View Full Version : Should I let her?
10-20-2004, 10:10 PM
I had suggested to my regular ball buster that she tie me down and squeeze my balls until the tears run out of eyes. We agree that safewords are a waste of time, and we have kind of agreed on gagging me. Now she is taunting me, last time we got together she called me "Chicken Shit" over and over, and was pretty upset when I got scared and wouldn't let her squeeze me hard. She now insists I have to be gagged and tightly bound. It's always been a fanasty for me to have my nuts squeezed without mercy, no limits. Now that I have the chance, I'm kind of afraid. Has anyone been there, done that as far as no holds barred squeezing (using a woman's hand, not a tool)?
10-20-2004, 11:43 PM
She now insists I have to be gagged and tightly bound. It's always been a fanasty for me to have my nuts squeezed without mercy, no limits. Now that I have the chance, I'm kind of afraid. Has anyone been there, done that as far as no holds barred squeezing (using a woman's hand, not a tool)?
A. You should be afraid; they're your BALLS, for Chrissake, ifshe does anything bad to them, what are you going to do, buy another pair?
B. I had my testicles squeezed by a ballbuster. She caused me a lot of pain, but no injury; it hurt badly enough that I felt "cured" of wanting her to do that again anytime soon -- but, just as no permanent physical damage, no permanent psychological scarring, either. She's welcome to do it again, just... yanno, not every day.
C. You probably have a good deal of trust already with the ballbuster you know, right? Let me fill yah in on a secret: women LOVE to hurt testicles, but they don't want to do any damage. If she's sober and all that, she'll be enjoying making you suffer, but the possibility of what might happen to her if she breaks the toys you are sharing with her will worry her just enough that she will make a conscious effort to do you NO lasting harm.
D. If she's inebreficated... I mean inebeualted... I mean... dammit, I mean drunk (or wasted on something else), do NOT let her have any access to your nuts.
E. She's calling you Chicken Shit because she enjoys torturing you psychologically. She knows she has you, well, by the balls and that she's got a good grip on a very sensitive part of your brain. If she gets off on that, you can reasonably expect that she is going to make your testicles hurt a LOT, and she'll threaten to do much more, but the psych part is what is getting her off; breaking your private property would ruin her fun (and yours, of course).
F. Of course, bb is, technically, probably illegal, just as most SM is; if the cops show up, tell them that you were wrestling and got carried away or that the two of you were playing basketball and the game just got a little rough. the cops will know you are lying, but they'll accept any dumb excuse because they don't want to get involved with any freaks; cops really do prefer to go after crooks, not fetishists.
G. The fantasy/urge is going to keep bothering you until you try it; you can either get it over with, or... You can let her call you Chicken Shit for the rest of your life.
H. Don't let anybody judge you, whatever you decide. They are YOUR balls and what you decide to do with them is up to you; if you decide not to go any further into bb, that doesn't mean you are Chicken Shit, it means you are making a more rational and healthy decision than the rest of us. :)
As for Manuel Alphonse Rodriguez de la Rocha: hey, these huevos rancheros could use a good bust, but nohow does Manuel let anyone tie him up... except in cyberspace, and only if she is named Sadistic Sara. And a gag? Manuel no think so.
10-21-2004, 09:44 AM
Let her do it and film it so we can watch it. BTW, does she have a good grip?
10-21-2004, 11:36 AM
Hmmmm, tricky question. BB is alittle about fear, but you dont wanna overdo it either.
My wife has been gone more than two weeks now and I miss her so.
When she come home this weekend I plan to get her both drunk and mad/annoyed before let her BB me.
I have only done drunk BB once and mad BB once but never both together. Those two times were the best ever, she was so cool and hard on me.
I cant wait to do them both at once. She will "kill" me. Im so exited!!!
My heart does doubleflips just by thinking of her and her hands. They are so small and soft but still hurt so good. I love her! :iluvu:
10-21-2004, 09:13 PM
OK this girl is 5'9", has a very hard grip - very strong hands. She's not very gentle so she spoils the build up, which detracts from the whole experience. If she used more build up, she could do a lot more with me. She was genuinely angry last time when I backed out. The only time, she said, she would participate is if I let her have total control. It makes me hard just thinking about it.
10-21-2004, 10:06 PM
OK this girl is 5'9", has a very hard grip - very strong hands. She's not very gentle so she spoils the build up, which detracts from the whole experience. If she used more build up, she could do a lot more with me. She was genuinely angry last time when I backed out. The only time, she said, she would participate is if I let her have total control. It makes me hard just thinking about it.
Let her bust you, already. Damn, dude.
If she's angry that you won't let her do it and she handles you really roughly, she REALLY gets off on doing it.
You can pretty much count on having an experience that is no fun at all -- that's normal. When you recover from it in a day or so and think back to it, it will be a treasured memory. That's how rough busting is: no fun to go through, but amazing to remember.
The woman obviously knows about how much she can smack and squeeze your knackers before she is risking doing you injury. She likes to hurt male reproductive organs, and you have something for her to play with. Let her go crazy on you. You won't regret it. Actually, you will, but that's just temporary, it passes.
It's very, very common for guys to get kicked in the nuts in modern times; permanent physical injury is uncommon, especially when we're talking about controlled circumstances and not desparate self-defense-class moves. She's not going to be looking at you and thinking, "YEEK! Quick, try to break his sac like how they showed me in that class at the Y." -- she's going to be thinking, "Hee hee! He's entirely at my mercy! I'm going to hurt him and hurt him and oooooh is he never going to forget THIS!" If you are not risking physical damage, then all you are risking is getting what you want: a sound thrashing of your bollocks.
10-22-2004, 09:38 PM
I know. I know. Deep down, I know that only a real man would let a woman take his nuts to the limit. I want to do it, and it is clear that restraining me, gagging me, and going ape shit on my balls is the only way she can please me. It's not going to be for a while though. When it is happens, I will let you all know. Be brave my balls!
10-23-2004, 12:04 AM
(blah blah blah) It's not going to be for a while though.
Mr. Fog -- or may I call you Velvet? Great. Let me tell you about the first time I remember getting stuck with a needle.
I was scared to death; someone wanted to shove some sharp pointy thing in me and I wasn't havin' that. They were like, "This will sting for a minute..." and I was like, "I'm FOUR YEARS OLD! I'm not ready for some psycho to shove a damn pointy thing in my arm! Who gave you a license to practice medicine?!? You don't cure people by stabbing them with sharp objects, beeee-yatch!"
(Okay, obviously I was so panicked that I have no recollection of what I actually said but if it wasn't the exact text, above, the foregoing was what I meant to say.)
I learned a valuable lesson that day, which I now pass on to you: the way you get over the fear of having someone shove a sharp onject into your arm is to let someone shove. A. Sharp. Object. Into. Your. Arm.
You are not going to become less afraid at some point; by panicking and worrying, you are just going to make yourself more and more worried. You have a grand total of ONE decision to make here: am I gonnah let her go apeshit on my nutsack or not?
Let's not be confused -- you ARE going to hate the experience when it happens. She IS NOT going to cause you permanent physical injusry. AFTER it happens and a day or two passes, you will do one of two things: 1) you will swear off ballbusting forever; 2) you will return to it, if and when you feel like it, and the freaky experience will really get your motor stoked.
As for me and needles: I memorized THIS and said it every time I got a shot or blood drawn--->
Weary with toil, I haste me to my bed:
The dear repose for those with travel tired.
But then begins a journey in my head,
To work my mind, when body's work's expired.
For then my thoughts, far from where I abide
Intend a zealous pilgrimage to thee,
To keep my drooping eyelids wide
And look on darkness like the blind do see.
Save, to my soul's imaginary sight
Presents thy picture to my sightless view,
Which, like a jewel hung in ghastly night
Makes black night beauty and her old face new.
Lo, thus by day my limbs; by night my mind,
For thee and for myself, no quiet find.
Shakespeare wrote that. He's a player, he was, he knows chicks like poetry, and he was out to get laid, ya heard? B'lee dat.
Now the point is that memorizing a poem and reiterating it every time I saw a needle was damn silly behaviour for a grown man (I didn't stay 4 forever, counter to my plans). So, one day, I shut my mouth and didn't gleek the words, I watched the needle going into my arm, I watched the blood going out into a little capsule, and I am, at last, a REAL MAN and I don't have to act like a big sissy around needles.
Ballbusting is not the same as getting stuck with a needle; ballbusting hurts. (Needles sting for a moment, which is waaaaay different. For one hing, the fetish cult for looking for a phlebotomist to stick you over and over and over is an even smaller fetish group than bb - if it even exists.) However, the principle is the same: all those years I was chanting out those dumb lines, I was working myself into a huge amount of paranoia. If you are going to do it, face the fear down and do it.
11-04-2004, 07:46 PM
It's a matter of trust.
If you'd trust her with material things like your car, your credit cards and full access to your bank accounts, then you might trust her with something irreplaceable like your testicles.
Just like guys, most women just want to have fun. Only a very few are dangerously insane. :D
Have fun!
- Sara :)
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