View Full Version : Profile Development
11-21-2004, 11:18 AM
For many years now I have tried to profile women ballbusters. For the most part I always thought that the bitchy or aggressive type were the ones who would kick guys in the balls without question. Its only been until recently have I discovered (and I could be wrong again) that the quieter, even nicer ones are seemingly more willing to kick guys in the balls. I realize that there are some very liberal feminist types who kick also but I think they would like to "********" as well. I don't count them because just hurting mens balls isn't their ultimate goal, removing them (balls) permanently would be. Can you guys and gals come up with some characteristics or traits you have noticed on gals who truely like to kick and those who will willingly kick or bust a mans balls?
11-22-2004, 06:55 PM
Come on people, help me out here. Pleeeeese!
11-23-2004, 01:41 AM
Let Manuel Alphonse Rodriguez de la Rocha start by saying, "Dude, I have no clue."
BUT! Since we are just talking about guesswork here, Manuel can venture some guesses...
* Women who are very confident
* Women who have been in plenty of bad relationships
* Women who work in professions one is trained to think of as a job for a Real Man (like Manuel): cop, businesswoman, comedian, medical student who used to ******** farm animals...
* Women who have, or have had, some position of authority over men (former prison guard at Abu Ghraib, for example)
* Women who have rained in self-defense or martial arts ("Really? You like that? Hey, there's this double-fist punch I'm supposed to be practicing, hold still...")
But, most of all...
* Crazy women
11-27-2004, 11:55 AM
What about shy or quite women?
11-27-2004, 10:23 PM
What about shy or quite women?
Why you have to bust Manuel's balls, Manuel has no idea.
But, yes, shy/quiet types sometimes have (and sometimes don't have) that firey spark in 'em.
I thought of another typical quality:
* Women who are small
Now these ones I understnd a bit: women, in general, see guys as kinda threatening because we are as a group, such a beefy, hunky group of stud meat. However: to women who are more diminutive in size than the average, we probably look even more intimidating, being that we would each be, relatively, even MORE a huge pile of masculinity.
I mentioned a girlfriend of a friend a long time ago in a thread far, far away, who said she kicked about 200 guys in the 3rd grade. Is it absolutely a lie? No doubt. I think she was testing to see if she could get a very firm grip on my mental/metaphorical manhood [she did] - she was dating a friend of mine, so I couldn't call her a liar and hassle her until she kicked me. The bitch.
Anyhoo: she told me about how she liked balls because she thought of them as the "great equalizer" between the sexes; she was small (shorter than average for a woman) and didn't have upper-body strength, yeah, yeah, yeah. If you haven't heard it all before, you are lucky. So: she thought it was great that men had a really vulnerable spot that she could kick to equalize the odds.
When her boyfriend was not around, groin-kicking was one of her favourite topics. I suspect she was busting him and was curious if other men were also into getting busted. I got no proof, I'm just suspecting...
When in doubt, go with the three i's: inebriation, insanity, and... and if she's inebriated and insane, she won't remember what the third 'i' is. Neither do I.
11-28-2004, 12:59 PM
I agree, smaller women are usually more eager to kick than amazons. I'm am still amazed though at how wrong I have been about gals who like to kick balls. So now to turn the tables and start looking towards the smaller, quite gals who would seem affended by the very question. FYI, I just ask a gal who is an adrenaline junky, kind of on the wild side if she would and she said no way, only if she was being attacked.
11-28-2004, 02:07 PM
So clue me in Magnum,
This lady who just said "no way"- is she a good friend, a casual acquaintance, somebody you met very recently, or pretty much a complete stranger? Were you asking like "would you ever?" or more directly "would you ever want to kick me?"
Did you offer her any incentive?
Maybe you can make up an "I Busted Magnum!" t-shirt with a nice embroidered logo and a $20 bill poking out of the pocket. A little incentive overcomes a lot of inhibition and lets the curiosity flow (I've found.) :thumbup
12-01-2004, 09:29 PM
I think what you are trying to do is impossible. You can't profile a ball kicker. I think the range is too wide. I think every girl has a different reason for enjoying to kick. For that reason I think there are many different profiles. Somes girls just find it funny and like to see it but never do it. Some girls get a sexual thrill. Others may enjoy the power, and still yet for other it's a combination of many things. One thing I do beleive is that ball kicking is much more accepted in the younger generation. This is perhaps it's now shown more widely on TV and such.
12-02-2004, 12:20 AM
I think what you are trying to do is impossible. You can't profile a ball kicker. I think the range is too wide. I think every girl has a different reason for enjoying to kick. For that reason I think there are many different profiles. Somes girls just find it funny and like to see it but never do it. Some girls get a sexual thrill. Others may enjoy the power, and still yet for other it's a combination of many things. One thing I do beleive is that ball kicking is much more accepted in the younger generation. This is perhaps it's now shown more widely on TV and such.
If kicking guys in the nuts is any more popular now than it was in the school in which I was initiated (for lack of a better term), we'll be seeing a LOT of sterile men graduating...
Have you seen the NeedACup listing of movies in which a guy gets racked? Being a pervert and having nothing better to do than indulge myself in a) being a sicko, and b) study the behaviour of my fellow sickos, I printed out the thing, edited it a bit, and counted up the number of busts per year. The climb is a staggeringly sharp one, more than doubling every decade. Granted, movies and TV are pretend busts, but the message is getting through, especially to younger people, to target boys'/men's reproductive organs and kick HARD! For cause if you must, or for no reason if you feel like it.
Going through vrious message boards, have seen a lot of references to whacking guys below the belt; most women seem to think it is a great idea. Then some stick-in-the-mud comes along and says something like: "D@nG3r G1rl, don't you know how much that HURTS? How would you like it if someone kicked you in the cunt so hard that blah blah blah."
I observe the changing times with a mixture of fascination and fear.
The fascination part: chicks LOVE to kick me in the testicles! Well, except for the prudes, but they're no fun, anyway.
The fear part: I've heard a lot of women (in real life and on the internet) talk about going up and kicking a guy in the nads for no reason -- and they never seem to get in any, you know, trouble. So, basically, not ONLY do guys have bodies where two of their internal organs "descend" and hang loose where they are easy prey, but girls and women are finding out that they can WHAMMO the suckers and nothing will happen to them.
And the worst part: there is something weird about getting kicked in the balls; we're not the exceptions, here, it has somehing to do with how the things are wired up. The movie industry is not run by a secret cabal of BB fanatics, but by everyday people. (Well, everyday people for Hollywood, anyway...) They are not stupid; they watch what audiences like and produce more of it. The audiences, both male and female, like seeing guys flopping around like a sardine just yanked out of the fish tank.
For example! If Evilgrl racked me for the fun of it, I'd probably writhe like a goldfish with no water to breathe. But after I got over most of the pain, I'd probably think, "Gosh, that was great!" Oy, my balls aren't long for this world...
12-02-2004, 10:02 PM
The fear part: I've heard a lot of women (in real life and on the internet) talk about going up and kicking a guy in the nads for no reason -- and they never seem to get in any, you know, trouble. So, basically, not ONLY do guys have bodies where two of their internal organs "descend" and hang loose where they are easy prey, but girls and women are finding out that they can WHAMMO the suckers and nothing will happen to them.
You know you are right about nothing happening when you kick guys in the balls. In school we (girls) did it quite a bit but it seems we didn't get in much trouble. There was a few instances when my mother got a call but that was about it. Also I must admit there is a certain fun aspect about going up to guys and kicking them for no reason. He kind of looks at you with that "why?" look. That's so cute.
12-02-2004, 10:12 PM
I like your style, evil!
Wish I had gone to school with you and your home girls! I went to a parochial all-boys boarding school. I dreamed about being busted back then too, but certainly not by any of my schoolmates :eek:
You know you are right about nothing happening when you kick guys in the balls. In school we (girls) did it quite a bit but it seems we didn't get in much trouble. There was a few instances when my mother got a call but that was about it. Also I must admit there is a certain fun aspect about going up to guys and kicking them for no reason. He kind of looks at you with that "why?" look. That's so cute.
12-03-2004, 01:04 AM
You know you are right about nothing happening when you kick guys in the balls. In school we (girls) did it quite a bit but it seems we didn't get in much trouble. There was a few instances when my mother got a call but that was about it. Also I must admit there is a certain fun aspect about going up to guys and kicking them for no reason. He kind of looks at you with that "why?" look. That's so cute.
In school, I gave some women that look. So, that was YOU, hunh?!? I knew that 34c looked familiar!
That aspect of things, that random violence, was always very exciting. The post-school world, where they have all this BS about "consensual" ballbusting - yuck! I'd rather have a knee come out of nowhere from a woman I've never seen befoe.
12-04-2004, 11:58 PM
To answer your question Tamakeri, tha gals I asked I do know. The overwhelming reason for not kicking me in the balls was they were afraid of hurting me and for thier entire life they have been told not to kick guys in the balls because it causes excruciating pain and could permanently damage someone. Its crazy, a free shot in the nuts, but only my past girlfriends and wife have kicked me, so far anyway.
12-05-2004, 12:23 AM
I still like the T-shirt idea. I think it's a possible winner. Maybe I can make up one of my own. I have to use a better nick than Tamakeri though. Most non-Japanese girls wouldn't get the connection. "I busted Magnum" has a great ring to it. Make up a nice logo and you're good to go!
12-05-2004, 04:00 AM
Hello Magum,
I still find it hard to kick, it just doesn't work for me most of the time although slapping and punching most definitely do. I find I have to build up to it, almost tricking myself, so if I say or tease that I'm going to kick a man in the balls I'll have to go through with it. This sets up some suspense, which is a good too, but I will do the kick when I'm ready (and maybe when he's not!).
Perhaps you are right about the damage message we're given, as girls are not the best kickers in general and its hard to control the force and accuracy. I'd say that men do like it more though for the fear/suspense, becuase they can see it coming and its a chance for them to show strength by overcoming the (perhaps utimate) pain. I'm always concerned afterwards (well, a little) and tell them how strong their balls are and how special they are to allow me to kick them.
There's a lot more kicking on TV and in films now and I think this lets girls see the effect and that the chap recovers too. Hopefully this will be a good thing!
12-05-2004, 11:04 AM
Hello Magum,
Perhaps you are right about the damage message we're given, as girls are not the best kickers in general and its hard to control the force and accuracy. I'd say that men do like it more though for the fear/suspense, becuase they can see it coming and its a chance for them to show strength by overcoming the (perhaps utimate) pain. I'm always concerned afterwards (well, a little) and tell them how strong their balls are and how special they are to allow me to kick them.
There's a lot more kicking on TV and in films now and I think this lets girls see the effect and that the chap recovers too. Hopefully this will be a good thing!
I never remember getting the "damage" message. I mean I was smart enough to assume that a hard enough well placed kick would probably provide nasty results but at that age it didn't really concern me. The thought of me being able to cause that kind of damage was actually interesting to me. It was part of the facination with kicking balls. It wasn't until much latter, like in my 20's, when I started thinking that perhaps damaging a guy wouldn't be so cool. I mean going to jail or getting sued for breaking a pair of testicles definately not cool. But in all honesty breaking a pair of balls with just a simple kick seems highly improbable. So I say Shhhh on telling little girls that balls might break, just let them kick away! :)
12-05-2004, 01:08 PM
Highly improbable maybe, but still a definate possibility as my sister found out a few years back. A miss placed kick in a fight with her, then, husband ended up with him in hospital having one of his testicles removed. She actually thought it was very funny, until the next fight and it was her on the recieving end of the kick. Letting little girls kick boys when ever they feel like it is not only stupid, but dangerous. Not letting them kick the girls back, as is normally the case, is also sexist. Kicking a guy that wants to be kicked is fun, kicking a guy that is trying to grope you can be necessary, but be careful if you go out lookig for a guy to just kick 'for the hell of it' as not all guys go down and some kick back :)
12-05-2004, 04:38 PM
I've always thought that gothic girls and punk girls seemed more likey to kick a guy in the balls. I think it has to do with their aggressive attitude.
You just don't think of the "cheerleader" type as a ball breaker. Although I did have a cheerleader girlfriend in high school who had no problems inflicting some ball pain.
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