ballbustress needs to be one whom can deliver and stop based not upon safe words only. A firm kick doesn't always facilitate a safe word call from the one whom is/has been kicked. The sensations generated from a bust can often have one not in any discomfort but unable to utter a safe word, as a bust can be most over whelming with pleasurable sensations. It is in times and situations like this, that separates a woman just kicking/crushing balls from a true and real Ballbustresses fully conversant with our most admirable art.
Specifically, with crushing along with ballbusting, I've never suffered any injury what so ever, but this does and should not detract from the fact that Ballbusting/Ball Crushing/CBT are of a higher risk nature for injury and hence how and with whom one is ballbusting with is of GREAT Importance The Ballbustress needs to be very much in control of herself and also needs to control the recipient of her kicks to the maximum of his safety and well being. In the heights of arrousal and excitement the sensations and senses naturally become blurred. A recipient begging for mercy could spur her to deliver more than is safely handled. The recievers requests for 'more and 'firmer' or 'harder' have to be balanced with her clear minded and correct interpretations of the situation and the physical and mental state of her recipient. Equally she, the Ballbustress, must equally, push a recipients capacity if the he so wishes as the pleasure principle is so much of what it is about. The role of the Ballbustress is one that requires far more than most ballkickers and recievers often think. This is fine until it goes wrong. Through running my own site, I have had ample opportunity to meet and converse with those whom have not been so fortunate.
Proceed with care and don't assume that you can reach the same heights or higher on any two give days. Our art is about responding to the moments realities rather than the desires requests. SAFETY IS WHERE IT IS AT!!!
Peace and Love, even with Ballbusting, for the roleplay most never become for REAL :cool:
06-21-2005, 10:51 AM
My gf stands on my balls all the time, but not in quite the way that they show it here, or the way you're probably intrested in it. In the pictures, and I think what you're mentioning, the balls are placed on a hard flat surface like a floor or table and the girl stands on JUST the balls. I could see this crushing them real fast - unadvisable. However, if you still want to get standing in, you can still have your girl stand ON you in more of a trample fashion. When I do it, I usually lay down on the floor or bed on my back, and my gf holds my legs straight up in the air...then stands on it. Shes 140 lbs, and shes stood on them this way for quite a while without permanent damage.
This is probably because of all that extra flesh as a cushion, as well as giving the balls a place to retreat (inside). Still, its very painful and safer than what most peopl eare thinking about. And it certainly is close enough to fulfil that fantasy for me.
06-21-2005, 04:35 PM
My gf stands on my balls all the time, but not in quite the way that they show it here, or the way you're probably intrested in it. In the pictures, and I think what you're mentioning, the balls are placed on a hard flat surface like a floor or table and the girl stands on JUST the balls. I could see this crushing them real fast - unadvisable. However, if you still want to get standing in, you can still have your girl stand ON you in more of a trample fashion. When I do it, I usually lay down on the floor or bed on my back, and my gf holds my legs straight up in the air...then stands on it. Shes 140 lbs, and shes stood on them this way for quite a while without permanent damage.
This is probably because of all that extra flesh as a cushion, as well as giving the balls a place to retreat (inside). Still, its very painful and safer than what most peopl eare thinking about. And it certainly is close enough to fulfil that fantasy for me.
:) Nice technique Brother 'An1m051ty' This I have done and it is a cool way to go about it. Each us us must find our own pathway to our BallBustress and the Ballbusting Nivarna that we all truely seek.
Peace Be with you Brother 'An1m051ty' A Brother whom moves with safety in mind. This is the way it should be always DONE!!! :ibow4u: :)
06-21-2005, 04:42 PM
When I do it, I usually lay down on the floor or bed on my back...
I do this too, with my legs flat on the floor. I've never been into any other kind of trample, but I really like looking up to see my g/f standing over me with all her weight bearing down... I find it doesn't hurt anything like I think it's going to, the feeling is more of weight rather than pain. I find it quite comfortable, but then I tend to slouch when I'm sitting, so being trampled like this is probably an improvement in posture for me.
David B.
06-22-2005, 04:20 AM
My gf stands on my balls all the time,... When I do it, I usually lay down on the floor or bed on my back, and my gf holds my legs straight up in the air...then stands on it. Shes 140 lbs, and shes stood on them this way for quite a while without permanent damage.
Thats the way I started out, then I graduated to sitting and getting them pressed on the floor with her toes then I went on to the my g'friend using the toes while wearing shoes. She suggested using the heels to "poke" into them. All of this would get me hard but not off ... we tried lots of different things until she put them both into the heel cup area of her pump and slowly put her foot into her shoe. The movements and the pressure did the trick and she got her "reward" as she labeled it.
Many, many years and several g'friends later I can take stilettos on a phone book or block of styrofoam full weight, with no ruptures or punctures. I find it perfectly safe for a woman of any weight in spike heels to stand on one of my balls and although it swells up and hurts beautifully about four to five days after, they still remain undamaged.
My dream now is to have a woman stand on my ball on a surface like grass, where her heels can sink in, to see if my ball can support her weight.
I have some pics of my 190lb friend standing on my ball on a styrofoam block. I'll post them when I am able. :bananawin
06-22-2005, 04:55 AM
Here are the pics . . .
06-22-2005, 09:41 AM
Sorry no pie-charts or cute graphics, but here's some medical information that has some numbers:
In this text the author says "The tunica albuginea is the layer that is violated during a testicular rupture. Approximately 50 kg of force are required to rupture the testicle..."
Whether it's 50kg (110 lbs) like this author says or 60 lbs like Sara says, that's still less than most women weigh, so if she stands with her weight completely on your nut on a hard surface, you're either unique or eunuch. (punny -eh?)
Hmmm my girlfriend is about 110lbs this is giving me some ideas
:D :D maybe i'll ask her to stand on mine but i'm not sure she'll go for it as she's afraid of causing pernament injury.
06-22-2005, 11:43 AM
Goldasimov, I love the pics. The most weight I have had is about 135lbs with a little jab. I am impressed with you taking those spikes, damn! Here I thought my nuts were tough. It has been a while since I have had a full weight stand but I use a piece of wood I made that traps my balls. Then my wife places one foot on my knee (I'm laying down on the floor) and one foot one my balls (trapped in the arch of her foot). I find though that after a hard session my balls hurt for a couple of days but I have never had any swelling. If you can talk her into a bare foot stand I would love to see a pic. I am going to post some if I ever get my act together and take a few pics. I told my wife he other night that I wanted to try and put a nut in her shoe and have her place her foot in it.
06-22-2005, 11:54 AM
Wow, nice thread and nice pics! This is one aspect of BB'ing that I've never experienced (I've always been a beating, punching, squeezing, and binding kind of guy), but this thread has really got me thinking about it. Now, if I can only talk my wife into participating... ;^)
Thanks to all for the info.
06-22-2005, 11:58 AM
Tonyr-do you find it more arrousing to have a women bust your balls who really wants to and enjoys hurting your balls? It was hard to explain to my wife that part of being busted was having the gal enjoy or "get off" on hurting my balls. My wife used to always say thst she didn't want to hurt me but I think she understands now what I mean. As a matter of fact, she told me that she will kick me in the balls as hard as she can as soon as I ask her to, and she was dead serious. :D She is starting to enjoy it more and more and kicking is her favorite. She has prior experience. She was with freinds when one of the guys said some sexist remark and she kicked him square in the nuts. He dropped like a rock. I actually met him at a reunion. Nice guy, it was funny though, she mentioned the fact that she had kicked his ass (balls)once before.
06-22-2005, 06:42 PM
My wife has a pair of very loose fitting pull on shoes which I had not previously thought made her look more attractive. Then I realized how much room existed between the back of her heel and the upper rear of the shoe. Naturally my balls found their way into that spot. However when she attempted to place her own heel in the shoe, it did not go in easily. Not wanting to hurt me (well, that's what she said anyway), she kept pushing her heel down partially into the shoe, and then pulling back it out. That did not feel good. I was beginning to wonder just what would happen if and when she finally ****** her foot into the shoe in front of and atop my balls. I kept telling her to just go for it. At last she did it. Her heel mashed my balls out mostly behind her foot and somewhat under her heel (I think). It was a very tight fit. The compression of my balls was the usual mix of pain and pleasure. As she moved her foot and shoe about, I, or at least a very fond part of me, followed. After some ecstacy on my part she removed her foot.
Conclusions: It was fun. Always make sure the shoe has ample room. NEVER let her move her foot up and down atop and in front of your balls trying to fit her foot into the shoe. That is not fun. If she just just smoothly pushes her heel into the shoe, that will promote your comfort, but definitely not your safety. You will follow. Hopefully, the shoe will have enough room for your intact testicles and her foot. If not, something will probably give. YMMV....
This variation of the ball busting sports is not advised for the carefree and careless.
06-23-2005, 09:48 AM
Very cool poolman2. I'm glad to hear you have a wife who is so determined and motivated that she will continue to force her foot in her shoe until she crushes your nuts. :D Does she enjoy kicking you also?
06-23-2005, 10:10 AM
Tonyr-do you find it more arrousing to have a women bust your balls who really wants to and enjoys hurting your balls? It was hard to explain to my wife that part of being busted was having the gal enjoy or "get off" on hurting my balls. My wife used to always say thst she didn't want to hurt me but I think she understands now what I mean. As a matter of fact, she told me that she will kick me in the balls as hard as she can as soon as I ask her to, and she was dead serious. :D She is starting to enjoy it more and more and kicking is her favorite. She has prior experience. She was with freinds when one of the guys said some sexist remark and she kicked him square in the nuts. He dropped like a rock. I actually met him at a reunion. Nice guy, it was funny though, she mentioned the fact that she had kicked his ass (balls)once before.
Hi Magnum,
What I always try to do is to have a basic scenario, some sort of roleplay or outline plot. Eg: Bad Workman whom is deliberately taking advantage of the Lady's situation, perhaps over charging her. She now has a reason and a desire to bring him down to earth. I like being the 'Mr Stubborn' the funny wise guy whom has a million answers, all straight of the cusp. I'll plead for mercy and she eases off and then rest assured, a gaff comes out of my mouth that ensures that I require further orientation and reminding. Many Ladies, percieve a bust as being the must painful thing a man could ever experience, hence they aren't always believing that there exists a 'pleasure principle' for themselves and the men. They, like your partner have so rightly stated, "didn't want to hurt me", but once they are relaxed and comfortable with the idea, it generally flows well. If a Lady is totally adamant that she doesn't want to partake, then this must be respected. Equally, one must also think of the complete opposit, the Lady whom is so turned on with the idea and really gets off big time with the idea of busts, to the point that she looses control of what are actions that she must never loose control of. Coiling up and protecting one's family jewels can often be a further spur on for her to unload on you bigtime. Safewords should be established before a busting ever takes place. Safewords should be neutral words, 'mercy' is not a good one, as it is a spurring on word, more so when aroused and excited.
A lot of it boils down to busting with someone you feel your spirit trusts and connects with. There are unfortunately humans whom really like to make others suffer with no regard for the wishes or feelings of whom is on the recieving end of their actions. So it is nice to at least that a potential Ballbustress is concerned as to potentially hurting you. Through my research for my own site I have come to know of scenarios that have gone wrong for others. So I don't want those whom have never a bust to scared, but it is important to be on safety's side, and enjoy what should be a wonderfull and powerful experience. The Ballbustress has been granted the power exchange in "OUR ART", but she in turn has a major responsibility. If one begs for "more!!! or harder!!!", or spurs her on to escalate via one's behaviour, then the onus rests with her to ensure that no damage occurs. A court of law would not come down in her favour.
I recall seing a clip which as been floating around the net for some years, It feature a fine Ballbustress complete with short skirt and Omni-Potently fine thigh high boots. A guy is quietly preparing himself with back against the wall for his bust. The camera is, I believe, being operated by another lady whom says, "Fun is one, if you don't like it, we won't do it again. The Ballbustress gestures create the impression that she is non too pleased with the prospect of kicking this guy in the balls. Then she turns and unloads a single heavy kick to his crotch, that knocks his knees together as he grabs his crotch immediately as he falls to the floor and writhes in what appears to be total and absolute discomfort. The Ballbustress turns to the camera and further protests that she doesn't get it, the idea of ballbusting, I presume, during which the lady on the camera is laughing at the whole event. It could all be total creative license, equally it could be a nightmare scenario. Perhaps she, the Ballbustress was not comfortable with the scenario, but the kick with venom. Perhaps the guy was wearing a box perhaps not. It is one of those things, one sees and will always wonder as to what happened beyond the end of the clip. Did they all live happly ever after or is there a negative aspect that we will never know. I have no knowledge as to the origin of the clip, so if anyone else knows of it, perhaps they can add to what is another great thread in the making. I have played it back and forth, with zoom and slow motion, and it has an element of unknown that sits uncomfortable with me, :( and I like being ballbusted.
Thats why I never criticise the work of others with regards to the action, if a box is been worn, if the kicks aren't at full force or if the guys don't unleash a blood curdling scream. No two ballbustees are going to respond the same way and as a do-er I admirer others whom do, even if what they represent is not my immediate liking. That why I am critical with reserve of some remarks that I have come across with regards to ballbusting and the desire expressed by some to see soem real suffering. Once one has experienced ballbusting, I think one becomes more appreciative of the efforts presented by others. Even though that clip needdles my mind until this day. :(
I guess I am saying to all, 'Choose one's Ballbustresses carefully'
I most definately wish for any Ballbustresses to enjoy the act, it is meant to be enjoyable for us both. :bananajum Ever been bored doing something that you do not want to do? If she is uninterested or bored, then that somehow equates to a lack of enjoyment on my part. We are afterall spiritual beings and this we transmit without even thinking of it. More so, if one is bored, one is never fully attentive to one's tasks. With Ballbusting, one needs to be attentive always. More so for the deliverer of such actions. :machine: :D ;)
Peace Bro Magnum. I likes being in flow with you :ibow4u:
06-24-2005, 05:10 PM
I know of the clip you are reffering to. I have always wanted to see the gal doing the filming.
06-25-2005, 12:38 PM
Nice pic jeyn, It scares the *bleep* out of me in the nicest way
06-26-2005, 02:50 AM
Here are the pics . . .
:bananajum Nice work :)
06-27-2005, 11:24 AM
AWESOME!!!!! My favorite position. BTW, had some pics of this Aussie gal who had one of the nicest bodies and feet I have seen doing trampling. She was very hot. Don't know why but she is one of my favorites.
06-28-2005, 05:23 PM
Hi! Thanks for compliment. My wife's kicking my balls is my favorite. I think she prefers mashing them though. She has, however, recently begun kicking me just for the impish fun of it. Naturally I'm doing all I can to encourage more of that.
Another activity we have grown to love occurs in bed just before going to sleep. While hugging and kissing me, she uses her knee to give the twins a few minutes of special attention. Then she props one of her feet, heel down, on my freshly mashed balls. Next, she rests her other foot atop the first, mashes her new foot pillows down into a comfortable position, and shortly goes to sleep. With her feet propped up on my balls, a wide range of feelings and thoughts go through me. Pleasure, but definitely not sleep, is my lot for some time. Frequently I drift off to sleep that way. Sometimes we'll be in those positions for quite a while; sometimes not. A variation of that occurs when she shifts her upper foot to my neck for a foot worshipping session. Those sessions are quickly overwhelming and a special favorite.
Does anyone else do anything like this?
06-29-2005, 01:01 PM
I've done something like you've described, at least I think I got what you're saying. Frequently she props me up with her knee, most of my weight is on them and her knee, then she just keeps it there for a while or even goes asleep. I usually stop after i get off though.
06-30-2005, 10:36 AM
Unfortunately we usually are both so tired we don't have the energy. Once in a while we get to play before going to sleep.
07-10-2005, 02:10 AM
This is an interesting thread as I have always had some concerns about the safety aspects of ballbusting/crushing/etc. I have few questions as some people here seem to know lots about this.
1. Does crushing or kicking the balls when they are tied up so that the scrotum is tight significantly increase the risk of damage? and is combining ball-binding and hard kicking too risky to try?
2, How safe is ball kicking or trampling with stiletoes? How much lower are the limits of doing that safely compared to barefoot or normal shoes kicking?
07-12-2005, 12:49 PM
I have had my balls tied tight while being kicked and it just seems that my sack hurts more that anything. Loosley tied it's better because they can't escape but there is a little room for movement. I have found the same for crushing/standing that tightly tied, the nut sack bothers me to much plus I get abrasions. As far as safety goes it's been covered here before and I think the general concensus is listen to your body and play with a safe partner otherwise you may lose the things you like abused. ;)
07-13-2005, 01:39 PM
Thanks for your answer. I have also found that being increases the sensitivity of the balls. It was reading some of the earlier posts on this thread that made me think that it may also increase the risks involved. Always better to be informed.
07-13-2005, 09:50 PM
The pictures are great, a great fantasy, I don't think the nuts are really trapped under her foot though. The picture looks as if the sole of the shoe is on the sack with the nut in front under her toes and her toes look as if they are pointed up giving the nut clearance. Just my observation.......I would LOVE it to happen to me though.
07-14-2005, 12:43 PM
Thanks for your answer. I have also found that being increases the sensitivity of the balls. It was reading some of the earlier posts on this thread that made me think that it may also increase the risks involved. Always better to be informed.
Remember also, i have been doing this for almost 30 years and have never suffered any serious injuries. There again though most of my partners were fairly careful as not to acctually crush one. I did have an ex who did a full weight stand on my nuts once and when I asked (pleaded) her to stop she gave one last bounce. That was the closest I have ever come to losing my balls. I had to check to make sure they were still there.
10-31-2005, 09:29 AM
Hi there!
It has come to my attention that there's a lack of pictures of I call the "heel nutcraker": Its when you place your balls between the upper side of the shoe heel and the woman's heel too, making some sort of tesrticle sandwich.
I have read about this in some stories but NEVER seen it on pictures or even illustrated on toons.
I do have seen this arrangement with the penis in place, Im posting some pictures to give you an idea of Im talking about.
I know this could be lethal but its still a turn on. So it comes to my mind that there could be some sort of regulation behind some picture arrangements due to the fact that being so dangerous its banned so tou won't even try it, not even on Stardeck that was so extreme.
Well, at least I've never seen it... and we can go back to at least 25 years that this fetish has been on my imagination.
I've been willing to illustrate it myself, but first i have to learn how to draw :D
Its like the ones Im posting, but instead of a penis, a ball in place.
1. Is this a turn on for you too, or is it too extreme?
2. Anyone done it? (tell us about it).
3. If you guys happen to have pictures or toons like the ones Im describing PLEASE post them here.
4. Do you think some picture arrangements are regulated?
10-31-2005, 02:22 PM
I am with you Savoir. I reckon balls under the foot in a shoe is very sexy... I have no pics though....
11-01-2005, 10:55 AM
I have had my balls under a few heels (bare) and between a shoe and a heel. I posted a couple of pics on here where my balls were in the arch of my wife's foot and when I get the chance I will take and post a few pics of one of my balls under her heel. I mentioned last week (I think) that as my wife was drying off in the shower and I was about to take one, I kneeled down on the floor and placed a ball on the side of the tub and she put her heel on it. She crushed it fairly flat, as much as I could take anyway. She actually was lightly stomping on my balls the other evening, even though it was light it was still plenty hard enough for me to beg her to stop. She likes to drive her heel into my balls and sometimes when I place them on a hard surface she gets a little carried away. She has nailed me very hard with her heel though when I was laying on the floor with my balls exposed.
11-01-2005, 11:19 AM
Mag - I like your wife's feet, especially when they're on your nuts :) How much weight was she putting on the testicle? I'd sure there is a difference the kind of surface the ball is resting on makes. So the foor-ball-shoe sandwich offers a hard surface and more control, i.e. max effectiveness. Definitely something to try. The few occasions I have tried it though, I found it hurt my cords and the sack needs to be loose and warm. I didn't have much luck, but it's worth another shot.
11-03-2005, 12:07 PM
I read a post on a newsgroup once where a man detailed making a cut at the base of the tongue of a sneaker and placing his balls through it, then having his s/o put her foot in and lace it up, trapping the balls in place and allowing her to torment him at her leisure by flexing the toes upwards. Might give you some of the same benefits without the safety risks.
(Haven't tried it, would like to.)
11-04-2005, 10:51 AM
SAVOIR FAIRE- look at picture #3 in this vid. #11. Daniel is crushing a ball between her shoe and her heel. I have actually seen a short clip of this. There you have it though and every once in a while one comes up.
VELVETFOG- I actually took a few pics last night of my wife's heel on my balls which are resting on a hard surface. I haven't downloaded them from the camera yet but if they are good I'll post them. This sounds really stupid but I have a couple of clips of my wife crushing my balls but for some reason I am hesitant about posting them but I may come around.
11-07-2005, 11:02 PM
SAVOIR FAIRE- look at picture #3 in this vid. #11. Daniel is crushing a ball between her shoe and her heel. I have actually seen a short clip of this. There you have it though and every once in a while one comes up.
Did I missed something... is this a link we're talking about??
Please re-post.
Thanks in advance Magnum.
11-08-2005, 10:56 AM
Sorry, I forgot to give you the link. See picture #3 in Video #11 -Daniel
11-08-2005, 10:59 AM
Here are some more pics for you all-
11-08-2005, 11:20 AM
see previous page (page 5), I screwed up.
11-08-2005, 07:39 PM
Sorry, I forgot to give you the link. See picture #3 in Video #11 -Daniel
Excellent dude!! THANKS MAN :D
That's what I'm talking about... though its still uncommon to see/find this kind of pictures.
I'll try to illustrate or search for more of this kind of arrangement to post them here.
If you or any other member happen to find more on this please post them here.
11-09-2005, 12:22 AM
Don't be shy about posting pictures or clips. Rest assured we will pay tribute to your efforts as we orgasm wildly imagining those are our testicles being tortured - or in the case of the few women here, that it is their feet doing the crushing.
11-09-2005, 09:38 AM
As you can see, my wife has no problem crushing my nuts. :D
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