View Full Version : How to get kicked
11-09-2004, 10:06 AM
I've started this thread to collect some ideas how a man can get kicked.
Today, I asked a friend if she had ever kicked a guy in the nuts. She didn't yet. I told her, that I'm wondering how it feels to get busted. I asked her to show me the feeling. She then explained, that she would understand my interests, but that she wouldn't do it, because she associates ballbusting with getting violated.
How do you try getting kicked in the nuts? Give us some ideas and stories!
11-09-2004, 10:13 PM
I had an idea yesterday about how to get busted. I'm not going to try it myself because I've got a girlfriend (and, as an aside, I'll soon be posting a link to a web site with her busting my balls) and I think she'd be upset if I were going around trying to get busted by strangers. So, hopefully someone will give it a try and let me know how it works.
What you need:
one person to be busted. Obvious a guy.
one person to help out. Could be a guy or a girl.
one video camera.
What you do:
The helper carries the video camera. The helper approaches a girl and says "Hey, my friend here lost a bet and he has to get kicked in the balls by 20 girls and get evidence of it. So far we're up to 7. Would you be willing to help him out?" If she says yes, the there you go. If she says no, choose another girl and try again. And that's basically it.
If you should meet a girl who seems enthusiastic and wants to do more, but you don't want to tell her it was a fraud, then you could try something like negotiating with her. "I'll let you kick me again if you'll show me your breasts".
So anyway, I can't think of any reason why it wouldn't work. Please let me know if anyone tries it out.
11-10-2004, 02:02 AM
One thing that can help, and never hurts, is to get to know a large number of women. You can find out about things like, yanno, how they think by doing a lot of listening. If you meet a large number of women, it is very likely that you will eventually come across one who either brags about having racked a guy just recently or who saw a friend do it and thought it was cool.
Zero in on the ones who recently racked a guy or seem to like seeing guys getting racked. (I was watching a Hong Kong flick and Jackie Chan kicks some guy in the balls during a fight and this chick I was with cheered - and I says to myself, "Got one!!! THANK YOU, God!")
Women who are into ballbusting are often more shy about talking about it than men are -- and men tend to be pretty shy on the subject. Once you have met a large number of women and once you have figured out which ones seem to be into busting, hang out with the busters. If they ever bring up the topic of having racked a guy (or cheer in a movie when a guy gets hit in the 'nads), the way is open to start sharing ball-kicking stories. Let nature follow its course. :D
Another thing is to court many female friends (as friends, not as sex toys, which, other than ballbusting, is the only known use for women). With friends -- you can argue sometimes. If you are like me, you have many a Neanderthal opinion that is guaranteed to start fights. My recommendation is to work in becomming friends with feminists -- and the more FemiNazi, the better! Argue with them about something related to men and women and innate characteristics, and let your opinion slip that women are whores.
Also, meeting women is often done at parties and bars and such -- this is a great venue in itself for getting a knee between your legs if you are enough of a jerk. They are also great venues for making friends with females, because most of the chicks will be sick of guys hitting on them for sex -- since you are not looking for sex, you can work on making friends, to later be transformed (one hopes) into a nut-kicking bitch of a friend.
The worst thing that could happen is that you might accidntally just make a friend. Gee, that would suck, right? ;)
If all else fails, these ingredients generally do the trick:
A female, preferably one not quite right in the head
Liquor or some other intoxicant
A repetoire of smart-ass comments
11-11-2004, 03:19 PM
Very nive ideas!
I for myself prefer getting kicked by a girl who likes me - not the opposite. To jerk around in public sounds a bit dangerous for me. And I definitly don't have the guts to go around with a friend and camera. But I agree too, these tactics would work.
I think I'll go to get some courage to ask my friend again. The answer will probably be the same, but then I'll ask her if she agrees to have a talk about this topic from time to time. (E.g ask her if she knows a girl who likes ballbusting) Maybe I can convince her that way sooner or later...
And then the whole thing again with other girls....
11-12-2004, 11:51 PM
I think I'll go to get some courage to ask my friend again. The answer will probably be the same, but then I'll ask her if she agrees to have a talk about this topic from time to time. (E.g ask her if she knows a girl who likes ballbusting) Maybe I can convince her that way sooner or later...
And then the whole thing again with other girls....
Yanno, I'd really suggest asking ANOTHER girl first. I mean this one said no, right? Try again with someone else, and come back to this one later.
I know what you mean about wanting to get kicked in the nuts by a girl who likes you; I prefer that, too. I also like random violence, so I come up with all kinds of bad ideas and suggestions. Here's one that is less horrible than my usual ideas:
WHEN you come back to asking the girl you mentioned, talk to her about fear. She's afraid of vall-kicing because she associates it with ****; tell her you are afraid of getting kicked in the balls. Fears have to be confronted to be dealt with. The two of you can fight your ears together. Remind her that you trust her and she trusts you.
11-15-2004, 09:23 AM
Alright, I'll try with another one first. It's even better that way 'cause I can collect some experiences.....
I'll post the results. BTW, I like your last suggestion, Trouble.
11-15-2004, 10:26 PM
I'll post the results. BTW, I like your last suggestion, Trouble.
The one about 'fighting your ears together'? Yeah, that was a classic typo. Ha! ;)
11-17-2004, 10:34 PM
How old are you Bombadil?
12-05-2004, 11:19 AM
I think the #1 reason a girl kicks a guy in the balls is for him touching her in an inappropriate manner in clubs. This is of course a personal study that is completely unscientific in everyway. I always assumed it was because the guys are jerks but maybe all they are looking for is to be kicked in the balls. So perhaps the universal sign of please kick my balls is a hand on my breast or ass. What a bunch of sweethearts they are.
12-07-2004, 06:54 PM
I think the #1 reason a girl kicks a guy in the balls is for him touching her in an inappropriate manner in clubs. This is of course a personal study that is completely unscientific in everyway. I always assumed it was because the guys are jerks but maybe all they are looking for is to be kicked in the balls. So perhaps the universal sign of please kick my balls is a hand on my breast or ass. What a bunch of sweethearts they are.
FINALLY! An expert! Listen to the woman, me lads, she is speaking from the other end of the spectrum. Let's combine her advice with mine and see what we get:
1) Go to club. Crowded one probably works best.
2) Pick woman who is intoxicated, loud, not right in the head. (Make sure she is not with her boyfriend; he'll kick your ass when we get to step 3.)
3) Put hand on boob. If she hesitates, tell her her plastic surgeon sucks.
Okay, if THAT doesn't work, something is SEARIOUSLY wrong with reality. Try adjusting your TV set and try again.
12-07-2004, 08:15 PM
I really don't like feeling like slime though. I'd rather play fight with a girl I'm familiar with than molest her to get a kick.
12-07-2004, 10:10 PM
I really don't like feeling like slime though. I'd rather play fight with a girl I'm familiar with than molest her to get a kick.
No problem!
1) Got to the same club as evilgrl, on a day her boyfriend isn't there.
2) Molest Evilgrl OR invite her to a playfight (in the club or out in the parking lot; take yer pick).
3) [Words cannot describe this part; you'll know when it happens.]
4) Wait a loooooong time. Hey, eventually you'll get over it. Trust me.
12-09-2004, 01:11 PM
Ya know, in hindsite, I'm not sure getting caught chatting and surfing femdom type sites on the net is the best way for your g/f to find out you're into having your balls busted.
It probably would have been smarter to share it with her and let her know that I was trusting her with a glipse into my sexual soul.
Funny sometimes how a guy who wants his balls busted can be so "ball-less"
12-09-2004, 01:18 PM
thats a really good idea...too bad for me, i dont have a g/f right now. I want my ex back but i dumped her and now i regret it... :(
12-09-2004, 01:21 PM
I suppose helping you out with your sexual fantasy isn't EVERYTHING in a relationship. I bet if you have an experienced g/f who busts your balls it is REALLY difficult to replace THAT part of her when you move on to your next g/f!
12-09-2004, 01:24 PM
not if you do that same exact thing, let her catch you looking at these sites. she might be mad for looking at other girls but she might make it more painfull then.
12-09-2004, 10:21 PM
This isn't directly about "how to get kicked".
But it's a way to introduce your partner to ballbusting in general, without risking being regarded as "weird".
In that classic book called "Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex -- But Were Afraid To Ask", it says that most men are very favorably stimulated by having the woman squeeze his balls when he's near orgasm. That famous sex guide-book only cautions that overdoing it by squeezing too hard will stop things cold.
For guys, it might be a good idea to get a copy of that book, underline, highlight, circle, or mark that paragraph, and show it to their partner.
Maybe even give her a copy to read at her leisure in privacy, because that book really is educational.
It's a respectable, mainstream, educational book that gives tips for both genders, not some "sleazy" fetish book for "weirdos". It's not something that book stores keep hidden "under the counter". It's respectable and written by a doctor.
It shows your partner that it's normal, and that it's something worth trying.
From there, you can gradually get your partner to increase the intensity, over a period of days, weeks or months.
After this kind of introduction to testicle stimulation, you can get into variations like kicking, hitting, or whatever it is that turns you on most.
Knowing that it's "normal" makes it acceptable to experiment with.
In the past, I've sometimes showed that part of that book to boyfriends, and asked them if they'd like to give it a try. Most agree, since the doctor who wrote the book says that most men find it pleasurable.
It's just a matter of time and experimenting to find out how far they want it taken.
I was surprised when I first read that, about 10 years ago (I was about 16).
But it's a fact.
Most guys do like it ! (At least to a certain intensity.)
From that to more severe treatment of the testicles ("ballbusting") is only a matter of degree. With some experimentation, over time you can get your partner into styles of ballbusting that you'll both enjoy.
Just be openly communicative and tell each other what you like, what you don't like, and what might be fun to try next time.
Guys? Just don't carry the book around to show to girls at nightclubs and parties, OK? Hee, hee! :D
About the book:
"Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex but Were Afraid to Ask"
by David R. Reuben, M.D.
(It has nothing to do with the Woody Allen movie with the same name.)
It has sold over 30 million copies since it first came out about 30 years ago.
The version available now in stores has been updated and changed a lot, but I assume and hope that it still includes the advice on squeezing balls. (But I'm not sure.)
If you want to look for it, here's the information:
Hardcover: 368 pages
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers; All new ed., (January 1, 1999)
The most recent softcover version is:ISBN: 0553231677
Publisher: Bantam Books; Reissue edition (June 1, 1982)
At places like you can get either version, new or used, as well as previous editions all the way back to 1969, at cheap prices, with international shipping available.
If you're lucky, your local library might even have an older copy available. ;)
- Sara :)
12-09-2004, 11:35 PM
Ya know, in hindsite, I'm not sure getting caught chatting and surfing femdom type sites on the net is the best way for your g/f to find out you're into having your balls busted.
It probably would have been smarter to share it with her and let her know that I was trusting her with a glipse into my sexual soul.
Funny sometimes how a guy who wants his balls busted can be so "ball-less"
How to get busted by your girlfriend:
Just ask. Tell her what you like, explain as best you can why you want it, and, if necessary, negotiate and accept any fall-back position you can get (example: she should agree to hold them, at least -- maybe spend a few weeks or however long it takes just encouraging her to grab and hold your balls when you are alone, and work your way up from there).
I have never had a sex partner turn me down when I ask to get kicked in the nuts. That isprobably partly because, with some women, I says to myself: "Self, this one isn't going to do it. Don't bother to ask." Maybe I cheated myself out of a bust on those occasions; maybe I was right and I avoided some embarrassment for us both. ("You want to to do WHAT!?!"). But, let's take a close look at my success ratio in the times when i asked:
As a general rule, chicks LOVE kicking guys in the balls. Why? Well, so far as I can figure it, it's 'cuz they're a bunch of sickos -- just like men! Unlike men, of course, they lack upper body strength, and lack the peculiar vulberability of having two hyper-sensitive internal organs hanging outside of the abdominal wall.
The ones I consider ";ess sicko" usually give me a really queer look and ask something like, "uhhhh... doesn't that... you know... hurt?"
It's an awkward conversation, but this is my advice:
HAVE SOME BALLS, DAMNIT! If you want to get a knee between the legs, ask. If you want to get kicked but not really really hard, ask her about times she's kicked guys before, and choose a reaction that she once got from one guy and say, "That! About that hard! Can you do that, honey?"
The worst thing that ever happened to me, technically, is I ran into a chick who is really into twisting before squeezing. As you may have noticed with that new packaging on cigarettes, the surgeon general warns that twisting combined with squeezing can be hazardous to your health. The worst tihing that happened, from my perspective, was the time I asked a woman and she agreed and then asked me to beat her up.
I'm not a sado-masochist or sadist; I'm a masochist. Obliging her was, in my opinion, my duty, but I didn't like doing it at all.If you find yourself in tis position nd you, like me, will gladly accept being hit but don't want to hit someone else, do what I didn't think of doing: hit her in the breasts until she decides she doesn't want to get beat up. (And a tit twister is probably safer than a ball twister.)
12-19-2004, 11:11 PM
I'm actually very close to Chicago too!
No problem!
1) Got to the same club as evilgrl, on a day her boyfriend isn't there.
2) Molest Evilgrl OR invite her to a playfight (in the club or out in the parking lot; take yer pick).
3) [Words cannot describe this part; you'll know when it happens.]
4) Wait a loooooong time. Hey, eventually you'll get over it. Trust me.
mr. Marsha
07-29-2005, 11:07 PM
Why do you want to get kicked.? OUCH
07-30-2005, 12:36 AM
Why do you want to get kicked.? OUCHYou DID notice what forum you had wandered into- right? Or did you think this forum was full of bust-ers rather than bust-ees? There are a few here but very few. And they don't ask why- they know.
07-30-2005, 07:38 AM
Why do you want to get kicked.? OUCH
Well, no pain, no gain, as they say.
Seriously, it's not always easy to explain a fetish to someone who doesn't share it. The only thing I can say is that to most of us here, being kicked in the balls (or watching others get kicked in their balls) just somehow feels right.
David B.
08-11-2005, 06:24 PM
it is really easy to get your nuuts crushed by a female just about every women in the world loves to see a man curled up holding his jewels on the floor in front of them. the wasy that i have gooten i women to kick me are i will be talking about doing something to them and mention but you would probably just kick me in the balls just put the thought into her head and keep your nuts easy to hit, annoy her a little but not enough to make her want to leave you alone all the way, play the game call mercy with her the game where you are standing in front of her you two lock hands and try to bend each others fingers of course you will win but when she says mercey keep bending not enough to break but enough to annoy and she will see your balls just hanging there waithing on a foot or knee i am been struck many times doing that women love to crush nuts it gives them power and makes you weak so any chance they get they take it just give it to them
08-11-2005, 09:31 PM
I've spent my share of time in all sorts of bars and have never seen a woman attack a guys nuts. Many years ago in college I got into an argument with a really drunk girl. We were face to face and she never lifted a knee. She almost dumped a full glass of beer on me before her friend took it away though. At the time I hadn't yet discovered my fetish with bb. Maybe if I had I would have egged her on. But then again it would've been embarrasing to live that down in a small New England college.
08-11-2005, 10:25 PM
Some of the best ballbusting / cbt I've ever had, has come while I was traveling, and called a massage service. While getting a massage that would normally lead to a hand job, I calmly discuss my fetish with the young lady. About half the time, her curiosity leads her to accept my invitation for her to explore my limits - and I end up with really sore balls. And I sleep really well.
08-12-2005, 02:40 AM
I calmly discuss my fetish with the young lady. About half the time, her curiosity leads her to accept my invitation for her to explore my limits - and I end up with really sore balls.
I think this calm discussion aspect is the key. If you just come out and say 'I want to be kicked in the balls', it's easy to freak out a woman as she doesn't understand why. But if you can explain why you like getting your balls punished, if it is to do with testing your limits, etc, she is more likely to be able to participate as she has a logical way to view your fetish and a way of understanding what you get out of it.
David B.
08-14-2005, 05:45 PM
i do a lot of martial arts and have got plenty of busts from girls i know by talking about self-defence. grab their wrists (lightly) and say 'what would you do now?' some of them have even asked for 1-2-1 sessions. they are great because i only use a soft elbow guard as a groin guard, and i say my reaction is to make it seem realistic.
08-20-2005, 09:22 PM
I found that by kneeing my old gf in her box i could provoke some nice bb. She loved when i busted her cunt and also loved to give my sac a good slap or squeeze. Keep in mind however she would always try to "cup check" guys when she got drunk at bars. I def luved the oral after gettin busted and i probably wouldnt have it any other way (ie no bj to finish me off, no bb.) i think kneeing a girl in her clit is a great way to get her to retaliate.
How about this is guaranteed to get a girl to knee or kick you in the balls every time. I have tried it over 100 times and it never ever fails.
The premis is I say that i am taking a survey for the local school commission, and that the school board is thinking of giving self defense courses for free to college and senior high school girls. But in order to qualify interest levels and have the courses for free we are obliged to take a survey to gage the interest level....I go on to ask a few questions about self defense in general eg: what in your opinion is the best way to defend yourself form the front ,back etc.... Have you ever seen a girl defend herself in TV or real life?. Finally I get to the question .' Were you ever curious as to how you think you would be able to defend yourself from a frontal attack? most of the girls say YES,that they are curious and would love to find out.
I then explain that to conclude the survey,there is a contest that we have tried with over 50 college students whereby a guy who is wearing a bit of protection tries to get them down on the ground from the front and that they have 30 secounds to defend themselves......and that they are aloud to do whatever they want physically to defend themselves including kicking the guy in the balls. Once the girl realises that is is part of the survey and that she is aloud to kick or knee the guy,they all want to try it very much. It never ever fails. Often to futher intice them I would say that out of 50 girls that tried over 40 were able to defend themselves by either kneeing or kicking the attacker
I could let you know some of my experiences if you wish
Generally,the girl seems a bit reluctant to 'hurt me ' at first, but after some coaxing or by telling her trhat her friend really let me have it the other day.....she looses her inhabitions and knees me in the balls quite hard.
I even had this one lass who asked me to provoke her by tring to grab her ass.. I gladly obliged and she tried to knee me but got my inner thigh instead
Any stories or ideas out there&
02-03-2006, 11:04 AM
I Have Always Found The Best Way Is To Go With The Self Defense Approach. For Many Women It's The First Time They Have A Chance To Kick To The Groin, Some Get Turned Off But Many Really Like It And I Encourage Them To Continue. It's Worth The Trouble Because Once In Awhile You Really Hit Paydirt And Find A Girl Who Gets Turned On By It And Can't Wait To Bust Me In The Balls! The Best Is When They Giggle And Laugh At Your Reaction To Being Kicked, And Then Keep On Snapping That Foot Between Your Legs! Also, Don't Always Look For The Best Looking Girls. I Have Found Many Plain Janes Who Have Really Taken To Kicking, I'm Sure They Are Enjoying The Chance To Get Back At Men. If You Can Find A Woman Who Is Into The Martial Arts, Offer To Let Her Practice On You. Some Dont Want Anything To Do With That But Others Will Try It And The More They Beat You Up The More They Enjoy It! My Greatest Pleasure Is Still Getting Kicked In The Balls By A Woman In A Karate Gi!
Agreed, self defense is the best way to proceed.
What are some of the ideas or scenarios that you have used in the self defense concept to get a girl to kick or knee you?
11-02-2006, 09:19 AM
Another thing is to court many female friends (as friends, not as sex toys, which, other than ballbusting, is the only known use for women). With friends -- you can argue sometimes. If you are like me, you have many a Neanderthal opinion that is guaranteed to start fights. My recommendation is to work in becomming friends with feminists -- and the more FemiNazi, the better! Argue with them about something related to men and women and innate characteristics, and let your opinion slip that women are whores.
The best place to look for agitated FemiNazis, I found, are the places where feminists feel that agrression in called for. realy speeds up the whole process...:jumpsmile
just go up to them and give them the old "yeah...but you know all women are hores!" Wham!
Take a short look at this video.... (no kick if you were hoping)
11-03-2006, 06:14 PM
before i met my wife who kicks my balls regulary i got them kicked almost by every girlfriend i had,when i felt a girl was going to lash out i would have my legs open with balls unprotected i found that they would go for the balls as an easy target then as i was so willing to accept a ball kicking i would be kicked in heated moments as matter of course,
In times between gfriends when in need of a kicking i would walk local red light area where i would ask for a ball kicking they were happy to for just a few pounds,best was a two girl kicking up a alley way on my knees they kicked and kicked untill i orgasmed.
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