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10-03-2004, 12:24 AM
This is an important notice that ALL members should read completely.

From time to time new posting rules, tips, advice, and so on will be posted here, so please check this thread occasionally and read any new posts.

The rules in this thread apply to you whether you read them or not.

Starting October 1st, 2004, the Administrators of the Femaledom.com Forums are enforcing a Rule that you agreed to when you signed up to become a member of the Forums.

The GOOD news is that everything on our Forums will still be completely FREE. :)

The Femaledom.com Rules on the sign-up page have always included this paragraph:
"If you choose to register then POST a message on our forum. DON'T register to only see attachments as we will delete registrations which are not active at all."

That's a Rule that Sharon and I (as Administrators) are now enforcing. Members who don't post anything will NOT be able to see the pic attachments enlarged or download the pics.

Any signed-up member who hasn't posted anything is now called a "Registered User".

A "Registered User" will NOT be able to click on attached images to see them full size. Neither will they be able to post pics. (That means that your first post can't include an attached pic.)

After posting on the Forums, a "Registered User" becomes a "Member". This promotion of status is automatic and will be effective within an hour after you post.

As a "Member", you WILL be able to click on any attached images to see them full size and to download them if you want to. A Member can also attach pics to their posts.

How to post pics is explained in the thread called "Ballbusting Pics - Attached - (not for text-only posts)" which is located at:
www.femaledom.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1844 (http://www.femaledom.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1844)

All you have to do to maintain your status as a "Member" is post on the Forums. That will keep your registration active.

However, if your only post is something trivial like a one-line comment or a smiley, your post will be deleted and you may be banned.

Off-topic posts and short posts with insignificant content (such as just posting "I agree" or "Nice pics!") are considered 'Trivial' and will also be subject to deletion. Instead of just posting "I agree", for example, take a few minutes to explain how or why. Explain and elaborate a bit, to make your post worth reading.

Express yourself. It's free, you're anonymous, and the Forums are for friendly discussions of anything related to the various fetishes that we're all interested in. So, please participate by posting when you feel like it.

After 1 post a "Registered User" is promoted to "Member".
After 20 posts a "Member" is promoted to "Junior Member".
After a certain higher number of posts a "Junior Member" is promoted to "Senior Member".
After 100 posts you become a "Supreme Member".
(And so on ... )

It almost goes without saying that spelling and grammar are NOT important. Many of our members have English as their second or third language. Don't let that stop you from posting.

ALSO, I'll be starting to ban and delete members who signed up a while ago and haven't posted anything. They are violating the Rules that they agreed to when they signed up, and their registrations WILL be deleted.

All signed-up members will be allowed a couple of months to get used to the Forums before they're expected to post. That should give you plenty of time to post something. After that, you will either post or your membership will be cancelled.

Starting soon, I plan to delete the registrations of 10 members each time I log on here, starting with the members who signed up a long time ago and STILL haven't posted anything.

Approximately 83% of all signed-up members have never posted anything! Those are the ones who we hope will decide to become active members.

In a separate thread, in the Forum "Ballbusting World" (where I'm the Moderator), I'll be posting the usernames of those members, as I delete their memberships. Hopefully, that will help remind others that they should be more active as members, instead of just being Lurkers.

I have no sympathy for members who don't keep their word, and who violate the Rules that they agreed to when they signed up. And I WILL delete and ban members who don't post!

If you have any questions or comments about this Notice, please post them in this Thread.

Thanks for your attention and cooperation in making these free Forums more interesting by encouraging all members to become active members.

- Sara (Administrator and Moderator) :)


10-03-2004, 07:49 AM
I think you should completely delete the members that dont post. send them a warning and if they dont respond in a week delete them. they will come back if they want to post.

10-03-2004, 08:00 AM
What are the advantages from being a member to a junior member, to a senior memeber? if there are'nt any you should add a few features that will make people want to become junior memebers and senior memebers and there will be more posting. of course you will have to watch out for people who post just to get there number of posts up. I just realize that this is my 20th post. now im a junior member.
i got a question about the girls on the femaledom.com site. What are most of their ethincys? Some of them seem russian mixed with czechoslavakian or german. im just cerious

10-03-2004, 09:50 AM
Dear Imlost568,

As for the girls origin then there is 15% Danish 10% Spanish and 75% Hungarien. No Russians German or czechoslavakian ;)

10-03-2004, 09:56 AM
ha i was way off.

10-03-2004, 10:02 PM
I think you should completely delete the members that dont post.
That's what I'll be doing. Gradually.
There are over 1,000 members who haven't posted at all.
I'll be starting with those who signed up over a year ago but still haven't posted anything.
I don't expect a member to post the same day he/she signs up though.
I think it's OK to give them a reasonable time to get used to the Forums before they post. Like maybe a few months.

...send them a warning and if they dont respond in a week delete them. they will come back if they want to post.
- Not all members have their profile set up to notify them of a new Private Message by email.
- Not all members have their email address set as "visible" to other members.
- I could look up the email address that they used to sign up with, but if they chose not to be notified by email, or if they set their email address as "hidden" from other members, then I would feel uncomfortable emailing them directly with a warning. That would be violating their right to privacy.

In other words, the Notice above (and in the other Forums here) is their warning notice.
If they check the Forums here, they can't miss seeing the Notice.
If they don't check the Forums here, then I'll assume that they aren't active members here any more.

- Sara :)

10-04-2004, 02:09 AM
What are the advantages from being a member to a junior member, to a senior memeber?...
It's an honorary promotion with a better title. :D
Actually, it's the way the software of the Forums is programmed, and there's no good reason to disable that function.

...of course you will have to watch out for people who post just to get there number of posts up. ...
Right. I certainly don't want to see a member making 50 posts, each consisting of only a smiley, just to be a "Senior Member"! If anybody actually did something silly like that, I think I would delete their posts AND delete their membership. :machine:

I already mentioned that such similar "trivial" posts will be subject to deletion. And the poster may be banned.

... I just realize that this is my 20th post. now im a junior member.
Wow! Great! :ibow4u:
If you check the Members List, you'll see that very few members have reached that position. (Only 4 Junior Members right now!)

"Keep it up!" ;)

- Sara :)

10-07-2004, 07:01 PM
Guilty as charged. As my line of work requires extensive travel and I do not have a laptop I,posting can be difficult. I can access email,etc. from the local library, but try to access any adult site will get you arrested.

10-08-2004, 03:29 PM
well then everytime u sign into look at the forums you should leave a post then you can keep you account.

10-08-2004, 09:12 PM
Guilty as charged. As my line of work requires extensive travel and I do not have a laptop I,posting can be difficult. I can access email,etc. from the local library, but try to access any adult site will get you arrested.

No exceptions.

You'd get arrested for accessing any adult site from the local library?
So, try a cybercafé !

The rules you agreed to when you signed up apply, whether you happen to live in a 'not-very-free' country that tries to restrict what you access online (like China) or a 'more free' country (like many European countries).

well then everytime u sign into look at the forums you should leave a post then you can keep you account.

Correct 'imlost568' ! :)

Alternative: 'gary198': You could take advantage of the few opportunities when you can read the Forums, sign up again with a new username (if your previous one was deleted), post your comments, wait less than an hour to be 'promoted', then be able to view the attached pics.

(It'd be easier to post as often as you can and hope for the best.)

- Sara :)

11-04-2004, 09:26 PM
Hint to members:

Assuming you've already posted something, you should be able to click on attached pics, see them full size and download them.

If you just posted your first post, the system will upgrade your status within an hour.
If it doesn't -- log off, close your browser, clear your cookies, then log in again.

Make sure that the box labelled "Remember Me?" is checked when you log in.

Also, your browser must allow cookies from this site.
Without cookies from this site, you'd be treated as a newbie as soon as you go to another page here after logging in. In that case, you wouldn't be able to see the pics full size or download them.
Good luck!

- Sara :)

11-14-2004, 07:38 PM

Inserted Note From Sara

This poster ( heinz57 ) has been banned.
His other one-word posts have been deleted.
I left this post just as an example of what it takes to get banned.
Just posting "hello" a few times isn't what this Forum is about.
His IP address and other stuff were logged ("just in case").

To heinz57 :
Sign up again, and let's get along, OK? Be nice. ;)
- Sara :)

11-15-2004, 01:49 AM
Well, I sincerely hope you're going to be as ruthless as you say about deleting worthless posts like the one by Heinz57 a couple above this one. I am much less annoyed by the fact that the forum has 1000 non-posting members than by trying to weed my way through 1000-2000 worthless "yay-hello" and "nice pic" posts that people have put there simply to keep their membership current. I support your effort to have members contribute and non-contributors eradicated, I just hope it doesn't increase the "chaff" factor too much.

11-15-2004, 03:18 AM
. . .
Well, I sincerely hope you're going to be as ruthless as you say about deleting worthless posts like the one by Heinz57 a couple above this one.
. . .

I just left his post above so others will know who & what you're talking about.
I usually just make all visible trace of them disappear.
- Sara :)

12-07-2004, 03:34 AM

-- All Members:

Please report first-time posters who post something TRIVIAL (like a single word, just a smiley, or something "silly" or off-topic) with the apparent intention of being promoted from "Registered User" to "Member", in order to view/download posted pics full-size.

They waste YOUR time by appearing as a "new post" that you think might be worth checking out, as well as cluttering the Forum with junk posts.

You can report them to me by clicking on the triangular yellow icon that says "Report Bad Post" (at the lower left of the offending post), and writing in the reporting box the exact reason why you're reporting the post. I'll deal with them and their "junk posts" VERY promptly.
The button I'm talking about looks like this: http://www.femaledom.com/forum/images/buttons/report.gif

-- I receive the message you type in the "Bad Post Reports", along with a link to the post, by email shortly after you send it to me. This enables me to take SWIFT action, even if I otherwise weren't planning to check new posts on the Forum for another day or two.

Report bad/junk posts to me and I'll personally 'virtually' ******** (castigate? :D ) the poster (by permanently banning them from the forums if necessary).

(I've already banned 10 members so far this week for posting such garbage.)

For lesser offences or violations I'll just delete the bad post and give the poster another chance.

I want to do what is best to maintain this Forum the way YOU want it to be -- with YOUR help and cooperation (please).


- Sara :)

12-07-2004, 04:00 AM
just posting this to see if the frog works. Sorry if it wastes anyones time :)



This one makes 11 members this week so far.

You don't have to be a first-time poster to be banned for posting garbage.

Please try not to waste our time and space.

- Sara



12-07-2004, 01:22 PM

Report bad/junk posts to me and I'll personally 'virtually' ******** (castigate? :D ) the poster (by permanently banning them from the forums if necessary).


I don't know if **********'s a useful threat in these forums; you might get a rash of new crappy posts ;)
It's like the 18th-century english bridge, still marked with a notice that any graffiti would result in the perpetrator getting sent to Australia. Douglas Adams marveled that the bridge wasn't covered in spray paint by now.

When the masochist yelled, "Beat me, Beat me!" what did the sadist do?

12-08-2004, 12:01 AM
Good point, Takkyuu tama. ;)
My attempt at being witty outran my intentions.
I should have left that paragraph out and just appealed to all members to help me keep the Forum junk-free by reporting bad posts to me.
I hadn't heard that one about the bridge though. Good one!
- Sara :)

12-08-2004, 12:52 AM
My attempt at being witty outran my intentions.
I should have left that paragraph out and just appealed to all members to
Now, now - you should never regret having implied/made a ********** threat around here. It's that kind of talk that keeps us coming back. :)

12-08-2004, 03:25 AM
However, if your only post is something trivial like a smilie, your post will be DELETED and you will be returned to "Registered User" status.

Off-topic posts and short posts with insignificant content (such as just posting "I agree") are considered Trivial and will also be subject to deletion. Instead of just posting "I agree", for example, take a few minutes to explain how or why. Explain and elaborate a bit, to make your post worth reading.


First post here and I really need something sorted out for me, so I dont end up getting banned or returned to 'registered user' as I do tend to waffle a bit and am bound to end up going off topic at some stage :)

In the above post from the Administrator it is made fairly clear that off topic stuff in enough to get it deleted and your staus returned to how it was when u first started, that bit is pretty clear so far :) The question I need to ask is, and here is where I will probably start to waffle :)

1. I looked at the posts that got the other two on this thread banned, and yes they were off topic, but they were BANNED not just sent back to 'registered user' as is stated above. So, do you get banned or returned to 'registered user'???

2. One person only has one post one there name, the other has two. Did the second one do something else to get them banned instead of just sent back to 'registered user'???

3. If I was to post an off topic post, would I be banned immediately, or would I get a warning first, like, 'first strike and your out'???

I hope someone can clear this up, as what is said and what appears to have happened are two totally different things.


Julie :)

12-08-2004, 08:13 AM
Hi Julie :)

Welcome, and thanks for posting.

Yes, there was some discrepancy there.

At least I'm going ahead with banning members who have never posted anything, after giving them a few months to do so. A few at a time, whenever I have some spare time.

My original idea also included deleting trivial/junk posts by first-time posters who were just posting to get promoted from "Registered User" to "Member, so they could view/download pics.
Deleting their only post would have returned them to "Registered User" status again.

In theory, that would have been fine.
But after trying it out on the new Forum (which was a major upgrade from the old Forum) after October 1st, 2004, I discovered a problem.

A "Member" demoted to "Registered User" retained certain privileges that should be reserved for "Members". That's because of the way the software of the new Forum is programmed, and that can't be changed by Moderators or Administrators.
That was unacceptable.

I therefore had to switch from simply deleting "garbage" posts by first-time posters to banning them.
That's the only way to completely strip them of their privileges as "Members".
They would then have the option of signing up again under another username and starting from scratch.
I've edited the post at the top of this page slightly to update a line that you quoted.
Thanks for bringing it to my attention. ;)

1.) Sooo....... First-time posters who post garbage to get promoted will be banned. They will not be demoted first. Their only warning will be reading this thread.

2.) The banned member that you mention with two posts actually had posted 4 times. 3 of the 4 were "garbage" posts. I banned him after seeing his 4th post (above) and also deleted 2 of his other "junk" posts. I left his 4th post here as an example for others to see.
(His counter indicates 2 posts because I deleted 2 of his 4 posts.)

Another example: One user (above) posted the single word "hello" in several different threads as his only posts. He was banned.

Another example: One user just posted "mmmm" in a thread as his only post. It was completely off-topic and meaningless, so he was banned.

Another example: One user posted something like "I'm posting this so I can download the pics now!". He was banned.

Members had complained to me about the posts of these banned members that I've mentioned. Why? When they logged in, they saw new posts in threads and eagerly went to see what had been posted. Pure junk. A waste of time for all members who were expecting to read a new post. Just garbage cluttering the Forum.

3.) Before I ban a member I check their other posts, if there are any.
A member who has already posted acceptable messages will likely only have their "garbage" post deleted. A possible exception would be if their 2nd (or 3rd.......) post were something obnoxiously taunting like (for example) : "I'm just posting this to see how long it takes to be deleted, ha, ha!". I'd likely delete that post AND ban the poster.

Am I too strict? I don't think so.
A) I'm enforcing a Rule that all members agreed to when they signed up. Namely: Members must post in order to view/download pics. Inactive accounts will be deleted.
B) I'm trying to keep the Forum free of junk posts because the Members of the Forum don't want to waste their time reading garbage that just takes up space in their Threads.

Anyway, this Forum is for the Members to use, enjoy, exchange ideas, pics, links and so on...
A member who posts something shouldn't worry about being banned as long as they respect the rights of the other members, and provided they don't violate the Rules they agreed to when they signed up.

If any member has any doubts or questions about posting, I'll try to provide an explanation.

:bananajum Don't worry... Be happy... :bananad:

- Sara :)

12-08-2004, 12:25 PM
Am I too strict? I don't think so.
As long as you are not insisting that we call you Mistress, you are not being too strict. If you want ME to call you Mistress, you'd better have a very convincing reason, like something tied around my sac and an evil grin. That would do it.

My recollection s that part of the motivation for changing the enforcement of the rules is that it would be to encourage posting (but, hopefully, not to encourage people to post three messages that say "hello" - whatta dork, thanx for getting rid of him). I'm still thinking that more could be done to encourage posting without the carrot and stick thing, but we seem o be doing most of what is traditionally done -- there is a variety of people and viewpoints, decent rate of new messages coming up, etc. (When I first landed here, the forums were sooooo empty...)

Still need more women -- we have some great ones now, but we can always use more. Muah hah hah hahhhh... Okay, so if I ever run into a ballbuster who is somewhat computer savvy, I'll send her this way (just don't tell her that my real name is Manuel Alphonse Rodriguez de la Rocha).

01-08-2005, 10:50 PM
I have now caught up on removing inactive Users and Members from the 'Members List'. Almost 1,300 have been removed.
I'll now just have to remove a few from time to time to keep it updated.

The Usernames removed are in the "Ballbusting World" Forum in the thread called "Recently Removed Members" at:
www.femaledom.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2277 (http://www.femaledom.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2277)

By the way, there is absolutely no difference between banning a member and removing a member from the 'Members List'. The effect is exactly the same.

About 98% of those removed had never posted anything nor had they even logged in for over a year. They were really no longer active members, so removing their usernames was just a way of updating the 'Members List'.

The other 2% were removed for other reasons.

Reasons for being added to the "banned" list remain the same:

Users or Members are expected to post and participate within 2 or 3 months of signing up.
Those who post garbage/junk just to view/download pics are subject to being banned.
Those whose posts are way off-topic.
Those whose posts are overly negative (such as nasty name-calling of other members whose particular fetish doesn't coincide with one's own favorite fetish).
The only usernames that belong on the 'Members List' are:
A) active members who post and
B) users registered in the past 2 or 3 months who haven't had time to post yet.

This process of "pruning the deadwood" from the 'Members List' is good for all present and future members. The posting rate has gone up, partly because we are keeping the Forums free of posts that are completely off-topic, overly negative, trivial/meaningless, and otherwise undesirable.

Members who post on-topic need not worry about being banned. We encourage members to post about anything at all that's fetish-related that isn't off-topic, no matter whether other members are interested in it or not. If you post about something that hasn't been discussed in an existing thread, just create a new separate thread. It just has to be related to the topic of the Forum you're posting in.

So please feel free to participate by sharing your fetish-related interests, fantasies, stories, pics, links, ideas and so on. That's the purpose of these free Forums and that's why we're all here!

As before, any comments about this should be posted here in this thread.

- Sara :)

02-22-2005, 12:55 AM
New Members Who Want To Post For The First Time

Users who make their first post sometimes get banned because their post is off-topic or inappropriate in some way.

For example, in the thread entitled "Ballbusting Pics - Attached", some Users have been too eager to post for the first time in order to be able to view the attached pics full size and maybe download them. Recently some of them have been posting short messages such as "Nice pics, guys!" or "Please post more pics!" and have had their posts deleted or have been banned from the Forums (or both).

In post number 37 of that same thread I explain that the thread is for posting attached pics (as the title suggests) and that unless a posted comment there has an attached pic, it will be deleted and the member may be banned.
( www.femaledom.com/forum/showpost.php?p=7713&postcount=37 (http://www.femaledom.com/forum/showpost.php?p=7713&postcount=37) )
Threads such as that one are not a good place to put your first post.

First-time posters would run less risk of offending others (and being banned) by posting in a thread such as "Introductory Posts By New Members" which is located at:
www.femaledom.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2368 (http://www.femaledom.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2368)
In that thread you can introduce yourself, describe what kind or variation of 'ballbusting' interests you most, etc., without much risk of having your post deleted or being banned. ;)

- Sara :)

04-20-2005, 05:59 AM

I am new to this board and have one question about possible banning, beside CHILDREN, is there any other subjects that are TABOO !!!

04-21-2005, 03:30 AM
I am new to this board and have one question about possible banning, beside CHILDREN, is there any other subjects that are TABOO !!!

To read what you agreed to when you signed up, click on the word "Register" near the top left of this page.
It's a standard form that basically says that you shouldn't do anything illegal (like child porn and a whole lot more), but you should read it again anyway.

It includes "you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, hateful, threatening..." and other hard-to-define things. Better read it again completely.
It also says that we "have the right to remove, edit, move or close any posted message or thread for any reason."
Those who can't find where to click can click on this link to read it:
http://www.femaledom.com/forum/register.php (http://www.femaledom.com/forum/register.php)

Most of the other rules are mentioned here on this page.

Members who have something specific in mind that they're wondering about posting or not can ask me if it's OK, either here in this thread or by PM (Private Message).

- Sara :)

05-10-2005, 12:03 AM
I appreciate your concern for keeping this forum clear of clutter and inactive users. however, I do not understand why I was banned and thus ****** to create a new account to ask you about it. My former account was mdguy22.

I registered just the other day and made two posts, both of which were on topic and informative. In my second post (Devices and Equipment for BB), I was responding to a poster who attached a drawing of a crusher device he had designed. I started out by stating that I was unable to see his attached image and did not understand why, and then I went to great lengths to discuss his idea, make suggestions for ways it may be improved upon, and suggest other ideas as well.

Today I tried to log in and found that I was banned. Furthermore, the post that I made that was on topic and fully compliant with the forum regulations has had all but the first sentence deleted. What happened?

I came back tonight in hopes of seeing some responses to my message and continuing the conversation about crushing devices, and now I can't even find the message that I was originally responding to.

Can you please tell me what I did wrong so that I can be sure not to do it again?


05-10-2005, 03:25 PM
Hi mdguy23 :)

Of course I'll answer your question. I certainly don't ban members for no reason or just to be mean.

Your post (by mdguy22) which is still in the renamed thread "Devices and Equipment for BB", at:
www.femaledom.com/forum/showpost.php?p=9326&postcount=27 (http://www.femaledom.com/forum/showpost.php?p=9326&postcount=27)
starts by saying:

I really like the idea of this device you described. Unfortunately I can't view your attachment -- I registered, logged in, made a post... I dont know what the deal is there. ...

I posted my comment there when I banned 'mdguy22'.

Basically, to me, your post there indicated that you hadn't read the rules, tips and advice in this thread, where all members are informed that after making a first post it takes up to one hour for the system to update your status from 'User' to 'Member'. A 'User' can't view/download attached pics, but a 'Member' can. It seems that you hadn't read this thread before posting the quote above. Otherwise, you would have known that information instead of posting that you couldn't figure what was going on.

I'm sorry, but I just don't have the time to post an explanation to each of the 1,500+ members who got banned because they didn't read this thread, just to explain to them what's already explained in this thread.
Also, doing that would annoy other members who want to discuss ballbusting or other fetish-related matters rather than reading 1,500+ posts by members who haven't read this thread, followed by another 1,500+ posts by me explaining that the information they need is in this thread. That's why the Forums' Rules, which all members agree to when they sign up, include the fact that Administrators and Moderators "have the right to remove, edit, move or close any posted message or thread for any reason."

But I'm certainly willing to explain the exact reason to those who ask me, as you politely did.

Members who don't read this thread are missing out on a lot of such information, and sooner or later are very likely to run into different situations that cause problems for themselves, for other members or with the forum system.
That's why the title of this thread includes the phrase "Read Before Posting!".

I have nothing against you, of course. And I hope you'll have the patience to repost what you posted previously under the UserName "mdguy22". I'm sorry to have caused you this extra work.

As I recall, you said that you're 23 now instead of 22, so your present UserName will be more suitable than your previous one. (I'm trying to look at the bright side of this too. ;) )

If you want, I could delete that post by 'mdguy22' that I quoted above. Unless you say so (preferably by Private Message), I'll leave it there.

Anyway, I'm glad that you're back, and also that you've read this thread now. You sound like an interesting member to have participating here. And thanks for asking for an explanation in a friendly way.

- Sara :)

06-03-2005, 01:11 PM
In order to advertise or promote any paysite on these forums the following criteria must be met:

The site being advertised/promoted must have a link to our main site ( www.femaledom.com (http://www.femaledom.com/) )

After fulfilling the above criteria you may post a free sample pic and your site's URL on the forum.

Posting your paysite's URL without heeding this rule (with or without free sample pics) is considered spam and is not permitted.

Thanks in advance for cooperating.

- Sara :)

07-01-2005, 09:48 PM
If you wish to post about other things then ballbusting feel free to do so.

Create a thread called off topic + whatever topic it is. That way members dont need to go into a thread with off topics if they only want to read/write about ballbusting.

If you are a new member here and start out by posting off topic posts you will get either a warning or a ban so please dont.

Thanks in advance. :bananawin

09-08-2005, 10:51 AM
Hi Sara! As you know, I just signed on recently and am just starting to "get the lay of the land". Have been reading your rules and regulations, and your responces to those folks whom comment on them. They(the rules) certainly seem reasonable, especially deleting people who joined but , after many months, never created a profile or posted any messages.
I'm currently a member of some Yahoo groups, and the majority of members in those groups don't have ANY info in their profiles. Moreover, after several weeks of perusing messages, few members ever post. Matter of fact , many that DO post, are really advertising some commercial website(usually theirs).
The webmasters over at Yahoo would do well to emulate your style.
I'm glad to be aboard!

09-09-2005, 12:39 AM
Hi Sara! As you know, I just signed on recently and am just starting to "get the lay of the land". Have been reading your rules and regulations, and your responces to those folks whom comment on them. They(the rules) certainly seem reasonable, especially deleting people who joined but , after many months, never created a profile or posted any messages. [. . .]

Sara is no longer with us. A dispute arose some months ago, nobody ever really seemed to figure out what the disagreement was, and some of us wound up going our separate ways. For example, my entire left hand side got up and walked, and I am now ****** to type with only one hand.

Rest assured, things are still reasonable.

01-19-2006, 01:52 PM
i just read the rules and i must say they sound reasonable however I do have one question regarding the rules. My question is that once you start posting how often are poasts required because I sometimes have 3-5 week periods where i am not able to use computer due to vacation, roomate vacations, or just not time to go online? And also what is the difference between member, junior, senior, and supreme user?


02-11-2006, 04:41 PM
understood. thanks!

02-27-2006, 01:55 PM
Hello everybody:bananawin

I'm a French guy, age 33, who is sincerely interested in ballbusting. In fact, I really would like to be busted by a pretty girl. I live very near from Paris. So, if a woman in France is interested, please feel free to contact me!


03-07-2006, 08:48 PM
i just read the rules and i must say they sound reasonable however I do have one question regarding the rules. My question is that once you start posting how often are poasts required because I sometimes have 3-5 week periods where i am not able to use computer due to vacation, roomate vacations, or just not time to go online? And also what is the difference between member, junior, senior, and supreme user?
The rules are reasonably reasonable. :)

There is no specific requirement that a member post every so often; however, if years go by without hearing from you, a Moderator or Administrator might delete your account. Sadly, this is one dilly of a gray area, a'cuz:

1) We want new people to feel free to post and encourage them to do so.
2) We don't want a lot of trivial posts cluttering up the joint.
3) We don't want to put in exacting rules about just how often you are required to post.
4) But if someone has been a member of the forum for n years without saying anything... Maybe we can use the hard drive space for something more wicked cool than an unused account, like, maybe, mor epitchers of girls kicking guys in the balls? Booyah!

The difference between member, junior, senior, supreme, godly, etc.: generally, the software "promotes" you after a certain number of messages. There is no additional service or anything else that comes with the new title, so it's not much of a promotion. It's just a measure of how long you have been here and how much you have said. It's useless, of course, because a message that says: "Awesome pics. Thanks." is counted the same as a message explaining how a person thinks that ballbusting has a cultural aspect (blah, blah, blah), and includes a few pictures and links to back his/her theory , or, for a better example, a message from one of the chicas that says, "I kicked my boyfriend in the nuts and broke my big toe. Who look dah fool now?"


03-14-2006, 07:43 AM
as soon as i am a member i will post al lot of my private collection of internet ballbusting pics i found ;)

03-20-2006, 08:45 AM
:letsplay :letsplay reasonable rules. I have long been a partaker of ballbusting espeically ballbiting. I like being tied and having my balls bit hard. am looking for a girl who will allow fotos so hope to have a better post soon. Great site. r

03-23-2006, 02:16 PM
Due to several sites complaining about their pictures being posted on our forums we have to make it clear.

Do NOT post pictures or links from paysites this include:

Any pay per view sites
Any membership sites
Any content that are copyrighted

We do not wish to begin and moderate each post and attachment to screen
if there is links or copyrighted attachments in the post so please follow this simple rule and lets have fun

About posting non nude pictures.
Please use imageshack.com or or any other free picture host that allows non adult pictures to be posted. It will speed up the forum browsing and we dont have to consider removing the attachment option

05-16-2006, 12:02 PM
wow is that really the board administrator? sharon? the blonde chic?

i have the largest orb shaped testicles full of cum that are in my huge sack and i would love to know how much she would take in cash to come and have a go at busting my balls!

so how would it be sharon?

there is a price for everything and i might just be able to pay it,

name a price:)

05-30-2006, 05:08 PM
OK. All read and understood.
Hello everyone! (^_^)
I hope to get involved in alot of the threads, but Ill try not to get in anyones way.
I must admit that my posts will be quite varied from short and sweet to long and, well maybe tedious at times...
But I would love to make new friends on my favourite topic-Ballbusting! :)


best be off.


07-03-2006, 11:13 AM
I think a big part of why there are so many lurkers is that people are paranoid and don't want to be associated with the fetish. You *say* we're anonymous, but for a lot of us, it's just better to not take the chance. The less we have to interact with other people, the less chance there is of a family member or friend or co-worker finding out about our dirty little secrets.

It's stopped me from posting before, I know that much.

07-12-2006, 02:55 PM
I hear you, its true how difficult it is. When I was growing up my family would actually turn off a movie if it had a groin kick in it! In the past few months I've heard fetish stuff mentioned more than usual and it almos always goes beyond just joking about something you don't like and is often extremely derogatory and belittling to whomever is into it, surprising as I thought my fellow Montrealers were a bit more open-minded. Lately I'm starting to care less and less if I get found out though, it could be very entertaining and a good way to find out who your real friends and who the social posers are (easy to say, hard to do, when you're in a situation, i know)

08-15-2006, 06:27 AM
I didn't understand why I couldn't see the attachements...

My english is not very good and I didn't read the rules...

Now I read and I understood...

I'll search to write some post... but you excuse me for my english... (I take 5 minutes for writing this post :o)


08-19-2006, 02:00 PM
New member just checking out the rules. Got 'em, thanks.

08-27-2006, 01:51 AM
New member. Can't enlarge pictures. What am I doing wrong? Thanks.

09-06-2006, 02:21 AM
This is the first time I have joined a forum such as this. I'm looking forward to sharing pics and stories about ball busting by sexy, powerful women.

09-06-2006, 03:49 AM
i agree the rules

10-07-2006, 05:55 AM

I accept the rules and regulations and can understand the reasons for introducing them - it seems pointless having a forum that no-one talks in. However, it is understandable that some people may join what is basically still a taboo forum (female domination is still perceived by a large chunk of society as something not "normal" or even perverse) and feel retiscent about broadcasting what they feel is their "dirty little secret" (albeit wrongly). Hopefully, the measures you have in place will encourage members to talk openly about their turn ons/desires/etc and in turn realise that they are not alone, or abnormal for having the feelings thay do.

I look forward to joining in on discussions/debates

10-25-2006, 09:35 AM
Well crap. This answeres the question that I just sent via e-mail. Lol. I'll be staying active. :-)

10-26-2006, 01:01 AM
I posted an introduction in this forum this morning. And now its gone. Did I do something wrong? I've been to this site on and off since I've found it. Now that I'm laid off from work for a short time, I will try my best to post once a week or more.(*_*)

10-29-2006, 07:37 PM
New member. Can't enlarge pictures. What am I doing wrong? Thanks.

I would like an answer as well, can't find anything on it. Don't worry, I'm not the spam and leave type :p

11-21-2006, 10:10 AM
Hi to all!
right, I agree the rules!

12-05-2006, 01:17 PM
I am a new here and I just want to say hello!

01-14-2007, 07:19 AM
sounds cool to me BB4life

01-15-2007, 05:41 PM
Oops. I should have read this before sending a PM to an admin asking why it's not working for me! Sorry about that. Well, I am a newbie here, and I am interested in viewing the attachments as well as giving back - i.e. contributing.

03-06-2007, 07:50 AM
Hi all. I just signed up a few days ago and finally figured out I needed to clear my cookies before I could actually post! Duh. If anyone else has signed up but can't post, clean out your cookies and try again.

That being said, I'm glad to see there are others out there in the world that enjoy the same sort of... activity... that I do. I'm not into hardcore busting, but I have managed to convince my wife to give the boys a good squeeze now and then. Wow!

I also like being teased about my size, but I'm not really small. I can't explain it, but it makes me hard as a rock if she tells me it is little, hence my user name.

Well... off I go to enjoy the forums! :thumbup

03-24-2007, 02:41 PM
I'm reading the threads and am thrilled there is so many like minded people including women. I hope to have fun here. Dix

04-05-2007, 10:23 PM
Well, I sincerely hope you're going to be as ruthless as you say about deleting worthless posts like the one by Heinz57 a couple above this one. I am much less annoyed by the fact that the forum has 1000 non-posting members than by trying to weed my way through 1000-2000 worthless "yay-hello" and "nice pic" posts that people have put there simply to keep their membership current. I support your effort to have members contribute and non-contributors eradicated, I just hope it doesn't increase the "chaff" factor too much.

Well, well. That is my case. I speak no english at all and my writing is very poor as you can see. In fact I only send this to retain membership. I am not much paticipative and rarely post even in forums which use my mother language. I just belive that people get involve when they share a real interest for something. I am a beginner and for a while the only I want is to see, learn and experience new things. Maybe I could grow interested in greater participation and exchanges but before this happen is interesting to stay here getting contact with the matter. So, I really think this restrictive rule are a wrong policy that could undermine the board popularity in the long run. Thank you and sorry for this unnecessary/obligated post.

05-10-2007, 12:44 AM
i just read the rules and i must say they sound reasonable however I do have one question regarding the rules. My question is that once you start posting how often are poasts required because I sometimes have 3-5 week periods where i am not able to use computer due to vacation, roomate vacations, or just not time to go online? And also what is the difference between member, junior, senior, and supreme user?


i have the same question.i love this site ,but i can only be 3 or 4 days/week on it. I'm sorry for my poor english.

06-09-2007, 06:23 AM
Why i can't see the attch? i already post here in this forum

06-09-2007, 07:57 PM
I not see Topics ? i enjoy it

06-23-2007, 07:55 AM
Hi all,

Another long time viewer, first time poster here. Usually I avoid BB forums as they always seem to become spam archives, but this one has survived the test of time so I decided to sign up. I'm a 32 year old male from Ohio. Although I've never been kicked in the balls I've often wondered what it would be like to give myself to a woman for a little sadistic fun.

06-28-2007, 11:15 AM
All irght. thanks

07-15-2007, 07:04 AM
This is by far the best forum. This is due to these rules. Well done.

07-26-2007, 08:38 AM
Hi Sara,
I do like your forum . I have always been interested in ball busting, ball biting stories, although i am not a creative writer, I will try to give some input into this forum .


08-01-2007, 05:04 PM
Great forum, many thanks :)

08-07-2007, 01:24 AM
This forum is pretty exciting to me; finding a resource like this that is both free, and has such a large amount of content and like-minded users is just...insane. It's something I've been looking for, for years. I can't tell you how many google searches I've waded through... sheesh.

Anyways, the rules do seem reasonable and thanks for running this site.

08-10-2007, 12:32 PM
Hi all,

Another long time viewer, first time poster here. Usually I avoid BB forums as they always seem to become spam archives, but this one has survived the test of time so I decided to sign up. I'm a 32 year old male from Ohio. Although I've never been kicked in the balls I've often wondered what it would be like to give myself to a woman for a little sadistic fun.

I know what you mean about ballbusting forums becoming spam pits but it's not only ballbusting forums, it everywhere there is little activity, usually when it comes to fetish - when there are far more guys than gals.
but as long as this forum keeps guarded - it will be spam free IMO.

08-11-2007, 11:29 AM
Hi all, I would like to say hi the best way I know: posting some good stuff here ;) but we'll have to wait for the next minutes to become a "right"member.I hope we can share a lot of nice pics & movies in this great great forum! Please admins I want to collaborate in FemaleDom so let me know if a do a mistake or just tell me whatever I could do for the FD forums


08-17-2007, 07:08 AM
hi all , i'm a new member, i will post some interesting pic. about ballbusting , hope you can enjoy it together!!!

08-25-2007, 07:42 AM
It was rather interesting to browse through this thread. Obviously, it's also a sensible thing for a new member to do, too! I help moderate a very different forum to this. I am constantly surprised by the number of lazy bugs who sign on then do fekk all for the rest of their lives. Personally, I feel that if you don't want to take part in the community, then why bother in the first place? Oh, they want the pictures. Yawn!

My main angle is creative writing. I've had some success with short stories, with several published in national magazines (mainly traditional-type "Women's" magazines). I'm trying to expand into other areas, partly because it's a good thing to do but also because I like writing SM stuff. It makes a nice change!

So I'll be hoping to post some work here once I have properly familiarized myself with the board.



Zara Ts
09-17-2007, 05:38 PM
Now that i know the rule i think it is a goog way to get people posting

09-22-2007, 10:39 AM
I can't find the option to post my pictures to forum. Help me!..
There is just URL attachement.

10-13-2007, 08:22 AM
Thanks for listing the how and why you are deleting members. Like other members, I travel a lot and lack a laptop with access. I am also reluectant to use a libarary for the stated reasons, but will try the cafe route.

10-21-2007, 09:31 PM
I just read the rules and regulation, yhanks for the info

10-24-2007, 05:52 PM
"The rules in this thread apply to you whether you read them or not"

jeje, that's nice

10-26-2007, 06:50 PM
I just read the rules and will try to find interesting topics to post with all my effort

10-28-2007, 07:40 AM
hey guys there was a thread about ballbusting world did u delete it ?

10-28-2007, 03:17 PM
thanks for the guide i totally get why all the pics i opened dont work now lol :):bananad:

11-08-2007, 08:18 AM
Thanks for the info, that makes total sense. With all the great stuff on this forum, it won't be too hard to reply or comment on the posts.

11-10-2007, 02:40 PM
Looks like one has to closely observe the date that a previous post was made to make a worthwhile/logical reply or comment on that post.

11-13-2007, 11:09 PM
I wish I had read this sooner. I love the forum!

11-20-2007, 02:39 AM
I must admit that the rules are fair and square.

12-04-2007, 10:33 PM
Well the rules are clear enough. Fortunately, I plan to be around and see what others know about this particular fetish.

12-15-2007, 05:09 PM
read & all clear

p***y cleaner
12-17-2007, 12:01 PM
everything read - everything settled

12-17-2007, 08:09 PM
Hi I'm new here and joined at my bf's suggestion to learn more about his interest/desire to have his balls roughly handled & controlled. I'll do my best to contribute tho I'm mostly here to learn. thx!

john smith
12-25-2007, 06:59 PM
I belive that that is a great idea that you should have all new users contribute, but also if they dont post they shouldnt even be able to see the thumbnails.

01-02-2008, 01:44 AM
Hi all,

:bananawin Happy new year to everyone here.:bananawin

Found this forum by accident during the las days of the old year, searching for "handdomination" files.

After reading your informations I have to state: carefully (http://dict.leo.org/ende?lp=ende&p=eek2E.&search=carefully) worded (http://dict.leo.org/ende?lp=ende&p=eek2E.&search=worded)in (http://dict.leo.org/ende?lp=ende&p=eek2E.&search=in) round (http://dict.leo.org/ende?lp=ende&p=eek2E.&search=round)terms and quite easily to follow (http://dict.leo.org/ende?lp=ende&p=eek2E.&search=terms)

After having access to the posts and attachment I will have a look for what to post from my large collection of femdom stuff stored at rs.

all the best


01-03-2008, 07:28 AM
I sent a message. Please disregard it.

01-06-2008, 04:08 AM

All signed-up members will be allowed a couple of months to get used to the Forums before they're expected to post. That should give you plenty of time to post something. After that, you will either post or your membership will be cancelled.

- Sara (Administrator and Moderator) :)


This all sounds pretty fair...but (there always has to be a but doesn't there), the various ways you can post and what results from these are not obvious to someone like me who has never participated in any online forums before. Perhaps you could include some simple instructions for us simpletons to make it easier for us to figure out how best to go about it (how about a post titled "Posting for Simpletons"?)

More specifically, when I click on the quick reply icon in a post nothing happens. It will only go to the reply page if I click on the quote icon. Is there something simple I'm missing, or some reason for the forums to behave in this way? The result is that in order to post I end up having to pad out a post with an unnecessary quote (although in this one I wanted the quote I included).

01-06-2008, 05:09 AM
:confused: I don't have this problem. Try another browser. You can always delete all the quote once you're in anyway :)

01-24-2008, 01:44 PM
Hopefully i won't offend the admins, but i think there needs to some rules for men
1 all males must have permission of their owners or doms
2 all males must be nude
3 all males must be locked up unless under direct female supervision.

01-24-2008, 03:39 PM
Yeah and I think you are a brainwashed idiot. Quit living in a fantasy and start living in reality.

01-31-2008, 06:14 PM
We are a genuine uk couple who enjoy femdom fun (pics to prove) but not sure how to start new message or how to post pics/vids etc

02-05-2008, 03:23 PM
I'm new to the forum here but I think enforcing this rule will encourage growth in the community.

02-10-2008, 05:01 AM
I belive that that is a great idea that you should have all new users contribute, but also if they dont post they shouldnt even be able to see the thumbnails.
yeah, but if someone doesn't see the thumbnails they won't have a motivation to register in order to view the larger pics.. ;)

02-11-2008, 09:12 AM
Thanks for all the information
all the best for the future.


-- All Members:

Please report first-time posters who post something TRIVIAL (like a single word, just a smiley, or something "silly" or off-topic) with the apparent intention of being promoted from "Registered User" to "Member", in order to view/download posted pics full-size.

They waste YOUR time by appearing as a "new post" that you think might be worth checking out, as well as cluttering the Forum with junk posts.

You can report them to me by clicking on the triangular yellow icon that says "Report Bad Post" (at the lower left of the offending post), and writing in the reporting box the exact reason why you're reporting the post. I'll deal with them and their "junk posts" VERY promptly.
The button I'm talking about looks like this: http://www.femaledom.com/forum/images/buttons/report.gif

-- I receive the message you type in the "Bad Post Reports", along with a link to the post, by email shortly after you send it to me. This enables me to take SWIFT action, even if I otherwise weren't planning to check new posts on the Forum for another day or two.

Report bad/junk posts to me and I'll personally 'virtually' ******** (castigate? :D ) the poster (by permanently banning them from the forums if necessary).

(I've already banned 10 members so far this week for posting such garbage.)

For lesser offences or violations I'll just delete the bad post and give the poster another chance.

I want to do what is best to maintain this Forum the way YOU want it to be -- with YOUR help and cooperation (please).


- Sara :)

02-12-2008, 11:46 PM
Thanks for that information!

02-19-2008, 06:17 AM
hello im new i love facesitting so this is a good site

03-04-2008, 06:48 AM
Thanks for all the information:thumbup

03-08-2008, 08:42 PM

My first post. I hope to see some pics and also upload some.


03-15-2008, 07:01 AM
hi guys testing the forum i will be sending some pictures soon i am currently sorting some images out with work and all during the week its nice to find a forum where people share the same ideas and fantasies


03-15-2008, 07:34 AM

testing image:bananajum

03-17-2008, 12:40 PM
Hello everybody my name is acasado and I live in spain, I found this forum and I decided to sign up for that I think my condition slave anger me well, I hope to find someone who shares my tastes me by flogging and humiliation
Until the next one cordial greetings.
Pd. Perdon by my writing because I do across a translator of google.

03-19-2008, 06:27 PM
At the edge of my fantasies lives my desire to be busted. Not for play but for real. Sadly this is a hard thing to accomplish in the real world. Yet I yearn for a woman to understand and acknowledge this need. I will gladly spread my legs for a hard kick to my balls. I would encourage with reassurances and love to her. In the real world you have to find the woman you love and make her understand the need. I post here because we are all looking for the same thing.

04-17-2008, 04:41 PM
read and understand :D

04-22-2008, 08:09 AM
Hello! First let me introduce myself to all girls and boys of this forum. I'm a real "wimp" from Europe. The reason why I choose this name is, that I'm a staunch masochist. I love all kinds of femdom, especially facesitting and cuckolding. Unfortunately my wife doesn't like my "paraphilia" and so I am ****** to find some appealing sites in the World Wide Web.:) Therefore I'm here! Like to hear from you fellows!:bananawin

04-23-2008, 04:28 PM
I've been looking for something like this for a while, finally found what I've been looking for.

Thanks :jumpsmile

04-24-2008, 01:02 AM
Hi you all.
I only found this forum 48 hours ago.
So far, from what I have seen,
This seems to be an active and fine working group of people
with a shared interrest.
Thank you Sara for letting me in.

06-03-2008, 10:33 PM
Hey guys, I'm relatively new to this forum and I'd like to contribute but I can't get my head around how to insert pictures...

The insert image button only accepts URL's of the pics, does this mean I can't post anything thats held on my PC?

06-03-2008, 10:35 PM
Hey guys, I'm relatively new to this forum and I'd like to contribute but I can't get my head around how to insert pictures...

The insert image button only accepts URL's of the pics, does this mean I can't post anything thats held on my PC?

Never mind... I just read that newbies can't post attachments until they become members.

06-04-2008, 11:00 AM
i keel down Goddesses Sara and Sharon

06-11-2008, 03:35 PM
I greet, here it my first registration I salute all madcaps - ballbusting.

06-20-2008, 03:13 PM
:) understood. thanks!

06-20-2008, 03:15 PM
I greetaaaaaaaaa

06-20-2008, 08:00 PM
I hate to burst the bubble. There is no administrator.

Maybe I'm just a forum atheist or something.

07-04-2008, 08:59 AM
ok :thumbup

07-05-2008, 02:25 PM
I just read the rules and regulation, yhanks for the info

09-14-2008, 07:10 PM
the rules are easy enough to comply with. great forum i am sure i will enjoy it here.

Will have to go through my CDs and find some nonmember area, non copyright stuff to post :bananad:

09-20-2008, 02:56 PM
For the most part I understand everything posted above. One point made early in this topic by Sara I wonder about however. And I quote:

"Also, your browser must allow cookies from this site.
Without cookies from this site, you'd be treated as a newbie as soon as you go to another page here after logging in. In that case, you wouldn't be able to see the pics full size or download them."

I clean my hard drive at regular intervals, including clearing out the cookies in the system. Does that mean I return to a newbie every time I do that? :confused:

09-20-2008, 04:58 PM
Oops! There's another item I intended to enquire about above, but forgot to. It's in reference to something Sharon said in reference to pictures posted on the site. And I quote:

Do NOT post pictures or links from paysites this include:
Any pay per view sites
Any membership sites
Any content that are copyrighted

When you say copyright material, I'm assuming those are pictures that have a place of origin printed on the edge of the picture. I have alot of pictures from copyrighted sites, but I also have alot of pictures from free sites that have no markings on them. However, in some cases I know that some of those pictures probably had markings at some point because I recognize the photographer's work (people like Suze Randall for instance). So how do you handle pictures with no markings? When in doubt, don't use them? This is a grey area for me only because I'll post unmarked pictures that I don't recall seeing on any copyrighted site, and then low and behold someone else on this site will recognize the pictures as being copyrighted and I'm suddenly in hot water. And since I'm in the habit of posting pictures on any site I'm a member of, I want to clarify this before I get in trouble. :confused:

09-29-2008, 12:23 AM
I am a newbie also. Hope to get a better feel as to how this site works, but its great to be in contact with like-minded people.:bananajum

10-06-2008, 10:54 AM
As a newbie myself I will ensure to adhear to all the rules...I don't want to incure the rath of one of the beautiful ladies...or do I?

10-12-2008, 08:36 AM
I am newbie. This is first posting.
I am not so good at English, but I want to expand the posting.

11-29-2008, 05:25 AM
Good day and hello to all. New here and just see what has been posted.

11-30-2008, 01:27 AM
Hello all. I like making fakes and captions. Is it ok if I post my imagefap profile? Its free so it should follow the rules.

12-06-2008, 11:43 PM
Hi all!
Its a little tricky to become a member and not just a registred user, but after reading the "important notices" i thing i got the hang of how to become a member.

Good rules to require the members to be active on the forum:thumbup

12-11-2008, 06:44 AM
i love that and this:letsplay

01-22-2009, 07:19 AM
Hello room!....any lady want test an italian male slave on webcam? I am switable for Public Exposure (on conference or chat room) CBT, STRAPON, CFNM Games etc....

02-03-2009, 04:20 AM
Hello all,

What a great site! I have been interested in all the different forums and I had no idea this site existed until yesterday.

My favorite is femdom fantasies revolve around face-sitting and ballbusting, so you can imagine my happiness at finding this site!

Thanks to all who put this place together.

02-14-2009, 05:56 AM
Hello all, I love ballbusting, any girl from Poland here?

Eric Menrhine
02-14-2009, 09:41 PM
Is there a point at which an attachment "expires"?
I noticed in one of the older forums that I was unable to view attachments, even though I could in one of the newer ones?


02-19-2009, 02:24 AM
Hello all. I like making fakes and captions. Is it ok if I post my imagefap profile? Its free so it should

02-27-2009, 09:02 AM
If there are long Balls by thretching, they can be milked off.:machine:

03-10-2009, 12:24 PM
I think this is a good concept that promotes a really active community O:

Very nice i would say anyways. :)

03-11-2009, 06:23 PM
Great forum, will be posting some pics real soon! :ibow4u:

03-27-2009, 12:44 PM
I think this is a good concept that promotes a really active community O:
This is noch only a good comcept. This is the best Concept i ever saw.
The most people don't write anything, and so you can see that they reading the roules. Once i was a Moderator in a Yahoo-Group. First came the active-Members, than the inactiva and last but not least the spammers.:soomad

04-18-2009, 03:43 AM
Hello friends, somebody here from germany? :)

04-18-2009, 03:49 AM
...the best frum ever... i will post my files and pictures also... :)

04-18-2009, 10:37 PM
You must have put some effort into finding them, because every one of your models looks like she could win a beauty contest. The thought of being kicked in the groin by a woman didn't hold much appeal until I saw how amazingly hot the women here look while they're doing it!

05-26-2009, 05:43 AM
http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/8971/115412311711.th.jpg (http://img35.imageshack.us/my.php?image=115412311711.jpg)

05-27-2009, 08:05 AM
I am a new member but it appears i cannot see the pics
what shoud l do

06-04-2009, 11:40 AM
Hi, I'm new here, is any woman here from mexico?

06-20-2009, 12:26 PM

06-25-2009, 07:02 PM
Dear Sara, im new member, brazilian from São Paulo, and my english is bad.
I read rules today for 2 times and sent e-mail for femaledom@hotmail.com.

I really don't understeand why my thread "Shoe Closet" was deleted.

URL in Thread "Google Blogspot" of Podolatria & Cia that belongs to me, all pictures are mine from my wife’s shoe closet. Particularly I love seeing used shoes and would like to share them with other members.

Whats wrong??? :confused: :confused: :confused:

Can you reactivate my Thread or permmit me go on?
Sorry for bad english.


07-04-2009, 03:33 PM
I'm Norma and hope to be a good acolyte, got plenty of ballbusting pics I would like to share many I manipulate just for the heck of it, s I won't mind squashing a few omletes for this group, I am a bit bipolar so people need to put up with me if I am going to be here long. ;)

This is an important notice that ALL members should read completely.

From time to time new posting rules, tips, advice, and so on will be posted here, so please check this thread occasionally and read any new posts.

The rules in this thread apply to you whether you read them or not.

Starting October 1st, 2004, the Administrators of the Femaledom.com Forums are enforcing a Rule that you agreed to when you signed up to become a member of the Forums.

The GOOD news is that everything on our Forums will still be completely FREE. :)

The Femaledom.com Rules on the sign-up page have always included this paragraph:
"If you choose to register then POST a message on our forum. DON'T register to only see attachments as we will delete registrations which are not active at all."

That's a Rule that Sharon and I (as Administrators) are now enforcing. Members who don't post anything will NOT be able to see the pic attachments enlarged or download the pics.

Any signed-up member who hasn't posted anything is now called a "Registered User".

A "Registered User" will NOT be able to click on attached images to see them full size. Neither will they be able to post pics. (That means that your first post can't include an attached pic.)

After posting on the Forums, a "Registered User" becomes a "Member". This promotion of status is automatic and will be effective within an hour after you post.

As a "Member", you WILL be able to click on any attached images to see them full size and to download them if you want to. A Member can also attach pics to their posts.

How to post pics is explained in the thread called "Ballbusting Pics - Attached - (not for text-only posts)" which is located at:
www.femaledom.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1844 (http://www.femaledom.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1844)

All you have to do to maintain your status as a "Member" is post on the Forums. That will keep your registration active.

However, if your only post is something trivial like a one-line comment or a smiley, your post will be deleted and you may be banned.

Off-topic posts and short posts with insignificant content (such as just posting "I agree" or "Nice pics!") are considered 'Trivial' and will also be subject to deletion. Instead of just posting "I agree", for example, take a few minutes to explain how or why. Explain and elaborate a bit, to make your post worth reading.

Express yourself. It's free, you're anonymous, and the Forums are for friendly discussions of anything related to the various fetishes that we're all interested in. So, please participate by posting when you feel like it.

After 1 post a "Registered User" is promoted to "Member".
After 20 posts a "Member" is promoted to "Junior Member".
After a certain higher number of posts a "Junior Member" is promoted to "Senior Member".
After 100 posts you become a "Supreme Member".
(And so on ... )

It almost goes without saying that spelling and grammar are NOT important. Many of our members have English as their second or third language. Don't let that stop you from posting.

ALSO, I'll be starting to ban and delete members who signed up a while ago and haven't posted anything. They are violating the Rules that they agreed to when they signed up, and their registrations WILL be deleted.

All signed-up members will be allowed a couple of months to get used to the Forums before they're expected to post. That should give you plenty of time to post something. After that, you will either post or your membership will be cancelled.

Starting soon, I plan to delete the registrations of 10 members each time I log on here, starting with the members who signed up a long time ago and STILL haven't posted anything.

Approximately 83% of all signed-up members have never posted anything! Those are the ones who we hope will decide to become active members.

In a separate thread, in the Forum "Ballbusting World" (where I'm the Moderator), I'll be posting the usernames of those members, as I delete their memberships. Hopefully, that will help remind others that they should be more active as members, instead of just being Lurkers.

I have no sympathy for members who don't keep their word, and who violate the Rules that they agreed to when they signed up. And I WILL delete and ban members who don't post!

If you have any questions or comments about this Notice, please post them in this Thread.

Thanks for your attention and cooperation in making these free Forums more interesting by encouraging all members to become active members.

- Sara (Administrator and Moderator) :)


07-09-2009, 11:22 AM
I'll put up with you, just promise you'll give me a good hard kick and stomp if we ever meet;) . Glad to see you here!:bananajum

07-23-2009, 10:42 PM
iam new here but it's great forum :)

07-25-2009, 11:54 AM
do we have to post here first or something b.c i tried posting on other threads as well as making my own and it didn't show up. if this shows up, consider it a test.

07-25-2009, 01:28 PM
Hi Iam new here and I want to have an opportunity to look at the attachments and to post stuff found on the net and to comment that its very incredible forum :bananajum:bananad:

08-24-2009, 01:16 PM
Thank you much for creating and running such a wonderful forum here. Never even new it existed despite searching for this type of content for years.

Keep up the good work!

09-11-2009, 09:04 AM
I fully agree to these rules!
Only posting, discussing and talking keeps a board alive.
It's a way of taking and giving. Someone gives pics, another gives usefull comments and so on and so on.

Well, big words and I hope I will fill them with action.

I'm looking forward to explore this fine forum!


09-30-2009, 04:11 PM
"do we have to post here first or something b.c i tried posting on other threads as well as making my own and it didn't show up. if this shows up, consider it a test."

I had the same problem and asked if new member posts had to be approved or something. I got done and a message flashed for a second saying my post will be visible once approved by the moderator. So that's why your first few posts may not show up right away. Now if only I could have learned this without feeling so damn stupid. Looks like I have to figure out the quote feature as well. http://femaledom.com/forum/../ubb/icons/icon7.gif

10-04-2009, 09:31 AM
hi, names Phil from the Arctic Circle just joining the forum. Looks great and happy to see some of my fave artists here like Knave and Poiu =D

10-21-2009, 06:33 PM
Hi, I am happy with everything here at this site; you cannot believe what a release it is to read all these great posts, about things I have only fantasized about ...the fact that folks are actually doing my fantasies, is beyond my dreams, thanks everybody...and, I am finding new fantasies; my penis and balls are in a state of titillation...

11-12-2009, 03:32 PM
Hi Sarah

I've finally, after much pleading and persuasion, convinced my mistress, Ebony, to join the forum. She's signed up under the name Razor Witch and tried to post for the first time about 24 hours ago. As yet though her post hasn't appeared and she is seriously pissed off - mostly at me - and is refusing to even look at the sight again. Please could you let me know what the problem might be - there's no way she'll 'lower herself' to contact you and ask - so I can maybe persuade her to come back?

Thanks very much


11-28-2009, 12:57 PM
this is a great website. i've been looking long and hard for something like this. seems to be very popular too. thanks for the great job.:thumbup :thumbup

12-06-2009, 03:14 AM
I think that your rules are fair and keeps your forums from being over run.i'm sure keeping up the forum is allot of work and money.
Best to you

12-16-2009, 07:21 PM
I like the rules basically, but it would be useful to get automatically sent a PM when your status changes. No problem with barring people who don't contribute.

01-07-2010, 03:25 AM
Hi! i am new to the forum.
I found this forum is very very interesting !! Can't wait to be a member !!!
Gezzz... this forum is sooo cool !!!!

01-16-2010, 09:21 AM
I just left his post above so others will know who & what you're talking about.
I usually just make all visible trace of them disappear.
- Sara :)
I sincerely hope you're going to be as ruthless as you say about deleting worthless posts like the one by Heinz57 a couple above this one. I am much less annoyed by the fact that the forum has 1000 non-posting members than by trying to weed my way through 1000-2000 worthless "yay-hello" and "nice pic" posts that people have put there simply to keep their membership current. I support your effort to have members contribute and non-contributors eradicated, I just hope it doesn't increase the "chaff" factor too much.

02-08-2010, 08:00 AM
This is nice forum

02-20-2010, 05:29 PM
Hello! Not sure if this is an appropriate place to post, but I'm new and I figured it's a good place to start? The rules here are pretty different from anywhere else I've been, but it's probably a good thing.

02-28-2010, 01:40 AM
Claudia from femaledom.com is a goddess! I could look at her pics all day! I hope she gets persueded to star in more videos.

03-16-2010, 05:48 PM
The rules are straightforward and I'm looking forward to learning more, having access to more resources, and expressing my BB side.

On a side note, why don't they have a nut-crunching smilie or a foot-to-nut smilie?

03-23-2010, 05:24 PM
Hello. My only question is: is Claudia still on the active roster? I haven't been able to see any recent activity. You could have a successful website dedicated to only Claudia!

04-19-2010, 11:40 PM
im new here looking forward to learning new ideas ans sharing info

05-05-2010, 03:56 AM
hey i am a dog in femdom

05-08-2010, 06:27 PM
the posting number is a great idea to weed out the leechers, im gonna love this forum, thanks!

05-10-2010, 09:06 PM
Its nice to find a community where everyone is accepting of each other. Nice knowing you're not alone on the ball-busting front. Here's to becoming a regular.

05-14-2010, 08:51 PM
I absolutely love everything about this site - its fantastic. Sometimes I just wish it didn't so long for things to be moderated and posted. But a lot does go on here - so then again I understand.

05-15-2010, 11:08 PM
Hi, I'm new here, I've read the forum's rules. This is a very interesting website. Keep up the good work, thanks...

05-25-2010, 02:04 AM
excellent forum but how to begin to send reports?

05-25-2010, 02:06 AM
excellent forum but how to begin to send reports?

05-29-2010, 02:59 PM
looks like lots of fun

06-10-2010, 04:34 PM
Hello,as a new member to this forum,my first forum,I would like to express my admiration & appreciation.HAVE JUST READ THE RULES,WHICH SOUND VERY FAIR & generous.I'm impressed with everyones contributions/discussions & hope to contribute soon(though my limited computer skills make this difficult):bananad:

06-29-2010, 11:01 PM
well, i am not new member but i have been a while there, i just never figure how to post. i hope this time will work.

small balls
06-30-2010, 12:18 AM
I need help, i need to cancel my subscription because i cant afford to spend money on things like this anymore but there is nothing on the site that shows you how to cancel it. Can someone please show me how to cancel it?

I want to try to remain a member of the forum in the proccess though.

07-20-2010, 07:45 PM
In my opinion, failure to post doesn't make a member completely valueless for the community. Everybody knows from his own experience across the WWW that HAVING AN AUDIENCE is value in itself sometimes ...

07-28-2010, 05:30 AM
may I just say I am glad to be aprt of the discussion (finally) . obviously this thread has been happening for along time. I'm ready to have some fun and most of all, find out how I may have my balls busted in a cfnm session by a beautiful woman.

08-05-2010, 01:16 AM
Hello everyone, very interested in this forum. Love me some BB. :D

09-03-2010, 02:57 AM
interesting policy for the better

09-06-2010, 07:27 PM
What if a member is a paying member of rest of the site? I was thinking of buying a membership to access the other content, but, the risk of losing my forum account for inactivity seems a bit harsh when I'm paying.

For free members, I don't see a problem with it. But, it is the reason that I've gone so long between registration and posting here, since I am not entirely certain I want to stay.

09-21-2010, 02:53 PM
Interesting rules, to say the least... Never saw a site that could actually prevent all the thank-you posts following such a ruling, but it seems to work here. Still, without being able to post pictures , I'm not entirely sure if it is easy to acutally contribute something in the first post. And I agree with imlost568s suggestion to give out warnings first (although that post is 6 years old). If they deactivate email notification and don't check the site, it's their fault. But if they just forgot about it or ignored the sticky because stickys aren't always as important as this one is, it might be fair to remind them first before banning them.

Just my thoughts though. And yes, it's kinda ironic that this is my first post...

10-04-2010, 08:20 PM
I have been reading the rules from the first few pages, reading all 13 takes too long. I understand the general idea of posting. I'll try to be active and post often. I might not be able to post every day since in my household are young children so they also use the internet for both games and homework, and also with work and learning another language (Serbian) will take up part of my time with the internet. By now I have already reread the rules two or three times. I'm excited to be part of this community

10-28-2010, 09:36 AM
Hello! Can someone help me? How do I delete my profile? I find no DeleteButton.

11-02-2010, 11:14 AM
Hello! Can someone help me? How do I delete my profile? I find no DeleteButton.

Yes! I have been trying for the past week to delete my profile and all the posts I've made. I've sent three emails to the site's email address, and one private message to Sharon. PLEASE delete this profile and anything I've ever done on it!

11-07-2010, 02:45 AM
Hi everyone, I am relatively new here, so I just wanted to greet you all and hope to share mutual ideas about bb, etc. with you,.....

11-16-2010, 11:34 AM
Couldn't see an introductory thread so I thought i'd check the rules first as pointed out in the registration message, all seems to make sense.

01-22-2011, 12:42 PM
Hi all,

I am new on this forum. I am into ballbusting self-defence.
Anybody else with this preference?


02-06-2011, 11:16 AM
nice forum and good informations thank you

03-01-2011, 10:32 PM
I have read and understand the rules, it definately seems like a very effective way to keep a forum running instead of having everyone slacking back not bothering to post anything.

03-09-2011, 04:31 PM
I'm excited to be part of this community

Fa1l3n Ang3l 7
04-04-2011, 08:01 PM
The rules here certainly make sense. I'll definitely try to regularly make decent posts. If any place is worth it, it's this one. :jumpsmile

04-25-2011, 05:34 PM
Well I have tried other sites and forums but this one seems like a really good one. Its active and risque. I hope to really get to know the people of the site and what not. So get to know me ! Should be a wild ride, I hope to enrich my fetish experience....but am not holding my breath on that lol.

05-09-2011, 05:07 PM
thanks for the info

09-05-2011, 12:25 AM
this all makes sense though i'm sure it will take a little while to get a feel for how this community operates. will endeavour to post appropriately (though being ****** to share often makes me less disclosive:)

06-15-2012, 11:21 AM
How could I post a story in a thread .
If the story contain childhood days of a MALE, Who is now ADULT MALE , do you allow it or delete it for child abuse

08-21-2012, 03:25 PM
Okay, so in my first post I thought I'd explain my interest in this topic. I guess it really began when I was quite young and my younger sister kicked me square in the balls. Years later I learned that our mother had put her up to it. I may have been playing a bit rough, and she apparently decided I needed to be taught a lesson. Lesson learnt!
But yeah, testicular pain is a fact of life that all men must reckon with at some point. Anyway, in my case the point was driven home rather forcefully when, as a young man of twentysomething, I had recently moved to Boston. Being a virgin (really), and very heterosexual, I had a deep fascination with the female form. I'm not proud of this, but I may as well come out and say it: I love vaginas, God help me, and I had developed a habit of staring at the vulvar cleft ("camel toe") of young women in tight jeans or, better yet, elegantly turned out in business suits. I suppose I was then a bit of an innocent abroad, but on this particular day in the spring of 1983 I was found myself on a standing-room-only subway carriage on the journey from Cambridge into town, with a woman in the latter category. A slim black woman she was, with sharp, angular features, professionally dressed in a dark suit with slacks just tight enough to delineate the contour of her beautiful, narrow, downward-tapering vagina. I swear that at no time did I touch her, inappropriately or otherwise, but I must admit that I could not stop staring. At length, she apparently decided that she had had enough, for as we eased onto the Charles River bridge she kicked me smartly in the groin, bringing her well-tailored knee up sharply between my legs and laying my left testicle against the pubic bone. "Manners," she hissed as the adjacent door swung open and she briskly exited onto the Charles St. platform.
It hurt. A LOT. I believe that I demonstrated exemplary self-effacement, although there was simply not room to double over. I got off at the next stop, retreated to a quiet corner and did my grimacing there. The pain became more or less bearable after an hour, but my problems weren't over, for I was left with a tangled mass in my scrotal sac which did not recede but grew over the next several months. Long story short it turned out to be cancerous. I survived to tell the tale, but I retain as a souvenir an enduring fascination with testicular pain. I will have more to say on this subject at a later date.

10-26-2012, 10:46 PM
I just signed up, and this is my 3rd post on my 1st day. Those people that do not post are not doing themselves any favors either. I think you need to share your deep, dark desires with someone else. It feels good to share my secret fantasies with someone else and to know that I am not the only one out there thinking this crazy stuff. We are only as sick as our secrets, and since I'm putting my secrets out there(there will be more to come) I feel like I am not as crazy as I once thought. Most people are too scared or embarrassed to tell their sexual fantasies. But I don't think anyone can post something that hasn't been thought about or done by someone else. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders since I shared that I too fantasize about being ********* by a beautiful woman. I recommend finding a real woman you can trust to share your fantasies with, and if she loves you, she will help you play out your fantasies. It can't happen though if you are not honest. Don't be scared, people, let's here your fantasies and real experiences. The truth with set you free and make you happier and able to love yourself.:thumbup

04-02-2013, 09:40 PM

I have posted a few messages and still can't read the responses to the messages when I search my posts. What am I not doing? The whole "not get without giving" thing probably isn't the issue, since I have given posts. What's the deal?

:iluvu: love this site. :D sorry 4 so many smiles. ;) :Baahaha: :loveeyes :jumpsmile

04-30-2013, 04:18 PM
I had difficulties to post but... well still having :(

05-13-2013, 11:28 PM

I have posted a few messages and still can't read the responses to the messages when I search my posts. What am I not doing? The whole "not get without giving" thing probably isn't the issue, since I have given posts. What's the deal?

:iluvu: love this site. :D sorry 4 so many smiles. ;) :Baahaha: :loveeyes :jumpsmile

I know what you mean. In fact I know this may not work but I'm gonna try anyway cause I do wanna be more involved with this forum. It's been a fetish for mine for a while now and this does seen like the best forum about ballbusting that I've seen. My issue is that since I've joined I haven't seen any of my posted messages appear. I could very well be doing something wrong but its happened everytime and says it is being reviewed I haven't tried much cause it keeps not working but ill keep trying.. How do I fix this?!? This is the one group/site/forum I actually wanna be a active member of :( :( !!

07-05-2013, 02:59 AM
I think this censorship thing is slowly really getting annoying. There are so many threads about casteration (misspelled against censorship) here. I really don't want to see those, but I can't not click on them if I don't know what it's about (because some pleasent words are also censored). So for me, this does the opposite of helping.

Gemini 67
07-14-2013, 09:54 PM
I just signed up, and this is my 3rd post on my 1st day. Those people that do not post are not doing themselves any favors either. I think you need to share your deep, dark desires with someone else. It feels good to share my secret fantasies with someone else and to know that I am not the only one out there thinking this crazy stuff. We are only as sick as our secrets, and since I'm putting my secrets out there(there will be more to come) I feel like I am not as crazy as I once thought. Most people are too scared or embarrassed to tell their sexual fantasies. But I don't think anyone can post something that hasn't been thought about or done by someone else. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders since I shared that I too fantasize about being ********* by a beautiful woman. I recommend finding a real woman you can trust to share your fantasies with, and if she loves you, she will help you play out your fantasies. It can't happen though if you are not honest. Don't be scared, people, let's here your fantasies and real experiences. The truth with set you free and make you happier and able to love yourself.:thumbup

I also used to think I was the only one with ********** fantasies. I have had an obsession for it most of my life. I started(of course) when I saw a bull calf get ********* with a knife. Then a girl I knew had a dog that was ********* and she told me she knew that I had a ********** fantasy. I always wanted her to cut me but she never responded.

08-11-2013, 06:17 PM

I have posted several messages (two or three), with links, real question, etc.. I don't think my messages was irrelevant, so it is probably a technical problem ?