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View Full Version : Pic & video size limit?

11-22-2004, 08:14 PM
Anyone the size limit for uploads? Have a few but some are over 5MB.
If thornapple says it's ok, I have a few of his also.

11-22-2004, 08:20 PM
As to previous post, I THINK they are thornapples.Dowmloaded from Newart F
Forums. Tried to just open & play but couldn;t, so had to save target as...
Author posted as wifesballs.

11-22-2004, 11:47 PM
I'm fairly certain that there is no way to post movies on this forum. Pictures are allowed, but there is a total size limit of 2MB of pictures. Once you've filled your limit, you can make more space only by deleting old pictures.


11-23-2004, 11:47 AM
Thornapple wrote: Gary198 and others - Any pics and vids of mine that I have posted on the Internet up to now can be reposted wherever you want to put them, they are now public domain. If you have a place to host them you can post links to the movies in this forum so others can see them.

11-25-2004, 05:17 PM
Thanks thornapple, but as smackmynuts said, can't post vids here. Maybe someone knows how to fix this.

11-25-2004, 11:45 PM
Size limit... I think I heard Sadistic Sara say about eight or eight and a half inches... Is that the same thing?

11-28-2004, 08:54 PM
I'm setting up a web site with BB pictures. Yoda from tlcnet has been nice enough to give me some web space. I'll put up the movies of thornapple's that I've got when I get it done. Hopefully we can find some way for him to send me the rest.


12-04-2004, 11:24 PM
As Sharon stated in the thread "Some Ballbusting Pics", the limit for attachments is 2 MB total per member.

That's where she and others also explain a way to post pics by linking to them to make them appear in your post instead of "attaching" them (hotlinking).

Obviously, there's no limit to hotlinked pics, since they're not stored on our servers.
You just have to use a source site (preferably your own) that permits hotlinking.
Hotlinked pics can go in the thread "Some Ballbusting Pics" or wherever they wouldn't be off-topic.

You can post URL links to movies/videos (or pics, etc.).
Be sure to put any links (to non-hotlinked pics, video clips, etc.) in the "Links" thread. Not in the "Pics" thread.

The following are the only file extension formats that can be attached, along with the individual file size limit:

jpeg 300 KB
jpg 300 KB
jpe 300 KB
png 200 KB
gif 200 KB

Each of these image formats has its height and width restrictions, but as long as they aren't TOO much bigger than the "standard" 800 x 600 pixel screen display properties, there shouldn't be any problems.

Hope this helps.

Hugs & Squeezes,

- Sara :)

12-10-2004, 12:47 AM

It depends on whether the clip you have is online on some website that you may have, or if it's on your computer's hard drive.

If the clip is online, you can let others here see it by posting the URL here (provided the site permits hotlinking).

If you only have the clip on your computer, you'd have to upload it to some site first.
If you have your own site that allows hotlinking, fine.

Otherwise, upload it to a place like http://ezshare.de/en/main.html
You can upload your video clip there and they will email you a link that you can then post here.
They also send you a link to delete your uploaded file if you ever want to. It's free (supported by ads) and their file size limit is 20MB. You can upload as many files as you want but they'll delete your file if nobody downloads it for 30 days.
Visit the site to read more about their service if you're interested.
(Thanks to Tamakeri for info on this file storage site.)

As I mention in another thread, you don't have to worry too much about legal copyright matters.
However, if you ask people to pay you to see or download a clip copyrighted by someone else, that would be illegal.

If you just want to freely share it, you could do so in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107 of the US Copyright Law, which states that it's considered "fair use" to distribute copyrighted material without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving it for research and educational purposes.

I (Sara), hereby express MY interest in receiving, having access to, viewing and/or downloading video/movie clips (or images of any format, or text material whether factual or fictional, or any other information or materials) at this Forum, for research and educational purposes with the proviso that such materials be related directly or indirectly to "ballbusting", and that I will not redistribute such materials in any way which goes beyond "fair use" of the afore-mentioned materials.

(There! That should cover the legality of posting copyrighted material! ;) )

We'll assume what you post belongs to you, unless you state otherwise.
If the legal owner complains, we simply delete the file or its link from this site.

- Sara :)