View Full Version : Having other females present to enjoy
iron horse
11-22-2004, 02:10 AM
Hello again beautiful Sara,
I find it erotic when there are other females present to enjoy watching a man get kicked in his balls. Sometimes on, you will see several females present and after a particularly hard kick in a guy's balls, particularly if they trick him or surprise him catching him off guard with a following up slapping kick in his balls, the girls will break out in laughter in pure enjoyment of seeing it.
Of course, if it is "CFNM" and he is stark naked, it *really* adds to his subordination and vulnerability to the dominance of the beautiful women present.
Do you ever have girls you know ask you if they could watch, or even participate? do you ever encourage that, and how do you feel about having other females to simply come and watch to enjoy the fun of seeing naked men get kicked in their balls?
11-22-2004, 06:54 PM
I would love to have multiple gals watching and participating.
iron horse
11-30-2004, 11:43 PM
Attached is a cartoon depicting the exact scenario i think is delightful. Three girls dressed hot and sexy to tease, but denying him the ability to see them nude. And the poor guy is stark naked, on his knees and erect. The girl hold his shoulders back, and laughing with great joy, takes turns kicking him in his balls as he can do nothing other than to let them do it while he moans in agony, which of course heightens their fun. :Baahaha:
12-01-2004, 09:28 AM
I think this is my ultimate fantasy.
12-01-2004, 09:03 PM
I think it depends on my mood but it can be a lot of fun to have other girls to enjoy kicking with. If it was my own BF however I don't think I'd want to share him. I guess I'm just selfish that way. If it was someone elses bf or just some random guy count me in!
12-01-2004, 11:24 PM
I think it depends on my mood but it can be a lot of fun to have other girls to enjoy kicking with. If it was my own BF however I don't think I'd want to share him. I guess I'm just selfish that way. If it was someone elses bf or just some random guy count me in!
That's not selfish, that's how relationships are. Once a body is with someone, a body likes to stay put. For two people in love and/or SM fun, three's a crowd.
iron horse
12-02-2004, 04:44 PM
I think it depends on my mood but it can be a lot of fun to have other girls to enjoy kicking with. If it was my own BF however I don't think I'd want to share him. I guess I'm just selfish that way. If it was someone elses bf or just some random guy count me in!
I certainly understand your not wanting to share your bf, and it is definitely NOT being selfish. And I find girls like you that would simply want to be "counted in" erotic.
A party fantasy of mine:
A concept of having a girls-party wherein naked men would be on hand to be kicked by the girls at their own whim an arousing thought. Particularly arousing would be the women dressing in whatever they want...from a business suit to sun dress, halter top and shorts or even sexy lingerie, but the men would be stripped completely stark naked and would remain such at all times and whenever in the presence of these women.
Basically, women ruling these naked men through the mens' most vulnerable spot, their balls. All types of activities could ensue from spin the bottle (unlucky man gets kicked by female that was selected). Or "shoot the balls" wherein a toy tennis ball gun would be used...the men would have to stand in line holding their penises to their stomachs prominently displaying their balls as targets while the women take turns shooting at the mens' balls with the tennis ball gun. Points would be scored, and of course, when the balls are hit and the man drops in agony, the women laugh and applaud the markswoman's successful hit.
One CFNM event that would be erotic would be that the woman with the highest score would designate a man of her chosing to stand in front of the women, masturbate and cum while they watch. Although not ballbusting, it would ad an element of domination and control of him by the woman.
If women would be interested in this type of event, I'm certain there would be many men that would cum to it.
12-04-2004, 11:58 PM
I think it depends on my mood but it can be a lot of fun to have other girls to enjoy kicking with. If it was my own BF however I don't think I'd want to share him. I guess I'm just selfish that way. If it was someone elses bf or just some random guy count me in!
Sorry guys, if this disappoints you, but I too agree with evilgrl.
- Sara :)
12-05-2004, 12:31 AM
Oh, that's far from disappointing Sara. Since there is NO chance that you would ever be my girlfriend (I am too old and Mrs. Tamakeri has already claimed her prize) then that puts me solidly in the class of "someone elses bf or just a random guy", and thus eligible to be kicked by you and evilgrl! :thumbup
Yeah- bring it on!
-Tamakeri (anxiously waiting in LA)
i think its great having other girls watching. at school there was this girl i fancied n she used 2 kick me in the balls all the time. she once got her 3 friends to hold me down while she kicked me. one held me from behind and the other sat on my legs. and kept them open while she kicked and punched them and even jumped on my balls. i cud see her knickers which turned me on n wen she saw this she kicked me harder and harder. wen she had finished n iwas beggin 4 her 2 stop, the two girls stood me up and the girl behind me put her hand under my legs n squeezed as hard as she could. tht was the most pain i ave ever felt and there laughs made it feel good. after squeezing she pulled them towards her and punched them. i fell to my knees and looked up her skirt. she then pushed me to the ground and kicked me one last time while i was down! how mean! they ran off giggling and i just lay there holding my balls. tht was the best ball bust i ave ever had
12-05-2004, 10:51 AM
i think its great having other girls watching. at school there was this girl i fancied n she used 2 kick me in the balls all the time. she once got her 3 friends to hold me down while she kicked me. one held me from behind and the other sat on my legs. and kept them open while she kicked and punched them and even jumped on my balls. i cud see her knickers which turned me on n wen she saw this she kicked me harder and harder. wen she had finished n iwas beggin 4 her 2 stop, the two girls stood me up and the girl behind me put her hand under my legs n squeezed as hard as she could. tht was the most pain i ave ever felt and there laughs made it feel good. after squeezing she pulled them towards her and punched them. i fell to my knees and looked up her skirt. she then pushed me to the ground and kicked me one last time while i was down! how mean! they ran off giggling and i just lay there holding my balls. tht was the best ball bust i ave ever had
Wow thses girls are quite organized. We were never got to the point that we held guys down to kick them repeatedly. The most organized we got was one girl would distract a guy and another would try to sneak up and kick him from behind. This only worked about 50% of the time. But when it worked it was great. Joint operations like these were kind of rare though, it was probably because we normally played this game during recess were the object was to see how many boys we can kick. There was even some crazy point system that was awarded, if he falls, if he cries, and etc. Ah those were the days!
lol. well i dnt think these girls were tht organised. she just was a natural at it. it started wen we were pretend fighting n wen she kicked me i fell to the ground and held on to her leg begging her 2 stop. i think she liked avin power! avent been busted 4 a while now :( wot bout u evilgrl? ave u busted any1 recently?i dnt mind other girls watching but i wudnt like it if i was busted in front of lots of guys n girls. id feel such a loser
12-05-2004, 12:28 PM
. i think she liked avin power! avent been busted 4 a while now :( wot bout u evilgrl? ave u busted any1 recently?
I have a BF currently but I don't really bring up ball kicking to him. I was introduced to a guy who likes it a while back and we get together often so I could kick him so I get it out of my system that way.
kool. lucky guy. i wish i had sum1 like tht. no sex just bb. i dnt relli wana get my gf 2do it i wudnt want 2 freak her out. im askin any1 on here 2 suggest stuff 4 me 2 do coz i want bb more but dnt want it 2 affect my relationship. wot u think?
12-05-2004, 06:31 PM
I've had "other girls watching" as a fantasy before, but I'm not sure the reality would be as good as the fantasy. There aren't enough girls who understand the fantasy to allow a group of girls to participate.
Guys certainly don't understand the fantasy either. For some reason cock and ball torture seems to be associated with homosexual activity when you put it into most search engines.
I have no desire to be busted by a guy and I think I'll keep my busting activity confined to girls with who I am in a committed relationship.
12-05-2004, 07:04 PM
Well I've had many ball-busting sessions with two ladies and one session with three. They are fantastic! The interplay between the ladies- the laughing, the high-fives, the taunting and the competition that seems to naturally develop between them lends a dynamicism to the event that cannot be otherwise duplicated. Whenever I look for a new BB partner, I always suggest that she bring a friend or two "for her safety". Whenever that actually happens, then after only about 5 minutes of her busting me, the friends always want to join in or at least get the camera in up close and laugh and taunt. They have never just stayed in their chair at the edge of the room and quietly watched!
iron horse
12-06-2004, 04:21 PM
Sorry guys, if this disappoints you, but I too agree with evilgrl.
- Sara :)
Sara, I think we all agree just the thought of you kicking us naked guys in our balls is erotic, even it it is just you!
On the reverse side of it, would you consider having two or more guys to kick at the same time?
12-06-2004, 10:10 PM
Sara, I think we all agree just the thought of you kicking us naked guys in our balls is erotic, even it it is just you!
On the reverse side of it, would you consider having two or more guys to kick at the same time?
Two guys to kick? Yummy.
12-07-2004, 12:39 AM
. . .
On the reverse side of it, would you consider having two or more guys to kick at the same time?
Maybe. . .
As long as they're tied up! ;)
- Sara :)
iron horse
12-09-2004, 06:00 PM
Maybe. . .
As long as they're tied up! ;)
- Sara :)
Wow Sara, you are sooooo hot!! What i wouldn't do to be present to witness that!
12-09-2004, 10:52 PM
Wow Sara, you are sooooo hot!! What i wouldn't do to be present to witness that!
Be warned!
Male "witnesses" would be stripped, tied up and turned into participants, willing or otherwise.
Voyeurs would be dealt with harshly.
- Sara :)
12-09-2004, 11:33 PM
Yah- I wish!. You know there's quite a few of us here in LA,
maybe you should go on a world ballbusting tour- but start here please!
I guarantee a willing audience of voyeurs waiting to be dealt with harshly! :bananajum
12-10-2004, 09:24 AM
Maybe. . .
As long as they're tied up! ;)
- Sara :)
Your comment carries the hidden understanding that the activity of ball busting is violent enough that an unrestrained male might be dangerous to the woman (women in this thread) doing the ball busting. I'm submissive enough to believe that no matter what you did to my testicles, especially in the presense of other women, I wouldn't be a threat to you; rather I would desperately seek to gain your (or other women's) approval by accepting the painful attacks to my manhood! Thus I'm curious to ask if you have ever had an experience or heard of one with consentual ballbusting activities?
PapaBear :)
12-10-2004, 12:02 PM
With consentual ballbusting? :confused:
12-10-2004, 12:29 PM
With consentual ballbusting? :confused:
Yes, "consentual" as opposed to "assault"
This whole activity must be based upon trust to avoid being quilty of an actual assault, and therefore, I was curious about Sara's comment above about considering such a ball bust activity if restraint were applied to the male(s). Is the use of the adjective "consentual" seemingly an oxymoron from your perspective?
PapaBear :)
12-10-2004, 07:40 PM
Your comment carries the hidden understanding that the activity of ball busting is violent enough that an unrestrained male might be dangerous to the woman (women in this thread) doing the ball busting. I'm submissive enough to believe that no matter what you did to my testicles, especially in the presense of other women, I wouldn't be a threat to you; rather I would desperately seek to gain your (or other women's) approval by accepting the painful attacks to my manhood! Thus I'm curious to ask if you have ever had an experience or heard of one with consentual ballbusting activities?
PapaBear :)
Of course.
The guy usually tries to protect his balls, naturally.
Assume that he's lying down, and I'm using my hands on his nuts:
It's natural for him to grab my wrists to interrupt the pain. He's stronger than I am so he hurts my wrists, leaving marks or bruises. I don't like that!
Even if he lays with his hands under his lower back, he tends to try to use his legs to protect his testicles, by twisting. That's when I'm likely to get a knee in my face if I'm close enough. I don't like that!
It's not that he tries to hurt me on purpose. He's just trying to protect himself, instinctively. But I still don't like getting hurt by accident!
I therefore prefer having the guy restrained.
I think most guys prefer it that way too.
After all, it's consentual, and there should be mutual trust. If there isn't mutual trust, then we shouldn't be doing it in the first place!
You might ask me why I don't "trust" him by leaving him unrestrained.
That's because (as I already said) he hurts me by accident, by instinctively trying to avoid the pain.
The female partner in a ballbusting session doesn't inflict pain accidentally and instinctively. If she does, she's dangerous, you shouldn't have trusted her, and you picked the wrong partner!
The female partner should, of course, inflict pain. But in a calculated, measured way. Not accidentally and instinctively.
OK, I'm starting to repeat myself and over-explain.
One more comment: If you just lay there, submissively and passively smiling while I'm ballbusting you, without trying to protect your balls, then I'm either not doing it hard enough or you have "numb-nuts" (no disrespect intended or implied).
That would be great for an erotic session of testicle massage, which is fun, erotic and satisfying, as well as having less risk of damage. We could get into that more in a different thread. I think it's worthwhile. :D But the top post in this thread mentions, "how do you feel about having other females to simply come and watch to enjoy the fun of seeing naked men get kicked in their balls?" -- so I'll try not to wander too far in another direction.
- Sara :)
12-11-2004, 02:34 AM
One more comment: If you just lay there, submissively and passively smiling while I'm ballbusting you, without trying to protect your balls, then I'm either not doing it hard enough or you have "numb-nuts" (no disrespect intended or implied).
Brute force: if it doesn't work, you're not using enough of it! Go, Sara!
12-11-2004, 10:12 PM
Brute force: if it doesn't work, you're not using enough of it! Go, Sara!
I already know that 'Trouble' likes to make joking comments.
And I know that I tend to take things too literally and too seriously.
But I'm going to comment on Trouble's comment anyway.
Maybe that was your intention, right Trouble? ;)
I'm not in favor of using brute force.
Not in ballbusting, nor in interpersonal relationships, nor militarily, nor in practically any other circumstances.
There are few, if any, exceptions.
The female partner should, of course, inflict pain. But in a calculated, measured way.
That's what I wrote in my above post.
In my opinion only brutish people resort to using brute force.
I have no respect at all for those who rely on brute force.
Those with sufficient brain power, imagination, creativity, resourcefulness, and experience prefer to avoid the use of force.
Instead, they use their powers of persuasion, many applicable psychological techniques, logical dialogue, cooperation to achieve common goals, and so on...
I don't use brute force in ballbusting, neither would I want it used against me accidentally or on purpose.
There are so many better alternatives that brute force is undesirable and unnecessary.
I just wanted to explain that, even though we seem to be going off on a tangent from the topic of this thread.
And I don't want to have to ban myself for posting off-topic! Hee, hee! :D
About "Having other females present to enjoy", which is the topic of this thread:
Yes, I agree that many guys would find that exciting, because of the extra humiliation it causes.
And yes, many girls would find it exciting to share a ballbusting session, whether in public or in private, with other girls. It can be fun to share an experience which humiliates the guy, especially since most guys are used to dealing with the so-called weaker sex by using "brute force".
As for one girl busting 2 or more guys during a session: I already said:
Maybe. . .
As long as they're tied up!
Some women might really enjoy that.
I've never tried it, but I'm not closed-minded.
Another combination would be 2 or more guys being busted by 2 or more women. I haven't tried that either.
Something that I haven't seen much mention of on the Forum is homosexual ballbusting. Before you get upset you should remember that it does exist. Please try not to be homophobic.
Posts about it would be welcome and on-topic if anyone wants to start a separate new thread about it.
If you don't like it, just don't participate in such a thread or topic here.
Abusive or hate posts will not be tolerated in such threads. No discrimination. Live and let live. We're all different in what turns us on.
I'm open-minded about all of the above variations.
Personally however, I prefer intimate (heterosexual) one-on-one sessions that include different forms of sexual stimulation. Not exclusively inflicting pain through ballbusting. And only with a boyfriend or intimate friend.
So no, I'm not ready for a "world ballbusting tour" yet! ;)
But that project about making some of my special "personal services" available to a few people (through a different website) is making progress. :D I'm talking about what I mentioned in the thread "pantys or bare legs" that you can read by clicking on this link:
I'll let you know when it's ready, by posting something here in the Forum. Then you can check it out if you want, just out of curiosity.
My web-partner and I are still going over the details though, and he hasn't got the domain names yet, let alone the scripting.
I'd like the website to have 2 domain names (1 English and 1 Spanish) since I'm 100% fluent in both, as well as being conversant in a few more languages to a lesser degree.
And I'd like the site itself to be in 15 languages. Not just machine translated, since I want the site to actually be indexed by search engines in each language, to ensure a greater demographic of visitors using search engines of their own language.
As you can imagine, my demands sometimes have my web-partner tearing his hair out in frustration. But he's the one with the money and scripting ability that I need as a partner, so I have to try to get along with him.
Yes, I'm demanding. But I'm not greedy. So don't worry about that. I want to make my "special services" really economical. Cheap.
So we'll be doing this as a hobby. Not as a business. Financially, we just want to break even. As for my web-partner, he has agreed to that. I can be very persuasive about what I want. :D
Oops! Am I getting off-topic and babbling on again? :confused:
OK. I'll stop writing for now and check on the other threads. :bananawin
- Sara :)
12-12-2004, 05:35 AM
I'm not in favor of using brute force.
- Sara :)
You know you're into ball busting when you understand what Sara means when she posts "I'm not in favor of using brute force" while at the same time her picture shows her manipulating a guys teticles into the base of his scotum so they can't escape from her knuckle punches.
I'm sure guys without a ball busting fetish would think the picture disproves the statement.
12-12-2004, 08:43 AM
There probably really are some people who can't understand the difference between inflicting some degree of non-injurious pain in a calculated and measured way consentually when specifically requested to do so in order to satisfy the desires of the recipient, and the use of brute force.
- Sara :)
12-13-2004, 10:55 AM
! Thus I'm curious to ask if you have ever had an experience or heard of one with consentual ballbusting activities?
With consentual ballbusting? :confused:
I think sara answered this. I just meant that any guys participating or watching would be willing or have requested that their balls be busted while being restrained.
12-13-2004, 10:57 AM
OK, how the heck do you guys get the past quotes to come up in a red box when you reply?
12-13-2004, 09:23 PM
OK, how the heck do you guys get the past quotes to come up in a red box when you reply?
You click on the "Quote" button instead of the "Post Reply" button.
Simple as that.
Yes, it sure helps in understanding what members are posting about.
In addition, in your User CP (control panel), you can click on "edit options", scroll to the bottom of the page, and see which "message editor interface" you're using by default.
- Basic, Standard, or Enhanced.
I prefer the "enhanced" one. It lets me do more. Like asking you what you were talking about when you wrote (in post #31) above:
! Thus I'm curious to ask if you have ever had an experience or heard of one with consentual ballbusting activities? .......
One what?
Have we ever had or heard of an experience with consentual ballbusting activities??? :o
That's what it says, but I don't think that's what you mean.
I'd have to make a wild guess and assume that you're asking about "having other females present to enjoy", since that's the topic of this thread. But actually I'm not sure at all if that's what you mean.
Maybe sombody else will understand what you're asking, and answer you. But I don't even understand the question. Sorry.
Even when you continue, to explain:
I think sara answered this. I just meant that any guys participating or watching would be willing or have requested that their balls be busted while being restrained.
I guess this bad cold that I have this week is affecting me, but it still seems kind of ambiguous to me. Sorry. I'd guess that you're asking the guys if they'd be willing to be restrained if the ballbusting session involves me busting two or more guys. But I'm just guessing.
Earlier in this thread (in post #24), after PapaBear mentioned "consentual ballbusting activities" in his post, you wrote:
With consentual ballbusting? :confused:
So PapaBear replied by trying to explain to you what "consentual" means:
Yes, "consentual" as opposed to "assault"
(etc.). . . . . . .
I don't know if that's what you really wanted to hear though. ;) I kind of doubt it.
What I'm trying to communicate in this post is:
Use the "Quote" button instead of the "Post Reply" button to make that red box appear with what you're replying to.
Clearly understandable and unambiguous questions or comments are better than making people guess, make their own assumptions or just ignoring a post. Avoid misunderstandings.
Choose the 'Message Editor Interface' that best suits your abilities and needs, as well as making your posts look as plain or as cool as you want them to.
Personally, I prefer reading posts that are in bold text as opposed to non-bold, which I find harder to read. That could be because of this cheap old monitor I'm using. Before we got the new forum in September, 2004, it was worse though. I had to highlight the non-bold posts just to read them. I changed a lot of posts to bold before replying to them. That's why you may see "last edited by SadisticSara ...(" under a lot of older posts in this Forum. The only editing I did to other members' posts was changing the text to bold. I never changed the content of the posts, just in case anyone was wondering.
- Sara :)
12-14-2004, 01:49 PM
Personally, I prefer reading posts that are in bold text as opposed to non-bold, which I find harder to read. That could be because of this cheap old monitor I'm using. Before we got the new forum in September, 2004, it was worse though. I had to highlight the non-bold posts just to read them. I changed a lot of posts to bold before replying to them. That's why you may see "last edited by SadisticSara ...(" under a lot of older posts in this Forum. The only editing I did to other members' posts was changing the text to bold. I never changed the content of the posts, just in case anyone was wondering.
- Sara :)
You can probably find a really good monitor on e-bay fairly cheap Sara. I love e-bay :thumbup
12-14-2004, 11:00 PM
I hereby formally petition to have Magnum immediately banned for posting seven messages in a row, most, if not all, of which were devoid of content or nudie pictures. This time, Magnum has gone too far, and we should not stand for it.
Most of you are too young too remember back when everybody used HTMF, before we switched to using HTML -- because we learned that HTMF was an acronym for "Hostile Takeover by Magnum Format"! Magnum's world-conquering schemes were quickly put to rest, but here he is, still trying to clog the Internet with messages in which he is just just trying out the editor in vBulletin!
Good gravy, where does it stop? All I'm asking is for a little sanity and a return to serious discussion of toebusting -- and, for that, Magnum must be destroyed!!!
Alternatively, can we raffle him off to some kids in Taiwan? That might get him out of our hair for a few minutes...
I think we are mostly agreed that having other females present is Good. The real question to me is how to get those extra babes to watch and/or participate. If I have to, I'm willing to auction Magnum on eBay to help pay for it.
(I hope Magnum has a sense of humour.}
12-15-2004, 04:06 AM
You can probably find a really good monitor on e-bay fairly cheap Sara. I love e-bay :thumbup
Thanks for that helpful advice, Magnum. :D
I've never bought or sold anything through e-bay yet, but I should learn more about how it works. Things like additional charges to the price. Shipping & handling to Canada, Canadian Customs import duties & taxes, what do do if what I buy is defective, etc...
By the way, I edited your above post to make it look right and deleted your practice test posts that didn't quite turn out properly.
It just takes a bit of practice. No problem. I'm happy to be able to help out a good member like you.
Besides myself, 'Trouble' and you are the top posters here. I'm sure I can say without much risk of contradiction that the Forum members appreciate your contributions and look forward to your continuing posts.
Thank you to both of you and to the other Members whose posts make this Forum interesting. :D
I hereby formally petition to have Magnum immediately banned for posting seven messages in a row, most, if not all, of which were devoid of content or nudie pictures. This time, Magnum has gone too far, and we should not stand for it.
. . .
Alternatively, can we raffle him off to some kids in Taiwan?
. . .
If I have to, I'm willing to auction Magnum on eBay.......
. . .
(I hope Magnum has a sense of humour.}
. . .
Yes, Trouble. By now I think we're all used to your humor and we're not offended by it. ;)
You'd auction Magnum on e-bay? Wow! I wonder what your minimum or starting bid price would be. If I could scrape together enough change I might like to acquire him as a pet. You know -- to keep around my place and play with him every day. :D Give him plenty of exercise, and so on...
Anyway, I've already taken care of Magnum's "practice posts" that you mentioned.
- Sara :)
12-20-2004, 09:22 AM
Personally, I prefer reading posts that are in bold text as opposed to non-bold, which I find harder to read. That could be because of this cheap old monitor I'm using. Before we got the new forum in September, 2004, it was worse though. I had to highlight the non-bold posts just to read them. I changed a lot of posts to bold before replying to them. That's why you may see "last edited by SadisticSara ...(" under a lot of older posts in this Forum. The only editing I did to other members' posts was changing the text to bold. I never changed the content of the posts, just in case anyone was wondering.
- Sara :)
You might want to consider increasing the font size that your browser is using to display the page. All browsers these days have an option to increase and decrease the font size of pages. I assume that you use IE because of your previous reference to using a pop-up blocker (personally I recommend Mozilla Firefox which has pop-up blocking features built in and has had less security vulnerabilities on average and fixes them more quickly when they are discovered), and I don't remember how to change the text size for IE, but I'm sure it's on a menu somewhere or you could check the help. Some of your students may also find this feature quite helpful.
12-20-2004, 12:00 PM
You might want to consider increasing the font size that your browser is using to display the page. All browsers these days have an option to increase and decrease the font size of pages. I assume that you use IE because of your previous reference to using a pop-up blocker (personally I recommend Mozilla Firefox which has pop-up blocking features built in and has had less security vulnerabilities on average and fixes them more quickly when they are discovered), and I don't remember how to change the text size for IE, but I'm sure it's on a menu somewhere or you could check the help. Some of your students may also find this feature quite helpful.
Thanks for the advice, 'smackMyNuts'. :)
You're right about me using IE 6.
And we're familiar with that feature.
But a look at the source code of this page lets you know that wouldn't work here. Have a look.
I tried that anyway, almost 3 years ago, before I was much into reading the source code.
I also tried manually varying each and every output display variable of the monitor.
Still no good. It's not that simple.
The only thing that did make my monitor display better was in my computer's Display Properties > Settings > Advanced > Color > Target Gamma.
By increasing the Target Gamma to near maximum (balanced, for: Red, Green,& Blue), I got the monitor to display better. I did that last year.
That "fix" is pretty good! Certainly good enough to last me until I can come up with something better, like a new monitor/computer setup. (Yeah, sure Sara. Dream on! :( )
Anyway, the New Forum is better than the old one. The September 2004 switch-over helped here with the Font/Background color contrast issue.
Anyway, that's how I "fixed" it for now.
- Sara :)
PS. I know everyone has their favorite browser, and I've heard good stuff about Mozilla Firefox. But does it pass ALL of the tests at: ( ???
But MY next PC is going to be ad-free.
No Flash ads
No rich media ads
No fly-ins
No slide-ins
No pop-ups
No pop-unders
No spyware and adware ads
No messenger ads
No sponsored search-engine ads
No Gmail-sponsored links
No other ads.
(and hopefully, no spam either)
- Sara :)
12-20-2004, 09:31 PM
But MY next PC is going to be ad-free.
No Flash ads
No rich media ads
No fly-ins
No slide-ins
No pop-ups
No pop-unders
No spyware and adware ads
No messenger ads
No sponsored search-engine ads
No Gmail-sponsored links
No other ads.
(and hopefully, no spam either)
- Sara :)
So, you are going to switch to Linux? Good for you!!! ;)
In the source code for the page, how about setting vBulletin to use relative sizes instead of explicit ones? I use a gigantic monitor to help offset my vision loss, and I still have to squint. :cussing:
12-21-2004, 02:03 AM
So, you are going to switch to Linux? Good for you!!! ;)
Wow. Is Linux that good?
I was interested in it a while ago, but no Linux users could even tell me the best "type" for me. They'd just tell me that any combination was OK... EXCEPT the one the last guy just told me about! :confused:
And I don't have time to learn them all from scratch.
I couldn't decide on a "hat color" or "box type" or anything. So frustrating.
Maybe some day, though...
In the meantime, I've heard that it can be done with Windows, by applying so many plugs, fixes and patches upon patches that its agility and nimbleness come to resemble a cross between Frankenstein's creation and 'THE MUMMY'.
- Sara :)
12-21-2004, 11:02 AM
Thanks for the advice, 'smackMyNuts'. :)
You're right about me using IE 6.
And we're familiar with that feature.
But a look at the source code of this page lets you know that wouldn't work here. Have a look.
I tried that anyway, almost 3 years ago, before I was much into reading the source code.
Actually, reading the source code wouldn't tell me that at all. In order to know that, I'd have to also know what sort of things IE is unwilling to enlarge, which I don't know. What I do know is that on Safari, my browser (I'm a Mac user), it can enlarge the text. I checked that before I sent the message. I figured that if Safari could enlarge it IE could as well, but I see that that isn't the case. Also, I checked, and my two back-up browsers, iCab (Mac only) and Firefox (roughly every platform) can as well.
I also tried manually varying each and every output display variable of the monitor.
Still no good. It's not that simple.
The only thing that did make my monitor display better was in my computer's Display Properties > Settings > Advanced > Color > Target Gamma.
By increasing the Target Gamma to near maximum (balanced, for: Red, Green,& Blue), I got the monitor to display better. I did that last year.
That "fix" is pretty good! Certainly good enough to last me until I can come up with something better, like a new monitor/computer setup. (Yeah, sure Sara. Dream on! :( )
Anyway, the New Forum is better than the old one. The September 2004 switch-over helped here with the Font/Background color contrast issue.
Anyway, that's how I "fixed" it for now.
- Sara :)
PS. I know everyone has their favorite browser, and I've heard good stuff about Mozilla Firefox. But does it pass ALL of the tests at: ( ???
It passes all except for the two ones with the floating "window" which is actually just a part of the same page. Specifically the "drop-down" and "sticky" pop-up tests. (Safari is exactly the same in that regard.) But, of course, those pop-ups aren't nearly as worrisome because they can't spawn more pop-ups and go away as soon as you switch web pages. Those can't get you trapped in a cycle of pop-ups which lead to more pop-ups which you can't close your way out of, which to me is the real concern. If a web site wants to use intrusive advertising like the drop-down or sticky pop-ups which often get in the way of reading the web page, then I'll be a little irritated and avoid them in the future, but I'm not going to have to wind up quitting my web browser to make all the windows go away.
Here's why you should try Firefox:
1) It's free. There's no cost other than the time to download and install. It's easy to uninstall if you want to and it doesn't disrupt IE in any way.
2) It has an integrated pop-up blocker. External pop-up blockers rely on specific things about how IE is implemented. When they update IE, even if it's just a security update, there's some chance that the pop-up blocker will stop working. With Firefox, that doesn't happen.
3) It has a much better security history. Right now, IE and Firefox have both fixed most known security issues, however, over the past several years IE has had many more security holes than Firefox, the security holes have been of a more serious nature, and Microsoft has been slower to fix them. IE's initially security standard were -insane- and they've only recently started to get better. I've never known anyone to get spyware or adware installed on their computer because they visited the wrong site using Firefox, but this has happened to almost everyone I know who uses IE.
4) Firefox is easier to update. Because Microsoft considers IE to be part of the operating system, you often have to update your whole OS with a fairly large patch in order to update IE (when we tried to update my Grandmother's copy, it required a 100 Meg service patch download). For dial-up users, this can mean that they effectively are not able to update IE, so their copy winds up with big security holes which haven't been patched. Users of older Microsoft OS's (Windows 95, 98, etc.) may not even be -able- to have a fully updated version of IE. This is not the case with Firefox. With Firefox you update the web browser and -only- the web browser.
5) Tabbed browsing is terrific. Trust me. Try it and you won't want to go back. It will probably be available in some future version of IE now that they're developing it again, but it's available right now in Firefox at no cost.
6) Foxes are cuter than explorers. I mean, come on, an explorer is some guy from the eighteenth century who just stumbled off of a boat after like six months at sea. Who wants to have to use one of those? Get a cute little fox. Much better.
I'm not asking you to change necessarily, but at least give it a try. See if you like it. If not, you'll have lost nothing. If so, you'll be able to enlarge the text here and browse with tabs. Honestly, if you surf with Firefox for a day or so, I doubt that you'll want to go back to IE. I honestly find using IE to be a painful experience at this point, and if I'm going to be using a computer on the web for at least an hour and it only has IE, the first thing I do is install Firefox. It's that much nicer. I don't have any agenda here except to help make everyone's browsing experience nicer.
But MY next PC is going to be ad-free.
No Flash ads
No rich media ads
No fly-ins
No slide-ins
No pop-ups
No pop-unders
No spyware and adware ads
No messenger ads
No sponsored search-engine ads
No Gmail-sponsored links
No other ads.
(and hopefully, no spam either)
- Sara :)
Good luck with all that. Most of that isn't actually too hard to do. Messenger ads can be turned off. Pop-ups, unders, etc. can be dealt with via pop-up blockers or using a more sane browser. The spyware and adware likewise. You can avoid the Flash and other similar ads by never installing the appropriate plug-ins (although you'll miss out on a lot of cool flash content). I think that for the last few, though, you're going to have to avoid browsing the web or reading email. :)
12-21-2004, 02:18 PM
Feel... subect..... changing!
Some years back, I suggested to the people with whom I work that we look at the browsers out there, say, "Screw this!" and write our own. That project is still in a folder, somewhre, and no code was ever written for it. A sham, really' building a better browser was easily possible at the time, as the improvments of the day should show.
Sadistic One: I am half-joking about Linux; I am assuming that any worthwhile software is there, since Executive OS is no longer having much software written for it. Sine programmers will go where the money is (and that's where the most users are), but some, the ones who tend to call themselves "coders", will always feel the pull to the most advanced technology, regardless of the pay cut.
If the features you want are there, they will be found in Linux or Executive; probably not in Windows or even Macintosh.
12-22-2004, 05:49 PM
OK, smackMyNuts and Trouble. :)
Thanks both, for trying to help me out.
I have comments to make (as usual) but my cold/flu is just too much to let me think straight now.
Brain activity clogged & neutralysed y so much nasal phlegm.
12-23-2004, 01:04 PM
I'm back, its been 2 days and I miss you guys already. Our darn monitor took a dive so back to Gateway it goes.(in manilla mind you). Thanks Sara for removing the excess posts and yes I have a very good sense of humor, Trouble. Speaking of E-bay, did you all see that shoe for sale on e-bay that supposedly was worn while this gal kicked 163 guys in the balls? I am serious and it was purchased by another gal ( a couple of gals were bidding on it). It seems the seller kicked a waiter in the balls for something and discovered that she so enjoyed kicking guys in the balls she made a habbit of it and then sold the shoe to the highest bidder.
12-24-2004, 12:54 AM
I'm back, its been 2 days and I miss you guys already. Our darn monitor took a dive so back to Gateway it goes.(in manilla mind you). Thanks Sara for removing the excess posts and yes I have a very good sense of humor, Trouble. Speaking of E-bay, did you all see that shoe for sale on e-bay that supposedly was worn while this gal kicked 163 guys in the balls? I am serious and it was purchased by another gal ( a couple of gals were bidding on it). It seems the seller kicked a waiter in the balls for something and discovered that she so enjoyed kicking guys in the balls she made a habbit of it and then sold the shoe to the highest bidder.
I think I know her. How much did she get for the shoe?
12-24-2004, 12:03 PM
I think I know her. How much did she get for the shoe?
"Her" name was listed in the contact info as Travis Kanafani, and the text never declared what sex "she" was, although it did look like a smaller size athletic shoe such as a woman or adolescent would wear. It did not list the shoe size. It went for $20.49 + $8 shipping. The seller was in San Diego.
Seller tkkanaf, ebay item #5542438406
Payment info from ebay was Travis Kanafani , San Diego, CA 92124
How about having these 3 present?
Pic attached.
03-31-2005, 06:54 PM
Earlier in the thread some spoke of being restrained and this I think is the right way to go. Just standing there and allowing the girl to adminsister the BB is, in my opinion, not as erotic as having ones hands tied thus preventing defence. As was stated there has to be a trust placed in the girl and that is paramount.
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