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View Full Version : Want To Try It Out?

09-09-2004, 12:29 AM
* - (see note at end of this note) :)

If you like the themes discussed in these Forums, you should go to the main website ( www.femaledom.com (http://www.femaledom.com/) ) and check it out. I would suggest that you try it for a month. It only costs U.S. $24.99 There's a discount if you sign up for 3 months.

www.femaledom.com (http://www.femaledom.com/) is growing quickly and currently has over 33,000 pictures and about 1,200 videos available. More material is added several times per week.

About how you can try it out:

A number of Forum members have asked me about how they can pay, especially if they don't have a credit card. That's why I'm posting this.
The methods of payment are the same for Forum members as for Forum guests.

Femaledom.com doesn't accept PayPal.
PayPal doesn't accept adult sites any more.

Payment for membership at femaledom.com is accepted in the following ways:

Online methods at www.femaledom.com (http://www.femaledom.com/) are:
- Credit cards: Visa, Mastercard, JCB, Discover
- Online check

Off-line, you can mail (regular mail only) cash (U.S. dollars or Euros) for signing up for femaledom.com membership to:

Sharon Keaton
Jorgenberthelsen vej 25
DK 9400 Norresundby

Cash payments for membership at femaledom.com are US $25 for 1 month or $70 for 3 months.
Remember to include an email address to send your new membership information to.

Money orders don't work in banks in Denmark and foreign checks cost around $12 to cash. Thats why the off-line method is to send cash with a paper or foil around it, so it can't be seen through the envelope.

A second off-line method of payment may be available and announced in a month or so.

I verified the above methods of payment this week with Sharon, webmistress of www.femaledom.com (http://www.femaledom.com/)

In case you're wondering, I don't get any commision or anything if you sign up at www.femaledom.com (http://www.femaledom.com/) My duties are just here on the Forum, as Moderator and more recently as Administrator. But I do have access to femaledom.com and my guess would be that you would find the content there interesting and stimulating.

I hope this information about methods of payment clears up any doubts or confusion about how (and why) to sign up at www.femaledom.com (http://www.femaledom.com/)

- Sara :)

* - This kind of looks like a commercial, but it isn't. Just info that several members without credit cards were asking me, so I decided to just post it here for them as well as any others who are interested.

The prices have gone up slightly since I originally posted this. But so has the number of pics and videos there. Check it out yourself, and see the free samples if you want to.
(Added April 03/05)

03-31-2005, 10:56 PM
Naw, it doesn't look like a commercial! :Baahaha:
I'm already a member thanks.

04-03-2005, 10:33 AM
there I was thinking you were going to post that if we wanted to try it out you'd come round and bust our nuts.

04-03-2005, 01:12 PM
funny, but to be honest i expect a lot of fake kicks

The real thing is better

04-25-2005, 12:40 AM
As I have aid before, Femaledom.com is the best BB site on the web. They have the most frequent updates and consistent, original and exclusive content with hot women with real kicks in the balls. It's great stuff... if any site is worth the money, Femaledom is worth it. The funny thing is that the non-member forums are more interesting...