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View Full Version : Sara... a few questions for you...

10-14-2004, 02:44 PM
On the pictures thread, when I move the cursor onto the picture and try to get a larger, more visible version, a message pops up that says I'm not allowed and asks have I posted on the forum? I have posted messages but not pictures. Does the forum allow the pictures to be increased? Also can we see a larger version of your avatar? Seeing your lovely hand on that lucky guys' balls would be a treat. If you do not want to show your face in the picture, how about just your hands on the lucky fellows package? You would not have to admit that was actually your hands but we the members of the forum could read between the lines. Okay...now some questions about your technique. When you first start off with a new guy, what do you start doing to his balls? Obviously someone who is new would need some tender fondling and LIGHT squeezing to start off. Too rough early on will scare most people off rather quickly. Just start out GENTLY handling the package and GRADUALLY increase the squeezing and pressure. It really doesn't take too much to get a response, especially from a beginner. Do you sqeeze both balls at the same time and then switch to working on just one for awhile? Also do you put your hand on the guys scrotum between his body and balls and pull and stretch down? If you get a chance please see Thornapples videos at newart.com and see how his wife firmly but with a certain amount of tenderness stretches, pulls and tugs his nuts by starting at the top of the scrotum and moving her hand down to his balls. Her technique is THE textbook example of what I like for a woman to do with her mans' balls. Plus she has very beautiful, feminine hands, soft and tender, but firm, when working the balls. And having her beautiful, natural fingernails painted that red-pink color is a real visual turn on for us men. You ladies know how we are visually turned on. Perhaps you could just post a pic of your hands,maybe? If not could you PM a picture and I will delete it after looking at it for a while? Please tell us what your favorite ball working techniques are. Do you have any signature moves that you always like to do? Thanks.

11-04-2004, 06:20 PM
You should be able to click on attached pics to see them full size.

When you log in you should make sure that the "Remember Me?" box is checked.
Your browser also should have cookies enabled, or at least set to allow cookies from "femaledom.com/" and "www.femaledom.com/ (http://www.femaledom.com/)".
(Otherwise you'll be treated as a newbie as soon as you view another page after logging in.)

I'll think about posting more pics. ;)
I don't send pics by Private Message though.

Yes, you're right about adapting the severity of ballbusting to each guy by starting off gently and gradually building up.

Yes, I agree with your description of ballbusting techniques and I usually include those moves.
Then I add heavier massage of the balls, together & separately.
After that comes the knuckle punching of the balls held captive.

Signature moves? I like to give the guy a bit more than he thinks he wants. By surprise.
I also like to playfully threaten to do much more severe things to his testicles, just to 'terrorize' him while he's helpless.

- Sara :)