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View Full Version : Sadistic Sara

10-04-2004, 09:02 PM
My Husband and I Enjoy All of your posts. You seem to have a very good time. As do I. We were wondering if you could share some of your favorite tings to do to a mans genitals and be descriptive. and what is your favorite outfit to wear during a scene?

10-05-2004, 03:09 AM
Hi, and welcome! :)

I see you just signed up yesterday, so I'll let you go through the previous posts before getting into more details.

I've written over 170 posts myself, and you probably haven't had time to go through all of them yet.

I'm not trying to get out of answering you directly. I just don't want to post too many duplicate posts about what I've previously posted.

After you get 'caught up' a bit, feel free to get back to me here in this Thread about anything that I haven't covered in previous posts, OK? :D

By the way, I'm not really into getting into costumes for ballbusting sessions. Just my regular clothes, and frequently topless. No special leather or vinyl 'dominatrix' or 'catwoman' costumes.
See you later, I hope! ;)

- Sara :)

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10-05-2004, 09:51 AM
That's completely understandable we will go through the other threads and then check back with you. and we do not use costumes either most of the time im either topless or nude or maybe in say high heels and a skirt or something, nothing too dressy. Anyway I thought i'd share a little about what we do. My husband is a stay at home father right now and I am working so when i leave for work i leave him a chore list. It is mostly of torture to do to himself.

10-05-2004, 10:55 PM
Yes, please share a little of what you do. :thumbup

What kinds of torture chores do you leave him to do? :jumpsmile

And how do you know he really does his 'chores' if you aren't there to check on him? :D

- Sara :)

10-06-2004, 09:37 AM
Of course I can tell he does them... I thought of this so I would be able to tell. I have him either take pics, or use our video camera. Some of his chores in the past have been to clean the whole living room on his knees while wearing one of my thongs, a leopard print silk bra and a garter belt with stockings. I also have him clean the bathroom on his hands and knees. Sometimes it's a simple chore as posting a humiliating message on a board and expressing how much he loves being my little slave. I prefer to do things to him rather than have him do them to himself. It is very sexy to watch him on tape, but sometimes only time permits for the tape and I cannot be there to do things to him. Most of the time I usually kick or bite or punch him. We do almost everything except anal. Unless he's been really bad, HE HATES ANAL. We don't do enemas or nothing. I play pierce him with diabetes testers. If you remove the safe covering they make a very long pointed needle easy for piercing and they are already sterile. I also enjoy using household items from say a local convenience store... tape, rope, dog chew toys. We have recentley discovered he likes being treated like a dog. So our last roleplay was doggy and his owner. I sat on the couch and he was wearing the bra and such i mentioned above. I would have him clean my feet, then i would take a pair of panties or socks and throw them and have him retrieve them.. Then I had him bend over in front of me while i kicked him and whipped him with our riding crop. The harder i kicked the harder he got, until i couldnt kick any harder from the sitting ont he couch position. Then I ordered him onto my leg where he humped until orgasm. He humped my leg and came while i tugged on his nipples. It was very fun!


Today will u give me 5 good ideas to use on my hubby with my feet and etc... I only want ball and cock torture but with my feet some of your fav. activities I can try?

10-06-2004, 06:24 PM
It sounds like you already have more imagination than I do about how to treat a slave!
I'll get back to you in this thread if I think of anything more.

In the meantime, maybe other members can comment on this?

- Sara :)