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View Full Version : first timer story

11-26-2004, 03:57 PM
So Ive just joined this site and for the first time ever yesterday i went to a misstress and had the most amazing virgin ball busting experiance ever.....yipee.
I'll start from the begining, When I was a kid a little crew of local girls I grew up with used to tease me as i teased them , we got older it progressed to kicking and squeezing my testicals and i there breasts. I know it know but that is were i get my ballbusting fetish from, all good yeah!
I told this mistress over the phone what i wanted who i was how i had no experiance and why, then she told me when.
it sttarts off with this innocent smile and ,"I'll start off slow Raaf blah blah blah.." then bang , up comes this vicious knew that caught me just pervectly on both my testicals , not very hard mind you but the shock had me over a barrel . Then comes the sneaky hand slap around from behind that got the twins again, "fucking bitch woman " i splutter, fucking bitch woman giggles like the girls i grew up with. Needless to say the hour went on with countless sneaky knees , kicks, slaps, punches and flicks to my testicals , all the while i'm begging misstress not to crush my testicals. Then i'm being led around the room by my twisted testicals and a fucking huge hard on.
I went down 3 times , she even said that a couple of her kicks and knees were bloody good ones. I slaped her arse and bit her breasts as hard as i could as on command ( and having her knee drive in to my balls with astonishing speed was a pretty good motive) i'd then colapse in agony .
Much more to tell but Ill savour it for now as its my experiance and i want to make it last .
Stayed tuned kids , same bat time , same bat channel
peace ;)